The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, November 02, 1876, Image 3

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r Hardaway’s Hast Proof Oats, at 75 Cents per Bushel, at WM, WARFIELD’S. SJECOM) Mie Weekly Democrat. LOCAL WATTERS R. M. JOHNSTON, City Editor. Bainbridge, Ga., Nov. 2. 1876. OF NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THE Flint River Store A GRAND OPENING This Week, at the Flint liiver Store. CO .ME EARLY AND CJSot a Bargain JJAYING DISPOSED OF MV FIRST STOCK 1 now announce to the people of Decatur mu! adjoining counties that I have just re ceived, by actual count : 250 pieces new style fall and winter calicos. GO pieces Sheeting. 1(H) pieces Shirting, 15 pieces Ticking, 125 piecos Striped Cheeks, 50 pieces Bleachings, 75 pieces Kentucky Jeans, all grades and colors, 40 pieces Osnaburgs, 20 pieces Drillings, 10,000 lbs Bacon, sides and shoulders. 100 barrels Flour, Bagging and ties in huge quantities, 20 sacks Coffee, My stock of Press Goods is the most com plete ever before offered in this market, con sisting of Cashmeres, Empress Cloths, Poplins, Mo hairs, Alpacoas, Plaids, Diagnials of all the fashionable shades, also the la test styles of Brocales in all colors and shades, to match the above goods for combination suits und Polonaise; Tlain and plaid Opera Flannels, Bed, Blue Grey and White twilled and plain Flannels, and so forth. REP0RT0RIAL ECHOES Next Tuesday is election day. Demo crats to the polls. It is predicted by some that buckwheat cakes will soon be ripe. -Mr. It. R. Terrell, Jr., brought his bride home on a visit a few days ago. The roses have quit blowing, but the noses have just commenced. The boys of Newton are preparing tor a tournament. Democrats, be not idle. The crisis in your country’s history has arrived. Let every Democrat who can, join in the procession to Colquitt to morrow. Don’t forget the big time we are to have next Saturday. Come out everybody. Bring in your country produce. You will find ready sale and good prices for it. Don’t forget the big speaking next Sat urday. Everybody, white and black, are invited. The last census shows the methodist to lie the most numerous religious body in the United States. What a pity that some men do not al ways continue to be candidates for office, it makes them so polite and friendly. There were some fifty poople .from Decatur who attended the grand demon stration at Quincy last Saturday. Don’t forget that Saturday is to be a big day in this city, Let everybody be present. It is just fifty-two days till Christmas, and now the little folks will begin to count up. The Camilla paper says Dr. Morgan, of this city,is thinking of locating in Brancli- ville, Mitchell county. Be on hand promptly to-morrmv to move with the column to Col- quilt. The flag-pole raised Monday night is said to be 80 feet high. The Stars and Stripes will go up Saturday. It is said that one lady in Thomas coun ty will have 150 entries at the Pair this week. In letting out little jobs around town, remember that there are several Demo cratic colored men here. Gov. Smith, Gen. Lawton and Senator Norwood will speak at the Thoimtsville Pair. The editors of the Democrat return thanks to K T. McLean, Esq., Secretary, for complimentary tickets to the Thom asville Pair. The hunters around Buiuhridgc are playing sad havoc with the birds. We went out with our gun t lie other day; we I brought the gun back. It ;.s repotted tk it one of our *'.v*->t con- j firmed bachelors will soon quit the rugged i p tt li of si tile-blessed nes.', but il is thought j tliis will tic! chan ge the Indiana vote, j Colored Democrats should pay no heed to threats made against them. Those who threaten dare not attempt to carry out their threats. Atlanta Constitution: George F. Wooten is one of the best collecting young lawyers in tiie city. At least that is what his clients say of him. “Pay mo or leave the country,” seems to be his motto. Look out bird-eaters! Several persons in Alabama are suffering from a disease supposed to have been caused by eating partridges that had fed upon caterpillars poisoned with Paris Green. A colored man who Had been arrested upon a warrant for theft, attempted to give the constables “leg bail” Monday- morning. “The nigger got up and got, but tbe»wbit.e man got up and got faster.” Paper bed-blankets have been patented. IIow fortunate that bustles are growing less now that cold weather is approach ing, as more newspapers can be spared for the blaukets. A young married man in this city gave as his reason for not visiting the Centen nial, that since he lias been married and became familiar with the mysteries of a woman’s wardrobe, variety shows have lost all attraction for him. When you see a young mar, and woman leaning over the garden gate in the twi light and bear a sound like the “squash” of a potato bug beneath a fanner’s heel, Shawls, Cloaks and Boulevards, at extremely low figures. Boot and Shoe Department is complete in every respect, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods ! declares Tiiden the Preside a specialty My stock being bought lately, '"' a ° I am offering extra inducements. NEXT SATURDAY! A Graxd Gala Day ts B.u.