The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, December 16, 1875, Image 2

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The Weokly Democrat, Ben. E. Bussell, Editor ’THURSDAY DECEMBER 16, 1875. Legal Advertising Bates- Sheriffs sales,per levy of 10 lines..$ Mortgage sales, per levy Tax sales, per levy Citation for Letters of Adminis tration Application for Letters of guar dianship 5 00 Application for Dismission from Administration Application for Dismission from Guardianship Application for Leave to Sell Land—one sq $5—all over 4 00 Application for Homestead Notice to Debtors and Creditors.. Land Sales 1st square $5, each additional Sale Perishable property per sq.. Eslray Notices—sixty days 8 00 Notice to Perfect Service 8 00 Rules Nisi, per sqr 4 00 Rules to establish. Lost. Papers, per square 4 00 Rules compelling titles, per sqr.. 4 00 Rules to Perfect Serv ice in Di vorce Cases 10 00 The above are the minimum rates of k gal advertising uo'v charged by the Press of Georgia, and which 1 shall strictly ad here to in the future. I hereby give final i/itire that no advertisement of this class will he published in Tun Democrat with out the fee is paid in tuimnee. Ben. E. Rtjsrkt.t,. Editor and Proprietor. Jan'7, 1875] l ■" - 11 ■ " ggBggg- 400 6 00 4 00 5 Of) 10 00 5 00 2 00 •5 00 4 00 2 50 The Christian Index- We notice that Rev. A. J. Battle, D. D. the distinguished President of Meree University, has begun a series of deeply interesting articles in The Ciuust'ian In dex, on “thcTHuinan Will.” Dr. Battle stands among the foremost representatives of the Baptist denomination in the South, in point of scholarship, worth and influ ence. In addition to these valuable contribu tions we take occasion to sav, that The Index and Baptist is, undoubtedly, the most prominent and influential religious family paper published in the South. Un- det the managing editorship of Rev. Da vid E. Butler, assisted by a corps of first- class editorial writers, and enriched by contributions from the ablest pens to he found among the Baptist denomination in Georgia, its worth and inlluenee among Baptists cannot be overestimated. No Baptist in the State ought to be without this sterling and inflexible organ and champion of his faith. But aside from its denominational val ue, The Index commends itself to every intelligent reader as pre-eminently worthy of patronage on account of its value as a family and literary paper. It presents whatever is worthy of presentation in the affairs of the day, in a pure, chaste and and condensed style. Its comments are terse, frank, unprejudiced, and always aim to elucidate the truth, and advance the good. Its litonw-y tone Is high ; itsClllicsbroad, and thoroughly Christian. Every num ber contains something of interest and value to the matured man and woman, as well as to the child. Church, Sunday School, and family interests receive due attention in its columns, and all its de part incuts are kept up to the highest stan- d ml. Wc urge upon our Baptist readers, as well as upon those of oilier denominat ions, the pleasure and benefit they will realize by becoming permanent renders of The Index. They will receive a tenfold re turn for the amount expended in sub scription. Read The Index advertise ment in this number of our paper. Colored Biot in Mississippi - Memphis, December 11.—The origin of the riot at Rolling Pork, Issauguena coun ty, Mississippi, on Saturday night, No vember 27, 4s as follows: A party of ne- gToes assembled at the village and were drinking and carousing, when one of them pushed against a youth whom be met on tiie street, using rough language at the same time. The youth drew a knife and inflicted a scalp wound on the negro and then fled for safety. The negro became very much exasperated and avowed ven geance. To prevent this a warrant w as obtained for the arrest of the youth, charg ing him witli assault with intent to kill, but before it could be served, the negroes broke into the store and beat tire lad se verely with an iron bar. Finally, one of the jrarty shot the boy iu the thigh. At the report of pistols the negroes ran, but the whites had begun to assemble, and fearing a general riot, pursued and captur ed ten of them, put them in the station house and placed a guard over them. During the night