Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, August 06, 1942, Image 3

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Short Stops Mrs. T. IF. Davis has gone to join her husband in Orlando, Fla. Miss Mary Ruth Jones, of Fort Gaines, is visiting Miss Norma Ann Jones. Miss Vivian Hughes, of Shreve port, La., is visiting Miss Betty Jane Bryant. Miss Pearl Elder, of Macon, is vis iting Mrs. Oscar Whitchard and Miss Winifred Brooks. Bob Hall has returned home, after spending several weeks in Miami, Fla., with relatives. Mr. Ed Minter is spending this week in Orlando, Fla., with his broth er, Mr. T. F. Minter. For fresh pure Milk, call HALL’S DAIRY. All cows regularly tested by State Veterinarian. Mr. Billie Lane, of Atlanta, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jernigan and daughter, Eugenia, of Augusta, were visitors in Blakely a day or two the past week. Mr. J. Frank Gilbert, Jr., left Tuesday for Tallahassee, Fla., where he will attend a civil service radio technical school. We carry all good polishes. Le\ us keep your shoes like new with our fine shoe repairing. BLAKELY SHOE SHOP. Mrs. Joe Farr, Mrs. Hubert Farr and baby, and Charles Brunson are spending several days in Chipley, Fla., with relatives. Friends are glad to know that Mrs. W. C. Jordan, who returned Saturday from a Dothan hospital, is reported as greatly improved. Mr. Hopson Dußose, son of Mrs. W. I. Dußose of this city, recently joined the Coast Guard and is sta tioned in Geofgetown, S. C. Friends of Mr. Wayne Lindsey, who is with the U. S. Navy, will be interested to know that he is safe “somewhere in foreign service.” Mrs. L. W. Leavitt and son, Jerry, of Jacksonville, Fla., are spending this week in Blakely with Mrs. Leav itt’s sister, Mrs. Ralph Scarborough. Dr. J. G. (Standifer and son, Mr. Bill Standifer, returned Saturday from Augusta, where Bill had been under treatment in the University Hospital. Robert Brooks, son of Mr. O. R. Brooks, left Tuesday for Atlanta to stand the air corps cadet examina tion for enlistment in that branch of the service. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Daniel, Mrs. Bernard Fleischman and baby and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Grubbs and daughter, Peggy, spent Sunday in Macon. Miss Mary Standifer, who had spent the week end with Miss Nancy Grubbs, returned with them. DR. O. H. PATRICK, of Pelham, is located in the building next door to the WESTERN UNION and is prepared to test your eyes and fit glasses. He is here ONLY ON TUES DAY. If you are having eye trouble visit Dr. Patrick. The date, TUES DAY ONLY. VISIT US THESE HOT DAYS Refresh yourself with a delightful cold drink or delicious ice cream. Linger a while under the cooling fans. A good place to meet your friends. THE PLACE YOU SAVE WITIH SAFETY Now Serving This Community for Nearly 30 Years BLAKELY, GEORGIA Miss Annell Bridges spent the past week with Miss Deloris Tabb at Hilton. Miss Ruth Ann George has return ed from a visit to relatives in Don alsonville. Ted Whitchard is spending sever al weeks'at the Athens Y camp at Tallulah Falls. Mr. Henry Ware, of Raleigh, N. C., was a visitor in Blakely several days this week. ■ Mrs. Brown Widener attended the Marchman-ißoynton wedding and re ception in Albany Thursday evening. Pvt. Harry B. (“Sunshine”) Grier, of the U. iS. Marine Corps, is spend ing a ten-day furlough with home folks. Miss Peggy Duke left Sunday for Atlanta, where she will take a busi ness course at the Southern Business College. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hammack spent Sunday in Cairo with Mrs. Ham mack’s brother, who is seriously ill in a hospital there. Miss Pauline Livingston, Miss Elaine Mathews, Mr. Bill Geiger and Mr. Charlie Mathews, of Pensacola, .were visitors in Blakely Monday. Miss Florence Jenkins has return ed to her home in Graceville, Fla., after a visit to friends and rela tives in Blakely and Fort Gaines. Miss Demaris Whitehurst, who re cently underwent an operation at a Dothan hospital, was brought home Sunday, friends are interested to know. Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Livingston, of Augusta, were guests Monday of Mrs. Joyce Reed. Mrs. Livingston is the former Miss Cleo Page of this city. Captain J. M. Coile and Lieutenant John Holman, of the local State Guard Unit, spent several days this week on maneuvers with the Georgia State Guard. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sammons, of the Colomokee community, announce the birth of a son, Jack Balkcom Sammons, at the Patterson Hospital in Cuthbert, Thursday, July 30. Mr. Clark Brockston, of the U. S. Navy, who saw service at Pearl Har bor and at the Battle of the Coral Sea, was a visitor in Blakely over the week end. He was visiting his aunt, Mrs. C. M. Dunning. Mr. Brock ston reports many exciting and in teresting things. He witnessed the sinking of several ships and saw the Jap airplanes hit the water when Uncle Sam’s pilots and anti-aircraft guns went into action. Mrs. J. P. Donalson, of Fort My ers, Fla., Mrs. Jack Howell and Mrs. Lucy Riggs and son, of Graham, Texas, were guests of friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Donalson left Wed nesday for Jacksonville to visit her son, Major John Donalson, who is now stationed there awaiting orders. Friends are pleased to know that after her winter stay in Texas with her daughters that Mrs. Donalson will return to Blakely to live. —Buy Defense Bonds— EARLY COUNTY NEWS, BLAKELY, GEORGIA Friends will be interested to know that Mrs. W. W. Fleming, of Miami Beach, Fla., who has been spending some time with her daughters, Mrs. Ramelle Kline, at Washington, and Mrs. John H. McWilliams, in Balti more, recently passed an examination and has accepted a civil service po sition in the Capital City. ... CHURCH... | I ANNOUNCEMENTS | THE BLAKELY METHODIST CHURCH REV. W. F. BURFORD, Pa.tor Church School 10:50 a. m. Morning Worship at 12:00. Epworth League at 7:45. The War Mothers of our church will have charge of the Sunday evening worship service, at which time a service flag will be dedi cated. Prayer Meeting Wednesday even ing at 8:30. THE BLAKELY BAPTIST CHURCH SPENCER B. KING, Pa»tor No preaching service next Sunday, morning or evening, the pastor be ing away on his vacation. Sunday (School at 10:45 and Train ing Union at 7:30 as usual. Every body invited. On Monday the Circles of the W. M. S. meet at 5:00, the Catherine Bryan Circle with Mrs. Philip Grier, the Ruth Ford with Mrs. Fred Fred Pressley, the Agnes Graham Circle with Mrs. J. W. Bridges, the Alice Huey Circle with Mrs. Ralph Hutchins, the Y. W. A., at 8:30, with Misses Roberts, (Spurlock and Widener, at Mrs. McArthur’s, and the Junior G. A. with Jacquelyn Correll. On Tuesday at 5:00, the Dorcas Class meets Tuesday after noon at 4:30 at the home of Mrs. Murray Brunson, with Mrs. C. G. Brewer, Mrs. J. E. Chancy and Mrs. “Butch” Hammack as joint hostesses. Wednesday, at 8:30, with Rev. Alex Carswell leading, the mid-week Prayer Meeting. CHURCH OF CHRIST HORACE E. TIMMERMAN, Minister The regular services of the Church of Christ will be conducted in the city hall Sunday as usual: Bible Study, 11:00 a. m. Preaching 12:00 m. Lord’s Supper 12:45 p. m. Preaching, 9:00 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services where error is overthrown and truth is enthroned. He'b. 10:25, “Forsake not the assembling of ourselves to gether as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching.” THE BLAKELY ASSEMBLY OF GOD P. Z. SMITH, Pastor Sunday Services WAR TIME. Sunday School 10:45 a. m. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sundays 11:30 a. m. Young People’s meeting each Sun day 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service each Sunday 8:30 p. m. Week-day meetings: Ladies’ Prayer Meeting Tuesday 4:30 p. m. Regular Prayer Meeting Wednes day 8:45 p. m. EARLY COUNTY CIRCUIT L. CECIL WIMBERLEY, Pastor Cedar Springs Church School 11:00. Worship services 12:00. No service at 9:30 p. m., on ac count of pastor having to be away in Alabama in revival meeting. Everybody invited. HOOVER-CUMMINGS Os interest to their friends is the announcement of the marriage of William Henry Hoover, of Blakely, to Miss Helen Cummings, of Abbeville, Ala., which occurred Sunday morn ing, Ordinary D. C. Morgan perform ing the ceremony. Mr. Hoover is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Brink Hoover, of this city, and holds a position with the Superior Oil Company. The couple are making their home on Bainbridge street. TO CHECK a K IN 7dAYS ml BY JANET CURLER - WOMAN OF THE WEEK: Since the bill providing for a women’s na val auxiliary was first introduced in congress, there has apparently been little doubt that Mildred McAfee, the 42-year-old president of Wesles ley College, would be chosen as its head. Born in Parkville, Mo., she was graduated from Vassar in 1920. then she has worked with girls and women as a teacher, ad ministrator, dean of women and di rector of girls’ work for a Chicago church. She is known as a capable administrator, although her youthful appearance and vivid personality are deceptive. Like the director of the WAAC, she can accomplish a great deal without obvious effort and with out the desperately efficient manner sometimes found in women who are “doing things.” * * * BRITAIN AT WAR: In Canada the province of Quebec is going “all out” for tank production, with 500 women already at work as welders. The Union of South Africa has is, sued a new one-penny stamp carry ing the picture of a war nurse . . . A dispatch from England reveals that British women are almost 100 per cent mobilized, with about half of them doing full time war production Work. ♦ * * HEADS “WAR BRIDES”: Mrs. Evelyn Richmand Kashuk, whose husband is a corporal in the army, was recently named