The Carroll County times. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1872-1948, April 03, 1885, Image 2

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Carroll ' oiinly Times. ' J. B <fc W. O. BEALL, Sditors and Publishers. TF.KMR OF SUJIBSCMII’TiOIW: Vcr.r $1 (K) month* ITS Ti.rce month* 30 " OUR AGENTS? vol. Ric’ Tt tuple.—M. T. Baskin. Bo tneii.— Joseph Entrkkin. \Vnc<»—J, M, Adam on Knupvil (‘—J M. Al.l XANDER. \VIII I r-bnr_l Jn<>. W. IaYIJ»R. 'lhe County lax. One f the Untils of rhe Grand Jury, to Kte.Hmb e next week, ns prcbcrihed by the code, is to recoin mend the amount «f tax to be lev ied for the various cor.nty puipo?cs There has been no little coinpl lint on the | art of citizens who have performed services for the comity and have been paid »>ff in craft? on which they had to submit to a dis count, vary itig from one tenth to one eighth. A tew wialihy men who are able to d'Hoimt the.-c (halts and hold them, a - c beneiith d to the amount of rhe intciest I hex make oxer and above what they could realize on the money if used in other safe investments. In thiy buHuess they make from 12| to B> per cent. ier annum. The people vlio do the tervice lo a e it and the tax payers aie not benefited.— In fact they are injured too, for an) body knows that contractors, in preparing their bids for bridges and other put die woi k.% will include, in the estimate of the cost of the v.oik, the amount of the discount to which tiny will have to submit. It will m t only be, therefvn, a n ensure of simple justice to the credi ors of the county, but the Grand Jury will serve the I est hiteri r'ts of the tax-payers by I< c< imm miing the levy of an aim nut .- i fri< ient to discharge ti e the | .escut indebtedness of ti e county and to pay tire current ex penses of ’he ensuing year, ending October Ist 1886, thus putting tire county in a sound financial basis. One elici t of such a step, and not the least important one, will be to m.iLe those who have heretofore profited by dinc. -miting drafts, more directly interested in opposing ex travagance and advocating economy in the administration of public af fairs. We do not know precisely lhe amount of the present indebt edness of the county, but presume it does not an.omit to a sum which, added to the probable current ex penses up to the •date named, will make the tax burdensome. That k a matter of vhich the Grand Ju ry can belter judge from the esti mates' \ hich the county treasurer B requited by section 510 of the code to prepare, under the super vision of the Ordinary, mid lay before them. To the Parous of tie Tim ?. A. -I. Ca up, E-q., our at Villa R ea, has a a list of out sub scriheis who get ti ail at that office, for convenience of those who wish to ascertain when their time ex pires. We have left partial lists witii our agents at Temple, Bre men and Waco, and will in a shoit time provide our agents at a'l points with complete lists. Where we have n > aged, px-t.i asters are requested to act for us in receiving ami forwarding money on subscrip tions or advertisements. A vev large nun’-or of our subscribers have not yet paid for the paper for last year. We have waited with perhaps :.t least as much patience as our creditors have. To many who owe us, the amount, «if promptly paid, would very soon teturn in the coiiase of business. A dollar, when started around on a debt paying mission, may pay half dozen debts in a day and be found at night in the pocket of the hap py man who started it out in the morning;- happy, because he has paid his debt and because he lias collected one which perhaps he had feard he would lose. The rela tion of debtor and creditor is one of snch moment that able jurists have writen volumes on it. It is a broad question. In fact it is, with ns at least, a very bread ques tion. Our superior court commen ces next week. We hope our agents will have something to encowage and help us. Please see that they do, or send by some one else the amount of at least one year’s sub scription, or if coming to cour’t bring it yourself. 