The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, December 30, 1875, Image 3

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/ * c 't ZL'tAA .,, y / V/V r. ~>4- v'W-V // The Weekly Democrat, Ben. E. Howell, Editor THURSDAY DECEMBER 30,187 A Card of Thanks. The ladies w«o«ipcmzcd lOc Presby terian Church supper; Christmas Eve, of fer their since thanks for-the timely and liberal contributions made. To those gentlemen who were so untir- yig imtbfeir services and aid, and to Mr. Dauycrgne who had charge of the C^yipt- mas ,Xtee, they tender their earnest ap preciative feelings, that the success of the affair is greatly attributable to them. To the generous public who so liberally patronized, their greatfuL aaknowledge- ments are due. . . Groceries ! Groceries! ' Cato Eltrlich, the drocery Man, for your supplies. Fresh goshen butter, cream cheese, prime maekcral; onitms, arlsh potatoes, cabbage, aud in fact any article usually kept in a first class estab lishment. i > f) Jfcfeih- Heats- J H. B. Ehrlich has market every morn ing where the choicest fresh meats can be had, or lie will deliver same at your resi dence. Highest market price paid for cattle.. Decatur County Sheriffs Sales. Fine Liquors- The bar of H. B. Ehrlich is supplied with liquors of every kind. Whiskeys, brandies, wines, champagnes, ales, por ters, lager, etc. For; something good to drink it is the place. The Farmers PlDw. Having obtained the right for the corny ty of 1 Decatur for a new plo/ r , which.fs something 4hat thfe fiyinepffreedi Ip is jBupcriorto at»y other plovf ubw\jj/ use. Give me a call and be convinced. Jacob Bohn. DR SALTER S SPECIALTIES. At the Electlc Dispensary Successfully treated and a/!ure i-ifected in nfnety-niae cases yui^t>f..a K unbred, when taken iif time. Rheumatism cured in every case in from one to three months, at a cost of five dollars per month foi medicines. Diseases oe the Throat cured in from one week to two months. Catakjui oe the 1Ieaj>eared in- one to three months, in most eases- • occasionally meet with one requiring more time. Womb Diseases.—Utecmtien, Infiuma- tion, Leucorrhea, cured in ouc-half the time required by other systems, aud. with out the use of caustics. Epileptic Fits relieved and permanent ly cured. In most cases from six to twelve months required for a permanent cure. NeuvouS Ddbility, from excesses, self- abuse, etc., successfully treated and cured fn nron onif w HYirniowctis. — ■ Blood Diseases cured in from threee to twelve months. Kidney Diseases cured in from one to three montlis. Diseases of Liver amenable to treat ment, permanently cured in-afew months. Meurai.gia and other nervous diseases successfully treated. Call on or address S. F. Salter, M. D., No. 03 Broad Street* Atlanta Gu. .TERMS OF TREATMENT, v 'Consultation free. Prescription and medicine per moyth, five dollars, in all chronic cases—Cancers and Tumors excepted. Operations on the eye, etc., at eery low rates. Will be sold b'afi»«B-Ui*C»»urt House door in. the City of- Bainbridge, of said county, on the first Tuesday.!® January, 1876 the follow ing property tea*: . Lot of buhl DQ^lfl ip the 15th district of said.oountf-^vkdWaa the property of frank RusSeU *Ad Charitv/Russell to- satisfy one Justice Court Slain favor of L Kwiiecki & Bro., vs said Frank and Charity Russell.’ Also, at same time and plaov, tot of land number 61 and one hundred and fifty acres of lot(no. 80, all in the 16th District and lot no 18 Ift tkie lStWclktnct of Deca tur county—-^e^ted on as thorproperty of Belchers and. Tersell^g i^sry oue fior Court 6fa i*< fi Stegalli vs Bekhers & tknrfelh. Also, at same time and plaoe;W*8t>tolf of l»t of landj 1^380 in thmlftlhdfct. dwajft county—leviCd.aaAS'thdiprmjerty 0# T»T S..Oliver to«sMskfy<mm County Coqrt fifa in favor of Crawford & Dickenson. * 1" Also, at same time and place, one lot with improvements thereon contmpjab ope and one half acres, and known %sth* Academy Lot, behind flora-fly old Resi dence of John-Wl Evan^7 e^iibjf strset running in front of IVTf.WlSMBcjtiif resi dence and extending south ^Ouh-llr town, south by lands owaeo byjr'Ei Donate©*, man hy unknown Babbit, T. F. Hampton, and It. R. Terrell, Trustees of Bainbridge Male aud Female; Academy to satisfy one fifa in favor of Dickenson & Stegall,, Transferers,, v&aaid i Trustees: Also, at same time and place, one town lot in the city of Bainbridge, Ge^reja, con taining ope acre KMy*--'oir1e8*f \bjfcurfd6d north by Iliinfankltntet, west by premi ses oceuojMJw FixjfpNrit hGhjfc W mbit" of Luke Malm, soutApy-birfcmiierry own ed by Bjindai^KhtTOy—levied cn as the property UfAllcn Arnett and F. G. Arnett to satisfy one fifa in favor of James M. Smith, Governor at Georgia vs Allen and F. G. Arnett. r?Jpj - Also, at same time and pldee, fbtft of land nos. 371 aodSfar in the 16tli 'fllsW.of said couinty as tlW^rojie ders to satisfy off trta xnKwfri^dt Daniel J. Owens vs Harrell, Wm.Fairclotli ifc D.. II. Sandots.. / Also, tie saute: titoe and phioe; Jots- of and uos. 371, and 372 in the -WITldistrict ’ of said county—1 *" J i the district O Fie F Harrell, lira. By opt yoke „ .»» . MuMbgom GEORGIA—Decatle County. Elias Montgomery has applied fwr exemp tion and setting apart of Homestead and will pass upon the same on the 7th day January, 1876, at 10 o’clock a. m. HIRAM BROCKETT, Oi-dinary 1). C. Pec. 27, 1875, of IX H. Sanders vor g£ officers of Wm Fafrclotli df'D. Also at same, t oxen us follows spotted, and one led—levied on as Montgomery to favor of. Wm D ery.. Aster**,absame time andfpih**, wne* (lapnie gray hptJscjuld two bhggies—levied the pip^w^/oLMorgan £ jHa«miH&-<&itisfy one fi\fc iumur*&tn &rG A Wight vs Mor gan-JilLMn-cil and in one-in favor of Solo mons & CWxs Morgan & Harrell. Also* at saafo time and place, lot of land No 149 in 19nyi>utrtct said county— levied on. as livjp^y'tiVjroNJtfedden Butler to satisfy one nfa us favor of B A Massey vs Redden Butler. Abb. at same time and. placg, lpts^jf land No’s 396 ap<l ®8. dtfctrict of De catur dbdhiy, tRe same being the Dower of Sarah A Allday in said lots of land to satisfy one fi fa ih favor oTSlaxsaon FUHhnF-ts M O’Neal as administratoc of D S Love and Sarah A Alday, and one fi fa in favor of of ficers of Court vs Sarah A Alday, Also, one town lot in the city of Bain- bridge, Ga., bounded as follows: On the north by property of B F Colbert, James Thomas and Whi Dickenson on the west by proparty u£ *• ■ t'T'S’HcGill and Alice Rus sell, £f^t£»yoijtli ^property of R R Terrell _ vBeach am' 1 "" -' w '* said property and Bgjusbr^oataining acres ihore ^c-luw^Icvied on as the proper iy e?T*TlIampton to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of A B McAfee tor use of J ROIm LI imillll III ■■ i 1 11 ■■!!>■■«. ’ Also, at the same and place, lots of hind No’s 27, and 29, in the 20th Hist, and lots No’s 369, 379 and 87# in the 21st Dist—le- G CORGI A—Decatur County., \V , .’. j {lops Dn ihenonh by lands of R S lirock- Bradford Rodgers Guradiaoof R. C. Gray, £tt, -eist by said Brockett’s lands and Ind> having applied to the' Court'of Ordinary of pondent street, on the south by a line run- said county for a discharge from his Guar-- — - *■• ' dianship of R. C. Gray person and property ^ ed to show cause oy filing objections in my office why the said Bradford Rodgers should not be dismissed from his Guardianship of R. C. Gray and receive the usnal letters of dismission. Given under my official signa ture. H1BAM BROCKETT. Ordinary D. C. Dec. 28, 1875. _ . CityiMarshal’s Sale- STATE OF GEORGIA—Cn y or B*m»kbck.. