Newspaper Page Text
’The Weekly.
i<iil -^Ttf ‘""H rlinrr of th
Her. Mr. Woodruff preached at
city and county AWAIBS.
The work on the Episcopal church
is progrejseing finely. stt will be
n(*al and tasty edifice whcD comple
ted. , .
One more unfortunate weaif of
life, rashly importunate seek,n »
wife, will And one in a few days. W
arc invited to the wedding-
rKRsOX.iL.-Mr. BraceweH, agent
for the Atlanta Sun, and R. L. Oon-,
try B&q., of the Savannah Morning
5cws were in town last weeW They
represent two of the best papers m
the State.
Magazines.—The Southern Farm
A Home for March is on our table
In point of typography it is the best
in the South, otherwise it has but
few equals. Published by Boyt &
Chapman, Memphis - Term. Terms
$*2 per annum, in advance.
The Rural Carolinian, for March,
is a splendid number. Published by
Walker Eyins A Cogswell, Charles
ton, S. C.. Price $2,00 per annum.
Kiver News.—The river is rising.
Steamer Baudy More arrived from
Columbus yesterday, and departed
for Apalachicola.
Spring.—The past few days have
'been very pleasant, a fitting prelude
to the smiling Spring awaiting us.
Even now the buds arc putting forth,
mu] the flowers-are blooming, filling
the atmosphere with richest perfume.
Bainbridge in the Spring is a perfect
Nature’s paradise, hit its thousands
of oaks are the grimiest in the world,
aul in their green costumes would
enrapture even the heart of a mill
stone, while its cedars are equal in
magnificence to those of Lebanon.
i>o with the song we say:
Winsome Spring, sn>ilin'$Sj»ing.
ltich the blessings thou dost bring—
Let iw sing—briimv Spring, .
Personal.—That popular and en
ter]), using yourtg merchant, Mr.
Simon A. Weil, will leave on Satur
day night next for the purpose of
layiug in a large ami splendid stock
of Spring Goods, consisting of ladies’
line dress goods, gents’ fine- clothing,
boots and shoes, hats and caps, etc.
31 r. Weil thoroughly understands
the wants of the Decatur people and
lie is determined to supply them.
We call attention of otir readers
to the announcement elsewhere of
the ,< City” and “Tennessee’’ stables.
W. W. Wright, Esq., proprietor
of the City Stables, will please accept.
<our Editor’s thanks for the superb
turn-out furnished him last Tuesday
Brins along the Babies.—Since
our last issue we have received visits
from Capt. Peabody, Jr., and Miss
West, «3s« junior. They arc both
bright-looking, intelligent little fel
lows, and will certainly be much
ndmired in the coming baby-show.
The Bainbridge Drohuct Confer
ence.—Will be held in Bainbridge,
April 3—Delegates and others
who may attend this Conference,
will ploase furnish me at once with
names. Brethren will please re
member this, or else a place cannot
be provided for them, i Delegates
who cannot, come, need only report
their own names, as their alternates
will represent them,
W. Knox.
bath, morning and evening. _Wj
hear that it is^pigfoable lie will
hope it is §o. J j ' "
Another Good Mas Gone.i—We
regret to learn that Mr. Ira Cox,
one of the best citizens of our coun
ty, died on Sunday morning last;
which event occurred at his resi
dence near Attapulgus-
lie was a farmer, and had made
extensive preparations for this year.
He was respected by all who knew
him. * ‘ / jT ,
*ii mm ——
A party of Bainbridge sqpenaders
roused up th^ natives of Thomasville
last Tuesday night.
Business has been very dull the
past week, owing no doubt to the
tine^weathcr we have been having;
which gives* the country people a
chance to look after their planting
interests more, and to come to town
See account of late fire on first
Much Needed.—The •steps -in
front of the Methodist Church are
sadly' in need of repair. In their
present condition they arc positively
dangerous. This thing should be
attended.*to before the District Mcet-
ing. ’ ‘ " ’ '
John Christian, of the Lumpkin
Telegraph, may blow just as much as
he pleases about the pretty widows
of his village; it is his prerogative.
But, John, just visit Bainbridge
once, and you'll never brag any
' A ■— mtT- ~ V r
Inventions.^Dr. M. L. Battle;
of this city, has made somh'veif^
useful inventions recentfy, and we
ic&rn has applied for patents. There
Is An independent fortune in one of
his articles, in our opinion, and we
hope the Doctor will realize it.
