The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, September 07, 1876, Image 3

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/ Democrat! "LfSEX J, a u3L«’ n = We have been unable to procure the of- ^ R ®‘ 1 filial proceedings of the Convention held Hon. Daniel McGill. We can remember no public speech! R. M. JOHNSTON, City Editok. BAINBRIDGE, Ga., SeI'T. 7. 1876. in this city yesterday for the purpose of nominating countv officers. The Conven- REPORTORIAL ECHOES. Weather prophets predict a cold winte*. i | How about the dog law? Has Bain- I i bridge got none? Summer is over, and now wo have a I feeble attempt at Autumn. Mr. Julius Steininger returned New York Monday. Col. W. T. Cox, of Savannah, formerly of Bainbridge, is in the city. The Democrat is late again. Rush of work the cause. The Savannah Aetnz says the sanitary condition of that city is perfect. Measures are being perfec:ed for having a genuine, old-fashioned Democratic bar becue. Let it come. Bainliridge fpr hjaftrs; Spring prpek for gophers; fool fpr luck; niggef fpr gpurds ami poor man fur chiWceq. This U ’jl(e iuqqjh when tlje oyster begins to be goqjl tq eat. Tile "U” comes •M i> W ; An Unauthorised Report The rumor circulated by certain parties ever delivered in Bainbridge which affor. down the Gulf road, to the effect that the ded such peculiar pleasure and unlimited authorities of Bainbridge had quarantined, satis.action to ourselves, as the address or intended to quarantine, against Savan- t esterday by tlie gentleman whose natre nah, is utterly a/.i entirely foist. Out doors forms the caption above. It embraced are open, and have beep ail the time, to anv tion nominated candidates for the I.egis- I three distinguishing and valuable qualities ; Savannah people who wish to seek an asv- lure, and postponed the selection of the j wbic h ' ver( ' notaiudignum^it was deliver- I lum of safety in our healthy little city, and other candidates until the second Satur- j at time, in the rigljl spirit, all reports to the contrary, which Lave been and was just what should have been said. I or may be made are without authority or It is a well-known fact that there has beep foundation. some dissatisfaction expressed by the peo- j Bainbridge svinpatbi-ej docpiv ts ith Sa- ple o' the county because of some of the vaunah ; the hearts of her people’go out to- acts r>. ol. McG'.i! in the Legislature ward our stricken neighbors and no’e will and notably on account of the tax bill. In t*. found more rwuIy or wiUing to labor and his remaps yesterday that gentleman ad ! to do fo. tie relief of the suffering sick or dressed himself to the task of placing 1 safetv of the wel,. Our own terrible expe- thosc apts and measures properly before ' rie nce of 1873 is too well remembered to ad- thc people, and in such a manner that the mi , of onr actions bci „ henvise . most ordinary intelligence could under stand them. We hatp long beep under day in November. The nominees of the party for the Leg islature are Judge Alexander A. Allen and Robert T. Parker, E q, two tried and true Democrats—men of the ‘old school.’ from ! 'Ye regard the ticket as a pre-eminently j goo.j and strong one. and one too that j presages victory in October. Both Hie . gentlemen 5i-c pidely knoitu, and com- j inand in an unusus] degree the respect , . ... I “*<«i me oujeciH'UB raist and esteem of alj who are acquainted with :tothis p Hrticular loral legation' w ; the many virtues which adorn each of ! purely the result of misconception and a them. They are Uqp men. in every sense : failure on the part of the people to prop the word implies, and we challenge any erI - v "aderstand ll)e measures-, and we atv pne to name fl single act or deed against them not in accordance wi ll the calling of higU-raiuded, honorable and honest men. Judge Ailen is a lawyer of e~ineuce The City Council met and instituted meas ures for keeping the town in a healthy con- ! I di,ion * nd guarding against influences which prighbpropngate the disease here, but the Bqsinccf is (qqkiug t jJ}, anil oqr mcr- j ability, and in ante-helium days serv- chaq's gru getting in larg* stocks of i oJ upon the Superior Court Bench, where £ 00l l*- j l\e established an enviable reputation as Parties interested would do well ic.give j upri^t, able Judge and distinguished >triet uttciitioii to the ordinance pul itahed in kiioiher column to-day. The Jacksonville papers like the idea of our calling their town the ‘‘Queen City of Florida, and the Saratoga of tlje South.” The city authorities should use lime nqiv liy the cart load. It wjjl not beaqttss.and