one of the. guard not up on duty came out on the porch with a gun on his shoulder, and was ordered away by tiie sentinel on duty. As he turned his gun, which was cocked, struck against the window, and was discharged. The negro prisoners, thinking that they were being fired upon, stampeded, and the guard opened up an indiscriminate firing, wounding two of their own number^ and two negroes, all slightly, but the prison ers escaped. On Sunday the most Intense excitement prevailed there, as it was learned that Noah Parker and Arthur Brooks, two notorious negroes, were try- iug to organize the negroes for an assault on the place, and the whites were organ ized under Rev. Mr. Ball, a Bapsist min ister, who arrested Brooks and Parker, and in the attempt to rescue them the ren counter reported last nigiit occurred. NEW AD YER TISEMENTS. Address of the Georgia Delegation- For the benefit of our fellow-citizens who may visit Washington during the ses sion of congress, or who may desire to correctly forward letters, etc., we append the addresses of the Georgia delegation: Senator John B. Gordon, corner Gay and Congress streets, Georgetown. Senator Thomas Norwood,(not located.) Hon. Julian llartridgc, Metropolitan hotel. lion. Wm. E. Smith, 908 F. street, north west. lion. Philip Cook, 90S F. street, north west. Hon. Henry R. Harris, Metropolitan hotel. Hon. Milton A. Chandler, Metropolitan hotel. Hon. James IT. Blount, 512 Thirteenth street, northwest. lion. Wm. II. Felton, National hotel. Hon. Alex. II. Sthphens, (not located.) lton. Benj. II. Hill, Metropolitan hotel. We note that Hon. Lucius Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi, is at the Ebbitt house, and to this extent the rumor that he would be the guest of Senator Gordon this winter lacks confirmation. Communicated.] Christmas Eve Entertainment. A committee has been appointed by the Presbyterians of this place, to arrange a supper for the purpose of raising funds to complete their beautiful church edifice, now nearly finished. A bountiful board will be served, and from our knowledge of the committee we can vouch that no one will he dissatisfied, whether their ap petites are voracious or fastidious—and all this for one dollar. Tickets sold at the Drug Store of J. A. Butts & Co. Invited children, free. A handsome Christmas Tree loaded with a variety of pleasing ar ticles for the benefit of the children, will be an object of interest. We cheerfully commend this laudable effort to all of our citizens regardless of denominational preferences—and hope that it will be cor dially patronized—and that the required sum will be realized. The committee have selected a most fitting time for in voking aid tor such a worthy object, it l>cing the anniversary of the advent into till!, world, of llim, who proclaimed peace i.nd good will to all men. Z. A Large Eight Page Weekly. Organ of the Baptist Denomination. Should be in every Baptist Family in the Land. It is the Paper our Children ought to read. It is the Paper far all who would Know the Truth as it is in Jesus. Subscribe for it at ones—Induce Your Friends and Neighbors to do Likewise. IfyouHaven’tthe Money, Subscribe for the Paper anyhow—your Pastor will make the Ar rangement for you. SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPIES. The Price of the Index is $3 a Year. Address all Orders to— JAS. P. HARRISON & CO., Box 24, Atlanta. Ga., In eonneetinn witli the Index we have, perhaps, the largest and most complete Book and Job Printing office in the South, known as tlie FRANKLIN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, at which every variety of Book, Mercantile, Legal and Railway Printing i executed. In excellence of manner, prompt ness and cheapness, we defy competition. JAS. P. HARRISON & CO., Proprietors, P, O. Drawer 24* Atlanta, Ga, J. H. HORNESBY and J. W PORTER Proprietors, Lumber and Timber commission mer chants ; also, manufacturers of Ash, Oak, Poplar and Yellow Pini lumber, and Men'. W 11 furnish the citizens of Whigham, Bain- bridge and surrounding country, with lum ber and meal at the lowest possible rates. Terms easy. Address, HORNESBY & PORTER. Dec. 10,1875-tf- Whigham, Ga. HAVE you a DOLLAR? FOR ONE DOLLAR WE WILL SEND. POSTAGE PAID, THE WEEKLY WORLD ONE YEAR. 1. It contains ALL THE NEWS of the past seven days, collected by ttie agents and correspondents of the New York Daily World, and in fullness, accuracy aud enter prise in this respect is unequalled. 