Newspaper Page Text
.. Tl
Tlie Weekly Democrat,
ptblished •
One Copy one year - - ^00
One Copy six months - - ■ 1 50
Heading Matter on Every Page.
A Race for Matrimony.
[From the Meridian Gazette.
As the northern bound train on
the Alabama and (Chattanooga rail
road moved up to Brandon station,
in Georgia, the other day, it was
observed by the passengers and
tftipmen that something .very unus
ual had occurred at that station.
Inquiry from persons standing in the
excited crowd at the depot, soon
elicited the information that a youth
ful couple, fleeing from the cruel
opposition of a stern parent to the
accomplishment of matrimonial un
ion, had a moment before galloped
to the station with the intention of
taking the cars for some point be
yond pursuit; but that the cruel pa
rent of the blushing lass had followed
so upon them that they had
put spurs for the next station, closc :
]y followed by the revengeful sire.—
No sooner were these facts taken in
by the conductor of the train, than
he connnuuicatad to the engineer
with orders to “pull her wide open”
and attend the race.
Now the country road, on which
the actors in this little drama had
suddenly departed, runs the whole
distance between Brandon and the
next station, right along side of the
railroad track; so that^a fine oppor
tunity was afforded of observing the
race. About a mile out of Brandon
the rapidly moving train came in
full sight of the pursuit, and in a few
minutes was ncck-and-neck with
them. By this time all the people of
the train had been apprised of the
status of affairs and every soul had
freely entered into the contest. The
platforms aud windows were crowd-
ed with anxious and excited faces,
and the gaze of all was soon riveted
upon the old man. Mounted upon
a large anil powerful horse, his coat
tail flying in the breeze, stern venge
ance setting solemn on his angry
countenance, the old man applied
whip and spur to his charger and
the speed he seemed to be making
argued ill for the fleeing youngsters.
He deigned for one . instant to turn
his head away from the road before
him, but was deal to the shouts
hurled at him from the train.
The sympathies of the passengers
were universally in favor of the
young conplc, and the engineer,
crowding on all steam, soon swept
out of sight o ( the father in pursuit
of the object of his vengeance. About
a half-mile further on the elopers
were overtaken. Mounted on horse
back, they too were crowding all
sail. The girl's dishevelled tresses
streamed straight in the breeze, and
the hatlcss youth, with a curious
mixture of love and apprehension on
his countenance, spurred forward
his own beast and belabored that of
his companion with a frazzled limb,
ever and anon casting an anxious
glance to the rear. It was evident
that their horses were blown. With
their straightened necks and panting
sides they promised ovory moment
to succumb. At this .moment the
excitement on the train knew no
hounds—handkerchiefs waved, la
dies screamed, men shouted and the
whistle blew. A few hundred yards
more and the race seemed about to
terminate in disaster to the youthful
The jaded horses, no longer obey-
iQ g the whip and spur, slacked their
s IW5d. In the distance—scarce half
mile away, a cloud of dust, rapidly
approaching, struck terror to the
fleeing daughter, who, clinging to
the pummel of her saddle, seemed
paralyzed with terror. The young
man seemed uncertain what to do.
He looked about him as one about to
abandon the unequal contest in des
pair. At this point the excitement
on the train reached its height. Men
shouted, “Go-ahead, the* old man is
cose behind.” “Never give it up
so - Hurrah,” while the mail
a ?ent, waving a mail bag in his
hand, halloaed* “Stick to it—never
say die.” But this encouragement
was lost on the jaded steeds; slower
and slower became their pace and
nearer came the now visible parent.
At this moment the success of the
pursuit seemed certain. Suddenly a
voice yelled, “Stop the train, for
God's sake, and take them aboard.”
Immediately the breaks were put on
and the train brought to a halt.
Out rushed trainmen and passen
gers, some seized the fainting damsel
and tumbled her in the train, otheiB
assisted the youth aboard, and
others slung in their carpetsacks and
saddlebags. Scarcely was this ac
complished when the old man,
furious with passion, dashed np to
the scene and cried, “Slop, stop or
I’ll kill you.” But he was too late.
