Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, July 26, 1923, Image 4

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EARLY COUNTY NEWS OFFICIAL GAZETTE. Published Every Thursday OFFICE IN NEWS BUILDING Blakely, Georgia. W. W. FLEMING AND SON, Leasees and Publishers. Subscription Rates: On* copy, one year « •• Ona copy, six months ...... .. <75 0M copy. Ibras months BO All legal notices sent to the News for publication should be accompanied by the proper amount of money to pay for their publication. Please bear In mind that these matters are payable In advance and don’t at tempt to litigate at the paper’s ex pense. o Cards of thanks, resolutions or trib stes of respect and obituary no tices, other than those which the paper itßelf may give as a matter of nows, will be charged for at the rate of 6 cents per line In the Early Coun- j ty News o Watch the date on your label and < renew your subscription to the Early ( County News before the time expires. Kememben. our terms are cash In ad vance to all subscribers alike. f Foreign Advertising R e P™"et»Uve ! THF. AMFRICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Blakely, Ga., July 26, 1923. ENFORCING THE LAW. ‘A just proportion of taxation and a strict enforcement of the law is always a fine thing for the other fellow.” says the LaGrange Graphic. Which is one way of saying that too many of us are obsessed with the idea that we are immune from the provis ion of the law. What is needed is that all of us should realize we are under the law and not delude our selves to believe that we are above It. The instant this happens we become bad citizens; for those who wilfully evade the law' are not far from violating it outright. And Editor Richardson of the La- Grange Graphic will not undertake to say that his assertion applies only to the tax laws, for however much It is to be regretted, this is the attitude of a number of us toward many laws. It is a violation of the law for one to carry a pistol concealed, and yet there are many persons who do not regard l his law as applying to themselves, and they violate it without the slight est, pricking of conscience. We have game laws, making it unlawful to kill certain kinds of game at a cer tain period of the year, but men vio late this law, and they do not believe that they have not done any great, wrong. Those who violate these two laws, if asked whether or not they believe them to lie good, will unhesi tatingly say they do. But. as tne Graphic says of the tax law, they re gard it as having been enacted for the other fellow. It is (he same witli the prohibition law. Thousands and tens of thousands cry aloud for the law and its enforce ment, and yet they do not hesitate to buy liquor when they want it and can get it. They think it is a fine tiling for the other fellow, but do not regard the law as having been enact ed for their benefit, when without doubt, they are among those who in sist. upon its enactment. We must get away from the illogi cal reasoning that the law is a re specter of persons. All of us must have proper respect for it. Other wise we shall go from had to worse until a state of anarchy will exist throughout the country, and those who are regarded as being among the best citizens —the leaders of the land —those who should teach others the way both by precept and example — will have contributed more largely to it than any other class, because they, to whom all are looking for leadership, are breaking down the law and trampling it under foot. o Shall we call teh McMichael “bloc” the “bellyachers’ bloc?’’ o Our Albany friends won the first half of the pennant race in the South Georgia Circuit. Well, we had just as soon lick this Albany crowd as any of 'em. PUBLIC SALE. GEORGIA —Early County: Whereas Paul R. Anderson did, on the 10th day of November, 1916, ex ecute and deliver to Charles Forman a certain security deed, recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in Book of Deeds 31, page 67, and made to se cure the payment of the principal sum of Four hundred ($400.00) dol lars, payable in installments of Two hundred dollars each according to notes of even date with said se curity deed, one maturing December Ist, 1917, and the other December Ist, 1918, with interest thereon at the’ rate of 8 per cent after maturi ty, said security deed being made subject to a prior security deed for the sum of Sixteen hundred dollars of same date and recorded in Deed Book 31, page 67; and Whereas, said second security deed provided that if default be made in the payment of either of said princi pal notes according to the tenor thereof, or If breach be made by the said