The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, May 04, 1876, Image 2

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T HAVE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LADIES DRESS GOODS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD 4* The Weokly Democrat. 3EN. E. RUSSELL, - Proprietor. Jen E. Russell, - - R. M. Johnston, editors. {airbridge, (5a., May 4, 187G. The Speaking- Everybody should bear in mind that on the 9tb inst, next Tuesday, lion. Thomas Hardeman, the eloquent Georgian and peerless orator, will address our people upon the political topics of the day. We hope to see everybody present on the oc casion, as they will hear a speech well worth listening to. Let everybody turn out and give the great statesman IP reus ing welcome. By George, they are getting all of them Old Morton is now on the ragged edge until he accounts for the small sum of $250 ,000. A WorliVs special says several days ago a correspondent of the World was informed that there were important documents in the Second Comptroller’: office of the Treasury, which would reveal Senator Morton in an unpromising light. It appears that the 37th G'ongres: passed an act appropriating two million dollars to pay for arming the loyal citi 7,ens of the States in rebellion against the United States Government. Governor Morton laid hands on $250,000 of that. Indiana was never in rebellion against the Government of the United States, and it was a query why Morton should have had the $250,000, when there was no pur pose under the statute making the appro priation for which the money could have been legally expended. Another attempt to obtain, or at least examine, the corres pondence pertaining to the case will be made on Monday. It will be investigated by Mr. Glover’s Committee on the Real Estate Pool. The remark which Mr. Jefferson made in the Declaration of Independence, says the Atlanta Times, that “all men are born free and equal,” has been construed to mean what the author never intended. Mr Jefferson was not only a scholar, a man acquainted with the language he wrote but he was a great political philosopher He could not, therefore, have expressed so absurd an idea as the words we Lave quoted been perverted to express. Jfo where in Nature—neither in the material world, nor in the domain of intellect or morals, in heaven above or in the earth below, does such a law prevail. Instead of equality, inequality is a law of Nature. In the physical world, we have mountain and plain, ocean and rivulet, sun and stars, differing from each other in glory In the world of intellect, we have giant; and dwarfs—men who bear the image of God, and men whose ambities is to appear as fallen angels. Grant lias vetoed the bill reducing the President’s salary to $25,000. The Augus ta Chronicle, in speaking of the action of his Presidency, says: “Of course the matter of salary cannot affect him, unless he be his own successor; but he is a gen erous man with other people’s money, whether it goes in his own or somebody else’s pocket. He lias amassed his own millions in quick time and by easy work and naturally cau’t put its full value up n thu dollar, which comes by toil and sweat Savannah News: The trial of Kendrick, pastor of the Baptist Church in Columbus has begun. The girl whom he is charged with seducing is named Fannie Bush, and is thirteen years of age. Her testimony amounts to a confession, and she relates with painful particularity the leading features of her connection with the mise rable man on trial. Her story is substan tiated by the testimony of other witnesses ? ThWJK* Yor^Democrats have held a convention, and life platform reaffirms fidelity to the principles set forth in the platforms adopted in 1874 and 1875 by the Democratic party of New York. Their resolution adopted in States Conventions of 1864, 1808 and 1872 were re-adopted Gov. Tildcn was recommended as the Democratic Presidential candidate. Speaker Kerr has written to the chair man of the committee in his congressional district that the state of his health forbids him to accept a renomination. It is un derstood in Washington that he will be compelled to ask leave of absence at once, to recover somewhat from the ex hausting effects of official duty upon his debilitated system. The New 5 ork Sun thus disposes of Hyena Blaine’s elaborate defense.