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VOL. i.
gjjje Carroll iointj] Bimcs,
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i)R. W. W. FITTS,
Physician and Surgeon,
Carrollton. j
i:. i>. THOMAS^Oft,
Attorney at Law,
Carrollton. Georgia.
Gun Smith and Repairer,
Carrollton; Georgia.
Boot and Shoe maker.
Carrollton. Georgia.
Carpenter and Joiner,
Carrollton, Georgia.
All kinds of Carpenters work done at
short notice. Patronage solicited/
Newnan, Georgia.
W. M. Reynolds, Owner and Proprietor.
Table always supplied wuii the best (he mar
ket atiords. Board as cheap as any where
b Georgia. Board Two Dollars per Day.
Carrollton, Ga., 1872,
Tuition lor Forty Weeks, lrcm sl4 to $42.
Board, irom sl2 to sls per mouth.
Opens 2d Monday in January next.
Teiuis one nail m advance.
A. C. KEESE, A. >l., Pnttcipal.
l$T For Board appiy to Dr. 1. JN. Uhkney,
&| 0 a. Scogiu, Esq.
bios. Chandler, Joseph L. CobL>.
Attorneys at Law,
Carrollton, Georgia.
'bll practice m the Superior Courts oi me
bllapoosa Rod Rome Cueiul». bpee/Ui al
teQ t*on given to ail business connected witn
; lle AuiillLiislration ol Estates, and the' Coi
i lion oi ciaitus. Ollice iu the Coct House.
fiR. I. N. CHENEY,
-pectlully informs the citizens of €*rro»f,
1 adjacent counties, that he is permanently
| fd at Carrollton, lor the purpose of Prac
" I[J o Medicine. He gives special attention
* a H chronic diseases of Females. He re
' thanks to friends for past patronage,
dl! 1 '‘"l" I *, by close attention to the profes
,s‘ <m ' merit the same,
-Uluiiui and West Point Railroad.
Uay Passengertbain —(outward)
Atlanta 711a.m.
'sat West Point... . ~ll4Ja. m,
day passenger train—( lnwarl- )
Arrives at Atlanta * s >6p. m.
>vt 6l p wlD| foop.m.
Tn ' Rni AUanta * HPO7 a. m.
° ' 1 n ’ ce faster than Atlanti CRy time.
Tell Your Wife.
“Tell my wile ! ” said Aaron Little
speaking aloud, yet to himself, in a
half amused half, troubled way. ‘Tell
my wife, indeed ! Much good that
wil do ! What does she know about
business, and money matters 1 and the
tricks of trade? No, no ; there’s no
hope there/
A*nl Aaron Littie sat musing with
a perplexed countenance. He held a
newspaper in his hand, and his eyes
! had just been lingering over a para
graph In which the writer suggested
to business meii in trouble the propri
ety of Coilsuiting their wives.
Talk to them freely about your af
fairs,’ it said. Let them understand
exactly your condition. Tell them of
your difficulties, of your embarrass
ments, and you'* plans for extricating
yourselves from the entanglements in
which yon are involved, My word
for it, you will get help in nine cases
out of ten. Women have quick per
ceptions. They reach Conclusions by
a nearer way than reasoning, and get
at the solution of a difficult question
long before your slow moving thoughts
bring you near enough for acurate > b
ser various Tell your wives* then inen
in trouble, all about your affairs! Keep
nothing back. The better they un
derstand the matter, the better, will
be their perceptions.
“ All a very fine theory,” said Aaron
Little, tossing the newspaper fl'otti
him, and leaning hack in bis chair.—
“ But it won’t do in my case. Tell
Betsy ! Yes I’d like to see myself do
ing it. A man must be hard pushed
indeed, when lid goes home to tem
suit his wife on business affairs.
And so Aaron Little dismissed the
subject. He was in considerable
doubt and perplexity of mind Things
had not gone well With him for a year
nst. Dull business and bad debts
ft his affairs in rather an un
coil using Condition. He could not
see his way clear for the future.—
Takri . a» t had been tor the
past six months, he could not imagine
wit' die resources at his com
maud, Ills matured payments were to
be made.
“ I must get more capital,’ he said
to himself ‘That is plain. Vud with
more capital must come in a partner.