A New Fire Company.—We learn
that a movement is on foot to organ
ize a new fire company, which we
prcSumc will be successful, as the
recent conflagration vdenionsti ated
so practicably the utility of such an
addition to the Department.
The' Fire Department got well to
work on. the burning buildings last
Saturday morning at about three
o’clock. Before the flames had fully
■subsided The Democrat published a
two-column extra giving the full de
tails of the fire.
Literary, —We learn that a lady
of unmistakable talent, In this' city,
is engaging in writing a novel.—
What the title of her book is, we
have not found out. :
JIknCopartnership.—Mr. R. W.
Davis, of this city, tatorms us that
he is the owner of a, pair of hens,
l*>th of which occupied the same
nest, and laid fourteen eggs between
them, set upon them alternately and
came off together with fourteen little
chicks. That is certainly a harmon
izing family.
T. B. IIunnbwell & Co.—This
popular firm have renewed their ad
vertising contract—a full double
column—with us, but on account of
our limited space, their new adver
tisement will net appear Aiitik foext
week, which we regret very much.
This firm is the most; liberal patron
of the press in the city, and being
thorough business men they know
that every dollar invested in that
way pays them back au .hundred
Messrs. T. B. Hunnewell & Co.
have jtist received 150 ban-els flour,.
20.000 pounds bacon, 1,000 .bushels
corn, 200 bunches cotton yarns, and
6.000 yards of shirtings and sheet
ings, all of which they sell at most
reasonable prices. Give them a call.
—*g ■?
We Want evert tailoring man in
Decatur county onTHE^UEMocRArs
subscription list. They will find it
to their advantage to know what is
going on; and they will always have
The Democrat ready and willing to
advocate their interest.
Morgan & Harrell.—Wc refer
^Pwial attention to the advertise
ment of this new firm in our issue of
{"■day. They are doing a Drug
business, and their stock is complete
iu every particular. Dike them.- a
oaH, and you will never regret hav
ing done so. - •
The steamboat excursion is deter- ( 25 Cans A. No. I butter 5 lbs cans
li 1 It iB to be a grand fjost received and for sale by
i TM f’ikB.-'-Tbe following are .tfce
eorreet loeegfes lay tieJale fire: The
Comer house awhedil^jbclclv^s A:
Terrell was insured for $1,000, the
stock for $3,000. The other two,
owned by A. P.-&S. L. Belcher, had
$500 insurance on each. Tb§ stock
of Courtney & Andrews was insured
for $500. Belchers & Terrell saved
their books, and nearly all their
money and papers.
Major Terrell lost all of his private
•apers, »nd as former Internal Rev-
nueSAgent, all of his t&l books-.and
papws, which, if the cottotptax is
tifref.tefuneffed, would have been of
much value to him and others.
The total loss of Belchers & Ter
rell, above their insurance, is about
$1,500 on their goods, and the same
amount on their house.
Where the fire originated has not
yet been fully ascertained. Some
contend that it originated in Court
ney & Andrews’ tin shop, while
others are firmly convinced that it
caught in Hcppie & Perry’s restau
rant. -*• ,
29 teoxe^c
for sale by
T. Reid*Co.
— VI I
■' A>‘ lgLAt w the only one that can uniformly be
lKp6Bdc(rvGL' •»>-*
Collins Steel Plow is said to be
ttfeftilly durable. Such elegant steel i:
U>«hts of course are costly, but they are 'far
cheaper for our planters in thfflong ran,
the old fashioned iron Pl# "*
Poisoned To Death. '
A_he»lthj liver secrete* each dsy aboot two and a
* “ tontaiii* a greet au»o»nt
htM piel. Wbsa tli*
dree been— tonmor ffasgsuti-d. It fclle to elimi
nate ffiis anil around* of qMdou* substance. which,
therefore remains to'poiaoa the blood and be c
v*r«d to ( Very part of tbe eyst-m. What trad
the oondiMoo of the blood when it ia receiving and
retaini ug aafch day two and a half pounds affeoisou?
Fees* Gabdxn Seed. — Ueesm. Batts
fit Peabody b»v4 jus* received ik '^nry
targe assortment of beak Gabdkn ~
iron tbe beeI prod nee re in the
We never'saw a better lot of seed
life/ Just go down to their vtell-known
aud popular drag rtore, and examine
them, for now ia the time to begin to
prepare yonr garden.
