The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, March 07, 1872, Image 4

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4 imifettik The Weekly Democrat. Thantor, Jmuuory T, I*7«. A RoUroad Story. “Oris” writes 10 the Cincinnati Times: Let mo relate mn incident of travel ihst occurred when I waa * frisky young man, with a fondness for young ladies’ society. Understand me, I b»v<- no distaste for yoang ladies’ society now; ont they don't seem to banker so much for mine as they did, say twenty years ago. This ia aatuoal enongb. I don’t b’ams them—only they don’t know wbstthey are missing. A friend and myself got on board an express train ono afternoon to make a short trip. Tbaresr’wo entered was full. Only one vacant seat in fact, and that was alongside of a very charming young lady. Friend ;apd I each made a dash for that very des irable vacant seat. It isu’t a fair thing to do, as a general thing, to trip a friend, hot is allowable under lbs cir cumstances, and I gave him just the slightest trip io the world, just enough to get tbs start of him and obtain the coveted seat. My friend took a seat on the wood-box, and looked discon solate enoogh. I {think I added to bis discomfiture by certain triumph ant winks, nods, and motions in which B indulged. The yonng lady was at tractive, and some casus) remarks dropped op one side or the other— yeungfolks will drop remarks occa sionally, and are mors ready to pick it op agaio than old onea—afford an op portunity to glide easily and pleas antly into conversation. She was witty and sprightly, and I grew onusnatly brilliant; that is, to the best of my recollection at this somewhat remote day. My friend, observing this, looked madder than ever. At length we reached a station where the train atopped a me ment..— My friend abdicated the wood-box and rushed out on the platform. Suddenly he returned, and coming quickly to , me seized me by the collar, and raid in a tone heard all through the car: “Quick, now; get right off here.— You con get a job here just as well as not. They tell me there is only one shoemaker in the place, and lots ot work. So take your kit and g6t off before the train starts. No use of looking any further for work. Tramp ing’,all around the country for a job of abocmaking won’t pay. Take work where you find it. That’s my motto.’’ lie almost forced me out of my ^seat with his vehemence, and if 1 hadn’t made a vigorous resistance he would have had me out on the platform. The yonng lady gave me one look of supreme disgust—a tramping jour, shoemaker!—then directed her gaze out of the window, and kept it there for the remainder,of the journey. My friend remounted the wood-box, and indulged in a scries of fiendish grins and malignant couckles as would have justified me in bnrling him from the car, only I was too stupified by the preceding to proceed against him. When I left the car the young lady looked to see if I hadn’t ^.forgot my “kit,” and I am satisfied she thought I had got off to “kick for a job,” as they Bay in shoemaker parlance. TWO A. T. REID & CO. HAVE SOMETHING To Eat and Wear IS ONE, AND IN THE OTHEB! -«« COME AND SEE US I Jg^EEP constantly on hand BACON SIDES, DRY SALT SIDDS, BACON SHOULDERS, DRY SALT SHOULDERS, BACON IIAMS, MESS PORK, by [the barrel. SUPERFINE FLOUR, EXTRA FLOUR, FAMILY FLOUR, GARDNER’S EXTRA FLOUR, PLANT’S EXTRA, DOUBLE ANCHOR BAGGING, IRON TIES, 8UGAR of all grades, BEST COFFEE, MEAL, CORN, RICE, STARCH, SOAP, POTASH, SODA, etc.; SHOES AND BOOTS (ALL GBADES)H ATS AND CAPS CLOTHING, MEN AND BOY’S CLOTH AND OIL CLOTH OVER-COA1S, TRONKS, VALISE8 AND CARPET BAGS. THE NICEST LOT Tatdies’ «fl MmeATs, LADIES’ SHAWLS, NUBIAS, HOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, COLUMBUS MADE GOODS, TRUCK FOR TROWSERS, CASSIMERES, STRIPES, CHECKS, COTTON YARNS, 4-4 SHEETING, 7-8 SHIRTING, 8 oz. OSNA BURGS, CROCKERY OF ALL GRADES, SADDLES, BRIDLES, MARTINGALES, BUGGY HARNESS, TOBACCO of all grades, CHEESE, BUTTER, FISH, FISH ROE. IN SMALL