Toot, toot, went the engine, quickly
answered the driving wheels, and
tjj£ t,rajn moved offTust a second too
oon for the old man to get aboard.
In the long whistle prolonged for
many seconds the enraged parent
heard his defeat, and the last that
was seen of him he was running
madly -after the train, with fist
clenched and brandished at the pas
sengers, whose jeers came borne on
the wind from the rear platform.
The age of the boy was fifteen and
that of the girl thirteen. They dis
embarked at the next station, were
quickly made one, and the next day
returned in peace to the husband’s
Lady Ruth.
There are some things hard to understand;
Help me, oh! God, to trust in Thee—
But I ne’er will forget her little white hand
And her eyes, when she looked at me.
It is hard to pray the very same prayer
Which once at our mother's knee we
When, where we trusted onr whole heart,
That trust hath been betrayed.
But I thought her the only thing nndefiled
By the air we breathe in this world of sin,
The tenderest, truest, purest child,
A man ever trusted in.
I remember the chair she would set for me
By the flowers—when all the house was
To drive in the park, and I and she
Were left to be happy alone.
Then she leaned her head on my knees, my
With the primrose loose in her half-ck*ed
While. I told her tales of my wandering
In the far, fair foreign lands.
The Last time I met her was here in town.
At a fancy ball of the Duchess of D ,
On the steps, where her husband was band
ing her down,
She paused and talked to me.
We talked of the house, of the late long
Of the crush at the French Ambassador's
And well, I have not blown out my
You see I can laugh. That’s all.
Watchaman, What of the Night.
In reply to this inquiry, coming
up from every quarter, we say, the
night is dark and threatening, but
not without the occasional gleam of
the star of hope. The popular mind
everywhere is beginning to investi
gate, reflect, understand and be
awakened. The Democracy are be
ginning to realize the fact that they
have been trifled with; we mean the
“honest masse?.”
They are beginning to see what
was the real object of those design
ing “trusted leaders” who started
the “New Departure” movement.
That object, as now seen, was to
transfer the upwards of three mill
ions of Democratic voters to the
support of some one holding Radi
cal principles of the deepest dye.
This stii ring up of tlie masses is a
most hopeful sign.
To all of the true friends of Con
stitutional Liberty, everywhere,
therefore, we say be of good cour
age and stout hearts. Stand to
your posts, and though the night be
dark, gloomy and threatening, yet
we are not without nope.
The darkest hour is often just be
fore the dawn. The ultimate result
will depend upon the people—the
honest masses”—those who have no
interest in ‘Rings’ of any sort, ex
cept the ‘Ring’ of Jeffersonian Dem
ocracy, whose main and chief ob
ject is good Government.
Atlanta Sun. A. H. S.
The Campbell (Ga.) Gazette says
there is a man in Campbell county
who has already declared for Gree
ley upon the ground that Greeley in
vented farming,but thinks that David
Dickson should be nominated for
Vice President
H. G.
Since his nomination we have
tried to acquaint ourselves with the
character of Horace Greeley. For
this purpose we have read all the
newspapers of both parties. We
find H. G. is all sorts oi a man. He
possesses in a high degree every at
tribute, trait and peculiarity possi-
bel to man. Having been so endow
ed, from the beginning, he is inca
pable of-inconsistency, except in so
far as opposite characteristics are
innate in his being. He is a singu
larly honest old schemer: an emi
nently practical fanatic; the life-long,
and impla cable enemy of a people
whom he conciliates with heroic
kindness; a generous propagator of
infamous slanders; a profoundly wise
man whom shallow knav es can dupe;
a prodigious conglomeVationr'of all
the human opposites nnd appositesj
Houston Hom$"'Journah <t.u
By the Forsaken.
Forsaken!—Oh ! if thou hadst been
• An outcast from mankind for aye,
The desolate, the desert scene,
Where thou wast driven in scorn away,
Had been my proudly chosen path.