The masterly IsMfiritr Policy
—Mo wltWtriK
[Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch]
WashiSgtonJ February 27111.-1116
‘"masterly in activity” of the Democrat-
Do- you Trantt youT darpefiler-’s
work done well ? l)o yOu want it
done quickly ? Do you want it done
cheaply ? If so, T. M. Shy tie is your
r America.
M. M; Cohen has 4, very large
stock of'dry-goods, groceries, etc.,
in store and to arrive. lie sells
goods cheap for cash or country
produce. Give him a call.
Jake Born’s harness establishment
has-become a househaJd word in this
section ol country. The merit of his
goods being known, it was soon
noised abroad, and to*day Jake is
puLia Uis,trumps to fill .Jjic pplcrs
its fast as they come’ ih. He jias
Harness, sjadies, leathers, shoe-find
ings, beltings, etc., iu profusion. Go
for him.
Send your printing to The Demo
crat Job Printing Establishment.
John I. Robison doesen’t keep a
grocery or dry-goods store, but he
does the best, carpenters work and
more of it than any other mechanic
in the city.
. * . Eniy, uKipaciiy 10 serp me muiu on any suDjecx,
1C partv, indicated through Uleit rep-' tmiunrment of memory, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous
* ^ * fft^ltn/TD rrtrtAmV fttoi Knetiw anal ipuitnkl .tfw <\f turn-
resentativea in both branches of Con
gress, troubles the proscriptioniaU of
the Radical camp no little. They have
never given the Democracy credit for
discretion at anv time, and a favorite
as well a» sneering iHtnaik relative
to th* future operations of that politi
cal organization, from Radical lips,
has been that the leader*. Wri^-eertain-
ly make “fo- is” of themselves again;
This remark has not been a strange
one in this capital, but its Utterance is
becoming “beautifully less,” and some
very serious thoughts are taking pos
session of those who ha re hogged
that, fond delusion to thir souls.
The results of the Democracy es>
chewing any such character in Virgin
ia, Missouri and Tennessee; are re
opening to the vision of the loud
mouthed disciples of Radicalism, who
liaVe ruled and nearly ruined for so
ong, and the -indications that they
will take national turn afford no re
lief from the demoralization that js
now spreading rather widely in their
Ttiere are expressions of great
anxiety in all quarters as to future
party developments; bnt on the pait
of leaders of the opponents of the
Radical party there seems no disposi
tion to hurry. Complacency rules,
and it is evident that they consider,
that ample time remains yet in which
to open the campaign. Tim of.
The romantic youth Who slept on
“abed of roses all sprinkled with
dew,” waked up next morning with
tlid “rheiunatiz;” lmt the sensible
man who bought liis wife one of E.
Johnson’s cooking stoves, got up in
flie moi-ning to the nicest breakfast
he had .ever seen,, and. his “guile
wief ’ was all smiles “to boot.”
H. B. Ehrlich is going to Europe
on a visit soon, but will leave his
mammoth grocery establishment,
wliere people can got just as many
nice things to eat as ever. Go over
,apd purchase. ^ s
Young gentlemen would find it to
their interest to go NuuL take a look
at the fine Spring Cassimcres now
’offing opened at Noel Gainey & Co’s
Clothing ^tjorc, before purchasing
elsewhere.'Arty quantity of clothing
on hand.
• v In your rambles about, tire, city in
search ot nice provisions for the table
don’t forget to call on I. Kwilecki &
gEio.. Sheir gtQck of- groceries is
unsurpassed. A nice Tot of dry
goods always on hand.
Dick McGoldrick is no lawyer,
neither is he a doctor—but he is the
best blacksmit h in town. Plantation
work he makes a specialty. He can
be. found at the sliop on tlfe corner
of Water and West streets. All
work warranted,
d —t- b .
Our readers have all heard of that
magnificent collection" 6f jewels,
precious stones, etc., that the Queen
of Siieba was so good as to give old
‘man Solomon. Well, Subcrs, of the
Bainbridge Jewelry Store, has a
h more magnificent
sl»s watefi^s, ra<x5ks, ertt
e|e. Go aad* see him.
The Eclectic Magazine.—Tins
valuable repository of the best for
eign and domestic literature in the
English language, for March, is at
hand. Like all of its predecessors,
it is first class, and worthy of a
place in every household in the land.
