The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, January 23, 1873, Image 4

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The Weoklj Democrat, ftttTRBDAY, JANUARY 23, 1873. M. Thiers. Tweaty«*e years ago and upward, whoa Lotis Napoteoo usurped the gor ermmemt of France, among those who were arrested me- M. Thiers. Be was in a state ofgaeat fright and. consterna tion at the time, but soon recovered float K, Mag treated with the greatest l oioorj by Napoleon, and escaped at ' last witii only a few days’ detention. . Although then an old man, much frifiber advanced in life than Napoleon, he bred to see the end of his long life tad to beoome his successor in power. What a remarkable man ! He witness ed the glories and the overthrow of the first Empire. Be saw the restoration of the Boar bo ns and the entrance of the alfjed naoaarehs into Paris. He was tlfef’iiale Minister and moving spirit donag a large portion of the eighteen years’ reign of Louis Phillippe. It was owing to his advice and his policy that the remains of Napoleon I. were brought back from St. Helena in 1840. He wrote the best history of the first Em pire, and Iras the successor of the sec ond. He baa seen, in the course of his font-score years, no less than ei|§hft arhefe governments rise and fall. Tic political endurance of Thiers is. wonderful, and almost without a paral lel Several years ago ho earnestly the Emperor to consent to the jrt the remains of ex-King Louis Phillippe from England, where they then reposed, to Paris, that they might In interred with his royal ances tor, The Emperor, fearing political consequences from a revival of the Or- " leapu feeling, declined. He very little thought he wa& soon to follow in the foot-steps of the ex-King, and, like him, to die on English soil. When the political passions of the day have subsided, the remains of both will, we presume, be removed to Paris. Louis Napoleon, we believe, left a place for himself in the magnifiaent tomb which he prepared for his uncle at St. Danis—4 tomb which cost over $12,- 000,000. D. MCGILL- M. O’jBAI* McGILL k O’NEAL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Baxubridye, Go. Law office up stairs, near the Peat Office. NOTICE. GEORGIA—DECATUR COUNTY. From this date, the Legal Advertisement*, of said county will be published in the Dem ocrat and Sun until farther notice. W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff. January 8tb, 1878. * ft. A. WALLACE* DEALER IN Piper, Envelopes, Cards, Twines a Tpgs, Paper Stock, Inks, Wots, Waste, &c. 135 1AT ST., SAVANNAH, GA. mchO] Orders promptly billed. • [ly Private Boarding House Cor. FUntera’ ft Cemetery Sts., Bainbridge, Ga. Mrs. George W. Hines "respectfully an. nouncee that she is prepared to accommodate boarder* at moderate rates: alee to furnish two TOc|*l for lodging. jan2 ml Stoves, Stoves ! TINWARE, TINWARE! than the Cheapest! Ia order to close out my stock of Stoves I hare determined to sell them so low that no one can fell to buy. I also have a fine lot of Tinware, &c., on hand for sale very reasona ble. Call and see me, H. E. COURTNEY, ,t24 3m] South-Broad St. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Improved Home Shuttle Sew ing Machine. Does all kinds of family sewing; Lock stick; straight needle; simple and easy run ning; price, from $25 to $75; D. G. MAX- WKLL, Gen’l Agent, Atlanta, Ga. S5 tO $20 P° T day ! Agents wanted. All sex, young or old, m ike more money at work tor us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else; particulars free; address G. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. DOWNING HILL NURSERY, Atlanta, Ga., Offers for sale the present season, a choice collection of Fruit Tre$s, Grape Tines, Orna mental Trees, Shrubbery, Gaeen-House Bed- <luig PIarU, etc.