Forgiven for being thus thy slave ;
And I had borne thy sorrow’s wrath, v
And every wound thy spirit gave;
My only prayer, that more than all
In sufferance I might hold thee dear,
And never by a look recall
The thought of thanks I would not hear,
But e’en that silence of my breast
Was searched, accused, revenged as crime,
Till shrank, all wasted and unblest,
The heart that would not chill by time;
But it must come, thine hour of tears,
When self-adoming pride shall bow,
And thou shalt own my “blighted years”—
The fate that thou inflictest— Thou !
Ihy victim!—but from ruin still
Shall rise a wan and drooping peace,
With pardon for unmeasured ill,
And pity’s tears—if love most cease.
A Washington leetter of Friday
says: “Colonel Forney arrived in
Washington to-day, and had a long
interview with the President on the
poliltical situation. He found Grant
disposed to look upon the nomina
tion of Greeley as a joke, and found
that he did not believe that it endors
ed by the Baltimore Convention he
would stand any chance of election.
Grant’s idea seem to be that, in such
an event, the Philadelphia nominee
would get as many Democratic votes
as Greeley would Republican votes.
Colonel Forney replied that his Ex
cellency was mistaken, and insisted
that if Greeley was nominated at
Baltimore the entire Democratic
party would support him, and the
contest be made a very close one.
The President said his information
was quite the reverse. Colonel For
ney begged him not to allow himself
to be so deceived.”
How to Put on a Corset
At this juncture the Coroner desir
ed to show to the jury the course
taken by the ball, and for this pur
pose produced the corset worn by
Mrs. Burkhart at the time of the
tragedy. “You see, ” said he—and
here he drew the corset around his
waist with the laces in front—“the
ball must have gone in here from
behind. No, that can’t be, either,
for the Doctor says the ball went in
in front. Confound it, I’ve got it all
wrong. Ah! this way.” (Here the
coroner put the corset on upside
down.)“Now, you see,” pointing to
the hole in the garment, which rest
ed directly over his hip—“the ball
must have gone in here. No, that
can’t be either, for ”
Here Mr. Mather, the handsomest
man on the jury, broke in. “Dr.
Stillian,” said he, “you've got that
corset on wrong.” Here Dr. Still
man blushed like a puppy. “Well,”
said he, “I’ve been married twice,
and I ought to know how to rig a
corset.” “Yes,” said Mr. Mather,
“but you don’t. You had it right
in the first place. The strings go in
front and the ladies clasp them to
gether in the back. Don’t I know?
I think I ought to, I’ve been married.
If you doubt it, look here (pointing
to the fullness in the top). How do
you suppose that’s going to be filled
up unless you put it on as I suggest?”
“That,” said Dr. Stillman, “why
that goes over the hips.” “No, it
don’t” said Mr. Mather; ‘that full
ness goes somewhere else—this way, ’
and here Mr. Mather indicated where
he thought the business ought to
go. • '
At this a pale-faced young man
with a voice like a robin, and a note
book under his arm, said he thought
the ladies always clasped their cor
sets on the side. The pale-faced
young main said this very innocently,
as if he wished to convey the impres
sion that he knew nothing whatever
of the matter. The jury laughed the
pale faced young man to seom, and
one of them intimated thatiari thought
the young man was notfteo green
about women’s dresses aaftje tried to
appear. The young man* was a re
porter, and it is thereforefexceeding-
ly probable that his knowledge was
fully as limited as was apparent from
his suggestion, the jury-mien to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Here another juryman discovered
that Dr. Stillman hadjthe corset on
bottom side up. “Doctoir,” said he,
“put it on the other why."
Then the Doctor put it on in re
verse order, with the laces in front.
This brought the bullet holes direct
ly over the tail of his coat.
“I don’t*think,” said,Mi*. Mather,
“that the bullet went"tg;'there, Doc
tor." V ‘ J • '
“No, I-"don't think it did,” was the
reply.v^. Confound it'*fs.«a1ghty r funny
“-siOnarried men in this room, arid
no one that knows how to put ou a
woman’s corset.”