Terms $5 per annum. E. R. PeHon,
Publisher, New York City.
Bainbridge District Conference.
—This body will begin its session on
Wednesday night, the 3d of April,
at Bainbridge, and embrace the fbl-
Wing Sabbath.
^ Bishop Pieree will preside. Intro
ductory sermon by Rev. Walter
R. B. Lester, P. E.
The Knights of Pythias.—This
time-honored Order has been estab
lished in the city. Quite a number
of our citizens have joined. The
Order is one of the noblest in exist
ence, and we predict for it great
success in Bainbridge.
The Southern Sun.—From the last
number of this paper we learn that
it will be published hereafter by R.
M. Johnston, Mr. John R. Hayes,
tho former publisher, retires.
Removal.—Dick McGoldrick lias
removed his blacksmith shop to the
building on the eorncr of Water aud
West streets, where he is ready to
do all kinds of work in his line,
Dr. J. D. Hoyl & Bro. haVc in
store the most complete assortment
pf Lamps aud Lamp Fixtures ever
brought to this market. Pure drugs,
close attention to business and the
liberality of the proprietors have
given this house the enviable repu
tation of having the best drug es
tablishment in Southwestern Geor
4rVf —'44—
Go to W. C. Subers’ to buy Italian
Violin and Guitar Strings at 15 to
20 cents, same as are sold iu large
cities at 20 to 25 cents. He will sell
Violins at $2 25, with box, bow and
strings complete.
Acowrteons at $2 00, and all other
Musical Instruments in proportion to
quality, etc. All who wish to “soothe
the savage breast” call around and
equip yourselves. tf
The Snake Dance in., tiie Black
Crook.— What dayoti ibink of-a young
lady dancing with a snake—a great
six fo<>t snake, wound around her nock?
They do ii Nihlo’s. Aud it is a real
snake. It hasn’t eaten anything in
ihicc month?. It only oats twice n
year. Then it gorges i’self enough
(,0 last. When it does ca‘, they say It
moves like lightnings and devours
anything wiihin its reach. A beauti
ful girl—Sa-si is her name—Hf S the
reptile from the urn and coils it
around her Deck, yes, lays it against
her naked bosom! Now she dances
witloit in the.air, while the snake
darts out its tongue between two eyes
w hich seetn to spit fire. The audience
is transfixed with horror,, ar.d they
feel relieved when So,-si finally goes
through the pantomime as if *he were
charmed and then bitten by the snake.
Falling on the floor the audience shud
der for fear the snake ba& really bit
ten her, and the snake is left in a coil
upon the stage. They say this beauti
ful girl is curiously affected by the
snake. She goes off the singe oncon?
cerced, but she breathes as if she had
gone through a trying ordeal—just es-
capir.g death. She breathes fast, a
hectic dusk is upon her <5btck> and cold-
drops of sweat stand npon her fore
head. By and by, after vigorous fan
ning, the beautiful Coryphee is -re
stored, the siiftke is coiled up in a
box in Harry Palmer’s office, and the
glory, of the “Black Crook” goes on.
—Eli Perkins in the New York C9m-
It is generally believed that Stokes,
the assassian of James Fisk, Jr.,
will escape the gallows- Although
Fisk was a very bad roan, we do
not think Stokes any the less guilty
of a capital crime in putting an end
to his existence^ *
Fine selection ladies? Furs and
Mnfls. Latest styles. Just received
and for sole by
A. T. Reid * €0.
What Dyspepsia may End In-
Indigestion is Hot dangerous, (tty the fac
ulty,- Perhaps not in itself, while it remains
mere indigestion'; but look at the consequen
ces to which it may lead, and often does
lead when it becomes a chronic disease-. A
spark of fire is a small thing. A pressttl-e
of the foot will put it out; a breath will dis
tinguish it Yet it may fire a powder still,
or kindle a flame that will cohsflme a city.
In like manner indigestion may produce
. gastritis, cancer of the stomach, congestion
of the bowels, apoplexy, liver disease, and
many other dangerous maladies, Is it not
wise, then, to check if in the germ ? Noth-
ingjs more clearly and indisputably estab
lished tnan that Hoetetier's Stomach Bitters
will eradicate dyspepsia p all its stages.