—catalogue free by mail— - W. P. Robinson, Atlanta, Ga CONCENTRATED LIGHT. Gvtat invention for burning different kinds of candles. Beautiful and substantial." No »WpMg*r waste: one candle made to last two nigktf, * Neatest, cheapest, safest light- Adapted for the street, stable, office, parro, aursey and kitchen. Send stamp for illustrated dimkr, Superior inducements to the trade. Address K. H. HAYWARD tlilflA UWAKD i ^•IfVVV of blind, blue I for any case bleeding, itch- ingev^eented pile* that Dp. Bing’s Pile Mh t* sure. It is prepared ex- P r ***w toew* A* piles, and nothing else. Sold tQT sU druggists; price $1. DECATUR SHERIFFS SALES. GEORGIA, DECATUR COUNTY. Will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Bainbridge, between the usual hours'of sole, on the first Tuesday in Febru ary next, the following property, to wit: Lots ofland Nos. 347 & 848 in the 20th dist. of Decatur county; and No 897 and 898 the 21st dist. of said levied on as the property of James Griffin to satisfy one SuperiorCourt fifa in fevor of Ira W. Sanborn vs. said James Griffin. Abo, at the same time and place, lots of land numbers 282 and 249 in the 27th dist. of stud count levied on as the property of Wade P. Hodges to satisfy one Superior Court fifa in favor of Ira W. Sanborn, executor, vs; saii Wade P.-Hodges and Richard Sims. Also, at the same time and place, One city lot in the town of Bainbridge, in said county, known as No. 101. it being the premises on which A. Davis now lives; levied on as the property of George W. Farrar to satisfy one Superior Court fifa in favor .of Samuel A. Grier, administrator, vs. J. B. Vanover, Wm. Morrow and George W. Farrar. Also, at the same time and place, one city lot in the town of Bainbridge, said county, known as No. 101, being the premises on which A. Davis now lives; levied on as the property of George W. Farror, to satisfy one Superior Court fifa in favor of Samuel A. Grier, administrator, vs. Wm. Morrow, J. B. Vanover and George W. Farrar. Also, at the same time and place, one large compass and staff, and one throdalite; levied on as the property of H. I. Kimball & Co., in the hands of C- C. Crews, garnishee, to satisfy one Superior Court fifa in favor Callahan & Crews rs. said H. I. Kimball & Co. and C. C. Crews, gamisher. Also, at the same time and place, lot of land number 176 in the 19th district of said county; levied on as the property of S. Pen nington and Stephen Pennington, administra tors of Wm. Pennington, to satisfy a Miller’ couftty Superior Court fifa in favor of L. Q. Sanders versus said S. Pennington and Stephen Pennington, administrators of Wm. Pennington. W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff Jnuaray 8th, 1873. Term.mSL Wfe.G. Robinson, who SM* for thenftof Richard H. Hi*sdaIe,«*.W. C Re present the Honoroble Peter J. Stroxier. Judge of said Court. It appearing to the court by the petition of Wm. G. Robinson, who sues for the use of RiehardH, Hinsdale, that on the 15th day of Februaryft)869, William C. Rauls, of said county, made.and delivered to said Robinson his certain prum- isory note, bearing even date with the and year aforesaid, whereby said W. C. Rauls promised topay said Robinson or order, Fourteen Hundred and Eighty-eight dollars, value received, and that afterward, on the same day and year aforesaid, the qaid Rauls for the better securing the payment of said executed and delivered to arid Win. G. Rob inson his deed of mortgage, whereby said Rauls conveyed to said Robinson all that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 19th district of Decatuj county, and known as number one in block “B” of the town of Harrell, containing thirty-five feet on Brown street, and running back north ninety-five feet; condition: if said Rauls should pay off and discharge said note, or cause the same to be done according to .the tenor and effect of said note and mortgage, deed; then the said note and mortgage should become null and void to all intents and pur poses; and it further appearing that said note remains unpaid, it is therefore'brdered by the Court that the said William C. Ranis do pay into this Court by the first day of the next term thereof the principal, interest and cost that may be due on said note, or show cause to the contrary if any he has; and that on failure of said Wm. C. Rauls so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed, and it is further or