I don’t like partnerships. It is diffi
cult for two men to woik together
harmoniously. Thhr ou may pet en
tangled with a ror It’s ar.oky bu
siness But I see no other wa v out
of this trouble. My own capi
too light for the business lam do g,
and as a measure of safety more must
be brotight in. Lawrence is anxious to
join me, and he says he can command
ten thousand pounds. I don’t like him
in all respects ; he is a little to fond of
pleasure But I want his money more
than his aid in business. He might
remain a silent partner if he chose.—
I'll call and see him tnis very night
and have a little talk on the subject.
If he can bring in ten thousand pounds
I think that will settle the matter,
With this conclusion in his mind;
Aaron Little returned home, after
closing his warehouse for the day.—
Tea being over, he made preparations
for going out, with the intention of
calling upon Mr. Lawrence. As he
leached his hand tor his great coat, a
voice seemed to say to him—
“ Tell your wife. Talk to her about
But he rejected the thought instant
ly and commenced drawing on his
** Where ta’C ton going, Aaron ? *
asked Mrs. Little, coming forth Irom
the dining room.'. ■ .
“ Out for a little while,” he replied,
I’ll be back in half an hour or so.”
“Out where ? ”
“ Tell her, Aaron. Tell her all
about it said the voice, speaking in
his mind.
“ Nonsense ! She don’t understand
anything about business. She can’t
help me,” lie answered firmly.
“ Tell vour wife! ” The words were
in his mind, and would keep repeating
“Can’t you say where you are going,
Aaion? Why do you make a mystery
’of it?”
r “ Oh, it’s only a matter of business.
I I’m going to see Air Lawrence.”
I “ Edward Lawrence ? ”
“ Tell your wife ! ” The words
seemed almost as if uttered aloud in
his ears.
“ What are you going to see him
about * ”
« Tell her ! ”
Mr. Little stood irresolute. What
good would telling her do !
“ What’s the matter, Aaron? You’ve
been dull for some time past. Noth
ing going wrong with you I hope?”
and his wife laid her hand on his arm
and leaned toward him in a kind way.
“ Nothing very wrong,” he answer
ed in an evasive manner “ Business
has been dull this season.”
k' “ Has it ? I'm sorry. Why didn’t
toil - -me ? ”
“ What good would that have
done ? ”
“ It might have done a great deal of
good. When a man's business is dull,
bis wife should lo«>k to the household
expense, but if she knows nothing
about it, she may go on in a way that
is really extravagant under the cir
cumstances. I think that men ought
always to tell their wives when any
thing is going wrong.”
“ You do ? ”
‘ ‘Certainly I do. What better rea
son can you want than the one I have
given ? If she knows that the income
is reduced, as a prudent wife, she vv ill
end' avor to reduce the expenses.—
Hadn’t you better take off your coat
and sit down and talk with me a lit
tle before you go to see Mr. Law
rence ? ”
Mr. Little permitted his wife to
draw off his overcoat- which she took
into the passage ami replaced on the
hat rack. Then returning into the
parlor she said l
“ Now Aaron talk to me as freely
as You choose. Don’t keep anything
back. Whatever the trouble is, let
me know it to the full extent.”
“ Oh, there’s no very great trouble
yet lam only afraid of trouble, I
see it coming and wish to keep out
of its way, Betsy.”
“ That’s wise and prudent, said his
wife. “Now tell me why you are go
ing to set Mr, Lawrence.”
“ Mr. Little let his eyes fall to the
floor, and sat for some moments in si
lence. Then looking up he said ;
“ The truth is, Betsey, I must have
more capital in my business. There
will be no getting on without it,—
Now Mr. Lawrence can command or
says he can command ten thousand
pounds. I think he would like to join
me. He has said as much two or three
“ And are you going to see him on
that business ? ”
“I was.”
“Don’t do it,” said Mrs- Little, em
“ Why not ? ” asked Aaron.
“ Because he isn’t the man for you—
not if lie had £20,000.
“ Because is no reason,” replied
Aaron Little:
“ l ife extravagance of his wife is
enough,” was answered firmly.
“ What do you know about her? ”
“Only what I have seen. I have
called on her two or three times, and
ha»e noticed the style in which her
ho”'e was furnished. It is arrayed in
ice attire compared with ours. And
as for dress, it would take the interest
of a little fortune to pay her milliner’s
and mantua maker’s bills. No, no,
Aaron, Mr. Lawrence is not the man
depend upon it. He’d use up the
£IO,OOO in less than two years.”
“Well Betsey that's pretty plain
talk, said Mr. Little, taking a long
breath. “ I’m rather afraid after what
you’ve said, that Mr. Lawrence is not
my man. But what ami to do? ” and
hia voice fell in a troubled tone. “ I
must have more capital or, —■”
‘‘‘Or what ? His wife looked at
him steadilv, and without any sign of
weak anxiety.
