The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, March 06, 1873, Image 3

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***■ ( „tfl mnnr » m,ny ‘ new business; r*M business; dull business; lost business ; ’ 7Jm«»y * fal,in * bu,in “* i * ^,r,ei nunj »'«S* t’mincM; S uccr« in »nj : ' _ s „r,;V I!niAKi> to Legal _\Ve are determined, bere- ^rt no legal advertisements in *‘ iirvkr without they are paid for 11,11 " yi t Illft ke this announcement "^tua! benefit of ourselves, the couuty advert ft, ssell & Jones. A . f ^r can 1-e had S wren ringin'*. ” A of pure and genuine drugs, chemical.**, paints oils, etc., at *4 *" nm l bulb i for sale, a ■>'« If > Me the l.’ity w t WirCtM, iuvile the public to yi in-pcc* their fttock of Liry Good,, ic. See advertisement. „ n t something good to drink and • r , i 0 .J f (iriftin & Co.'s iTH iWorld! Woman is Free!— ; j,f roanv modern discoveries looking ** jw-tines* ami anielipmtion of the hu- v/n<>ne is entitled to higher consid- • stUn the remaned remedy—Dr. J A f '|, IViiiale Regulator, Woman’s Best ' n v wu „inn is emancipated from w ; o :ill< ,*culiar to her sex. Before irrcRlurilies nf the womb .!, it n.res whites. It cures suppres- ..friic iiirn-w. It removes uterine ob- i/c/res constipation and strength- :V“V*:cn». It braces the nerves and rsthe ldo<wl. It never fails, as thous- /wHiiitn will testify. This valuable anw i* |irvpare»l and sold by L. II. Brad- Iriffri't. Atlanta, Ga., Price, $1,50 All resjiectable drug men keep i.diRnyiE, Ga., March 23, 1870. UliFIKI.b x ft Atlanta, Ga.—Dear , ,*<• pleasure in stating that I have nthrifts) twenty years, the medicine ttto.iw putting up, known os Woman Friend, and consider it the best combi ner p.ticn together for the disseases ii i.w reeonimended. I have l>een w.tii the prescription both asaprac- Ill 'lly >ay that 1 consider it ...Hiring females, and can but hope tcri lady in our whole land, who may itrin-i in any way peculiar to their -jr hr *).)<• to procure a bottle, that .i.HfMig not only be relieved, but that ‘.v W ii-tored to health and strength. Ain.lrst regards.'j*reifully, W. B. Ferrell, M.D. -~'.Madd i thousand other certificates. • isi lrr I lie above amply sufficient rmeries and planta- einenger »t Engel’s tore. They keep the /ack Frost.—Thig gentiemtacame down with a Tengeamoe on our garden track Tuesday night, nipping the pros pect for early beans and other herbs in the bud. It was the coldest night of the season to our thinking. The robins are here too. but they have not brought Spring tune “wof a cuss ” Brown id.—A colored man while seining i i Douglass pond on the 1st inst, fell from his boat into the water and was drowned. His body hal been recovered. The Coroner held an in quest over his remains Saturday last. Verdict of the jury, “that his lamp of life was quenched out by water.” Bound OviR.—Allen Arnett, gin ger cake color, was tried before Justice McGill Monday for an assault and bat tery on Johnny Cummings, son of our artist, 31. Cummming. After hearing the evidence and arguments he was held to answer in sum of fifty dollars for his appearance at next term of the Superi or Court. The State was represented by Messrs. Guriey, Russell & Brown. H. F. Sharon flashed his maiden sword in tBe defense. lie handled his weapon creditably to himself. Mrs. Maggie Watt.—It is with unfeigned grief we chronicle the death of this young, lovely and most estima ble lady; wife of our esteemed friend, James Watt. Never was there a more sudden and totally unexpected death. Friday last, she appeared in excellent health, no trace of the insatiate archer upon her fair youthful brow. Saturday she was taken with a chill, followed by congestion, and Sunday evening— “Death chill’d the fair fountain, ere sorrow had stain’d it; ’Twos frozen in all the pure light of it* course, And but sleeps till the sunshine of Heaven has unchained it. To water that Eden where first was its source.” We tender to her bereaved family and husband, our warmest sympathies. May that great God who has so sudden ly smote down the brightest star of their household, to suit some wise de sign, sooth their sorrowing hearts with that, “peace that passeth all understand ing.” Though she has passed from our gaze, like a beautiful vision, let us “Mourn not for her, the young bride of the ▼ole. Our gayest ami loveliest, lost to us no* In life's early lustr*- had time to grow ] And the garland of love was yet fresl iViajj Ale and l*»nd«m lVn and Brandies ut J. U. Grif- \H1>F.N SHEDS at 11. J. SWEARINGEN M i'i.wj .M itkhiau*.