\bridge : Several Promts ext Speakers to be Presest ! Next Saturday is the day set apart as the time upon which the whole Demo- j critic and Reform Forces of Deeatur j count}- are to come together, to take ! counsel with one and the other. Mr. I O’Neal has written to several prominent 1 speakers to be present, among whom we name Senator Norwood, Gen. Lawton, Gen. Gordon, Capt, Turner and ethers. It is hoped that some of these eminent gentlemen will be here, and give us the benefit of their experience and enlarged views upon the political questions cf the day. Then let everybody come to Bainbridge on that day. Come, and bring your neighbor with you. Next Tuesday the grand play comes off, and on Saturday the last dress rehearsal takes place. Every actor is expected to !>e ready to do his part, and each one has an important role to perform. There are no supernumaries in this play, but every man has a leading pari assigned to him. 1J ’ho, then, will hear this, our last ap peal, to the Freemen of Decatur county ? For the sake of the common country, bv the love you bear for freedom and liberty, let us have union now.and one combined, patriotic and earnest effort for victory and deliverance from tyranny, corruption and despotism ! Look at South Carolina ! Think, free men of Georgia, a despotic President lias ordered out the army of the United States to prevent the froe people of a sovereign State, your brothers of South Carolina, from a free choice of a President to rule over them ! Your brothers in the Pal mette State are baring their breasts to the tyrant’s bullets, and appealing to you to deliver them witli your ballots. Thanks be to God, you are yet free aud can vote as you choose. Will you not vote in a way to perpetuate your own freedom and save your brethren in South Carolina? We appeal to the highest sentiment of manhood in the heart of every honest freeman of Decatur county, to join in ihis good work ! Let there be no laggards in this fight—'let no personal considerations move you—but remember always that you have a solemn duty to perform for your country, your neighbor and yourself. Of course Georgia is safe for Tiiden, but our Congressman roust be elected,aud nothing but a stubborn, lasting fight will accomplish it. Remember, people of Decatur, that this county is the battle ground of tiie District, and upon the result here will probable hinge tiie qurs tion of whether It. H. Wliitelcy or Win. E. Smith shall represent you in the 4Gth Congress Both men, with their records, are before you. It is left for you to choose between them. Which shall it be? To tha Merchants of Bainbridge. We presume you are all Democrats,and desire the success of your party, and to you, as patriots, we appeal. On Tuesday let every business house in Bainbridge be closed, and clerks and proprietors go out and work for the Reform ticket. Every man has his influence, and we appeal to yon to come out and use it. To the farmers, we would say, bring no cotton to town on Tuesday, and do not come with the expectation of transacting any business on that day. If you have money to spend, spend it with those merchants who are patriotic and public- spirited enough to close their doors and give one day to their suffering country, and reserve your trade for another day. To the people, we say, your very liber ties are in jeopardy, and unless a strong effort is made all is lost. Democrats. Col. John Screven- Col. John Screven, who has been con- you instinctively feel that there has been \ fined to his nouse by an attack of yellow a Him-iv of two'souls. fever, was down town yesterday. His | many friends in this city and throughout Cotton continues to pour into Bain- j Georgia and Florida will be glad to hear bridge, and is commanding good prices. ; of his recovery.—Sar. Aeten. Our farmers have been benefited this sea I am agent for Keep's patent Partly Made Shirts, 6 for $6, or $1.25 eaeh. Also agent for the celebrated Watt Plow for this and snjoining counties My polite and attentive corps of salesmen | are well-known, Mr. R. A. Lytle having been with me for nearly seven years. Mr. Henry Stern being with me for three years, Mr. W. H. Dickenson, formerly with J. A. Zeigter 4 Co. And Mr. Ileiuiman, formerly of Colum- l»us. All of whom wifi always be found at their I’os’s. ready and attentive, to show goods to **• "ho may favor me with a call. J. Steiniug’er, Proprietor of the Original Hint “iver Store. son by the continued presence of buyers from abroad, which makes competition and bettor prices. This thin gis getting lively. ow the Camilla Reformer rises anil says: “Res- ponsinle persons may subscribe tor the Reformer and pay for it when Congress nt of the United