6o may chil dren’s chikhen rise up and call you Death from Hydrophobia. : On the 20th of January a little l>ny, 5 or 6 yOars old, a son of Mr. M. V. Jordon, who Jives about five mike from town, was terribly bit ten by a rabid dog. Both his hands and his face were so badly lacerated as to preclude tie* rd in -11 ry treatment. Dr W. W. FitU, i was called and applied the salt treatment —filling the wounds with common salt—as the best that could be done midi r 1 h<» i iruiiin f-tances. The wounds healed and lhe child Mt Had in ordinary health, nmil last Friday, when symptoms »f h«ydiojiliobia were ikicbpei. I'r. 'I idwek, of Fairbarn, w ho has a maii stone, was tent for. When he arrived, late Monday evening, the child wa-in convulsions which continued until d< atii relieved the little fellow of the teiribic agony. Di. r l idw'< 11, alter rcarrify iiig the parts where the wounds had healed, applied the mad-stone. Bnt it was too late. His little patient had already | as.-ed I eyend the reach of ail remedial ;gc nts. J isi seventy days clapi-ed from the day on winch the fatal Wounds were in flicted until de ith. Il is only another precious life saciiticed to the worthless curs.— The wolf, the dog and the cat alone cairy in their bodhs the alembic in which the deadly virus of hydro phobia is concocted. What it is, science has not yet discovered, but it is known that* these anhn ds, night prowlers all, gather Irom the slums of back yards, Irom tio carrion of the fields and fr«-m foul excremaiioils <»f disc sed vi-cera of all other animals, material- that possibly need i-ut slight change, as they pass through the chtmieal processes can led on in the organs ( of the.-e foul feidcrs, to become.-. P 'isou as destructive to human life as strychnine, < r prussic acid. The di case oiigiuates wiih ;.o other an im 1, am! is rarely c- uiinuiiicaicd !»} any oth-r than the canine and feline races. These and other facts should be noted, so” they will have their bearings when humanity shall force upon us the qutstion, how long shaTTanimals so dangerouo to human life, and so distructive to property, having the advantage of other proj erty in being untaxed, be left free to carry cn the work of death? Coffins and burial suits furnished day or night. Askew Bradley A Co. Coffins ready finished cheaper than you-can make them. Askew Bradley A Co. Don t mistake liab ts for karac ter. The nun ov the most karac ier hav the fewest habits.—Josh Billings. A Great DiSt?ov ry. Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Now ton, la , say.-; ‘ My wife I as Lien serious ly affected with a cough tor twen ty-five } t ars, and this spring moic .-evi r>. I y than evil before. ,-hc had used mmv itimdios witlbuit iilicf, and being urged to try Dr. K mfs New Discoven , aid so, wi.h most gratifying results. lhe first bot tle rclicvi d her very much, and the second bottle has absolutely cured her. She has net had so good health for thirty years.” liinl Lotties free at 11.-dlum Hamrick A Co’s, drug store. Large size .SI.OO. We have a big lot of shiih- coI la; s, Tics, cuffs half hose Ac. Aski w Bradley A C-’.- We have a complete line of la dies' Misses' Men’s, bo)’s and chit, dren’s shoes. Askew Bradk-y A Ca. The oyster docs not belong to the human race. 1 here arc season? when he keeps Lis mouth shut. jiredAt.d languid wom-n. II"W many women there arc of whom these woixls are true: ‘‘They feel languid and tired, hardly abfe to bear their weight on their feet, the bloom all gone from their checks, irritable and cross without meaning to be, nerves all upset, worried with the children, fretted over litte things, a burden to them selves, and yet with no acute dis ease.” What a pity it. is. But m few Lotties of Barker’s Tonic will drive all this away, and relieve the troubles peculiar to their sex. We have