The Bainbridge weekly democrat. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-18??, December 07, 1876, Image 1

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pj „l is h3d Every Thursday } Volume HERE SHALL THE PRESS THE PEOPLE'SRLGJITS HA TXT AIX, UXAVTED ETIXPLUEXCE AXD UXBRIBED BY GAIA.” JL. <; Two Collars Per Annum- TI. BAIABRIDGE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 187G. Number D pie Weekly Democrat \ Mi aide’s § jffile. 1,1 N HR I !>'if- G A. Dt.c. 7. 187<>. NUES~RY RYM2S- oin ih • j?!. Lonis TimeS] Sing >i so " a sixpence, A board foil of sin, Four scaly Radical 4 C'turning lliycs in. leVh n the board was opened Tfcc fraud-, outreach d a steeple ; KViuii’t that “ dainty dish [ To set before the people? Grant was in the White House Counting out hi* money, Chandler in * bat it room Daubing peach and honey. Hayes was in a band box, Fresh as any rose; Up came the Congress And nipped oil bis nose. EDIXOiLlAL NOTES- Who does not love the great and glo rious Hampton of South Carolina. Great 11 War, sublime in Peace, the glorious Nero of the present Revolution, and first :ti the hearts of his Countrymen. The absence of Adelaide Mnnthropc had grown into mysteii -us disappear ance the evening that Ho and Mitchell dined with the Bull* as, an«J, retiring to “If there, we mu«t have seen her.” •*II irdlv a just conclusion. Doctor Guriing 'rniavs his business too well. However.I have a plan of finding out. I noticed a little saloon up from the station said Roland aloud. “Come in, don't j the leaves. Following his own entries, ! horrors that mate the memory of for- stand shivering outside alone when y u which were few. for the year was stiil ijueinada and the Inquisition actua..\ can shiver in good company within.” j young, about a dozen blank pares hod holy He was certain that it was his ci- been scanned, when he let the-book devant brother-in-laws’s foot, in sandal j fall into his iap. and turned pain A a clad, that he beard, and gave him quick sheet. He looked at Bob, and said welcome. j slowly and und-i breath : The door opened ; of that he was sat- ' ”Bv Jove, B. h. it was not a ilrsrtB ,' a quriter of a mile or so; if there are any isfied, though he f mod it locked when 1 it was an *pparation ! D n't laugh at | tipplers'among the guards or the attend^ h.s bed in a distant chamber of the ! he went to it next, and recollected i me; but my nerves have gone down Grange, found himself unaccountably j turning the key with a mental hope about u.y heels; I never sn p isvc that interested i:i the questions and surmises j that no one would c-une to cause him i would be the victim of one of’ those started by the young lady’s prob :11c , the hither of unlocking it. The room j ace rs-d visitations.” tats nr whereabouts. He knew Nathan I was very light,ffir, looking t the South, I -L t tr.e see." cried Bob. ; V he Munthropc, Adelaide’s uncle, well, and 1 \va3 a vast, window reaching from ceil- I xhed up the Vs,ok ; “y Here is a true rewarded. revelation made to Rohiudpit the Grange. | THER C . IS MON .Y IN IT. , When shown the handwriting in the ! Iu these hard times a good return far diary, she confessed that it was hers. I bonest labor is ”«rv dasiratae. Anv active J ...... if • , 1 young or y->ung lady can earn a liaad. that night the had thrown herself uito j ' OIn / 8Um by ^dressing, for pai ticulars.the an agony of despair upon her bed, dress- Managers of The Constitution, the (treat pe el; she woke in the morning will, a sense ; ' i!C *l *“‘1 family journal published at the ! Capital of the Slate. CONSTITUTION rUBLISHINGCO., Atlanta, Ga. had casually met her in-society, making ; ;,;g t :, theheavy drapery of which 1 aie.-soge, snJ. i.i a woman's writing. Conie 00 L-10 said, his firm. Terrell county is to have a ‘scrub race’ for county officers iu January. We hope “scrubs” will g. t elected, however. Governor elect Colquitt must be a model of patience. He is daily besieged toinclhing leas than u tndiion ol office- !; rs, end yet lie has neither committed homicide or suicide. The Atlanta Evening Telegram,successor of the CommonKfillh is the liveliest ven ture we have yet seen in Atlanta journa lism. It is as crisp as pie crust, and as • A-sy as a tattling woman. Styles, Smith A Smalls are what you might call the smartest and wittiest editorial trio in Georgia. May their success be commen surate with their merits. The Cuihbort .V-sseuger has a “Funny Uditor,” and oli ! so desperately funny is lie. “Old Si,” “Max Adeler,” and tile liurliugtou Bawkeye aint no where. Why ,rave yard aint no funnier than this 'unity Editor.” bar acquaintance in r*ti uniufere:t.