The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, November 02, 1876, Image 4

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'i'he Weekly Democrat Notice- L’ldden & Bates, during Hie prevalence ofthe Yellow Fever in Savannah.continue to fill all orders of Music, etc., as usual. Those who desire,can have orders filled at their Branch House in Augusta,Ga - ,by ad dressing them at that place. Pianos and Organs shipped directly from the North without passing through Savanuah. Extra Inducements- Jake Born, the wide-a-wake harness man, sells best canvass collars, with leather trimmings for 85 cents—nice sets of single harness for $12, and best saddles at very bottom figures. Call on Mr. Born and you will be sure to be suited. Those Seeking Truth- Those who desire to know the truth of the present political crisis cart get some valuable documents by applying to Dr> ,T- A. Butts. Read them and hand to your neighbor.. ♦ fc- Attention Tax Payers- The State and County Tax Boolis will positively be dosed on the First Day of December, next, after which date execu tions will be issued against all defaulters. Fair warning. By prompt payment you Will avoid extra trouble and expense. Jacob Harrell, Tax Collector, Decatur Co Great Reduction in Prices. W. C. Sobers is now offering splendid bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c Stock complete, cal! and see. 1- 1^. M. Wariiold. COTTON MERCHANT AM) AGENT Full CHESAPEAKE GUANO, SAVANNAH, GA- Careful attention given to all consign ments Commission for Selling Cotton 50cts. pet Cash advances made on shipments with Bail Uoad receipt in hand or attached to draft. Satisfaction guaranteed. Refer to the Banks m Savannah and Mon. "ac june-29-0-m Attention Tax Payers. I will be at the following places at the times designated for the purpose of collect ing the Taxes due the State and County for the year 187(5 Faceville, 914th District, Friday, October fith. Faceville 914th Dist. Friday November 3rd. AUapulgus, 694 Dist. Saturday, Oct. tli. Attapulgus, 694 Dist. Saturday,Nov. 4tli, Belts. l(!0’)th Dist. Monday. October 9th. Bells, 1005th Dist. Monday, November20th. Higdons, 553rd District.Tuesday, Oct. 10th. Higdons 553d District, Tuesday, Nov 21st. Raigins, 1258 Dist. Wednesday, Oct. 11th. ltaigins, 1258 Dist. Wednesday, Nov. 22nd. Harrell, 720th Dist. Thursday. Oct. I2th. Harrell, 720th Dist Thursday Nov. 23rd. Lime Sink, 021st Dist Friday, October 13th. Lime Sink, 621st List Friday. Nov. 24th. Belchers, 1277th Dist Saturday. Oct 14th. Belchers 1277th Dist Saturday Nor. 25th. Lower Spring Creek 635th Dist Monday, Oct 16th. Lower Spring Creek 035th District Monday jVovember 27th. Rock Pond, 1046th Dist Tuesday, Oct 17th. Rock Pond, 1046th Dist Tuesday Nov 29th. Pine Hill, 1188 Dist Wednesday, Oct 18tli Pine Hill, 1188 Dist Wednesday, Nov 29th. Bainbridge, during the November term ot the Superior Court. I will also be in Bain bridge from now until October 6th. The books will positively be closed Decem ber 1st 1876. Jacob Harrell. Sep.-14 Tax Collector. week to Agents. Sam 1^*/ 4 pies FREE. P. O- ( KLUY Augusta Maine. a day at home. Agents wanted, ^i.^outtit and teims free. TttUE & Co-, Augusta, Maine. f TO THE WORKING CLASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spire moments. Business new, light and profitable. /Persons of either sex easily earn front 50 cent's to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum oy devoting then- whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test, the busines we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars- samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one nf the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want per manent, profit able-work, address. George ’■Hinson & Co., Portland. Maine. ■ Can’t be made by every agent every month in the business we furnish, hut those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right , in their own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and honorable. Women and boys and as welt as men. We will furnish you a complete outfit free. The business pays better than anythingelse. We will bear expense of starting you. Par ticulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mechanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to us and le rn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address Tvue .V"Go,, Augusta, Maino, ERR0RS0FY BTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Dehility. Premature De cay, and all the efforts of youthful indiscre tion will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he Mas cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. 