The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, April 11, 1872, Image 2

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The Weekly Bfaiwfirai. THOtesDJfc APHL'11, 1872. gEJJgt IllSSElL & JONES, PIttfFUilSfORS. »v,\ •®Mi, tits Cditor. orKN'Etryo'RK letter. WALT, STREET TS A TIGHTER—THE WHBKnd MKN--GRN.-ROBERT AXpEfe- HON—CRIMINAL ITEMS. THE "RAVAGES OF THE 8MALI. POX—A NOVEL PTRB ENGINE—PERSONALS— MERE MENTION, #C. - ' ; New York, April 4, l872r "If yoH step ihto'tbe Stock Exchange shout fills tithe yon will see one of those periodiool spasms fiir whirftf Wall street has become le mons." “Erie” has “jtitnpsd” frorfi 87 to G8, and qijn have gone almost wild in their mad race for sudden wealth. Hnndr' 'la of fortunes have been made in fen flays, Jay Gould Is said to'have made a million. One of the Dtjl- monico waiters has added’S2,500 t o Lis pile. A bool-black put up his “margin" and is now worth a clear thrinsand. A sharp lady living up town bought "oh (he fly, * and ran affor 1 to-fcar a new siTl: every clay in the year. "Sp om; pretends to account for the unexpected rise in the stock, and bull; and bears are alike non-plux-d. A‘leading ban ker says tJie_stock is really worth 50; beyond that figuro, it is like a hot poker —to be handled gingerly. The scene, in tbe Ex change, where hundreds .of men are yelling, crowding, attitudinizing and snapping their fingers iu each other's wild (yefe reminds one of IScdlam, the contrast being somewhat in lavor of the re^l lqnaties. There,is morp tryubio among the “Society men,-7d‘a tjiey .are, failed. Scarcely a day elapses iu wjjich th*re are not ft dqzcu per sonal encounters .between, those who are holding put for highc-y wages abd those who are obliged to sueyumb to fate.. Thy work ingmen are every day growing, strong;* in their cOtnbiuaUon.i,,and probably the hour is not distant .when we shnll luive a solution of Um much ve^otbproblem, that now puzzles both the capitalist and the laborer. The remains of Genera) iiybjKrt Anderson, who commanded Fort Sumter at the time of its original bombardmentyu lHtil, have been brought from Italy and are to bo intem d at West Point on the Gth iuat. An imposing military demonstration will doubtless take place. :,L Hew Yorkers, with all their shrewdness, are easily humbugged. Tho hist sensation is n great sale of watches at such low prices tliat tho jewelers have taken alarm and com bined to demolish the ’monstrosity. The Tribune alleges tint-class fnuul, and, in cou- HcquMico, has a libel suit on its hands; while in the Tare of mulled pinchbeck and the testi mony of ossaveral the crowd flock to invest their greenbacks. ! ,i!; 4 ■< r Aftbr'thiffeen'yrars of absence a man has returned to‘New York and been identified as a 'murderer. He is friendly with the poli ticians and policemen however, • and is not likely to suffiAr the common lot of that class of mortal^ “Speaking of crime, reminds nie thnt a sad scene occurred the other day in court, whon’ the District Attorney moved that sentence on a young man for burglary should • be suspended twenty-four hours to permit the " prisoner to attend (ho fimeral of his mother. She died of a broken heart caused by his arrest and conviction, and in charge ' of an officer he wa3 conveyed from the Tombs to her grave—thence bnek to lie immured in his own living grave at Sing Sing. , Tho small-pox continues its ravages, but it is by uou o ns an op d n ic. Tue cases occur chiolly among the poorer classes?, .whose surroundings tempt disease. Many thousands of people have beeu.vacinated, and the doc tors aye still busy with lance aud quill. They