may do gqqd. It is proposed by n few enterprising capitalists 1 buy t(jc Centennial and move it to Baii.bri 'g*‘—where it jliould have been located in the first place. The excitement arisinz from yellow j fever reports from Savannah—which, by the way, has never been very intense— j lias about subsided. j The doctors sqy , lie-health of oqr eit j continues good This is the sickly month I of the year, ana our citizens Should be I doubtv cu 'i.fui. ; It is said that red is to lie the fqshioti- ; able color the coming season. There is | always some consolation for a fellow with ! any color of hair. | The cotton crip will not turn out as large as was expected in t)iis county. Rt.b <} il'.in says she will have to wait until !(c I makes another crop. I The Bainbridge Cornet Band lias been invited to visit Facevilieon the27th inst., to a‘big inner.’ We hope the boys may hW»*t. Mr. Parker is a plain, practical fjjrnjcj-, apd be rs the character of an honest man, generous peigiiltp.r ft lid g‘<pd riJigcp. Such, Democrats of Decatur, are the njeu wlto have pyen selected for yptjr lea ders in this right. Shall they be elected O.r not? Thai is the question. Will you go to worii fqr litenp? V ( ’p eftn elepjtbem; let us do it. Let Radicalism take a back seat in our county from this timeout. We liqve good men for candidates, and all in tlje wur’d we need to achieve a glorious victory ij a united and strong effort. Then let that uffqnt lie made with a will. We heard q Radical say the other day 4 ; <0 ipcti in Deoat qi: >v: 11 vote the Radical til.itcl : 'Ye think lie lied m A match game of base bull took place between the Wbighnm boys and a club near .Vttapulgus, ibis week, resulting in a defeat for the Whighun lad's. The pea nut crop is tremendous Hanged if we havu’t come to believe Shat the pen nut is as much a symbol of American lib erty as the old broken-wing eagle. Crazy negroes arc becoming more abun dant in Georgia. It is thought their frequent religious meetings apd intense excitement roused there are the principal causes. These hot days, wli'n small rivulets of pcrspitalion are coursing down your face and neck, how does it make you feel to he t.old ti ( qt they had frost up North last week? To do a livejy l)qsines3 tlii§ fall and winter will require the qid of printers ink. Merchants will make a not- of this. Nothing like judicious advertising. It always pays. The woeful expression on the counte nance of the disconsolate small liqy, caus ed by the retirement of the watermelon, is j giadually giving way to a more pleasant ! look as the sugarcane heaves in sight, j Oae of the ‘Wards of the Nation,’ who | bears a noble reputation as a wholesale j and retail chicktn purlqiuer, was brought j to town last week, an now is allowed to ! inhale a restrained atmosphere in the eas ! tern portion of the city, with Jolju Scott I to see after his waijts. | Croquet is becoming every year more ■ The Gutloofc. The t;:;ide p/a;jook for our town js fpftl|y cni puragiiig, and our merchants seeqi to be of l|)e opinion that a' heavy business will be done the present season. Of one thing we feel amply assured, and that is that there will be more surplus money in the liypils of th; farmer this year than for tij.qfy years past. Baiphitidge is peculiar ly loriiiuate ii| her situation, and her natural advantages are not surpassed by any fqwn of oqr acquaintance. \Ve have long been under the impression, and have repeatedly so expressed ourselves, that tlib seeming stagnation and retarding movements of Bainbridge arc d’.te in a very great degree to the inertness aud lack of public spirit of out people. If this season proves as prcipitutus and profitable as is now predicted, it will be a good point to start from on a recuperative journey. The interest of every man who j makes Bainbridge his homo—whatever may ]je Iris s.alien—is involved in this subject, qnd \yc would like to see a hard pull jnade. We t'.ettjl reform—regenera tion, almost—from, our ways of inactivity Our merchants are good business men, but some of them are sadly in need of that enterprise and tl|rift which is the life and soul of any plqcfi. Then let us all set to thinking on the subject, and let each pne of us murk opt sorpe spepial way in which we cap dp something to redeem our town. firmly persuaded there was not a man in thp court house yesterday who, if an at tentive listener to the plain, candid and honest exposition of the questions at issue, did nqt becqme satisfied that his objec tions, if apy ( wpre tyt-spil upon erroneous ideas of the trim character of the legisla tion to wliicq we hqye