Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, November 25, 1897, Image 3

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Early County News. Thursday, November 25. 1597. -:- ACol Our Facilities** For buying and selling are un equalled by any house in this sec tion. We bought heavily this sea son in anticipation ot the advanced prices. We have still a large stock of winter goods, the greater por tion of which we want to dispose of before December Ist. To ac complish this we have inaugurated a Profit-Sharing Sale.-.* We quote a few special prices just to give you an idea what we propose to do for you : Fruit of tlie Loom Bleaching yard wide, 6Jc. Lonsdale Mills Bleaching, yard wide. 6Jc. Dress Goods** Select styles, popular colorings, choice fabrics. Special values : All wool, 36 in. Ladies’ Cloth 25c. W e cannot duplicate them under 40c. All wool, 45 in. Imp. Twills, 50c. We cannot duplicate them under 75C- Silk finish, all wool Henriettas 59c. We cannot duplicate them under 75 c - Black Imperial Serge, all wool. 45 inches wide, at 50c. value at 39c. Black Brocade Damask Weaves, 39c —easily worth 50c. Underwear Bargains** Extra values in Ladies’ Vests and Pants at 25c., 50c., 75c., fi.oo. Specials in Children’s Garments at 25c. and 50c. Wonders in Men’s Underwear at 50c., .SI.OO, ifi.2s. Jackets and Capes** Jaunty Jackets and stylish Capes marked down 20 to 25 per cent. A handsome new stock of Rich Cut Glass, Artistic Silver, Fine China and Bric-a-Brac. Don’t give your order for wedding, birth day or holiday presents until you have seen our stock. attention to mail or ders. Write for samples and prices. Agents kor Butterick Patterns. HOFMAYER. JONES«CO. ALBANY, GA. *. r I want yoa to * .this advertisement. it will be tv your advantage lo do so. for it will Save money My stock of Fancy a rid Staple Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, etc., is complete. By trading With aie you will be able to pro cure your Dry Goods and Notions cheap. At my store You will find the best shoes for t he least- money. I am thankful to my customers for past patronage, and ask tor a continu ance of same. Kespect fully, C. W. Sirmons, DAMASCUS, GA. Plain Facts! SHOES. 20C UP. SHIRTS, 20C UR HATS, 25C UP. PANTS. 50C UP. SUSPENDERS, 5C UP. H’ND'GHI EFS, 3C UP. Groceries Cheap! / IIA VE NO CLERK HIRE or STORE HEN'/' to pay. tmrC all and give me a chance J at your pocketbook, or rather its j contents. Respectfully, W. L. ELDER, West side Sqare, Blakely, Ga. Cord Wood ! People cl Elakely, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST and buy your wood from us. We will sell you cord wood in any quantity and guarantee full meas- j ure and prompt delivery. 1 Our prices are low. We want to sell ■ you all the wood you can use. SMITH k PEARSALL. SHORT STOPS. T J. Sheffield bus been appoint ed post in ister at Mayhaw, Miller county. Mrs. Dr. \Y. B. Standifer came k down i-n Friday evening last from Marietta. Rev. end Mrs. T. Weaver, of Shellman, are guests of Col. R. 11. Poweli’s family. The News had a pleasant call Wednesday from Mr. J. A. George _ and little son, of Damascus. j Mr. E. L. Fryer, Jr., and sister, . Miss Mabel, and Miss Esther Stew - art went to Albany this morning. Mr. Bird Odom came down from , Albany yesterday evening to spend Thanksgiving with the homefolks. Mrs. Mag Bird and daughter, » Miss Lula, returned home Saturday last from Miriam, where they had been visiting Mr. R. L. Bird. i - Mrs. Lula Ferry, sister of Mr. 1 W. C. Odom, and Mrs. Annie Lou Short, wife of Dr. B. P. Short, ot Newton, arrived by yesterday evening’s train to visit relatives in this place. Christopher Luby, whose convic • ; tion for wife murder has been re cently affirmed by the State Su . pretne Court, takes his disappoint* r ment in not obtaining a new trial quite philosopically. r Your attention is called to the advertisement of Mr. E. I*. Par > kins, the machinist, which you will find in another column. lie is strictly a first-class workman, and can furnish you at once anything r in his line of business. 