The trn policy, however, is to extinguish it
in the first Stages with this wholesome, pow
erful, and infallible tonic and alterative, It
is easier to quench a spark than a flame, and
it is easier to cure dyspepsia when it is fin*
develoned. *»-»" when it has made headway
by nefpeoA and become complicated with
other ailments. These is not the shadow of
a doubt that the bitters are as antagonistic
to dyspepsia as water to to fire. There are
thousands of bases on rtcocd providing -this
fact The remedy is safe and agreeable.
AH the liquors of commerce prescribed ,as
stimulants leavf a sting behind. But the
rfiny is taken out of |he spirituous baas of
tkUgteat remedyb»r‘vegetable medication,
and, moreover, the stimulant thus medica
ted is of exceptional purity. Of all tonics
taken te safeguards or remedies for fever and
ague, bifnous remittents; and other epidem-
5 R.
U>rir natural fauctions,
the ptwan. but be-
to perfi
terns o:
•The, i
thi* labors in addition w-1
ail cannot long withal and
come variously di, t d.
fliK brain, which .»the Rivet electr'cal centre of
ail vitality, is unduly atiniulatrd by the unhealthy
blood wtiich iuw to it from the heart, and it faiia
rform Its office healthfully. th* «yrep
ot bile poisoning, which are dnilneaa. bead-
incapacity to keep the mind on any subject,
rment of memory, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous
feelings, gloomy fbceboding and irritability of tem
per. The bleed itself being diseased as it forms (he
sweat upon th* surface o. the skin, it is so irritating
and poisonous that it produces discolored browu
spots. pimples, blotches and otlisr eruptions, screw
bods. carbuncles and scrofulous tuns ors. The
stomsfh, bowels and other organs spoken of, can
not sneape becoming affected sooner or later, and
cosUrenetas, pi les, dropsy, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, fe
male weakness and many ether for-ns of chronic
diwtee, an among ths necessary results. As a
remedy for all these Various manifestations of dis
ease. 3>r, Pierce’s Golden "Medical IHscovery is
positively wnequallod. By it the liVer and stomach
are changed to an active, healthy state, the appetite
regulated and restored, the blood and secretions
thoroughly purified and enriched, ahd the wholf
system renovated and built up anew Sold by all
first o}a*s druggist.
Hn Every Quarter or tlie Globe w here it
28 known, and there are few indeed where it is not,
the Mexican Mustang Liniment takes precedence
of similar preparations. Its traueundent merits
have obtained foi it ajtapularity seld »m reached by
eny proprietary medicine, In itssfaney the fiat 0/
its success was pronounced iu the wide-spread” en
dorsement which it received from jjhyeiciohs, ver*
teiinary surgeons; horsemen aud the public gen
erally. * No one thinks of questioning its claim to be
considered the Standard Liniment of
I wish to inform the readers of the Semi-
Weekly Argus, that I am now prepared to do
all khub.of
graining, marbling, Tater Hakg-
Ih all colors. X ftm prepared to do work in
the country or neighboring towns. Have on
hand k flue assortment of Plufite. Mv prices
are moderate and I guarantee myWork to
stand. Call on or address
oct!3 ly Bainbridge, Ga.
Premature Loss of the Hair, may be en
tirely prevented by the uf ebf. Bumett’e Coeoaine.
It has never failed to arrest decay, aud to promote a
healthy aud vigoroo* growth. It ia at the aame time
uurivallwias the hair,
Cast Them Out. If there are any diaei
which deaerve the name demoniac, Dyapc
one of them. It racks and tears the system line a
veritable fiend, and renders Hfe a burden. The
medicines of the dispensary will not excel it. Cast
it bift with Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Ititters,
There is no form of indigestion or liver Complaint
that cAn withstand this potent touic and alterative.
No Ladies Toilet Complete Unless there
be the fragrunt-Sozodon—unto the breath sweet or-
dors it imparts, the gums a ruby redness soon as
sumes, tbe teeth quick rival alabaster tint, and seem
as peral set iu a coral vase.
§30,000 Will Be Paid for any Remedy
which will care Obrouic Rheumatism. Pains in the
Limbs, Back rnd Chest. SOrb Throat, Insecjr Stings,
Croup Dysentery, Colic. Sprains, aiyl Vomiting
quicker than Dr. Tobias * Venetian Liuiineut, estab
lished in 1*17. Never fails. Sold by the Druggist,
. epot 10 Part Place, Sew York.