—Recall the atten- f our mulers fo the advertisement in cr column of one of the most extensive factories sashes and blinds in ■o?hern Sf.ites. As these articles are *.v demand by our citizens, we recom- *11 who contemplate improving their business to send for eiruu- of the above articles, to- i prices of builders' hanlware, itlc-pieces. French and American \c.. top, P. Toale. *20 Hayne r,.!m tf '■uxs at the Flint River Stores.— * lM1 * °>ir entire Fall and Winter Stock, fa hr this date made the following Ka; Fine Dress Goods at 25 and 30 fol'-red Alpaccas 35 and 45 cents; * Goths at 60 cents; striped real Ja- * >ilks at ST*; Boulevard Skirts SI 50 .French Opera Flannels 55 and 00 llii ami colored Velveteens at cost; -•m'|i. shawls, cloaks at cost. A few Mtly damaged kid gloves Ex ■Men coverlets at $3. f.o • & Engel's Flint Smoking Tobaccos at J. R. n *l will sell goods at reasonable J. Svcaringen \ Co., City Drug V** «nd Tobaccos at J. K. Griffin Millet Seed, for eow feed, for '■ ^ Wardell. druggist. r ’^ that the tribute prepared ^htor to the memory of Mrs. 9 Wa# handed in too late for this ^ »ill appear next week. J ^kLEciiox.—Col. Dauiel Mc- ^ v ' Unanimously elected by the • Commissioner* Tuesday last, ^ the Board of Education County Commissioner; ' Davis resigned. They n, ^We chosen a better man * ^ales.— 1 These sales came , , ^ * n ^^pite of the freezing J! a,)l ^ Innd, cotton, corn, all. o°»ng, all day. It was the i."! Un S l ‘ u ‘e we have witneaeed k s ^vee in a long time. k.; v , ^ re quantity of property ‘ ac ’*' to satisfy creditor. PIANOS—OUR NEW PRICES, FEB 1,1873- Price** this day reduced from 15 fo 25 per rent. I^irgc^l stock Smth and lowest pi' ever known. Win. Knabc & Co. 7 oct. 1 w«mm1 $110. S4'.K) »„d $530. Httllet, I)»\ Co.. 74 oct. s«jiu»re Grand $375 410, 430 Southeru Gem. 7 ml.. Rosewood, curved legs, $200. IWO, 320,340, 380. Parlor Gem, 7 oct Kosewoood, carved legs, $265. Best, instr ment ever sold for the money. All piart< from our w.irerooms are sold at lowest cash valuation and without regard to makers’ high prices—Send for price lists. Mason & Hamlin Organs $55 to $1,000 each, delivered freight paid to cash payers, in any part of the South. Any piece of Sheet Music or Music Book published in the U. S. sent post paid on receipt of retail price. Ad dress all orders to LUDDEN & BATES, Southern Music Warehouse. Savannah, Ga. FEB 27-3m. UMUKmOKIEOFTHEME $500,000 CASH GIFTS. $100,000 for Only $10. Under authority of special legislative act of March 16, 1871, the trustees now an nounce the Third Grand Gift Concert, for the benefit of the Public Library of Kentucky to come eff in Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky. Tuesday, April &&, 1873. At this Concert the best musical talent that can be procured from all parts of the coun try will add pleasure to the entertainment, and Ten Thousand Cash Gifts, aggregating a vast total of Half a Million Dollars curren- :y will be distributed by lot to the ticket- holders, as follows: One Grand Cash Gift, - - - - $100,000 One Grand Cash Gift, - - . 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift, ... 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift, . - 20.000 One Grand Cash Gift, - 10,000 One Grand Cash Gift, - 5,000 24 Cash Gifts of $1,000 each, 24,000 50 Cash Gifts of 500 “ 25,000 80 Cash Gifts of 400 “ 32.000 100 Cash Gifts of 800 “ 30,000 150 Cash Gifts of 200 “ .30,000 690 Cash Gifts of 100 “ 69.000 9,000 Cash Gifts of 10 “ 90,000 NOTICE. GEORGIA—DECATUR COUNTY. From this date, the Legal Advertisements, of said county will be published in the Dem ocrat and Sun until further notice. W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff. January 8th, 1873. McGILL & O’NEAL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bairtbrutyc, Ga. Law office up stairs, near the Post Office. JOHN W. McGILL, Attorney at Law, BAINBRIDGE, GA. Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to his rare. Office: north-west room in court house. febl3-ly RIBBONS, Milliucry AND STRAW GOODS. 