Paul R. Anderson of any of the covenants and agreements of said prior conveyance, the said Charles Forman may proceed to sell the land described in said first and second security deeds to the highest and best bidder for cash before the court house door at Blakely, Georgia, with in the legal hours of sale after ad vertising the time, place and terms of sale for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper having a general circulation In said county or some newspaper published in said county, receive the proceeds of said sale and in the name of the grantor execute and deliver to the purchaser the necessary deed or deeds in fee sim ple for the property so sold, having full authority to appoint an agent by an instrument in writing duly executed, acknowledged and record ed, to attend and make such sale and do all other acts and things in connection with such sale that the grantor could do; and Whereas, default having been made by Paul R. Anderson in the payment of both of said principal notes and in the payment of the taxes on said land for the year 1921, same having been paid by the said Charles For man; Now, therefore, the said Charles Forman will on the Ist Tuesday in August, 1923, proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash before the court house door at Blakely, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale the land described in said second security deed, towit: The West hair of Lots of Land , Numbers 93 and 94 and all that part of Lot of Land Number 107, ' lying east of the Blakely and Quincy road, containing 50 acres, more or less, all of said land lying and being in the 28th district of Early county, , Georgia. Said land will be sold subject to a prior deed of the said Paul R. An derson to Charles Forman made to secure the payment of the sum of Sixteen hundred dollars, and the said Charles Forman will execute to the purchaser of said land a deed conveying all the right, title, interest and equity of the said Paul R. An derson in and to said land. This July 10, 1923. CHARLES FORMAN. PUBLIC SALE. GEORGIA—EarIy County; There will be sold by the under signed before the court house door in the city of Blakely, on July 21st, 1923, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described real estate, towit: Sixty two and one-half (62 1-2) acres of land being situated in the northeast corner of lot of land number one.hun dred seven (107) in the Sixth (6th) Land District of Early County, Ga. Said sale will be had under and by virtue of a power of sale contain ed in a certain security deed exe cuted by Mrs. Willie Willis to J. C. & W. C. Holman Mule Company, a partnership composed of the partners .T, C. Holman, W. C. Holman, Lind sey Holman and Grady Holman, on January 13th, 1921, and recorded in Mortgage Book “SS,” page 305. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county; said security deed having been executed to secure the payment of a note for $500.75, due October Ist. 1921, with interest from maturity at 8 per cent per annum, said note bearing a credit of $275 as of date January 2nd. 1923, and default having been made in the payment of said note. Said above described real estate will be sold as the property of Mrs. Willie Willis for the purpose of satisfying the unpaid balance due on said note. This July 6th, 1923. J. C. & W. C. Holman Mule Co., A partnership composed of the part ners J. C. Holman, W. C. Hol man, Grady Holman and Lind sey Holman. LOWREY STONE, Attorney. MASONIC NOTICE. Lucile Lodge No. 532 F. & A. M. meets on first and third Saturday afternoons at 2 o'clock. Visiting breth ren cordially invited. R. R. McLENDON, W. M. D. S. Sheffield. Sec. Try the News for Job Printing. EARLY COUNTY NEWS PUBLIC SALE OF LAND. GEORGIA —Early County; Whereas, L. N. Haley did on the Ist day of August, 1916, execute and deliver to Charles Forman a certain deed to secure the payment of the principal sum of Three thousand dol lars maturing in instalments of Three hundred dollars each year on Novem ber Ist each year beginning Novem ber Ist, 1917, together with interest thereon at the rate of 7 1-2 per cent, per annum, payable annually, wnich said deed to secure debt is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Early county, Geor gia, in D6€?d Book 31, paß e Whereas, said deed to secure debt and principal instalment notes pro vide that if default be made in the payment of either of said principal notes or interest coupons, the said Charles Forman may, at his option, declare the whole of said debt due and payable, and may proceed to sell said land at public outcrj be fore the court house door at Blake