-J was looped high u, and apart. The, plaio as print an-! steady as though s irt of way, and regarding her s > indsf- | ferently that really he conli not deters j mine whether ho war, in company with h«r twice or tiirice after introduction. The family was nothing more to hitu than merely the friends of the Bulk-ns— .,ne of whom had married his aunt, and a younger one, a college churn, was to marry his sister. So very slight was this bond of union, that Roland lay awake full two hours, wood.-ring why his mind should be so engaged with Adelaide Munthrope’s affair, and why lie should lie awake considering them. Miss .Munthropc was a slightly-built, pale, fee? le looking creature, with a prettiness of feature, the chief charm of which .van r. large, liquid blue eye, al- ino-t gray, fringed with long, black lashes. Her forehead was ten high for a woman, and combing down her black, waivv hair, to contract its area, only servod to make her angular, sunken Tlie present political Revolution h is giv-n national reputation to 110 better or purer in.:;, than Willum /icUer Cocke, iUlora<y tieuei.-l o* Florida, lie iu every h. h u true man, and the honest people of . d States owe turn a lasting debt that 1x0 hi;,t. of var.tal tntei.Uons-h ■« have git abroad; buc Nathan Mun cheeks all the paler by contrast. She had wonderful self-possession, an indom itable will that never would brook con tradiction. and a fervid imagination, whose vagaries often tended, at onee, t<> amuse, delight and shock her mother and the companions of her youth. Her habits were all precise . she was methodical. taciturn, quiet and deter mined, and hid a knowledge of men and motives, arts and event;-, far beyond her years it had become !■»gen -rally understood that she cut out for a?; old maid that the acuouncement of her marriage and .c q mure for Kuro; c pave everyb Jy the ulsr-at suipHec People iu g<*..ei■>! though it einguLr tt.i- Unite ol gr.iUtui Ben Hill wants to succeed Norwood ns I'nitedj^uttesr'-eualorlroni Georgia. Well, it Norwood is to be succeeded by any body, let it be Mr. Hill by ell means, lieu Hill U r. hilt iu the House—he would a mountain iu the Senate. be In the light of recent events, if tlie Presidential race were to be run over. Til- den would carry every State in the Union w ith tlie possible exception of Marne. How is this for a batch of mean names.- Z icli Chandler, Grant, Taft, Stearns, Kel logg, Chamberlain,' J. Madison Wells, Phil Sheridan, John G. Patterson, and— and—the Devil. Here is the “slate” of the Albany Xeirt It is a good one, and should be tleehd For U- S. Senator, lie a. T. M- Norwood President Georgia Senate, lion. U11 as E Uester; Speaker of House, lion. V\ • M Hammond; Secretary 0! Senate, Hon. A. Harris; Cleik o. House, lion. K. Graham. D. Col. .T. Berrien Oliver lias presented that truly good Udv, Mrs. “Rev.” Ilenry Ward Beech r with forty acres of Florida land. Now if he’d give Mrs. Tilton a “muel," and induce Henry War 1 and Theodore to clear up the “new/ g-iuud,” we’alight yet live to see the r Til ton business ulilizg, 'in the inierct’.s of Agriculture. Col»*865SS3v3^u go> the biggest vote ay elector onfctie -Georgia ticket, and is consequently the ui.ast popular man. We knew he’d beat tile , b.-ik.-ni e of t.u- ticket when we nominateUhim! The Northern liars of the Chicago /'< Vr- Own stripe can’t “let up” on i’ne “shot gun’’ Democracy of the South. We wish we had tue editor of the InUr-Oc ni cram med inti'a shot-gun; we’d shoot liim at the first -‘yaller dorg” we saw. Well, why not? Is there are any rea son why the lion. W. M. Hammond, of Thomas, should not be chosen Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives? j II,. js probably ‘he ablest member in that | body, an ; besides he lives in a section of the State that has not hereto!