“ Or I may become bankrupt.”
“I am sorry to hear you say that
Aaron.” and Mrs. Little’s voice trem
bled perceptibly.
“But lam glad you told me The
new parlor c:u pet of course I shall not
“ Or, as to that, the amount it will
cost can make no great difference,”
said Mr. Little. “The parlor does
look shabby, and I know you have set
your heart on anew carpet.”
“Indeed, and it will make a differ
ence then,” replied the little woman
in her decided way. “The last feath
er breaks the camel’s back. Aaran Lit.
tie shall never fail because of his wife’s
extravagance. I wouldn’t have a ear
pet now if it were offered to me at
half price.”
“You are a brave, true woman, Bet
sy,” said Aaron, kissing his wife in the
fresh glow of a new r bora feeling of ad
“I hope I shall ever be a true, brave
wife,” returned Mrs-Little,“ willing al
ways to help my husband, either in
saving or in earning, as the case may
be. But let us talk more about vour
affairs, let me sec the trouble nearer.
Must you have ten thousand pounds
right away?”
“Oh, no no, it is not so bad as that,
I was only looking ahead, and seeking
to provide the means for approach
ing payments. I don't want a part
ner as far as the business itself is con
i cefned; I don t like partnerships* they
are always accompanied with annoy
ances or danger. It was the money I
was after not the man,”
“ The money would come dearly at
the price of the man, if you took Mr.
Lawrence for a partner, at least that
is my opinion. But lam glad to hear
you say, Aaron, that you are in no im
mediate danger. May imt the storm
be weathered by reefing sail, as the
sailors say.” «
By reducing expenses?”
“ Don’t gay no too quickly,” replied
his wife. “Let us go over the whole
matter at home and at the store.
Suppose one or two thousand were
saved in a year, what difference would
that make?"
“Oh, if that were possible, which is
not, it makes a vast difference in tlie
long run, but it would hardly meet
the dfiicultiCs approaching.”
“Suppose you had fire hundred !
pounds within the next two months,
beyond what vour business would give i
“That sum would mate all square !
for the next two months. But where I
is the five hundred pounds to come
from Betsy?”
“Desperate diseases require desper
ale remedies,” replied the brave little
woman in a resolute way. “I’m not
afraid of the red fiao-!
“Let us sell off our furniture at auc
tion, put the money into your busi
ness; it won’t bring less than five him
derd pounds, and it may biii g more.
The piano alone is worth nearly a hun
dred, and we can board a year or two,
and when you get all right again re
turn to houskeeping.!”
“We won’t try that yet, Betsy,”
said Mr. Little,
“But something must be done, the
disease is threatning, and my first pre
scription will arrest its violence I
have something more to propose. It
comes into my mind this instant; after
breaking tip we will go to mother’s.
You know she never wanted us to
leave there. It wouldn’t costs u> ov
er half what it does now* taking rent
into account, We will pay sister An
nie something to take care of little Ed
die and Lizzie through the day, and I
will go into your warehouse as chief !
“Betsey you are crazy.”
“Not a bit of it Aaron, but a sensi
ble woman, as you will find before you
are a year older, if you will let me
have my way. I don’t like that Hob
son, and never did, as you know, I
don’t beleive lie’; a fair man. Let me
take his place, and you will make a
clear three hundred pounds a year, and
may be as much more.”
“I can’t think of it, Betsy; let us
wait awhile.”
“You nittst think of it, and I won’t
wait awhile,” replied the resolute wife.
“What is right to be done is best
done quickly. Is there no safety to
my plan?”
“Yes I think there is but—”
“Then let ns adopt it at once, and
thi-ow all buts overboard, or,” and she
looked at him a little mischiveously,
“perhaps you would rather have some
talk with Mr. Lawrence first?”
: Hang Mr Lawrence!” ejaculated
Mr, Little.
' Very there being no help in
Mr. Lawrence, we will go to work Go
help ourselves. Self-help I have al
ways heard was the best help, and
most to be depended on. We may
know ourselves, and trust ourselves,
and that is a great deal more than we
can say ot other people. When shall
we have tbs s*le?”
’ Not so fast, Betsey, not so fast.
I haven’t agreed to the sale yet. That
w#uld be sure to make a certain loss.
! Furniture sold at auction never realizes
move than half its cost.”
