Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, March 26, 1903, Image 6

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Elmo Dots. Edit r Early County News: Girls, did you get a bouquet? Oh, bow beautiful is the advent of spring. We had two jewelry peddlers in town since our last. Where was Teddy Sunday? He must be gone from Elmo. Mr. J. H. Shaw and family are feasting on spring vegetables now. Tell 11. B. Malonia to come over, that his face is good if his credit isn’t. Messrs. Mack Davis and Jake Ivey, of Liberty Hill, were in our town Sunday. Ila, ha, I guess a young lady knows that one of the name isn’t good as the same. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bridges and children were among the visit ors to Elmo Sunday last. We had a heavy rain fall heie Sunday evening; followed by a cool wave this morning. Birds of a feather will flock to gether. Look out, boys, some of you ure not caught napping Three young beaux got left Sun day afternoon, but we promised not to tell who, but you can guess. Boys, boys, wait till you get out of church and out of ladies’ pres ence to make signs at e.ich other. Misses Bennie and Mary Mc- Kinnie, of Fitzhugh, were at Sun day school Sunday. Come again, young ladies. Lady revenue officers are fine to have in a community. We are told we have one, but I don’t know who, but one is needed. There were some visiting young men out Sunday evening. We failed to get their names. Bright eyes was the attraction. Messrs Charles Middleton and Harmon Mock, of the Fitzhugh community, passed through the village Saturday evening. One of Elmo’s most accom plished young ladies is off on a visit and that accounts for the troubled look of that little fellow. Many thanks to those Fitzhugh boys for the lovely bunch of flow ers that was left in our mail box. They were certainly appreciated by Brunette. Mr. Wilk Roberts spent Satur dsiy and Sunday at home, and on his return to Cedar Springs he was accompanied by Mr. Durwood Hoover. Mr. Grimsley has gone and a few fair faces are very sad, but one young lady said she was glad Ted dy was gone, because he didn’t love her. Elmo is noted for its pretty and smart girls, and boys and birds, too, for they have learned all our new songs already. 1 think that is more than Easter Lily can boast of. Mr. Marion Grimes, of Nichol asville, spent Saturday and Sunday the guest of Mr. J. H. Hatcher and family, and on his return home he was accompanied by his charming cousin, Miss Annie Wolf, who.w’ill spend a few weeks in Miller,to the regret of some one. Brunette. The Stomach is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, because it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment. Health and strength cannot be re stored to any sick man or weak woman without first restoring health and strength to the stomach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive the tired and run down limbs and organs of the body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cleanses, purifies, sweetens and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and cures indigestion, dys pepsia, all stomach troubles. For sale by L. C. Strong, druggist. Lost Pistol —Reward. A 38 calibre, pearl handled, ham merless Smith & Wesson pistol— with 3 inch barrel. Lost on the Liberty,Hill road. Finder will be rewarded if returned to the News office. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP Cured by One Bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. “When I had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured myself with one bot tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy,” says Frank W. Perry, editor of the Enterprise, Shortsville, N. Y. “This is the honest truth. I at times kept from coughing my self to pieces by taking a teaspoon ful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. I had no idea that it could or would knock out the grip, simply because I bad never tried it for such a purpose but it did, and it seemed with the second attack of coughing the rem edy cau-ed it to not only be of less duration, but the pains were far less severe, and I had not used the contents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu.” For sale by L. C Strong. LIST OF~ JURORS Drawn to Serve at the April Term. 1903, Early Superior Court. GRAND JUIiORS. T F Cordray, C B Johnson, T J Lanier, W J Clements, E A Holt, G A Evans, I. N Slappy, Geo W Temples, W A Evans, CE Morse, J W Mims, .J S Sherman, C E Boyett, GS Waller, .1 T Williams, A M Davis, 'l' E Fort, J L Ricks, C H Robinson, JR Martin, W