1 Mr. Henry Mims, a prominent citizen of Damascus, was up Wed -1 nesday. lie was accompanied by his sister. Miss Nina Lou, one of | Early’s most gifted and highly cul tured young ladies, whose many charms of person and mind have won for her a host of friends. • i Representative Hightower tele’- graphs friends in Blakely that the 1 new. hill, which creates a dispen t sary in Blakely and gives all the . profits to Early county, half to the i school fund and half to the general fund passed the house yesterday, and its fate now depends upon the senate. Mr. S. A. Waldrop, the proprie tor the Surprise Store, hot j\ change in his advertisement tins wedk which will he toyour intert fast Wnui'ing Vavor with the trad ing public, and Mr. Waldrop is friends among our people who like to trade with Ivm. I | Sunday Rev. J. W. Arnold • i preached his lasi sermon next pre ceding the meeting of the annual conference which will convent? at Savannah this year. Mr. Arnold . has lived in Blakely throe wars, • serving the churches at this place, Arlington and Damascus with marked ability and great sitisfac tion to the people. i Mr. Andrew McDonald spent Sunday last in Fort Gaines, as the guest of Mr. L. S. Cohen. He re turned Monday, and reports a most ■ : enjoyable time Andrew says the young gentlemen and ladies of Fort Gaines cannot he surpassed in . 1 showing courtesies to a visitor to their town, and we would not be surprised to see him go up again I soon. Winter is coming on. Out of common-sense consideration for t i your own comfort and with some regard for that of other pepple. when you enter a room close the door. It is not a source of per petual joy to he in a well warmed room on a frosty day and have a damphool on going out or coming in leave the door so wide open that you are congealed into an iceberg and sneezing your head off before you know it. Many years ago, Mr. James Whitaker, of Holmes county, Fla., built himself a home. Ile has since ; rebuilt his house and though using water out of the first well dug on the place and not changing his residence, lie has lived in two States and four counties. State; and county lines may change, hut Whitaker never. We learn the above from Mr. J. A. Williams, of Chipley, who was up last week with his wife to visit the family of Mr. J. J. Jones. Mr. Torn Jones, our old friend and ex-night watchman, is now running on Conductor Stewart’s train as brakeman. Torn always 1 did like fast tilings and is a hustler, and it will not take long for him to i make his worth known to the road. 0 i which will, as soon as it realizes | Tom’s value, put him in charge of an engine, and a right merry tune will Tom play on his whistle to his best girl and other admiring friends j in Blakely as he pulls the throttle to and fro each day along the exten ! sion. Here’s success and good luck I to you, Tom. Cicero Sanders Suicides. , About i o'clbck today, Wednes >r day. Dr. Cicero Sanders, son of [Mr. G. W. Sanders, committed .suicide in his room by shooting c li.qusfj the head with a n pistol No cause is yet known, other than that lie had been on a ,! spree for several days. lie was I addicted to the use of chloral. As the edition of The Breeze is half off the press a more extended account is impossible at this time. The. c * sympathy of all is extended to his bereaved family.—Columbia ( Ala.) Breeze. Wanted.—soo head cattle, all ■. sizes, age and condition. Arling ton Oil and Fertilizer Co. 1—. „ \ Bov’s Knee Pants at Empire Store. 