“It would certainly gam, Aaron, if
it saved you from bankruptcy, with
which, as I understand it. you are
“I think; said Aaron, we may get
on without that. I like the idea of
your coming into my warehouse and
taking Hobson’s place. All the mon
ey from the retail sales passes through
his hands, aud he has it in his power,
if not Ironist, to rob me seriously, and
I’ve not felt altogether easy in regard
to him of late. Why I can hardly
tell; I have seen nothing wrong, but
if you take his place, three hundred
pounds wifi be saved certainly.”
“But if I have my house to kefep,’
Mrs. Little answered to this, “how
can I help you at your warehouse?
The first thing in order is to get the
house off my hands.”
“Don’t you think that Annie could
be induced to come and live with us a
few months until we try the new ex
“But the money, Aaron; the money
this furniture would bring. That’s
what lam looking after. You want
money now.”
“Very true”
“Then let Us hang out the red flag.
Halfway measures may only ruin ev
erything. I know that mother will
not let Annie leave home, so it no
1 use to think of it. The red dag, Aa
ron—the red flag! jbepend upon it,
that s the first thing to be done. Five
or six hundred pounds in hand will
make you feel like another person—
give you courage confidence’ and en
“You may be right, Betsey but I
can t bear the thought of running out
the red flag of which vou talk so light
“Shall I say coward? Are you a
fraid to do what common prudent e tells
i von is right?”
* ©
“I was afraid, but am no longer
fainthearted. With such a brave lit
j tie wife as you to stand by my side, I
! need not fear the world.”
In a week from that day the ret?
flag was hung out. When the Juc:
| tioneer made up his accounts, he had
ion hand a little over eight hundred
pounds, for which a check was filled
I <>ut to the order of Aaron Little. It
came into his hands just at the right
moment, and made him feel, to use his
own words, “as easy as an old shoe.”
One week later, Mrs*. Betsey Little took
tlie place of Mr. Hobson, as chief man
ager and cash-receiver in her husbands
warehouse. There were some few
signs of rebellion among the clerks
and shop-girls at the begitiing, but
Mrs. Betsey had a clear steady eye, a
self-reliant air, that caused her pres-1
ence to be felt, and soon made every !
thing subservient to her will. It was j
a remarkable fact that at the close of j
the first week of her administration of
affairs, the cash receipts were a little
over £3O in excess of any week with I
in the previous three months.
“Have we done more business than '
usual this week?” she asked one clerk !
and another; and the uniform answer
“Then,” said the lady to herself,
“there s been foul play here. No won
dear my husband was in trouble.”
At the end of the next week the
sales came up to the same average, and
at the end of the third week were for
ty pounds better than when Airs. Lit
tle took the manage of the retail de
partment. Whether there had been
“foul play” or not, Aaron Little could
never Lilly determine; but he was in
no doubt as to one thing, and that
was the easy condition of the montw
market after the lapse of a half year.
Tor four or five months previous to j
Mrs Little’s administration of affairs,
he was on the street for nearly half of
his time, duringjmsiness hours, en
gaged in the work of money-raising;
now his regular receipts had got in ad
vance of his payments, so that 1113 bal
ance on the morning of each day was ;
usually in excess of the notes to be lif- i
ted. Os course he could give more !
attention to business, and of course j
businessincreased’and grew more prof- I
itable under the improve:! system. By
the end t*f the year, to use his own
words, he was “all right.” Not so I
with a neighbor of his, who, to get
more capital, had taken, Mr. Lawrence
as a partner. Instead of bringing in j
ten thousand pounds that “capitalist’ i
was only able to put down three thou
sand, and before me end of the year
had drawn out six or seven thonsand,
and given no*es of the firm for as
much more in paj ment of old obli
i gations. A failure of the house fol
lowed as an inevitable result.
When the fact of the failure became
knowu to Mr. Little, he remarked
with a shrug:
! “Tm sorry for B—; but he should
; have told his wife.'
“Os what? asked the person to
whom he addressed tlie remaik.
“Os his want of more capital, and
his intention to make a partner of
Lawrence. ”
“What good would that have done?”
“It might have saved him from ruin,
! as it did me.”
“Ycu are very mysterious, Little.”
“Am I? Well in plain words, a
year ago I was hard up for money in
' my business, and thought of taking in
Lawrence. I told my wife about it.
