Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, June 05, 1919, Image 4

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EARLYCOUNTYNEWS OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Published Every Thursday OFFICE IN NEWS BUILDING Blakely, Georgia. i. i - -■ -- W. W. FLEMING AND SON, Lessees and Publishers. Subscription Rates: One copy, one year $1.50 One copy, six months 75 One copy- r ** 50 Cards of thanks, resolutions or trib utes of respect and obituary no tices, other than those which the paper Itself may give as a matter of news, will be charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line in the Early Coun ty News All legal notices sent to the News for publication should be accompanied by the proper amount of money to pay for their publication. Please bear in mind that these matters are payable in advance and don’t at tempt to litigate at the paper’s ex pense. Watch the date on your label and renew your subscription to the Early County News before the time expires. Rememben, our terms are cash in ad vance to all subscribers alike. Blakely, Ga., June 5, 1919. AFTER THE TICKS. The county authorities have the system of dipping vats for the coun ty completed now and the work of dipping the cattle of Early county is now going swimmingly on in every section of the county. To the credit of our people, we have heard of no serious objections being offered to the enforcement of the dipping laws, though some few declare they won’t obey the laws. The experts who visited our coun ty in the spring made the assertion that the county could be cleared of ticks in one year, and the heavy ex pense entailed for this year’s opera tions will not have to be repeated. We trust that the few obstreperous ones will investigate tike State laws and obey them without an expensive and costly conflict with the officials who are compelled to enforce them. Lieut. Commander Read, the Amer ican aviator who piloted the NC-4 successfully across the Atlantic, has been enthusiastically received on the other side. There is un uncon firmed rumor that the NC-4 will attempt a non-stop fiight from Scot land to Newfoundland on a return trip. o Monday night’s attempt by anar chists to blow up the homes of prom inent government officials in eight leading cities of the North, includ ing the home of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer in Washington, ought to awaken our government to the need of deporting a lot of crim inal aliens from the United States. —o Most of the labor disturbances in the country are brought about by alien agitators who have absolutely no interest in the freedom and pros perity of pur country. Uncle Sam needs to get wise to this gentry and ship ’em out of the country for keeps. o The rains of the past two weeks have proved disastrous to farms in this section of the State. Cotton is the hardest hit by the continued downpour, and the boll weevil is hitting a great stride now. o Those who travel the roads in this section at present are perhaps impressed with the need of perma nent roadways in Early county. o Keep the Early County Fair in mind and save some of your choicest farm products for exhibition. o In the language of our old ac quaintance, Grier’s almanac, “Some lain may now fall.” o It is not a question of will Ger many sign the peace terms, but a question of when. o And Germany hasn’t signed the peace treaty yet. SHALL WE HAVE FOURTH OF JULY BARBECUE? The State Council of Defense has made the -request of the Local Council that Early county have an old-fashioned 4th of July barbecue with oratory and other amusements, in honor of the returned soldier boys of Early county. The W. O. W. Camp of Blakely has expressed its willingness to, spon sor the affair, provided they are giv en sufficient financial backing to make the occasion what it should be. At their meeting Tuesday night they appointed a committee to can vass the citizens of the county and find out if they desire the barbecue sufficiently to back them up finan cially or with donations of meat 3, etc. Our returning soldier boys de serve some manifestation of our ap preciation for their services in be half of humanity, and no more ap propriate way of doing this than a big public gathering and barbecue has been suggested—and the Na tion’s birthday, July 4th, is surely an appropriate time. Messrs. *E. B. Wills, J. E. Hayes and G. W. Kenney compose the Woodmen’s committee. Help them with their task. 17-YEAR LOCUST HAS PUT IN APPEARANCE. WASHINGTON. D. C— Reports to the department of agriculture show that the seventeen-year locust has put in his appearance in nearly every State east of the Mississippi river. Despite the fact that this threatens to be perhaps the biggest locust year since 1868 department entomologists are not alarmed, but they are wor ried about the army worm. The locust, they say, does not threaten the wheat crop or any other growing thing except young fruit trees, and these can be saved from his ravages by proper precautionary measures. The army worm, however, which lias appeared in Texas and began his march north, is a real danger to the country’s bumper wheat crop, they sav. This worm moves in vast hordes, destroying grain fields, and the de partment has warned farmers to be on the watch for them. They can be killed by burning grass over the spots where they ap pear or by spraying with a mixture of Paris green. NOTICE OF ELECTION. To the qualified voters of the Jakin School District: By virtue of a petition directed to us, signed by more than one-fourth of the qualified voters of said Dis trict, an election is hereby called in accordance with Section 1545-A and 1545-B of Park’s Political Code of Georgia, to be held at the court house in the 157i!nd