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge, betweea-Ahe- feral hours of sale, on the first Tbeeday. in Janu ary, 1876, the following property to-vrit; One house and lot- it*.the- said:city bound ed property of J^G Rutherford, east by Wgefcatnaett seuji by- property of estate efDawflt Watery, and west, by property of Bartlett; & Pomeroy—levied on as the prop erty- of Mrs-R F Griffin, to satisfy a city tax fifauttoeti-by Clerk of Council vs R F Griffin. Aiso at sanae time and place one vacant lot,-2o featfront by 105 feet back in said ci ty, bounded north by vacant lot owner nn- D r .X*B e ^, s HP«Uikaewi»tby Clark steeet, south by Water Dickcwon,jajre*it_»fid west by property of AP4 L l 4- pBekher—levied on me tile property of Bel- ichers and Terrell to satisfy a city tax fi fa marred by clerk of Council vs Belchers A Terrell. Also, at same time and place, ’ene vacant lot'ifi'said city bounded nnsth. by Market, street, east by property ef.S.&.Mfen&» south by property of R Kinney and w-esti by prop- r eiiy'of t B HunneweL. & Go—levied on as the property of B FTatum to satisfy a city tax fi fa. issued by clerk, of Council vs B F Tatum, | Also at same time and place one house and lot in said city bounded north by Water . -a TiT street, last by Washington street, south by ° - - fi fa issued ly clerk of Council, vs M. A King. Also at same time amh phma- one-house and lot. in said^chyi bounded’ nertfubgprop- .ertA-nfiUn-Butts, east by property ok M; /GfNeal; south by Church street, and west by Clay street—levied on as the property of Josephus Avriett, trustee for Mrs. J Wilson to satisfy a city tax- fi fa issued by clerk of Councilors Josephus Avriett, Trustee* j same time mud 'ptoee one store bouse and lot- in, sail!’ city, bJnndpdjnorth by Broughton street, east by property! occupied by Mrs Richardson, south by store house of Babbit & Warfiel l and, west by-.Broad street —levied on as the property of Mrs E J Scott to satisfy a city, tax. fi fa, issued by clerk of Council vs Mrs E J Soote. _ Iso at same time andjplace, one- house and lot in said 'city, bounded north by va cant lot owner unknown, east by West street, south by Sbotwell street, and west by. Crawford street.—-levied: out as. the prop erty ofi John, E._ Donaison, agent for Mrs W O Fleming., to.satisfy a city tax fi fagssued erk. of Council-vs John E. Donaison, agent* Also ah same time and place, one house and lot in, said eity, bounded north by Rail- roadc^nst by Thomas Scott’s lot, south by loti n«v'28 and west by Webster street , known im Kake r Mann's survey as lot 24 lying fifty- five yards wide from north to south and sev- ety-five from east to west- -levied on as the property of estate of Amy Glenn to satisfy a city tax fi & issued by clerk of Council vs estate of Amy Glenn. Also at same time and place, ong- house and lot in said city, bounded north, by prop erty of Mrs S F Bruton, east by Florida street, south by Water street,, awdi west by property of Mrs Cardy—lo^ipd: on. as the property of Dr W N Bruos-to, satisfy, a city tax fi fa issued by clerk vft Council; vs. W. N Bruce. Also at same tiis«- and; place- one store house and lot in said 1 city- bounded north by property of Mrs.K L. Cloudy east by property of Mrs L M Griffin, south, by property of Dr J A Butts, and. west, by Broads street— Council vs J, D'i Hoyl & Bro. Also. same time and place, one house and let in, said city, bounded north by va cant lot,, east by Clay street, south by ware house lot of said Belches, andl west by dark street:—lpviodon, as the property of