She said, ‘Don’tdo it.’ And I didn’t;
for her ‘Don’t do it’ was followed by
suggestions to his extravagance that
opened my eyes a little. I told her at
the same time, of my embaraasments
and she set her bright little head to
work and showed me the way out of
them. Before this I always had a
poor opinion of woman's wits in mat
; ters of business: but now I say to eve
j ry man in trouble—‘Tell your wife!’
The Woman you Love.
“Let the woman you look upon be
wise or vain, beautiful or homely, rich
or poor, she lias but one thing to give
!or refuse—her heart. Her beauty, her
wit, her accomplishments, she may sell
| to you—but her love is the treasure
i without monev and without price.
! She only asks in return that when you
j look upon her, yoilr eyes shall speak a
mute devotion; that when you address
• her, your voice shall be gentle, loving
and kind.—That you Shall not despise
her because she cannot understand, all
at once, your thoughts and
ambitious plans, for when misfortune
and evil have defeated yottr greatest
pursuits—-her love remains to console
you. Yon look upon the trees for
strength ami grandeur; do not despise ,
the flowers because their fragrance is ,
afi they have to give.—Remember,
love is all a woman can give—but it is
the only earthly thing which God per
mits us to carry beyond the grave.”
Only let a woman be sure she is
' precious to her husband—not useful
not valuable, not convenient simply,
| but lovely and beloved; let her be the
| recipient of his polite and hearty at
tention; let her feel that she has the
sincere respect of her husband and
; that her care and love are noticed, ap
| predated and returned; let her opin
ions be asked, her approval sought and
her judgment respected in matters of
which she is cognizant; in short, let
her only be loved, honored and cher
ished in the true sjiirit ot the marriage
vow, and she will be to her husband, j
children and society a well spring of 1
pleasure. She will bear pain and toil j
and anxiety, for her husband’s love to
her is a tower and fortress. Shielded
and sheltered therein, adversity will
! have lost its sting. She may suffer,
[ but sympathy will dull the edge of sor
i row A house with love in it, and by
j love I mean love expressed iti words
and looks and deeds ( for I have not
one spark of faith in love that never
crops out) —is to a house without love
|as a person to a machine; one is life
the other mechanism. The unloved
woman may have bread just as light,
a house just as tidy, a dress just as
neat as the other, but the latter has a
spring of beauty about her, a joyous
ness, an aggressive, penetrating and
pervading brightness to which the
former is a stranger. The deep hap
piness in her heart shines out in her
face. She gleams over it. She is full j
of devices and plots, and sweet surpri
ses for her husband and family. She
is never done with the romance and
poetry of life. She herself is a lyric
poem, setting herself to all pure and
gracious melodies. Humble house
hold ways and duties have for her a
golden significance. The prize makes
her calling high, and the end sanctifies
the means. “Love is heaven, and
heaven is love/’
Night and Day.— What a beauti
ful thougit is embodied in these words
of Holy Writ, “and the evening and
the morning were the first day, and
the evening and the morning thd §<?--
cond day ” Morning ha.s and ever* will
follow the evening; and though 04f
whole life may seem like one CdfltifHF
ed night, it shall be succeeded by th@
brightness of eternal day. In Custom
ary method of computing time we reck
on that day commences at twelve
o’clock, and that we have both its ex
tremes shrouded in darkness. A sim
ilar idea have we of life, of morning's
childhood and eymingV old age. But
it need not be thus with the Christ
ian’s life, t4 r the evening time may be
brightened with the radiance of our
heavenly Father's countenance; so that
which seems to us like a beautiful sun
set scene, is really but a single ray from
which ushers in the glorious resur
rection morning. We read of those
in ancient times who died “oldand full
of days,” yet how many have died be
i fig old and full of nights. Evil thoughts
and deeds, unthankfulness and com
plaint, are such as makeup ottrnights-
Our days are made up of pure deeds,
sorrows patiently borne, of loving sym
pathy to the poor, bereaved one, little
acts and looks of kindness, which
bring back the glad sunshine to some
weary soul s, and as bal in to lh e wour d
ed spirit. They are the bright, pre
cious gems, whose radieace sparkles
throughout all time, and by whose
clear light we can behold the high
way cast up for the ransomed of the
Lord" 1
A gentleman has lately can
vassed tour hundred and forty-eight
families of ministers, and finds that
they contain two thousand one hun
dred and one children over fifteen years
of age. Os these fourteen hundred
and fourteen are hopefully pious, nine
ty-three of them in the ministry, or
preparing for it, and only thirty-four
dissipated. He thinks an equal record
cannot be produced from any other
We gave yesterday a short arlicla
on the subject ot the importance to
the people of the South of utilizing 11
' the fullest extent the rich products of
the soil. By facts and figures taken
from an annual exhibition of the An
gusta (Gn.) Manufacturing Company,
we showed how by suffering our co<
ton to be manufactured abroad, we
were daily losing one’ of the richest
profits of its pioducts. We showed
that the gross profits arising from the
I manufacture of cotton by the Angus
ta mill, amounted to an average of 0$
cents per pound. Itence it follows
that by neglecting to manufacture our
own cotton we, in effect, not only
give away cent on every pound of
cotton raised in the South, but actual
ly pay out of our gross receipts for cot
ton sold, a bonus of at least cents
per pound to do that for us which we
could absolutely make a largo profit
by doing for ourselves'?
