Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, May 22, 1919, Image 4

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EARLYCOUNTYNEWS OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Published Every Thursday OFFICE IN NEWS BUILDING Blakely, Georgia. W. W. FLEMING AND SON, Lessees and Publishers. Subscription Rates: One copy, one year $1.50 One copy, six months 75 One copy **'*••“ ..... .50 Cards of thanks, resolutions or trib utes of respect and obituary no tices, other than those which the paper Itself may give as a matter of news, will be charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line In the Early Coun ty News All legal notices sent to the News for publication should be accompanied by the proper amount of money to pay for their publication. Please bear In mind that these matters are payable In advance and don’t at tempt to litigate at the paper’s ex pense. Watch the date on your label and renew your subscription to the Early County News before the time expires. Rememben, our terms are cash in ad vance to all subscribers alike. Blakely, Ga., May 22, 1919. A saving people makes a safe gov ernment. o Put your money where it will do double duty for you—in War Savings Stamps. o The Salvation Army Home Service Fund Campaign is on in full swing this week. o “Beware of small expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship,” said Franklin. He knew. o The Republicans have a majority In the House and Senate, but not a sufficient majority to override the President’s veto. o Thrift helped to win the war. It will enable us to enjoy the fruits of victory, also. Invest your money in War Savings Stamps. o To an American will probably fall the honor of being the first to fly across the Atlantic. Having made a successful flight to Azores, it is be lieved the big seaplane NC-4 piloted by Commander Read will successful -1 finish the voyage. 0 Congress convened Monday. The House and Senate are again under Republican control, and there promis es to l>e no eqd to the “probes” and "investigations” which they propose to make of the work of the Demo cratic administration, 0 Os interest to Blakely friends of Prof. R. H Powell, of Valdosta, will he the announcement that Governor Dorsey on Thursday of last week named Prof. Powell as one of the members of the board of visitors of the University of Georgia. 0 We have yet to learn of an instance where the voters of any county fail ed to endorse a bond issue for permanent roadways when given an opportunity to do so. The good roads advocates of Early county should express themselves strongly to the Board of County Commissioners. o Hawker, the British aviator who attempted a non-stop flight from New foundland to Ireland, has likely gone to a watery grave in the Atlantic ocean. Thus the first attempt at a continuous transoceanic flight has •ended disastrously. This will not deter others wlio are now making plans for ai like effort. o The News is consigning two news letters to the waste basket this week because of the failure of the writer to make known his identity. This pa per has dozens of times in the past called attention to the fact that no responsible newspaper will print anonymous communications, but in spite of this a week rarely ever rolls around that one or more such letters do uot reach the News office. MAKE THRIFT A HAPPY HABIT. The Victory Liberty Loan, the last great popular subscription issue of Government, securities, being closed, Secretary Glass announces that defi nite plans are being worked out for continuing the sale of War Savings Stamps or some other form of small security for a period of years. One of the permanent benefits America will receive from the war is the lesson of thrift and economy. Its value to the economic life of the nation is too great to be cast aside now’ that the war emergency has passed. It Is to be hoped that thj War Savings Stamps, or some other variation of them, can be made a permanent institution. The 1919 Thrift idea does not con template putting into practice the doctrines of the miser. The ma.i who hoards his money is narrowing his life, restricting his liberty and shutting himself away from true happiness. The government’s object Is to make thrift a happy habit. The thrifty man buys liberally and in telligently. He makes sure that the shoes he buys contain good material and workmanship: that the meat he carries home at night goes on the table, not in the garbage can. He conserves his wealth, his time and his energies. In this period of flux and change, of unrest and intrigue and revolution, America can only perform her whole duty to her people and to the people of the world if she holds steady. And she can only hold steady through the industry and foresight of her citizenry. American thrift will go far to save the life of the world, to bring liberty and make the pursuit of happiness possible to oppressed hu manity. The thrift plan is & progressive step. It is constructive w r ork and should have the sympathy and sup port of our people in every walk of life. o EYE GLASSES TAXED BY U. S. AS A LUXURY. Eye glasses and spectacles are a luxury —not a necessity—according to a ruling of Daniel C. Roper, com missioner of internal revenue, re cently announced. All who wear eye glasses or spectacles that have gold or gold-filled frames are subject to a luxury tax on the lenses as well as on the frame. Under regulations just announced by the internal revenue bureau con sumers are also required to pay a tax of one cent for every 25 cents in the purchase of practically all toilet articles and all patented or advertis ed medicinal articles. Stamps to cover the tax which be came effective May 1 will be