The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, July 03, 1873, Image 2

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NOVICE. [ St. Looi*. No other line pretends to offer from inj after tie 4th day of ^*]y, 1878, 800,1 * dvanta 3 efi ' either is distance, time, or oar buti near will he conducted on the excju- equipment. Why, then, journey by circuit- rive ceih beau. -i. W- JL ' P June 19, 1873. COLBEKT & KYLE. 'I<JM>W /eel l!y Democrat. JULY 3, 16Z8- . I CITY AND COUNTY AFFAIRS. taiwy » new buriness; Has enlarged many an old business; Has revived mapy a dull hnainees; Has rescued many a lost business ; HM-red many a tailing business; -- Has preserred many a large business; And insures success in any business ! A good segar can be had at Swearingin’s In honor of the “glorious Fourth,” we are out on the “half-shell” this week—we mean Thk Democrat. GARDEN SEEDS at H. J. SWEARINGEN K CO.’S A Fib* is Thomasville.—A tremendous fire broke out in Thomasville last Monday morn ing. Loss $75,000. A fine lot of smoking tobacco^ and pipes just in, at SuJ>eif. : Otb Colquado 1**t*b.—Another inter- esting communication from the pen of J. E. Donalsen will appear in our next issue. 4KJ- We can and will sell goods at reasonable rates. H. J. Swearingen & Co., City Drug Store. Matob’s Cocbt.—His Honor held a “re ception” Monday morning, from whence a couple of the invited guests went to the Guard House ten days on bread and water. ■ Carpenters, Pattern-makers and Cabi- xet-makers, will take notice that P. P. Toale of Charleston, has on hand and for sale white pine of the finest grade, whole sale and retail. Also, walnut, oak and other hard wood. eras routed ? Do not-bo induced to purchase tickets- to St. Louis or the West by any other line, remembering that The “St. Louis & Southeastern” is the shortest, cheapest, quickest, best and only iitte unde rose management trom NasK- vilie to St. Louis, and is from 60 to 200 miles tie Shortest -St”Louis, Kansas City, Oma ha, - Denver, California, Texas, and all western' pdintB. It is also the “Chicago Shortest line,” via Evansville. You can secure the cheapest rates for your selves apd your movables on application, in selves apil your movables on application, m person or by letter; to Charles McCabe. Southern Passenger Agent, near College gtreet^Depert, Nashville. Tenn., or to the « W. B. DAVENPORT, General Ticket Agent, St Louis. No trouble to answer questions. Beyond tie Mississippi! Thousands have already gone, and thous ands more are turning their eyes towards new homes in the fertile West. To those go ing to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Neuada, Oregon, or Cali fornia, we recommend a cheap, safe, quick and direct route, via St. Louis, over the Mis souri Pacific Railroad, which runs its fine Day Coaches and Pullman Sleepers from St. Louis to principal points in the West, with out change. We believe that the Missouri Pacific Railroad has the best track and the finest and safest equipment of any line west of the Mississippi, and its connections with roads further West are prompt and reliable. The Texas connection of this road is now completed, and passenger are offered a first all-rail route from St. Louis to Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R., via Sedalia, or over the Atlantic & Pacific JR. R-, via Yinita. For maps, time tables, infor mation aa to rates, ifoutes, &c., we refer our headerstw-J. Fi Thompson, Southern Passen ger Agent, St, Louis, Mo. Questions will be cheerfully and promptly answered. Party.—The residence of Mrs. -Jonothan Dofadaon was the scene on Tuesday night last, of one of the most eqjoyable parties of the season. The ovation was given in hon or of Mias Cas»e Donalson. Dr. Babbit’s Examination.—This exam- ination of the pupils of Dr. Babbit’s school took place last Monday. It Was highly cred itable to pupils, teachers and patrons. Full particulars in our next. Robbery.