Carbolic Salve, recommended by th* lead
ing Physicians aud the President of the. New York
Board of Health, as th# moat wonderful Healing
compound ever known, (lives instant relief to bums,
cures'all kinds of sores, cuts aud wounds; aud a
most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold every
where at 25 cents. John F. Henry, sole Propri-tur.
8 College Plaoc, New York,
SVAPMA is Opium purified of its sickening
and poisonous properties, discovered by Dr. Bige
low, Professor of Botany* lictriot Medical College.
A most perfect anodyne and'aoDthiug opiate. John
Farr, Chemist, Ne‘«, York.
Christ:!doro's Hair Dye is the safest and
■ beet. It corrects the bad effects of inferior dyes,
wliile the black'or brown tints it produces are iden
tical to nature. Factory 68 Maiden Lane, New York.
Pratt's Astral Oi —Safest and best Illumina
ting Oil ever niude. Does not take fire or explode,
if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,000 fami
lies ci'uliunehUisttJf aud r oWccideut ol any dis-
cription have <veurre>l from it Oil House <8
Charles Pratt, established 1870, New York.
Tbe Purest aud Sweetest Cod Ltver
Oil in the world is Haanrd-i Caswell’s, made on
Pie sea-shore, I'-om fresh selected livers, hv Cas-
weLl. Ilaziirl & Co.. New York. It is absolutely
-pure ami sweet, patients whu have once taken ft
periV-r it to all others. Physician* haredecided ii
superior to auy or the other oiis iu the market.
Jotivln’s IuodOraut Kid drove Clean
er restores ? oilial gloves equal to new. Ewr Sale
Bv rnggists andFsUcy Goods Dealers, /’rice 25
■cents per bottle. F. C. Well* As Co , New York;
R|<ley’i F^hilotoltell ia an established.
warranted remedy for Painful Menstruation; and
equni'.y elfi.-icut as a Nrrvmis Aglidute iu all eases
of Nervous Exeiteiaeut, Stomach aiid Sleepless
ness in male or ferns le. Sold everywhere t-r *1 00
a bottle. Moegan £ Biaiey, Druggists. New York,
General Agente.
A Yoiithail .(ppritrn Tier and » BftauHfijl
Clear Complexion is tbe desire of everybody* Thia
Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth In* Syrup.—It re
lieves ihe little sufferer front pnia, cures Wind,
CoBcs, Begnlates the'Stomach slid Bowels, Cor
rects Acidity, and during the process of teething it
is invaluable. Perfectly safe in all cases, as mill
ions of mothers can testily
Owing to the high price of feed, and the
irregularity of charges heretofore, the pro
prietor of both Stable have thought proper
to adopt a regular rate of charges, to take
effect on and after March 1st, 1872, which
will be as follows :
Horse and Boggy per day ■ • S 5 00
Horse and Buggy afternoon 3 00
Horse, Buggy and Driver per day 6 00
Horse and Buggy per week 28 00
Horse, Buggy and Driver per week... 35 00
Saddle Horse per day. * 3 00
Saddle Horse per week 17 00
Buggy and Harness per day 3 00
Single Peed
Board per day...*
Board per mouth.
Board pr. mo. for Horse & Buggy...
Stallage without copying pr. day
Stallage with currying per day.......
Proprietor City Stables.
Proprietors s Tennessee Stables.
apri!29 2t
1 50
21 00
25 00
! v
Broaf Street,
Keeps constantly on hand
Fancy Goode,
foe., Arc,
In great variety, which for style, quality and
price cannot be excelled. A full line at
in Store.
*»*WATCilES and 4E1TELRY repaired
at abort notice, and warranted. bct!7 ta
' « ALSO
White Goode, aci Erirroiderier, Ac
airuaal* ows Z wn. a. cnawrorr
Office in the «urt nouse. dec2-ly
Importers, Mannfiicturera and robbers
ribbons, rkzrxrr ribbons, neck
F LOWERS, Feathers, Ornaments. Frames
etc. Straw Bonnets and Ladies and
Children's Hats, trimmed and uutrimmed.
And in connecting wareroems White Goods,
linens, Embroideries, Laces, Nets, CoHhm,
Setts, Handkerchiefs, Veiling; Head .Nets,
Ac., Ac
Tea. 237, and 1*3(9, Baltimore Street,
These goods are manufactured liy us nr
bought for Cash directly from the European
and American Manufacturers, embracing
all the latest novelties, nneqanllcd ia vari
ety and cheapness in any market.
filled with cafe, promptness and
d -spatch.