SL /lelchor to satisfy a. city tax fi fa issued by clerk, of tbunciFva said /teleher.. Also, at same tine and place* one city lpt in said city, bounded north by huids. ofi A. P. Belcher, and Abner Guy, west by ajiey name unknown, south by water street and east by lands of set ate of T J Williams and Mrs D K Jones— levied on as the property of A P Belcher to satisfy a city tax fi fa is sued by Clerk of Council vs A P Belcher. [ Also, at same time and place, one honse ■nd lot in said city, bounded north by I’lan- , east by bind line,south by prop- of Swicord, and west by prop het-—levied on as the property Jones to satisfy two city tax fi CJerk of Council vs Mrs D K ones. Also, at same and place, one house and >t in said eity, bounded north by property f estate of estate of Swicord, east by ailey, out li by property ol William Warfield, and vest by Independent street—levied on as .he property of Eliza A Dickenson to satisfy wo eity tax fi far; issued by Clerk ofCouncil s said E A Dickson, E. H. Smart, tec- 8, 1875. City Marshal. LIVERYIaND We have,and will fontinue to keafnaohand a well selected stock of HORSES and MOlbBS. Onr Stock is O. K. *ad prices as reasonable w the times de»»i(4-. , at ‘ Stables on South l^oad stwe«. ■GRIFFIN fihSBJWEEft ct -14-’75stf. -r M. O’NEAi. D. MCGILL.. RcfilLL. 4 A TQiR-N ET Y S-] A'U L A.W , Bainbridge, Qfe Office over E. R- Peabody’s Drug Store. For Bofs and Girls- D.w. ROUNTREE A, B. Principal. Tha-eiteycises of this institution will com mence oat Mon-lay January 3sd. 1.8-76*. A liberal patronage is solicited*. dec-30-75. KTOALE, Min 1CFACTURER OF , Sashes, I, Flooring, &c., &c. .1 Dealeu in RUILDiRS’ HARDWARE, Paints, Oils &c., d'c.,_ 'Sole Aoent for. The ational Mixedi ?aiat Co. The Qre^t Auiebionn, If ire Eyjtin- gaafiher Co.. P -Stafihi.DP Belting Ct>.. S.& V F (hit FR1C£:& IE: AND W ARBROOMS, 22; Beayae: <&* 3a 35 Pickney Sts.. CTjORY and YARDS* liic-er, Wesi. Ejui Groud street. Nos HARtESTON S C E PEOPLE’S ess Store. Samuel Murfitt Lurnishee. Property pain- u, .ted out by plaintiff through'his'att’ys. T 1 : Also, at same time and place,the property 'knowfi as Caoqi Campbell, bounded as ful- GEORGLA—Dkpatcx County. O N THE FIRST MONDAY in January ap plication will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Jessce Collins, deceased. For the benefit of heirs and creditors of said dec. S. A. J. Cox, Administrator with the will aunexo of **<»ee V-Ouioc NO. 12G1. In The District Court of The U. S- For the Souther* District of Georgia. In the matter of Noel Gai- )• In ney ami Wiley Gainey, co- j Basekcft- Jrtrtners comprising the firm [- cr. of Noel Gainey A Company. ) The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all their debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 1867, notice is hereby giv en to all persons interested to apjnaf on the 5th day of January 1876 at 16 o.elock A.M. , at Chambers of said District Court before S. Wise Parker F.sq., one of the Register’s of s&id Court in Bankruptcy at office of Wliiteley & Donaison in Bain bridge Ga., and show cause why the pray er of the said petition of the'Bankrupt should not be granted. And further no tice is given that the second and third meetings of Creditors, will he hold at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 23rd dav of Dec. 1875. James McPherson, Clerk. at I ning east and west, with the north line of the colored Baptist church lot, and on the wWhy Webster street—couUinirg five (5) ac?es mure ear loss. ' Also, a piece of land bounded on the north hy last-described land, and the colored Bap tist 'church lot, oil the east by Independent^ street, on the south by Richard Roy’s lot tbe John Moses lots, the Jack Morgan