The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, September 07, 1876, Image 4

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V The Weekly Democrat I fHE €0M1SG HEWS CAVA^NAH. ran rATm is o.^nrx wim > Advertising Contracts con be made. Te "Whom it Kay Concern. Hereafter all personal communications in The Democrat relating to the fitness •r unfitness of this or that man for of- Scc, will be charged at the rate pf twenty five cents per line Announcements of candidates, of ten lines or less, to run un til dav of election, $10. We see no mo e reason why we should give aspirants and their hcnclnnen the use of our columns free of charge, than that our grocer should •apply us our daily rations for nothing. 8# if you are in favor of anybody for gov ernor, congressman, legislator, sheriff, or dinary, constable, ad infinitum, bring along your recommendations, and we will publish them, provided you accompany them with theCASIf "Look here, squire, where was you bom?” said a persistent Yankee to a five minutes acquaintance. “I was born,” said the victim, "tn Boston, Tremont street. No. 44, left-hand side, on the first day of August, 1820, at five o’clock in the afternoon; physician. Dr. v 'arren; nurse, Sally Benjamin.” Yankee was answered confplelely. For a moment lie was stuck. Boon, however, his face brightened, and he said/ "Yeas; waal, I calculate you don’t recollect whether it was a frame or brick building, do ye?” A* the House isn’t likely to concur in the restoration of the franking privilege, and as no amount of oppressive legislation will make the more ividely-read newspapers favor it, it’s of little consequence what the Senate docs or omits to do on the subject; but it can’t be amiss to remind great Sena tor* of their little infirmities of passion and resentment as they propose to pocket their postage and continue to punish newspapers for telling them of it.—[Philadelphia Times. A venerable divine went into a barber shop to get shaved, and saw that the bar ber had been taking more drink than was good for him, because it made his hand shake very much,and naturally indignaut, he began to give him a little moral advice by saying; "Bad thing, drink!” “Yes,” said the barber, “it makes the skin very teader." ******* ********************* ********* n. 3. OUItMABTlS. JOHN FLANNERY. L- .1. GU1LMAKTIN k CO.. Cotton Factors —AMD— COMMISSION MERCHANTfe, Savannah, Ga, Agents tor Bradley s Phosphate, Jewell's Mills Yarns and Domestics, &c. B AGGING and IKON TIES for sale at lowest market rates. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to us. Liberal cash advances mako on consign ments. *<HHHHUHi»«XXXXXttXX* ******************* ********** 1 'HE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF 1867, which includes National,Stateand coun ty elections, and which will undoubtedly be the most active and hotly contested of any nee the memorable canvass of I860, is now ‘airly opened. The National Democratic Party will this year make a bold, vigorous, and doubtless successful struggle for the mair/tainance and supremacy of those prin ciples which are vital to the prosperity of the Republic and essential to the well-being of the people. In addition to the Presidential election, the people of Georgia ami Florida wilt elect new State governments. In Florida the campaigns promises to be unusually vigor ous, and there is a probability that for the first time t e i he people of that Radicnl-riadcn . fa.e w „ elect a Democratic State government. In these campaigns the people of the South are deeply interested; and every intelligent citizen, who has the welfare of his country-and his section at heart, should acquaint himself with every detail of the great work of redemption and reform that is now'going on. To this end be should subscribi to and as sist in circulating the SAVANNAH MORN ING NEWS, an independent Democratic newspaper, of pronounced opinions and fear- i lesf. in their expression ; a paper that is recognized everywhere as the best daily iu the South. Its editorial department is vig orous. thoughtful, and consistent, while its news and local departments are marvels of industry and completeness. Its department of Georgia and Florida affairs is not confin ed to a mere barren summary of events transpiring in those States, but is enlivened by comment at once apt, timely, and racy. The ample resources of the establishment will be devoted to furnishing the readers of the MORNING NEWS. with the latest intelligence from all parts of the world, through the press dispatches, special telegrams, and