2 1st AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT contains the latest news of farm experiments at home and abroad, contributions by home and foreign writers, full reports of the Far mer’s Club of the American institute, and quotations of valuable and interesting ar ticles appearing in the agricultural weeklies and magazines. 3 - Its GRANGE NEWS, to which atten tion is specially called as a feature which can be found in no other paper. All the resources at the command of a great metro politan daily newspaper are employed in its collection, and the result is a page each week where the members may find a com plete record of the work of the order iu every State in the Union for the past seven days. In addition to this weekly reeord. The Word gives the cream of all the local grange papers in every State. This depart ment is and will continue to be under the charge of one of the active members of the order. 4. For the FIRESIDE DEPARTMENT, in addition to its other attractions, such as poetry, miscellany, humorous extracts. &c., during the coming year there will be no less than one hundred short tales by the best writers of fiction in England aud Ameri ca. 5. The MARKET REPORTS, brought down to the hour of publication, are the best that can be made. Each market is reported by one whose special knowledge and train ing make him the best authority upon that subject in the United States. For accuracy and completeness the market reports of The World are unrivalled. “The World is not only the best but the cheapest newspaper eTer offered the far mer.” SEMI-WEEKLY (104 No’s.,) $2 a year. DAILY (313 Nc’s..) S10 per year. Speci men copies sent upon Application. Address “THE WORLD,’’ 35 Park Row, New York. Dec. lfi ’75—fi-t • Decatur County Sheriff’s.Sales. Will be sold before the Court. House door in the City of Bainbridge, of said county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1870 the follow ing property to wit: Lot of laud no. 219 in the 15th district of said ce«nty—levied on as the property of Frank Russell and Charity Russell to satisfy one Justice Court fifa in favor of I. Kwileeki & Bro., vs said Frank and Charity Russell. Also, at same time and place, lot of land number 01 and one hundred and fifty acres of lot no. 60, all in the 16th District and lot no 18 in the 15th district of Deca tur county—levied on as tiie property of Belchers and Terrell to satisfy one Supe rior Court fifa in favor of Dickenson <fc Stegall vs Belchers «fc TerreTl. Also, at same lime and place, lot of land no. 389 in the 16th district of said county—levied on as the property of 1). S. Oliver to satisfy one County Court fifa in favor of Crawford ifc Dickenson. Also, at same time and place, one lot with improvements thereon containing one and one Half acres, and known tts tiie Academy Lot, bound north by old resi dence of John W. Evans, east by street running in front of R. H. Whiteley’s resi dence and extending south out of town, south by lands owned by J. E. Donal-son, and west by property owner by unknown —said lot situated in the city of Bain bridge, Georgia— levid on as the property of W. O. Fleming, H. M. Beach, F. L. Babbit, T. F. Hampton, aud II. 1L Terrell, Trustees of Bainbridge Male and Female Academy to satisfy one fifa in favor of Dickenson «fc Stegall, Transferers, vs said Trustees. Also, at same time and place, one town lot in the city of Bainbridge, Georgia, con taining one acre more or less, bounded north by Planters street, west by premi ses occupied by Fred Smith, east by estate of Luke Mann, south by lot formerly own ed by liandal Kinney—levied -'ll as the property of Allen Arnett and F. G. Arnett to satisfy one fifa in favor of James M. Smith, Governor of Georgia vs Allen and F. G- Arnett. Also, at same time and place, lots of land nos. 371 and 372 in tiie 16th dist. of said county as the property of D. H. Sun ders to satisfy one fifa in favor of Daniel J. Owens vs M. F. Harrell, Wm. Faircloth A I). II. Sanders Also, at same time, and place, lots of land nos. 371, and 372 iu the 10th district of said county—levied on as the property of D. II. Sanders to satisfy one fifa in fa vor of officers