The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, July 06, 1876, Image 2

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t The Weokly Democrat. BEN. E. RUSSELL, - Proprietor. Ben E. Russell, - - R. M. Johnston, EDITORS. Bainbribge, Ga., July 6, 1876. Mr. Jno. D. Harrell is the General Agent of the Democrat, and is authorized to ■ receipt for subscriptions and advertising. National Ticket* S A FOR PRESIDENT.; MUEL J. TILDEN, OF NEW YORK. FOR'VICE-PRESIDENT : THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT The feeling among the Democrats all over the country is that Tilden and Hendricks can be elected, and most probably will be elected. The com paratively small opposition to Tilden be OF INDIANA. .DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING A Mass Meeting of the Democratic Party of Decatur county is hereby called 'to convene at the Court House in Bain 'bridge on Saturday 'the -8th day of July •next, at 11 o’clock a. m. to organize for Jthe Campaign, and to send four delegates ■ to the Gubernatorial Convention to be ■ held August 2d, at Atlanta.; and also to .provide for the selection of delegates to the Senatorial Convention to Jheet in Bainbridge on the l9th of-July. This is a. v»ry important ineetingand a large attendance is desired from every section of the County. J. A. Butts, Acting Chairman Ex. Com. Decatur County. • The World says of Republican appo sition to economy ; They want to make it appear to the country that the enormous amounts which they nave been squandering for years were the least possible allowance on which the Government could be run. and dare not ■consent to try the experiment of cheap er administration. Perhaps, too, they wish to secure their old supplies as ■necessary for a campaign fund this summer. They are willing to risk ev erything to get a well-filled camp chest. We will give proper attention to the prospectus of the Savannah News next week. In the meantime we may men tion that Mr. Johnston, of this office, is acting as special agent for the News and will take pleasure in forwarding subscrip tions to the office. The character of the News as a great newspaper is too well 'known to require anything commendato ry at our hands. California has more sheep than she •can pasture, and the owners are begin ning to kill them for the fat and pelts, the flesh being thrown away or fed to the hogs. Hayes is rich. La$t year his uncle, Landis Burchard, left him a fortune of $750,000. If he manages to get into the White House he can live on $25,- 000 per annum All the Republicans have harmoni zed on Hayes and all the Democrats have harmonized on Tilden. Now let us have a harmonious election and a Democratic victory in November. which a few days ago * appeared to so uncompromising, will have no exis tence at all in twenty-four hours, if it has any now. The very papers and politicians who were -down the heaviest on Uncle Samuel will'be 1 his most ar dent supporters, and there is no dofibt the Democracy are going to back this ticket with every vote. But what is quite as satisfactory and material to a favorite issue is that the ticket is going to carry a heavy sup~ port outside of the strictly party vote, and that unless we are greatly mistak en ihe regular Democratic election fig ures are going to be of no use in this campaign. The country, groaning un der a financial .prostration resulting from hig taxes and wasteful and ex travagant public expenditure, is going in seriously for retrenchment and re form. The audacity of the United States Senate in refusing all retrench ment and swearing that they will stop the government unless supplies are granted on the old extravagant scale, is pushing on the reform column with additional impetus every day.—Macon Tdegraph. TILDEN AND HENDRICKS. If Tilden and Hendricks are defeat ed in November, then the American ,republie is not only rotten and corrupt at the centre, but its putrescence per meates to its circumference, and its de cay and dissolution is only a matter of time. How under the sun any honest American citizen can refuse to support the ticket based upon the great- ■plat form of St: Louis we cannot -imagine. The Radical party has made our coun try odious along with itself, and a four more years’ lease of its ,power would-be the death rattle to our-rystem of gov ernment. . BIBB FOR HARDEMAN. The meeting in Ralston Hall yester day was was one of the largest and most representative assemblages we have ev er seen in- the eity. Not a