by means of special correspondence ; and through these agencies the paper will be the earliest chronicle of every noteworthy incident of the political campaign of 1878. SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, 1 year “ 6 months “ 3 mouths Tri-Weekly, 1 year Weekly, 1 year ADVE.tfiSING KATES AND RULES. Advertisements inserted at 52 per square for first insertion, and $1 for each subse quent one. A square is eight solid lines of this type. Liberal terms made’with contract advertisers. Local notices of eight lines are $15 per ! quarter or $50 per aunum. Local notices i for less than three mouths are subject to j transient rates. | Oonntract advertisers who desire their ad- j vertisemepts changed, must give us two ! weeks notice. I Changing advertisements, unless otherwise i stipulated in contract, will be charged 20 cents per square. Marriage and obituary notices, tributes'd respect, and other kindred notices, charged as other advertisements. Advertisements must take the run of the paper, as we do not contract to keep them in any particular place. Announcements for candidates are $10, if only for one insertion. Bills are due upon the appearance of the advertisement, and the money will be collect- 1 ed as needed by the Proprietors. We shall adhere strictly to the above rules, and will depart from them under no circum stances. LEGAL ADVERTISING RATES. Sheriff’s sales,per levy of 10 lines..$. 4 00 Mortgage sales, per levy 8 00 Tax sales, per levy 4 00 Citation for Letters of Adminis tration 5 00 Application for Letters of guar dianship 5 00 Application for Dismission from Administration 10 00 Application for DismiSsign from Guardianship 8 00 Application for Leave to Sell Land—one sq $5—all over 4 00 Application for Homestead Notice to Debtors and Creditors.. Land Sale01st squars $5, each additional Stile Perishable property per sq.. Estray Notices—sixty days Notice to Perfect Service Rules Nisi, persqr 4 00 Rules to establish.Lost.Papers, per square 4 00 Rules compelling titles, per sqr.. 4 00 Rules to Perfect Service in Di vorce Cases 10 00 The above are the minimum rates of le gal advertising dow charged by the Press of Georgia, and which I shall strictly ad here to in the future. I hereby give firuti lotice that no advertisement of this class will be published in The Democrat with- mtt the fee is paid in advance. ORGANS. BEST AND CHEAPEST. 90,000 MADE AND SOLD Easiest Terms for Payment. Jake Bora. We are requested by this gentleman to announce that he will take in exchange for harness, bridles, saddles, or work, in his shop, country produce, hides etc. Now your time, people. •**#*#***#*■ §10 00 5 00 2 50 G 00 2 00 Specimen copies sent free on receipt of 5 cents. S@“Money can be sent by Post Office Order, Registered Letter, or Express, at our risk. J- E ESTILL. Savannah, Ga. FOR SALE. Thai fine plantation, situated between Big Tired and Wolfe creeks, known as the J. J. Lester place, containing one thousand acres in a body with fine dwelling, out houses aud other necessary buildings. If not sold by first November it will lie for rent. For further particulars enquire of, on the premises, Mrs. P. Lester. week to Agents. Sam- <f pies FREE. I’. O. VICKERY, Augusta. Marne. SAVE WON El by sending $4,75 for any $4 Magazine and THE WEEKIA TRIBEXE-(regular price Sti), or $5.75 for the Magazine and THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE [regular price $3). Ad. dress THE TRIBUNE, New York. Tobacco! Cigars' Best tobaccos, finest cigars, of all grades to be had at the big store of H. b' Elir- lich. GEORGIA—Decatur County, On the first Monday in September next, I will make application to the Ordinary of Decatur county for leave to sell all of'the real estate belonging to the estate of Wm. J. Smallwood, late of said county, deceased, lor the benefit of heirs aud creditors of said deceased. N. N. Lester, Ad’mr estate of W. J. Smallwood. The attention of the Entire Public, Re gardless of Creed, Color or Previous condi tion, is Respectfully called to the fact that JACOB BORN, Bainbridge, Ga-, Is Still Alive, and has on hand at his Store in Sharon Block, one of the finest and most complete ever seen in this market, and made of the best material in the most workmanlike man- er. To the Working Class.