of Court vs M. F Harrell, Wm Faircloth A D. II. Sanders. Also at same time and place, out yoke oxen as follows : one black anil white spotted, and one black and white speck led—levied on as the property of Elias Montgomery to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Wm I) Harp vs Elias Montgom ery. Also, at same time and place, one dapple gray horse and t wo buggies—levied on as the property of Morgan & Harrell to satisfy one fi fa in favor of R & G A Wight vs Mor gan & Harrell and iu one in favor of Solo mons & Co vs Morgan & Harrell. Also, at same time and place, lot of land No 149 in 19th District of said county— levied on as the property of Redden Bailor lo satisfy one U fa in favor of B A Massey vs Redden Butler. Also, at same lime and place, lots of land No’s 203 and 233 in the 27th District of De catur county, the same being Hie Dower of Sarah A Allday in said lots of land to satisfy one fi fa in favor of Sherman Fultitrd vs M O’Neal as administrator of D S I*,ve and Sarah A Alday, and one fi fa in favor of of ficers of Court, vs Sarah A Alday, Also,, one town lot in the city of Bain bridge, Ga., bounded as follows: On the north by property of B F Colbert, James Thomas and Wm Dickenson on the west by property of Bower & McGill and Alice Rus sell, on the south by property of R R Terrell and on the east by property of JI M Beach and street running north and south between said property and Beach, containing 3J acres more or less—levied on as the proper ty of T F Hampton (o satisfy a Superior Court ft fa in favor of A B McAfee for use of J B Oliver against said Hampton. Also, at the same and place, lots of land No’s 27, and 29, in the 20th Dist. and lots No’s 309, 379 and 373 in the 21st Dist—le vied on as the property of Wm H Paxton principal, and Samuel Marrett, Garnishee under a fi fa issued from the Superiot Court of Randolph county, Ga., in favor of R G Fulghum vs Wm H Paxton Principal and Samuel Marrett Garnishee. Property poin ted out by plaintiff'through his att’ys. Also, at same time and place,the property known as Camp Campbell, bounded as fol lows : On the north by lands of B S Brock et!, east by said Brockett’s lands and Inde pendent street, on the south by a line run ning east and west, with the north line of the colored Baptist church lot, and on the west by Webster street—coniainirg five (5) acres more or less. Also, a piece of land bounded on the north by last described land, and the colored Bap tist church lot, on the east by Independent street, on tiie south by Richard Roy’s lot, the John Moses lots, the Jack Morgan lot, and on the west by Webster street, and Jack Morgan’s lot, containing (3 J) three and £ acres more or less. Also, the John Moses house and lot, said lot measuring 105 feet by 136 tect by and between John Johnson’s lot and Rich ard Roi’s lot containing J of an acre more or less. Also, lot no 15, lying on and east of Clay street between the Bainbridge (Jeme- tary and the A A G Railroad, containing J of an acre more or less, also a town lot no. 14 lyiug south of the A A G Railroad and on east of Clay street, containing f of an acre, more or less, and Also, lot of land no. 193 in the 15th dis trict of Decatur corn ty Ga., known as the Luke Mann place, containing 250 acres more or less, tv S S Mann Luke Mann dec., to satisfy one fifa in fa vor of II. 51. Beach vs S S Mann, Execu tor—the above property being in posses sion of and pointed out by said S S Mann. Dec. 8, 1875. L - F Burkett » Sheriff. City Marshes Sale- STATE OF GEORGIA—Out or Baixbridok. Will “be sold before the court house door in tiie city of Bainbridge, between the legal hours sale, on the first Tuesday in Janu ary, 1876, the following property to-wit: One house and lot in the said city bound- el north by property of J C Rutherford, east, by West street, south by property of estate of David Waters, and west by property ot Bartlett A l’omeroy—levied on as the prop erty of Mrs R F GrittUt. to satisfy a city tax fifa issued by Clerk <ff Council vs R F Griffin Also at same time and place one vacant lot 25 feet, front by 195 feet back in said ci ty, bounded north by vacant lot owner un known, east by Clark street, south by Water street, and west by property of A l’ & L Belcher—levied on as the property of Bel chers and Terteil