lot, {lud on the west by Webster street, aud Jac Morgan's lot, containing (3 J) three and A\ acres more or less. Also, the John Moses house and lot, said lot measuring 105 feet by 136 leet by and between John Johnson’s lot and Rich ard Roi’s lot containing } of an acre more or less. Also, lot no 15, lying on and east of Clay street between the Bainbridge Ccme- tary and the A & G Railroad, containing } of an acre more or less, also a town lot xrv. 14 tyiug couth of the A A O Railroad and on east of Clay street, containing | of an acre, more or less, and Also, lot of land no. 193 in the loth dis trict of Decatjif corn ty Ga., known as the taining 250 acres, the proper- -Will of satisfy one fifa in fa-! " , Execu- . belffi^in posses- .oul by said § S Mann, L. F. Buhkstt Sheriff- SherifTSale. RGIA—Decatuh Couxtt. ILL BE SOLD before the Court House door in the city of Baigt^idge, Ga., n the 17th inst. of the preset month -one- mall hlack horse mule, as, the property of Wm Dees, to satisfy an attachment in fiivor of W D Harp vs Wm Dees, and ordered by the Court to sell the Sfttd property in M-days from to day. Thi* Dec. 8th, 1875- L. F. Bubkktt dec-9- Sheriff. dot, ofi thp. Entire Public, Itc- of Cv«e<k, €oiwj-oa- Provioas coudi- espect-fnVly- yollwh to t lie fact t hat OOBBOHN, ft^kibr^ge, Ga-, Is Still'Alive, and lias on. hand at his Store in Sharon, BJo’^k* one-oS Uni. finest md most complete- eve* seen in flits market, and made of the best material in the most workmanlike man ner. SADDLES A SPECIALTY. This branch of his business is full and complete. His styles are the latest, and priees'to suit the times.. He also keeps on, hand a large supply of all kinds of whip^* leather and rope halters, rope, baby ccartjiages, children’s wagons, trace chain#* curry-combs, horse brushes, sole leaUi^j, calf-skins, shoe findings, bug gy and topfi mpts, all styles of t«iddle-hiis, collar^, harness, and saddle-pads, satchels,' twic.e.ivxle grease, vacuum oil hiking, and biu-n^ss oils of every kind, polish,for ladies s.V>es, spuro, whip fhongs, hpggy umbrel- i las, xabbsr and, Iputh^i:- hating, saddle, blan kets, and many tehee- articles- tew numerous to mention. My stock is always kept full and com plete, which I will sell cheap for the cash. Thk vsedit business, wit,’*, nye. is played <;c^ pletely out; and there is no use talking 's my motto hereafter.. Dec, 8, 187ji; GEORGIA—Dbcatuk Cocstt. T hirty DAYS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lamb belong- ing to the Estate of D. W. Lewis,late of said county deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. , bnunrA Liwi« ♦- ce-* ’75. Adfn’x Est. of D. W. Lewis. IVO. 1337. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY- Thls Is to give notice that on the third day of Decemher, A. D., 1875, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of William J, Bruton, of Bainbridge, Oountj of Decatur, aud Statu of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his owp petition, aud that the payment of any Debts, and de livery of any Property belonging to said Ba.ikrupl, to him. or for his use. and the transfer of any Property by him. are forbid den by law: that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, Will be held at a Court of Bankrupt cy, fo be holden at Bainbridge, Ga., at the Law office of Whiteley & Donaison, before 8. Wise Parker Esquire, Register, on the fifth day of January A\ D-. 1876, at 10 o’clock a. m. 2t, W. II. 8MYTII, U. S-, Marshal, as Messenger. of Notice for leave tQ Sell land, GEORGlA—Docaw a Cocntt. 