* re been j recognized in the distribution of offices. | Let Hammond be Speaker of the House. • throne trsve sueu positive assurances. ai.-J its there were no grounds fur ob jection, contradiction or dispita, the matter was acquiesced in for six whole months. At the end of that time ne word had come from Ade’aidc to rela tives or acquaintance?, and gossip shook her head, while rumor let all her tongues loose at once. This was the situation when Roland went up from New York to the Grange ou a Saturday afternoon in January. 1G73, and heard the theo ries and queries called up by the very singular aspect of Miss Munthropc s case. It was 11 o’clock when Roland retir ed, he heard the clock strike one, as lie tried, for the fiftieth time, to dis charge Ins mind of the gossip’s stuff, and then sat bolt upright in bed. “Luck is against me, or I have eat en too much dinner,” said he to himself, ■•til either event, I wish there was a fire in the grate, or that the ghost-voic ed winter wind would stop soughing under the caves and ar iund the corners Ugh 1 there it goes again. Of course that scratching and tapping is the re sult of those -onfouiided boughs sweep ing agamst the pane, but the resuit is as sleep-destroying as though it were a , veritable Fox family rapping seance. If | I only bad a cigar, and if I could only take a turn or two across the floor. 1 wonder what has really become of that Munthropc girl—oh 1 dash her and dash her disappearance. I’ll dress in a shake, or wither sueces-ion ot eui. with the thermometer below zero and the fire out, and rout Bob H alien out for Company ” He prepared for his venture with that pause, lacking eouiage, that any warm uiolnnd, experiences before baring his devoted legs to the “ iev fane. niAon, ir. the full, was declining, and [ writ en by daylight; swept almost every foot of the fiixir j “ -I am in Iliriidale Asylum with her beams, so bright that one j to uie at once, t’oon it will might have read an ordinary book in he floor. The'door, however, was iu the shadow, aiuTMluland coutiuuedhis greeting. ‘-la that you, Bob ? Hurry up ; you move as slow as a spook.” No reply was vouchsafed him, and the footfall was quite noiseless on the heavy pile o’ carpet. Roland strained his eyes and presently saw in the edge of the moonlight, the bottom folds of a woman's black dress, a wite underskirt, and light-colored shoe or slipper. The idea of its being a ghost never entered his head ; he thought ihe visi- tor a somnambulist, and having heard of the danger of suddenly awakening one so csmcumstanced, he held his ptaeo. The vroma , moved slowly into the full moonlight, atood looking toward the window, then faced about, present ing her profile, clear as a silhouette, to Roland, wh) recognized his visitor at once as Adelaide Munthropc. She remained standing a moment, then seeted herself at the table and seemed to grope over its a rface, at first carefully and then rapidly, as though disappointed at flirting no writing ma terial. Treseutiy 7f.da>id’s dairy feil under her hand, and opening it and drawing the peueil from its sheath, she wrote for. uiaybe, two minutes. Kt~ gl.'cittg the pencil, shutting the book ’and putting it where six found it. she rose, looked toward the window again, a»d rrctit out, cl-ving the door after her Roland beard h*r i’oot«t*ps dying out down the long echo breeding h*ll. and sprang from the bed with perspiration oozing from every pore of his body. He lit his lamp, drew on his draw ers, slippers and dressing-gown, think ing meanwhile that there was something queer about Adelaide Muuthropes pres-nee in the Grange while the own ers and occupants seamed so worried atid desirous as to her whereabouts Hastily dressed, he took the lamp and walked to the door. It was looked hard and fast ; even a chair, which he hud moved when he had entered his room, stood in such position that the door could not have been opened without striking and pushing it. Roland gave a low whistle, stuck his knuckles into his eyes and muttered : “Pshaw ! what an ass I am. But it was the most realitic