to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by clerk of Council vs Belchers & Terrell. Also, at same time «fld place, one vacant lot in said city bounded north by Market street, east by property of S. S. Mann, south by property of K Kinney and west by prop erty of T B Hunnewel. X. Co—levied on as the property of^B F Tatnm to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by clerk of Council vs B F Tatum. Also at same time and place onehouseand lot in said city bounded north by Water street, east by Washington street, south oy Broughton street, and west by property of Mrs Margeret A King to satisfy a city tax fi la issued by clerk of Council vs M A King. Also at same time and place one house and lot in said city, bounded north by prop erty of Dr Butts, east, by properly of M O’Neal, south by Church street, and west by Clay street—levied on as the property of Josephus Avriett,'trustee for Mrs. J Wilson to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by clerk of Council vs Josephus Avriett, Trustee. Also at same time and place one store house and lot in said city, bounded north by Broughton street, east by property occupied by Mrs Richardson, south by store house of Babbit & Warficl 1 and west by j Broad street —levied oii^us the property of Mrs E J .Scott to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by clerk of Council vs Mrs E J Scott. Also at. same time and place, one house and lot iu said city, bounded north by va cant lot owner unknown, east, by West street, south by Shotwell street, and west by Crawford street—.levied on as the prop erty of John'E. Donalson, agent for Mrs W <) Fleming, to satisfy a city tax fi fagissued by clerk of Council v.s John E. Doualson, agent. Also at same time and place, one house and lot in sard city, bounded north by Rad- road, east by Thomas Scott’s lot, south by lot no. 23 and west by Webster street, known in Lake Mann’s survey as lot 24 lying fifty- five yards wide from north to south and sev- cty-five from east to west- -levied on as the property of estate of Atny Glenn to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by clerk of Council vs estate of Amy Glenn. Also at. same time and place, one house and lot in said city, bounded north by prop- rty of Mrs S F Bruton, east by Florida treet, south by Water street, and west by property of Mrs Cardy—levied on as the property of Dr WiN Bruce to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by clerk of Council vs W N Bruce. ^ Also at same time and place one store bouse and lot ih said city, bounded north by property of Mrs N L Cloud, east by property of Mrs L M Griffin, south by property of Dr J A Butts, and west, by Broad street— levied on as the property of J D Iloyl &Bro. to satisfy a city tax fi fa. issued by clerk of Council vs J D Iloyl A Bro. Also at same time and place, one hnusi and lot in said city, hounded north by va cant lot, east by (lay st reet, south by ware house lot of said Belcher, and west by Clark street—levied on as the property of 8 L Cclehcr to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by clerk of Council vs said /felclier. Also, at. same time and place, one city lot in said city, bounded north by lands of A. I’. Belcher, and Abner Guy, west by alley name unknown, south by water street and east by lands of estate of T J Williams and Mrs D K Jones—levied on as the property of A 1’ Belcher to satisfy a city tax fi fa is sued by Clerk of Council vs A P Belcher. Also, at same time and place, one house and lot. in said city, bounded north by Plan ter’s street, east by land line,south by prop erty of estate of Swicord, ami west by prop erty of Belcher—levied on as the property of Mrs D K Jones to satisfy two city tax fi fas issued by Clerk of Council vs Mrs D K Jones. Also, at same and place, one house and lot in said city, bounded north by property of estate of estate of Swicord, east by alley, south by property ot William Warfield, and west by Independent street—levied on as the property of Eliza A Dickenson to satisfy two city tax fi fas issued by Clerk ofCouncil vs said E A Dickson, E. H. Smart, Dec- 8, 1875. City Marshal. SheriffSale. GEORGIA—Decatur County. ILL BE SOLD before the Court House door in the city of Bainbridge, Ga., on the 17th inst. of the present month one small black horse mule, as the property