Here the Chronicle repoter, who
had several sisters and always keeps
his eyes open, advanced and convinc
ed Dr. Stillman and Mr. Mather,
after much argument, that the laces
of a corset go behind, and that the
garment is clasped in front. After
this explannation the course of the
bullet was readily traced, and found
to bear out the explanation afforded
by two physicians.—San Francisco
A Clergyman Deposed.
A circumstance has occurred in
our city which we chronicle with in
finite regret, especially in view of
the causes which led to, and the
scandal it is calculated to bring upon
the highest and most sacred of hu
man, callings.
For some weeks past the charac
ter and conduct of Rev. Dr. J. M.
Mitchell, Rector of Christ Church,
has been severely commented upon
in private circles, and a number of
respectable citizens weut so far as
to charge him with acts wholly in
consistent with Christian character
and unbecoming a gentleman. These
rumors coming to the ears of the
vestry of the church, that body,
with the Bishop of the Diocese, re
solved to investigate them to the
bottom, feeling quite assured, a in
deed did the great body of the com
munity, that they were slanderous,
and had their origin in a spirit of
recklessness and persecution. They
pursued the unwelcome inquiry with
both zeal and candor, from all
the evidence available at the time,
came to the conclusion that the ac
cused was innocent of the charges
alleged against him; and such was
the formal public announcement of
his bishop to the assembled congre
Within the last few days, how
ever, these injurious reports assum
ed a still stronger form, with testi-
money and circumstances calculated
to shake* the confidence of the
church, and even of the personal
friends of the accused, in his inno
cence. The investigation was* re
newed, pressed, until finally the de-
velopements were of a character so
clear and cogent as to remove all
donbt of his guilt. The Bishop aud
vestry, without exception, showed
this conviction, and it was deter
mined forthwith to vindicate the
church by removing the cause of of
fense. Accordingly, on yesterday,
Rev. J, M. Mitchell was deprived
of lis pulpit, and formally deposed
from the ministry by order of the
Bishop of the Diocese. He had left)
with his family, for the State of
Maine, of which he is a native.
This unhappy event has created
no little excitement in our communi
ty, and *11 appear to deplore it. Mr.
Mitchell came to our city about four
years ago, having been chosen to
the rectorship made vacant by the
death of the lamented Elliott. He
appeared devoted to his work, was
popular as a minister and as a man,
and to the public eye a pure and
zealous follower of the- Master.
Such is the character of the offenses
charged and proved against him.
that it seems next to impossible to
resist the conviction that he was,
for the time being, mentally distur
bed, and incapable of appreciating
their enormity. They ignore all con
cern for his ministerial and social
position, and could have been com
mitted only by a man who was mad,
or utterly shameless and depraved.
Our own mind revolts from the lat
ter branch of the alternative, and
think it will ere long be found that
he will be to his friends more an ob
ject of care and sqlicitude than of
Whatever may be the thought of
this disgraced minister, the sympa
thies of this whole community go
out to those innocent ones of his
household who must share in the
punishment. His act has plunged
into wretchedness unutterable . one
of the purest, best and most charm
ing of her sex, and planted the seeds
of perpetual sorrow in the young
heart of a bright little boy, who was
the pet ami charm of all who knew
him. We can only say, Heaven
comfort them, and vouchesafe to
the suffefers in a better world the
happiness denied them in this!
Mrs. Davis and Mr. Greeley—A
. 4 - (Truthful Scrap of History.
i>y * V. ’
Jlji^-fe^mpanvjng communication
comes m’tfirift~s>Ource of the niost vfn-
questionable authenticity, and re
flects honor upon the nominee of the
Cincinuatti Convention. No true
Southron can peruse it with unmois
tened eye, and the rebuke to Voor-
hees is most withering and complete:
Editors Telegraph & Messenger:
Mr. Voorhees, in his recent attack
on Mr. Greeley, styled his signing
of Davis’ bond ‘an impertinent inter
ference.” Allow me to give you the
true history of the matter as I re
cently learned in New York, from a
gentleman who knew all about it.