vision 1 ever ex perienced. It reminds ins of ui3iiy psychological oddities I have read of. but never imagined I would enact in my own proper person.” So satisfied was he that it was all a dream that he did not touch his dairy, but extinguished the lamp and went directly to bed and to sleep. In the iu >rning lie rp*ke of bis ‘ dream” to Bub and declared liis won der at t be exactness and order of the whole affair. ‘Have you looked over your dairy?” asked bis friend. -Oh dear, no! That would be to Hills we will meet them mere; and if 1 think money can buy one of them 111 go to high figures rather than miss a point.” For three days Roland hung about the place, taking precious good care that I)r. Hurling should not rua across him nor rid it last, his patience was He found his man, and paid smartly for bis intelligence. Ad -Uide Mantlirope was in Birndale; the nun bad charge of that secret wing where patients were confined, whose safe ty and rein aval from the world were mat- j u j 0 t j > ” tt-rs of interest to the doctor. They were , , „ 1 ur kindly, n iv, tenderly treated, for their “Th it s a call you can hurtLy neg- „f J J „ I death ended their contribution ot reve- leet under the circumstances. What j nues . they werc most |y sane at first, said are you going to do about it ?" j the keeper, and mostly went mad after Roland d'd not answer for full ten j a while. The mad ones always lived minutes, but then manly manner. “I am going to Birndale.” “And I too. If there is a maiden to champion, two knights are better than one lance ; or I’ll be a simple esquire. We’d better say nothing to nobody,eh? ’ “By all means. How can we get away ? Sunday never seemed so un welcome to me before.” “I know the conductor of the freight running into the city this afternoon, and we can get down on that by 6 o’clock.” ‘■Good. I can get the necessary let ters of introduction to gain us admission and in the m ruing we can go over to the asylum by the lime the doors a c open ” Doctor Gurling was delighted to meet Messrs. Builen and M itched. The honor, etc., not to mention the oppor tunity to oblige the gentlemen from whom they bore letters, and what e-nW he do fur them. This superintendent was one --i 1 hose pi.msitde, sleek, Oily Gammon s irt, that offer civ- iiti s with an expression of “fool you if [ can. fool you as much as l c-t-fi,” per vading their countenances, actions and speech He was eoiitiaual'y “washing his hands with invisible soap in imper ceptible water,” or touching bis chin with bis long, white Sugjr as he peri odically cleared hot threat with a mods cst, self-deprecatory “Hem m'-m-ui.” Roland saw at a glance that if there was ffu! play anywhere ’he wuulci not get much aid from Dr. Gurling to clear it up. He abandoned the straight har vard tactics he first resolved on, and asked quietly : “Have you any objection to showing us over your much admired and widely celebrated institution ?” “Not at all,” replied the superinten dent. “What particular feature are you most interested in ?” The question also conveyed the sentiment: “If you are browsing around here to fin 1 anything more than I want you to know, you might as well bundle out at once ” “No “articular department,” replied Roland, “we simply desire to look through the asylum.” “Very w**!l. gentlemen, this way.” Birndale is a very handsome and mod el hospital for the insane ; its architect ure is modern, its accommodations am pic. its arrangement orderly and neat as wax work ; in short, kgains unbuilt ed admiration from all who inspect it A’obert Builen was lost in its many winding stair*, branching halls, involv- a and j twistings j but* Roland was a natural geographer ; he never lost his sense of location or comparison, and when, at tlie end ot three hours’ investigation the longest, for the others pined and died, in spite of good food and con siderate treatment. The keeper could not get her out, nor devise a way to’do it, but lie could give low a letter and bring a sort of an answer. “And I’ll pay postage one thousand dollars a letter,” said Roland, “and if you are connected with the affair and lose your place, I'll make it five hundred a year as long as you live, if the lady is released.” ‘.