of Wm Dees, to satisfy an’attacliment in favor of W D Harp vs Wm Dees, and ordered by the Court to sell the said property in 10 days from to day. This Dec. 8th, 1875- L. F. Burkett dec-9- Sheriff. DR Y-GOODS & GRO CEB IE S. FALUAND WINTER OF 187*. M MIT CGMHMi TOT OF @QQ5S<!Ilf THIS P1.ASE. W e are now receiving our usual stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY and HARDWARE (bought on favorable terms and .at the low prices now current in all the leading markets), to which we would ask the at tention of the purchasing community. Honest Dealing, Full Weight and i Measure Fully guaranteed to all who favor us with their patronage. Wc can not begin to par ticn larize, but would mention as embraced in our assortment, 2Utf pieces Prints, 300 pieces Bleached and Brown Cottons, 50 pieces Eagle & Phoenix and Kentucky Jeans 25 pieces White, Red and Opera Flannels, 10 pieces Brown and Bleached Drills, 50 pairs White and Colored Blankets, 50 pieces Cbwcks and Stripes and a full assortment oi staple and fancy Dry Goods in general. In Groceries, we deal largely in Bacon, Flour, Syrup, Salt, pertains to this department Our ap- STOCK of BOOTS ana SHOES will be found large and unusually well selected, embracing all the styles of Men, Ladies And Children s of Eastern make, and a small consignment of Georgia Made Pegged Goods. HATS FOR MEN and BOYS FROM VERY LOW GRADE TO BEST DUALITY. CROCKERY and GLASS WARE with a good assortment of LAMPS and LAMP GOODS, will be found on our shelves. HARDWARE, NAILS, and an ASS jRTME Tof the STAPLE SHAPES and sizes of TIN HOOP BAND, round and square IRON, NASL RODS, AXES, WELL BUCKETS, Painted Cedar, Juniper and Brass Bound Buckets; Tubs Wash-boards and Axe Handles. WHITE LEAD, PAINT OILS! And a large number of articles not usually dealt in by houses in this section. We offer special inducements to CASH BUYERS, and those prompt in meeting their engagement? Ba ggmg and Ties as Lowe.sU Low as the O" cSSry* w 24th instant, the members ° f * tertan Congregation will H- Bower’s Hail, the proceeds * >» go to the building of their nearly complete. Tickets ad, n ?' are betng sold at one dollar Z> <*» be procured at Butts’ Dru„ ’ and ^ Jewelry Store, and other conve! ’ ^ “the city. The supper nificent affair, and we hope tose! patronized. ^ 11 Wefi. There will also be a beauty 0 ,. mas Tree, at the same place the thn * on which we presume will be tion, or raffled. a Watte- The Presbyterians* are pmtil * selves to great expense in geuiJ supper, and we do hope that gL ?'^ worthy endeavors for so noble an I will meet with a proper appreciate, ^ the public at large. 011 ty Ghickon-Lifter Bagged Allen Conway, the colored man has been draying for G. D. Griffin & r was arrested last week and jailed forchlv en-stealing.- 1 He stole nine of a* J? from Mr. Ed. Padrick, which he sold! Kwileeki & Bro. Mr. Padrick id en ! fled the chickens, and the Marshal * after Conway, the latter individual tat ing “leg bail,” but ere he had got out of the corporation, a mounted Deputy arrir- ed and succeeded in stopping him j n wild career. TLe night before his arret Conway stole a hog from Mr. Reid. Con! way now deserves a place among the i 0 * teresting candidates for the Penitentiary at the next term of the Superior Court. Minstrel Entertainment- On the night of the 21st instant then will be a Minstrel and Olio entertainment at Hopson Hall gotten up by the young gentlemen of this city for the benefit of Mr. O. Dauvergne. The performance will consist of vocal and instrumental music, jigs, fancy dances, character songs, etc. Mr. Dauvergne has contributed more than anv one else in town to the various charitable entertainments that have been given from time to time ; and, hence, the propriety of having one solely for his ben efit, though it is proper to state, that the young men have taken the matter in their own hands and without his solicitation. We hope to see Hopson Hall packed to its fullest capacity on the night of the aforesaid benefit. Further particulars next week. VV BEST COUMBUS, EAGLE &PH(E- All levied on as the proper- i NIX SHIRTING at 74 cts per yd, at I. as Executor of the Will of M. ROSENFELD’S. JOOT SHARON PROPRIETOR. This large, commodious and elegant Hotel has been thoroughly, refitted, refurnished and renovated, for the Fall and