1873. Also, White Goods, Kuibroideries, &c ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., Importers. Manufacturers and Jobbers Bonnot, Trimming, Neck and Sash Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks. Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Frames, etc. Straw Bonnets and Ladies and Children’s Hats (trimmed and untrim- med), and in connecting warerooms White Goods. Linens. Embroideries, Laces. Nets. Collars. Setts. Handker chiefs, Veiling. Head Nets. &c.. No* 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD. These goods are manufactured by us or bought for cash directly from the European and American manufacturers, embracing all the latest novelties, unequalledI in Ta JJ e, A and cheapness in any market. Orders filled w ith care, prompt ness and despatch, [feti.. GURLEY, RUSSELL & BROWN, attorneys And Coonwlors at Law, B&uxbridge, Ga. Office in Court-house. [16-6m Total, 10,000 Gifts, all Cash, 8:60,000 To provide mean* for this magnificent Con- certj One Hundred Thousand Whole Tickets only will be issued. Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, $5; and Quarters, $2,50. Eleven whole Tickets for $100. No discount on less than $100 orders. The object of this Third Gift Concert, like the two heretofore given with such universal approval, is the enlargement and endow ment of the Public Library of Kentucky, which, by the special act authorizing the con cert for its benefit, is to be forever free to all citizen* of every State. The drawing will be under the supervision of the Trustees of tne Library, assisted by the most eminent citizens of the United States. The sale of tickets has already progressed so far that complete success is assured, and buyers are therefore notified that they must order at once if they desire to participate in the drawing. The management of this undertaking has been committed by the trustees to Hon. T. E. Bramlette, late Governor of Kentucky, to whom communications pertaining to the Gift Concert may be addressed. It. T. DURBETT, Pres t. W. N. HALDEMAN, Vice Pres t JOHN S. CAIN, Sec’y Public Libr y of Ky. FARMERS’ and DROVERS’ Bank, Trcs’r Public Library of Ky., Louisville, Ky. Orders for tickets or application for agen cies. circulars, information, etc., will meet with prompt attention when addressed to me. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Louisville, Ky. [Established 1830.] WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Manufactures of Saws. SUPERIOR TO ALLOT HERN. Every Saw Warrented. FILFS I1EI.T1NO AND MACHINERY. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS.-^* filar Price Lists and Circulars free. WELCH & GRIFFITHS Boston. Mass., & Detroit, Mich. The Guide is published Quarterly. 2i: cents pays for the year, which is not half the cost. Those who afterwards send mon ey to the amount of One Dollar or more l'oi Seeds may also order 25 cents worth extra— the price paid for the Guide. Tne First Number is beautiful, giving plans for making Rural Homes, Dining Ta ble Decorations, Window Gardens, &c., and a mass of information invaluable to the lov er of flowers.—130 pages, on fine tinted pa per, some 500 Engravings, and a superb Col ored Plate and Chromo Cover.—The First Edition of 200,000 just printed in English and German. JAMES VICK, Rochester, New York USE the Reisinger Sash Lock and Support FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No spring to break, no cutting of sash ; cheap durable, very easily applied ; holds sash at any place desired, and a self-fastener when the sash is down. Send stamp for circular. Circular and six copper-bronzed locks sent to any address in the U. S. r postpaid, on re ceipt "of 50 cts. Liberal inducements to the trade. Agents wanted. Address REISIN GER SASH LOCK CO., No 418 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. BABCOCK FIRE Extinguislier. SEND FOR ITS RECORD F W. FARWELL, Sec’y. 407 Broadway. New York. 78 Market St., Chicago. day. The subscriber gets the Picture Pre mium when he pays the Agent. GOOD AGENTS WANTED Intelligent men and women wanted every where. To get good territory, delusively assigned, send early for circulars and terms, J. B. FORD ACO., New York; Bosun, Mass. Chicago, III.; San Francisco, Cal. Build Cheaply 8KXD FOR PRIOR LIST OP WINDOW SASHES, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Slate . and Mar. ble Mantels, and all kinds of Building Ma terials. Ample Stock, and facilities uni un limited. Geo. 0. Stevens & Co., Baltimore, Md, SEWING MACHINE is the Best in the World- Wnts wanted. Send for circular. Ad dress DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO.. N. Y. DEATH-BED OF GEN. LEE. A magnificent 14x18 inch Engraving. The family and friends are grouped sofrowftjlly around the old hero’s death-bed. The scene is so touchingly beautiful, the scene is so sweet, and the characters so life-like that everybody admires it. It is truly a gem of art, one which should hang in the parlor of every Southern home. Seut by mail, post paid, on receipt of 20 cents, or3 for50 cents. Agents wanted. Address J. C. & W. B. BURROW, Bristol, Tenn, WORKING CLASS MALE OR FEMALE. Sixty ilcllare a week guaranteed. Respectable employment at home, day or evening; no capital Squired ; full instructions and valuable 'package df goods sent free by mail. Address, with six sent return stamp, M. YOUNG .&' CO., 16 Cortland St., N. Y. $5 to $0 per day ! Agents wanted. AH classes of working people, of either sex, young o^old, make more money at work for U8 in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free— address G. Stinecn & Co., Portland, Maine. HORRIBLE! I suffered with Catarrh thirty years, and was cured by a simple remedy. Will send re ceipt, postage free, to all afflicted, Rev. T. J. MEAD, Drawer 176,-Syracuse, N. Y. $1 AAA REWARD for any case of blind, bleeding, itch ing or ulcerated piles that Dr. Bing’s Pile Remedy fails to cure. It is prepared ex pressly to cure the piles, and nothing else. Sold by all druggists; price $1. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR Large Stock D 0 OR S ! Sashes, BLINDS, Moulding’S, Blind Trimmings, Sash Weights and Cord.-Alead and — r Side Lights, Glass, etc., Which we arc selling as low as the lowest All communications will receive prompt attention. Address BLAIR & BICKFORD, 171 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. 1 mchG-ly 4.1. GRIFFIN. 106 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., IMPORTER, W’holesale and Retail Dealer In DRUGS AND MEDICINES. mch6-ly THE BEST BUSINESS opportunity and the most taking combination offered is to be found in an Agency for taking subscriptions for Henry Ward Beecher's Great Literary Family Newspaper, with which is given away Ilie largest anj best Pre mium Picture ever offered, the new and ex quisite 8'‘2.00 FREXCH OLEOGRAPH. called “Little Runaway and her Pets." (Oleographs arc the choicest class of French An-priutlngin oils—the perfection of chro mo. I Weals® give the superb 81° pair of Genuine French Oil Chromos, “Wide Awake” and “Fast Asleep." subjects Life-sire— charming far rrmilr* of original Oil Painting. This paper has the largest circulation in the world. It will this year be made belter than ever. Serial tales by world-famous authors, L- M. Aleott. Edward Eggleston, Harriet Beecher Stowe, etc. New and brilliant con tributors. Illustrated Holiday Number and hack number, of Miss Alcott’s story free. The largest commissions paid! One Agent made nine hundred dollars in 3 months, and nut others from 5 and 10 to 10 doi.a*» per GUANOS! PlicEnix G-uano. WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.’S MANIFU LATED GUANO. These celebrated guanos imported and prepared by Wilcox, Gibbs & Co., Savannah, Ga., and Charleston, S. C., are for sale for cash, or on credit on accommodating terms, payable in cotton, by H. M. BEACH, Agent, Buinbridge, Ga Special attention is called to the use of the Phoenix Guano composted with Ootton Seed. Send or apply as above for circulars giving testimonials from planters—prices, terms, etc etc. mchG-6w Postponed Decatur Sheriff Sales. 