Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, July 26, 1923, Image 7

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GEORGIA CORN CROP IS SMALLEST IN YEARS Condition Below Average and Heavy Reduction in Acreage. Georgia’s corn crop will be the smallest in the past fourteen years, according to estimates given out by the co-operative crop reporting ser vice of the United States and Geor gia departments of agriculture and the state college of agriculture. “The short crop in prospect is caused both by a heavy reduction in acreage and a condition far below the average,” it is stated. “The offi cial acreage is 4,034,000, a decrease of eight per cent from last year. The above acreage, together with the condition figure of 72 per cent of normal, indicates a probable pro duction of 50,828,000 bushels, as com pared with 52,620,000 bushels last year and the five year average of about 68,000,000 bushels.” Corn is very late in the northern half of the state, but in the southern section an improvement is noted, according to the statement. Rain in the northern half delayed planting and cultivation, it is added, but the latter part of June conditions be came more favorable. In respect to cotton the report says all states report considerable pro gress in the growth of the plant within the past two weeks. The fields are reasonably clean and blooms are now forming rapidly in the south and cfommencing in the upper region. 801 l weevils are par ticularly bad in south Georgia and Florida, causing a decline in condi tion. This pest, the report adds, is re ported very active in the remainder of the territory, although it was held in check by the dry weather during the past two weeks. The crop is so late that the direct weevil damage in the upper part of the belt is hard to forecast and the outturn of the whole crop is problematical. “Georgia’s sweet potato acreage this year has been reduced in prac tically all sections, the acreage for the state being 136,800. ninety per cent of last year, and the condition figure of 85 is slighty lower than last year,” the statement continues. There has been a heavy increase in both the amount of bright and shade tobacco being grown in the state, the estimated acreage this year being 19,000 as compared with 11,000 acres last year, it is asserted. A production of approximatey 13.- 728,000 pounds is indicated, with the condition figure now at 85 per cent of normal, according to the state ment. LITTLE DANGER OF RACE SUICIDE IN GEORGIA Acording to figures furnished by the State Bureau of Vital Statistics, there is little danger of race suicide in Georgia. For every ten women between 15 and 45 years of age in the state in 1922 there was one baby born, or in other words, one woman out of every 10 gave birth to a child during that year. Accord ing to the 1920 census there were 685,335 women in this class and ac cording to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics records, there were 60,615 children born. The white race shows a better record in this matter than the negro. There were 385,654 white women and 44,525 white babies born or one baby to each 8 women. There were 22,042 negro babies born to the 299,681 negro women in the child bearing age showing a ratio of one baby for each 12 negro women. ARLINGTON WINS COUNTY SEAT FIGHT IN SENATE ARLINGTON, Ga., July 24.—The bill to move the Calhoun county site from Morgan to Arlington passed the Senate by a vote of 38 to 4, accord ing to a telegram received here this morning by B. C. Ray, Mayor. The bill had previously passed the House by an almost unanimous vote. Mrs. Jones’ Experience. Mrs. Katherine Jones runs a boarding house in New York and frequently finds that bed bugs have been brought in. She says, “I can get rid of them in two applications of Royal Guaranteed Bed Bug Li quid. This gives the best results and I use nothnig else.” Royal Liquid is 25c. Sold and guaranteed by Hamilton Hardware Co. and Ball- Ainsworth Hardware Co. advt. RANDOM NOTES By Old Caesar. Social by Miss Johnnie Myrtice Chambers. Florida visitors at Sowhatchee: Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Alston, Mr. and Mts. Lacy I. Taylor and little son, Herman, Miss Beatrice Jones, Mr. Robert Lasseter and little daugh ter and Mrs. Bob Jones and chil dren. Mrs. W. A. Miller is yet very sick. We hope for this good lady an early recovery. Miss Myrtice Chambers has re turned home, after a six weeks’ ab sence in the Donalsonville summer school. Miss Chambers has accept ed the position as first assistant at Enterprise school, Miller county, a four teacher school. Miss Chambers is one among our leading teachers. Freewill Baptist series of meetings by Miss Annette Chambers. Those who joined: Lula Mae Causey, Selma Strickland, Dock Grubbs, Joe Brown Grubbs, Elvyn Grubbs, Tom Toole, Johnnie Hilton, Harlow Hilton, Hol lie Weaver and Henry Green Wiley. We hope the good work will con tinue in both churches and a com plete victory gained. B. Y. P. U. Program. Harvey Ricks, leader. Song: Work, for the Night Is Com ing. Scripture: 53rd chapter of Isaiah. Prayer—’Lawrence Lane. Subject: J. Hudson Taylor, the Man Who Dared. Introductory—Leader. The Man Who Dared —Annette Chambers. Taylor’s Life Before 1865 —Ralph Lane. Testing His Call—Lucy Johnson. A Breeze from God —T. F. Cravey. Experiences in Shanghai—Martha