10-6m~JoHN B, OGDEN, 42 Cedar St-., N, Y. NjeTW goods TO CONatlMPTIVilS. d.hc advertiser, having been permanent!v cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means or cure. Tc all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free ot charge,) with the directions for preparing find using the same, which they wifi find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron- heitis, &c. Parties wishing the prescription willplease address «Kev. E. a. WILSON. lO-fitu 134 Peun St., W iiliamsburgh, New Y- NOW POURING IN THE And will soon be one of the prettiest an most attractive stores in town. Weil & Xioeb, Wish it distinctly understood in the outset of the season that they CAN’T BE UN )ERS0LD BY ANY HOUSE IN SOUTHWEST GEOR GIA, NOR ELSEWHERE. We have on hand and are constantly re ceiving a full line of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. FANCY GOODS, GROCER IES OF ALD KINDS. We invite Hie attention of the trading pub lie to the inducements which we propose to j eroff during the incoming season. We in tend to sell goods at bottom figures, having as our motto -Quick sales and small profits.' GIVE US A CALL And be satisfied of the trutn ot what we .-ay i WEIL & LOEB, Will be sold before the court house door in Bainbridge, Decatur county, Georgia, between he legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November nelt, the following property to wit: One house and lot in the city of Bain bridge, bounded on the north by the A, & G. Railroad, on the east by Depot lot, south by land of T B Hunnewell, and west by Al bany and Bainbridge road—said lot con taining two acies more or less ; and also one house and lot in said city, bounded on the noith by lot oflatecstate of E D Wafers east by road leading from .Bainbridge to C Y Crawford’s and Fowltown, south by a road or street, and west by the land of J A Butts, contain five acres more or less. All of said property levied on as the property of Geo A Spillcr, as trustee of Allie E Bpiller, to sat isfy ibree Justice Court fi fas in tavorof C Y Crawford, vs said G A Spiller. Levy- made and returned by a constable. Also at the same time and place, lots of land Nos 315, 316, 317, 318, 347, 348. 349, 351, 322. and 344, all in the .5th district “f Decatur county. Levied on as the property of Elizabeth T. Curry to satisfy one mort gage fi fa in favor of Wm O Fleming, for use ot D McGill and It G Chcsnut as executors of Wm Nunan deceased vs said E T Curry Property pointed out in said mortgage fifa. Also at the same time and place, lot of lanu No 220, ip the 10th district, ami also lot No 10 in the loth district of said county, said laud containing 325 acres more or less, levied on as the property of W M^Dollar, and now in possession of said W M Dollar, and levied on to satisfy one Superior Court fifa in favor of Allen. Griffin & Co vs W 51 Dollar. Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in the city of Bainbridge, bounded on the sotnii by Broughton street, on tiie east by L F Burkett’s lot, on the north by Water street and on the west by brick house formerly owuec. by J T YY iniber- ly. Levied on as the property of.las H Colbert to satisfy one Superior Court fifa in favor of Lucien N Waters vs J II Colbert. Also at the same time snd place, one yoke of oxen and cart and 50 bushels corn more or less, levied on as the property of John D W illiams, and propert- in possession of de fendant, to satisfy one Superior Court fifa in favor of Valentine Godwin vs said Williams. Also at same