president of “War Brides of America,” an organ ization of women who have become brides since September, 1940. * * ♦ SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Women are working as student conductors on San Francisco’s Market Street Rail way cars . . . The WPB, taking the dilemma of conservation firmly by the horns, has prohibited the sale by all retail stores of officers’ insignia for use as costume jewelry and has ordered that service men may no longer give such insignia to their “girl friends.” * * * SUNNY SIDE UP: That the OPA does not wish to discourage buying of items not on the priority list is indicated by the reported increase in business in what are called the “lux ury trades.” Furs, fine jewelry, china and furniture are going to be higher. But don’t be alarmed. We haven’t suddenly gone money mad. What actually is happening is that manufacturers of luxury items are ‘trading down.’ Jewelers report sales of 100,000 diamond rings a month since Pearl Harbor, but most of these sold for less than SSO. And economical furs, like muskrat, wolf, beaver and opossum account for the bulk of the fur sales. ATTORNEY W. L. STONE SPEAKER AT WEEKLY ROTARY MEETING Attorney W. L. Stone of the local bar was the guest speaker at last week’s meeting of the Blakely Ro tary Club, held Friday at noon at the Early Hotel. Mr. Stone, who was introduced by Rotarian Oscar Whitchard, program chairman for the day, reminisced on the growth and development of Blakely for the past 25 years. Inter spersed with quite a bit of wit at the expense of some of the club members, Mr. Stone’s talk was thor oughly enjoyed by the Rotarians. Last Friday’s meeting was presid ed over by Vice President Charles Boyett. tit's common sense to be thrifty. If you save you are i thrifty. War Bonds help you to save and help to save America. Buy your ten per cent every pay day. ELLIS ARNALL •a* " / ' ''' 'fl Speaks Over radio WSB station Saturday Hight SOME HAPPENINGS IN BLAKELY A QUARTER OF A CENTURY AGO Clippings from the Early County News of August 2, 1917 THE annual city election will be held next Tuesday. It is under stood that Messrs. A. E. Alexander and P. H. Wade, whose terms expire next January, will stand for re-elec tion. It has also been reported that Mr. Raymond C. Singletary will be a candidate for Council. * * • FELDER’S GARAGE, the well known and popular motor car agen cy and supply house on South Main street, changed hands on August 1, Mr. Felder selling the Ford agency and stock and good will to the Blake ly Motor- Car Company, headed by Mr. S. D. Clark, of Albany. • * « GENE ARMSTRONG, who was to have been hanged last Friday, re ceived a respite from Governor Dor sey until August 24, to allow Attor ney Rambo an opportunity to lay the doomed man’s petition for execu tive clemency before the State Pris on Board. * * • THE FAMILY of the bride, who is a daughter of Rev. J. A. J. Dumas, have received notice of the marriage of Miss Bessie Mae Dumas to Mr. John M. Smith, of Helena, Ga., the wedding taking place at Tifton where Miss Dumas was engaged as a train ed nurse. * ♦ * MR. AND MRS. Ferd Lee are the proud parents of a baby daughter, their first born, which arrived on Sunday last. * » • MESSRS. A. E. Alexander and P. H. Wade, who are candidates for re election to city council, are saying some strong things about certain property which has been escaping taxation all these years. • * * MESSRS. D. M. Wade, Tom Un derwood, S. K. Rhyne, Dan Davis and Cortez Bush landed at home this morning from ,101 Ranch, Bliss Oklahoma, where they have been for some weeks with the Blakely Band. 9 11 Table Potatoes—No. 1 10 lbs. 33c Catsup—l4 ozs. 10c Apple Butter—Quart 20c IO pounds of Sugar pCp in paper bags . . . UUu COOKING OIL Yz Gallon 73c 1 Gallon * $1.39 5 Gallons $6.73 PURE LARD 1 lb 19c 2 lbs 37c 4 lbs -73 c 48 lbs $6.85 MY ROSE FLOUR 12 lbs -48 c 24 lbs. _£ -89 c 48 lbs $1.73 Smoked Bacon—Lb. 25c Smoked Sausage—Lb. 20c No. 2Yz size can Sliced Pineapple 28c 1-lb. box Excell Crackers 10c Fresh Bread Saturday 10c RRYANT TURNER Cash to All One Low Price to All MR. AND MRS. Chipstead Grubbs, Messrs. Walter Whitchard, R. M. Hobbs and Wade Beard went with the excursionists to St. Andrews Bay Sunday. MR. AND MRS. Joe Vinson and little son left last Friday for Atlantic Beach, on an outing of the Anni versary Club of the Southern States Life Insurance Company. • • • ONE DAY last week lightning struck the yard fence of Mr. Ledg er Grier, at Freeman’s, and played many pranks, but no one was se riously shocked. Several chickens were killed and quite a number of collards were torn up in the garden. BLAKELY CHAPTER 44 R. A. M. Blakely Chapter 44 W Royal Areh Masons meets on the second and fourth Monday sights of each month at 8 o’clock. Visiting companions invited. W. P. Smith, High Priest. J. G. Standifer, Secretary. We write all forms of War Damage Insurance Middleton Insurance Agency