The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, August 03, 1876, Image 4

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Weekly Democrat THIS PAPEE IS OH PILE TTITH W here AdrerUtLns Contract* can b« made. Te Whom it May Concern- Hereafter all personal communications in The Democrat relating to the fitness or uDtltness of this or that man for of fice, rv ill be charged at the rate of twenty five cents per line. Announcements of candidates, of ten lines or less, to run un til dav of election, $10. We see no mo.e reason why we should give aspirants and their henchmen the use of our columns free of charge, than that our grocer should supply us our daily rations for nothing. So if you are in favor of anybody for gov ernor, congressman, legislator, sheriff, or dinary, constable, ad infinitum, bring j along your recommendations, and we will publish them, provided you accompany them with the CASH. ADVERTISING KATES AND RULES. Advertisements inserted at S2 per square for first insertion, and SI for each subse quent one. A square is eight solid lines of this type. Liberal terms made with contract advertisers. Local notices of eight lines are S15 per quarter or $50 per annum. Local notices for less than three months are subject to transient rates. Conntract advertisers who desire their ad- I venisements changed, must give us two j weekg notice. Changing advertisements, unless otherwise stipulated in contract, will be charged 20 cents per square. Marriage and obituary notices, tributes'ot respect, and other kindred notices, charged as other advertisements. Advertisements must take the run of the paper, as we do not contract to keep them in any particular place. Announcements for candidates are $10, if only for one insertion. Kills are due upon the appearance of the advertisement, andthe money will be collect ed as needed by the Proprietors. We shall adhere strictly to the above rules, and will depart from them under no circum stances. MUSICAL NOTICES ALEGER, BOWLBY &, CO’S STAR PARLOR ORGAN, LEGAL ADVERTISING RATES. CURRENT OPINION - An admirable man for public office.— [N. V- Evening Post (Hep.) on Tildc-n. Personally he is honest enough.— [N. Y. Commercial Advertiser (Hep.) m Tilden. Samuel J Tilden we believe to be a thoroughly honest man.—New Yoik Journal ol'Commerce (Iud.) In public and private a Demo- ' crat and as a citizen, Mr. Tilden’s record challenges scrutiny.—N. Y. Mail, Rep. • The St. Louis Globe-Democrat (Wheeler and Hayes) says: ‘-Carl Schurz is on our side this time, but we think we can win the fight, neverthe less.” William? and Richardson both had complimentary letters from Grant when, they retired from the Cabinet. But what did Grant write to Jewell and Bristow!'—[St. I’aul Dispatch. Mr. Tilden is a highly respectable candidate, and no man in the State who wishes to see the return of the Demo crats to power need bo ashamed to vote for him.—[New York Times, Rep. Our national game: Jewell and Pratt out at first base by Babcock and Grant; Taft out on fly to Morton. The score —Grant’s Thieves, 8; Bepublican Reform, 0.—[St. Joseph Gazette. Gov. Tildea, when he speaks of the canal ring, does not indulge in empty rhetoric. He shows how it does its business so plaiuly that he who runs may read.—[Rochester Chronicle, Rep. ‘‘I like the President very much. He is so kind-hearted, broad, and humane. My relations with him since I have been in his Cabinet h ve been of the most cordial and satisfactory character.” —[Reformer Taft. The ouo-term business of Mr. Rutherford B. Hayes is a political catch which is too old and thin tc deceive anybody. Grant used it and flung it away in an hour, and the thing, we repeat, is too old and thin for present use.—[Omaha Herald, According to Radical accounts the gentleman who has been Governor of New York for the past two years wasu’t Samuel J. Tilden at all. It was some other man. Very well. Uncle Samuel will establish his identity before Novem ber.—[Chicago Courier. When Rutherford B. Hayes arose in Congress, and in a subdued tone sub mitted the petition of the Cincinnati post-office clerks for more pay, every body know that there was in him the smothered tire of a great civil-service reformer.