discordant note wasstruok, not a word was uttered that could impair the perfect unity and harmony of the Democracy. It was clearly evid jut that Bibb county was unanimous for Col. Thomas Hardeman, and the instructions in his behalf to the delegates chosen to represent her in the convention, were emphatic and unmistakable. They are to use all honorable means to secure his elevation to the Execu tive chair, as the first and only expres sed choice of our people, and we trust the effort may provlrtriumphantly suc cessful. Without any disparagement of his competitor, it is but fair -to say that in political experience and statefl manship, in fertility of resource, calm judgment, unswerving integrity, and the power to govern and the opinions of the masses, Col. Hardeman has not a superiot in the State. We kuow of no safer paty leader, and he would make a magnificent Centennial Gover-. nor. Besides, if devotion to his native State in the field, on the hustings, and in the halls of legislation ; if arduous and unselfish Irbor at his own cost to redeem the commonwealth from negro and Radical rule ; if a long Hfe of ac tivity ip the cause of education, agri culture and human progress are enti tled to consideration, then should his grateful countrymen elevate him to the position which is the goal of a laudable ambition, and thus reward a faithful aud patriotic servant.-— Telegraph. GEORGIA—Decatur County. 1 Donalson > for herself an! Notice City Tax Payers- The Tax Books of the corporation of Bainbridge are now open and will remain minor children, has applied for exenipt 1 -" 1 open until the first of August, at which a ^ sethn g apart of homestead, and l win time they will positively be closed. All day of July, m wTchJk^™ offi'** *** jne22-2t ,HIRAM BROCKETT?0’dy. owners or agents of personal property j subject to taxation under the ordinances of the city, are hereby notified to come forward and make a return of-all. proper ty owned or controlled by them on the first day of April last past. Persons failing to make their returns are liable to be double taxed. Office at Weil & Loeb’s store: J. R. Hayes, Clerk of Council. Times are hard we knew, but if you don’t take the Democrat you are a sinner. It is ‘‘chucked” full of good news and only 8-2 The Suvanuah News, ia speaking of the late Fultonscounty election, and in favor ■of Gen. Colquitt, thus insuits 2,557 of the eitizens of Atlanta : In a vote of 2,557, be was beaten by a .majority of some -230. The vote be did receive was the honest, substantial ele ment of the city, and its largeness under the circumstances was very complimen- tarytto him, as evincing that the good people there had the discrimination and pluck to stand up and support a worthy candidate. But large as his support was, it was not potent enough and numerous enough to overcome the ring strength, and he was defeated. And it is also refreshing to know that faaX prrticular friend of the News, and the great anti-ring man of the State, H. I. KimbaH, late “developer,” etc., voted for Colquitt. See following from Augus ta Chronicle and Sentinel : A letter from Atlanta states that Mr. H. I. Kimball rode to the polls in a Colquitt carriage and voted a Colquitt ticket. Chronicle & Sentinel : Even the Cin cinnati Enquirer supports Governor Til den. This is good. The millennium lias -come. The soft money lion lies down with the hard money lamb and a little child shall lead them to the polls in No vember. On account of its hatred of Atlanta the Savannah News has espoused the cause General Colquitt for Governor, albeit the Central lives in Fulton county. By George 1 this thing’s getting monot onous. Harris hasn’t thrown a rotton onion, or anything of his kind, at us in three or four weeks. It is needless for us to say that this re sult is going to materially strengthen Gen. Colquitt in the whole State outside of that city. It discloses his unaccepta bility to the ring influences of the carpet bag capital of our State . It shows that he had no hold upon the combinations that are supposed to be potential there, and he bad no hold because he was not identified with them and would not be used them.