States. Miss Lela Moore made* $500 by attend ing John Robinson's Circus in Atlanta. The seat gave way at.d she was thrown to the ground severely injuring her. John planked down the green rather than go into court. A convention of women in Philadelphia devoted a day, last week, to the discus sion of physical culture. The result of their deliberations was that the inflated rubber ones were apt to prove delusive, while those built of newspapers were warmly commended as cheap aud reliable- How strange is what the world calls fat**. Men who have passed through the storms of a hundred battles have been killed by the pricking of a rusty nail. A sailor who had just arrived from Rio Jancrio, where he had been for weeks surrounded by yellow fever, was attacked bv the disease almost as soon as he landed in Savannah.—Satannah ifetra. We thank Heaven for Col. Screven's recovery. Georgia could ill afford to lose this one of her purest and distinguished sons. Great Attraction. Those of our readers who do their tra ding in Bainbridge are again referred es pecially- to the advertisement of our y f oung friend. I. M. RosenfeM, in to-days issue of the Democrat. Mr. Rosen fold is one ! of our lives* merchants and most patriotic j of our citizens, not alone alive as to the | wants of his customers and trading pub lie generally, but alive to the issues of the day, involving tiie interest of our whole community. We can cheerfully commend him to our readers as an affable, courteous gentleman, a clever and accommodating merchant. Those of our readers who have dealt with him bear us out in this, that a more honorable, fair dealing mer chant cannot be found. We visit Mr Rosenfeld’s establishment frequently and always find him crowded with customers. In fact, in a conversation with Mr. R. he informed us that he has done a better bus iness tliis year than ever befere. He says it is owing in a great measure to the way in which he does business- ne makes it a rule to deal strictly on the cash prin ciple. He has paid cash for eyeby BALE OF COTTON HE HAS BOUGHT THIS year and has sold goods at the lowest cash prices, In fact, of our knowedge he sold goods so low that purchasers cannot fail to buy- of him. He requested us in this issue to call the attention of the ladies to his splendid stock of fine dress goods which cannot be surpassed in any market, and which he is offering at such marvel- ausly low prices as to be within reach of all. He is desirous of closing out his stock of dress goods and ribbons and is se ling them at prices irrespective of the cost. His stock of goods generally is one of the best assorted in the city, embtacing everything that is usually kept in a first- class establishment. His salesmen are all well and favorably known throughout our own and adjoining counties, and he makes it a rule to employ- none except the most polite, gentlemanly and attentive. We cannot say too much of Rosey. Every one knows him as well as we do. He is one of the most enterprising merchants in our city ; so don’t fail to call on him when you are ready to make your pur chases. He is one of the kind of men we should encourage and who is deserving of all the patronage the public can bestow. LUDDEN AND BATE S SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE- I. M. ROSENFELDS The Largest AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF PRY GOODS ATSMlTn 4 TftAFR cfc “The Blockade Raised.” Our friends and patrons throughout tiro South are respectfully notified that during the terrible epidemic—which has now en tirely- ceased—our stare This not been cloned, nor our business, and in our new aud ele gant warerooms, No. 21 Whitaker street, Which we have just occupied, we are pre pared lor a itedy fall trade, with a mag. miici-nt assortment of Chickering. Haliet & Davis, Mathusiieit and Southern Gem Piano®, and Mason & Hamlin Church, School and Parlor Organs, which will be sold upon the muni favorable terms ever given. Our sales must be doubled. Low prices and easy terms will do it. Orders for Sheet Music, Music Books and small Instruments promptly filled. A specimen copy of our Spiuhera Musical JojinuJr'coutaimng worth of music, will be presented to every one responding to this adverticemont,either with an order or by correspondence. Catalogues and price lists free. Luddex & Bates, nov 2-1-t- Savannah, Ga. A Cheap Fence. Take unsharpened rails, make the fence three rails high as follows: Let one end of each rail rest on the ground, raising the other ends as high as you want the fence. The first rail is secured in its place by- two stakes driven into the ground iq the form of an X. Tiie next rail is placed some feet behind the one staked, so that when two stakes are driven into the groove, and resting on the rail already in position, they will support the secoud rail at the proper height, aud thus the fence is continued, the stakes sui porting the upper rail, aud also holding the next under one firmly down