STORE Are Mimed and prescribed by more leading Physicians than any other tonic or stimulant now in use. They are A SORE PREVENTIVE for Fever and Ague, Intermittent,. Billioasness, and all disorders arising from Miasmatic causes They are highly recommended as an anti-dys peptic, and in enacs of indigestion are invaluable as an Appetizer and Reenperant, and in easef of Geneneral Debility they have newer ia asisgle instance failed in produoing the most happy re salts. They are particularly BENEFICIALTO FEMALES,strengthening the body.iUvlgoiating the mind, and giving tone and elasticity to the whole system. The H(**K BITTERS art poaaded with the greatest eare, and no Tonic StiJBan ant fans ever been offered to the pnbtic SO PLEASANT TO THE TASK, and at tbe same time combining so many remedial agents, in dorsed by the medical fraternity aa tbe best known to tbe Pharmacopoeia. It coats little to give them a fair trial, and Every Family Should Have a Bottle. We ask everyone to read the following eortifl- eates from many of the most eminent phy sicians in tbe country: WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, An act has been passed in Eng land subjecting to a lino of £20 any householder who keeps more one pint of benzine in one vessel on the prem ises. There are men in this country who carry more than that quantity, not always steadily, but pretty con stantly, under their belts. A Considerate Parent.—A per son. who farms for a living, some dis tance from the city, rode in a Bpring, wagon into town yesterday, bring ing with him a little sou. After figur ing around for an hour or two, doing worldly business, he pulled up iu frQBkQf a grocery in the suburbs, and went in to refresh and comfort himself, leaving the boy to take care of the horses. The man met some companions in doors, with whom he set about becoming convivial, as is the custom of those who congiegate in suburban groceries. Time sped on, and the boy in the wagon became numbed with the cold, and fell into a sort of stupor. The “lines” drop ped from his fingers, and the horses walked off. Wbea it was time to dis. erse from the grocery, the excellent ier and feeling parent could find neither wagon nor boy. He spent the whole evening looking for -them in the city, and was going home in a half-crazed state, when he met his trusty colored man riding in for a doctor, saying the boy “Tommy was frozen to death.” The horses had walked home, and the stiff child was found still sitting in the seat.—Mem phis Appeal. RUMS, PORTER ALE; Of BY* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. -ffiffi. Will buy Cotton, Corn, Cow Hides, and any other Country Produce. Cash or barter. nov24 Cm A. T. REID & CO ST. Louis, July, 1876.-JAMES A. JACKSON k CO.-. Gentlemen—As yoa hire communicated to tbe medical profession the recipe of tbo "Home Bitters,” it cannot, therefore, be con sidered a* a secret or patent medicine, no patent having been taken tor it. We have examined the formula for making the "Home Bitters,” and unhesitatingly say the combination is one of rare exoellenee, all the articles ased in its composi tion are tbe best of the class to whioh they be long, being highly Tonic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative and slightly Laxative. The mode of preparing them is strictly in accordance with the rales of pbarmancy. Having nsed them, seen its effect in onr private practice, we take pleasure in recommending them to all persons desirous of taking Bitters, as being the best Tonic and Stimulant now offered to the public L. Cb. Boislioere, M. D. F. G. Porter, Af. D. Alfred Heseoek, M. D. C. Gerieke, M. D. Drake McDowell, M. D. C. A. Ware, M. D J. C. Whitehill, M. D. E. A Clark, M. D Dr. C. V. F. Ludwig, S. G. Motes, M. D. W. A. Wilcox, M. D. Hubert Primm. TJ. S. Marine Hospital, St. Louis, Mo.,' Oet. 8, 1870.—Jas. A. Jackson k Co..- I have examined the formula for making tbe "Homs Stomach Bitters,” and nsed them in this Hos pital for the last fonr months. I consider the: tbe most valuable tonic and stimulant now ie use. H* Melchor. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DB- LERS IN DRY- AND GROCERIES! BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA, HAT* NOW READY TO OFFER TO THE PUBLIC THE St. Luuis, July 8,1870.—Jas. A. Jackson Co.: Having examined the formula from whioh your celebrated "Stomach Bitters" are prepared, and having witnessed the method of combining the different ingredients, we can safely recom mend them as tbe best tonic with which we are acquainted. From the great care with which they are compounded, and from the choice ma- terialftfwhich enter into them,-we have nodonbt that they will prove, as they deserve to be, the most popular tonic and stimulant in use. Respectfully, yours, T. J. Vastine, h, d. T. G. Comstock *. D We ;heerfnlly CJncur^with every word con tained in the above testimonial. John Coneeitnun, K. D. John Hartman, a. i. Chas. Vastine, n. ». John T. Temple, n. n G. S. Walker, a. d. E. C. Franklin, n. n Cincinnati, Oct. 19,1870.—Mersrs. W B Ken nedy k Co., Agents "Home Bitters”; Gents- Agreeable to your requests, I hare examined the formula of the ‘-Home Stomach Bittern, 1 and find the remedies it contains such as are in general use by the Medical Profession. Thiy are very scientifically and plenasntiy combined, and as stimulating tonics will be found especial ly adapted as corroborants to the treatment of low or debilitated^tages of the system, whether arising from impaired digestion or from malari ous diseases. SF. nRUiDOM cC C o. W AlRwEIHaOnr S El COMMISSION MERCHANTS, B AIRBRIDGE, GA ETIWAN FERTILIZERS. Three very Superior Articles an offered by the Sulphuric Arid and Superphosphate Company of Charleston 8. C., vis: Tbe net to catch a coro-net. etiwan guano. A complete manure, adapted to Cotton, Grain and Tobacco, being the well known arti cle heretofore offered at the vary high grade of 15 per cent dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime, with the addition, as heretofore, of Peruvian Guano, Ammonia and Potash. Price $55 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st of April next and $60 per ton, payable Nov. 1st, 187Vwithout interest ETIWAN CROP FOOD. y i . . A new article of about the sane highgradeof Soluble Phosphate, compounded with the de ments of Cotton Seed in such a manner, as to ensure one of the best fertilizers for Cotton and Grain, at a lower price than the,Etiwan Guano. Price $40 per ton, if paid an ot be fore the 1st of Apt?) next $45 per ton, payable Nor. 1st 1872, without interest ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE. Averaging from 18 to 90 ran czar. of Dmnolrad Bone Phosphate, aadftma enabling the planter by composting, to obtain two tuns of half that grade at a saving of on com akb vseiobt. Price $35 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st of April next $40 oet tret payable Nov. 1st 1872, without interest TARE NOTICE, that au. theseWertihxere are of th« highest grade of Soluble Phosphate, and must help for mare than one year. wife with—A Dec.l5-3m. "W c. BEiE Sc CO . GENERAL AGENTS, Charleston, S. C. Dr J L VattiOTS Cllei If S Wayne, fJhemiat W T Taliaferro, u n J J Quinn, a n J H Buckner, IP W R Woodward, a D Chicago, Sept. 30, 1870.- L a James, a n CT Simpson, an 8 P Bonner, a n O S Moscroft, a n G W Bigler, a ® G a Doherty, a n _____ L Smith. Esq. We have examined tbe formula for the "Cele brated Stomach Bitters,” and find i> to bo com posed of articles that are considered the bast tonics used by the Medical Profession, and one of the-best hitters we kuow of now in use. Very respectfully, H 8 Hahn, an B MeViear, a n J B Walker; an G a Mariner Norman S Baines, a t>. Far Sale by all. Druggists and Grocers. For Sale by DR. JT. D. HOYLIc BRO., Bainbridge, Georgia. March 18,24 1871 ly. Rule Ni Si to Foreclose Mort gage. APRIL TERM, 1871. Richard Sims vs. Stafford W. Long. Stafford W. Long conveyed to the said Rich ard Sims Forty Acres of Land, No. 132, in