- “Mr. Blaine made his promised speecli yester day. His subject was the $64,000 paid him by the Union Pacific Company for worthless bonds. His ex planation is not satisfactory. We believe he had the money. ” The Senatorial contest in Michigan is a three-sided sue, each one of the contest ants being a man of great wealth—Gov. Bagley, Senator Ferry, the incumbent, and old Zach Chandler, who wants to get hack to the seat that the festive Christian- cy chiseled him out of. GEORGIA DELEGATION- The Georgia delegation to the St. Louis Convention will, in the main, we have no doubt, prove entirely satisfactory to the people of the State. The Constitution says, in this connection; “We are glad to be able to state that the delegates go free and unpledged to any candidate. Gov. Smith, we understand, is absolutely free and un committed in his own mind to any one. He thinks the delegation should go into the convention in a judicial frame of mind prepared to take the best democrat who cau be elected, regardless of minor issues, and this too whether he comes from the cast or the w-est. This is the right spirit, and such we blieve is the tem per of the delegates generally.” Below, we append the names of dele gates: For the Stale at Targe: Gov. James M. Smith, of Muscogee. Hon. George T. Barnes, of Richmond. Hon. John W. Wofford, of Bartow. Hon. Rufus E. Lester, of Chatham. First District: Hon. John C. Nicholls. of Pierce. Hon. John J. Jones, of Burke. Second District: Hon. H. G. Turner, of Brooks. Hon. E. C. Bower, of Early-. Third District: Hon Allen Fort, of Sumpter. Hon. W. T. McArthur, of Sumpter. Fourth District: lion. Obadiah Warner, of Meriwether. Hon. Mark 11. Blandford, of Muscogee. Fifth District: Hon. E. P. Howell, of Fulton. Hon. John 1. Hall, of Spalding. Sivth District: Hon. J. W. Preston, of Jasper. Hon. J. M. Page, of Newton. Seventh District: Hon. W. II. Payne, of Caioosa. Hon. P. M. B. Young, of Bartow. Eighth District: Hon. G. Whit. Johnson, of Oglethorpe. lion. G’has. S. DuBose, of Warren. Ninth District: Hon. II. H. Carlton, of Clarke. Hon. H. P. Bell, of Forsyth. A Southern correspondent of the New York Herald admits there is really no re publican party “worthy of the name of par ty” in Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Ken tucky, Alabama and Texas. It is routed and disorganized, and cannot be brought into a canvass. In Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida, says the correspondent, there is a remnant resting on the old carpet bag basis of plunder, but that will be perma nently scattered in November. A GIFT WORTHY OF A ROTHSCHILD FOR OITK CERT, A copy of Brown’s Ililustrated Shakes pearian Almanac, together with a copy of his illustrated paper, the Growing World, which is devoted to natural history, wlli be sent to any one free who will seud us their address on a one cent postal card. Address DK. O. P. BROWN, 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. Fine Liquors- The bar jf II. B. Ehrlich is supplied with liquors of every kind. Whiskeys, brandies, wines, champagnes, ales, por ters, lager, etc. For something good to drink it is the place. The Savannah Neics will give the mem bers of the Press Association an excursion to Tybee. The Senior editor of the Democrat returns thanks to Mr. J. C. Harris for. an invitation. The flimsy defense of Blaine has been annihilated, and the Maine hyem. is shown * P m a11 h d d " rk wavs. Good bye,Blaine. Albany Convention. Below we give the official proceedings of the Albany Convention on the 26th ult : Albany. Ga., April 26, 1876. In obedience to call of the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee for the Second Congressional District, a Convention was called to enter this day, at 11 o’clock, by lion. D. A. Vason. On motion of Col. J. T. Flewellen, Judge II. AV. Hopkins, of Thomas, was unanimous ly chosen President of the