Mrs. Davis went to New York to
consult Charles O’Conor, Mr. Davis’
counsel, as to the best manner of ef
fecting his release from prison. Mr.
O’Conor told her that in his opinion
there was but one way that it could
be done, and that was to get the
representative man of the Republi
can party to sign his bond. Mrs.
Davis inquired who that man was.
Mr. O’Conor replied that it Whs
Horace Greeley. She then asked
him if he would not see Mr. Greeley
and get him to do it. He replied
that he had no influence with Mr.
Greeley, and that she was the proper
person to see him. She went to his
office, sent in her card and was in
vited into his private offiiJe. She
said to him: “Mr. Greeley, my
husband is confined in a casemate
at Fortress Monroe. He has been
there for many long, weary months.
He is a feeble old man, and he is
gradually sinking under his rigor
ous imprisonment. He will die if
he remains there much longer. I
came here to consult Mr. O’Cdnor
as to the means of getting him re
leased. He has told me that there
is but one way to do it, and that is
to get the representative man of
the Republican party to sign his
bond, and says that yon are the
man. He says that you have a
kind heart, and that yon will do it,
if you believe it to be right. My
husband is dying. Mr. Greeley,
may I hope that yon will favorably
consider my application ?”
Mr. Greeley arose, extended his
band to Mrs. Davis, and said:—
“Madam, you may, for I will sign
his bond.” Mr. Greeley was then a
prominent candidate before the Leg
islature for the United States Sen
ate. Some of his friends heard that
he had agreed to sign Mr. Davis’
bond. They went to him and pro
tested against it. They told him
that they had made a count, and
that he would be elected by six ma
jority, but that if he signed the bond
it would defeat him. He replied, “I
know it will.’ They told him that he
was one of the owners of the Tribune,
and if he‘signed this bond he would
lose thousands of subscribers. He
replied ‘I know it.’ They said ‘Mr.
Greely, you have written a history
of the war, one volume you have
out, and have sold large numbers of
it. Your second volume is nearly
out and you have large orders for
that. If you sign this bond, these
orders w'll be countermanded and
you will lo3e a large amount of mon
ey. He replied, ‘Gentlemen, I know
it, bnt it is right, tind I’ll do it.’ He
did do it, and I am informed that
he lost a seat in the United States
Senate, and over thirty thousand
To my mind this does not look
like an ‘impertinent interference.’
tice which is so marked a feature in
his character, the connection of Mr.
Greeley with tne bail-bond of his
client, Jeflerson Davis, so far as it
came nnder Mr. O’Conor’s profess
ional observation. This is not a vol
unteer statement by Mr. O’Conor.
It has been called oat by a letter of
inquiry addressed to him in conse
quence of a recent statement in the
World, implying that other bonds
man would have served the purpose
as well as Mr. Greeley. Mr. O’Coft-
or states that Mr. Greeley’s name
was solicited by Mr. Davis’s counsel,
and was represented to Mr. Greeley
as essential for procuring Mr. Davis’s
release. We are willing to be the
medium of an exact historical state
ment by so competent an authority,
although it puts Mr. Greeley in the
position of having held the key of
Mr. Davis’s prison-house, and hav
ing been the efficient instrument of
‘his release. Mr. O’Conor’s motive
was fidelity to his client and a -wish
to restore him to liberty. Mr.’Gree
ley’s motives cannot be more author
itatively expressed .than in his own
language, which we here insert:
I believed that the Republicans of this coun
try could not afford, after he had lain two
yean in prison, to try, convict, and execute
Jefferson Davis; sliU less could they afford to
make the attempt and fail. Had hebeen ex
ecuted, I believe his death would have been
bloodily avenged on thousands of unoffend
ing Unionists, especially blacks, and would
have made thousands of voles for the common
cause of Rebellion and sham Democracy. Had
the Republicans been beaten in an earnest
attempt to convict and hang him, I think
the consequences would have been different,
but equally baleful.
