Early County news. (Blakely, Ga.) 1859-current, November 09, 1961, Image 5

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EARLY COUNTY NEWS, BLAKELY, GEORGIA j/ufid /I/(/eeé By EARL “TIGE” PICKLE An Asian astrologer says the world | is coming to an end next February. If Mother Nature is planning to commit suicide on this date, she may find herself too late and that some durn fool with a big bomb has already done the job for her. . - . If an enemy ever does take over this country, he will probably do it some Saturday afternoon when everybody is at a football game or at home watch ing it on television. Wouldn't it be ironic if we found ourselves destroyed by the very thing we love so much. Sorta like a devoted wife shooting her ever-lovin’ husband. ' L * * Georgia politicians are in a quan dary as to when to hold the next state primary. Some clamor for an early one, while others say wait until next September. I don’t suppose it makes much difference either way, as that bunch in Atlanta is going to stay until January 1963 anyway. g 5 = A new loan company is going up on South Main Street. My knowledge of' the loan business is strictly one-sided.l but off hand I would say that it will| do some business. That is, I believe the company will have plenty of op portunities to make loans. s 9 Our Bobcats have done just what we asked them to do. They won the 1-B West championship, and Coach Knight won the toss, and the right to play Blackshear in Blakely. Now it is up to the fans to do their part. Our part is to have the biggest crowd we've ever had at Standifer Field. If the weather is pretty, the park won't be large enough. But if it rains—remem ber that Blakely-Quitman game a few years ago and how the game was play ed in a down pour on a field already about a foot deep in water. . It is always good to hear from Blakely boys im service. A report comes from Charles Cosby with the U. S. Navy in Hong Kong. Charles recently got promoted to Seaman Sec ond Class and on his 25th birthday. Glad to her from you, Charles, and hope by the time you have another birthday 'you will be a bit closer to some home cooking. Charles is the son of Mrs. Mavis Cosby. ¥ " { Work on Southern’s paper mill at Cedar Springs goes forward at a rapid pace, and reports are that the office force now in Atlanta and Manchester will be moving this way soon. * % % It now has been 52 days since any rain of any appreciable amount has fallen in Blakely. It has been so dry that Blakely’s main diversion, fishing, DR. A. HAMP CLARK OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted N. Main Bt. Tel. 5351 % BOTH KINDS Yo o At this bank we feel Vi~ that the personal inferest N. ¥ shown in our customers’ N satisfaction and N A financial well being a& J A= is of equal importance E.. to the dollars and cents s ) interest paid on our rJ/ 4 Savings accounts. i Zome in now, and find ~hat q pisasant ‘ experience banking .‘ with us will be. W o J BANK OF EARLY = TLAKELY, GFORGIA | TR 2SA NA E=i===al * THE BANK OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" has been slowed almost to a stand still. A fellow claims he saw a three weeks' old catfish that didn't even know how to swim, » & .» With the building of a new bank and a hospital scheduled for next year, Blakely should enjoy its best year in construction. Building work, close to a million dollars, will be going on at one time. These two projects alone will be a big help to the ecenomy of our town, . 4 The Blakely and Colquitt bands staged a fine half-time show at the football game Friday night. Quite of ten in our excitement of football, we forget there are other commendable groups at the high school, too. The band, cheerleaders and twirling ma jorettes contribute greatly to the school, too. We've got the prettiest ma jorettes and cheerleaders of any school in our region. I don't say this because of my hometown pride, either. I say it because it is true, CITATION GEORGIA. EARLY COUNTY. To All Whom It May Concern: Bertha Lee Powell having applied to me for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of Sam Hall, deceased, the heirs and creditors of Sam Hall are hereby cited to show cause before the court of Ordinary of Early County, Georgia, at the Decem ber, 1961, term, if any they can, why letters of administration de bonis non should not be granted on the estate of Sam Hall. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 6th day of November, 1961. THEO WILLIAMS, Ordinary. 