William Knabe & Go.,
Grand, Square & Upright
These Instruments have been before the
public for neurlw thirty jr«A£B,.„and.. ngpxi
their excellence afone attorned and finpnr-
chased pre-emlyq^e, which pronounces
thefH unequaledrhY'
Tone, Touch, Workmanship and Dura,
All our Sqttabe Pianos have our New Im
proved Overstrung locale and the Agraffe
Treble. We would call special attention to
onr late Patented Improvements in Grand
Pianos and Square Grands, found in no otto
er piano, which bring the piano nearer per-,
fection than has yet been attained
Every Plano Fully Warranted Tor Five
We are by special arrangemeiit enabled to
fnmish Parlor Organs and Melodeons of the
most Celebrated makers, wholesale and retail
at lowest factory prices. Hluptmted cata
logues and price listspromptly furnished on
application to ' ; WM. KNABE & CO.,
IvALTIM.tRE, Mi>..
Or any of our regqlivr-establishcd agencies,
i CU-, «M M A H Ctunm St. N. T.
wnuon Bear Testimony to their
. Wonderful Curative Effects.
Thiay are fist a vile Fancy Drink, Mafia of Poor
Mam, Whiskey, Pnwf Spirit* and Mansea
Lltaeri,doe tored, splctfi and sweetened to please th*
ttota, Ctnbfi , l h)nia; h “Appetizers,” "Reatorera,” fie.,
that lead the tippler onto dginkenneas and rain, bnt are
k trad Medline, (node from the native ifeots and herb*
tf California, free frsa sen filedwlle Mm.
lasts. They ara tbe OBEAT BLOOB rVXI.
a perfect Renovator and Invigorator #f the System,
earrylng off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood
to d healthy condition. No person cal) take thaas Rit
ters according to directions, and remain long unwell,
provided their buns am not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means; and the vital ttrgana waited
beyond the point of re par.
They areaUeatls Pararatlve ae well as a
TeaSe, possessing else, the peculiar merit of acting-
as a pewerftal agent In relieving Congestion or Inflam-
saatlon of the Liver, and all the visceral Organa
young or eld. married or single, at the dswn of woman
hood or at tho turn of life, then Tonic Bitten have no
For Iafakmatery aad Chronic Bhentan
tlene susd Seat, Byspepd* or Indigestion;
Billons, Beaalttent and Intermittent Fee
vera. Disease* tf ths Blood, Liver, Kid-
nays and Bladder, these Bitters have been meat
successful. Much Diseases are caused by Vitiated
Blood, which is gem-rally produced by derangement
•f tbe Digestive Organ*.
dyspepsia ob iiDiexmox, ne*d
ache. Fain In the Shouldor*, Coughs; Tightness «f the
Cheat, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of th* SlohUch,
had Teste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Ealpltailon *f
ths Hasrt, Inflammation of tbe Lungs, Pain in thd
regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful
symptoms are the offsprings of Dyspepsia.
They Invigorate the Stnmaeh and stimulate the torpid
Liver and Bowels, which render them of nnequalad
efficacy in cleansing the blood sfalllmpuriUes, and Im
parting new life and vlger to the whole system.
FOB SKIM DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Shram, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Car-
hsHClrt, Staff-Worms; Scald Head; Sore Eyes, Erysipe
las, Iteh, Scarfs Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and
Waasaassf tha Skin, tf whatever pama or nature are
literally dug np and carried outofth*system in a abort
time by the uaa of these Bittern One bottle In such
-eases will convince the most Incredulous of their cura
tive affects.
Cleanse tbs Vitiated Blood wbspevrr you find its Im
purities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Erup
tions or Sores; cleanse lt when you find it obetruciefi
and slnggiah la tbe veins; cleanse It when It is foul,
•nd your Ibellags wlU tell yonwbem Keep tbs bleed
pure, and tbe health of tbs system will follow.
^of^JSnX» a^'^ua% r ?i&^
Mid r« moved. “ ** ,LJ
rowing powerful InrigoraUng
The** Bitten an positively invaluable m
. They purify tha system, and will sure
Remittent and Intermittent Fever*,
nervous diseases liver complaint
and are a pravaotivn of Chill* and Few.