—B e can fur nish you employment at which you can make very large pay. in your own localities, without being away from home over night. Agents wanted in every town and county to take subsribers for the Centennial Record, the largest publication in the United States —10 pages, 64 columns; Elegantly Illustrat ed, Terms only $1 per year. The record is devoted to whatever is of interest connected •with the Centennial year. The Great Exhi bition at Phildelphia is fully illustrated in detail. Everybody wants it. The whole people feel great interest in their Country’s Centennial Birthday, and want to know all about it. An elegant patriotic crayon draw ing premium picture is presented' free to each subscriber. It is entitled, "‘In remem brance- ot the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Independence of the United States.” Size 23 by 30 inches. Any one can become a successful agent, for but. show the paper and picture and hundreds of subscribers are easily obtained everywhere. There is no business that will pay like this at present. We have many agents who are making as high as $20 per day and upwards. Now is the time; don’t delay. Remember it costs nothing to give the business a trial. Send for our circulars, terms, and sample copy of paper, which are sent free to all who apply; do it to-day. Complete outfit free to those who decide to engage. Farmers and me chanics, and their sons and daughters muke the very best of agents. Address, THE CENTENNIAL RECORD, Portland, Maine. MISCELLANEOUS. 1876. 1876. CENTENNIAL TRANSPORTATNIO AR BANGEMENTS Of The Great ATLANTIC CHIT ELEGANT NEW STYLES. CHEAPS a B ETTEE. THAN EVER BEFORE PRODUCED. * Seven Stops, $150 , Nine Stops. $156 City Marshal’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA —City of Bainbridge. be sold before the court house door, in Bainbridge.on the first Tuesday iu Sept, next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit : One bouse and lot in said city, bounded on the north and east by property of T. A. Branch, south by Burrell Crawford, west by Best street. Levied on as the property of Gabe Dickenson to satisfy a tax fi fa, vs said Gabe Dickenson. One vacant lot in said city, containing 2 acres more or less, bounded on the north bv This branch of his business is full and complete. His styles are the latest, and prices to suit the times. . lie also keeps on hand a large supply of all kinds of whips, leather and rope halters, rope, baby carriages, children’s wagons t race chains, curry-combs, horse brushes, sole leather, calf-skins, shoe findings, bug; gy aud foot mats, all styles of hriddle-bits, collars, harness, and saddle-pads, satchels, twine,axle grease, vacuum oil blacking, and harness oils of every kind, polish for ladies shoes, sjMrs, whip thongs, buggy umbrel las, rubber and leather belting, saddle blan kets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. My stock is always kept full and com plete, which I will sell cheap for the cash. The credit business with ine is played com pletely out: and there is no use talking JSEO&/’ is my motto hereafter. Respectfully Jacob Born. oci-14 * 7-5-1 v- MANA00D : HOW LOST H0¥/ „ RE. OR ED! Just published a new et-irion of Dr. Cul. verwell’s Celebrated Essay on the radical care (without medicine) of Spermatorrhdea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, also, Consumption, Epi lepsy and Fits, induced hy self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, 3-c. Price, in a sealed invelops. only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, Ironi a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consexuances of self-abuse may be radically cured w ithout thedangerons use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the publishers. F. BKUGMAN <5- SON,' 41 Ann St., New York ; P. O. Box, 4586. STYLE 214—Double Reed, Handsome Resonant Case STYLE 21!).—Double Reed Handsome Resonant Case STILE 304.—Three Sets Reeds, Nine Stops Resonaut Case, with Revolving Fall-board- Ornamentcd $200 STYLE 208.—Double Reed, Seven Stops, in Elegant Etagere style Case, witli Plate Glass Mirror Richly Ornamented aud Carv ed. (See cut above) $225 RENTED UNTIL PAID FOR. A reduction (/tom above prices, for cash or larger roomily payments. Send for illus trated catalogue give full description of styies and prides under the various plans o! payment. ' OT r J E [1JDESI it ABLE STYLES $70, $00, 3110 Or ler direct X-jTSCS<1051 Sc SAVAritfAH. SEORuiA. 11 ’ll OL EH A L E 8 O V THE11N May 11, 3 m. for the ACCOMMODATION OF VISITORS TO ALL POINTS SOUTH’. The Railways and Steamship Companies between Augusta, Ga., and Philadelphia, comprising the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, wilt during the progress of the CENTENAIAL EXHIBITION OF THE UNITED STATES,. S12a ! GT. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Sowar &. Crawford ATTORNEYS AT L A W Baln&rirfno, Ga. Office in Court House. D. MCGILL. M. O’NEAL. McGill & O’NEAL, ATOIiNEYS AT LAW, Bainbridge, Ga- Office over E. R. Peabody’s Drug Store. MEDIC A Dr. P. J. Morgan has removed ---• ce next door to Post Office, where he can be found during the day, and at liis Residence on West Street at night, Bainbridge, Oet. 5, 1875, oct-7-ly present for the patronage of the citizens of the South, routes of transportation- and forms of tickets upon which to reach Phila delphia, that will immeasurably excel all other lines in point of DIRECT DAILY MOVEMENT, COMFORTABLE ACCOM MODATION VARIABILITY OF TRANSIT, ECONOMY OV EXPENDITURE- To enable this to be done, the combined resources of the Railway Lines South of Norfolk, together with those of the Balti more Steam Packet Company and the Old Dominion Steamship Company will be em ployed and the individual tourist, the social party often, twenty or more, or the civic or military organization of 100 to JOG, can each be cared for iu a manner that will sat isfy their desires. Price Lists, Time Cards and all needful information are uow in hands of all our Agents. It will be to the interest of every individ1 ual and each organization proposing to make l this trip to communicate with the unersign- j ed. A Centennial Exhibition Guide Book authorized hy the Cmiu'y-'’-''”* -twiLilil to the purchaser of each Centennial Tit-kt A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. Call on nr address the following named Agents of the Atiando Coast Line: J if White. Macon, A. L. Reed, Savannah. II Tomnkins. Atlanta. -M. J. Divine, Macon »V. 1 Walker, Montgomery. TO {itOSPlTva 'i he advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumptio; by a simple remedy, is anxious, to make known to Ms fellow sufferers the menus cure. To all who desire it, lie will send copy of the prescription used, (free ot charge,) with the directions for preparim and using the same, which they will find sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chilis, &c. Parries wishing the prescription will please address Rev. B. A. WILSON. 10-6m 194 Penn St., Williamsburgh, New Y BAINBRIDGE AOVERTlSEMENfs. Saccessor to BABBIT & WARFIELD NOW OFFERS GREAT BARGAINS. QUICK SALES and shall PROFITS, IS NOW MY MOTTO, and shall be for the future ONE PRICE 4U| MEAN EXACTLY WHAT I SAY. it to the public. All I ask is to be allowed an opportunity THIS IS for tlie CASH OIVLY, The times demand a reduction in profits, more energy and less expense, which 1 mogafo and intend reducing the cash price on everything. 6 Having a larger Stock of Goods cn hand than the times demand, lam determined )8l * convert them into cash, At Reduced Prices to Suit the Times. & have on hand a large lot of Blankets, Shawls, Ladies’ Hats, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Mackerel, Crockery, and many other articles too numerous to mention. I shall keep constantly on hand all kinds of merchandise, including -T'Iig Usual U sill Uine of Oroeeviea this place. 1776 The Great Centennial. 1876 Parties desiring information as to best routes to the CENTENNIAL, or to any oj the Summer Resorts, or to any other point n the country, should address B. W. Wrexx, General Passenger A-gt. Kennesaw Route Atlanta, Ga. On account, of large stock of material on hand, and the scarcity of money in circula tion, 1 will repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry at the following reduced prices, viz: Mainspring $1.50, Cleaning $1.50, Hands 25 to 75 cents per pair, Glasses 25 cents. For cash only. W. C. SubkRS. &c., Cheap Reading. The ‘ WAVERLEY MAGAZINE” i handsomest and largest literary paper in the United States. The articles are all com plete in each number. It also contains a page of music for the piano, and double the reauing of any other paper. Sixteen num bers will be sent to auy part of the country, Dost-paid, fo>- one dollar. Address MOSES A. DOW,, Boston, Mass. GEORGIA—Decatur County. Whereas W. C. Thomas and James S Thomas ex. enters of the last will aid testa- property of Bower & McLauchlin, east by j ) n0! ‘ H. ihomas, represents to the court property of J. P. Dickenson, J. C, lluther i >u their petition duly filed and entered on ford and Mrs. J. K. Griffin, south l y j rop-| re *tord that they have fully administered erty of estate Sirs. Whaley and west by Thomas’s estate, this is therefore to cite Florida street. "Levi -d on as the propertv i persons concerned, kindred and credt-j of Bartlett & Pomeroy to satisfy two city tax ,0 j' s - *° show cause if any they can why j fi fas, vs said Bartlett & Pomeroy. j v:i ^ executors should not be discharged ! One vacant lot hi said cry bounded on * f 1 ? 