time and place, YY’est half of lot of land 2<)3 in the 15th Dist less 33 acies out of southwest corner sold to N L Cloud. Also southwest quarter of lot of land 204 in the 15th Dist less one acre in southwest cor ner also less 11^ acres sold to.sundry parties and the right of way to Atlantic & Gulf R H. Levied on as ihe property of AbDsr P B-lcher to satisly state and county tax fi fa. Property pointed by Plaintiff. L. F. BURKETT, Sliff. GEORGIA—Decatur County. YVbtreas Samuel S. Mann, Executor of tlie mst will and testament of Luke Mann, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered said estate, this is there fore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Executor should not he dis charged from his Executorship, and recieve Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in December next. sep7td IllllAM BKOCKETT, O.D.C G EO KG IA—Decat ur County. Thirty days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty, at the next regular term after the expi ration of thirty dajs from this notice, for leave to sell two shares of the Eagle and Phoenix Factory Stock, of Columbus, Ga.. belonging to James M. 'Donalson, my Ward, or the benefit ot ere iitors. JOHN M. B.KOU'N. Guardian of the person and property of James M. Donalson. GUARDIAN’S SALE. Georgia—Dkcatuit County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the court house door in tiie city of Bair- biidge on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, two shares of Eagle and Phoenix Factory Stock of Columbus, Georgia, belonging to my ward James M. Donalson, minor, for the benefit of the creditors of said ward. Terms cash. JOHN M. BROWN, Guardian of the Person and Property of James M. Donalson, Minor. Oct 5. 1876. COLUMBUS, GA. Ba: H-G’ n S iZ Blanchard, Williams & Co., Non- have charge of this large Fire-Proo Warehouse, and solicit a share of the pat ronage of the people of Decatur and adjoin ing counties. Storage 25 cents a bale per month. Strict .attention to business and prompt return of sales. A large lot of Bagging and T:es at the lowest market rates, iArff” Special attention given to the sale and storage of Syrup. sep21 3m t. J. PEARCE, R. J. BINFOIiD, R. (). WILLIAMS, PE iRCE, BiNFGRD & CO , GEOGEES, AND Commission Merchants, NO 20, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. Special attention to sale of cotton- sep2i-oui BEDELL&CO LIQUOR DEALERS, ASD CBACCO AGENTS 126 BROAD STREET, Columbus, Geo: sep2l-3m J. & J. KAUF H A N, Wholesale Dealers in T*i •ovisioi).«5. &e. COLUMBUS, GA. se-2. NEW HARBWA E FIRM. GEORGIA—Decatur County, W hereas Johnherry Donalson, administra tor estate of Noalt McNabb also Guardian for Mary McNabb, represents to the Court in his petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered said, estates. This is therefore to cite r 11 persons concern ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause if an. they can, why said administrator and guardian should not be discharged from his administration and guardianship, and teceieie letters of dismission. This Oclober 20th 1870. Hiram Brockett, Ord’y D. C, ~ADMIXISTRATOirS SALE. Geokuia—Decatur County. Will be sold before the couit house door, in Bainbridge, Georgia, Decatur County, by virtue ot an order from tlie Cou't of Or dinary of said county, on the first Tuesday in Nov.mber next between the usual hours of sale all of the real Estate belonging to the Estate of L. M. Swieord, deceased. Lot of land No. 44 in the 16th District of said county. Sold for the henefit of heirs and creditors. Terms of sale cash. This (Jet. 2d, 1876, A. B. Belcher. oot-5- Administrator. GEORGIA—Decatur County. Thirty days after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county at the first regular term after the expiration of thirty days from this notice for leave to sell the lar.ds be'onging to the estate of Elias Harrell, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. Elias Harrell Littleton Administrators. GEORGIA — Decatuis County. YY. W. McGriff has applied for exempti-.n of personality and setting apart and valua tion ot homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m.. on the 13th day of November 1976. This Oct. 24th 1876. II ir am Brockett, Ord'v D.'c. J.A.FRAZERSsCO, Dealers in HARDWARE CUTLERY and AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS. Also, Guns, Carriage Materials, Iron, Steel, Gin and Mill (X-Rritig, Rubber Belt ing, Mill Stones, Bolting Cloths, Paints, Oils, Re. West Side Broad Street. COLUMBUS, GA. ‘THS R.USY 7 (Under the Rankin House) COLUMBUS, - - GEORGIA. HESTAUItAiNT JB5LS ^ .