All yield to their powerful efficacy
Are an antidote to changs of Water and Dist.
to the wasted fremo, and eoerect *fl
Wfll save days of auffertag to ths sick, and
The grand Fanaaesk foe ali the ilia o< Ufa.
al . bv tlio Paan irr Bofile, by
BABBIT & WARFIELD. BainRridjta, Ga,
Great Tires
In Cnica^n and tbe Wee* by Iter. E. 4. Oodd?|'««dp
D. D., of Chicago, only complete ti**tory. T0» 8 vp-..»
pages; 60 engravings; 7*>,000 already sold% iTrica
|2.iW. 2000 ag.mts w ide in 20 days. Profits ( « >•
^rSerem. Aernta w.*.rtt<*(l. H. S. G(X)DSPluEl ‘ At
Co., 27 Park Pott, JffeMr York.
Bloomington Nursery,
20th year. 800 acres. 13 Green Had re*. Lltg-
est asflttr mont. lUsri stock, horn prieft#. Troaa,
^hriihd, plinlr, seeds* stocks, grafts* etc. 1*0
«age illustrated catalogue tain eenta. Bath,
plant, seed, eutilognes, alt tot laneents*»-
Wholesale price lint,free, band for there, ha-
fore buying e’aewKare.
F. K. FUOENIX Bloomington, IlK
A UtN'l'S WANTED.—Agehtemakefhorff
Jrt. money at work for its than at anything
else. Business light and permanent.. P»r-
ticulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Fiiie Art
Publisher*, Portland, Maine-.
■54.50 to $10 per day, Agents’ wanted. Bend
for particulars. Cirrinlars free- Hi D, Rbi^
eb & Co., Atinnty, Ga.
Soil by an DragiMa ia
t. WALKER, Proprietor. A H. MCDONALD A CO,
Draggtate aad General Agents, Sea Francisco, Cali
fornia, aad S and SI Commerce Street, New York.
E. N. hI a T f
tfolly informs tbe citiaens ofBujn-
and Decatur county, that he is pre-
to do all kinds of boot and shoe work,
with neatness, quickness and cheapness. He
always has on band the finest leathers and
findings, and .therefore can always warrants
good job. Call and see him. next dot r to
Robinson's wood shop. dec5-4a
If you waul Seeds that wfll give entire sat
isfaction, get fhoee raised by -D. C. Btnin—
ard, Society of Shakers, Mount Lebanon,
N. Y. Illast-rated Descriptive Catalogue free
on application, with price cf package; seat
by mail when, ordered, postage . prepaid.
Address D. C. Bbaixabd, Mount Lebanon,
N. Y.
• Orchard Grass $3.50 a bushel. Send 3
cent postage stamp and my complete Priced
: ists of all kinds of Grass Seeds, Field Seeds,
Garden Seeds, Flower ni|d Tree S<?eds, Ag-
rienltnral Implements, Jlaehinety, Gusstoe,
Chemicals, Live Stock, Ac., .will be for
warded yon.. These Priced Lists contain
much valuable infirm fition as to the time
and quantity to plant, Ac-.-, Mask W. John
son, Seedsman, P. O. Box 230 Atlanta, - Ga.
New London] Conn.,
Manufacturers of the “Brown Gfn.” Cotton
Seed Hullers, Machinery and Castings. Man
ufacturers of Harris’ Patent Rotary Steam
Engine—tbe best and cheapest Steam En
gine for plantation purposes- Cotton-gin
makers repairers furnished with all kinds of
materials, SaWfe, Ribs, Pollies, Boxes, etc.,
of any pattern, to order at short notice.
Have bad long experience in the business,
and guarantee gatifaction in every particular,
Orders solicited. Address as above.
Epilepsy Or Fit*.
A sure cure for this distressing complaint
is now made known ina Treatise [of 48 octa
vo pages! fon Foreign and Native Herbal
Preparaf'ons, published by Dr. O. Phelps
Brown. The prescription .Has discovered
by him in such a providential rninner that
he cannot conscientiously refuse to make it
known, a« it has cured everybody who baa
used it for Fits, never having tailed in *
single, case. The ingredients may be ob
tained from any droggntaa cosy sent free to
all applicants by mmf; address Dr. O.
Phelps Brown, 91 Grand Street, Jersey
City, N.J. .
w. o. rums. joaac. bctnerpoib
attorneys at law