Convention, and on motion of Capt. R W. Davis, Frank V. Evans was made Secretary. The names of the counties comprising the District were called, and the following an swered : LIST OK DELEGATES. Baker—Reuben Jones, A. L. Hawes. Brooks—II. M McIntosh. Berrien—F. V. Evans, proxy. Clay—J L. Tucker. Colquitt—J. B Norman, A. D. Patterson- Decatur—M. O’Neal, (V. H. Crawford. Dougherty—C. P. Hartwell, I. A. Davis, Ab. Crosby, B F. Wilder, J. L. Dozier, Wal ker and Frank Evans Early—W. W. Flemming, R. W. Davis. Lowndes—A. H. Smith, C. R. Pendleton. Miller—J. S. Clifton, I. A, Bush. Mitchell—T. R. Ly-un, J. G. Sapp, J. B. duller, P. W. Twilty. Randolph—-J. T. Flewrilcn. Terrell—J. T. Lamar, D. B. Hill, S. R. Weston. Thomas—II. W. Hopkins, J II, Stephens, John Triplett, W E. Davies, After some discussion, the convention proceeded to ballot for two delegates, to rep resent the District. Mr. A H .Smith of Lowndes, nominated Hon 11 G Turner, of Brooks ; Col Flewellen, of Randolph, nominated Col A Hood, of iiandolph ; Mr Hawes, of Baker, nominated Major R N Ely, of Dougherty; Capt R W : avis nominated E C Bower, of Early; Col T R Ly- n in,mitiatt dJtts H Spence, of Mitch- -.1:, and the Dougherty delegation nominated ■‘'tl Nelson Tiff. Un motion of Dr Lamar, S Rust was appointed Assistant Secretary. Capt ii Turner was elected on the first ballot, and E C Bower on the fourth ballot. The lullowing'gen.lemon were elected Al ternates by acclamation. Major R N Ely, of Dougherty,- and James H Spence, of Mitch ell. ihi motion of Col Flewellen, a Committee composed of one from each county, was aj - ointed by the Chair, to present the names • •f proper gentlemen, as delegates for the Ia:c at Liuge, this Committee to report at 2:30 p. m. Convention adjourned for dinner. AFTERNOON SESSION. Convention re assembled at 1:30 and was cubed to order by the Chairman. The Com- mittee on Delegates for the State at Large iepoi-;ed the following names, and they were dretared tiie choice of the Convention. -AuFMelntyrc. It E Lester, John B Gor don and James M Smith. Mr W E Davies, of Thomas, moved that delegates be sent untrameled;' # wMeh motion was carried unanimously. The President then declared*the Conven tion adjourned sine die. H. W. HOPKINS, President- Frank V. Evans, Secretary I hc Atlanta Constitution says Hon tienrw R. Harris has received, and laid bef, re the judiciary committee of the house, papers and documents relative to the operations of the detective White- ly, in Columbus. It is doubtful, how ever, if anything can be done in the matter at this time, as Whitely is to be used as a government witness against Babcock, Harrington and others, in the safe burglary ease, and it would not be advisable to impair his efficiency as a witness. Photograph Tent- Kir. G. W. Brown, the popular photo graphist, is in town,and has located his tent oq the west side of the square, next door to A. Hinds & Bro. Those desiring pictures will have to call at once, as Mr. Brown’s stay is very limited. Read these opular prices -. eight pictures for $1. pwo for 50 cts ; photographs $4per dozen Sportsmen Attention- Pistols and Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Caps, and sporting goods generally, low prices, at Jewelry Store of 1- t W. C. Subers. On account uf large stock of material on hand, and the scarcity of tr-ancy in circula tion, I will repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry at the following reduced prices, viz: Mainspring $1.50, Cleaning $1.50, Hands 2- 5 to 75 cents per pair, Glasses 25 cents. For cash only. W. C. Subers. Look Fishermen. Fishing Tackle of all kinds, cheap, at Jewelry Store of W. C. Subers. P. S. Blackwells Durham Smoking To bacco at 80 cts. per lb 1-t- Fresh Meats- H B. Ehrlich has market every morn ing where the choicest fresh meats can be had, or he will deliver same at your resi dence. Highest market price paid for cattle. IV. T, Blackwell’s genuine “Durham” smoking tobacco, 80 cents per lb. also “Vani ty Fair” smoking tobacco $1.60 per lb. For sale by AV. C. Subers. “When thou art. old and rich, Thou hast neither heart, affections, limb