—The store of Mr. I Cohen, on Water Street, was entered by a burglar on # Tuesday night last, and robbed of tMticles amounting to $50. Is there no way to stop this organized system of roguery about this town? Shall echo only answer? Died.—Mrs. Criswell, an estimable lady r who has suffered for a long time from that slow yet terrible disease, consumption, died in this city last Monday. Amputated.—Drs. Harrell, Jones, and others, ampufettsi * negro boy’s leg just be low the knee, Tuesday evening last. The patient is doing well. Drs. Harrell & Morgan amputated a ne- gropaarm, at the Poor House, last week. The nSgro is -getting on finely. The Base Ball MxTcn.-~The match game announced in our lastissHe took place on the 1st, and resulted in a victory for the Rescue Club. We understand that the game is to be ■repeated on Monday evening next, at G o'clock p. m., after which a suitable prize will be awarded the successful club. The ladies are specially invited to be present, and we learn that after the game, a prize will be voted the prettiest young lady on the ground. Superior Court.—Theadjourned May term of Mitchell Superior Court was held by Hon. Peter T. Stroxier, at Camilla, last week. The following memhers.of the bar were present from a distance: Son’s Harris, Newton, ' ■ Wright,. Vason Smith and Morgan, Albany. Tfie clvil docket was taken np and run un til late Wednesday evening despatching con siderable business. The criminal docket 'waR'thefi taken op and the following cases dwposeefof: Robert E. Rachels, “riot;”., J. Coleman, larceny from house j A Hall, stabbing; Berry Mills, disturbing public worship; W. F. Jinkins, concealed weapons; Jack Kendrick, larceny from the house; John Jones^concealed weapons; Chas. Fer rell, assault and battery; Wm. Fulford, as sault with intent to murder City Marshall, found guilty, as principal in 2nd degree, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary; Wm. Porter,, assault and battery, and Mary Pope, Misdemeanor. At the conclusion of Ihie docket court adjourned to its next regu lar term. Crops »r« very promising in the county. “Gen. Grass,” however, has put in a heavy appearance, and is giving the planters a strong fight for the ascendancy T0 TUB WEST? Td THE WEST! Emigration Turning! Cheap Farms in South-west Missouri! The Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Company offers 1,200,000 acres of land in Central and Southwest Missouri, at from $8 to $12 per acre, on seven years time, with free trans portation from St. Louis to all purchasers. Climate, soil, timber, mineral wealth, schools, churches and law-abiding society invite em igrants from all points to this land of fruits and flowers. For particulars address, A. Tuck, Land Commissioner, St. Louis, Mo. May 13-lv. .-Jdt to the World! Wpmax is Free !— AmdRg the many modern discoveries looking tt> the happiness and amebpration of the hu man race, none is entitled to higher consid eration than the renowned remedy—Dr. J Brad-field'c Female Regulator, Woman’s Best Friend. By it woman is emancipated from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all irreglarities of the womb vanish. It cures whites. It cures suppres sion of the menses. It removes uterine ob structions. It cures constipation and strength ens the system. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never tails, as thous ands of women will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and sold by L. H. Brad- field, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., Price, $1,50 per bottle. All respectable drug meu keep it. LaGraxge, Ga., March 23, 1870. BRADFIELD & CO., Atlanta, Ga.