1 7QUB WEEKS after first publication this notice, application be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate Of Noah McNabb, late of said county, dec. for the benefit of heirs end creditors of said dec. Jcotx H Donalson, as adm’r on estate Noah McNabb, dec dec'2-4-w- GE0R6IA—Decatur Cq.vnyt. WJTILLIAM PATERSON has applied for ^ wV setting apart of Homestead end Sumption of personality, and I will pass pon the same at my offiee on the :31st day of December 1876, at ten u'clook, a. m. This Dec. 20th 1875, Riba* Brockett, Ord y D. C. oct-14 ’75-ly- R^s^fiilfy J Born. GEORGIA—Dscatdb Couxtj^ R, M. Griffin having applied to. be ap pointed Guardian, of the person and proper ty of Mattie McDonvkf* RtBAWS McDonald and George McDonald, njuuni, under- the age of fourteen years, residents of said county, this is to oM-all, persons concerned to he and ap pear at the January Term of the Court of OrdinT-'TTCiC, and «bo.vf cause if any they can why said R. M. Griffin shouhi ^othe in trusted with the Guardianship ojf the person and property of stud vifards.. Witness my official signatuxe. Hiram Bkqckett. Not. 23d 1875. Gtd’y. D. C. GEORGIA—^Dscattk County, W HEREAS Reuben Chasoa adm’r of H. B. Overstreet represents to the Court in hi* petition duly filed and entered QU record, that he has fully administered H, B. Overstreets Estate This is therefore to cite all persona concerned to show cause if auy they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from hia ad minis-, t rat ion and receive left erg qf Jiammsfon on the first Monday t« April neat: „ HHteH RKoPfikT? Dee, 30th, 18 f5, OreTy D. 0. GEORGIA—DECATUR COUNTY, J AMES S, YATRS has applied for pxrmp- tion and seUing apart of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same on the eleventh day qf December 1875, at my office in Bain bridge, af 10 o’clock, a. ni. This Nov 25’75 HIRAM BROCKETT ' de °-2- Qrd.y D. C. Administrators Sale, ThY VIRTUE of an order from tho Gnuri. 5_J qf Ordinary of Pulaski county j will be sold on the first Tqesday in January 187*;, at Court House dqqr, in county of P-ubiski between the legal hours of sale, lots of land Nos. 254. 25-5, and west half of lot No 214, all in the 20th Disk of Decatur- oounty, Ga., and containing 625 acres, more or less; sold as the property of Julia A. Knight. Terms of sale cash, This Nov. 23d. ’75. John H. Martin dec-2-. adm’r. Julia A. Knight. GEORGIA—Jisavrun County. Henry Roth having applied to be appqint- Gwdbm of the property of Bertha, Jen- Wb, Joseph, Rdward, Charles, Adolph, and WiUiWft Kflpliht Who are non resident minor PhiWrtft qf Isidftre Nordin, deceased, ^nj wh« PWft property in said county, this is fq cite persons concerned to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary tq be held next after the expiration of thirty dqys from titC first publication of this notice, apd show caiisg, if any they can, why said Hen ry Rotho should not he intrusted with the Guardianship of the property of said minor children. Witness my official signature this Nev, 24th, 1875. HIRAM BROCKETT, Ortl’y D. C, The Oak City Restaurant. Ag'ain i n Life- Tliis establishment has just been thorough ly overhauled,.refitted and renovated, and is firshdass in all res peats- The tables are furnished with every luxury the market af- foeds, together with fish, oysters, game, etc. Meals furnished from 15 cents and up wards. We do business on the European plan—you get what you call for, and pay for only what you order,. Good epoks. ajid po lite waiters*. BAKERY. We also have a first.