District G. M. of said county on June 30th hereafter, for the purpose of allowing the qualified voters of said District to determine at such election whether or not bonds shall be issued by the Jakin School District to defray the expenses of erecting and equipping a school house for the use of said District. The amount of bonds to be issued is sev en thousand ($7000.00) dollars, bear ing interest from date of issuance at five per cent, per annum, which in terest is payable annually on Janu ary the Ist hereafter, until all of said bonds shall mature. Said bonds shall be of the denomination of one hundred ($100.00) dollars each and shall mature, one on January Ist of each year, beginning January Ist, 1920, and through 1924 thereafter, when two of said bonds shall mature on January Ist of each year until January Ist, 1957, when the remain ing three of said bonds shall mature, so that all of said indebtedness shall mature by January Ist, 1957. Those desiring to vote for the issuance of said bonds shall have printed or written on their ballot “For School House:” those desiring to vote against said bonds shall have written or printed <jn their ballot “Against School House.” Done by order of the Board of Trustees of the Jakin School Dis trict, this May 26th, 1919. E. C. SMITH, Chairman, O. H. MOSELY, Sec. and Treas., J. B. MOSELY. NOTICE. Crozier’s store on North Main street is headquarters for laundry from the country. It will be taken up and deposited there for delivery to customers. Preserve your shirts by sending them to the laundry. J. D. ABERNATHY, JR. EARLY COUNTY NEWS EBONY CAMP NO. 404 W. O. W. Regular meeting* first and third Tues \ [Mivh jS ft day evenings in each a&wvulsll month. All Sover eigns requested to attend these meet We invite visiting Sovereigns in good standing to meet with us. Hall over Tne Citizens Bank. The hour for meeting is 7:30 p. m. LOWREY STONE, C. C. C. C. LANE, Clerk. MASONIC NOTICE. JPt The regular com munication of Mag nolia Lodge No. 86 & A - is on the first and thiro 'N/ Monday nights in each month. Visiting brethren cor dially welcomed. ALTO WARRICK, W. M. J. G. SKINNER, Secrteary. BLAKELY CHAPTER NO. 44 R. A. M Regular meetings on second and fourth Monday nights in each month at 8 o’clock. Visiting companions art cordially invited to attend. C. T. ALEXANDER, High Priest. J. G. STANDIFER, Secretary. JOSEPH. H. HAND Physician and Surgeon BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Office in Fryer’s Pharmacy. Call! attended promptly, day or night. W. H. ALEXANDER Physician and Surgeon BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Phones: Office 16, Residence 38. Offices: 10 and 12, Alexander Bldg X-Ray and Electrical Equipment. C. L. Glessner B. R. Collins GLESSNER & COLLINS Attorneys at La w BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Offices Nos. 7, 8 and 9 upstairs in Southern States Life Bldg. L. M. RAMBO Attorney at Law BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA * Offices in Alexander Bldg. C T ALEXANDER Dentist BLAKELY, : : GEORGIA Office upstairs in Southern States Life Building, rpoms 5 and 6. Office hours; 8:30 to 12:00 a. m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. FELIX P. DAVIS Dentist BLAKELY : : GEORGIA Prices reasonable and all work guar anteed. Specialist on Crown and Bridge work. Office in Gay building, first two rooms at head of stairs. Phone 157. Drs. Hilliard & Belcher DOTHAN : ALABAMA Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Office over Dothan Bank and Trust Co. SOL. G. BECKHAM Practical Machinist and Sanitary Plumber. Phone No. 179 630 South Main St BLAKELY, GEORGIA Satisfaction guaranteed. A. H. MOORE Plumber, Pipe Fitter and Machinist BLAKELY, GEORGIA Estimates furnished on special contract work. Tb. RITCHIE Expert Machinist ROUTE 1 : : HILTON, GA. Repairs sewing machines, organs and clocks. Piano tuning. Will call at your home if notified by mail. Work guaranteed and prices reason able. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. THE NEW YORK STORE. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Hi Ford cars are more useful today than ever 1 1 d|g I before: a necessity in village, town, city and fjjjl jlj country; the utility of farmer, merchant, man- Ij 1 |j ufacturer, architect, engineer, contractor, sales- glP| l|| man, doctor, clergyman: a profitable factor in gjjjl * HI the life of the nation. Runabout, $500; Tour- |;||| ill ing Car, $525; One Ton Truck Chassis, $550; jjjji ||] Coupe, $650; Sedan, s77s—these prices f. o. b.' 11 jjj Detroit. We can get but a limited quantity. j.pl . HI Please give us your order at once, as first come |j|j| will get first delivery. ; ' I. D. FELDER BLAKELY, GA. L | HI Second Hand Cars ror Sale { 5 1 The Citizens Bank Blakely’s newest banking institution invites your ac count, whether large or small. Deposit With Us Today W. H. FLOWERS, President W. M. SUTTON, Vice Pres. J. J. HAYES, Vice President R. 0. WATERS, Cashier lUZiANNE guarantee fig - If, aftar using the entire d| J3T*h contents of can according «».g’iry>i l to directions, you are not t satisfied In every respect, "■ your grocer will refund the moneV you paid for It, ' / Tan! Luzianne is a clean coflee. It is not touch ed by hand from the time it is first receiver ed in New Orleans until you serve it on. f Uln EVERY POUND SOLD IN AN U Lii I'd INDIVIDUAL AIR-TIGHT TIN CAN The I Reily-Taylor Company New Orleans 1 HAMMACK, RISH SONS CO~ EDISON, GA. BENTHALL Peanut Picker and Engine SELLING AGENTS invite you to communicate with them for this outfit. A card will bring their representative to talk it over with you. If you contemplate buying one of these outfits, early action is advisable. There’s only a few Mogul Engines.