1EGIA, DECATUR COUNTY Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge. on the first Tuesday in April, 1873. between the usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit: One brick Store House and Lot situated Rater street fifteen feet more or less, ru ning back seventy-five feet more or less the premises of D*.T Dickinson, and bounded on the east by a store house and lot owned by the estate of E D Waters, and the west by a store house of T J Williams now occupied by Steininger A Engel; levied^ on as the property of James M Lewis to satisfy a supe rior court fifa in favor of T F Hampton for the use of Campbell & Gurley vs saul Lew This January t»th. 1873. W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff. Also, at same time and place, one brick «*tore house and lot. 35 feet front, and 75 feet back tu premises of P J Dickinson, and known as the Lewis and Waters building, and joining the building known as the Hampton building ou the west, and fronting on Water street in the city of Bainbndge. of said county: levied on as the property of E D Waters, deceased, to satisfy one superior court fifa in favor of Hm Dickenson vs E D Waters and D P Hutchens, C G Campbell endorser. . W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff. RANKIN HOUSE, J. W. Ryan, Proprietor, Broad Street, ! Columbus, - - Georgia. ! FRANK GOLDKN, Clerk. QECATm SHERIFFS SALES* GEORGIA.. DECATUR COUNTY. W8X W Mid before the court house door, ike city of Bainbridge,. between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday ia April next, the following property, to-wit; Lola of Land Nos 49, 5£ v 33 and 180, in the 19th dktrWt of Decater ooeatj; kried on as tit property of Henry Blount to satkfjt on* superior court fifa ia favor of WiHfaat Dick- i**oa vs said Mount. Property pointed out Ly plaintiff’s attorney. Lot of land No 149 in the 19th district of said county; levied on as th* property of Reidin Butler to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector, vs said Butler. Lot of land No 146 in the 19th district of id county; levied «a as the^propor»y of W T Boyett to satisfy oae tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector, vs said Boyett. Lot sf land No 126 in the 19th district of said county; levied oa as the property of F Merret to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J J reefs tax collector, vs said Merret. Lot of land No 6 in. 20th district of said county; levied on os the property of W L Hornsby to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jrter, tax collector, vs said Hornsby. Lots of land Nos 390, 429, 430. 407* in the 27th district of said county; levied on as the property of C G Campbell, agent for J N Newby to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector, vs said Campbell. One city hit in Bainbridge of said county, levied on «s the property of John R. Scott to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, T. C. vs said Scott. One city lot in Bainbridge,. of said county, whereon M Hahn now’ resides; levied on as the property of M Hahn to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector, vs said Hahn. Lots of land Nos 144, 146, in 15th district of said county; levied on as the property of C C Cliett, to Satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector, vs said-Cliett. Sixty-two acres of land lying near Bain bridge, in said county, known as the place whereon H F Sharon now resides; levied on as the property of John Ifopson to satisfy a tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector,, vs said Hopson. One house and lot in city of Bainbridge known as the place whereon C G Campbell now resides; levied on as the property of C G Campbell, Trustee for wife, to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector, vs said Campbell. One city lot in Bainbridge, known as the property of W H Allen; levied on as the property of W H Allen to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, vs said Allen. One city lot in Bainbridge, known as the Spiller place; levied on as the property of George Spiller, trustee, to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector, vs said Spiller. One city lot in Bainbridge, known as the property of R Curbo; levied on as the prop erty of R Curbo to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, tax collector, vs said Curbo. Lots of land Noth 398 in 27th dist. and 104 20th dist. of said county, levied on as property of T M Allen to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, T C, vs said Allen. One house and lot In city of Bainbridge known as the place wliereyn C G Campbell now resides, levied on as the property of C G Campbell to satisfy one tax fifa issued by T J Jeter, T C, vs said Campbell. ♦W. W. HARRELL, Sheriff. March 4, 1873 H J. SWEARINGEN & CO., (City Drug • More) have JpUST received a large and varied S TOt’K of Drugs and Medicines, Paints,- Oils, Perfumery, Garden Seeds, etc., w ELL selected and in almost ■JgNDLESS variety, pure, genuine ^^ND full strength JJEMARKABLE in quality; JN prices reasonable. other than pure Liquors will be G IN, Whisky and Brandy unmixed. 