The cotton crop of 1871 amounted
in round numbers to, say 4,000,000
bales. At an average 0t440 pounds per
t bale—the average weight of the bales
" manufactured last year by the Augus
ta (Ga.) mills —this would give 1,760
000, 000 pounds as the weight of cot
ton raised in the South last year. At
cents per pound the saving to the
South from manufacturing her own
cotton would be $111,456,GG6! or a
bout one-half of the net value of the
whole crop!
We have used the gross profits of
the Augusta mills because the expen
ses, which come out of the gross prof
its, are paid out to operatives in the
1 South, and amount to a part of the
Southern income proper from the man
ufacture of cotton.
Os course we have no idea that the
South will be able to manufacture all
of her cotton for many long years to
come. But she can manufacture a
large proportion ot it, and her best in
terests absolutely require that she
should do it. Because, in addition to
the profit arising from its manufacture*
the amount .of cotton that Southern
mills would withdraw from the gen
eral market, would have a inaiiest
tendency to enhance the value of the
whole cotton crop to the producer
and bring into the South more money
from abroad.
We have, this morning, some addi
tional facts gleaned from the annual
statement of the Graniteville(S. C.)
Manufacturing Company to which wd
invite the particular attentiori of our
readers. It appears irdfti the state
ment in question that this Qfflnitivillc
factory has increased tll« iittirlber of
its looms froth Silt fit (lie dcise Os tho
war to 670 at ft fit! itst Spindles
from 9,120 tci 24.000, find its product
ive capacity from 00,*000 to 17 ">,OOO
yards pet ; Week) wlthoflc Stopping div
Mends Os ftsSCSsiiig stock holders. Tho
net pirifitS of the three years have
been $903:007.21 of which $144,640
Was paid Oitt iti dividends and 180,967,.
20 earned to profit and loss.
lew fact# speak volumes to
the thinking then and contaiufood {of
Sefioh§ rcHeeti Of h—4/>m tgom -ry, Aik
luma Adnwtisek
Every am builds hid own
buiids it niany-ch arnbei-ed,
vtiitilkted, picture-hung,
ed, guest full; Or low-pent, bat'd Wad
flowerless, inhospitiable—jiistiri aO€Of
dance with bis-inner natures ‘fbedsC
ly as the internal force ofaffiriity in the
mollusk lays hold of and aggregates
round itself the fine lime particles iri
the sea water, so does the internal force
in the human soul lay hold and aggre
gate around itself what it wants. The
surrounding ocean holds in solution
knowledge, pleasure, meat, drink, wit,
wisdom, friends, flowers, God; and out
of this wealth we secrete our shells—
calm-shells, a3 we are calm or nautili.
We find what we crave—fun, if w<=»
have a zest for the funny; friends, if
we long for friends; beauty, if we love
beauty: thought, if we tend to thought.
Slowly we build up our house. Small
or large, if we are refined, it is refined,
if we are roomy it is roomy.
Well Informed Ladies.—llow
much more intelligent and fascinating
the majority of young ladies would be
were they to give a little more atten
tion to newspaper reading! We do
not mean the flash papers of the dav
which are filled with matter which, if
it does no harm, can certainly do no
good, but to newspapers-lhose which
make us familiar with present charac
ter and improvinents of the age. It
is well enough to know something of.
the worlds history, but it is with the
present we have mainly to deal, and
we know of no more engaging trait in
a lady’s character than a fair acquaint
ance with passing events.
Every young lady should have an in
teligenl opinion on the moral, mental,
political and religions subjects of the
times, and the best, and indeed the
only way to find this, is to read good
newspapers diligently — Mepubliean,
NO. l.