The Carroll County times. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1872-1948, September 27, 1872, Image 3

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'flu; Carroll County Times. -. |: ,|.|T"X.‘'A Sl a ~ |ST -- enlitr , T.o<tuP. N0.91. I. (>. O t prirani *i a kHv m ects eecoud and fourth Ftf «*** . Masonic. 11 Xo. f.9, F. A. M., wamtif t A/ r * r lml Novvraber 1, 1848 meets oa the Wff Tuesday in each mouth. Chuch Directory. CHVBCH.-Rev.Wita. Dimtnock’s ™"B rTKK, f,Vtlii-County are: Ist Sabbath at „ ;, lin , c , nt8 1 “* l , Carro uton ; Ad Villa Rica ; 4tli Factory . rtkf° CHttncH.—Services by at ■"mbtßO®®!. Sabbath ; ltev. Jos. Chambers ou - my6r me<itin « e ' v ery !v O. \V. Col quit on 3d in each month. JarW *„ cbub< H.-Kev. A. C. Borden will B |il ‘T lA . J |, e Baptist Church on the Ist Sunday .. i n iU , tl . Kpfdre in each month u itil changed, the public will be Notified. The i» f flill observe this announcement. A FOR tax collector. n/iWKR—An old citizen, Who has contri ’• |v to the public enterprises ol the t "i ounces himself as an independent I ■■•ntv. 1,1 . Tax Collector of Carroll county. , furs. ' ?I ' .Voters op Caßßou. Cotthtt.—We pro- T nT f, Jme of J. M. lIAMItU'K, J*.(a Woumf ;><•' candidate for the otlice of Tax Col c of Carroll, ;<t turo(tb cc< ’ j FArtSfLA* Election. Ejection for .Governor and metfl ;„ r s of the Legislature, will be held L , verv precinct in the State, on 2d October. W anted. t\'e want immediately one hundred labels ot wheat,- for which we will furnish one hundred copies of the Carroll County Times for one year. One bushel of wheat will pay for the Times for one year. Oi.d Pavers. — Old papers for sale at this office, tit 50cts per hundred. The attention ot those inter es ted is called to road notice in our advertising columns. Ifojr lifiiii Tuesday night and clou dy ever since, with a prospect of more. I&T We are glad to see Mr. E. G. ••ainer hack from New York, where fphns been the past few weeks laying his fall and winter stock. Attention.— J- W. Downs has on dhllntion and for sale at his store West side of the public Square, a lot cL jjis Intent Plows, which every (’inner should call and examine. ii’ v aov,\r.;—Mi\ Z. P. Worthy lias . i to his new building on the ~ din out t< 'Wards Newnan. Ftreet 10a * & . , n , „ 'flee lias also been removed the 1 ost On 4o the same pWV 0 - i fef Judge l , >uchau aH will hold-Sit* n-rior Court for this com. " eCli a ’~ r next. There are two o '•"tipants <■;’ our Jail, whose eases we pre.' 11 mil come up then. i H' Our lawyers are oft’at Haralson Court this week. Up to this writing, (Tiiirsidav) none of them have return mI. and we suppose Court is still in session. Cotton.—We noticed a good deal ffCotton in town on yesterday. W e our merchants will be able to v it all and keep tlie trade of Car toil at home. G. & N. A. If. If.—We learntlit lading continues on the above : ad. The cars are expected to run liitesburg by the Ist of Novem bor. t.xy Advertisements. —We have 't'Crul newndvevtisemepts from some the stirring businessmen of New an, which we have not been able to .-•t in this issue of the Times. They v -‘ appear next week. fhe noise of the hammer and of the saw can be heard at all X ami in all directions in Car ‘ 011 - Improvement is still the or- of the day. ‘ r On next Sunday, the 30,th inst, l,e lwvHr Quigo, a Presbyterian Newton county, will 1,1 1 in the Methodist church at this pace. f otton i s opening very fast ll! fanners are now busy gatlier ‘ ?sn tJ ie fleecy staple. Within a ■“ it will all be open. The crop “ ' ea short one owing to the Au st drowth. Attention is called to the ad ■e,nent of valuable town proper || I,j r sale by Mr. R. L. Edgeworth, ‘■'fsidence, upon which he is now ’' ,ai g, we consider one of the most / ' a Ueiu Carrollton, being a good "a with all necessary out houses, ; 'Veil of water, excellent orchard, ( l ,|ydv,e acres of land upon the p] a : le cottage, is also a desirable bjj, lur & small family, and the town % ie I’ 68 ! locations in Car 11 ur a business house n— _ l 0n( ‘! AKGE °r Firm. —The goods be \--"‘S to the old firm of Rlalock & •>ew i. o ,i , ia ' e equally divided and ‘ at ‘A them removed to the old (4 t j (lt t,ie firm, on the S. E. Corner of I square under tlie charge to c j f Ihalock. He is offering for ° Ut en tii‘e stock at cost, a ti<3 k * lc fr’iends of the firm Wit*.,|' genendly are respectively l%t Ull i t to aAa A themselves of this op Hiog ,!