—Sav, News on Fulton County Election. And yet, dear News, General Colquitt must have thought that he ‘‘had a hold upon the combinations that are supposed to be potential there,” or he would not have participated in the dog fight for the Fulton delegation. We have received a communication from Mitchell county in reference to the Senatorial question, but too late for this issue Will give it a place and our attention next week. In the mean time we would state, rotation or no ro tation, we are for I. A. Bush first, last and all the time, unless the convention decides otherwise. William Allen can heap coals of fire on Tilden’s head by taking the stump ifor him'in Ohio. Will he do it . Political Dots from the N- Y. Sun. Now let our Uncle Samuel’s banners l>e flung to the breeze ; let his picture, with it’s Roman features, adorn the walls anti windows ; let bis name be the watchword of the people ; let the poets thrum their lyres, and sound his fame ; let the orr- tors mount their stilmps to secure -the election of Tilden the Reformer. Whatever prejudices maybe indulged in on the part of Republicans and Tam- manyites against Mr. Tilden, toot a whis per nor a breatu is breathed anywhere against Mrs. Tilden. .This is one of the pleasant features of the campaign—no body says anything against Mrs. Tilden. We yesterday received several letters asking what is Gov. Tilden’s religion, and we tell our correspondents and the rest of mankind that his is the Christian religion; that he is of the Presbyterian denomina tion ; and that he has given proof of the sincerity of his faith by enforcing in the performance-of his official duties that di vine commandment, Thou shalt not steal. St. Louis understands the true war cry in the coming fight against dominant cor ruption. It is reform. What we need in this country at this time is an entire new deal. Sixteen years of continuous power has corrupted the Republican par ty, which started as the exponent of mo ral ideas and the higher law in politics. It has become the exponent of thievery and extravagance in practical govern ment. The people must away with it, in order to bring back political health. On account of large stock of material on hand, and the scarcity of money in circula tion, I will repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry at the following reduced price?, viz: Mainspring $1.50, Cleaning $1.50, Hands 25 to 75 cents per pair, Glasses 25 cents. For cash only. W. G. Surers. j GEORGIA—Decatur County. I Mattie E. Brockett has applied for ex etnption and setting apart of homestead and I will pass upon the same on the first day of July, at W o’elock at mv office T - F. H1MPTOX, Clk! S. C. DECATUR SHERIFF’S SALE •Win be soid before the court house door in Bainbridge, Decatur county, Georeia or. How Awfully Culpable Must be those afflicted -with Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, oi any disease of the Lungs, Throat or Chest, who neglect to use Dr Tutt’s Expectorant after reading the following letter, “ written by one of the most estimable ladies in the South : Savannah Ga., April 28, 1872. Dr. Tutts : In gratitude for the benefit received by the use of your Expectorant. I do cheer fully add tny testimony to its wonderful power in curing deep seated coughs, For several years T suffered dreadfully with a cough attended with great difficulty of breathing pectorant, and it gave almost immediate re lief. I took six bottles and am ; now per fectly restored. It is about five months since I began its use, and I have not had an attack sinee. to me the First Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the following Dr m, erty to-wit: a p 1 Lot of land no. 303 in the 14th district of Decatur county, levied on as the property of Joseph B. Jones to satisfy a rnorL<m fi fa in favor of W H Starke & Co vs JR Jones. Also, lots of land nos 362 and 363 in the 21st district of Decatur county, levied on as the property of Wnt M Marshall to satisfy a mortgage fifa in favor of Edwin M Hampton vs said Marshall. Also, lot of land no 74 in the 27th dis trict of Decatur county, as the property of T B Griffin to satisfy otie fifa ita favor of IV •H Lee vs T B Griffin. _ Also, lots of land nos 340, 347, 372, and 374 in the 19th district, and 263 in the 14th district, and 13 in the 21st district—all in Decatur county—levied on a* the property of Bartlett and Pomeroy to satisfy a fifa in favor of Dickenson and Stegall. L F BURKETT, July 5th, 1876. Sheriff, City Marshal’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA—City of Bai.ybridoe. Will be sold before the court house door, in Bainbridge, on the first Tuesday in August I was induced to try your Ex-j next, bet ween the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit: One house and lot In said city bounded on the North by Water street, east by Wash ington