unty, Wt the pur the 21st District of said county, of securing the payment of a certain >.y note, made by the said Stafford Long to the said Richard Sims or bearer, dated on the 10th day of May, 1869, and due nine months after the date thereof, for the sum of One Hundred Dollars, dRich note is now dne and unpaid. It is ordered that the said Stafford W. Long do pay into thi* LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK EVER BROUGHT TOJTHTS MARKET. They lure on hand everything their, friends and patrona mar wish to purchase. Their prises are ptr down tEbt low, hoping to make up in sales wt at is lost in profits. Their DRESS-GOODS! CONSISTS OF Bf C?«»Xck SATIN DaCHINESf SATIN DbCHINE STRIPES, CASHMERES, MOHAIRS, DIAGONAL STRIPES, ALPACCAS, ALL WOOL DkLAINES, J SILK VELVET RIBBONS and TRIMMINGS _aO“Of all Descriptions. A large lot of OPERA FLANNELS, very cheap. Their stock of RABWJ nfnrff f comas nit Wa* van* iflif f IK FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTOI ■Of onb ffsva *■ Olttr reaSttff *»« W *■»«*-' • ......... . ’•RSDWAY’S READY RET.IEF ' la a earn tor every pain. Itwaa tbs first sod is the ONLY PAIN REMEDY That Id* r _, _ _ ays Inflamatkms, and cures congestions, wh he Lungs, 8tomsch. bowels, or other gtauda ot at. sans, by one application. IS FROM OSE TO TWISTY MHHJTL8 no matter bow violent or cruciatiu* the pain the KbEDMATIC, l ed-rlideu, mflnn, Tripped, Her vena, Neuralgic, ot pdmtorted wflfc iflaeisii may sae BAD WATTS READY RELIB? WILL AFFORD fW9»A#r EASE. ri INFLAMATION.OF THE KIDNEYS 1NFLAMATION OFTHi; gLADDER. INFLAMATION OF THE BOWELS. CNOGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT DIFFICULT BREATHING PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP; DIPHTEHIRA CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. .. , The application ofthe Ready Relief to the part'or pal te where the pain er 1 diffitnl- ' Mi ‘ ■’ ty exists will afford eaea and comfort. Twenty drops in half, a tumbler of wale' will in a few moments cure CRAMPS SPaSMS.SOUR STOMACH, HBARTBUrtN, SICK HEADaCHE. DIARRHEA. DYSEN TERY, COLIC. WIND IN THE BOWELS,, and all 1 NTERNAL PAINS. - Travelers should always oarry a bottle ef Radway’s Ready Relief with them. A few' drops in water will prevent eiefcmes or painr from ohange of water. It ie better than, ireoeh Brandy or Bitter* as a stimulant, FEVBB AND AGUE FEVER AND AGUE, cured for fifty center There is not a remedial agent in tikis world, that will cn;e Fever aud,Ague, and all otk - er Malariooe, Billions, Scarlet, Typheii- Yellow, and other Fever* (aided by RAD— WAY SPILLS) so quick as RADWAY S 1EF. READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bellis. Health. Beauty. Strong and pure rich blood—iurreasd ef flesh and weight—clear skin and beauti ful complexion secured to all. DR. RAdWAY'S Has made the most astonishing qnick. so rapid are.tha changes the body undergoes, under the inflnene* of this truly wonderful medicine that. Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cre Is very extensive, and being bought before, the rise, are offered LOW! Their stock of «■. mil In quality and cheapness cannot be. excelled.^j®”CLOTHINGp’OR GENTS, HATS,.CAPS. *Wt To their former fftock they have added a full supply of GROCERIES! CONSISTING OF LARGE RU AN TITUS OF » if any tbe contrary, or in default thereof foreclosure be glutted to the said Richard Sims of said and the equity of redemption of rtongtiu * ' the said Stafford W. Long therein be’ forever bound, and the service of this rule be foetid upon said Stafford W. to law. PETER J. STROZLEK, Judge & C., A. C. Rule Ni Si to Foredose Mortgage and Order to Perfect Service: Richard Sims vs. Stafford W. Long. It appearing to tbe Const by the return af tbe Sheriff that tbe defendant mmdeo without tbe State, it ia ordered that service be per fected by publication once a month for four months in the Bainbridge Democrat, PKTKR J. STROZDER, ■ Judge 8. G., A. C- A true extract from tbe miamfaw of the Su perior