■' to Purchase their winter sup at a Sl »ah cost. 1 -b I«7S— t s. 3M asonic Notice. The members ot Carroll Lodge, No b <fc A M., are hereby nolitie<l to attend the next meeting of said Lodge on Tuesday the Ist., prox. It is the last regular communication of the Lodge before the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, and there is much important business to be considered. J. M. RICHARDSON, W M. J M McCalman, Secretary. Notice to Debtors— All persons indebted to Blalock & New, are most urgently requested to come forward and settle. The firm lias been dissol ved, Consequent upon the death of Mr Blalock, and the goods divided, and hence the necessity of closing up the business. All those to whom the firm has heretofore generously ex tended its credit, we hope, will appreciate the situation, and will come forward, now that the cotton crop is pouring into market, and mon ey becoming plentiful, and settle up their old dues. These accounts must be settled this Pall, and we hope our friends will come promptly forward. You will still find W. C. New at the old Stand, where old accounts can be settled. it In riding through the country to La Grange and afterwards to West Point, we were thoroughly con vinced after a close observation of the crops in Heard and Troup counties, that the crops in Carroll, this year, were much better than in either of the above counties, and that Carroll is a superior country for fanning purpo ses'. 86^Cheering news comes to us from nearly every part of the county, as to Col. Candler’s prospect on next Wed nesday. We learn that it is thought, that he will carry the 4th and oth District almost unanimously, and that the 11th and Bowdon Districts will give him rousing majorities. Turkey Creek District, which gave only one Democratic vote last election, it is said will give Col. C. a very respectable vote on next Wednesday. The thanks of the editor of this paper, are hereby returned to the gentlemen, who were so kind as to look after the Times editorially, du ring his absence the past two weeks. The Union Singim; will con vene with the Macedonia church, 8 miles East of Carrollton, on the fifth Sabbath of this month. All invited, and especially leaders of music. &RT Air. P. G. Garrison is making active preparations towards coiinnen cing work upon his new brick build ing. Preparations are now being made for the laying of the foundation, anJ the brick are being hauled, pre paratory to commencing work on next Monday. The building will be two stories high, with fifty feet front and .rixty five feet depth. There will be four r00.,:s in «>c second story, and a cellar underneati,, tMrty foot square On the first floor there y-ul be two store rooms. North & South Railroad. LETTER FROM CAPT. XV'. D. CHIPI.EY, A CTIXG SU P ERIXTEXDE NT. The tollowing letter explains itself. Though not written, we presume, for publication, vet as we see no impro priety in publishing it, we give it to the public: Mr. E. R. Siiarpe, Carrollton, Ga. Dear /Sir: —In reply to your en quiry as to the whereabouts of the Engineer Corps of this Company, I have to say it is now below Franklin, revising the line at that point. Maj. Wood in charge of location reports that he secured a very good line to Carrollton, and thence to the Talla poosa river, which can be constructed at moderate cost, lie added that be was surprised at the character of the lands in Carroll—that he found them better than any below on the line of the road. It is useless to dwell upon the splendid future in store for Carroll County, with proper rail road devel opment. We have two excellent lines through Heard, one being immediate ly west of Franklin, and the other, one and a half miles distant. As soon as the subscriptions will justify, the Company will make a permanent loca tion to Carrollton, and work will be commenced at once. It would be an insult to your intelligence to comment upon the fact that rail roads cant be built without money, and if the peo ple on the line whose property is to be enhanced in value, and whose con venience is to be subserved will not help build them, they' cannot reason ably expect others to construct for them. I was very much encouraged by the interest evinced at our recent meeting in your town, and I hope an active canvass in Carroll and Heard too, will secure sucli results as will en able us to commence work within the limits of both counties at an early day. Yours respectfully, W. D. Chiplev, Acting Superi n ten daut, N. <fc S. R. R. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 21, 1872. I Subscibo to the Times. (Communicated.) Democra ic Ticket in Carroll. Who will be elected? is a question in every body’s mouth. We confess the political horoscope is a little cloud ed just now, but this is about as near as we can come to the truth: For Representative— The various questions that have been made an is sue of in this race, makes this contest doubtful. We cannot at present , give a decided opinion. But wait pa tiently friends, we do not think the time or man either will I>. Long. hor Ordinary. —This is easy to decide on, there being a Jewliand (Ju lian) in it, and they are generally a successfid people. P or Clerk.— We think Uncle Mat will go through all right. Although there is to be a Brace—well staked against him. For Sheriff. —lf well Fed, this gentleman will come out with flying colors. For Tax Receiver. —We do not think this Cob will be as thoroughly shelled as some believe. Go ahead Joe you are f all right. FoR Tax Collector.— Veal ha g always been a popular dish with all classes, and we have no doubt will take well yet. For Treasurer —ls the large and interesting Smith family of this coun ty will only combine, they alone can elect a man from their number. For Surveyor.— The Man Devil that was nominated for this office has declined, and is now going about like a roaring lion, seeking “the lost sheep of Israel” and what few other tinners O “he may devour”. For Coroner. —We are nnanimosly willing to “bet our money on the Gray." Personal —We had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. E. R. Sharpe, of the Carroll County Times on Tuesday last, on his return from West Point to his home. He was also a delegate to our Congressional Convention last week. Our friend speaks very en couragingly of his prospects in Carroll ton. Wc wish him success and pros pevity. He is also engaged in farm ming in a small way and raising chil dren.—La Grange Reporter . Found —The bill ameudingthe char ter of the town of Carrollton passed the last Legislature and received the approval of the Governor. But not reaching the office of Secretary of State diligent search was instituted for it, and it was finally discovered a few days since. It had been misplaced.— vi tlanta Constitution. Carroll, Heard and Joining Counties.— -The well known firm G. L. & R. A. Johnson, at Newnan, are making extensive preparation to sup ply the wants of their numerous cus tomers and friends, with all the Gro ceries and Dry Goods they want du ring the Fall and Winter. They keep a large stock and sell at wholesale and retail. Will buy your cotton, or sell it for you, without charges. They keep constantly on hand a heavy stock of Bagging and Ties at wholesale an J yet ail, am! bare several comforta bio and coimuPdions r<C?» connected with their stores, which are u l V s open and offered gratuitously to tlieir customers and friends to spend the night while in their town. Capt. Tom Wood and D. P. Woodroof who are with them will be glad to have their friends call when in Newnan. Aug. 30, 1872—ts. Die isings brighten as they taJce their flights k The chief of 'blessings is good health, without which nothing is worth the having ; it is always appreciated at its true value after it is lost, but, too often, not before. Live properly, and correct ailments before they become seated. For diseases of the liver, kid neys, skin, stomach, and all arising from impure or feeble blood, Dr Walkers California Vinegar Dit ters are a sure and speedy remedy It has never yet tailed in a single in tance. 4 w. HYMENIAL. Married on the 22nd inst at the resi dence of the brides father by' Rev. John Couch, Air James P Hy att, and Miss Rutha Ann Handley, all of Cle burne county' Alabama. Carrollton Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY E. G. KRAMER. CARROLLTON, GA., Sept, 27, Cotton—Salts of the week 12 bales. We quote Middlings 15 Low Middlings 14 V Good Ordinary 11 Corn, per bushel 1 oO Wheat, . 1 40 Peas, “ “ 100 Dried Apples per pound Peaches pealed “ “ 8 Peaches un pealed 4 Butter “ “ .... . 20 Eggs per doz 15 Chickens 15 Bacon Sides .... 15 Bulk ” 14 Lard 1® Hams S. C 20 TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ! Are You Out of Employment 1 We wish the address of eve r y man and woman out of employment. We have work for them. Ad diess (inclosing stamp.) - GEORGE J. JOHNSTON, I*. 