McKenney. Birth of the China Island Mission —Jewel Still. Workers Who Went in Answer to Prayer —Jimmie Wiley. Mr. Taylor’s Last Years—Ethel Cannon. Song. MT. ARARAT NEWS. Well, here comes old Mt. Ararat again. We are not dead yet, still i alive. Protracted meeting is going to 1 start at this church next Sunday, the 29th. Everybody is invited to come, day and night. We will 1 welcome you all. Bro. Parrott, of Alabama, will help Bro. Houston with the meeting; from Monday night until the meeting closes. Come and hear Bro. Parrott. He has lots of good news to tell us and we are waiting to hear what he has to say. Speed Maniac. “Waiter,” said a customer after waiting fifteen minutes for his soup, “have you ever been to the zoo?” “No, sir.” ‘•Well, you ought to go. You . would enjoy seeing the turtles whizz past.”—Juggler. PROFIT BY THIS Don’t Waste Another Day. When you are worried by back ache; By lameness and urinary disor ders — Don’t experiment with an untried medicine. Do as thousands of people are doing. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Read this Hilton resident’s expe- ## j pj Homer Horn, farmer, Route No. 1, Hilton, Ga., says: “A cold settled in my kidneys and disordered them. At times they were sluggish and again I had to get up during the night to pass the secretions. The secre tions were off color and contained a thick sediment. When I stooped, a catch took me in the small of my back and I had to draw myself up. I didn’t feel like doing any work at all, because my back gave out. I bought a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills at Balkcom’s Drug Store and after using them, I was completely cured.” Price, 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy, get the same that Mr. Horn had. Fos ter-Milburn Co., Mfrs. , Buffalo, N. Y. advt. early county news POSTAL RECEIPTS LAST YEAR BROKE ALL RECORDS U. S. postal receipts for the fiscal year just ended show a 12.16 per cent increase, the largest in the history of the postal service, with the exception of 1918, the postofflce department has announced, on the strength of figures from 50 selected cities. The total postal revenue for the year was estimated at $533,000,000, compared with $484,893,000 the pre vious fiscal year, until then a high record. DEATH OF MR. E. B. WILLS. Mr. E. B. Wills, a well known citizen of the Centerville neighbor hood, died on Friday, July 20th, af ter a week’s illness, caused by in testinal hemorrhage. Mr. Wills was a good citizen and highly esteemed by all who knew him. His remains were interred in the Blakely ceme tery Saturday afternoon by the side of a son who died in the army sev eral years ago. The sympathy of our people goes out o his sorrowing widow and children. CALCIUM ARSENATE. One of the most important times to dust cotton for control of boll weevils is from now until the close of the season. If you have not your supply of Calcium Arsenate now is the time to get it from the Georgia State Board of Entomology at 16c per pound delivered in 200-lb contain ers. The Board has a supply now on hand in Atlanta and will ship out immediately upon receipt of check for the same. Experiments have shown that late dusting is absolutely essential to save the cotton crop. The Board has only a limited amount of Calcium Ar- j senate and does not expect to secure j a new contract for this season. All Calcium Arsenate sold by the State Board of Entomology is an alyzed before shipment and is guar anteed to meet the requirements of the State and Federal Law. It is first class and ihgh grade in every respect. STATE BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY By Ira W. Williams, State Entomologist. BASEBALL BLAKELY SATURDAY BLAKELY vs. DAWSON This is expected to be a hard fought game, as both teams have strength ened considerably since they last met. Back Your Home Team Revival Meeting at Hilton. Revival meeting began in the Hil ton Methodist church Sunday, July 22nd. We ask all Christians to pray for the conversion of souls. Our quarterly conference is on the 28th. We earnestly request that you be present. Dinner on the ground. D. A. COOK, P. C. Turned Somersault—Died. Robert Walcott says, "Every time I went in my garage I saw rats —had | to get rid of them, they were eating the tires on my car. I spread some' Royal Guaranteed Rat Paste around and later watched to see the results, the rat ate the paste, reeled, turn ed a somersault and died. 1 ' Royal Guaranteed Rat Paste in 25c or 50c tubes. Sold and guaranteed by Ball-Ainsworth Hardware Co. and Hamilton Hardware Go. advt. Try a pair of Peters Shoes for economy. C. E. BOYETT’S CASH STORE. a. wMvtnwu. mwh. ncrvst ~ m? Seneca Theatre tonight and Friday » Natural Inference. Butcher: “My son —the one that used to help me in the shop here — he’s gone in for boxing. Won a championship, too!’’ Customer; "Ay, I remember him. I suppose he’ll have won the light weight championship?”—The London Mail. o Enlightening. Percy: “I have been greatly bene | fitted by spending the evening with | you. Your intellect appeals to me. Are you a literary woman?” Mercy: “Oh, my, no; I am a teacher in an infant school." —Phil- adelphia Bulletin. I am selling the Studebaker and Piedmont wagons. Have a car of each. When in need of a high grade wagon, see me. 2lp T. B. HARRIS. Try the News for Job Printing.