—[St. Louis Times. Of reform on the Hayes plan the Kansas City Times says: “The first act of I’yner as Postmaster General was to consult with the chairman of the IndU ana Bepublican Committe as to the placing of spoils where they will do the most good toward carrying the State in October. The Graphic (Hayes and Wheeler) says of Grant: “\\ ere he to be taken sudd-nly away, like Lincoln, all the cavil would cease and the petty criticism would drop of its own weight into con tempt, while his magnifie nt services to the country would be the subject of universal eulogy.” The New \ork Mail (Ilayes and V heeler) says: “Gen. Grant has a happy way of doiug and saying just the right thing at just the right moment It. would conduce more to bis peace of mind and the discomfiture of his ene mies if he exercised this rare taleut more frequently.” Zach, Chandler, as chairman of the Sheriff’s sales,per levy of 10lines4 00 Mortgage sales, per levy 6 00 Tax sales, per levy . — 4 00 Citation for Letters of Adminis tration 5 00 Application for Letters of guar dianship 5 00 Application for Dismission from Administration 10 00 Application for Dismission from Guardianship Application for Leave to Sell Land—one sq $5—all over Application for Homestead Notice to Debtors and Creditors.. Land Sales 1st squars $5, each additional Sale Perishable property per sq.. Estray Notices—sixty days Notice to Perfect Service Buies Nisi, per sqr 4 00 Rules to establish.Lost.Papers, per square Rule: compelling titles, per sqr.. Rules to Perfect Service in Di vorce Cases 10 00 The above are the minimum rates of le gal advertising now charged by the Press of Georgia, and which I shall strictly ad here to in the future. I hereby give final tut ire that no advertisement of this class will be published in Tan Democrat with out the fee is paid in advance. 8 00 4 00 2 00 5 00 4 00 2 50 8 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 Jake Born. IVe are requested by ibis gentleman to announce that he will take in exchange for harness, bridles, saddles, or work, in his shop, country produce, hides etc. Now your time, people. fi) To the Working Class. -M'e can fur nish you employment at which you can make very large pay. in your own localities, without being away from home over night. Agents wanted in every town and county to take subsribers for the Centennial Record, the largest publication in the United States —10 pages, 64 columns; Elegantly Illustrat ed, Terms onlj $1 per year. The record is devoted to whatever is of interest connected with the Centennial year. The Great Exhi bition at Phildelphia is fuily illustrated in detail. Everybody wants it. The whole people feel great interest in their Country’s Centennial Birthday, and want, to know all about it. An elegant patriotic crayon draw ing premium picturwis presented free to each subscriber. It is entitled, ‘In remem brance of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Independence of the Unijed States.” Size 23 by 30 inches. Any one can become a successful agent, for but show the paper and picture and hundreds of subscribers are easily obtained everywhere. There is no business that will pay like this at present. We have many agents who are making as high as $20 per day and upwards. Now is the time; don’t delay. Remember it costs nothing to give the business a trial. Send for our circulars, terms, and sample copy of paper, which are sent free to all who apply; do it to-day. Complete outfit free to those who decide to engage. Farmers and me chanics, and their sons and daughters make ike very best of agents. Address, THE CENTENNIAL RECORD, Portland, Maine. MANAQ0D ; HOW LOST HOW . RE 0RED! Just published a new- edition of Dr. Cul- verwell’s Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhdea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotencv, also, Consumption, Epi lepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, <K‘. Price, in a sealed invelops. only six cents. The celebrated author, ii> this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, trom a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consexuenees of elf-abuse maybe radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any undress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the publishers. F. B RUG MAN Sr SON, 41 Ann St., New York : P. O. Box, 4586. Cheap 51 eadiug-. The “WAVERLEY MAGAZINE” is the handsomest and largest literary paper in the United States. The articles are all com plete in each number. It also contains a page of music for the piano, and double the reading of any other paper. Sixteen num ber;- will be sent to any part of the country, National Republican Committee, would 1 ^ddre'-’s^ 11 MOSES seem to indicate an old*fashiotied can-) Vase, in which Government employees will have to work their hardest and A. DOW, Boston, Mass. pay their most. There is no reform “moonshine" about Zach.—[Indiauapo- li* News The Ha )'<,■« and Wheeler journals do f t exhibit inuoh sympathy for poor kicked out Jewell. The Grapnic, a Hayes paper, says; “It simply means that the Administration intends loyally to use all honorable means for the advan tage of the Hayes and Wheeler ticket in the forthcoming election.” Will Blaine escape further investiga tion by taking a seat in the Sena^ ? There is an opinion that he will, but it is a nice point to decide. It he is innocent of alt the allegations made against him he should uot permit the investigation' ol his case to close until it has been thoroughly sifted and probed to the bot- —[Pittsburgh Dispatch. J ,. 