011 Sunday last the Atlanta Constitution in speaking of the c; , 1 1 high stand won by the bright dele » . gation of delegates from Georgia, has the following to say of Early • county’s representative in the Nit -1 val Academy of Uncle Sam, where 1 there is usually 300 or more cadets Y ; in attendance : 11 Naval Cadet Fletcher Lamar Sheffield is another distinguished scholar from Georgia. lie stood ‘ No. two in last year’s graduating! > class, but he had to give up that . honor on account of sickness and _ : fall back a year to the present j graduating class. 11 is home is Ce der Springs and lie was appointed to the academy by lion. B. E. J Russell. Our line of Dress Goods are go- I! ing very cheap. You should take s advantage of this occasion, j I’. R. McDonald. ■* Percales of the latest designs, for waists and shirts, at Empire t Store. Mr. D. D. Strong is taking in Y the Gate City this week. When you want clothing, shoes and fine dry goods, come to the y Racket Store. I. Stein Bro. e *- * . Jas. M. Balkcom and Peter Kim-j ball left on a prospecting visit to j , Early county last week. These I gentlemen are seeking new homes. We are sorry indeed to see so many useful citizens leaving old Quit -2 j man, as she hasn’t too many at any 2 1 rate.—Georgetown correspondent 1 1 Cuthbert Liberal-Enterprise. ! Early county has won several , worthy and substantial citizens from Quitman countyi with whom she is well pleased, apd now stands - with open arms reflSy to welcome 1 as many more as Tire to cast their s lota vVlUflrt tier 1 • One whole bjirrel of Malaga r Grapes and a fiO“ line of fresh fancy Candy at D. Strong's. When you want most goods 1 1 for the least money, Come to the! . Racket Slore. I. Stein A: Bro. Prof. J. (i. Boyd, of BluiTton’s 1 High School, spent Saturday and • Sunday lasi with the homefolks in • Blakely. , Mr. IS. M. George returns from Berrien county to open a black smith and general repair shop at ! Colomokee. Mr. George is cor dially welcomed back to his home ' county, 'fhe News wishes him, ■ abundant success. The people who trade with Mr. j E. T. James arc always jolly, and : seem to find life worth living. The f reason is, he sells them staple goods 1 of all sorts at live and let live , prices. Small pill, safe pill. DoWitt’s j Little Early Risers cure biliousness, constipation, sick headache. Saun ! ders & Calhoun, Arlington ; I’. E. Boyd, Leary. • From One of Our Patrons. From a private letter from Mr. Eugene P. Parkins, the well-known i machinist, who stands second to ( no man in the State when it comes' ! to manipulating machinery, we make the following extract: 1 ••I have found that my advertise- 1 n.ent.in your paper was a good in- ‘ vestment for so small an expend!• tore. I have heard more from it * and the write up than from any : other paper I ever advertised in. ' “Yours very truly, “E. P. Parkins.” ] • • L New line of Hats and Caps, just ‘received at T. K. McDonald’s. 1 They will go cheap. - * ( Mrs. Dr. Strong is visiting her | mother in Macon this week, which I accounts for the Doctor s forlorn * , look. \ Come to headquarters for your { j staple and fancy dry goods, shoes ;l and clothing. I. Stein k Bro., 1 proprietors of T he Racket Store. • 4 Those Ladies’ Brocaded Skirts handled by the Empire Store is the thing. Cheaper than they can ' be made here. j What a Woman Can’t Do. She can’t help hut admire her husband when he lias on one of Wiinamaker k Brown’s nobby suits. 1 At Surprise Store. • v ♦ * u ou should look to your interest, ;| by seeing that your fertilizers are i made by the Arlington Oil and s Fertilizer Company, For Sale. ) A Fisher k Davis sawmill, as i | good as new. Apply to t \ *C. R, NAft A .MORE. ij Decatur County’s Judgeship. Hon. B. B. Bower has been up* 1 pointed Judge of the County Court 'of Decatur county. W hile not wishing to disparage the claims or 1 fitness of the other woitliy and cap-! able gentlemen whose names have \ 1 been mentioned as applicants, we nevertheless, regard the appoint-; ! ment of | udge Bower as exceeding ly wise and proper. Few men in the State have the natural ability, j 'and fewer the experience and still fewer the purity and courage of i conviction of this distinguished, jurist. The great question now is, “should clergymen use tobacco?”