street, south by Broughton street It has been a great blessing ; and West by property of Mrs M A King. I can not afford, to be without it, ■ —levied on as the property of Mrs Margaret and heartily recommend it to all who have lung or throat disease. Very respectfully, Mrs. A. M. WELLBORN June 22—2t. Heal 2S eaith Board- Notice isdiereby given that the Health Board of Decatur couuty has been duly or ganized under the recent act of the Legisla- A King to satisfy one city tax fi fa. One store house and lot in said city, bounded on the north by property of Mrs S F Bruton, east by vacant lot of said Belchers, south by Water street, west by store house property of said Belchers—levied on as the property of A P & L Belcher to satisfy one city tf x fi fa. One vacant, lot in snid city, bounded oh tin? north bv A. A G. R. lb, east by Clav lure aud will hold regular monthly meet-, g b ,; y pr6 perty of Ifm. Sabers and mg oi toe first Safari lay in each montu at ! ........ „ r-..... .. L — »i.„ u- the office of the Ordinary. Physicians and other-interested arc respectfully reo nested to send in their -reports on ov bemre ■ tile days of meeting, whi. h will greatly facilitate the Board in tiiennport-iut Work of cieatirig a correct statistical report of the health of our county. E. J. Morgan, M. D. Chairman. Sune 22—4t. estate JL Grennner, and on the west by Broad St. Levied on a's property of A. P. 1 Belcher to satisfy one city tax fi fa. E. II. Smartr, ! June-3- Marshal. mS. P. A. STCCKTGfc, lias opened her House, FOR THE ACCOMMODATION ft# Drowned. Last week a son of Mr. Wm. Mitchell, who lives in the lower part of this county was drowned in his mill pond. It seems that everybody had left the mill and the lad went in bathing, took the cramp and perished. He was 18 yeats of age. If Hon. Thomas Hardeman was an Old Line Whig before the war, is that any reason why he would nut make as good a Governor as if he had been a Democrat? Yet that thing is being used against him in this county. The Albany News suggests the name of Col. Fleming, of Decatur, for Demo* cratic Elector frem the 2nd Congres sional District. We seeond the motion. Col. Fleming would make a good one. Look Fishermen. Fishing Tackle of all kinds, cheap, at J Jewelry Store of W. C. Sobers. P. S. Blackwells Durham Smoking To bacco at 80 cts. per IT) l- : t- QUINfT. BOARDERS, FLOlUrA- W. T. Blackwell’s genuine “Durham” smoking tobacco, 80 cents per lb. also “Vani ty Fair” smoking tobacco $1.G0 per lb. For sale by W. C. Seurats. Great Reduction in Prices. W. C. Subers is now offering splendid bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, <£c. Stock complete, call and see. l j t Sportsmen Attention- Pistols and Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Caps, and sporting goods generally, low prices, at Jewelry Store of 1-t W. C. Subers. A GIFT WORTHY OF A ROTHSCHILD FOR a w: ua E? 5 —. 3 g, < D A copy of Brown’s Illlustrated Shakes pearian Almanac, together with a copy of his illustrated paper, the Growing World, which is devoted to natural history, wlli be sent to any one free who will set-d us their address on a one cent postal card. Address DR. 0. P. BROWN, 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, Nf J. 2.IT® | H 2-3- | 1 IIP tip? W0 Tobacco! Cigars! Best tobaccos, finest cigars, of all grades to be had at the big store of H. B. Ehr lich. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- L. M Warfield. COTTON MERCHANT AND AGENT FOR CHESAPEAKE GUANO, SAVANNAH, GA- % ° c Zt § 2.5 “ Z. S" i V c* _ V! " 2- ~ 2.3 Ble m ‘Slii •eta ! Oott uc MORTGAGE SHERIFFS* 1 Will be sold before the Court bou# Careful attention given to all Consign ments Commission for Selling Cotton 59cts. per Bale. in the city of Bainbridge. on the Cash advances made on Rail Road receipt in hand shipments with or attached to Hello ! Mr. Johnston, when did you get in ?—Quincy Journal. Well, hanged if it ain t mightily mixed draft Satisfaction guaranteed, whether we got in or not. But say, Leon, 1 Refer to the Banks in Savannah and » how did you get in ? MaconC june-29-6-m day in Jnly, next, the following P to-wit: Twenty-four head of slock caff■ ®> as follows: crop and under bit i - and under slope in the other, * n ^ (B), and four head marked over under bit in both ears and bran ^ two head marked over slope an in each ear and no brand. A 11 the property of /. S. Whigha™ one Superior Court Mortgage n J/att C. Hickey vs J. S. Whigb-v^ , L. F. Burkett, un<i fr l J3 0 Prietor < Store