referred. We regret being pliable to give at least an outline of the reiqafks of Col. McGill. We regret it the more, became lljere are many in the county whom we wuujd like to have heard his spppph who were ppt pres ent on this occasion. As we before re marked, we believe every one who heard the Colonel was satisfied with theaccauat of his stewardship; but, if there remained a Single doubt as to the correctness of this proposition, it became summarily d’slodg- ed When, hy a co.uycution of thirty-six delegates all parts of the county, be was uonqpated fqr re-election to the Leg islature, and, declining, was again nomi nated, but agqin peremptorily declined. We regret that the nature of things led Col. McGiR to thp determination whiph brought from bun this dcclinstion, for he lias made an ablpand faithful legislator; but we are convinced that his disinterest ed and patriotic action on this occasion will endear him the more to his people, and that the future will bring forth the just reward to which a faithful seryant is entitled. jdea of stopping passengers from coming into the city was never thought of and would not for a moment be considered. Now let us all go to work for Bush, Allen and Parker. The Sharon Home- Decidedly the best kept and most pleasant Hotel in Southwestern Georgia is the Shar on House of this city, of which John Sharon is manager and proprietor. The^uiiding is large and commodious, rooms nicely furnish ed, and beds comfortable— while the table is supplied with every luxury afforded by the market. The fall and winter season will soon be op;n, then in addition to ^he al ready capital bill of fare, he will have the delicious Apaiachicala fish and oysters. Visitors from the North can get board at Sharon-s at a very low rate, for he is mak ing special arrangement for their accommo dation and pojnfort. Those who were with him last yipter were delighted with their treatment. The Sharon House is deservedly popular, aqd we hope to see the gentlemanly ppopri- tor’s efforts meef h’i'h great success. Sens of Hobo Bamor’i Pranks We are permitted to copy the following note from a gentleman in Quincy to a friend in this city .- Qcixcr, Fi.i., Sept. 6th 1876. Dear Frtfiui Isadore: Reports are here that yellow fever is in Bainbridge. If so. come over at once and stay with me. Any how answer whether it is so, as I want to go over next Sunday. Truly yours, A. Ottikoer. It is something altogether impossible fqr us to divine bow tucb rumors and re ports acquire circulation, especially when we consider how utterly groundless they aye. There is no yellow fever in Bain bridge, and, what is more, the city was never in a purer or more healthy condi tion. Physicians report that there is scarcely any sickqess at ftU in town, and none anticipated, as every precaution has been taken (hat could possibly be sugges ted by our health guardians. ' Since writing the above we have been handed the following extract from the minutes of the last meeting qf the Board of Health of this county : Resohea ; That in consideration of the ex cited state of the public mind wiffi regard to probabilities of yellow fever in our midst this fall, by reason of its presence now in the city ijf Savannah, the Board of Health for the county of Decatur deem it expedient to promulgate Clio pleasing fact that the health of the city of Bainbridge and surrouuding country could not be better, but urge upon the proper authorities the strictest measures of hiegenie and sanitary regulations for the promotion of good health in our city and county. NEW GOODS L LOW PRICES l Smith &Tranh In the Store formerly occupied hv T. Uunnewell A Co.’'" ' AFFAIRS AT PACE7ILLE. An Invitation—Colonel Mnnnerljn Speaks- Ttys Yellow Fever in Savannah. Rumors and reports from Savannah in regard tq the yellow fever, are s< { numer ous and conflicting that it has been almost a matter of impossibility for us to form any settled convictions in regard to the matter. Of course we qlqpe perfect con- Col. Daniel McGill, the noblest Roman of them all, will stump the county for Bush, Allen and Parker. Worth Knowing. One pound of green copperas dissolved in a quart of water npd poure l down a sink, vyi|l effectually desjroy the foulest smells. Koy water closets on board ships and steam boats. about hotels and other public places, there is notiling nice to cleanse as simple gregn copperas. Dissolved under the bed in any thing that will hold water, it will ren der a hospital pr other place for sick free from unpleasant smells. For butphers’ stalls, fish markets, slaughter houses, siuks, i^id yylierever there