31. Warfield. COTTON MERCHANT AND AGENT FOR CHESAPEAKE GUANO, SAVANNAH, GA. Careful attention given to all consign ments Commission for Selling Cotton 50cts. per Bale. Cash advances made on shipments with Rail Road receipt in hand or attached to draft. Satisfaction guaranteed. Refer to the Banks in Savannah and Macon. june-29-6-m Surpasses in tone and power any Reed Organ heretofore manufactured in this country It lia3 been tasted by many competent judges and Oives Universal Satisfaction. By a skillful use of the stops, and of the patent knee swell, the music is adapted to the human voice, ranging from the softest, nute-tike note to a volume of sound, unsurpassei by any instrument. The proprietors have noted carefully for many yeat’3 the imperfec tions and needs of the reed instruments, and direct their practical experience to the cor rection of such imperfections, and their experiments have resulted in the production of uality of tone which assimilates so closely TO THE PIPE ORGAN QUALITY, Thai it is difficult to distinguish between the two. This instrument has all the Lat es Improvements, and every organ is "fully warranted. Large Oil Polish, Black Walnut Paneled Cases that forms iu addition to a splendid INSTRUMENT OF MUSIC. A SSAOTIFB’E SISCB OF FLIBHITEfRE. This organ needs only to be seen io be appreciated, and is sold at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES FOR THE CASE. Agents Wanted, (male or female) m every county in the United States and Canada. A liberal discount made to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc., where there is no agent for the Star Organ. Illustrated catalogues and price list free. Correspon dence solicited. Address the manufacturer,'’ MISCELLANEOUS. 1876, 1876. Alleg-er, XrSowIIsy <& H.W. Alleger. P. Bowlby. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Bower & Crawford ATTORNEYS AT LAW Bainbridge, Ga. Office in Court House. D. MCGILL. M. O’NEAL. McGILL & O’NEAL, atobneys at law, Eaiabriftge, Ga- Officc over E. 11. Peabody’s Drug Store. MEDICAL CARD. Dr. E. J. Morgan has removed ce next, door to Post Office, where he can be found during the day, and at his Residence on West Street at night,-Bainbridge, Oct. 5, 1875. oct-7-ly MASON & MMU ' ORGAN S. BEST AND CHEAPEST. 90,000 MADE AND SOLD Easiek Terms for Payment. decks, Jewelry, Seing Machines, &c., Neatly Repaired. WARRANTED, Call at PEABODY’S DRUG STORE, Bainbridge - - - - Georgia B. F. COLBERT. /ugust!874—tf. L1VERV aND SALE STABLES We have.Jind w ill continue to keep on band jt well selected stock of HORSES and MULES. / "'ur Stock is O. K. and prices as reasonable s the times demand. Call at the Brick tables on South Broad street. ct-14-’75-tf. •GRIFFIN & SUDETH MRS. P. A. STOCKTON, Has opened her House, FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF BOARDERS, QUINCY, - - - FLORIDA- ELEGANT NEW STYLES. CHEAPER BETTER. ER BEFORE PRODUCED. S end 25c. to G. P. Rowell & Co.,- N. Y , for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of ad\ ertising. $12 a day at home. Agents wanted. lOutfit and teims free. TtvUE & Co-. Augusta, Maine. T AKE THE DEMOCRAT. The political campaign has opened—keep posted. 1 day at home. Sam *49 D to worth $1 free. Stinson & Co.. Portland. Maine. Til STYLE 214—Double. Reed, Seven Stops, Hamisome Resonant Case $150 STYLE 219.—Double Reed, Nine Stops, Handsome Hesonant Case $156 STYLE ol'4, —Three Sets Reeds, Nine Stops, Resonant Case, with Revolving Fall-board- Ornamented $200 STYLE 208.— Double Reed, Seven Stops, in Elegant Etagere style Case, with Plate Glass Mirror Richly Ornamented and Carv ed. (See cut above) $225 RENTED UNTIL PAID FOR. A reduction from above prices, for cash or larger month’y payments. Send for illus trated catalogue give full description of styles and prices under the various plans of payment. OTHER DESIRABLE STYLES 570, $90, $110 and $125- | Order direct from Ludden Ac Kates, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. WHOLESALE SOUTHERN A GT. May 11, 1876—lm CEXTEXXIAL TRAXSPORTA TlOX AR RAXGEMEXTS Of The Great ATLANTIC COAST LIS for tbe v ACCOMMODATION OF VISITORS TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. The Railways and Steamship Companies between Augusta, Ga., and Philadelphia, comprising the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, will during the progress of the CENTENAIAL EXHIBITION OF THE UNITED STATES, present for the patronage of the citizens of the South, routes of transportation and forms of tickets upon Which to reaclf Phila