under the cross. Business Men. Read the suggestion to you in another* column, and act upon it. Surely the good men of Bainbridge are willing to devote one day to their country-. Don’t let personal considerations de- LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE! AH interested in the purchase of G ods AT HARD TIME PRICES, nr* invited to attend the grand centennial mass meeting of customer* which takes place daily at the popular establishment of I. M. Rosenfeld. Money saved is money made. So th^ all who have not attended the Centennial at Philadelphia have made money and can consequently attend I. M- Roscnfeld’s grand centen nial, where they can Buy all Kinds of Goods so cheap that they will actually save money by so doing. He haa on hand one of the largest stocks in the city, and is receiving new goods of all kinds daily. TO THE LADIES h e would say that he is selling one of the finest stooks of fine dressgopds, pop lins, serges, alapacas. Japanese silks. Empress cloths, all wool delanes, etc at 50 per cent below New York cost, and all other goods at such low rates, that once they examine, they cannot fail to buy. lie lias also on hand a largo and full STOCK OF GENTS CLOTHING, Ladies and men’s shoes, boots, hats and caps, and all kinds ef goods usually kep in a first class store. A full supply of bacon, salt, flour, coffee, bagging and ties, soap,star'-h,candles, etc , etc. He is agent for the COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, and can furnish cane mills, boilers, gin gearing and castings of all descriptions at the shortest notice. Cotton»bought for the cash and goods sold for the cash. He gives honest wei<-h and measures, aud hi® motto is fair dealing with all. So coine one and all w ° l. M. ROSENFELD’S Corner Broughton and Braad Sts. Bainbridge. Ga. Tb j. most Completo. Stock of Shoes, AT SMITH & Til AID'S LANES HAND-MADE SHOES AT SMITH & TRAUB’S. GENT’S HAND-MADE SHOES. AT SMITH 4 TRAUB’S, Fine Horses- Mr. J. C Cliaudoiu, of Kentucky, will be in our city between the 1st and 10th of November with a lot of best Kentucky- raised horses, at low figures. “The Proof of tae rudding” Etc. In this age of liumbuggery it is easy to make bold assertions, but to furnish indis putable evidence of the truth of them is not ulwaos easy. We boldly assert that Dr. Tutt’s Hair Dye is superior to all others and to prove it we have the testimony of a celebrated Hair Dresser who has used the various com pounds for coloring the hair for twenty-five years. READ IT, Acgulta, Ga.. November4, 1871. Du. Terr.- Dear Sir:—As a Hair Dresser for twenty- five years, both in Europe and America, I have used ail kinds of hair dyes, and I am happy to say that yours is superior to any I have ever seen. For several years I have used it with the greatest satisfaction to myself and customers. Respectfully, C. BALTgEAX, French Hair Dresser. A Scene in a Church. There was a ludicrously sudden descent from the sublime to the ridiculous in a country church, not a thousand miles off, when a clergyman, preaching on the miser ler you fVon, d„i„g ,„„r du„ next Tuesday. If Radicalism is triumphant the bayonet will rule this country here after. William E. Smith represents the party of Reform. Riohard H. White* lies have a}} been healed, and what did it?” The Change of tone started one of the dea cons from a drowsy mood, and springing to his feet, he cried out, “Tutt’s Liver Pills.” The deacon was right in his estimation of this celebrated medicine. They will certain ly cure your ‘imiseries” if they result Irom Dyspepsia, Torpid Liiver, Chills, Headache, vice and trv them. Flag Railing. On Monday night the Democrats of of this city raised a lofty flag pole, and on | Tuesday the stars and stripes were float- j ins upon the breeze. The flag is 80 feet I high in the air,and has emblazoned upon it in large letters, “The Constitution of our Fathers.” Good News What is it, is Tiiden effeted? N .; not yet, but he will be Tuesday night, and in view of that fact Weil & Loeb have put down the price of goods to the very- bot tom notch. They have a fine stock in hand, and are determined to sell. Raffle Postponed Mr. Stokes has postponed the raffle of his fine set of hand-made harness until next Saturday week- In the meantime step up and get your chances Twenty- fivq chances at $1 each. W. T, Blackwell’s genuine “Durham” smoking lobaoeo, 80 cents per lb. also “Vani ty Fair” smoking tobacco SI.60 per lb. For sale by W. C. Subees. ley belongs to the party of Corruption. ! Loss of appetite, Nervousness, Despondency Which do you prefer, voter? I or General Debi,it J’ Take the deac0f13 *** There is a man in Gainesville named Finger, and yet the people let hint live- The other day- this Finger's wife had a babv which is alive and doing well: Now this'young Finger and his mother and old man Finger all put together have thirty- three fingers in the family- already. Now where is tljis finger business to stop ?