ly, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, after advertising the time, place and terms of sale sor l] . f ° u ’; weeks In some newspaper published in said county, and upon such sale receive the proceeds thereof, and in the name of the grantor execute and deliver the necessary deed or deeds in fee simple for the property so sold. , , . _ Now, therefore, default havin9 been made by the said L. N. Haley in the payment of the principal notes maturing November 1, 1917, to 1922 inclusive as well as in the payment of the interest coupons maturing November 1, 1921, and 1922, and in the payment of the taxes for the years 1921 and 1922, and by reason of such defaults, the said Charles Forman has exercised his option of declaring the whole of said debt due and payable, the said Charles For man will on the Ist Tuesday in Aug ust, 1923, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash before the court house door at Blakely, Ga., within the legal hours of sale the following described land, towit: All of Lot of Land No. 282 con taining 250 acres, more or less; frac tional lot No. 319, containing 220 acres, more or less, and those por tions of fractional lots Number 318 and 283 lying south and east of a line drawn from the Northeast cor ner of Lot No. 283 to a point where the south and west boundary line of Lot Number 318 would intersect if extended indefinitely, all being in the 26th district of Early county, Ga. . t The proceeds of said sale will be applied as follows: First to the payment of all proper expenses of advertising, selling and conveying said premises, including a fee of 10 per cent of the amount to pay which said sale is made. Second, to the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed; and the bal ance, if any, shall be paid to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. The said Charles Forman will ex ecute to the purchaser at such sale good and sufficient titles to said land as he is authorized to do in said deed to secure debt. This July 2, 1923. CHARLES FORMAN. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA—EarIy County; On the first Tuesday in August, 1923, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Blakely, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, the following described property, towit; All that certain lot, plot or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and beng in land lot number 240, in the 6tli District of Early county, State of Georgia, and more particu larly bounded and described as fol lows: Bounded on the North by lands of Mrs. Claude S. Bostwick; on the East by lands of Mrs. G. M. Sparks, et al., Depot Street, and the original East line of said lot; on the South by public road and the original Sout’h line of said lot: and on the West by lands of Mrs. Claude S. Bostwick: containing 70 acres, according to a survey and plat there of made by R. J. Edgerly, Engineer. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Ela S. Walker to satisfy an execution issued against her on judgment rendered in suit of Harry L. Winter, Inc., as plaintiff, versus Ela S. Walker, as de fendant, at the April Term, 1923, of the Superior Court of Early county, Ga. This 13th day of June, 1923. SID HOWELL, Deputy Sheriff of Early County. CITATION. GEORGIA —Early County; To all whom it may concern: Planters Bank of Donalsonville having in proper form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of C. B. Brown, late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of C. B. Brown to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why perma nent administration should not be granted to J. L. Haralson on C. B. Brown’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 2nd day of July, 1923. O. C. LANE, Ordinary. Try the News for Job Printing. QUjj SERVICE To our patrons is the thing we boast of. It is always our earnest endeavor to cater to your wants. Tie Readmit Brail If of goods has been added to our stock—none better. MEATS, GROCERIES, FRUITS tJjßgk AND VEGETABLES rA?T u*V" always to be found at our place of business. H. C- FRYER Sanitary Market and Grocery. BLAKELY. GA. ____ Come -bo TYBEE^ft I' ' I Excursion i Fares via »:j _ Central of Georgia Railway THE RIGHT WAY M B! BLAKELY CHAPTER NO. 44 R. A. M. and fourth Monday * ——■» nights of each month at 8 o’clock. Visiting companions cordially invited. R. H. STUCKEY, JR., High Priest. J. G. STANDIFER, Secretary. MASONIC NOTICE. _ munication of Mag ymf n ix fj: f \ .// \ on the first and third Monday nights in each month. Visiting brethren cor dially welcomed. H. B. AINSWORTH, Secretary. Atlanta Conservatory of Music Summer Seetion, June and July GEO. F. LINDER. DIRECTOR