visit stores and families from morning until night. A. T. Stewart has had all of his numerous employees punctured by contract. Destructive fires are becoming less frequent in Now York. This is dae to the - efficiency ' of the paid department, aiiri the remarkable facility with which both horses and men roach the point of eAuflagration. It' is also dne to the now general use,"by the fire de partment and by private individuals, of a nehihe known : as the ’Sfo- Wonderful little mai tionitl Fire Extinguisher, Which hits already extinguished upward of a' thousand fires.— ' Go into almost any Ill-go store, factory or ‘ hotel, and in many of the-privslte residences “■of the city, and you will seen bright copper cylinder,’ not more than three feet high and qighf inches in dianietV-r, standiilg ba a oon- "'benleht shelf unci ready for iuctant -action.— -A strap fits it to yourr shoulder,- And the turn of your thumb sets at work tlie.geueiutioh of 1 carbonic acid gass equivalent in its effect to 320,buckets of water. This is thrown bythe little engine tt distance of forty or fifty feet. The device is so simple that ft can be operat ed by a lad ten "years old. and so far has never failed. A. gtAss flibo contains Sulphuric acid, which is set free in - an instant, nnd mingling with soda held iii solution evolves a pressure or nin ctjponriils to a square Inch," and a vapor in’wtitch no flatne can live fhr an 10x1X01. The uOTcru'.ucnt nas Uirtmghly tested the Machine, which bythe wav coots only tntv dollars, au.1 has ordered it to bo kept on $11 steamboats and ships, _ the-, nnpbar varying according tt. the sjaa. The office ef the roauula.tory is at CSS itnealXav, abd is * tortain’y oiid'of theenricsittes of ‘the metropolis. The advantage of this 'axtlrpnisher is tliat it is al ways ready ^or nso. may remain • loaded for years and new get out of order. ^ . : August 1 elmnj’.t has gone to TTash ogtoc to mate arrangements with his National Executive Derao- cralie Committeemen for the coo'dnet of the . ap- * pniaeliiug PrcsidAtial campaign. Judge Rarnard, pflhe Supreme Court dspfcaing through a purga- toruilinc.i'.isiu.n.atthe haodspf aiegislgtive com- Biittoe, because of Co: Lain charges that he don’t be have after the conventional maquer of the bench. A curibcs thing has just occurred up town. Work men while opening one ef the' ' new -Sr cts, let off soifie pretty loud biased near the walls off a elnb • houac stable (ullot blooded horses. The lacier . took idgUt, broke their fastenings,, rail away, dashed carriages to-pieces. created a panic, aid _. danivges rrsulted that will not be covered" by sever* i-nsand dollars. A Code of signals has been es- ai mensinu ce llars. A Code or signals has been es tablished by diiverjsto gtvf ttotiee when a detective" of tho Socii ty Sir the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- rag\» iooais i n the beriapm Street sliows have broken out with the clear westher, anil usohAcy* swarm again. "Hal 1Y:- day" iathe neat asnsatiou at Nibls>. A novel work is in course of i'rrparalioii i.y Mr. C. “ ^•■rrhautofthlseit^; It Democratic Club. Editop. Democp.a/:— In view of the importance of the coining political campaign, an<l of th<?