—Dear Sirs: I take pleasure in stating that I have' used for the last twenty years, the medicine n as Woman’s uest uumui- TTe’St’ffiSSf, nation ever gotten together for the disseases for which it is recommended. I have been familiar with the .prescription both as a prac- titionet-of medicine and in domestic practice, Snd can honestly say that I consider it a boon to suffering females; and can but hope that.every lady in our whole land, who may be suffering in any way peculiar to their sex, may be able to procure a bottle, that their suffering not only be relieved, but that they may be restored to health and strength. With my kindest regards. I am respectfully, W. B. Ferrell, M.D. We could add a thousand other certificates; but we consider the above amply sufficient proof of its virtue. All we ask is a trial. For sale at all Drug stores in the city. Music Free- Fifty cents worth of Sheet Music present ed every subscriber to the Southern Musical Journal, (monthly,) $1.00 per year. The largest, handsomest, and best musical maga zine published South. Twenty-eight pages (sheetmusic size.) of choice reading matter and beautiful music each month. Fifteen dollars worth of Vocal and Instrumental mu sic each year. - Subscribers can select any music they wish fi)r their premium. Speci men copies, Containing $1.00 worth of mu sic,- mailed free to any address. Agents wanted, Splendid Premium"List. Ludden & Bates, Publishers, Savannah, Ga. July 3,1873—3m Before making our arrangements to fol the advice of the “thousands who have already gone.” it would be well to consider *’ what has hi np done to make the jonmey to ▼our “Homed in the West" as pleasant and as free from danger as human skill and fore sight can accomplish. By consolidation and construction a road has been pat into operation on the shortest poarible line from Nashville, Tenn., to St. Louis, “the future great City of the world.” ' This line, the 8*. Lours A Southeastern Railway, has, daring the past year, earned an envia- ble reputation by its smooth track, prompt time, sure connections, and the magnifi cence of its passenger equipment. Its trains “* mad * °P of new and commodious day CMS. provided with the oeletnated Miller hSnho'Trom Nashvill- Pianos—Where'to But.—February lit, 1873.—Prices reduced from 15 to 25 per. cent. Largest stock in the South to select from. Elegant 7-oct. Pianos, rosewood cases, carved legs, overstrung base, and all the modern improvements, $265, 275 and 300; warranted durable; money refunded in case of failure. The popular “Southern Gem,” only $290, 300, 320 and 340. Hallet., Davis & Go’s Square Grand’s 74 octave, $375, 410, 430 and 490. Wm. Knabe & Co’s superb instruments lower than ever before sold.— Address us for Special Terms. Pianos sent on trial >0 any part of the State. Send for price lists, catalogues, etc., select the style desired, pivo in the order and we guarantee to furn ish a first class instrument or refund the money. Wholesale Depot for the celebrated Mason & Hamlin Gibinet Organs, fifty styles from $55 to $100 each, delivered, freight paid to cash tmt/ers, in any part of the South.— Any piece of sheet murie or music book pub lished fnJhVTnlfed Wales sent, post-paid,, on receipt of retail price; address ajl orders to ttfDDEN & BATES. Southern Mask House, Savannah. Ga. i V : Free to all. Specimen copies of, the Southern Musical Journal, ($1.00per year,! containing a dol lar's worth of music. Catalogues, Sheet Mu sic and Music Books, Illustrated Trice Lists of Pianos and Mason & Hamlin Organs, Price Lists Violins, Guitars, Aceordeons: Strings, and Imported Mnsical Merchandise, and Circulars of the Novelty Hand Printing Presses—all of which, wilb’be mailed, pos tage paid. Don't fail to send your address. Luddes & Bates’SoTthebn Music House, •• Savannah, Ga. July 3, 1873—3m REID & COMPANY, COB. WEST & BROUGHTON STREETS, BAINBRIDGE, GA. DRYGOODS & GROCERIES. the LARGEST THE stock: in CITY. CLOTHING AND HATS. A Large and Fashionable selection at A. T. REID & CO.’S BOOTS AND SHOES. Professor Max Muller presses against Mr. Darwin the argument of language, that th$ bridge between tbe speaking ai>4 the inarticulate mhoal cannot be running Pull- TkwriM^ulf separates Sleeping Csrs them forever, the brute being incapable of rational speech. *'».* Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and Children’s at A. T. RESD & CO.’S Dress Goods and. Prints. A complete and handsome stock at A. T. REID & CO.S, Bacon, Bacon. Sides, Hams, Shoulders and Bulk Meats at F'lomr, Elour. One hundred bbls., different grades, A. T. REID & CO.’S A. T. REID & CO.’S Sugar and Coffee. Fifty bbls. and sacks Sugar and Coffee at A. T. REID & CO.’S Northern One hundred bales Morthern Hay at Hay. A. T. REID & CO.’S Oats, Oats. Five hundred bushels Black and Yellow Oats at A. T. REID & CO.’S Checks, Stripes and Yarns, From Columbus, a choice selection at A. T. REID & CO.’S Butter, Cheese All fresh and arriving weekly at and l^isli. A. T. REID & CO.’S EiKjuire For any goods you may want at A. T. REID &. CO.’S lllduo, Wwl, oml «M»y ooiinfpy'produoo ln.gU l»y A. T. REID & COMPANY. H J. SWEARINGEN & CO., (City Drug • Store) have » ■UST received a large and varied g^TOCK of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Garden Seeds, etc., ^yELL selected and in almost ^glNDLESS variety, pure, genuine y^ND full strength JJEMARKABLE ip quality; J 8 ?! prices reasonable. T^FONE other than pure Liquors will be .N sold— ^tlN, Whisky and Brandy unmixed. VERYTIIING in our line of business £' LIVED by the people in town & [Don’t forget the place, The Drug Store,] c° UNTRY can be obtained here, by special order through us. City TgE EVACUATION OF RICH MOND, VA. BY GEN. LEE and his ABMY.apr. 2, 1365. A new and beautiful Engraving 14x18 inches in size. Gen. Lee’s Army crossing the James river, the city of Richmond on fire and nanny other things which make this picture a gem of Art, one which should hang in the parlor of every Southern home. Sent by mail mounted on a roller and post-paid, on receipt of 20 cents, or 3 for 50 cents. Address J.C. & W. M. BURROW, ■ Publishers, Bristol, Tenn. Agents wanted to sell pictures. Books, Charts, Ac. From $3 to $15 per day can easily be made. Send for private terms and Catalogue. 4t DR. M. L BATTLE, RESIDENT DENTIST, Bainbbidgs, - . - Georgia. Office over Rockwell & West, where he can be found every day except the fourth Setur- dsy in each month. When absent at other itmea previous noriee will be given through tbe Democrat. ' [jy20 tf D. MCGILL. M. O NEAL McGILL & O’NEAL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bainbrid/jc, Ga. Law office up stairs, near the Post Office. Dr, «X. A. Butts, Office in Peabody’s Drug Store. Res idence on Broughton street. ’ [mch20-ly DRS. MORGAN & HARRELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PUKE DRUGS MEDICINES. &C., Sharon’s New Building, Water St., mch20-lp] Bainbridge, Ga. MUSIC CLASS Mrs. ELLA HINES . Desires a few Music Pupils. [mch20 106 J. I. GRIFFIN. Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In DRUGS AND MEDICINES. mch6-ly ALEXANDER & RUSSELL ' Wholesale Grocers. Corner BAT & BRYAN Streets Savannah, Ga, RANKIN HOUSE, J. W. Rtan, Proprietor, Broad Street, Columbus, - * Georgia. FRANK GOLDEN, Clerk. R. A. WALLACE, DEALER IN Paper, Envelopes, Cards, Twines, Tags, Paper Stock, Inks, Moss, Waste, &c. 135 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. mchj] Orders promptly fiilled. [ly FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE, Ho. 210 South Broad Street, SAVANNAH, GA., By CoLW.T-COX, (Late of Bainbridge.) Board per day $1 5Q Board per week - - - 10 00 Particular attention given to patrons, and satisfaction guaranteed. - The people of De catur know the old Colonel, and should call when in .Savannah. feb27 tf “Absolutely the Best Protection # Against Fire.” F. W. FARWELL, Secretary, 78 Market St., Chicago; 407 Broad way, New York- In daily use by the Fife Departments of the