dered that this rule ni si be published once a month for four months or a copy thereof served upon the said Wm. C. Rauls, or his special agent or attorney at law three months previous to the next term of this court. Witness the Hon. Peter J. Stroxier, Judge of said Court, January 6th, 1878. T. F. HAMPTON, Clerk. Boots & Shoes. B. N. HYATT, • Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker If yen want a nicely fitting boot or shoe, and one that will do yon good service,lie wOI make it for you, and cheap top. He is prepared to do all kinds of work in hi^ine with the ut most dispatch. A supply of the finest leath ers and findings always on hand, and a good job of work is always guaranteed. Shop in rear of the Dickenson h Stegall’s banking house.' Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of Dougherty county, I will sell at pub lic auction, at the court house door at Col quitt, Miller county, Ga„ on the first Tues day in February next, as the property of Samuel E. Kimball, deceased, lota of land numbers two hundred and eighty-four (284J, and fihree hundred and eighteen (3^8), in- the twelfth (12th) district of Mll(er county. Sold for the, purpose of distribution among the heirs-. Terms of sale, cash; purchasers to pay for titles. _ SULLIVAN E. KIMBALL, Administrator of Samuel E. Kimball. December 6th, 1872. ftds T. REID & COMPANY COR. VEST & BROUGHTON STREETS, BAWBUOGC, GA. DRYGOODS & GROCERIES. THE LJUftbEST * STOCK THE CITY. IN Petition and Stale Vi Si to Poreekae Mortgage. L. B. CHITTENDEN- V*. BKNJ. T. RICH. POSTPONED SHERIFFS SALES. GEORGIA, DECATUR COUNTY. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Bainbridge, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Febru ary next, the following property, to wit: Lots ofland numbers 359, 337 and. 871 lying in the 21st district of said county* lev ied on as the property of B. F. Bruton, one the defendants, to satisfy-one Superior Court fifa in favor of S. L. Belcher vs. W. j. Bruton and B. F. Bruton. March 8th, 1872. L. F. BURKETT, Deputy Sheriff. Also, at same time and place, lot of land number 359 in the 16th district qf Decatur county, and lots numbers 162 and 188' in the 20th district of said county, and lots num bers 859, 387 and 871 ia the 21st district of said pounty; levied on an- the property of Benjamin F. Bruton, security, to satisfy one Superior Court fifa in fever of Moore, Jen kins & Co. vs. James E. Dickinson, Benjamin F. Bruton, security. December 4th, 1866. W. W, HARRELL, Sheriff. January 8th,' 1878. DECATUR SHERIFF’S M0RT- . GAGE SALES. GEORGIA, DECATUR COUNTY. WitJ be sold before the court house door, in the town of Bainbridge, between the usual hours of sale, on first Tuesday m March next, the following property, to wit: . That lot of parcel of land lyin^in the 15th District of said oounty, being part of lot of land number 219, lying on Flint river, and divided by a line running north 38 degrees; east, beginning in the centre of the public road near a small live oak bnsh, and thence to the eastern boundary of Baid lot, thence north along said line to .'the corner of said lot, and of lots numbers 205 and 306 and 218, and thence along the northern boundary to said river, at or near where a partition fence strikes the river, thence up the river to the boundary of said lot 219, containing twenty (20) acres, more or less, known as the “Tonge Factory Property;” levied on as the property of Adolphus C. Schaefer & Geo. T. Parker to satisfy one mortgage fife in fevor of W. O. Fleming as administrator of Wm. Williams for Robert Smallwood, et *1. W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff. Also, at the same tjme and place, the fol lowing property of Thomas Mann described in a deed of mortgage to Daniel BAd well, Trustee; to wit, all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Bainbridge, on which Thomas Mann now resides; bounded south by Back street and premises of W. O. Fleming, west and north by Felix G. Arnett, and east by land of Lake Mann; levied on as the property .of Thomas Mann Wsatisfy one mortgage fife in fevor of Daniel Bradwell