‘Make it sure,” said tl>c keepr, “and I’m yours truly.” Four days afterwards the man received from Roland all the assurance that legal document-; and crisp cash can convey, and received a reply to the letter he had sent Adelaide, in which lie advised ner to make a formal complaint of her immure incut and those party to it. Adelaide’s letter was simply a piece of brown paper, full of pin holes. To have been detected waiting would have upset everything, but the shrewdest guard at the asylum saw nothing supicious in a patient sitting by the grated window of tlie ward, apparent ly pricking in a scrap of paper- “Thank God for one ray of hope!” the answer read. “I, Adelaide Munthropc, appeal to all who have any idea of the rror of confinement, save among the of hope and rel.ef, but was unable to ac count for its inspiration, and was uot sur prised when the keeper of the ward in which she was, so slyly handed her Roland's letter, and suggested the manner of reply, so that it must he classed with th pable presence, of which there are many otiier indisputable evidences on record. Roland and Adelaide were married about six months ago, at the si.m.' time is Robert Bulh-n and Roland's pretty sister, .Mary. May they live long to tell of ltub wonderful bringing together. 3? t TO THE WORKING CLASS.—W* are now . prepai'ld to furnish all classes with constant eases of quality o, existence and pal- ^ employ ment at home, the whole of the time, or t->r their spire moments. Business new, light and profitable. Pcrsous of either sex easily tarn Irani -30 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the busirese. Boys and girla earn neatly as mochas men. Thak&ll wha see this ooltEe WfyWiiriiiC ~7! < eae, and test the husines we make this unparalleled infer: To such at are not well satisfied wa will send one dollar to pay for the tronbteof writing. Full particulars- samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Header, if you want per manent, profitable work, address. George tinson & Co., Portland. Maine. AND NOW Vs HAT NEXT- ; ;Tiie Suite House of South Carolina sur rounded by the soldiery of a power that rests upon bayonets, is not » new spec tacle. Bat the gorge rises at it none the less. It is none the less revolting to that class watch is daily growing less in Hum bert as the body of the people become hardened and accustomed to the display of power. Areas stacked about the statue ot Washington, at Columbia, may excite a momentary indignation, but what of that, power moves ou line the mill of the gods, grindingslo’.vly'but very surely? It never takes a step haekward,auJ it creeps steadily forward until a point is reached after awhile where it grasps all power or meets from freemen, lo'-g suffering and patient, the stern resistance which must come at last unless there is neither man hood nor virtue left. We have seen usur pation follow usurpation, but the public mind has not yet, for all the usurpation, oppression and familiarity with the exer cise of arbitrary puwci, become thorough ly indurated. Such scenes as these, with their sad lesson carried home to every patriot, will arouse a popular feeling which it will be difficult to resist, or it will postpone the day- of reckoning to the far future, when law aud Constitution wil’ have to give way and permit arms to settle the question between power and patriotism. —AfisAr tie American. I insane, to release me. Why I am kept in Birndale I know not, bn! pray to God, to the law, to all honest honorable men, to give me enlargement, or at least a chance to prove ray sanity and tue injustice ol my coufinem nit here.” Armed with this missive, the two friends sped away- to New Tork anil laid the case before one of the judges in Chambers, and easily procured a writ of Ini',cat corpus and a detail of two clever detectives to serve it. They also swore out a warrant for illegal detention, to pre vent Doctor Gur ing from playing any little game to defeat their search aud suc cess . One Wednesday morning ihe smooth doctor was surprised at another visit from Roland and his party. In reply to the doctor’s “What gave him the honor,” etc. etc., Roland said: “We have come for Miss Adelaide Mun thrope, and to make matters brief, allow me to introduce these gentlemen, officers of the court in New York, provided with a writ for her custody.” Dr. Guiling reflected a moment and said: “Well gentlemen, I suppose I must sub mit. I will give you no trouble, and ex plain the whole reason of her detention on the understanding that I am not to be molested, or the affair get wind to the in jury of the institution.” ‘We can make no such bargain,” re- p'ied Roland, .