111 the j r 1 . Sil ! J e«c“‘orship and receive j the north hv Brotiglnon street, east hvW'est I * Ucn? ^tsxnj^ion on the first Monday in street, south by property of McGill & O’- ;.- e !' leluber . Neal aud west by Crawford street. £evied' j 1IIKAM CROCKETT, on as the property of T. T. Tuegle. to satis- i D - C - fy a city tax fi fa, vs said .T- T.^Tuggle. j One vacant lot in said city, bounded on L T IS MONEY IN IT. ^ . . . _ ^ the north by Market street, east bv Cla?v In tliese hard times a good return for! commission TOP Selling Cotton street, south hy property of IV. J. Harrell "1^'(honest labor is very desirable. Any active) 50cts. pef Bale, and Mrs. Terrell, aud west bv propertv of F° un £ Iu9n or . roun S lad . v can earn a hand, j T. J. Dunbar rf- Co. Levie 1 on as the prop- some slIIU b -T ^dressing, for particulars, the I erf of estate James M. Donalson to «atixt'v i M"nagers of The Constitution, the great po- i Cash advances made on shipments with one city tax fi fa, vs estate J. “ -• ’ " ’ ' • - - - L. 31. Warfield. COTTON MERCHANT AND AGENT FOR CHESAPEAKE GUANO, SAVANNAH, GA. Careful attention given to all consign ments — Clerks, Jewelry, Seing Machines, Neat!v Repaired. WARRANTED, Call at PEABODY’S DRUG STORE, Bainbridge - - - -- Georgia B. F. COLBERT. / ugust!874—tf. LIVERY aND ALSE STABLES We have.and w ill continue to keep on hand a well selected stock of HOUSES and MULES. n ur Stock is O. K. and prices as reasonable s the times demand. Call at the Brick •Tables on South Broad street. GRIFFIN & SCDETII ct-14-’75-ff. E. II. M. Donalson lUR ' : ^ aml journal published at the j Rail Road receipt in Land or attached to Capttnl of the State. draft. Satisfaction guaranteed. Smart, Marshal. CONSTITUTION PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta, Ga. i Refer to the [ Macon. guaranteed. Banks in Savannah and june-29-6-m MRS. P. A. STOCKTON, Has opened herRouse, FOR THE, ACCOMMODATION OF BOARDERS, QUINCY, - . . FLORIDA- S eud~25e. to~u. p. Rowell & Co., N. Y~ tor Pamphlfet of 100 pages, containing lists of 3000 'newspapers, and estimates showing cost of adv ertising. $13 a day at home. Agents wanted. tOutfitiand teims free. TkUE & CO-, Augusta, Maine. f^J^hper day at home, am to VJJworth $1 free, iuson &Cu . .Portland.Maine. ERRORSOF Y UTH* \ GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premutuve De cay, and all the efforts of youthful indiscre tion will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the reeipc and direction for making the simple remedy by which he wa9 cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience ean do so bv addressing in perfect confidenoe 10-6m-JuHN B, OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., N. Y. w g c- ZK % J flff, - 3 ® e a £ (D SlfEN. 3 « s = Pr £51 J© si?i® liilM ST g 3 yj P —— =J ? ^ E : ? ? 3 I Hi; O 2 S'] *5 0.7* ; ff cr® ; g 5 s | ~ © . o V; S-2. „ % 3.5" 9 e+ i © f e+ sl? ^ e 1§ O I! IM- s g-E. 5 §~2 r £ s 5 If 33 S 1 3 ? o © ; :j !=•! Soil g-I! o* J gas ^ Pi» i si* & i ^ t •pgi ii • i MUSICAL NOTICES A LEGER, BOWLBY & CO’S Surpasses in tone ar.d power any Rtel Organ heretofore manufactured in this 0 It has been tested by many competent judges and Gives Universal Satisfaction. By a skillful use of the stops, and of the patent knee swell, the music is adapted to tb* human voice, ranging from the softest nuie-tikc note to a volume of sound, unsurpassed by any instrument. The proprietors have noted carefully for many years the imperfec tions and needs of the reed instruments, and direct their practical experience to the reetion of such imperfections, and their experiments have resulted in the production of J uality of tone which assimilates so closely TO THE PIPE ORGAN QUALITY, That it is difficult to distinguish between the two. This Improvements, and every organ is fully warranted. instrument has all the L it** Large Oil Polish, Black Walnut Paneled Cases that forms in addition to a splendid INSTRUMENT OF MUSIC- This organ needs only to be seen to he appreciated, and is sold at 9 EXTREMELY LOW PRICES FOR THE CASH Agent8 Wanted, (male or female) in every county in the United States and ^ liberal discount made to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc., where thciG is no agent for the Star Organ. Illustrated catalogues and price list free. Corresp° n * dence solicited. Address the manufacturers, Alleger, Bowlby Sc Co., WASHINGTON, N. J. H.W. Alleger. T. B. McMu EdwaolzPlt