are offensive putrid fidonet- in the reports given by the Murn,- %JSirbSrr!!8TW.nble is, when tlmt &***’ diss0,TC C0 PP era * and sprink|e it paper readies us it is thirty-six hours old [ —that is. reports for Sunday reach us on ! a lW . j | about and in a few days the smell will pass If a cat. rat, or mouse die about the Resolutions of Thanks- At x meeting of the Bainbridge Cornet Baud, the following Resolutions of thanks wore offered and unanimously adopted: 1. That the sincere thanks of this Band are tendered to the followingyoung ladies for their disinterested and valuable aid in the late coiiCfirt for pur benefit, and that our best wishes will ever attend them: .Miss Susie Zeigler, Miss Cassie Donal- sou, Miss Fannie Lockwood, Miss Fannie May Johnson and Miss Ada Sharon. 3. Thai to Mr. Randolph and Mr. I. M. Rosetifeld for their indefatigable labors in organizing and perfecting the unique en tertainment we owe a debt of gratitude. 3 Tq Mr. Horace Curry for liis unqua’i- $ , , , I fled interest in the success of the Exhibi- and more unpopular. What chances lias , ‘ ‘ .7 ' ... j ._ . tiotj we tepder our thanks—and to Prof. Geeks for his exquisite music we feel ~ , . . v • | Vjet&S llfl 1IIS I’AI UIMIC UIU31V, iCfi lplotcc icr , -toV b , un( } er lastirjg pbligqfions; and we unhesi her s l, lei " io e \m m n. \ tatingly recommend him to the publie as on him • J • a girl of making a catch whop, jifst as lias about com readv to liinil he soul Impels to-r to raise a lump ^ j a master of the an of I!iusic . with a mallet au»j cal. litm a ry .. ea , e ', i ^ Tljat these resolutions be published cheat of a loon. i in the B.iinhridge Democrat. Camilla Enterprise: We had the pleasure j , „ of Greeting in our office that splendid s gentleman, Col Cha$. J. Mqnne.lj'tj, of Decatur. It is indeed a gratification to grasp tile hand of such a genial gentle man. It reminds one of good old ante helium days. Col. M. says W hi Icier w ill be grievously disappointed 1,0 learn that everything is harmonious in Mitchell, as he hoped for an Independent here. Blakclv-Vries: Mrs. C-L. Harrell, of The Election Days- Having met with some inquiries as to when the different elections take place, w-e herewith srive the dates: The first election occurs on the first Wednesday in October, at which time we vote for Governor, State Senator and Members of the Legislature. The second election takes place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in I Bainbridge, spent last week and week i November, for President and a me^qer before in Blakely on p visit to ljer father, j of Congress. This will occur on the ith Judge J. B. Jones. She returned home j of November. on Monday morning last, carrying her j On the first Wednesday in January, sister, Miss Delia, with her. If there is j which is the third, an election will be any clever, good lookingyoung man down J held for all county officers, there in search of a housekeeper, our Blakely boys may as well make up their minds for the worst. Quincy Journal: The game of base bail played between the Stars of Bain- The first Saturday in January, which is the 6th. Banbridge .elects her Mayor and Alderman. Appointments We have been requested to announce bridge., and the Ward County Club, last | tliat t jj e candidates for the Legislature Tuesday resulted in a victory for the j w p; accompany Mr. Bush in bis appoint- Stars, the score being *38 to 15. W> regret ; men ts through the county. Gol. Daniel that we wcie unable to attend the game, . jjcGill v'H also attend, and other speak- as we were anxious to visit onr neighbor ers w hen possible. It is the intention to .city. The Ward County Club is still champions of Gadsden county, having beat the Occidentals the last game they played. make the canvass a perfectly thorough one. and nothing wi I be left undone that will in the least promote the interest of tho party. Tuesday—and in the meantime state ments, apparently well authenticated, reach us which are -ot ip accord with tho last reports of the Ken'S. To day wc fail ed to receive tjie Savannah paper at ail, but we give the rep ot furnished by Tqps- day’^paper, which placed the deaths at 17 on Monday, and 41 new cases. Dis patches from Savannah report 03 new cases Tuesday and 80 yesterday, which show i.rj iperoase of the fever, 'f’lie gene ral verdict is, however, that the disease is of an extremely mild type, yields readily to treatment, and the njqjtajity com paratively small. The fevej appeared first op tlje Stef August, but was not generally known until about the 30th. There have been up to date, as near as we can