“except with the consent of Miss Munthropc.” At the doctor’s orders Adelaide was brought to the parlor, and, after con.-ul- tatiou, she agreed to the doctor’s terms, and that worthy unfolded the following villianous plot: Adelaide Munthrope’s father, Nathan’s elder brother, went to California in tlie ABRAHAM LlNCuLvt a VIEWS. “To the Hoiiontliethe Senate aiul House of 11 1 . > rest ntatierg; “The'joint resolution entitled “Joint resolution declaring certain Slates not en titled to representation iu the Electoral College” has been signed by the Execu tive. in deference to the views of Con gress implied in its passage and presenta tion to him. I11 his own views, however, the two houses of Congress, convened under the twelfth article of the Constitu tion, have complete power to exclude from counting all elcloral votes deemed by them to be illegal; and it is not competent for the Executive to defeat or obstruct that power by a would be the case if his action were at all essen tial in the matter. He disclaims all right of the Executive to interfere in any wav iu the canvassing or counting electoral votes, and also disclaims tiiat by signing said resolution, lie has expressed any opinion on the recitals of the preamble, or any judgment of his own upoa the subject of liie resolu'ion. Auraiiam Lincoux. ‘Executive Mansion. February 8, 1805.’ disturb uiy vivid recollection of the ! rcac > u .d the doctor’s private ap.irt- see-'e. If I found all blank, the dream j menJS ;lll j ..jt down to cake and wine, would take rank with those aosurd : ^ knew that there was one little wing ones that every man has gone through, j j KSt over a: ,d back of where he was sit as well as myself, wherein t have lound j ,j B g t jj at t h, ; y had not been shown; myself picking up to no end of gold and : ^ ut j, e {j ; ,d studied the doctor too thor- silver coin, aud never a pocket to put it j ou <,hly to hint at the omission. \\ hen in: and those others that have tressed t h 0 y left the hospital Robert said, with ed grades and unexpeete 1 turning* anu j ear j y an j Wiv; reported, and cur- i renily believed, dead. He was a rascal— it seemed to run in the family—and origi nated the report to save himself from a series of fogerie# he had committed in New Y'ork. He lived in Ca’ifornia, and amassed great wealth, and died in the ear ly part of ltJTJ, leaving ali his possession [From tiie Albany Argus, Nov. 2S.] THE RADICAL REBELLION. The following paragraphs may ex- pkin the new rebellion inaug rated in South Carolina : If Samuel J. Tilden is elect ’d, will you allow him to be iuaugurated? — Blaine. If Samuel J; Tilden is elected before be is inaugurated the streets will run with blood.—[Kilpatrick. By the blessing of God, the Republi cs ti party have held power for sixteen years, and I defy e>’en Him to oust them.—[Martin I. Townsend, M. C. A DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CONFESS ED, The New York Times, which has here tofore claimed the election of a majority of Republicans to tlie next House of Rep resentatives, now confesses that the “Democrats h .ve a maj rily iu that body- hut only a very small one, not exceedin; ten.” The Times further concedes that the Republican representation iu the next House ‘.bids fair to be weaker in point of "Chri,na»Naid. &«-1-**"“•?