issued, it was announced, in the denomina tions of from one cent to forty cents, to be affixed to the article by the dealer after the selling price has been determined. The tax is made applicable to all medicinal preparations sold under patent or trade mark, or produced by a manufacturer having or claiming to have exclusive right or title to make such prepaartions. “Medicine” is defined in the regu lations as a remedy for disease “of human or animal body.” “Recom mended or advertised” is construed as meaning “representation by any means, whether by personal canvass, or statement on labels, in pamphlets or in advertisements.” Many substances not used solely for medicinal purposes such as boric acid or licorice, if advertised or sold under a trade mark as medicinal preparations, are also subject to the tax. The tax does not apply under the regulations to food preparations, poisons, insecticides, medicinal disin fectants, ' serums and antitoxins or vaccines and bacterines “not adver tised to the general lay public.’* Soap and soap preparations are the only toilet articles not included as taxable under the regulations. WE CARRY ALL KINDS OF HEAVY FEED STUFFS CORN, OATS, PEANUT MEAL, SWEET FEED, SHORTS, COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS. GET OUR PRICES. DAVIDSON BROS., Blakely, Ga. Colds Cause drip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one “Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE S signature on box. 30c. EARLY COUNTY NEWS EBONY CAMP NO. 404 W. O. W. Regular meeting* | first and third Tues Xjr'jm/ day evenin ss in each JmEcmwlßl month. All Sover eigns requested to attend these meet We invite visiting Sovereigns Id good standing to meet with us. Hall over The Citizens Bank. The hour for meeting is 7:30 p. m. LOWREY STONE, C. C. C..C. LANE, Clerk. MASONIC NOTICE. The regular coin munication of Mag gfcvy An jJF nolia Lodge No. 86 F. & A. M., is held / \ \ on the first and third Monday nights in each month. Visiting brethren cor dially welcomed. ALTO WARRICK, W. M. J. G. SKINNER, Seerteary. BLAKELY CHAPTER NO. 44 R. A. M Regular meetings on second and fourth Monday nights in each month at 8 o’clock. Visiting companions ore cordially invited to attend. C. T. ALEXANDER, High Priest. J. G. STANDIFER, Secretary. JOSEPH. H. HAND Physician and Surgeon BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Office in Fryer’s Pharmacy. Callt attended promptly, day or night. W. H. ALEXANDER Physician and Surgeon BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Phones: Office 16, Residence 38. Offices: 10 and 12, Alexander Bldg X-Ray and Electrical Equipment. C. L. Glessner B. R. Collins GLESSNER & COLLINS Attorneys at La w BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Offices Nos. 7, 8 and 9 upstairs it Southern States Life Bldg. L. M. RAMBO Attorney at Law BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Offices in Alexander Bldg. C. T. ALEXANDER • Dentist BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Office upstairs in Southern Statet Life Building, rooms .5 and 6. Office hours: 8:30 to 12:00 a. m.: 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. FELIX P. DAVIS Dentist BLAKELY : : GEORGIA Prices reasonable and all work guar anteed. Specialist on Crown and Bridge work. Office in Gay building, first two rooms at head of stairs Phone 167. Drs. Hilliard & Belcher DOTHAN : ALABAMA Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Office over Dothan Bank and Trust Co. SOL. G. BECKHAM Practical Machinist and Sanitary Plumber. Phone No. 179 630 South Main St BLAKELY, GEORGIA Satisfaction guaranteed. A. H. MOORE Plumber, Pipe Fitter and Machinist BLAKELY, GEORGIA Estimates furnished on special contract work. J. B. RITCHIE Expert Machinist ROUTE 1 : : HILTON, GA. Repairs sewing machines, organs and clocks. Will call at your home if notified by mail. Work guaranteed and prices reasonable. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful sleep after the first apnlication. Price 60c. Bring us your chickens and eggs. J. A. BROOKS’ CAFE. I || DRESSING J Ammonia j TALKS HIGH yield means low cost. To raise cot ton or com and make money, top dress them with Arcadian Sulphate of Ammonia 100 to 150 pounds per acre, about the time the squares begin to form on the cotton, or when the com is waist high. Write for bulletin 69. ARCADIAN Sulphate of Ammonia is the well-known stand ard article that has done you good service in your mixed fertil izers for years past Especially kiln-dried and ground to make it fine and dry. Ammonia 25/4%' guaranteed. Made in U. S. A The Great American Ammoniatc For sale by Armour Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga. Swift & Company, Atlanta, Ga- For information New York a, to opplka. lhe Company N .y. tlon, write agricultural department Atlanta, Ga. THE UNIVERSAL CAR It’s no longer necessary to go into the de tails describing the practical merits of the Ford car —everybody knows all . about “The Universal Car.”" How it goes and comes day after day and year after'year at an operating expense so small that it’s wonderful. This ad vertisement is to urge prospective buyers to place orders without delay. Buy a Ford car when you get one. We’ll take care of your or der —>get your Ford to you as soon as possi ble—and give the best in “after-service” when j required. | * ; j I. D. FELDER BLAKELY, GA. Second Hand Cars for Sale The Citizens Bank Blakely’s newest banking institution invites your ac count, whether large or small. Deposit With Us Today W. H. FLOWERS, President W ( M. SUTTON, Vice Pres. J. J. HAYES, Vice President R. O. WATERS, Cashier TOB PRINTING J THE KIND THAT PLEASES Get it at EARLY COUNTY NEWS JOB OFFICE