1VERYTHING in our line of business J^pEEDED by the people in town [Don’t forget the place, Tu* Citt %j& Drug Store,] ^^|OUNTRY can be obtained here, aR by special order through Petition and Rule Ni Si to Foreclose Mortgage. L. B. CHITTENDEN VS. BENJ. T. RICH. Superior Court, Decatur County, May Term, 1873. > ESTATE OF GEORGIA. DECATUR CO. It being represented to the court by the petition of Samuel B. Chittenden, bearer, that by deed of mortgage, dated the 13th day uT November, 1809, Benjamin T. Rich conveyed to Thomas M. Allen a lot of land in the twen ty-first district of said county gf Decatur, known in the plan of said district as lot no. three hundred and twenty (320) for the pur pose of securing the payment of a promisory note made by said Benjamin T. Rich to the said Thomas M. Allen, due on the first day of January, 1871, for the mmol’ one hundred and ten dollars and fifty cents, which note is now due and unpaid : It is ordered that the said Benjamin T. Rich do pay unto this court by the first day of the^next term the princi pal. interest and costs due on said note, or show cause if any he has to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure be granted to the said Samuel B. Chittenden, beftwer of said mortgagt and the equity of redemption of the sai l B. .T. Rich, therein be forever barred, and that service of this rule be per fect ed on said Benjamin T. Rich by publica tion once a month for four months according to law. Witness the Hon. Peter J. Strozier, Judge of said Court, January 2d. 1873. T. F. HAMPTON, Clerk. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm cf Borum. Clarke and Knighton is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. P. R. Clarke withdrawing. Messrs. V. M. Borum and J. A. Knighton will continue the business under the firm name of Borum & Knighton. V. M. BORUM, P. R. CLARKE, J. A. KNIGHTON. All the unsettled business of the old firm wiR be settled by Borum & Knighton. February 13 1873—lm CORN ANDNOT COTTON l& KING.- “CHINESE CORN.” IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. THE GREATEST DISCOVERT IX TOE WORtD ’ Eadonel by the Press. Endorsed by tbe Clergv Endorsed by the Medi cal Faculty. Endorsed ky the Seed Dealers. Endorsed ky Druggists. Endorsed by Plan ters and Farmers. And Endorsed by Every Per son. EXTRA EARLY THIRTY TWO ROWED CORN, It is a genuine 32 rowed sweet corn grow ing from 10 to 13 feet in height. Last year planted the first of May ; it was soM in tha market July, 23d, (84 days.) A later plant ing was ready in 76 days. ITS CLAIMS 1st, It will produce more Corn to the Acre with the same cultivation and in any variety of soil* 2nd, It has a greater depth of kernel than any horse-tooth variety. 3rd, It has a smaller cob than any'32 rowed variety. 4th, It weighs 05 lbs. to the bushel, sealed measure. 6th, It fills better at both ends than any other corn. 6th, It is a solid white transparent corn with white cob. 7th, It grows more vigorous and ripens its whole crop earlier than any of the other large field varieties in America. 8th, It makes better meal, being sweeter and richer. 9th, It bears more foliage which makes more feed. 10th, It can be ptonted on land from which wheat has been harvested, or from which po tatoes have been dug ; fully before frost. 11th, The spikes shoot out within four feet of the ground, consequently the crop is not liable W be prostrated by high winds. It is likewise easier to gather. 12th, It bears more full grown ears of corn on each stalk than any other field va riety. 