principal cities of. the Union. The Gov ernment has adopted it. The leading Rail ways use it. [mcli20 ly Send for “Its Record.” BEN. E. RUSSELL, Ag't. Bainbridge Ga. WHISENANT’S Caterpillar Destroyer! One Hand can Destroy Cater pillars on Four or Five Acres per Day! Cost of Compound is very Little. Its Success is Guaranteed ! Having purchased the right for Decatur county, we take pleasure in offering it to farmers within its borders on liberal terms. The compound can he applied upon four or five acres per day by one hand. Its success in destroying the caterpillar and preserving the plant jn vigorous growth has been fully tested and is beyond'question. To success fully guard against the depredations of the caterpillar, planters should use m> delay in investigating its claims and effecting' the proper arrangements to "obtain the benefits to be derived by its use. Its full and perfect success guaranteed. , ' H. J. SWEARINGEN A TO., mcli20-(jni Bainbridge-, Ga. ftsm Around Which the loser can Imve by pro-Ting prop erty and paying for this notice. GURLEY, RUSSELL & BROWN, ATTORNEYS - • And Counselors at Law, JOHN Yl McGILL, Attorney at Law BAINBRIDGE, GA. Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to his care. Office: north-west room in court house. febl3-ly SHARON HOUSE SHAVING SA LOON! MANSE "WASHINGTON, PnorRiETon. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampoon- ing, Dyeing, Hair Dressing, executed in the most approved style of the tonsorial art. By strict attention to business, and a scrnpulons regard for the wants of the pub lic, in my line, I expect to retain the gener ous patronage extended to me. I refer to my customers. Prices moderate. Saloon in SHARON HOUSE, next door to the Harness Store. Manse Washington. June 5,-if. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Decatur Superior Court, May Term, 1873. James S. Wliiddon, rs Sarah A. Wliiddon. It appearfng to the court that the Defen dant is not to be fonnd in the State, on mo tion of Hammond & Davis, attorneys for Libellant, it is ordered that service he per fected by publication and thatthiscasestand for trial at.the next terfb of this Court. Peter J. Strozier, Judgq S. 0, A. C. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court. May Term, 1873. T. F. HAMPTON, Clerk. June 2d, 1873. Ice Cream and Confections. The coolest and nicest place to be found in the city is at I. COHEN’S Saloon, On Broad street, whe.e he is open for the SUMMER SEASON, and where ladies and gentlemen can sit and take their ICE CREAM and other refreshments with comfort and de light. Fruits, Confections, Candies &c. Parties and Weddings supplied with Ice Cream, Cakes, &e., at lowest rater. Subers’ Superb Jeweby^ ^ \ i * * Over 12,000 Fires Actually Put Out With It! MORE THAN $10,000,000 00 WORTH PROPERTY j^-SAVED FROM THE FLA3IES. The Babcock Ice for sale at 3 pounds for 10 cents. May 15/73. Old Sol.— “Here, Mother Earth, these Eclipses and* ” Spots have about used me up. Regulate your movements- / hereafter by this, and don’t depend on me.” 'J Cor. Broad & Broughton Sts. ilf iWif i ■ IM i i in i i i i hi ■ n> irn iriTiiim— ■ i i SPLENDiD BARGAINS ! ! ! Can. now be made with Simon A. Weil, CORNER WATER AND WEST STREETS BAINBRIDGE, - GEORGIA, ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD. In bis Veiy Stock' DF SPRING & . SUMMER GOODS, Change of Schedule. . Gkxeru, Superintendent's Omnz,) Atlantic and Gri.r Railsoad, [ Savannah, June 20,1873. J On and after Sunday, June 221, 1813, Passenger trains ou this ruad will run u follows ; EXPRESS PASSENGER. Leave Savannah daily at - Arrive at Live Oak - Arrive at Bainbridge ; Arrive at Albany - Leave Albany - Leave Bainbridge - Leave Live Oak - - Arrive at Savannah - Hgg” Connect at I.i 4:30 p ii - - 4:10 a n - - 8:15am - 0:45 a m - 3:1-3pm - 4:30 p m - - 8:30 p n - - 8:20 a m Oak with trains Consisting in part ot Latest Style Dress Goods, Calicoes, Grenadines, Linen Lawns, Sheetings, Linens, Fancy Goods, Notions, &c., &c. A Full Stock of Spring and Summer CLOTHING! Hats, Boots and Shoes. Also, an assortment of the very choicest and BEST GROCERIES, ALWAYS ON HAND AT At the Store of Simon A. Weil April 24, 1873—6m NOEL GAINEY & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers In CLOTHING! And GENTS’ GOODS, Bowne Block, Boughton St., janl-Iy] BAINBRIDGE, GA. Doors, Blinds, T.eavc Savannah, Monday, Weilncsday and Friday 6:45 a m Arrive at Jessup, “ 12:30 pm Arirc af Lawton. 