11-9 4tc CITATION GEORGIA, Early County. ! Whereas, Bertha J. Willis Jones, Guardian and Ex Of. Administratrix of the estate of Elder D. Johnson, de ceased, has filed her petition for dis charge as such administratrix of said estate, as provided in Section 113-2301 of the Code of Georgia, all persons con cerned are required to show cause at the December term of the Court of Ordinary of said County why said discharge should not be granted. THEO WILLIAMS, Ordinary CITATION GEORGIA, Early County. | TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ~ Williard Dußose, of said State and County, having applied to me for Let ters of Administration de bonis non with will annexed, on the estate of ‘Mrs. Sallie L. Dußose, deceased, this is to cite the creditors and next of kin of said deceased, to be and appear at the December Term, 1961, of the Court of Ordinary of said County, and show cause if any they can, why let ters of administration de bonis non with the will annexed should not be granted to said Williard Dußose on said estate. Witness my official signature, this Ist day of November, 1961. THEO WILLIAMS, Ordinary Tor : “vs DR. WHALEN L. GEORGE CHIROPRACTOR 208 South Main Street Telephone 3060 Blakely, Ga Closed All Day Thursday NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC To Whom It May Concern: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that there will be heard before the Judge of the Superior Court of Early Coun ty, Georgia, on the 11th day of Novem ber, 1961, at 10 o'clock A .M. at the courthouse in the City of Blakely, Georgia, the case of State of Georgia vs. Early County, Number 232, pend ing in said court, the same being a pro céeding to confirm and validate a $256,000 Hospital Bond issue of Early County, and any citizen of the State of Georgia residing in said County or any other person wherever residing, who has a right to object, may become a party to these proceedings. BERT TARVER, Clerk, Superior Court, » Early County, Georgia s 1142 & Save One-Third for a limited time only s.fé : A 45 A Ly =Y g/ 7 (") ~\'“,‘.';.fif',-f/: 'R«f ' = :-.\_ z) N7] XN s Vil e AN == S s 'g\)é/fi" )W)/ By, O S e on this elegant 4-piece *GEORGIAN ROSE” TEA SET IN STERLING by REED & BARTON For the first time in its history, Reed & Barton offers its long established “Georgian Rose” Sterling Tea Set at 1% off the regular price. Four piece set regularly $603 now is only $399. Special savings also on 3 and 5 piece sets. GRAY JEWELRY CO. BLAKELY, GEORGIA At ' ‘E&DEN . VLE 5 fi MEM3IR, THE ORDER %e OF THE GOLDEN RULE “ A Thought for Teday - By: Edsel W. Bryan “He who decides a case without hearing the other side, though he decides justly, cannot be considered . Seneca. & There are, we know, two sides to every question. It doesn’t necessarily follow that these sides can always be properly identified as being a right and wrong, in fact judicious interpretation may have to . rely on degree of right or wrong to arrive at any worthwhile decision whatever. At any rate, decision based on hearing one side alone may be correct, but this should be as much a matter of forunate choice as it is of justice. On this -Uurod B Uueyj} aJowr INI[ 0} paseqap st dnsnl siseq tlipping 50-50 proposition. . : ~— Ealll f‘\'!‘:: : | S = A W S Iw~Al = h | (ol A Ae 1 | p———— e A —— 1 | e T REL ST =T U]“w i bl’ | /;L“m" I ‘li' Ej‘é}l‘l‘lal_'»Ji!li()l%{ill{]&'L,|.|9|||nElfluli’llfill @I l'l" ’ ‘\ s ':l* %;‘"”m-\;s‘,;;m; L G 24 HOUR AIR CONDITIONED OXYGEN EQUIPPED l AMBULANCE SERVICE Dial 20" MOSELY LIVESTOCK COMPANY TEL. 3944 D - "' YWA \ i &\'»“ ) : J é;a‘ _. 1-0-A-N-S Our business is loans to those who desire finan cial aid based on weekly and monthly repayment plan, subject to liberal credit requirements. SOUTHERN FINANCE COMPANY 149 N. Main St. Blakely, Ga. An irish potato of medium size— boiled, baked or pressure cooked— provides only about 100 calories, or about the same amount as a large apple or orange, according to Dr. Mary Gibbs, Extension consumer marketing specialist. In Hightower Subdivision, 50’ x 120’; Seven-Room House; Paved Walk. A Desirable Home. If Inter ested Write G. W. SWORDS, Ashford, Alabama BLAKELY, GA. DAILY CASH MARKET FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Auction Every Tuesday g M ¢ o =2 s ~obes Ak st/ *33 B2¥ ROYAL CROWN COLA |V} &2 Pt 3RS S -‘k:""f‘f:.*: “\k\ RS Fo e SN . ¥ . N ) -,."~::t-i‘, : i ‘>i‘ '- h“" »-‘-\.3 % . T "‘3’%*\ g e R i R S ‘X-t;v .} 1-'::: ei§ c . ‘ G 5o e i R &y g N |'E A g . 4 Turning on the water faucet in our homes today is something we do with little or no thought that it has not always been so easy for everyone to have running water—under pressure. . ‘”&» ae et o / Rural Electrics were born of the need by rural people for electric service at reasonable rates . . . . Rural Electrics made modern living possible in most areas outside the city limits . . . . Charige . . ;. for the bether . . . . - is a watchword in the Rural Electrifi ‘ * cation program. Change for the better 8 ts the product of the faith, determina~ ticn, and perseverence of the rural people of America in a cooperative ef fort to help themselves! ... ./~ { % ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP B s CORPORATION CINO \ = « NN COMMUNITY OWNED ¢ COMMUNITY BUILT AIR-CONDITIONED OXYGEN EQUIPPED 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE —— MANRY-MINTER FUNERAL HOME BLAKELY, GA. PHONE 4184 il s WE SERVICE ANY INSURANCE POLICY Agent For Family Fund Life Insurance Company CEPPOIECOVPIPVIIPLICPP2LVOO 2000000069006 000E0 SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! Be prepared. Come by and look over our complete line of School Supplies. Help your child have a good attend ance record this year by starting them on the proper Vitamin Formula. WE ARPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. y 2 Z - Thursday, November 9, 1961