! We think not. The clergy is over*! worked testing and testimonial^-1 ing patent medicines. We shouldn’t! expect too much even of the clergy. I —Medical Advance. W hy speaks the Advance so ir-i reverently? Does it not know that; a credulous public is always tie-\ maud ing humbuggery, and that the clergy is more suitable by na.-1 tore and practice for the work than | other professions? Mr. T. F. Stuckey, of Bainbridge, has been up since our last to see Blakely friends and visit his daugh ter, Mrs. R. L. Howell, of Lime Branch. Youths’ Clothing, also men’s, at j Empire Store. Bargains will be given in Clothing. Mr. Wood Ingram, of the News force, is on the sick list this week. Hope he may soon he well again. The people are invited to call i and inspect my stock of staple i goods of every description, which I am selling cheap for cash.—E. T. James. \1 iss Dennis, one of BlufTton’s excellent teachers, spent Saturday and Sunday last in Blakely as the guest of Miss Mina Latimer. The Empire Store handles the Brown and the Bay Stale Shoes. . None better. Try a pair and he j convinced. Dr. XV, C. Cleveland, the able divine of Columbia, spent Monday in Blakely mingling with his friends, who are numerous. Col. F. D. Du Bose returned from I Atlanta Saturday night last. Reward for Dog. Lost.—My white dog—half Bull Terrier, half Cur—right ear red. Has the appearance of a Pointer. , Return to undersigned and get re ward. L. D. Gay. ■feKj&HTTer-' veterans’ Association in ! the Baptist church here today. Uncle Johnny Rish, who has ‘ : been away for some time, returned to Blakely Monday night. Quiite a number of Blikelyites will go to the circus in Albmy to morrow . Cattle Trading in Texas. San Antonia, Tex , Nov. 22. 1 he activity in cattle trading con tinues unabated. MeFadden, of . Victoria, and his syndicate, sold 7,000 cows lo Gibson, Farkins m k Co, at S2O; 11. C. Austin, of Bis city, sold 2,000 cows to E. 11. East, and Davis Stone sold a simi lar number at JjtiS. Robert Grif fith sold St or re r A Fleming 1,000 1 steers at $23- Ihe sales aggregate 10,000 head, bringing # 100,000. W ith such prices ttiling in Texas, il would douhi less he money to some enterprising stock man in this section to gather up the cattle which is so cheap and plentiful here and ship them West. Sam Jones on the Legislature. 1 Sam Jones lectured in Atlanta Tuesday night for the benefit of the Police Association. Os the Georgia lawmakers, now in session, lie said : “I wo-thirds of the members of < the Georgia legislature arc Chris- . tian gentlemen and members of the \ church, and the other day when the anti-barroom bill was up before them two-thirds of them voted against it. I want to tell you right t here, hml, that if you are a mein- 1 her of the church and voted against I the anti-har 100 m bill, when you go I home to flic you had better tell < your wife to bury you in the thin- | nest suit of clot lies you’ve got, for i you are going to a mighty warm climate. He said that he was not - here working for any prohibition legislation, for he had too much sense to come to the gang now in the legislature for any such thing, t “Why,” he said, “1 had UK KOOII : Blink of j'oinj? to Alaska for pine- apples or to fieli for water as to i < that tpinjr ; 11 the state house Irvinj* - to get any legislation against the barrooms.” Monday afternoon’s height''tram west bound killed a horse belong, irtg to Mr. Clint Bostwick and a male belonging to Mr. A L. Bust wick at Ferry creek trestle. Both were fine animals and were pastur ing in Mr. I< 11. Ijostwick’s field near the creek. Mr. Pate,the en gineer, says the accident was un avoidable, The engine came so near leaving the track when it struck the animals that the fireman jumped lrotn the engine. 