delphia, that will immeasurably excel all other lines in point of DIRECT DAILY MOVEMENT, COMFORTABLE ACCOM MODATION VARIABILITY OF TRANSIT, ECONO.MY OF EXPENDITURE- To enable this to be done, the combined resources of the Railway Lines South of Norfolk, together with those of the Balti more Steam Packet Company and tbe Old Dominion Steamship Company will be em ployed and the individual tourist, the social pnrty of ten, twenty or more, or the civic or military organization of 100 to 300, can each be caved for iu a manner that will sat isfy their desires. Price Lists, Time Cards and all needful information are now- in hands of all our Agents. If will be to the interest of every individ ual and each organization proposing to make this trip to communicate with the unersiga- td. A Centennial Exhibition Guide Book as authorized by tbe Commission will be. given to the purchaser of each Centennial Ticket. A, POPE, General Pas.-enger Agent. Call on or address the following named Agents of the Allan.ic Coast Line: J. H. Vi bite. Macon, A. L. P.eed, Savannah. Tf.V. Tompkins. Atlanta, M. J. Divine, Macon, W. 1 Walker, Montgomery. BAINBRIDGE ADVERTISEMENTS. Successor to BABBIT & WARFIELD NOW OFFERS GREAT BARGAINS. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS, IS NOW MY RI0TTQ, Si The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to bis feilow sufferers the means oi cure, To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free ot charge.) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, &e. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev E. A. WILSON. 10-Gtn 194 Penn St.., Williamsburgli, New Y- 1776 The Great Centennial. 1876 Parties desiring information as to best routes to the CENTENNIAL, or to any oj the Summer Resorts, or to any other point n the country, should address B. W. Wrf.nn, General Passenger Agt. Kennesaw Route Atlanta, Ga. SAVE MONEY by sending $4,75 for any $4 Magazine and THE WEEKLY TRI BUN E (regular price $0). or $5.75 for the Magazine and THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE regular price $3). Ad. , Sb THE TRIBUNE, New York. ERBORSOF Y UTH. \ GENTLEMAN wlio-sufiered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the-efforts of youthful indiscre tion will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidenoe, lO-Om-JUHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., N. Y. AND SHALL BE FOR THE FUTURE ONE PRICE FOR ALL! MEAN EXACTLY WHAT I SAY. All I ask is to be allowed an opportunity to proro it to the public. THIS IS Tor the CASH ONLY, The times demand a reduction in profits, more energy and less expense, which I rccognizs and intend reducing the cash price on everything. Having a larger Stock of Goods on hand than the times demand, I am determined to convert them into cash, At Reduced Brices to Suit the Titaes. have on hand a large lot of Blankets, Shawls, Ladies’ Hats, Cloth- 1 ing. Boots, Shoes, Mackerel, Crockery, and many other articles too numerous to mention, I shall keep constantly on hand all kinds of merchandise, including Tlie Usual Pull XAue of Groceries Rep, in this place. As heretofore, everything shall be as represented, or no sale. 187 6 New Firm, New Goods 1876 NEW PRICES. WHICH ARE LOW DOWN I WEIL & LO EB, Proprietors of tbe 2. ss c* sc ^ OS « Ssir'S-- so p • =* 5 im< 0 ~ S'“ I. H» 1 rs1-&» s Sll-H. 2 C S' a £ 3 £;1r© i VM £ a ® * c ? §-2 w n © o 1 ■ I £ fH-fkt I t%l\C ; w —• - a < * “ eg ST* | >S:§* *|N x s? > §- 1M = 5'S 3 -p-w a =r5 e* 13- © r < * ^ a; *5 p 3:j * o § cr 5 ^. s o zm >d 0 U » IS a c 2 3* 2 nfM gfiL.: © s. s 3 ~ LJ ~ © o 1 4T-r r o 5.5 o ^ ■ £5 3 ^ ,4 5 3“ o-? S3 a a 0 c a 1 TAKE announcing to the citizens of Decatur and surrounding counties that I have associated with me in business Mr. Jonas Loch (formerly with I. M. Rosenfeld) who is well and<avorably known to the trading public. I take this method of thankii% my friends for the liberal patronage heretofore he towed upon me and hope that the new firm will recieve the same in the future. S. A. WEIL. Spring Announcement : We are-now recieving one of the best-selected Stocks of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this market, which we are determined to dispose of at Panic Prices for the Cash. We mean business. Our stock consists of a very large and varied assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Bacon, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Lard, & STAPLE GROCERIES, Parties studying their interest should not fail to give us a call. Experience has taught us that “quick sales and small profits” is the only way to succeed in the mer cantile Business, and we are therefore determined not to be undersold by any one. EW Highest market prices paid for Wool, Hides, Tallow, Wax, etc. WEIL & LOEB,