-class Bakery connected with our Establishmenh.and always keep a large supply of fresh, bread and calces on hand. Fresh Meats. We, also, supply the market daily with best beef, pork, mutton, etc-, which isdelivedby wagon at yreun houses every, morning. Fresh sausage always on hand. We have made arrangmeuts to keep supplied with fresh fish and oysters from Apalachicola, and they will be delivqred every morning in.our mar ket WAgQU. WANTED. .... We will pay the highest market price for Beef Cattle, Pork, Mutton and Venison. Call and see us. Wm. HEPPIE & CO., Water Street. A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned SlO.OOjO GIVES AWA.Y We will send The Bainbriooe Democrat Ufiufd' price $2.00,. ami Ujo Louisville W e.ekly COURIER-JOURNAL usual prusu $2.00, postage prepaid bp;h papers, for- one year, for §3.of). 'flip Uto great NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAI’ER; It will, on,Decernbqa31st, lS7.5*distribute impartially $10,000 ia, valuable presents among its subscribers, and every sul scrip- tion sent through us will be entitled to a registered; aqd numbered; receipt for. this dis tribution, Seqd uu$3’-50iand’gst both: papers. It Paysl It Pays!! What Pays ? I T PAYS-, ©very Manufacturer, M chant, Mechanic, Inventor, Farmer or Professional roan,, to,keep informed on : all the improvements and discoyerics ot -the age* IT PAYS the head, of eyw;y family to, introduce into his hpuselydd :t newspaper Unit i.s instructive, one tipit fos ters a. teste for investigation, ami promotes thought atul encourages dfseusskm amon, the umuihers. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has been published weekly for the ’ hist thirty- yean,, (lppa this, to an extent lioyoiui; tlijit of iln.v other publication in •fact it is the orjy weekly paper published in. tiie United, tit itcs, diivot .d to Manulac tures, Moltenies. Inventions and New Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Every number is profusely illustralrated and i.ts contents embrace the latest and most, interesting information pertaining to , the Industrial, Mechanical, and Scieiiiifb I Progress of the World; Deseriptions, '.y,ii h Beautiful Eugnivings, of New Inyeiitions New Implements, New Processes, and Improved Industries of all kind.s; Useful Notes, Receipes, Suggestions and.Advice, by Practical Writers, for Workmen ami Employers, in all the various arts, form ing a complete repertory of New Inven tions and Discoveries; containing a week ly record not only of the progress of the Industrial Arts in our oyyn country, but also all new discoveries ajjd Inventions in every brancq of Engineering, Mechanics, and Science abroad. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has been tfee foremost of all industrial publi- catktes £or the p;ist Thirty Years. It is the oldest, largest, cheapest, and best weekly illu^tpUed; paper devoted to, i neering, alechanies. Chemistry, New in ventions, Science and Industrial Progress published in the World. The practical recipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. And for the shop aud house will save many times the cost of subscription. Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics, Fngi- neers, Inventors, Manufacturers, Chemists Lovers of Science, and People of all Pro fessions, will find the Scientific American useful to them. It should have a place in every Family, Library, Study, Office, and Counting Room; in every Reading Room, College and School. A new volume com mences January 1st, 1876. A year’s, numbers contain83ftpftges and Several I hundred Engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for foir binding and reference. Terms, $3,20 a year by- mail, including postage. Discount to Clubs. Special circulars giving Club rates sent free. Single copies mailed on receipt of 10 cents. May be had A? all ^cws Dealers. J J In connection A niC61ITS• with the Scien tific American, Messrs. Mnnn & Cq, are Solicitors of American and foreign Pat ents, and have the largest establishment in the world. More than