calculate, abopt 400 cases and 75 or 8(1 dsa;Us ; It is estimated that ten or eleven thous and people have left Savannah, and we learn they are still leaving as rapidly as possible. Some excitement prevails in this section and fears exist that tjje disease may spread into the interior. As far as our own observations extend we think no such fear§ need be entertained. This sec tion is in a healthy and sound condUiqp, and is almost entirely without that pecu liar character of malarial qqmplaints usually prevalent, duripg this season of the year. There are no indications whatever of a general malarious condition of the atmosphere, and we are not, therefore, prepared to believe there is any danger of the disease gaining a foothold in our city or section. We also believe that the trouble in Savannah, being traceable to some immediate local cause, the operation of which may- stop with a change in me teorological conditions, may cease at apy time. At least, we hope and pray that this may be the case. In the meantinje, we caution our people against allowing any causes to exist in and around theirprepiiscs which might produce sickness. We are directly in the midst of the sickly season, and too much caie cannot be taken. house, and sen.l fortli an offensive gas, place sonn; copperas near the place where thenui- sancp is, and jt will soon pqrify the atmos phere. The Cotton Crop, We believe it to be generally eqnpgjicd that Decatur county will gather a good average crop of cotton, though from various causes there will be a very large falling off of what jvas confidently expect- eu 5lx weeks ago. In some portions of the county the - cattcrpillar has effected some little damage, but the oTeatest Jurm is from rust. Notwithstanding these £ncts however, there will be nearly as nq 110 * 1 cotton gathered in the cojmty as for any year in the last five, apd fhis too ip the face of the fact that the acreage planned is a great deal less than heretofore. The Bainbridge Academy- By reference to the advertisement of the Prineipal. Mr. Rountree, in another column the reader will observe that the Fall Term of this most excellent school will bggiji on the 11th inst Mr. R. has been spending the vacation at Kastman’s Business College, New York, and proposes to establish a com mercial department in his Academy. Miss Minnie Wqotep, will continue as his assistant, aud we know of no one betfer qualified for thepqsitioi}. Facevillf, Ga., Sept. 2nd, 1876. The Democratic and Conservative party of Faceville District met to-day, according to a previous notice, and after finishing up all other business, IV. B. McDaniel offered the following resolution which was unani mously adopted: Resolved, by the Democratic and Conserva tive parly of the 914th District, G. M; That ije cordially invite the nominees of our par ty for member- of the Legislature and coun ty offices, and also “the' Bainbridge Silver Cornet Band, to bq at Faceville on Wednes day the 27th inst., jtie day that the Hon. Isaac A. Bush will address the citizens of the District. Be it further resolved: That we sincerely desire that every citizen of the District who is desirious of reform in the different de partments of th'e Government, will come, and as many as can conveniently yill bring with them a basket of eatables that wo may- give our rjqminees and guests a dinner on that day." Col. Cliqt'les J. AJunnerlyq then being called for responded in his usual eloquent and unanswerable style. Meeting adjourned to meet on the 27th inst. ^AjjEs M- Campbell, Chairman. James S. Whigham, Secretary. Prepared To compete in m A NR! WITH ANY HOUSE Jake Born. Qur thoroughly altvg aijd eqergqtfc gc-a. head harness man has just got in a very fine lot qf horse brushes, curry combs, shoe brushes and whisk brooms, which he sells at very reasonable rates. Jake is also put ting up a lage lot of harness, saddles, bri dles, etc., and the man who buys of him will certaiply get the worth of his money. Bush will leave Miller county with three hundred majority. Talk jnore, Cljainey. pongressional Convention- This Copventiop pieets in Thomasville on Wednesday the 13th instant. Their work will be brief, but it will involve much. The placing of a suitable candi date in the field, one who can beat Maj. Wbiteley, will be the main work, Hon. W. E. Smith has accomplished that feat one time, and can do it again, and we expect to see him nominated by acclama tion on tbe first ballot. The delegation from this county ia as follows; W. O. Fleming, Ben. E. Russell, C. J. Munneriyn, M. O'Neal, Delegates; Jas. Burnside, R. G. Chesnut, J. J. Hig