'The young men have put in a claim for •L’d” damages, audit is hoped that the matter will soon be adjusted, as 1 they can ill afford to lose the ani mals.—Calhoun County Courier. E, M. Boy®fr Co.’s Letter. •• • n v«du^K-! Richest treasures. O’. ji t ts ul <!t|RiGU' pleasures! my i \ i iin please. Ye: • iv rapt ure seize! i t il w JHpiiil musing sasres, l .ii: ’ • ■ w !iu B ameti through many l.efi t< \G.ir lea ves t heir st on . Ami eared to trust you with their 1 , :| ’>»” ' W I »t m m is such n pauper in j taste tiiit i t- does not relish a good book It i, the most acceptable and e\c i appropriate present that can be made \o a friend. Do you [desire ; ) make some friciul a neat and t >tefid Christmas piv.-ent, consult with i.samt we will get the; hook foi you cheaper than you oan j get it anywhere else. Patronize our renting depart ment. You may not have the cap , ital to put n a library such as you would wis , We have on hand i over 300 of the world’s best hooks that we rent for an infinitesimal j j consideration We are constantly! j adding to can library anil will con-1 tinue to do so as long as the tie-1 I main! keeps up. * \\ e will buy a few second hand i books from our customers, if they w ill lake m w hooks or hook checks jin payment Jfcist bring the hooks jto the sk/Jj ; if we can use them | we will try to get up a trade with you : if not, we will tell you so and no special harm will he done. “At ( Itris inns play and make good i cheer, For (’hris'mas eoincs hut once a year." Old S ;inta Cl aus must come, hard tiiiiuS or no hard times? Cus | tom ’s law and friends must re member friends at this good time. In with our "lock of stationery we are going to carry a few Christmas goods of a kind ap propriate for stationers to carry Sterling silver novelties in paper i knives, purses, card cases, etc.. Autograph Albums Photograph Albums,.! Picture Frames, Mirrors, and (y ill know we couldn't forget the little girls) some nice Dolls We w 11- have a few Games and T©ys brides. We did not buy a lot of 1 Christmas stuff, hut we bought Vi verv choice lot of it, and we arelgking to sell it just like we do boo’s and stationery —cheaper than anybody e/se. You must have something good to cat at Christinas. I low about fruit iiake? We knew you wanted some < itron and currants and rai sins and some nice sugar, so we got tllem from New York, where you Citn always get the best. Kov al Baling Powder, il you use-1 luit sort /of stuff. Magic Yeust for j lightfyread. Oatmeal! Buckwheat! I Mapl/e Syrup! \Vi got in lots of nice p?*apcs and Oranges last night •' v have somC more in toward the end ol the jlyeek. Nuts'' Have mercy, yes! 1 three barrels full. Candy? WejLjftvc mo»c than you can tote Chocolate? We’ve got hum. Mincemeat !! ! ■ b ‘ — BSR.i- D.ll is mitjß tier than the ■swum, .mil me typeTv 11 ici js ungui ier n.ian a gatlling' gun. The $35 : BlicWenflderfer typewriter is a ma chine that wc can sincerely recom mend. Write us. Out of town customers will ever receive prompt and courteous at tention to their orders or inquiries. We nbltcit correspondence. W 0 dofi’t want those h its. drv good.