fifty thousand applications have been made fqr patents througn their agency. Patents are obtained on the best terny3, Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined and advice free. A special no tice is made in the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through this Agen cy, Tyith the name and residence of the Patentee. Patents a-e often sold in part or whole, to persons attracted to the in vention hy sqch notice. Send for Pamph let, containing full directions for obtain ing Patents. A bound volume containing the patent Laws, Census of the U. S., ana 142 Engravings cif mechanical movements. Brice 25 cents. Address for the Paper, qr concerning Patents, MUNN A OQ„ 37 Park Row, Nety Yqrk.~' Branch Qffice, cor. F 6c 7 th Sts , Washington, j. p. LAGEST SHOW ON EARI^ BAINBRIDGE, THURSDAY JAN. i3 # Great World’s Exposition! The undersigned respectfully announces to tl;e citizens qf the county generally that fie is reaefy to execute, and desires work ia his fine. %ill contract for any kind qf work pommon in the country dwelling houses, Gin Houses, Gin Gear, and Packing Screws Qf any patent. M!U WRiGHTING A SPECIALITY. Terms to Suit the Times. Address—r L. G. KIRKLAND, Steam Mill, Decatur Co., Ga., or Cedar Springs, Early Co. • Sep-25- 75-3m- THIS MAMMOTH SHO..W comprises among its most prominent features a grand and unrivalled MENAGERIE AQUARIUM AND CIRCUS, * Each complete.and unsurpassed in itself, requiring several special trains to too. vey itj ope city to another. The immense Menagerie, among its myriads of■ I wonderful Animals and Monsters, contains generous contributions from La B( ] Sea, and Air, and from every clime in Europe, Asia, Aft-iqa and America! lie. sides an almost remarkable and rare Wild liuusls. Sea Monsters and Wonderful, | Eifds, there is also a Grand and STRICTLY MORAL OlRCyS. In which the talent employed is unequakd, :u>d cou<prises the ltiglr st order Performers in the land. Thu public, and pjirticul <rly ladies, children au<l Mi- lies, are assured that this departntt nt is. without a blemish, and nothing is m" or done that cau offend; the most fastedious taste of a refined, or high-toned cob- rjiuuity. Among the illustrious and world-famed Arties in this department are Mr. ROBERT STICKNEY, the most daring, fipi.-iied and graceful Equestriaa now living, and the Champion Double Somersault of the world. Miss EMMA LAKE, the most charming and dashing young Horsewoman in t« profession. Her challenge menage act has never been equaled JOHN LOWLOW, conceded by the public, the press and the profession, to the greatest Clown living. .. ROMEO. SEBASTIAN, the peerless Rider, reputation is world wne. EL NINO EDDIE, the unrivaled and remarkable Tight Rope Performer. JAMES CAMPBELL, the wonderful Somcrsailftist. , - Miss ROSALINE, Miss JENNIE TOURNOUR, Miss CHRISTINE, and 811 riders, celebrated for beauty and grace. , h WHITNEY and DAVENPORT,the thrilling Trapeze performers ana AcroDw JOHN "WILSON, the great Foirr-Ilorse Back Rider. GEORGE SLOMAN..the great English Globe Performer. NONPAREIL LEWIS, the wonderful negro hoy Bare Back Rider, others others equally well and favorably known artists. Procesion of Dazzling Splendor „ . „ TPWnns.Cartf - Unsurpassed as a moving Panoiama of Brilliant Chariots, W^° D . ’ q Hot* 86 - Carriages, Dens. Animals, Sacred Cattle, Two Bands of Music, I ra , Wild Beasts, Fifty Ponies, Waving Banners, Gorgeous Costumes a A TEAM OF PONDEROUS ELEPHAN* 5 ' Reanty- Drawing a Golden Chariot, forming a Picture of Bewildering perl TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. Doors open at 1 and 7 P. * ces an hour later. General Admission 75c—Children c . REM ” BER TEE DATE--THD U DAY Jil ■’