According to Mr. Greeley’s state
ment, be was acting in the interest
of the Republican party, to forestall
thousands of additional votes “for
the common cause of Rebellion and
Sham Democracy.” The value of
the service must be measured by its-
result—the setting free of the pris
oner. The merit of the service must
be measured by the motives that
prompted it, which, according to
Mr. Greeley’s own account, was to
prevent the rebels and “Sham Dem
ocracy” from gaining any party ad
vantage either by Mr. Davis’s exe
cution, or by his acquittal after an
abortive trial.—N. Y. World.
D. McGill. 1L OWbai*
Baixbridge, Ga.
Law Office np stain near the Poet Office.
This k to forewarn ell parties not to al
low Mrs. Mattia R. Retd, who htt left my
bad and board, to contract any debts oo my
account, aa 1 shall in no case bo myewi ■
ble for them
A.T. Rapt.
Bainbridge, Ga., April 11th, J872.
| BeaUtteert sc< Igtawatllaal I’ovtn, |
and am a jmraatn* cTCUDs and Tsvsr.
('-( IHL Kit Nt- r\ n (-
An yield to tteto powetfal ettoaey-
Am an antidote to chants af Water and Dick
to tha waated ftamasond yisetatt
Will cava days of tattering to tha etek, and
The grand Panacea for all the nia of Ufa.
Mr. Greeley and the Bail-Bond.
We print, in another column, a
letter by our honored fellow-citizen,
Charles O’Conor, stating, with the
precision which always attends that
great lawyer, and the cense of jus-
Pat’s Piety.—Pat was an idle
boy. One day he was called up and
the question propounded by the ped
‘How many Gods are there?’
Pat was not a distinguished theo
logian, but quickly answered:
‘Three sir.’
‘Take your seat!’ thundered the
master, ‘and if yon don’t answer in
five minutes, I will welt yon.’
The probationary time passed,
Pat, taking the floor, hesitatingly
stated the number to be ‘five sir ?’
He received the promised welting,
and returned to his seat ten minutes
for consideration.
Ten minutes np, Pat was up too,
and satisfied that be hadn’t fixed
the number sufficiently high before,
‘There’s ten, sir.’
He saw the fertile descending, and
breaking out of the door, he cleared
a five rail fence and run like a quar
ter-horse across the meadow. Pant
ing with exhaustion, he met a lad
with a book in his hand, and with a
look of one in pursuit of knowledge
under difficulties, he asked:
‘Where are you going ?’
‘To school, yander,' was the re
‘How many Gods are there?
‘One,’ answered the boy.
‘Well, you’d better not go down
there. Yon’ll have a good time with
your one God. I just left there with
teB, and that wasn v t enough to savd
me the damdest licking you ever
heard of.’
lyFor sale, by the Case er Bottle, by
Eclectic Gallery
Fine Steel Engravings
Portfolio, Scrap-Book, Framing,
or for Purposes of Illustration.
Historians, Poets, Artists, War
riors, Emperors, Statesmen,
Kings, Historic & Ideal
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These Engravings have appeared in the
Eclectic Magazine doling the past t»^^
five years. The subjects have been selected
with great care on both aides of the Atlantic.
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W in poirfei* m
Laces, Embroideries, Woolens,
Italians, Flannels.
aprile 6m '
1 wish to inform the readers of the 8ecai-
Weekly Argos, that I am now prepared to do-
all kinds of
In all colors. I am prepared to do work in
the country or neignbonng towns. Have on
hand a fine assortment of Paints. My prices
are moderate and I guarantee my work to
stand. Call on or address .
oct!3 ly Bainbridge, Ga.
w. o.*e. job* c. normal
attorneys at law
O FFICE over drug store of Botte A Peabody.
Are faUy prepared to take charge of all
caseearieing under the bankrupt lew. [jeJt.M.lf
Broai’ Street,
Keeps constantly on hand
Clocks, .. ,
Fancy Goods,
Ac., Ac.,
In great variety, which for style, quality and
price cannot be excelled. A foil line of
in Store. --
JV-WATCliES and JEWELRY repaired
at sheet: notice, and wmrmste^ f*|T Vffi