-f and notions we bought from Ivey iS: Boyd. We run a Book, Stationer v a m> Grocery Store. ou pari have that other stuff at your rtwn price. We don’t want it. Lot’s of it is nice stuff. Get the piek hy coming o:uJ\. The Best I Ever Used, IvuroH Xicvvs—Will you please allow me space in your valuable paper to thank Mr. I). A. Carter, mau.igtr ol the Arlington Oil and Ferrih/jpr Company for his fair and square uealjng. I found tin* fertil izers I) night from him this year, for the lirst lime, jasl what he rep resented them to he; and though 1 have been buying commercial fer- ! tilizers tor twenty or thirty years, 1 1 mast say these are the best ever used hy me. They were especially : adapted lo my lands. Sr user ineiL A" Two Snap Shots. Snap a kodak it the man who has a W namaker k Brown suit and you get a picture of n person clothed ii. fashion's latest Myles and si re iv- in the knowledge of that fact. Surprise Store. + Trespass Notice. Notice i - hereby given to all par ties, not to cut wood, injure lim ber, or tre p iss upon the land known as the Mulligan Fluee, in Blakely, in the 28th district of Early county. All tres passers will he prosecuted accord ing to law. C. J. Mu.ugav, Blakely. Ga., Nov. 17, 1897. /jt I BLAKELY COTTON MARKET. (ourr»*H«v| vfv.vVy by l>. V'. lam ••«.) Good Middling 5 j Strict .Middling i% Middling P, •Strict. Low Middling I’.i Ginn-cut and Stained I " f The Test 1 of the quality of the flour you use Is the quality of the bread •&? \it makes. Bread made of ! -IGLEHEARTS ci nilr | '.'The Chance + ■l* Os a Lifetime. ♦ . ... a ..., r Having purchased the entire in-; ! terest of m\ former partner, Mr. 1 jG. I*. Warren, I am now prepared * ! to throw tin- entire stock of Hnug - j abook & W arren, representing an investment of $25,000, jat New Yoik wholesale prices, on the market at ami below cost, i This is a chance you cannot afford to let pass. The stock embraces a complete line of standard and fancy DRESS GOODS, | Gents* Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, i i Clothing, Trunks, Notions, etc., i j with which the people of Karly 5 (county are already familiar. I All sales strict I v tot; CASH ; no j » goods sent out on approbation. W. P. HAUGABOOK, \ Opera 1 louse lilock, ALBANY, GA. ! t fir-w ill be pleased to serve my , I friends along the extension. Will ; give your orders my special and | personal attention. Address all , I orders to Itiun Odum. Eiigtno P. Parkiss Machi&c W crb. Dickey I’. ()., I'aliioim Co,, Gu-, I DEALERS l\ Wrought Iron Pipes and fittings, Brass I ■ Goods, iron, Steel, etc. A full line of r Castings always on hand for general re pair work. 1 Rebuilding Engines and Boilers a specialty. A complete line of Han cock Inspirators for both Locomotive I and Stationary Si.! vice, with all Repairs! [ for the always instock. Boiler! , Flues, Boiler Steel, Rivets, Patch Bolts, j etc. Metropolitan Injectors, Penberthy i YELLOW FEVER PREVENTED BY TAKING “Our Native Herbs" jj the lirrol Wood I'urillcr anil l.iver >llO BAYS- TKKAT.HKNTfI.OO l guarantee. , u and Testimonials, Free. I j j Sent hv mail, postage paid. Sold only j j I by Agents for THE mm 0 BLISS Cl)., Washington l). C. i Excursion tickets at reduced rates between local points are on sale after 12 noon Saturdays, and until <> p. 111. Sundays,good returning until Monday noon following date of sale Persons contemplating either a busi ness or pleasure trip to the Last should investigate and consider the advantages offered via Savannah and Steamer lines, Tho rates generally are considerably cheaper by this route, and, in addition to this, passengers save sleeping ear faro,and tho expense of meals en route. YVo take pleasure in commending to the traveling public the route referred to, namely, via Central of Georgia Hail way to Savannah, Ihciicc via the elegant. Steamers of tin- Ocean Steam ship Company to New York and Boston, ami tin* Merchants and Miners line to Baltimore. The comfort of the traveling public is looked after in a manner flint defier criticism. Electric lights and electric hells; handsomely furnished fatcrooms, 111 oderu sanitary arrangements. The tables are supplied with all flic delica cies of the Eastern and Southern mar kets. All the luxury and comforts of a modern hotel while on hoard ship, affording every opportunity for rest, recreation or pleasure. Each steamer lias a stewardess to look especially after ladies and chil dren traveling alone. 