*fciet that socii changes have been- maile in the laws regulating elections hs to throw it back Jlo the old pre cinct system, do you not thin]c it would, be well for the Democracy of this comity to organize and prepare for the contest. The want of thorough-and perfect organization has been felt by the Democracy of Decatur iu every elec tion since the war. On the other hand the Radical party, through their dliurchcs and otherwise, have maintained a perfect understanding and-harmony! Therefore our dcleat ami compulsory submission to mis rule ami corruption. Organization on our part, in this county at least, is now more important than ever before. I would suggest therefore, that the subject be agitated by tho local press, and at some early day—say during the scssiou of our next Supe- Court—an organization be per- t'ior fectcd. Certainly no more important step .toward victory could be taken. D—. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A BARGAIN! A MAGNIFICENT PIANO AT A SACRIFICE. THAT BEAUTIFTT. IIAM-ET, DAVIS & CO. SO.AUE GTiAXD PIANO, ROSENFELD’S Must be sold within Thirty Days. Now i.» your chance, piano buyers The ’instru ment is warranted for TEN YEARS. LlDBEJi & BATES, Savannah, Ga. April Ilth, 1872. . r. O. FLEMING. JOHN C. Rl.’THlRFOnT* FLEMING & RUTHERFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BAINDRIDGE, GA. O FFICE over drugstore of Batts &.Peabody. Arc fully prepared to take charge of all cases arising under the bankrupt law. [je2?,69,tf EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS CABIXET ORGANS. Thn Mason fi Hamlin Or^an Co. respectfully an nounce th*- introduction of improvements of much more than ordinary intcicst. These are Rccd and Pipe Cabinet Organs, bein;» the only encceseful combination of real pipes with reeds ever made Day's Transposing Key-Board, whi'-.h can be instantly moved to the right or left, chanunn^ tlie pitch, or transposing the key.' For drawingami descriptions, see Circular. Xtw a ltd Elegant Styles of Double Reed Cabinet Organs, at $140, $102 and $123. Considering capacity, ele gance and thorough excellence of workmanship, these are cheaper than an) before offered. The Mason & Hamlin Organs are acknowledged best, and .rom extraordinary facilities for manu facture this company can afford and now undertake to sell at prices which render them Unquestionably Cheapest. Four octave Organs $f>0 each; five octave Organs IKK), .$125 and upwards. With three set3 reeds $130 and upwards. Forty styles, up to $1500 each. New illustrated catalogue and testimonial circular with opinions of more than one fhoapand musicians, sent free. Msmh & H imlin Oi^aii Co. If 4 Trcanont St.. Bo .-tom 55G Broadway. J«. V. Cheap Farms ! Free Homes ! ON TIIE LINE OF TUE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND GRANT OF 12,000,000 ACRES Best Ffti ming and Mineral Lands in America. 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska IN‘TUE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, . GARDEN OP THE WEST, NOW FOR SALE! These lands are in the central portion of the Unit ed Xtates, on the 41st drgree of North Latitude, the central line of the great Temperate Zone of the American Contint nt, and fi.r grain growing and stock raising, unsurpassed by uny in the Union. Cheaper in price, mme favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found else where. Free Homesteads to Actual Settlers BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 1G0 acres. FREE PASSAGE TO PURCHASERS LANDS. Send for fho new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English. German. Swedish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address O. F*. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. P. Company, Omuhu, Neb. NEW ADVERTISEMENT'S. H ILLUSTRATED ISTORY OF THE BIBLE By Wm. SMITH, LLD. Author of Smith’s Bible Dictionary. It contains over 250 fine Scripture Illustrations and 1,105 pages, and *the most comprehensive and vahublc history cf the Bible ever published. labor ana learning of eenturies are g ithered in this one volume, to throw a strong, clear light upon every page of the inspired Word, bend for circuits and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address National Hublbnlng Co,. Philadelphia l»a., Atlanta, Ga., or fct. Lenis, Mo. Fanning’s Patent Ivid-Fitting SKELETON COSSET. Becommended by leading physicians. Should^ b worn by all ladies wh ' value health and comfort. -They are particularly rec ommended for summer wear ami warm climates, although attained to all seasons of the year. For sale by all first-class denters. "Worcester Shirt Co. BOLE Manufacturers, Worcester, Moss. The -Averill Chemical Paint IS Tllfc BEST! In ihe world. Beautiful white, buffs, drabs, French greys, or any other color sold, ‘mixed for us6 * Any one can apply it without the aid. appointor. It is handsome, costs Itme. drears longer than any otiie* point. . Sample cards, prices an ! rccomiiH ndatious from owets* of the finest residences in the country, fuiuished free by the Avtrill Chemical Paint Co., 32 Burling Slip, N.Y., or Cleveland, Ohio. Portable Soda Fountains, 910, $50, 675, and $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP. JJ-Shijpca K?ady for l’»c!-£t SI ANCFACTUXED BY J. W. CHAPMAN &' COMPANY, Madison, Indiana. Send for Circular. THE CHRISTIAN monthly, religious, fami ly paper, lull of incidents, providences, music, poetry, true stories for the young, old," saints and sinners. No sectarianism, controversy, politics, puffs, pills, or patent medicines. GO eents a year. 10 copies 85. Send lOcts. for 3 papers before you forget, iailtle Chrhtian, K copies $1. II. L. Hustings, lb-act Depository. lOLindall St. oston Free to Book Agents. We will send a handsome prospectus of our New Illustrated Family Bible, containing ovc.i 450 fine Scripture Illustrations, to any boqk ageut free of charge. Address Nationai Piiblishin^ Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Atlanta, Ga., or St. Louis, Mo. JBgfi’ARPENTERS, BUILDERS,-^a and all t^Ijo contemplate building, supplied with our new illustrated Catalogue oil receipt of stamp. A. J. Bifkncll A Co., Arcliitccturol Book Publishers, 27 Warren St., N. Y. Agents Wantsd, For •‘Convent. Life Unveiled,” by Edith O'Gonnan-, escaped Aim, whose disclosures are thrilling and startling. Agents are taking from 10 to 30 orders a day. Ii is* the best scFJidg book pub lished. Western Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. OF THE 33A.ITSrJ3PMIDGrE DEALERS IN TUE MARKET WITH THEIR SPLEN'DID STOCK OF Spring’ Grood§! Dry Goods We are d.w offering our usual FULL ASSORTMENT of GOODS, among Vuioli hie to-be found - 0RGAND1S, GRENADINES, CAMBRICS. WHITE PIQUE, I AWN, LINEN and SEERSUCKER SUITS, BEACH PARASOLS, HAMBURG TRIMMINGS, BLEACHED and BROWN SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, COTrONADES," LINENS, DENIMS, CaSSIMKRES, NEW STYLE HEAVY SHIRTINGS, UN- ...... ‘ TRIMMED HATS for Ladies <£: Misses, ’ , i *, ^ (in black, brown and wbite) ALPAOCAS "4 PRINTS, 6®- IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT LOW TRICES! -=©fi SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY. McGUFFlE’S and GOODRICH’S READERS. DAVIES’ and SMITH’S ARITH METICS, MONTEITIl’3 GEOGRAPHIES, and ALL , the School Books usually used. f Also Billet, Boremercial, Note, Letter. Foolscap and Legal Cap Papers, gel "HATS and SHOES of all styles, sizes and prices, for the million and the millionaire CEOCKERY.- ZW An assortment, in Granite and C. C., of PLATES, DISHES, BAKERS, CUPS and SAUCERS, and other articles. Also JUGS, CHURNS, JARS, LANTERNS for oil or candle. Xb. iL « c AND THE FAMOUS "TOWN AND COUNTY PREPARED PAINT.” &aT"Ilc?pGctmg which any information will bo given upon application.