or beauty To make thy riches pleasant. It is surprising how few*books have been written on the diseases incident to old age. We know of no work that would be more generally read by tiie medico-legal world, or in fact, by classes, than a “Treatise on die medical management of old age,” writ ten in a plain style and free from all teciiui- italitities, nor do we know of any medicine that is more happily adapted to the alleviat ing of the pains and aches of the aged than Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills. While they act promptly they do not wrench the system or shock the most enfeebled constitution. In cases of gout, rheumatism, kidney diseases, torpid bowels, indigestion, loss of appetite, their healing properties are truly wonder ful. Their effect on the nervous system is prompt, quieting restlessness, imparting re freshing sleep and vigoi to the whole sys tem. The old and young will lie alike bene fited by the use of this truly estimable medi cine. J. Steining er, Smith & Tranb U AVE JUST RECEIVED at their popular Store 1,000 bushels White Corn at 00 cents. 10 casks Bacon. 80 barrels Flour. 35 boxes Tobacco, direct from faetorles kt Virginia and North Carolina. As also a large assortment of all kinds of goods usually kept in a large Groeery Bouse, and which they will sell for LESS THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE HERB. Good News! For the ladies of the city of Uainbridgo and surrounding country. SMITH & JEAUB Have just received one of the largest stocks EMBROIDERIES, SPRING & SUMMER CALICOES, White Lawn, laeonefs, Nainsooks, ete Ever displayed in this city, which are oisec. erf at prices to suit the times Proprietor of the ORXGirVAL nm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. City Marshal’s Sale. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Bainbridge, Decatur county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in June next, the following property to-wit ; One house and lot in city of Bainbridge. boun led north by property of R H Whiteley, ea t iy prnper.y of i B Dunnewe : l & Co, outh by Green Street, and west by Donal- son street—leviel on as the property of Gurley & Russell to satisfy this city taxfi fa, and other city tax fi fas in my possession. E. H. SMART. City Marshal. May 3, 1876. A A irgiuia member of congress, who had been congratulating himself on getting the lull quota of garden-seeds for his district, found to his surprise on going home, that the Hon. James G. Blaine had sent, fully three times as many seeds into his district, so that the negroes were disposing of them fm money. Grant sent money to New York to control voles, and Biaine sends seeds to Virginia to control delegates. So we go. The Albany News has a correspondent signing liimselt --North Georgia.” who seems to lie afilicted with a compound ailment which may be termed, “cacothes carpendi el scribmdi,” He is wonderfully dissatisfied with the Democratic administration of Geor- ia v -Dr- for the past five years. When he • ciiic. h-- should signhimsei: “Growl er.”— Blakely News. Agents, make no engagements till you see our NEW BOOK, Which in thrilling interest, sterling merit, elegance and cheapness, has absolutely no equal. It is “The Thing” for the Centenni al period—takes on sight. The North American Review says it is ‘ ‘de serving of unqualified praise; we anticipate for it is an extensive popularity.-” the Du buque Times says “Just such a work as thou sands of the Amenig People will be-glad to possess : " the Detect-Advertiser calls it “pre ferable to any yet published." Any active Man Or Woman Of good address insured large profits and steady work lor a year. For full particulars, address J. B. FORD & CO., 27 Park Place, New York, GEORGIA—Decatur County. James S. Wbigham has applied for ex emption of personality and setting apart of Homestead and I will pass upon the same on Saturday the 23rd day of May at my office at 10 o’clock a. m. May 3rd. 1876. Hiram Brockett Ord’y D. C. ERRORS OF Y UTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the efforts of youthful indiscre tion will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to pro lit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, 10-bm-JoHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St,, N. Y. Levy E. Byck, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PARLOR, CHAMBER and KITCHEN FURNITURE ! 