* r,“ , : re , K.,_; n .r btc ding the public streets, lull dressed, tx- And churlish chiding of the winter’s wind* \\ huh, when it bites and blows upon the botiv—*’ publ cept as to the important coqjtideratiuu of breeches.” -Well let’s look over it anyhow,” said Mr. Robert Builen. “Your descript ion-j-but mice to Adelaide, naming his brother Nathan | bra - ns ant i energy, as it certainly as executor. Nathan kept his counsel j point, of experience and parliamentary about tlie legacy, and had Adelaide too ] ship, than it is in the present one.” easily committed to the asylum as a pay ing patient, and was living in the enjoy ment-of her inheritance. He had taken Dr Gurling into his confidence, and had paid magnificently for her detention. Adelaide consented to the arrest of her uncle, as the surest means of establishing HANDS OFF. We earnestly- hope that the President will tolerate no interference in this affair of purely State concern. The duty of til hour is, “Hands off.” Let the troops preserve order ami aid the constituted (G litlfU ^tn,'Ct. uuou «‘iw 1 j "j solutions. In the pause j that you were walking yourself and did There is only one man in the world who is deuced can quiet Grant when suffering with an j sW -autp good resi _ attack of the Jim Jams. That man is Ex- ; the wind being momentarily hu*hed some writing, while fancying a proxy Governor Psluuuut Bard, of Idaho. When an( j hi s breath bated be heard a fait the Presiden learned that Pslaiumy was sU; com i„g along the hall, which end ed wi.h his apartment. I “FerMialisd and pleasantly, too,” a mournful shake ot the head . “Wild gu< se ! In the wards of Ham- j let ‘This spirit you may have seen may 1 , , ;i ,e. f Wh nnw^r roassnmea her sanity and recovenng her property, aulhor i t ies In preventing domestic vio be a devd that . p I but the smooth superintendent was true j | ence . Beyond that, they should not lift p!ea.-ing shape. There a e no creature j l() !lig p., tr ,. n u -rl too quick for Roland ■ a huger. This matter of two Legislatures t but mice in Brindale we have not look- j ajj,; t he officers. He leiegraped to Nathan j an ^ two Governors is the business of 1 Munthropc that afternoon, and the rascal e ou ,h Carolina; let South Carolina settle OUVEft ROSTRUM FASHIONABLE TAILOR and CUTTER. Water Street, Bni.nbridge, Georgia. Who studies to fit and please all 1 merr. Ml garments of my cutting will cortaialy fit if made up properly. GENTS WILL PLEASE CALL and jmdga for vour a elffes. Oct. 19, 187*»—ly. n & £ Pla* H “ 7 5 £2 - §j- P-j J = 5 u 73 ^ «r-* M ° *- Q l'M\ 2 ‘5 sf 4» JO ® £ .0 .5 * © ^ll 0s“ii i!if ; “j A £ 5 t 4 t c -2 ~ — - r o a £ O 3 t 5* •3 c < ijiji a >1 i m « A >* w - g * ! y: 2=5 g ^ 1^0 w If I s.o5 © >05 «r®-= ** bO t* *2 u > « o 3 © £«« * i 3 * 2 2 • 3 s frills s -Si 0.2 s •H 2 2 §> a £ i •33 5 I 3 1 .2 S c 5 A *— CC «Q MRS. P. A. STOCKTON, Has opened ber Route, FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF BOARDERS, QUISCY. FLORIDA * * * *** **** ** * * * * * ******^ **#*»****-» *#******»•#•««••#• L. J. GUILMARTllf. JOH!f 7L41IBBT. L, J. GUJLMARTIN &C0., Cotton Factors —AMD— COMMISSION MERCHANT», Savannah, Ga, Agcuis Tur Bradley's Phosphate, Jevdl'l Mills Yarns and Domestics, tfcc. 1 RAGGING and IRON TIE3 fee y lowest market rates. Prompt att ntion given te ell entrusted to ns. Liberal cash advances make ou menls. ■**#•»**■ (Under the Rankin Houoe) COLUMBUS, asoasu* L .d b - AJok y„ 5Iun , hr „ p , b i n | np whatever he coaid of -iu t n ._y. Y . T,IU,*. , ... ... i and absconded. Gut of Adelaide's for- i »» 1 — tlirnJ ile ana fur ah we know, mure | “ ’ tune of nearly half a million she recover- | "jyi-’mith undertakes to puli my ears. acting with the Democrats, he ripped a j s f* terrible oath, called for some more w his- , key, aad ordered Huger to Tallahassee. it will be a stunning tale to tell Poland produced his dairy rather Jeluctaztly, and proceeded ta tut* over like her, hidden away, in the name ui ^ more tbnn three hundred thousand. j said’jonos, -he will just have bis has, U full, law, without public proces = , secure from j gbe had n „ recollection of any of the ! now.” Tim crowd lokei at the man s -airs, even official intrusions, and subject to ' circumstances attending the means of the and thought so too. RESTAURANT BILLIARD SALOON, The Restaurant is now open and will be supplied with fresh fish and oysteva, and in fact all the delicacies of the market. Par. ties visiting the city will find to these inter est to give us a ca’l. A. F. CLEMENTS & CO„ pse21-2m Proprietors