- I BIMEVSE SVCCE’VjhI—Ageiita wanted, male or female, in every county m the United States and the Canadas, to sell our new and most nseful patent; from 0119 to six ,nsed i . every family. 100 per cent guaranteed. For samples and term*3, inclose teji ceuts a^d ad lre&$ FLIiGUSON & CO., G45 Diver Street, Troy, N. Y, U j» Piano Co., 1?. Y. First clat-, £200.. Ho • 1 agento. Names of paUous in 40 Stales in Circular. OiistlSHTiim Scpply' cf Park Assured. Price Reduced Russ, Keeee & Co’s FLUID EXTHACT Cures Cancers. Scrofula, Ryphilia, Catarrh, Itlieu matism. aVeuralgia, Pulmonary Cunplaints, Ulcers, Salt Bhcum. Skin Diseases, all Blood Diseases. Is pun.*y vegetable. The best known Blood Purifier. Sold by al 1 druggists. Price, ^3 per bottle. Ob serve tlie trade inork. tS'end for Office GO Cedar*St. K. Y. 10G0 Bella* 5 REWIRD for auy case Of Elind, Bleeding, Itching cr F’ccritcd PH?^ that Dc Bing’s Pile Ucincdy fills to cr.'.re. It is prepared ebprcssly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all druggists. MT” price, §100. =ea RED RUST PROOF OATS §2 A BUSHEL; Orchard Grass $3.50 a bushel. Send 3 cent postage stamp and my complete Priced Lists of all kinds of Grass Seeds, Field Seeds, Garden Seeds, Flower and Tree Sseds, Ag ricultural Implements, Machinery, Guanos, Chemicals, Live Stock, &c., will be for warded you.. These Priced Lists contain much valuable information as to the time and quantity to plant, Ac., Makk W. John son, Seedsman, P. 0. Box 230 Atlanta, Ga. THE BROWN COTTON filiY CO. New London, Conn., Manufacturers of the ‘‘Brown Gin,” Cotton Seed Hnllers, Machinery and Castings. Man ufacturers of Harris’ Patent Rotary Steam Engine—the best and cheapest Steam En gine for plantation purposes- Cotton-gin ishea wi makers repairers furnished with all kinds of materials, Saws, Ribs, Pullies, Boxes, etc., of any pattern, to order at short notice. Have had long experience in the business, and guarantee satifaetion in every particular, Orders solicited; Address as abore. WOOL, WOOL WANTED! ETA nd for which T K-IE CASH "Will be pa id b y ,.^F1 IS BEING WAGED UPOH HIGH FRIGES BY AT THEIR GREAT MY GOODS AND GEOCEEY HOUSES, THE LARGEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER DRY GOODS , 1*3“ EVER BROUGHT TO RAINBRIDGE -=©a £3- Is now on exhibition at these Two Stores, consisting of an interminable line of articles. • . ‘ MILY PILLS FOR CHILLS AND FEVER C H A L L X N OK . ANY HEMEDY CHILX.9 A^P FEVER! For Sale by J. D. H0YL & BRo. De. H. C. Baity:—"Wo sold one" gross of your „ Pills last Spring. They are, without doubt, the best remedy oat for what they ate recommended.. Hb. J.. D. Horn & Bio. I cherfnlly certify to the efficacy of yont Pills for chills and fever, having recommen- dod them inrmy.piactice,. and in every case they have proven-successful. — . Hjtton S. Jones, M. D. De. H. C. Baits:—I laid the chills six months; yonr PiHs were recommend to-me by Rev. George C. Clarke; I took them and they cured me. J. R. Allen. Db. H. C. BatLt:—My wife had chills for twelve months. Took one box five months ago—no chills since. . T. F. Gipson. , . : Dr. EL C. Baihy;—I have used your Pills in my family with; entire success— have re commended them to others and have yet to hear of a single failure. J. S. Hopson. mj Fni v Bito. Loylehs:—I have wy#rsTTiUn»rtn de»i r „o "Pills in my family and find them a fnosk ti„ efficient remedy for chills and fever, never failing to cure in a single instance. _ Rev. G. C. Cuabke, P. E. We are personally acquainted with the parties to the above certificates, and