Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, November 20, 1924, Image 3

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SHORT STOPS Mr. W. L. Ball was here from! Thomasville Tuesday. City court was in session the first three days of this week. o Phone 114 for Yeast Oakes. WILLIAMS’ MARKET. Mr. I. W. Culpepper was mingling with Blakely friends Friday. o—— Irish Potatoes. 35c peck, at R. D. HALLS. o Mr. .f-. 11. Odum, of Atlanta, is spending a day or two in the city. - Peaches, 2Sc per can, at \ R. D. HALL'S. o Mr. J. D. Fudge is up from Col quitt for a day or two this week. o See the fruit advertisement of the “Dago Stand" in this issue of the News. o Mr. Justin M. Robinson, of Al bany, spent several days in the city this week. o Mr. J. J. McLendon is on the sick list. Here's hoping he’ll soon be out again. o Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McCarty, Jr., visited relatives in Quitman over 51 the week end. Miss Marguerite Alexander is at home from Centenary College for a few days’ stay. o Mr. J. K. Ritchie, surveyor of Mill er county, was among Saturday’s visitors to Blakely. o Miss Cola Dickenson, of Dothan, was the guest of Mrs. J. G. Standifer during the past week. o Mr. R. H. Stuckey is improving from a week’s illness, his friends will be pleased to learn. o Several football enthusiasts from Blakely attended the Georgia-Auburn game in Columbus Saturday. —o Mrs. Carl Williams and children have returned from a two weeks’ visit to relatives in Americus. o Several North Carolina tobacco growers have been in Early county during the past week prospecting. o Mr. W. J. Thompson and family and Miss Donie Belle Thompson vis ited relatives in Columbus Sunday. o Mrs. D. M. Wade has an an nouncement of interest to the buying public in display ad. Look it up. o We are agents for Claussen's Cakes —the South’s best cakes. WILLIAMS’ MARKET. o Be sure to keep in mind the U. D. C. Bazar, now' only ten days. off. Give liberally to it, as it is needed for a scholarship fund- o Messrs. L. D. Jernigan, Sam Zorne, J. W. Scarbrough and Tom Hayes are over in Hartford, Ala., this week doing carpentering work. o Look up our announcement in this issue of the News. It should prove of interest to the buying public. MRS. D. M. WADE. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER OUR QUALITY HIGHER OUR STOCK MORE COMPLETE CONSISTS OF FANCY GROCER IES. PRODUCE, FANCY FRUITS, PURINA FEEDS OF ALL KINDS. COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS, SHORTS. SEED OATS AND RYE. —PHONE US.— C. D. DUKE Phone 23J Quick Delivery M"l' H-l-H-H* Mrs. Paul Morrell, of Oklahoma City, is in the city on an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. J. B. Liv ingston . Mrs. F. S. Jones, of Bainbridge, and Miss Emma May Rambo.of Ma rietta. were guests of Mrs. T. F. Jones a short while today. The Blakely high school football team will be idle tomorrow TFriday) (but expects to have a game in Blakely on Thanksgiving day. Dr. J. P. Parks will be in Blakely Monday, December Ist, for one day only. If you have eye trouble see him. BARHAM JEWELRY CO. o It will be pleasing news to the friends of Mrs. L. R. Thompson to learn that her condition is improv ing. She has been quite sick for some days past. o The Lottie Moon Circle of the Baptist W. M. S. will meet, Monday, November 24th, at the home of Mrs. W. A. Fuqua. Every member is requested to be present. o Dr. J. P. Parks, optometrist, will be in Blakely Monday, December Ist, for one day only. Eyes examined and glasses prescribed. BARHAM JEWELRY CO. <j Mrs. J. H. Crozier and son, Capt. John H. Crozier, are up from Cedar r Springs today looking after business matters. Capt. Crozier is at home from Fort Bend, Indiana, on a fur lough. o The friends of Miss Ellene Willis, who recently underwent an operation at a Dothan hospital, will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from the ordeal. o Mrs. G. W. Watson left Friday for a visit to her children, Mrs. Vance Loyless and Miss Ethel Watson and Floy Watson, of Miami, and Mrs. C. C. Pierce and M. L. Watson, of Lit tle River. Brown Bread, Beaten Biscuit, Cakes and other TManksgiving delicacies will be on sale at the Episcopal Ladies’ Guild Church Sale next Wed nesday, November 26th, 2 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. V. F. Balkcom. o Mrs. A. Y. Thompson has return ed from a visit to Atlanta. Her friends are pleased to note an im provement in her condition from her recent illness. She was accompanied home by her friend, Mrs. E.A. Bos trom, who will spend some time with her. o The new Presbyterian church at Cuba was formally dedicated Tues day, there being several out-of-town preachers in attendance. An interest ing program had been arranged for the occasion and the day was one of rejoicing for those who have labored for the new church building. o The temperature dropped to 36 de grees this morning, marking the lowest that the mercury has been since April 2nd, 1924, when it regis tered 32 degrees. There has been no rain since October 26th. according to records of the local w'eather ob server. o A large pile of shavings on the yards of the W. A. Hall Lumber Company caught fire Wednesday at noon and for a while looked danger ous, but was brought under control —burning, however, all through Wednesday night. No damage was done, despite the drought of several weeks. Rev. W. M. Blitch, pastor of the Blakely Methodist church, is attend ing the South Georgia Conference in Bainbridge this v/eek. He carries an excellent report from his church, all obligations having been met in full. Doubtless many of his members will attend the Conference during the session. Our people are hoping that Bro. Blitch may be returned to this charge for another year. o Friends of Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Alexander, both of whom were taken ill with pneumonia while in Atlanta last week, will be pleased to learn that they are improving, and return ed home this morning. They had gone to Atlanta for ear treatment for Mrs. Alexander and were stricken ill while there. Dr. W. H. Alexan der w’ent up to Atlanta Sunday night and brought them home this morn ing. Friends hope they may both be able to be up and out again soon. EARLY COUNTY NEWS CHURCH SALE. The Ladies of the Episcopal Church Guild will give a church sale on next Wednesday, November 26tli, at the residence of Mrs. V. F. Balkcom. at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Brown Bread, Beaten Biscuit and other Thanksgiving delicacies on sale. Previous orders phoned to Mrs. E. E. McCarty will be given special at tention. LOCAL WEATHER. Review of local weather conditions for week ending Wednesday, Novem ber 19tli. Rainfall in inches. T means trace only. Observations are for the 24 hour periods ending at 7 p. m. j Bay i Max. J Mim i Rainfall , Mind ! ! Weather ; ! i i I 13j 841 5910.001 E. ] Clear 14j 83! 55|0.00jN. W.jClear 15| 84j 52j0.00|N. W.jP. Cloudy lGj 69j 44|0.00|N. W.|Clear 17! 40|O.00jN. W.jciear 18j 64| 43|0.00j W. jP. Cloudy 19) 66| 39|0.00|N. E.jClear J. G. STANDIFER, Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau. MNALLY Books for Boys and Girls Every Rand MCNai.ly ju venile book is illustrated. And all illustrations in a Rand JvK-Nally juvenile book ore wonts of art. They catch the spirit of the stories. They fascinate the eyes of the readers —old or young. Their blazing colors materialize the handsome silk-clad cava liers riding to battle or ad venture. Or their soft shades grip you as they suggest the mysteries of the night. There are Rand MCNally hooks to suit the needs and taste of any child from four to sixteen. Jf? Tub Three Musketeers The great book of adventure and romance in the days of royalty ia France. F.ight full-page illut trations in color. $1.75. The Illustrate® Bron'. Story Book—/or small children. A book of beauty, both in story nml in picture, tvitb 112 colored illustrations. $2. CITY DRUG STORE AGENT CHURCH DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CHURCH. The Blakely Baptist Church. Rev. Spencer B. King, pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a. m., B. R. Collins, Supt. Preaching every Sunday 11:00 a . m. and 8:00 p. m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Rev. H. Scott-Smith, Vicar in charge. Church School 10:00 A. M.„ J. G. Standifer, Supt. Prayer Services and Sermon 8 p. m. on the second Sun day and 11 a. m. on last Sunday. METHODIST CHURCH. The Blakely Methodist Church. Rev. W. M. Blitch, pastor. Sunday School 9:45a. ni„ Lowrey Stone, Supt. Preaching every Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. BLAKELY CHAPTER NO. 44 R. A. to Blakely Chapter No. 44 Royal Arch Masons meet - s 02 the second y'Ca2'l and fourth Monday > —nights of each month at 8 o’clock. Visiting companions cordially invited. LOWREY STONE, High Priest J. G. STANDIFER, Secretary. FOR SALE —My housee in Blake ly; $3000.00 for a quick sale. i. P. BELISLE, Fort Gaines. Ga. I i( ! Rather than carry over stock into another season, and too, to raise some much needed CASH, lam making some drastic price re ductions on all ready-to-wear goods in stock for SPOT CASH. Come in and look them over. You will find some rare bargains. MRS. D. M. WADE BLAKELY, GEORGIA WE HAVE— Western Lamb Chops, Western Steaks, Pure Pork Sausage, Wein ers and Hoghead Cheese. Fruits and Vegetables of all ...K I N D 5... Valley Brand Coffee— OA r per pound ..... "JVJC Corn and Cane Syrup-- *“7(1 per gallon * Pure Cane Syrup— C ' i per gallon . . . . H' * Fryer's Market Sanitary Market and Grocery. BLAKELY. GA. NOTICE TO CITY TAX PAYERS. The hooka for payment of City advalorem taxes are now open and your receipt is ready for you. The books close on December Ist and fi. fas. will then be issued against de faulters. Why not make a virtue of necessity and pay promptly? The success of the city schools is largely dependent on - the prompt collection of taxes. The second installment of paving assessments is now due and payable, becoming delinquent on December Ist. Those affected will please take note. W. W. FLEMING, City Clerk. FOR SALE— A nice large corner lot on College street, just east of J. B. Tarver’s and west of 13. B. God win’s; also a good one-horse farm situated 4 miles west of Blakely. DR. W. H. ALEXANDER. fi-2t ITCH KILLED IN THIRTY MINUTES WITH PAR-A-CIT-I-CIDE BUY NO SUBSTITUTE. AT DRUG STORE And oblige Dr. J. L. Sharp & Co. Commerce, Ga. Tuff’s Pills Induce regular habit, good digestion. Relieve the dyspeptic and debilitated and tone up the system AGAINST MALARIA