7:40 pm Leave Lawton Tuesday Thursday and Saiur- day, ' 6:00am Leave Jessup, “ 12:50pm Arrive at Savannah, “ 5:45 pm ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Lawton, , - , , ‘n-Thursday and Sat urday. * Arrive at Valdosta, “ W»-- Arriveat Quitman, “ 10:34am Arrive at Thomasville, “ 11:45in Arriv%at Albany, “ 7:00p® Leave Albany, Monday, IVeilnesdav Fri- 8:10 a m 3:00 pm 5:05 p m 6:27 p m 8:30 pm day. Leave Thomasville, Leave Quitman, Leave Valdosta, Arrive at Lawton, . Cimnnect at Albany with night tr»i” f0n Southwestern railroad, leaving Albany Mon day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, an arriving at .Albany Tuesday, Wednesday- Friday and Saturday. Mail Steamer # leaves Bainbridge eTery Thur.-sday at 8:00 a. m. for Apalachicola. II, S, HAINES, GenTSopt. K.J.Heiulersont DEALER IN FURNITURE COW-HIDES, BEES-WAX, TALLOW, Ac., *C' . WANTS, 3,000 Cowhides - gqy which Big Prices -will be paid- • Beware of Counterfeit*^ JOB MOSES’ Are extensively COUHIMUTMITCP. -P***®" - * £*2££! •ndetivo- to a*ll the counterfeits to nnakeereeur The genuine have the name ef Jet «y package. All others ars uorthless OSNunre Pills mre unfailing in the |* - - * * * 1which the wwiauim* aiuo aic imiwimg 1“ \ II. 4 painful and dangerous diooeses to wnicn constitution is subject. Thor nodente* end cure all suppression of up mint* ' ™ th. h* by cold, inflammation, or Nervous and Spinal Aflections, Paint « and Limbs, Katigne on slight sxertmn, of the Heart, Hysterics ana Whites, thef - ■ ■ uuie when &U other means have faded, _ very powerful, contain nothing hnrtini m delicate constitution. , — a. Circular in Kn f li.h German md Frsne* each bottle gives roll direction and ^ The genuine Pills are sold at most mngaw ^ if your druggist cannot supply ths®**nj" l F^ — ar* persuaded to accept any cp«ntecf«t®*J2'jfch oe persuaaeu ui accept any wu»-^f w ^ *1^ Jw ticle but send One Dollar to the sole %s** Moses, 18 Cortlandt Street, Nsm Y^ express. "Zm-m RELIEF IN TEN MINUTE* BRYAW’S PULMONIC tom Core Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Throat, Hoabsenxss, Difficult saw UUOAT, nUARBUKH, 1MV ctpient Con sumption and LUFOjf^fTZgi idM have no taste of medicine, tfefi them. Thousands have beennnornaw SASH, Moulding?, Brackets, Slftir Fixtures, Build ers 1 Furnishing Hardware, Drain Pipe, Foot Tiles, Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble ond Slate Mantle Pieces. “White Pine Lumber for Sale.” ssr Window-glass a specialty. Circulars and priae lists sent free, on application, by P. P. TOALE, 20 Hayne and 33 Pinckney sts... oct3-ly ' Charleston, S. C. fuundi ban b«a iMturaJ ^41 Price 35 cent, per bex. JOB , tor. 18 OortI»dt Nee Tort tor, 18 OartlUt aumt, a«e smw. THE CHEAT FRENCH RlN*^*' DEUBUKRE’8 NPECUnO J®** Pnpued by J, GARANCI***. No. 214 Kuo Medici In ell mm ci Week Spine: bUitr, end all from Abuse Por will be eeet Free to ear eddteea Inffheflew■ ■‘S^SS?**** l&ts on.)., P, & M. Railroad for and from Jack sonville. Tallahiissee", etc. No ciiange of cars between Savannah ud Albany. Close connection at Albany with train!«n South western Railroad. Close connection at. Lawtoir for and from Florida with Western Division Vaastnjtr train. Sleeping car runs through to Thomasrillc. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. EASTERN DIVISION. •