13th, The tap roots penetrating the sub soil to a very great depth it will stAnd severe drouth better than any other variety of corn. 14th, It can be successfully grown in any State. We give the most satisfactory references that the corn is, in every respect, wliat we represent it to be; and further, we are the only persons throughout the country who have introduced this variety of corn. Hav ing a quantity, we are now able to fill all or ders for those desirous of testing it. Last season we could have sold 2000 bushels more but could not fill the orders. TEEMS: In order that all may receive seed, we have reduced the price to SI per package. Any person who will get up a club of five will receive a package gratis. Fifteen pack ages for $10. Fifty packages for $30. A corn stalk will accompany all orders above $10, with from 5 to 8 ears of corn for sample. Address, MARSHAL & MORGAN, IIolstojj, Virginia. HOME REFERENCE: Messrs. Chas. Benton & Bro., Bankers; Morrison & Baldy, Grocers and Commission Merchants; F. G. Staley, Proprietor of Plan ter House; Stout & Wilson, Agricultural Warehouse, or any of the gentlemen named in the endorsement in our advertisement. INDORSEMENTS. We, the undersigned citiaens of Oseaola Va., having examined some "f the Chinese Corn, grown on Mr. James Whiter’s farm, one mile east of this place, do certify that some of the stalks produced six spikes, the largest spike we noticed measured 11J inches in length and 8$ inches around : Capt. C. W. Morgan, Henry J. Kennedy, Esq., E. F. Gardon, Merchant, H. S. Clark, Pres, National Bank. We, the undersigned, do hereby testify that the above named gentlemen are actually residents of Oseaola; Va, Chas. E Lord, Justice of the Peace, Rev. Alfred T. Tompkins. Oseaola, Va., Oct. 16th, ’72. Messrs. Marshal & Morgan, Holston, Va., Gentlemen:—As you requested me to give your Chinese Corn a fair trial, I have done so, and will state that I was disappointed at it. I planted on the 10th of June, and ripe enough to shell the latter part of August. I planted seven and one-eigth of an acre, when shelled, it measured 804 bushels and 3 pecks. I cheerfully recommend it to my brother fanners, hoping that it may revolu tionize the agricultural world. Yours, very respectfully, Jumes Whitera, New Market, Va., Sept., 10th,’72. PREMIUM: premium of $250 will be paid by th< ur.dersigned, through First National Hunk O-caola, Va., H. 8. Clark, President, a; follows: $100 to the person producing the largest yield of Chinese Corn to the acre. $7- 5 of an acre. $50 to ^ of sn acre. $'. J cf an acre. A report must be sent to First National Bank. Osceaola, Virginia, by 1st of December, signed by the person sworn to, estimating the corn at 65 lbs to bushel. A sample ear of corn must be with report. A. W. Henderson ef Green Castle. Indi ana. received the $100 Premium for produc ing the largest yield of “Chinese Corn” from a 2 pound package. Green Castle, Indiana, Dec. 20th ’72- Messrs. Marshal & Morgan, Holston, Va., Gentlemen :—Your letter.of the 14th of this month came to hand yestejday with the Draft of $100on the First National Bank of Indianapolis. Allow me to thank you w my best wishes for success in life^ Very Respectfully, A. W. Henderson. A NOBLE CHARITY OMAHA LOTTERY: TO ERECT THE NEBRASKA STATE ORPHAN ASYLUM To be Drawn in Public, March 31st, 1873. Tickets $1 Each ox Six fob $5 Tickets sent by Express C. O. D., if desired. 1 Cash Prize. $75,000; 1 Cash Prize, $25,- 000 ; 1 Cash Prize, $15,000; 1 Cash Prize. $10,000 ; 1 Cash Prize, $5,000; 1 Cash Prize, $4,000. For balance of Prizes send for Circular. This legiil Enterprise is endorsed by his excellency Got. W. H. James, and the best, business men of the State. The limited number of Tickets on hand will be furnished those who apply first. Agexts W’axtsd. For full particulars ad dress, J. M. Patter Manager, Omaha, Nab. Fab. 20-4 w * GRAND MEETING , —Of — THE PEOPLE OF DECATUR ANB ADJOINING COUNTIES U HUSO L'MLT AT The Mammoth Flint River STORES! STEtNENGER A ENGEL, Broad Street, BAIN’BRIDGE, .... GEORGIA- OYER FIFTY Thousand Dollars Worth OF DRY GOODS, Groceries, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, &C. THE LOWER FLINT RIVER STORE Is devoted Exclusively to the Dry-Goods Trade, and may belappropriately termed a GRAND DRY - GOODS B AZ A*AR and EMPORIUM OF FASHION ! tST Where all manner of folks love to asesmble and mako their purchases. THE UPPER FLINT RIVER STORE Is an Immense PROVISION I>EPOT And a Repository for the more staple dry-goods and plantation supplies. Our stock for the Fall and Winter Trade is complete in all departments and fully prepared to meet the demands of every body. Eight first-class salesmen are employed to attend our customers. All we ask is a trial—so eome and inspect our stock before going else where.