Court, October Term, 1871. T. F. HAMPTON, Dee. 1st, 1871. <*k. & C. FGR RENT, The Plantation four milefi from tbe rity ef Bainbridge, known as the DUNLAP PLACE. Apply to p. l. BABBIT. January 25, 1872—lm BAGGING and TIES, COFFKE3, SUGARS, FLOUR, BACON,-' LARD, *c.,- In fiatt everything kep(*ia a ffxat elaaa Grocery House, Plantation Wagons, with Bodies, & Complete i AND WARRANTER IS MONTHS FOR J We are fullyprepsyed to make advances on or purchase COTTON. Persons wishing to avail themselves of a good opportunity will do well to give us acaU. 8®~We are also Agents for the Liverpool, London and Globe Insur ance Company—the best and strongest company in the World. For farther information apply to T- B. HUNK EWELL At CO , <icti7 tf Bajnbstoge, Ga. Evary drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT communicates through the Wood, Sweat, Urine, and other .‘fluids and juices of the system . the vigor of life, for it repairs' the waste of the body with new ’ and sound material. Swfiila, Sjpbiii CoAiomp- tion. Glaodu’nr disease*, iricer* In the throat Mouth, Tumors.* Node# in the Gland* and other parts of the syaiem. Sore Eyes, Sti u« morons ditefisrgn* from the Ears, and ti>* worst form* of Skin diseases, Emp'iona. Fever Sours. Seould Head, Ring worm. Salt Rheum. E- yepCai, Acne. Block 8 ora, W orme in the Flesh Tnmori, Cancer* in fi>e Wins fa and ail w.-okening and painful discharge* Niglrt Sweat*, Loss of Sperwt and nil waeie* ofthe life principle, are within tl>* enra- tive range «>f tlii r wonder of Mrnlern Chera— istry, and a lew days' use will prove to any person ming it for either of thoee forms sf disense its poletit jmwer to cure t hem Nut only does the SKmsAPABiLUaa Rmoi- vbst excels id I Know remedial ageirs in the cure of Chromic, Scrofnloo* Consututi.iaal, and Skin diseases: bat it is tbs' only potilsv* core for. KIDNEY* BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary, and Womb disease*. Gravel, J)i— obets. Dropsy, Stop ineece of Ur me Brrg ana ,and in alt cases. tf Water, laeoa— hf» Disease, Albumia— PERFECTLY PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tateless elegantly ooatad with kweet gum purge -regulate purify clean** end strengthen. Radway’s Pills, for the ear* of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bawels, Kidneys. Bladder. Nervous, Disea-es. Ha ad- ache, Constii ation, Coatiyenees, Indigaatisna Dyspepsia, Billioasness, Pilieoa Fever, Ials- matioo of the Boweles. PBcr, mb4 all Derange ment* ef tbe Internal Viscera, warranted tw effet a pcsiHa* ewr* Purely j ing no meicn-y. minerals, or deletvrfoae drags. ” i Are tha a few dose* of Rsdway’s PHIs system from all the afaov* named disorders. Price, 25 eenta per Bex. Sold by druggests. Read “Fall* sod trne;“ 8*nd one latter stamp to Vadway and Co., 87 Maids* Laa», New York Informstioo worth theesand* wilt •b sent yoa. ’>/ • .,, THE B1INBBI0GE FACTORY, BAINBRIDGE, GA. PATRONIZE HOME INSHTUTIDIB The merchants and planters of Soutbweai Georgia and Florida are respectfully solicited to send their orders to THE BAINBRIDGE FACTORY "nr Osaakmga IhMtiagi, IhlrUam Wwolem Coadt. Taras, etc., As I am satisfied that they oan save 25 per eent by buying diitdt Than the Factory, thereby enabling them, to andesaril alleom- potitore who purebaaein Northern markaja Give mea call, Batia&etian guaranteed. W. G. D.TONGE, deco 3m '' Bainbridge, On. IKR ALBANY HORSE, XESBtOE SASm PmprMor. ALBAIIT, Otorfla. This bonse la weU'Xrniahed and every way pra- •red for tto e mmodatioo Jrarettm* w*b- ile: autire aat . e tion gnarantaeff. Tfaetabl* la ny twttbtbafaetttheeonBtry affbrda, and tbo ser- ■ are nasnrpaased in poUtanesa and aWaadeb to' rants of gaeata. Oaanibniiea convey paaaangara to and from tha different rsiteqnd* proaapliy. ffaaTf » salt tbstbaas. • Albany. O*.. Oet. Mh. ». a. - WH1TJCLSY 4 DONALSON, ATTOBNBT8 AT LAW BAINBRIDGE, GA TIT ILL practice ia 4a Snathwastera sad TV Patanls Circuits. tug. 'Office up (tabs, ia Saahoni’s now hnfld april 17 $9-18 U