vouch for their veracity. ’ •' Editor. mch21 Im ' JEWELRY, KIC. 1. i* ?t. LADIES’ FASCY DRESS GOODS. IN" ENDLEsS VARIETY, - Which cannot fail to suit the Ladies of Decatur county. Call nnd examine them. o -fi; 1a l ms C? 1 of Ba ~2.aa * Ystc., A very lai-ge stock of Spring and Summer Clothing for men, boys and children, Call, ye lovers of nice outfits, and see them. IST* BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS of every conceivable style and price, selected with the greatest care and taste. run VJLU p5s~ The Grocery and ftapplylDeparhueritlcomprises everything usually kept in a supply depot. Country supplicsjalwa; s oh hand. 2.000 bushels, white and yellow Corn , 20,000 ibs Bacon, and 200 bbls. New Flour just received by STEININGER & ENGEL, Who invite < vey body to call and ^xannineVllieir goods. «pril6 a—BB|: fll MM RELIABLE ■WEST - STBEET- OF & IS TTEHtTG CONSTANTLY SUPPLIED WITH HEAVY INVOICES OF ^prin^ & Summer JZ9 m 9 Iron.'Steel, Nails, Farming and Gardening Tf> which special attention is asked. Bacon, Flour, &c. WITH FOWLER & SLOCUM, 76 & 78 FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORK, LATEST STYLES X7ST. C. SCI3EHS, Kroa r " Street, BA1NP.RIDGE, - - GEORGIA, • ’ ’ ’ - .• i > . ; Keeps constantly on hand Watches, -Hi Glochs, Jewelstv Diamond^, >. . Silver-Wah^. • Fancy Goods, 1 ' Jl '■ ' CUTLEKT, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TOYS, - . <&c., .. In great variely, which for style, qualify and price cannot be excelled. .A full line of HOLIDAY and BRIDAL RKE >EKX» in Store. ^a?-WATC..E’i and JEWELRY repaired at short notice, and warranted. ‘ oct!7 iim NEW L ’S Dra. Morgan & Harrell HAVE JUST RECEIVED A— FRESH AJTD COMPLETE STOCK OF Dpu^s! CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS, * PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, FINE COLOGNE EXTRACT,. And everything else usually kept in * FIRST - CLASS DRUG - STORE ! 7piiT~ We keep Constantly on hand ^(ssf FINE CEGARS m TOBACCOS. WE SELL CHEAP FOR CASH 1 mehT tt M. BOLEY. F. X. BINOEL. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PARLOR, CHAMBER arid KITCHEN TOGETHER WITH A Very Largo Stoclx. of 2L aia a* $•» 3^” Ten Tbbusand pounds Bacon, 100 bbls. Flour, i t 0F 15 bbls. Sugar (aU grades), 10 sacks Coffee, 20 bbls. j Whisky;. . notions, black silks, iw To all of which, and a complete stock of other goods, we respectfully ask the ; ALPACAS, DRESS GOODS, l>*u’4i Afip'rtoaxi, Asiatic Atd OocyfiA Directory,” 1 vahiiTWs* j»w»’tter eVer i (a .111 ly) and brobably bt the nioat tmhlHfijeti |or co*«i 1 . 1_purpo*<>. pti*v.' uill fie $25 per volmuc. Upward of $35.1M*0 uaw l,rft*dy bt eu cxpcudcti ia coD>ung it atte..t;o:i of pasli aod proraptfpaying buyers BABBIT &. WARFIELD. | Laces, Embroideries, Woolexs,' Italians, Flaxxels. apriiu Cm Staple Groceries! ALSO, HARDWARE, WOODWARE, WILLOWWARE, &c. In feet there is nothing wanted by the public that they cannot supply at most rea sonable prices. Give us a call, examine our goods and take advantage of our inducements. t»pril6 PATVERSON & MCNAIR 188 IHlOuGHTOV:ST., Corner JrffTersoia and Broughton,'opposite St. Andrews Hall, SAVANNAH,............GEORGIA. JSJ- All the latest styles" kept on hand. Mattrass renovating and repairing of furni ture executed promptly and at raisonable prices. mch211y E. J. MORGAN, w. J. nVTrRUT.T. MORGAN & HARRELL, PRACTICING PHYSICIANS, BAIXBBIDQE, GA. : O FFIGE in their Drag Store, North side of Court House Square, on Water Street. neuiBe sins ..." .....n. h. cawfora SIMS & CRAWFORD, A T T O.K NEYS AT L AW BAIXBR.IDGE,GA. /*■ Office in the curt House,. ; . dec2-Xy