86 Broughton Street, Cner Jefferson anii Brough : ox. opposi St. Andrew’s Hall, Savarn ah. Ga 11 the latest style kept on hand. Mattres i.orating and repairing of furniture ecuted promptly and at reason ab e prices April 2 1874—-ly] Special Notice! oMITII & TRAUB have just received one O of the largest stocks of Gents’ and Boys’ Clothing For Spring and Summer wear ever brought to this market. The styles are the la test, the prices lower than ever, aud we would therefore invite all to examine our stock BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, and we Guarantee Satisfaction. STORE ^NFORMS TIIE PEOPLE of the city of Bainbridge, Decatur and adjoining counties that he has just received one of the best se lected stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing. Hats, cars, Boots and Shoes, Notion?, Groceries, Which lie bought entirely tor CASH, and is therefore able to sell, for the cash only, lower than any other house. His stock has been selected with great care, direct from the Northern Markets, and comprises all the latest novelties of the season, consisting of several hundred pieces of the best prints, CAMBRICS AND LAWNS, Dress Goods and l’ercules, White Goods of all descriptions, Cottonades ami Cassi- mo-.-s for men and boys’ wear, also Drop De:e and* Blue Cloth, Flannel suitable for this climate, Ladies, un- l rimmed Straw 1876 New Firm, New Goods IS7 6 NEW PRICES.. WHICH ARE LOW DOWN ! WEIL & LGEB, Proprietors of the INTAKE PLEASURE in announcing to the citizens of Decatur and surrounding counties that I have associated with me in business Mr. Jonas Loeb (formerly with I. M. Roscnfeld) who is well and favorably known to the trading public. I take this method of thanking my friends for the liberal patronage heretofore be stowed upon me and hope that the new firm will recieve the same in the future S. A. WEIL. Spring 1 Amiouneement : We are now recieving one of the best-selected Stocks of SpriDg and Summer Goods ever brought to this market, which we are determined to dispose of at Panic Prices for the Cash. We mean business. ‘ Our stock consists of a very large and varied assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Roots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Bacon, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, G-x l-a’s. Died ‘in's, .Misses’ •rt-’ huts. I ITS liats, gents’ white .Shirts, collars, enfts, neck ami under wear of i he latest styles, Mines of every description, from one dollar per pair and upward, suitable for everybody. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, &C. A full and complete line. Clothing for Men and Boys wear at prices to suit the times. I have also on the way and in store 1,500 Bushels White Western CORN. Which I am selling at 90 cents. 100 barrels Flour, all grades. Hams and Bason direct from the Packers. Coffee, sugars, etc., etc., sold retail at wholesale prices. KEEP’S PATENT Partly Made Rice, Lard, Ac. «TAP1E GROCEC* 1ICH, Parties-studying their interest should not fail to give us a call. Experience has taii-rht us that “quick sales anil sinail profits” is the only way to succeed in the mer- e .. n |-,] e business, and we arc therefore determined no; to be undersold liy any one. £5?” Highest market prices paid for Wool, Hides, Tallow, Wax, etc. WE L & LOEB. A. U. HAFPGLDT. 1878. CEVT.i 1876. r .i T. Til 1 VdvORTAT TON AR RANGEMENTS Of The Great ftoiamisstflu ¥Ucv Sm't V- O 130 bay sti;e;:t, SAVANNAH, GEO. 0GNSIGNMENIS solicited. . Will give prompt attention to all business en trusted to my care, and make prompt re Awns. * apr27-om SHIRT, Smith Sl Tranb Have adopted the motto of “QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS.’ eWwill be pleased to show our goods sad tel! you more verbally- SMITH & TRAUB. at T. B. HutmeweSl’s Old Ills Made of best Wamsutta Bleaching and fine linen. No more trouble to the ladies to fin ish than to sew a straight seam, Call and see them. I am (also agent for the celebrated Watt Plow and can furnish my customers with same at reduced prices also extra points, heels, wings, bolts and w-renches. Ha-e also on hand a fine line of cast, steel and refined Iron, turning shovels, scooters and sweeps. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere, and I will convince you that I am selling all classes of goods cheaper than the cheapest- Remember- the Red Sign J- 3TEININGER- Sole Proprietor of the Original Flint River Store and Grangers’ Depots. for the accommodation of visitors TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. The Railways and Steamship Companies betweon Augusta, Ga., and Philadelphia, comprising the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, will during the progress of the CENTENAIAL exhibition OF THE UNITED STATES, present for the patronage of the citizens o.‘ the South, routes of transportation and forms of tickets upon which to reach Phila delphia, that will immeasurably excel all other lines in point of DIBECT DAILI MOVEMENT, COMFORTABLE ACCOM MODATION VARIABILITY OF TRANSIT, ECONOMY OF EXPENDITURE- To enable this to be done, the combined resources of the Railway Lines South of Norfolk, together with those of the Balti more Steam Packet Company and the Old Dominion Steamship Company will be em ployed and the individual tourist, the social pnrty of ten, twenty or more, or the civic or military organization of 100 to 300, can each be cared for in a manner that will sat isfy their desires. Price Lists, Time Car is and all needful information will be in^hamls of our Agents by April 15th. It will be to the intereWof every individ ual and each organizationProposing to make this trip to communicate will* the unersigu- ed. 'v A Centennial Exhibition GniaV Book as authorized by the Commission will b*v given to the purchaser of each Centennial Ti*&et. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. SECUHEI*,,^ ERE IT FADES. :f Preserve Ycur Old Pictures. D AGUERROTYPES, Ferrotypes, Photo graphs, etc., Copied and Enlarged, and fiames and glass furnished in the highest Style of the art, from a miniature to ate size. A return of old pictures guaranteed. Call on. FRANK M. SMITH, Agt. National Copying Co At Store of VV. C. Subers. Mch 9—3m. MORTGAGE bHERIFF SALES. ic ILL BE SOLD before the Court House tV door between the usual hours of sale on the first Tuesday in June in Bain- bridge the following property to wit: One house and lot in the town of Harrell, in said county, bounded as follows: east by McGriff street, north by Whigiiam Academe west by Broughton street anil south ny lands of J T and J D Harrell, and known as the house and lot of John W D Girtman. Levied on as property of John W D Girtman to sat isfy one Superior Court mortgage fi fa «>' other fi fas in my hand in favor of John Farmer vs John H'D Girtman. Lots of land Nos 93, 67, 66, 95 »nl9h, being the south one-half of lot No •• a “ the north half of No 67, the balance lands on lots Nos 66, 95, and 96, b ollr * _ as follows: bn the east and south by ce: of public road as it runs from the town, Attapulgus to or near to the place for belonging to S E Conyers, west by alson, Malcolm Nicholson and E H ,r ® ' part of said Western boundary being , as a spring branch and the Chesn Griffin lines, and on the north by the org mil land line, containing 628 acres mon o less, in the 20th diet of Levied on to satisfy a Superior f our! gage fi fa in favor of A E Gregory f A j D B Curry and others, vs >* A i> » Lasseterand A J Lasse'er. n VBK zrr L ’ F ’ Sheriff- May 6, 1876. GEORGIA—Decatur Covstt. ^ Whereas Aliff Williams, Cour t Thomas J. Williams represent*^ 0 n Re in her petition duly filed an . ere dThomas cord that she has fully a <? n> ’ hpre fore to c > ,e J. Williams’ estate this is tn , d creditors, all persons concerned, kindre sf.i'l'M' to show cause if any they ,■ ^gsed’fi*® 1 ministratrix should not ” e . .inters of tos her administration and recei j u j_ 1876, mission on the ROCKETT.^ Mch 16.1876. Ord y —