0. Dox 108. Montgomery, Ala. aug 10—ts. For Sale. The undersigned offers to sell in the town of Carrollton, one business Lot near tiie square, also a residence lot in the Northern part of the town. For further particulars, apply to G. W. HARPER. July 26—lm. liOWDON COLLEGE The exercises of the next term will open Thursday, Jugost 15th. Tuition per month $5 40 Board per month including all it°ms. sl2 50 to sls (".Masses will be organized in English Gram mar. Geography and Penmanship, for the benefit of students not fully prepared to en~ ter the regular classes. Bowdon College Is a School exclusively for young men Such arrangements are made, and such ex ercises pursued as are peculiarly adapted to that class of students. Therefore, young men, though having the advantages of good schools at home, will find it greatly to their advantage to spend a short time in this In stitution. BOWDON COLLEGE Is an institution of Carroll county, of which her citizens should be proud. It gives character to the county abroad, and should receive the generous support and pat ronage of our people. It livals no institu tion in the county, for there is no other like it. We, therefore solicit the eo-opeiation of all teachers in the county. BOWDON COLLEGE dfiords a Collegiate education to young men lor less than na'f the expense at other Colleges ; and by renting rooms and mess ing, a good education is within the reach of every industrious young man. • BOWDON COLLEGE Stands upon her merits, and upon this basis ik growing in popular favor. The best endowment for an institution of learning is a liberal patronage. T his we hope, by a faith ful discharge ot duty, to receive. PRIZE SCHOLLARSIIIFS. To the applicant who can stand the best examination in the studies required for en* tering each of the regular classes, a free scholarship will be granted for the remainder of the course. The first examination for prize scholarships will take place on Thurs day before the first Sunday in July, 1873. Thus the successful candidate for the Fresh man Glass will obtain a free scholarship for four years. The one fpr the Sophomore, for three years &c. All applicants must reside in Carroll county For Catalogue address the President, Rev. F. 11. M. HENDERSON, or J. D. MOORE, Jr. Sect. B. T. aug. 2, 1872. KEEP IT BEFORE THe That JOHN W. MEttRELL is offering his SP INGr STOCK On the live axd let live principle. Great inducements are offered for CASH The credit system is playing out so don’t mention it. April 26, 1872. Dr. .T. A. Clopton, of Huntsville, Ala., has invented a small Still run by an oil lamp, that will make * From Five to Twenty five Gallons of Pure Brandy a Pay. Every family South ought to keep a lew gallons of pure Brandies for medicinal pur ges, and if made bv themselves they would know it ' va ! I ,U P\ rnn T 1 f Dnrimy ti'“ f ruifc season, 000 gallons of good Brandies be made out of Dewberries, strawber ries, Chrries, Rltin?s, Reaches, Grapes and other Fruits , A circular with full directions for its use with a drawing of the apparatus, will be for warded to any address, upon a royalty of five dollars, with the right to use it in their own family. This indispensable apparatus, can be made by any Tinner at a cost of three dollars. Nothing of the kind has ever been gotten out before. No one, after using it, would ever be without it for one hundred dollars a year. All monies must be sent by Express or Postoffice orders, to his agent, 11. B Roper, Huntsville, Alabama. aug. 16. dh day! Agents wanted! All HpO » Uclasses of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else, Particulate free. Addiess G. Stin son & Cos., Portland, .Maine. sept. 6, ISTS-’y, POr Sale, A fine Cow and yearling JXO. M. RICHARDSON. sept. 13, 2t. ThcSavaiinahßcpublicaii. ESTABLISHED IN 1802. PUBLISHED BY HARDEE & SCUDDER. Oil AS- S. HARDER. lIENRY W. SCUDDER. Terms—lnvariably in Advance: One year ... SIO,OO Six months ... 5,00 Monthly .... 1,00 The Weekly Republican is published every Saturday Morning. One year - - - $2 00 Six months - - 1 (X) Three months - - 50 Rates of Advertising: One square, first insertion - $1 00 Each subsequent insertion - - 75 A square is ten measured lines of Nonpa reil type. .-ft l advertisements ordered to be in serted weekly in daily paper, or in weekly edition, will be charged one dollar per square for each insertion, £xcept when varied by special contract. THE REPUBLICAN, Is the oldest newspaper in the South, and is earnestly devoted to her interests. It con tains all the latest news, by telegraph and by letter, on all subjects of general interest- Moramercial, Agricultural, Scientific and Ciscellaneous—thereby adapting it to every class of the reading pablic. No pains or expense shall be spared to maintain its repu tation as a first class paper in every respect. Send for sample copy. LEGAL AD YE RTISEM ENTS. GEORGIA, Carroll County. Application will be made the Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, on the first Monday in October next, for leave to sell one hundred acre? of land, nnmber one hundred and thirty, in the sixth district of said county, the real estate of W. P. Embry, a miner son of R. G. Embryos said county deceased. NANCY EMBRY, Guard'll, sept. 6, 3bd. GEORGIA, Carroll County. Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Carroll couniy on the first Mon day in October next, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Isaac Hannah, late of said county, deceased. James Green, ~ , Richard Hannah, ' rs ’ sept. 6, 30d. GEORGIA, Carroll County. Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, of Carroll county, on the first Monday in October next for leave to sell the real estate of W. C. Boise, late of said coun ty deceased. sept. G. J. J. JUHAN, Ad mV. GEORGIA— CarroII county. Application will be made to the Court ol Ordinary of Carroll county on the first Mon day in October next for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of J. M. liar dago, deceased. SARRAII IIAEDAGE, Adra'rx. aug. 30, 1872-lm. GEORGIA, Carroll County. Z. A. Bonner, having applied to be ap pointed guardian of the person and property of William Marion Scott, a minor under fourteen years of age. resident of said Coun ty. This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the terra of the court ol Ordinary, to be held next, after the expira tion of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if they can, why said Z. A. Bonner should not be iutrust ed with the guardianship of the person and property of William Marion Scott. Witness ray official signature, aug.23—lm. I). B.JUHAN, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Carroll county. Whereas Margaret Walker, administrator of John M. Walker, represents to the court, in her petition, duly filed, and entered on record, that she has fully administered John M. Walker’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and credi tors, to show cause if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from her administration, and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in December next. D. B JUHAN, Ord’y. aug 23—4 m. GEORGIA, Carroll County. Application will be made [to the Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, on the first Monday in September next, for leave to sell all the real estate, belonging to the estate of James 0. Blair, deceased. W. H. JOHNSON, Jr. Adm’r. July 20—40d. GEORGIA, Carroli County. Thos. Bonner, Sen. Administrator on estate of Win. S. Bonner, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said trust. Therefore all persons interested will be and appear at my office, and file their objections if any, by the first Monday in November next, why said letters should not be granted. . D. B. JUHAN, Ord’y. aug. 2, ’72. GEORG lA — Carroll County. James J. Julian, applies for letters of ad ministration on the estate of W. C. Buise, deed, this is therefore to cite all and singu lar the creditors and next of kin of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, with in the time required by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letteis of administra tion should not be granted to said applicant, on the Ist Monday in .September next. D. B. JUHAN, Ord’y• aug. 2, 1872. GEORGIA, Carroll County. Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, on the first Monday in September next, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Henry E. Wise,late of said countv, deceased. W. H JOHNSON, Jr. Adm’r. July 2f>-40d. GEORGIA, Carroll County. Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, on the first Monday in September next, for leave to sell all the real estate of M. C. Scott, late of said couuty, deceased. H. N. WIGGINS, Adm’r; July 2G—4od, ELIZABETH GOLDEN, 1 Libel for Di vs. > vorce in I Iand- IIENRY GOLDEN. )son Supe’ior Court, March Term 1872. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the Defendant does not reside in the. County, and it further appearing that he does not reside in this State. It is there to r* ordered by the Court, that service be perfected upon the defendant by publication in a public gazette of this State once a month for four said defendant appear and answer at tnJ next term of this Court, or that the case be coJ_' : ’ ( * erec ' in uetault, and the plaintiff be allowed to pi R. D. HARVEY, Judge S. C.R- C J. S. McElwreath, Att’y for Libelant. A true extract from the minutes of the Court this March 27th 1872. Green B. Jenkins. C. S. C. may 10, 1872—4 m. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Superior Court Carroll Coun.v, j April Term 1872 Present bis Honor W. F. Wright, Judge. Julia America McLain,! vs. v Libel for Divorce. Josiah M. McLain. ) RULE 10 PERFECT SERVICE. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does not re side in this county, and it further appearing that he does not reside in this State, it is on motion of Counsel ordered that said defendant appear aud answer at the uext 'Perm of this Court, else the case be cons dered in default, aud the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and *t is further orde ed that this Rule be published in the Carroll Couuty 'Times, once a month for four months. W. F. WRIGHT, J S. C. T. C. N. Shelout, Attorney for Libelant. A true extract from the minutes of said Court Mpril 10, 1872. June 7, J. M. GRIFFIN, Clerk. GEORGIA, Carroll County. To all whom it may concern. Mary A. Blalock and B. M. Long having ap plied to me for permanent letters of adminis istration, on the estate of J. M. Blalock, late of said county, this is to cite all and singu lar, the creditors and next of kin, of J. M. Blalock, to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law, ami show cause if any they can, why permanent administra tion should not be granted to Mary’ A. Bla lock and B. M. Long on J. M. Blalock’s es tate. Witness my hand and official signature, this June 26th, 1872. D. B. JUIL4N, Ord’y Hack Line Schedule, Leaves Newnan at 9a a. in. for Ckrrollton and Bowdon, Monday. Wed nesday and Friday Returns Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday —arriving at Newnan at 4£ p. m. in time for the tvaiiuo Atlanta. HARRIS & BAKER sent. 13. \x Proprietor. Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, 'Turnips, USE THE CHARLESTON PHOSPHATUi, They are unsurpassed- They double your 6Yop** For information call on [sept, ft,— E.. G- KRAMER, Agent’ Railroad Has Come! The Heaviest Stock of Family GROCERIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, ou liaml and still arriving since the war at L. 3\ SMITH c*3 BFLO'S.. CARROLLTON, GEORGIA. Be sure yon are right, then go ahead. We 11777/ AN EXTENSIVE AS Groceries 3k KIXDS ‘ FAMILV SUPPLIES, Farming Tools, Leather, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cuttlery, Notions, Songs &e., CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. COME ONE, COME ALL.. We will keep a good supply of Cbm, Meal, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar Coffee, Syrup Molasses, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of various kinds at the very lowest Fbicej*. THE FINEST BAR AND BAR ROOM.—The Best Bar and Bbar keejier Johnnie Acklin, always on hand day and night, Master of sougs ami animals. We have a genuine Live BAR with a general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Liquors of all grades and qualities. Sacramental W’iues at Cost. Thanking our numerous friends for the liberal patronage, hoping a continuance of tiro the same. We challenge competition and rivalry in Groceries and Prices. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! Now is the time to get your houses furnished, an** THOMPSON, COLE & CO.. NEWNAN GEORGIA, is the place to buy. Bedsteads with rollers at $4. FRANK N. COULON, Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler. CARROLLTON, GA. Work warranted for 12 months. New Orleans House, BY JNO. N. SHELNUTT, BOWDON, GEORGIA. The place to buy your DRUGS and CON FECTIONFRIES, also a good assortment of DRY GOODS, and General Merchandise. If you have the Money, remember it is not mv intention to he undersold. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. For the sake of decency, DON’T ASK FOR CREDIT. My terms are trietbj Cash. JNO. N. SHELNUTT. March 22d, 1872—3 m. PROSPECTUS OF THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, DAILY AND WEEKLY. A DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL, Published af the Capital of Georgia, and the Official Paper of the County and City. A NEWSPAPER For all classes, Merchants, Lawyers, Farm ers, Mechanics, and others. The Constitu tion possesses superior advantages for giving fu? 1 information of the doings of the Gov ernmeuL It contains full reports of the Leg islative Proceedings, and of the Supreme Court, the Reporter cf the Court being ex clusively engaged by the Constitution. 