vs. said Thomas Mann. This December 4th, 1868. W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, iot of land number 262 in the. 20th district of said county; levied on as the property of Henry Robertston to satisfy one mortgage fifa in favor of B. F. Byrd ..Trustee, for use of A. Davis & Co-, vs. said Henry Robertson. W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff. January 8th, 1878, FOR RENT. I offer for rent the handsome residence situated on the river bank at the hand of Water street, known as the B. F. Powell let, lately occupied by Mrs. Henry; also, several outbuildings; apply at once to WM. POWELL, Executor Estate B. F. Powell. . [Sun copy]1^ jan9 Bend 25 cent* for the Advertisers 9 Gazette, tw^ 0win ^ow, when and ° ,her GKO. P. BO WELL X: cn Uoa Vv, Vuri; • PuhVh ^' « STRAYED OR STOLEN. On Thursday night, 26th ult. r from just below the Arnett Bridge, from the subscriber, a medium-site bay Mule, well compacted, between four and five year* old, has a roan spot ou his right hip about the sise of the two haads, spot of same color on left side of the neck about the site of a silver dollar, has black and bay .stripes running around the legs, black stripe .front his wethors to his tail. For the delivery of the mule to me at my residence one utile from Swann’s Bridge, on the Woodville read,-1 offer a reward of Twanty-five Dollars. B.- B, BRYANT. January 4th, 1873. V. B. BACGHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND LAND AGENT, OrtLQvrrPi Ga. County, Superior Court, Decatur May Term, 1873. STATE OF GEORGIA, DECATUR CO. It being represented to the court by the petition of Samuel B. Chittenden, bearer, that by deed of-mortgage, dated the 13th day of November, 1869, Beqjamin T. Rich conveyed to Thomas M. Allen a lot ofland in the twen ty-first district of said county of Decatur, known in the plan of said district as lot no. three hundred and twenty (320) for the pur pose of securing the payment of a promisory a5tp 'made by JSld Benjamin f. Rich to the said Thomas M. Allen, duo on the first day of January, 1871, for the sum of one hundred and ten dollars and fifty cents, which note is now due and unpaid : It is ordered that the said Benjamin T. Rich do pay unto this court by the first day of the next term the princi pal, interest and costs dne on said note, or show cause if any he has to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure be -granted to tbe said Samuel B. Chittenden, bearer of said mortgage and the equity of redemption of the said B. T. Rich, therein be forever barred,' and that service of this rule be per fected on said Benjamin T. Rich by publica tion once a month for four months according to law. Witness the Hon. Peter J. Strozier, Judge of said Court, January 2d, 1873. T. F. HAMPTON, Clerk. Petition and Buie Hi Si to Foreclose Mortgage. Drury Rambo, Executor, w*. J. J. Y ates. Superior Court, Decatur County, May Term, 1873. STATE OF GEORGIA, DECATUR CO. It being represented to the court by the petition of Drury Rambo,* as executor of the Tast will, and testament of Daniel Rambo, deceased, that by deed of mortgage, dated on- the first day of November) 1870, J. J. Yates conveyed to the said Drury Rambo a lot«of laud in the 20th district of said eoqpty, known in the plan of said district as Iot no. 372, for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promisory note made by the said J. J. Yatef to the said Drury Rambo, due on the first day of November, 1871, for the sum of seventeen dollars pad fifty cents, which note is now dne and unpaid ; It is ordered that the stud J. J. Yates do pay into this court by the first day of the next term thereof the principal, interest and*cost dne on said note, or show cause if any he has to the con trary; or in default- thereof foreclosure hfe granted to the said Drury Rambo of said mortgage deed, and the equity of redemption of the said J. J. Yates therein be forever barred, and that service of this rule be per* fected on said J. J.'Yates by publication once a month for four months, according to law. Witness the Hon. Peter J. Stroxier, Judge of said Court, this January 2d, 1873. T. F. HAMPTON, Clerk. ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD. of Schedule. Gkxikai. Sup*xistxxdkst's Offjci, ) Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, V Savannah, Jan. 4, 1878. J On and after Sunday, January 5th, 1873, Passenger trains on this road will run as follows : EXPRESS PASSENGER. . Leave Savannah daily at - - 4:30 p m Arrive at Live Oak - - 3:05 a m Arrive at Thomasville - - 4:40 a m Arrive at Bainbridge - - 7:40 a m Arrive at Albany ... 9:15 a m Leave Albany - 5:20 pm Leave Bainbridge - 6:45 p m Leave ThomasviQe - - 9:50 p m Leave live Oak - ... 11:25 pm Arrive at Savannah ... 10:00 a m Make connection at live Oak with trains en J., P, & M. Railroad for and from Jack sonville, Tallahassee, etc. No ehange of care at- live Oak; no change of care between Savannah and Albany. Close connection at Albany with trains on South western. Railroad. . -ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. WXSTXHX DITISlOJr.. Leave Lawton, Sundays excepted, 7:50 am Arrive at Valdosta, Sundays exo., 9:52 a m Arrive at Quitman, Sundays “ 11:10 a m Arrive at Thomasville, “ “ 1:10 pm Arrive at Albany, “ “ 7:40 p m Leave Albany, Sundays excepted, 7:40 a m Leave Thomasville, Sundays “ 2:10 p m Leave Quitman, Sundays “ 4:21 p m Learn Valdosta, Sundays “ 6:48 pm Arrive at Lawton, Sundays “ 8:00 p m Connnect at Albany with night trains on Southwestern railroad, leaving Albany Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, a>d arriving at Albany Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Mail Steamer* leave Bainbridge every Wednesday at foOOa. m. for Apalachicola. GEORGIA, DECATUR ( OUNTY. . Whereas J. A. Butts, administrator of Jas, A. Butts, in his petition duly filed and en tered on record, that he has fully adminis tered said estate; this is, therefore, to cite allpersonsconcerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said ad ministrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of-dis mission, on the first Monday in March, 1873, JOEL JOHNSON, Ordinary. December 2nd, 1872. Bedell Co., Liquor Dealers, —AMD— Tobacco Agents, 140 Broad Street, 0Ct24 6m] COLUMBUS, GA. H. 8, HAINES, Gen’l Supt. M. Holey & Co : , -Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PARLOR, CHAMBER and KITCHEN FURNITURE ! ‘ 186 BROUGHTON ST., Comer Jefferson and Broughton, opposite . St. Andrew’s Hall, Savannah, Ga. All the latest styles kept on hand. Mat tresses renovating and repairing of furniture execu ed promptly and at reasonable prices. , mch21 ly 4 . CLOTHINO AJXD HATS. A Large and Fashionable selection at T . REID L qq , s BO °TS AND SHOES. Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Beys and Children’s at A. T. REID ft CO.’S • . Dress Roods A complete and handsome stock at Prints. A. T. REID ft CO.’S Bacoti,. Bacon, Sides, Hams, Shoulders and Bulk Meats at • A. T. REID ft CO.’S H. SPEAfc FU1 <fc Wiat,, GOODS To which he invites the the public. He ha* special *t*ti, 10# of Flour, Flour. Onfrhundred bblar., different grades, A. T. REID ft CO.’S Sugar and Coffee. Fifty bbl». and sacks Sugar and Coflbe at A. T. REID ft CO.’S • Northern One hundred halts Northern Hay at Hay. A. T.’REID ft CO/S Oats, Oats. Five hundred bushels Blaek and Yellow Oats at A. T. REIO ft CO/S AN ENGLISH BUSINESS ANH CLASSICAL SCHOOL For Both Sexes. OBeoks, Stripes and Yarns, From’Columbus, a choice selection at ' j(, x, p£|g ft qo/S Blitter, Cheese All fresh and arriving weekly at and Fish. A. T. REID ft fp/S . Enquire For any goods you n^r want at A. T.JIEI0 ft CO.’S * f * Cotton, Corn, Hides, Wool, and any countrylpreduce bought by A. T. REID & COMPANY. JOHN -H. FEATHERST0N, PRINCIPAL, Bainbridge, Ga. This institution will open on the Second Wednesday in January, 1878. COURSE OF STUDY AND BATES, First Class—Spelling. (Webster’s), Read ing (Holmes), Penmanship, Arithmetic (Sanford’s), Geography (Monteith’s), Gram mar (Butler’s), Oratory, per month, $2 50. Second Class—Spelling (Towns’"), History (Stephens U. S.), Penmanship, Arithmetic (Stoddard’s) Grammar (Butler’s) Geography (Monteth’s),' Composition’ (Quack'enbos’), Elocution, Algebra (Davies’), Latin Gram mar and Reader (Bullion’s), Oratory, per month, $3 50. , • t Third Class—Spelling (Webster’s Diction ary), History (Goodrich’s Gfeece), Penman ship, Arithmetic (Sanford’s), Grammar S ark’s), Latin Grammar, Csesar, Virgil, etoric, (Bullion's), Trigonometry (Loomis) Mensuration, Herodotus, Current Literature, Oratory, per month, $3 50. A thorough course .of book-keeping and penmanship will be taught at sight, extra, per month, $5 00. All that is asked, is a fair trial, and a well taught student is promised in return- SPALDING * SEMINARY, Spalding, Macon Connty, Qft, 1873. Is the place to educate your Sons and Daughters. It has two distinct departments, one for males, the other for females. Obser vation has, long ago, taught us that an abso lute separation of the sexes is contrary to nature and Is hurtful to both; also, that an. association too frequent and protracted is equally pernicious. We aim at the golden medium; and four years successful experiment confirms us in the belief that we have the right plan. Young ladies and young gentle men in our Seminary are courteous in de portment, tidy in dress, and correct and ehastein their language. Our Course of Study is collegiate, practical and suited to the (jmes. Good government is secured. by rewarding the good, as well as punishing the bad; this is the Bible rule. Pupils study, not as much by compulsion, os by emulation and being enabled to understand and love the sciences. Our village’]* healthy, the people cultivated, moral and social. Accommodation for board ing is ample. Next session will begin on January 13th; $200 will pay bbard and tui tion-one jess, FACULTY FOR 1873. •• Rev. Wm. C. Wilkes, A. M., President and Professor of Ancient Languages. Wm. J. Harvard, Professor of Mathematics. Mrs. M. A. Wilkes, History, Botany and BeUeslettres. Mrs, S. G. Beall, Academic Classes. Miss J. Estelle Wilkes, French, Spanish, German, etc. Mrs. L. E. Veal, Ornamental Classes. Miss Bessie P. Wilkes, Primary Classes. Misses Jennie E. and Mamie B, Wilkes, Instrumental and Vocal Music. For further information, send for New Catalogue; address Col. N. M. Massey, Pres ident of Board of Trustees; or Rev. Wm. C Wilkes, President cf Faculty; or Wm. J. Harvard, Secretary of Faculty, Spalding,’ Macon county Ga. Dec. i 1872. FALL AND WINTER! 1872—1873. We are in the market with our usual, stock of fail and winter goods. lOO DDls. FLOUR, 8,000 * pounds BACON Sides Sc Shoulders, ' 1,000 11>«. LARD, 3,000 yards BAGGING, lOO Duns. ARROW TIES. PAINTING MATERIALS, Of all kinds—White Lead, boiled and raw Ode, colored Painte assorted. 10.000 YARDS OF PRINTS, ALL GRADES AND PRICES. 5.000 yards Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings. 25 pieces KENTUCKY JEANS. And the usual assortment of DRY-GOODS and DRESS GOODS. BABBIT & WARFIELD. VAST OUANTITIES, Popular”^ —*01— Hress Goods l In SB the Styles Of to, Alpaccas, . Embroideries Laces, White Goods Towelling. Table’ . • Linen, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, and Handkerchief Bleached and Brown DOMESTICS, Kentucky Jeans, Calicoes, Tickings, Cloths, Cassimeres, White and Red all-wool Flannels, The very best of Opera Haft,, ^ Linaeys, Shawls, Blankets, & c . CLOTHING! Nice Lot of Hoys and Gents* . CLOTHING! Tlio Best Stock BOOTS arid SHOES fiSY*In ike city—come and see for yonmbes. GROCERIES, FOR THE MILLIONS! We keep constantly on hand all the leading groceries, such as Bacon, Flour, Lard, Butter,! Coffee, Corn, Meal, Grit;, Syrups, Liquors. > &e., &c, Mr. T. J. THOMPSON, of the late firm of Spear & Thompson, coutinues with me; aba Mr. J t R. GRIFFIN. Give me a call. H. H. SPEAR, Broughton St, nor 14] Bainbridge, Qv FOR COST! NOW IS THE TIME TO SECVK BARGAINS! Patterson dc McNair, SOUTH-BROAD STREET, be fain* 1 '* Are now closing out their UrF Stock of Fall and Winter ^ AT COST! Ho better stock can I the city; therefore buyers wil it to their interest to call on before going elsewhere. PATTERSON ft RANKIN HOUSE ; j.W.By ^Propr*'’ Broad Street Cqlumbvs, - CRASH OOU'E-V.OB'