4I Steamers sail from Savannah for n New York daily except Thursdays and r Sundays,and for Boston twice a week, h For information us to rates and sail- 0 iug dates of steamers and for berth I 1 reservations, appl> to n.arest ticket ( agent of this company, or (o (i J.C. IIAIFF,Wen. Passenger Agt.. E.H. IIINTON, Traffic Manager, Savannah, La. ff% FENCING I . Poultry, Farm. Garden, Cemetery, Lav/n, Railroad and Rabbit Forcing. rho.t .nxl » of tlllf-K lii use. f us I roc* ■ 'rolgfjf I'uld. I'rircM l.ow. f!is McMUlLtll WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO. n 1 12 ) O. ipan.i St.. CHICAGO, ILL. {SURPRISE | I—STORE.! J& ... (- & jgj We Have Genuine Bargains Here! |§j You may keep a good deal of lhe money that you have been spending and still get the same goods, if you will come to the Surprise Store for DU N GOODS, NOTIONS, IIP- jjrxi & SI FRY, CORSETS, LACKS, KM DKOIDKK IES, TOW ELS, Ac. Save your Pennies, Nickels and Dimes by trading at the Surprise Store and using economy. Wc do business on economic principles. H Nee a. Few Prices z gj l.e:ul Pencils, rul)ber tip, - ic each. Slate Pencils, - - ]C pr dozen. ijNfl Writing Tablets, - 2.\c to 5c each. Ink Tablets, - - 2kc to 10c each. . Envelopes, 2c, 3c. \c and 5c a package. \ !W> Good Ink, - - 4c a bottle. ‘* * ,IS Cotton Laces, - - ic a yard lip. (t ' „ ,ti Linen Laces, - - 20 a yard up. £ *• ny t I Embroideries, - - 2}c a yard up. G E :jVI Rice Buttons, - - 4c a card. 2 Spools Thread for- 3c 'ff 4 Spools T. Red Cotton for 3c L&j Skeins Etnbrd Silk for 5c Silk Laces, - from 6c to 20c a yard. || Children’s Hose, 5c to 25c pair. sSS ■a, || Ladies’ Ilose, - 3c to 35c pr. j^rj || 'lon’s Sox, - 5c to 35c pr. ig=3| II Child’s Merino Vests, -12 c up. Pxj vj."/ II Ladies’ Ribbed Vests, -20 c up. II Men’s Undershirts, -20 c up. (I Luce Curtains, -50 c up. jVSgf W* 4 >4 t- | Window Shades. - -15 c up. SxC || Towels, cotton, at 3c., Sc and 10c. iXfu Cortcts, - - -20 c up. IJCj ! Turkey Red Damask, 20c yd. up. ; !X| Excellent Blfeaching, - 5c yard. Canton Flannel, 6c a yard up. gj Don’t Fail to Look at Our Shoes!' jj tWj L.tce from 75c u|i. Men’s Shoes .SI.OO and tip. Ask for what you want y?Vj and we will Rve you money on all goods. No iron i>le. to show goods. jcg of Gents and Hoys’ Clothing, Ladies and jVjrt [/\J Misses’ Jackets, Capes, Suitings, etc., from VVanamakcr & Pirown —the largest clothing house in America. IW 3^.A. WALDROP, Mgr.,| jNJBXT IIOOU TO BANK, BIjAKEI.V, CtA. THE PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE (Fire Proof) BLAZELY, - GA. D. W. JAMES. PROPRIETOR TO TIIK PEOPLE OF EARLY AND ADJOINING COUNTIES—TiIe old wooden building lias been Lorn out and a new and handsome brick struct ure 190 X 125 feet erected in its stead. The new building is brick with tin root, with doors and windows covered with tin, and is as near a Fire-proof building as could be erected. There is no chance for lire to catch from outside of building. In addition to this, an engine has been placed in tin* building to pm mil, at at a inoim-nt’s notice, fire that may originate inside the building. ( olton stored with the PLANTERS’ WARKIIOI SK can be insured at one third what it can in any other building in town. If a farmer prefers to take his own risk, he will find that, it is much safer to carry his cotton to the Plat ers’ Warehouse, as it is practically llre-proof. -WE HAVE A farted ol Bagging and Ties, Will keep I hem constant ly on hand ; also everything else to supply the demands of the farmers. JUST RECEIVED hi If ERA I. AI >V A M ES M V Uli on all cotton stored with the Planters’ Warehouse, which we guarantee to bring the Highest Market Price in SPOT Thanking a generous public for their past liberal patronage, and solicit ing a continuance of the same, I am yours to please, D. W. JAMES, Main St., Blakely, Ga. I