Winter travel. It is one of the largest as well as best kept Hotels in this section of country, as its many patrons abundantly testify. Visitors From the North Seeking a healthful and salubrious climate would do well to sojourn for a season in our beautiful and picturesque city, aud enjoy the fine hunting, fishing, etc., in our vicinity. Our table is supplied with every luxury the country affords, and being at the head 8f navigation of the Flint River, we get the delicious Apalachicola oyster, and fish, by every steamer. Terms of board most reasonable. Address JOHN SHARON Bainbridge, Ga. T. J. PEAKCK R. G. WILLIAMS Late T. J Pearce <fc Co. R. j. blxford, late with Briggs, Payne & Co., New Orleans. PEARCE, BINFORD, *CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS in GROCERIES PROVISIONS &C. No. 20 Broad Street Columbus Ga. Sep. 30—6m. llalibil; tV Warfield. Look out For The Circus ! —ON ACCOUNT OF- THE AWFUL LOW PRICES NOW BEING ASKED FOR GOODS Y SIMON A. WIEL, —TIIE— Elegant Christmas Presents- Tho.--.e who wish something elegant and intrinsically valuable for presents to wife, sister, brother or friend, should send to Ludden & Bates’ Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga., for one or more of Ibo following APPROPRIATE GUTS. Pianos $250, $275, $300, to $W Organs....... ..§55, §70, 890, 8-20 to $3tW Violins §3, 8-5, $19 to 100 Guitars $5, $10, ^20 to $50 Flutes $1, $3, $-5 to $50 Accordcons $1 50, $3, $5 to $25 Silver Tone Cornets. .$15, $20, $30 to$10 Zithers $10, $15, $20to $10 Banjos $2, $3, $-5 to $25 Music Boxes $'2'> $35 to $5!) Musical Albums $5, $7 50, $20 to $25 Music Folios 50c, $1, $2 to $5 Hunt hern Munir r d Journal one year $125. Music Books bound in gill $1 50 to $5 00. Harmonicas, Fifes, Drums, Concertinas, Fiutinas, Toy Cornets, Toy Trombones, Visiting Cards, etc. Prices specially reduced for Holliday Trade. Money refunded in case articles are not satisfactory in price and quality. Pianos and Organs at wholesale prices— cash or time. A large reduction given for half canli and balance in six months or one year. Write us specially for prices on these terms. Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga. The only complete Music House South. BEST. FALL BAGGING, ROPE, TIES, AS CHEAP AS ANYWHERE. sip. Cash advances made on consignments of Syrup, Wool, Hides &c. WILL SELL GOODS AS CHEAP AS CAN BE BOUGHT IN BAINBRIDGE—IF NOT CHEAPER. Everybody invited to call including GRANGERS, MECHANICS, LAW YERS, DOCTORS, LADIES, and the WORLD generally. HE CAN SUPPLY ALL Bainbridge, September 9—1875. Personal and Impersonal- Go it Titter Pone 1 What has become of the Bainbridge In dependents ? is the question now in every- brdy’s mouth. Stealing in Bainbridge is by no means confined to the colored race of people. There’s a certain man not a thousan miles from here who owes The Democrat the small sum of $19 for subscripts He has taken the Homestead, and, at . wants to get married. We know abo where his affections are directed, ano he don’t prance up to this office now t very short time, homestead or no no stead, and pay the $19, we will r name public and send a copy of the pap® to liis sweetheart. Fair warning. Col. Heppie will have his Restaurao supplied with lots of good things i Christmas. Fresh oysters, fish, pork, e .. always on hand. Mr. W. W. Russell has finished the new bridge over Spring Creek at the p known as Cloud’s. . Frank Sharon, Esq., of Quincy, Fla.,» in the city. The Comet Band will furnish the mu sic for a sugar boiling in the country Don’t forget to attend the Christmas Eve Supper at Bower’s Hall. Eggs bring twenty-five cents per oze in this market and not half try. Tumble ’em in county folks. „ John Crawford is “sprucing up siderably here lately. Of course it nothing.' . n The election of officers for the Fire ^ partment takes place on the 1 Bn- \ presume the old Board will he re It is a good one. # If any of our subscribers see Q f mark written in pencil on them g. wa their paper, they may just bet want them to come u p and settle. Whose going to give us a Cbns^ ^ present ? Anybody or nobody ■ v s peak at once. . . - Mr. D. A. Van Namee, Jr : ° f t P c p£t , Nebraska, has been in the city t ^ few days. He will probably spe ,, ^ winter here. He expressed h - greatly pleased both with our pe P city.