J Jordan, T B Holley, J P Lane, J A MeLaurin, T L Pickren, W M Houston, W T Smith, W W Keaton, E M Boyd, J B Hodges. PETIT JURORS. R 6 Perry. Joe Hill, A D Harris, W T Hester, J D Jones, W M Springer, Will Gordon, E D Hay, P N J Dozier, R W Williams, Lee Goocher, W L McDowell, 1 J Hill, F L Williams, J D George, TW DeVane, J A Fort, J W Anderson, W C Hay, W D Cowdrey, E M Gardner, J M Bryant, li G Freeman, II A Martin, Wm A Chandler, W H Douglass, Jr., A B Cain, W C Hutchins, L Tolar, John Craft, C E Stuckey, D It Davis, E Drinkwater, T E Coleman, O H Easotn, W J Newberry. Cures Cancer and Blood Poison. If you have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumps and risings, burning, itching skin, copper-colored spots or rash on the skin, mucous patches in mouth or throat, falling hair, bot e pains, old rheumatism or foul catarrh, rake Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.), It kills the poison in the blood; soon all sores, eruptions heal, hard swell ings subside, aches and pains stop and a perfect cure is made of the worst cases of Blood Poison. For cancer, tumors, swellings, eat ing sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pim ples of all kinds, take B B. B. It de stroys the cancer poison in the blood, heals cancer of all kinds, cures the worst humors or suppurating .swell ings. Thousands cured by B. B. B. after all else fails. B. B. B. composed of pure botanic ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes the blood pure and rich, stops the awful itching and all sharp, shootingpains. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, with complete di rections for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. Having rented out my farm, I will sell at a bargain one McCor mick binder, one disc cultivator (both used but little), and one sec ond hand Chattanooga two-horse plow. All at a b argain. a-i9tf Wade H. Powell. Tourist—ls that a home for lone spinsters ? Guide—No, it is a house where they register the pressure of gas. Tourtist —What’s the difference? A Remarkable Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Mari on, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: “The coughing and straining so weakened me that I run down in weight from 14S to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength.” For sale by L. C. Strong, druggist. IWI LYLit? tor So!?. No. r. Mountain Home— A ■r.~ acre larm, nigaiy improved, v r watered, one mile of railway sta tion, adjoins the famous Catoosa Springs, in Catoosa county, Ga. Only $8,000.00. Will sell or ex change for improved city property, either in Atlanta, Ga., or Chatta nooga, Tenn. No. 2. 500 acres in Colomokee neighborhood, good dwelling, out houses and fencing. Well im- No. 5. 700-acre farm ; 7-horse farm under cultivation ; 9 miles south of Blakely in fine condition Improvements alone worth the price—only $3,000. No. 9. Calhoun county, 250 acres, i£ miles north of Leaiy—loo acres under cultivation ; 75 in past ure, and remainder in timber. Three new tenant houses, new barn and other out houses. Good school and two churches. Only $750, or lib eral discount for all cash. No. 10 Bainbridge street. 31 acres, one-half cleared and otliei fenced for pasture. Plenty of good, pure water; four room house, large barn and all necessary outhouses; all new and in fine condition ; only $1,200. Also horse, buggy, cow, calf and wagon. No. 11. 103 acres on Chattahoo chee river, mostly bottom land, and a fine stock farm, at only S3OO. Apply soon. No. 14 — acres, 10 miles south of Blakely ; 200 acres in cul tivation, houses and improvements all new. Plenty of timber tor farm purposes. Houses alone cost price. —only $2,00000. Easy terms. A good bargain. Wade H. Powell, Real Estate Dealer, Blakely, Ga. Ordinary’s Citations. Georgia—Early County : To whom it may concern : T. T. Brown having filed in theoourt of Ordinary of said county an appli cation to have M. D. Roberts, admin istrator of J. W. Cowart’s estate, to make him a deed under a certain bond for title, a copy of which is attached to said application; said matter will be heard and passed on at said court on the first Monday in April next. This March 2d, 1902. D. M. WADE, Sr., Ordinary. GEORGIA—EarIy County: To whom it may concern : Reuben Goolsby having filed in the court of Ordinary of said county an applica tion to have A. J. Singletary, adminis trator of S. A. Cook, to make to him a deed, under a certain bond for title, a copy of which is attached to said ap plication; said matter will be heard and passed on at said court on the first