£ -71 BILLIARD SALOON. The Restaurant open and will be supplied with fresh fish and oysters, and ik fact all the ehcacies of the market. Par ties visiting the city will find to their inter est to give us a ca 1. A. F. CLEMENTS <fc CO., psi-21-2na I J r prietors. 1376. 1876- CEXTLSXIAL TRANSPORTA TNIO AR RANGEMEXTS Ol The Great * Mm i it i for the ACCOMMODATION OF VISITORS TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. The Railways and Steamship Companies between Augusta, Ga., and Philadelphia, comprising the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, wilt dnrin the progress of the CENTENAiAL EXHIBITION OF I HE UNITEl. STATES, present for the patronage of the citizens of tiie South, -outes of transportation and forms oi tickets upon which to reach Phila delphia, that will immeasurably excel ail other lines in point of DIRECT DAILY MOVEMENT, COMFORTABLE ACCOM MODATION VARIABILITY OF TRANSIT, ECONOMY OF EXPENDITURE- To enable this to be (lone, the combined resources of the Railway Lines South of Norfolk, together with those of the Balti more Steam Packet Company and the Old Dominion Steamship Company- will be em ployed and the individual tourist, the social pnrty of ten, twenty or more, or the civic or military organization of 100 to 300, can each be cared tor in a manner that will sat isfy their desires. Price Lists, Time Cards and all Heedful information are now in hands of all our Agents. It will be to the interest of every individ ual and each organization proposing to make this trip to communicate with ihe unersigti- td. * A Centennial Exhibition Guide Book as authorized by- the Commission will be given to tiie purchaser of each Centennial Ticket. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. Cal! on or address the following named Agents of the Coast Line: J H. ’White. Macon, A. L. Reed, Savannah, H.V. ’i’omnkins, Atlanta, M. .J. Divine, Macon, YV. 1 Walker, Montgomery. MASO i & HAMLl BEST AND CHEAPEST. 90,000 MADE AND SOLD Easiest Terms for Payment, hm.uajt ^vj.YY ILLS npaP£3B-'*‘iTEF a. J 43 ij2 tk.Lti « J A t sjAi.* THAN EVER BEFORE PRODUCED. STYLE 214—Double Keel, Seven Stop: lian Is itne Resonant Case Sl-’O STYLE 219.—Double Reed, Nine Stops, Handsome llesooant Case Slab STYLE 3t)4.—Three Sets Reeds. Nine Stops, Resonant Case, with Kevolvirg Fall-board- Ornamented §200 STYLE 208.— Double Peed, Seven Stops, in Elegant Etagere style Case, with Plate Glass Mirror Richly Ornamented and ( arv- ed, (See cut above) §225 RENTED UNTIL PAID FOR. A reduction from above prices, for cash or larger montli’y pay-ments. Send for illus trated catalogue give full description ot styles and prices uader the various plans ot payment. OTHER DEMISABLE (STYLES §70. §00. §110 and §125. Order direct from Liidtlon Hates, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. WI1 OLL'SA LE SO U THERE?A G T. 'May li, 8 in H>BJFESS;G.V.L~CABDS. Bovver &, Crawford AT TOR N E V 3 AT L A W Bainbridge, Ga. Office ir. Court House. 1). MCOILL. M. O’NEAL. FhcGILL & O’NEAL, A T O It N E V S A T L A W , Bainbridge, Ga- Office over K. !i- Peabody's Drug Store. flUC/L CARD Hr. E. J. Morgan lias removed ce next door to Post office, where he can be found during the day. and at his Residence on West Street at night, Bamljrhlge, Oct. 5. IS 75. oct-7-13’ GEORGIA—Decatur County. Ream us W Mathews has applied for ex emption of personality and setting apart and valuation of ffomesread, and l will pass upon the same at 10 o’cToek a. m., on the 11th day of November 1876, at my office in Bainbridge. Oct. 23. 