1 ull reports given of the meetings {>f the State Agricultural Society. Our Correspondence Department Is a speciality. Its corps of Special Cor respondents in the United States ani Europe is large, having been engaged at great ex pense. The actings of the. General Govern mpnt especially of the [United States Con gress are furnished by a special Washington Correspondent. For the benefit of Lady Readers the celgbratpd “ Jennie June” has been employed, and sends monthly Fashion Letters from New York. The Proprietors also announce with great satisfaction, that they have njade arrange ments for Editorials and Original Contributions Upon Politics, Literature, and other topics, from leading minds of the country. The Constitution is known pre eminently for its unceasing exposure of the corruptions of the*Radical Party of Georgia, and for waging sleepless war upon the enemies of tjie people and the State', .refusing and.,utterly repudiating official patronage, and throwing itself for support solely upon the people. W. A. Hemphill and E. Y. Clarke Pro prietors. I. W. Aakry and E. Y. Political Editors. W. A. Hemphill, Bu siness Manager. ,We also have .News and Local Editors. Tlie Constitution Is the Largest Daily now published in Gcor gia. Its circulation is large a»d increasing every day. . It is a splendid medium, for. ad vertisers. Daily. Per Annum. - - $lO 00 “ Six Months, “ Three Months, - - 260 “ One Month, - * - - IJK) Weekly, Per Annum, - - - 2 t oo THE JOB DEPARTMENT Os the Constitution is prepared to fill orders for Circulars,. Cards, Bill. Heads,- Books, Pamphlets, etc., in the l*est stvle. Address , W. A. HEMPHILL & CO., Atlanta, Ga, 11777/ AN EXTENSIVE AS ANDERSON & GOODWIN, Attorneys At Law, OFriCB noun’s corner, ATLANTA, GA. Will practice in all the Court* of Fulton, and ad joining counties. Special attention gives to col lections. Refers to tiartrell & Stephens. THE ATLANTA SUN Daily cfc WeelKly, “ A Live Paper on Live Issues," Alexander H. Stephens, Politic* Editor, A. R. Watson, News Editor, J. llenly Smith, General Editor au4 Business Manager. The Sun is an earnest advocate of Demo cratic principles, and a defender of Liberty, adhering to the time honored land-marks of true Democratic faith. We look upon tbs success of the party in tbecomiog struggle as a paramount object of patriotic destrs. To this end we shall labor zealously, looking con fidently to the hearty co-operation of every Democrat in the Union, in one grand united effort to win a glorious triumph over Radical ism and-Centralism. The success of the Democratic Party alone can secure to us Liberty and good Government on this continent. For this success we shall labor in the ranks of the mighty Democratic hosts, who still love Liberty and equal rights. The great interests of Georgia will be fos tered. We shall give a correct report of the proceedings of the Legislature, and publish the Decision of the Supreme Court, with all news of interest connected with the State Government. Mr Stephens is thoroughly enlisted in tbit great woik and contributes to the columns of the sun almost daily. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily—Single Copy : Twelve months * $lO I Three months $S Six months 5 | One month, | Clubs for Daily—Per Annum: Three Copies s27*. Eight Copies S4B Jour •* 36 | Ten •• 84 Five “ 43 j Single paper S cts. Weekly—Per Annum : Single Copy * $3 Ten Copies sls Three Copies 5 Twenty copies fs Fiveoopies, 8 Fifty Copies 86 OucHuudrod Copies, $135 00 Weekly for six Month*: .Single Copy $1 Twenty Copies sls Three copies, 2# Fifty copies. 54 Five copies 4 One Hundred copies 66 Ten copies IX Single paper 6 ets. No Subscriptions to the Weekly, received, for a shorter period than six months. All subscriptions mast be paid for .in advance; and all names will be stricken 'froth our books when the time paid for expires. CLUBS Names for Clubs must all be seat a. the same time, and take the paper for the ’tana engtb of time, and all be at the same Poet Office Address, J. Mmxlt Smith, xanaeef; Atlanta Os, FOR THE CAMPAIGN. The Savannah Morning News. 1 he approaching Presidential canvass judg ing from the extraordinary condition of our political affaire, will be the most interesting; xciting, apd hotly contested campaign in the histpry of the Republic, and its progress wll be watched with feverish anxiety bj thousands who bare heretofore taken but slight interest in elections. In order to place io the reach of all that widely-known medium of the freshest and latest intelligence, the Savannah Morning News, a liberal subscription schedule has been arranged. From the first of July to the first of No vember, or from the first of Anguat to the first of I>ecember-four months iuclaaive-tbe different editions of the Morning Newa will be sent to'subscribers on the following termi: Daily - - $2 60 Trl-Weekly - - 1 60 \ Weekly - - - -60 • In the stirring times just ahead, the porti ng News will be in the van of all its con temporaries in the extent,'variety nes3 of its.intelligence, and its reader* wih lose none of the suhent point* of tLe cam* paign.„ Monty taay be sent by express at the risk and expense of the Proprietor. „ Address J. 1L ESfdLL. STurrmwlfpOa.