Monday in April next. This March ?, 1903. D. M. WADE, Sr., Ordinary. GEORGIA —Early County : To whom it may concern: Amelia Gordon, administratrix of Thomas Gordon, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from the admin istration of said estate; said applica tion will be heard and passed on by me on the Ist Monday in April next. This March 2d, 1903. D. 31. WADE, Sr., Ordinary. GEORGIA —Early County : Whereas, G. 8. Waller, administrator of L. C. Wallers’ estate, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered said estate: This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in .April, 1903. This March 2,1903. I). M. WADE, Sr., Ordinary. Petition for Partition of Land. In the Superior Court of Early Coun ty, Ga., April Term, 1903. C. M. Deal vs. Eli King, Isaiah King, Sonnie King, Edgar King: To the defendants above named re siding beyond the limits of the State of Georgia: Take notice that a peti tion of the character mentioned above has been filed against you in said court, by C. M Deal. You are commanded to be and appear at the next term of said court to be held on the first, Mon day in April, 1903, to answer the same. Witness the Hon. H. C. Sheffield, Judge of said court, this January 16, 1903. J. T. FREEMAN. Clerk S. C’ Early Sheriff Sale. GEORGIA—EARLY COUNTY: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April, 1908, before the court house door in the city of Blakely, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, at public out crp, the following described propertv to-wit,: A three-fourth interest in lot of land No. 124, in the 6th district of Early county. Levied upon aud to be sold as the property of W. E. Dunwoody, J. A, Maxwell, agent, under and by virtue” of a fi. fa. issued by T. R. McDonald, Tax Collector of Early county, for the year 1901. Levy made March 3rd 1808. W. D. HODGES, Sheriff of Early county. Pearsall’s—the cheapest grocery store in Blakely. Giving It Away! The above cut represents a few pieces of the handsomely deco rated, Hand-Painted China which we are going to give away free to our customers. We guar antee that our prices on goods will remain the same. Call for Coupons on your purchases and ask to see this elegant China ware. Come around and buy your groceries from us and let us tell you how to get some of these nice dishes. R. M. PEARSALL, The Grocer, Phone 88. - Blakelv, Ga. Tax Receiver’s Notice! • • PROVIDENCE permitting, I will be at the following places, on the dates named, for the purpose of receiving returns of prop erty for taxation for the year 1908: JAKIN. April 14, May 5 and 26. CEDAR SPRINGS April 15, May 6 and 27. LUCILE April 17 and May 8. ROCK HILL ...April 22 and May 13. URQUHART ...April 23. COLOMOKEE .April 24 and May 25. CUBA. . April 29, May 19 and June 10. DAMASCUS. ...April 30 and May 20. ARLINGTON.. May 1 and 22. DAVIS’ MILL ..May 21. ROWENA ...June 12. HILTON June 3. SOWHATCHEE... June 17. A. B. CAIN’S STORE ...June 4. GRIMSLEY’S MILL May 14. AVERITT’S MILL. ...June 5. KILLARNEY-. May 7. K ESTHER June 11. BLAKELY —I will be in Blakely every Saturday and court week and June 18th, 19th and 20tb, when my books will close. JOHN S. ROBERTS, Receiver of Tax Returns for Early County. THE Blakely Oil and Fertilizer Co. IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU WITH Guano of All Grades, Adds, Potash, &c* See our Mr. D. W. James before placing your order and he will take pleasure in giving you all information you want on the subject of fertilizers. Hulls and Meal for Sale at all Times Our Mr. T. B. McDowell will make it to your interest to see him before selling your seed arid will give you the highest cash price for them Mr. Tom S. Chandler is no longer a cotton seed buyer for the mills. Patronize Your Home Industry. Our prices are all right. Tlie Blakely Oil and Fertilizer Co. • The City Market is now located in the former stand of J. W. Bridges, on Cuthbert street, where we propose at all times to furnish the people of Blakely and vicinity *£ Fresh Meats of All Kinds «£ in any quantity desired—making a specialty of cutting meats to suit customers. Ice by the Carload. pay highest market prices for Chickens, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Beeswax, etc. J. B.GRIMSLEY, JR., Free and Prompt Delivery. PHONE 107 . »V T A It Two hundred young men and ladies \X/ I rH I Ito qualify for paying positions. If VV JTjJL J. I A I </ you are interested, write us for our handsome illustrated catalog. THE LANIER SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE, 9-25-02eow-ly MACON, GA,