1876. Hi RAM BROCK r TT, Ord’y D. C, GEORGIA—Decatur County. James M. Jones has applied for exemp tion of personaliry and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m,, on the 1 lth day of November 1876 at ( my office in Bainbridge. Oct. 23. 1876. Hiram Brockett. Ord’y D. C. ** * * * *** **** X* ***** * ***** * ******** L. J. GUJI.MARlIX. JOHN FLANNERY. J. I'JihM.YKTtN & CO. Cotton Factors —AMD— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga. Ageuis tor Bradley's Phosphate, Jewell’s Mills Yarns and Domestics. &c. I LAGGING and IRON TIES for sale at ) lewest market rates. Prompt ntt ntion given to all business entrusted to us. Liberal cash advances make on con-ign- ments. tHHHHmt* !Ht**XX**-**«-**» « x »:r:: x:: qvljr ****•«-*•*-#»**•#####*»,**„, ‘“N oewci... g cmnes, &c. Neatly Repaired. WARRANTED, Call at PEABODY’S DUUG STORE, Bainbridge - - - *- Georgi? B. F. COLBERT. ’ uzust 1874—tf. S end 25c. to G. P. Rowell & Co., N. Y . -or Pamphlet ot 100 pages, containing lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimate showing cost of adt ertising. METHODS OF BUSINESS — AND — POINTS OF ADVANTAGE. In IHE PURCHASE i F GOODS (Successor to Babbit & Warfield.) NOW OFFER MY GOODS ~t mi loot m “QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS,” i s my Motto and the future. shall be for' I Have but One Price for AH. One Price means of necessity THE VERY LOWEST PRipf t CASH PA YMENTS FROM A LL. Cash saves expenses of l ,.***"* lections and LOSSES front RAD DEBTS. ’ S Giye a Guarantee X 3 i*o tec ting- The Guarantee PROTECTS THE BUYER who may not be a iu.W of ,h Quality and the Vak e of the Goods. 3 g f tb * I Buy my Goods at the Lowest Prices for CASH. Bickering and Debate are Done Away by Me- Everybody -ets My Lowest Price without havinq to ask for iu Again I repeat ONE PR CE FOR ALL I give Satisfaction to Every Purchaser or return the Money Not a particle of risk run in buying of me. A Child may buy as cheaply as a Man I am selling at reduced prices to suit the limes and invite an examination- My stock consists )n A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES. BOOTS & SHOES, hats, crockery, HARD & YY'Id.LO Y'-YVAKE. IRON, STEEL, SADDLES. BRIDLES, YVHIP8,- iilankcts, Shawls and (lothing, lUGAE, COFFEE, SALT, FLOUR. OILS, PAINTS, BACON, LARD. WALL PAPER SNUFF AND TOBACCO. Pair and Honor - * Shall Govern my Canness Relations with all Mankind r-.-oFt -cr yregageaanwggB-agaM-a fens! feiramitl Ink The Ld c<'1711 ItTTTTII HITIOTV OF TEE SOUTH GEORGIA Agricultural and Mechanical ASSOCIATION, Commencing in Tkomasviile, Georgia, October 31st, 1876, and continuing fof F1¥I O: M, IT S, A splendid array nf Premiums A magnificent display of the productions of South Georgia and Florida- Knights in glittering costume. A Hrilliant Tournament. Ample accommodations and room for Everybody. The buildings are in spfslr-' did condition. ALL ENTRY FEES ARE ABOLISHED. Excursion trains will run daily at reduced rates.- The Association are leav ing nothing undone to make this year’s exhibition the grandest and most inter esting of any formor exhibition. South Georgia, Florida and the balance of mankind are invited. nctl9fd ’HI. Bainbridge, Georgia, 3AKER AliD CONFECTIONER, And Dealer irr Family Groceries; The best, freshest and cheapest gro-j ■ries, at the lowest prices. Call on Fred; nitli. in Sharon Block. sep28-6m ' J. . H- STOKES; Next door to- Barnett & Son, BAINBRIDGE, GA.. 1 RNESS MAKE , ork done Cheaper titan anywnere else »> in the City, and IN THE BEST STYLE ove me a call before going elsewhere All that I ask is a trial YYork warranted.- sep28-3m VI Rs w J- REVNCLDS ’ FASHIONABLE Milliner and Dress Maker/ Has just returned from the North with »' large and varied assortment of the ■OF THE Latest Styles Lowest Prices- Call, Ladies, at-once, and make your se lections. octl2-l m GEORGIA—Decatub Couktt. James M. Burnham as trusted far Sarah H. Burnham has applied for exemption ana setting apart of Homestead and I will pass npon the same on the 4th day of Nov. a mv office in city of Bainbridge. HIRAM BROCKETT, Oct. 12, 1876. Ordinary, H- U;