don, Z. T. Crawford, Alternates. AH in structed to vote fpr Cmitlj. Remember- That we are sending the Democrat for the campaign for 50 cents. Surely every man in the county ought to be able to take his county paper a* that price. Then let every friend of the paper go to work and help fill up our subscription book With subscribers. We suppose it is not necessary for us to say whether or not a newspaper does any good in a political canvass. f Notice On account of holidays my store will be closed Tuesday September 19 and Thursday September 23. - j. Stejnixqeb. Proprietor of the Original Flint River Store. We notice among ouj- exchanges the fact that there is a dangerous counterfeit $500 afloat- We warn our subscribers not to at tempt palming one of them off on us- We won’t stand it.—Thonuuville Timet. We have also been anticipating trouble on this head, for, when we are offered one. • just as likely as not we will have no j£#nuine note of the same denomination in onr 'POoaet with which to compare it. Judge Allen, one of onr best and oldest citizens. Judge Parker, one of our oldest and best citizens. Jones sells five year old peach brandy at 5efs a drink. Call round and feel good. arOHMite JT Jones is going to make things awful lively .tjiia fail by underselling everybody else. Let everybody go and see Jones for anything they want. Sad Heath- It gives to us inexpressible paiu to be forced tq announce the death, op yester day, of congestion of the braiu, of Mrs. Bowne, wife of Dr. A. T. Bowne of this city. This estimable lady leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her death. We tender our heajffqlt sym pathies tq her afflicted husband and chil dren. IN THF CITY. MB. A, E SMITH.has just returned fronq New York where he has purchased a and complete etqqk of ’ ... Tribute qf- Respect- Whereas; The Lord in his divine Provi dence, has seen proper to remove from our midst our well-beloved and faitli'ful BroJher, John C. Patterson, who was while in life, a faithful and efficient Steward of Trinity Circuit; South Georgia Conference. Resolved by the Quarterly Conference; That in token of oar affectionate remembrance, of the many virtues of Brother Patterson, that a page in our minutes be left blank, and in scribed sacred to his memory. Resolved-, That we mourn not, as those who have no hope, but are assured by the exemplary virtues, and high phristian character of Brother Patterson, that he has ended his pilgrimage on earth by a rich fruition in a world of Glory. Resolved-, That we will cherish the memo ry of Brother Patterson, and endeavor to imitate his virtues^ and attain his high christain character. A. A. 4i-Lpx 1 SamVl H. Rifigyssps j-Cpgi- Gf. W. FuNDXRgpBK With Aljeq and Parker, we do not fear the result. Jones has opened store next door to Ehr lich and everybody is smiling because goods will be so cheap. Jones intends Jo sell more goods this sea son than all the other merchants in town. Flour, coffee, sugar, lard, salt, tobacco, dry goods, and everything else cheap at Jones Store. The party is aliye now, waked up, and we are going to win. Public Speaking Major Whiteley wiU address the tax pay ers of Decatur county on State affairs, at the Court House on Saturday the 9th of Sep tember. W. T. Blackwell’s genuine “Durham” smoking tobacco, 80 cents per lb. also “Vani ty Fair” smoking tobiecs $1.60 per lb. For sale by ’ W. G: Sobers. Important H otice Sayamxah, Ga., 2Gth August, 1876. To our Patboxs and Friesbs : Kelly's Building, in which we have had our office for the post seven years, having been destroyed by fire last night, we beg to notify you that we are to be found at No. 7(J Bay street, -Stoddard’s’ Lower Range, Th.e fire will canse no interruption to our bu«i- ness, as \ve saved all of our books and pa pers. We had no cotton in the building destroy ed ; our warehouse is in a different part of the city. Respectfully, p. J. uLILMARTIN 4 CO. Great Reduction fei Price*. W. C. Subers is now offering splendid bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. Stock complete, call and see. 1-t Consisting of. DBY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & Siy#^. HATS A GROCERIES, CBOCKHRY, WOOD S WILLOW W^RE, ftC. We have engaged the services of MR, HENRY ROTH, of the late Lower Flint Rifs er Store, who will at all times be ready to wait upon his old friends and customers. We hive perfected arrangements with ^ Commission House in Savannah by which we can ■ ? . PURCHASE GOTTOlf FOR THE CASH, At tl|e Highest Market Price- All we ask is a trial from our old ftissd* and customers, to convinoe them of ftetr t 0MIT3 A THAT \