— Griffin -Ye icn. From the above we conclude that there are no thumbs in that Finger family. Strange—Tom Thumb had fingers, and John Finger had no thumbs. Tobacco-' Cigars-' Best tobaccos, finest cigars, of all grades o be had at the big store of H. B. Ehr- ich. Look Fishermen. Fishing Tack 1 : of all kinds, cheap, at Jewelry store W. C‘. Subers. P. 3. Blackwells Durham Smoking To- bacoo at 80 cts. per lb 1-t- Look Out AVe've got a bran new pencil, now sharpening, for some certain fellows around town. We knew “it’ll make ’em feel nice” to get their names **'• '"t*er. POLITICAI -UGGESTIONS- M; Cm . a Joreil man, and a pres ent United Ssat-s Senator from Mississip pi, is out for T iiiien. Colquitt’s majority in the Second Dis trict at the election last month, was4,737. Wonder if Whitely thinks he can climb over that hill? Thomas county has several colored Democratic chins. Well informed gentle* men predict that Whiteley will be badly beaten in that county. A Thomas couuty negro amused himself one day last week by beating a brother darkey” with a fence rail because be . » wouldn’t vote the Radical ticket. It oqly j Frira Inducements cost him $100 or one year in the chain- x ‘ slr Inducement-- Jake Born, the wide-a-wake harness ” Col. Kcnnon, in his speech in Bain- man, sells best canvass collars, with bridge, showed by actual figures that the j ea ijjer trimmings for 85 cents—nice sets election of Mi. E. Smith to Congress, two . , , ' , -.. 0 „„ , . . ... vears ago, has saved to the Second Con- of sln ? le harne ~' 3 for and best sadd!es gressionai District one hundred thousand at very bottom figures. Call on Mr. Born dollars in fare*. - and yon will be sure to be suited. Attention Tax Payers- The State and County Tax Books will positively be closed on tiie First Day of December, next, after which date execu tions wifi he issued against all defaulters. Fair warning- By prompt payment you will avoid extra trouble and expense. Jacob Harrell, Tax Collector, Decatur Co Great Reduction in Prices. W. C. Subers is now offering splendiu bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c Stock complete, call and see. 1- Those Seeking* Truth- Those who desire to know the truth of tiie present political crisis can get some valuable documents by applying to Dr. J. A. Butts. Read them and hand to y-our neighbor.. Sportsmen Attention- Pistols and Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Caps, and sporting goods generally, low prices, at Jewelry Store of 1-t W. C. Subers. On account of large stock of material on hand, and the scarcity of money in circula tion, I will repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry at the following reduced price*, viz: Mainspring $1.50, Cleaning $1.50, Hands 25 to 75 cents per pair, Glasses 25 cents. For cash only. W. C. Scbebs. Tho Republican For*y-third Congress passed $6,^00,000 of the Radical Ring Southern War Claims. The Democrats ic Ilouse of the Forty-third Congress rejected all these swindling claims, and passed only 874,000 of war claims of all kinds. Where the Republicans passed claims for one hundred dollars, the Democrats approved of thorn only to the extent of one dollar and fifty cents. This is the reason why the radi cals raise the howl about Southern claims. They own these claims, and know that in Republican success lies the only hope of their collection. HORSES FOR SALE. I have on hand, and expect to keep sup plied with a fine lot of lorses for sale. I will sell sell them at the lowest figures. Call at my si able® aud examine my slock for yourselves. Now is the time to purchase, when corn and slock are proportionately cheap. My livery business is always up to the best standard. Geo. D. Grifux. Oct. 26-1876-6m Bainbridge, Qa. Notice- Ludden & Bates, during the prevalence of the Yellow Fever in Savannah,continue to fill all orders of Music, etc., as usual. Tho®e who desire.ean have orders filled at „ , . _ , . , _ , , GEORGIA—Decatur Col-sty. their Branch House in Augusta,Ga*,by ad- „ , , . , , d- , D. B. Curry, Guardian of Charicv, Alice dressing them at that place. Pianos and J an( , 8(lllie Martin pelit ions to the Court of Organs shipped directly from the North i Ordinary of said county, for a discharge without passing through Savapnah. j from his Guardianship of Charley Alice aqd i .Sadie Martin’s person aud property. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause bv filing objections in my office, why- the said D. B. Curry should not be dismissed from his Guardianship ofCharley, Alice and Saliie Martin, and receive the usual letters of dismission. Given under my official signature, this Oct. 27th 1876. Hiram B Rockett. crr-2-70 Only D. C. All who contemplate BUYING CLOTHING wilt do well by examining the Stacfe AT SMITH & TRAUB’S, Flour, Flour!! Ip large lots AT SMITH A TRAUB’S. Bacon, Bacon! Smoked, dry salt and shoulders, AT SMITH & TRAUB’S. ALL KlKUS T« be foonJ r.t SMITH fc TRACE S Huancwnll’* old stand