just opened the largest line of Dry goods we have had. Askew Bradley A Co. The prettiest line of ginghams and chambrays ever in town. Askew Bradley A Co. We eave some beautiful white and figured lawns lain A checks mulls Ac 14-ts Askew Bradley A Co. kinds of blanks for sale at this office. iISW» B A W\ -• 5 I This medicine, combining Iron with pure • Vegetable tonics, unickly and con>}letely | (‘urea indiccsticn. W enknrsx, I hi pure Hlocml, Afalariujl lulls and Fevers, and Nenrnluia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and I.iver. It is in.'aluable for Diseases peculiar to | Women, arxl all wh® lead sedentary lives. Itdoesiiot injur® the teeth, cause headache.or province ronstijntion— meditnc* do. Itcnrichesand purifies tfceblood,stimulates the apatite, aids the assimilation of ftaal, re lieves Heartburn rtnd Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude; Tach of Energy, &c„ it has no equal. Th? genuine has above trade mark find crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other „,.s i , t ’-or. \ ( KFSTt AL <o„ KOTfROKF. JiP 10,000,000 POUNDS DE CANNED MEATS ORDERED. Chicago, March 25. —The N. K. Fairbanks Canning Comp my, of this city, Las receive 1 in the last si ven days cable orders for c mned href fer the use of the British at my which, coupled with tin ad ii iional order received this morning make ttn aggregate amount to he shipped of 4,00.0,000 pounds. The nrdeis came from the British War Department, and the destination of the meat is Woolwich It will take t vo weeks to fill the order. The Annonr Backing company is also in receipt of orders to sup ply 5,400,000 pounds. Tin scare the large-t orders ever received , here, mu 1 owing to th:ir magni tude the supposition is th it they are to m< ct a war emergency lhe canning houses are vv )rkinix day and night to meet these de-, ma in Is. England's proposals rejected. Bos’on, March 25.—The Herald print.- the following: U A private cable dispac-h r«-eived in Boston fiom a reliable source sayt-: ‘Tin re is gre t excitement in London. It is H-ported that 25,000 militia have lain < ut. Rumors art* thick that Russia las ii j’.cted theEi gli-’h pi opo.-al-.’ " The Art Amateur For April, contains attractive de signs for a dessert plate, (pansies), and a cup find saueir (perennial flax), repomsn briss work (pea cock), embroidery and j iwclry. The frontispiece represents a pleas ing p roup oi recent sculpture by Theo. Baur. An article on D. Ridg way Knight is copiou-ly ilhistra~ ted by clever drawings from his pencil, and there is a i age of sketches fre-m the Erench Water Color Exhibiii >u for fan decora tion. “Crayon Portraiture” is an ariicic of especial vdue to ame teurs, and the practic i depart ments arc, as n-na’, ri-.hlv fllle 1. ' Price, 35 e,( nts. Montague Marks, Publisher, 23 Union Square, New I oik. NOTjCE? Ap.mi-trar r-l Executors and Guardian's.’ • W lio.-e legal arivc t smcnls have been | übiished i i th- Time-, please look at your vouchers and f von have not pai l the print’ rs fees, call in next week and pay them. Some of-you owe the p ees for publishing all the citations issued by the Ordi nary, rtlatngto the cstatesyou rep present, since your appiit-a’ion for appointment. \V e hope it is not nec essary, to :qi< >ll for asking wi at is rightly ours. SHERIFF SAIE. M ill l>.- Let< re the Cum (house door m tl e luwu of Carotlil n. Carroll county Geoigia, on (he Ist Tui-fday in May next, within the letral hours of sale, the fullowing described prop erty to wit: 1 h»- n< 111:—w <st q'iai.l er <>t ot <«t land itiinib. r <>n<- hmnlr. ci arJ st ven— ty-ni i- , wi the Tt nth district <-f said ci unt\ conta-niiig fitly acres nn ie or lissbein j ’.v«. h improv>’d rnd i ei'ig II e place whereon Ihe defendant ;,v-. L( vied «ui as the pmpe tv ot T. E. ll< 1 nes by vi Im ot ufi’a issued ti\»m the Justice Court ol the 1240 Dist. G. M -aid county in favor of Jesse C utcl>field‘vs. -jjid’T.’ E. Huhnes. PiOpcrty puinlid <n ! . by Plaintiffs Atfoiiit’y. L v\ made ami retained to in? Ly const ah; c, m>iui-<4 levy c»i\- en to tenant in puss, ss on. Tins Jan. 29th 1885. J. M. Hewitt, She: iff. AVe Want A Lady Os intelligence to take the perma nent sole agency for our goods used in every family in this place. ! Stock furnished by us without in- : vestmint. References indispensa ble. J. B. ELuling, ; JOHN F. STSIATTOH, 49 Mnidcn Laue, Zsevv York. Importer, Manufacturer & WnotroALE Dzaler rs MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. MUSICAL BOXES, BAND INSTRUMENTS. STR.VfTON'B CELE-T BRATEO RUSSIAN GUT VIOUN STRINGS. ~ SEND roa CATALOGUE. . <*eo. W. Scott & Do., MA A HI A\7URERb OF , G ISYPIUIW PHOSPH y TlitvGmal (0 Ibi and Corn FrrliliztT of ilieSoulL A Special n aimre for Soutlnun Lands and Ciops. ’ Tt co'ltaThyYitl Hie el rents of plant food ? n their best form. It has ' stood ilie tect of rears, and is do* regaided as one of . THE SAFEST AND BEST FERTILIZEPIS IM USE. Thousands of Farmers in Georgia, A! ibvna Tea ’e<s >e. an 1 manv of the most prominent Agiicultural Clvh-- use it. to :11 of whom we refer. Irisone .of th o IILGTES T GRADE FERTILIZERS sdd in iOEORGHA. (S e <h • Agriejilrural Department R nort.) WE INVITE TESTS ALONGSIDE THE BEST FERTILIZERS i 1X rsE - - ' We < ff. rit s>w f r !-a-h «>r o:i ti u? so: c i-re icy or cdton. Mur-: i cliants, Gnmg. s, Agr cultural C.ab’.aml Neighborhood Associations de-irmg to pure i - m i >o, <j ruii'ti *s w ill do w’uil io correspond ■in bus ‘i e ’ >:i' i i_i .ii •!’ I’.' i .zu •$. We arc the original and only i i M maiartme ■» of Gu-.-ypiqu Puospho. Its great p qnilaritv has ; brought into ihr n arket s?ve • d i nit itio )-. N>u? is g ‘imine miles- it l contains the pioj er brand on lhe Fa< k. FOR SALE BY ’ BURNS. WEST i BASS. E __ _ _ CARROLLTON, GA, A iillt.M) l.iilliilMTiilV-’BS Tin; CAIiKOLL COUNTY TIMES and The L< uiivillk ■ WEEKLY COURIER JOURNAL (>• p H>- n-.jy T "O papers l« i Hll-p nr if tItHH the price of out 1 . By paying us 25 yr. nil’ i<ci-iie o.r one year vonr hojne p;. >. r \r’, h (he /DUitt- I.K JOURNAL (he reiHrseiuaUve i per <>t lhe B’>;uh Denciciatic. and f<»r a Ta: ff for IL v* nur on’y - i,d . n-. <he be.‘t briyhtes' ao'-l v b exi f,*n,i y .. ( . P \ hi i lie Ui ite<l b'.a’es | u.-sp n <L s;rp [<. exam iue-i u t n . f the C,..urjri Jomna' c.ili do .-o al th s office. 7 }3\ March Blizzard. ’i he United Siau-s G‘>ve: nm > :i t Census vo’ict e, just pnbjxhed sps-aks <>f ihe Re ria' k:i b!e su cress afco-hnj . >ir unique aud uii’ii :ii2 ‘fl • t.-, in p'l.xhioj the American Ayrunlturizt 1 berm. iH- cu ien' y- ir wish a iarnfer tii> cipiu n u t lino ,t an\ c<»: irspundili'2 Plied in ! V - Xi a s The able (• -i ;>» ■ ; v. Ii > 1.-av” pu'd-* lb-* Aui‘‘ ii’i.u A2' ’<ni:-l au. le-.-n-- visitor io liotu nil ’<o' S >'i I her!i lit-- f>r ;i <[ i i ter o« col. Ut ‘. H e !.<» ‘ !>■ udilU a l th-dr e <T. JCSIo Hl ik- 1 ii ./.) HI I if j) ,s-lb 11l fp ii.ier. MH gan v:t 11 .1. p I’.aii • VPI i ■ S<»;i;h ein. .eiide s. An I jou mav leudilv c .;.c tide ■ iliai it Is Coming to (iporoia. ‘A here it already Ins so mam subscribers and fiends. l<> quadruple its circii'a i n For v.ho uil! fail to embrace this unpaiaFelfd ofler 1 A FAMILY, UxULOPCEDIA FREE.— Any pr-is- .n subscribing to the American Agriculturist (Emilish or German) foi 1885 \vh. se suli-c:ipii<ui is promptly foiu edrd ions together w ith lhe sul sci ipli’>i> price 51.50 per year and 15 cents extra tor pack ing and postage <>u the eyc'opocdia—making SI.Go in all! receive the American Ag ricuitmisl for 1885. and be presented with the American Agriealturisl Family Uvclo peedia just nut 7GO panes 1009 en iavin<»s TV O MONTHS FREE--Eveiy new sWb sciiber( and only new ones) who pmuipilv so: wards his subscription in accordance with these couduions can have Ids year’s subscription dated from J/aich next receiv ing free the i.nmbeis <d the American Ag riculturist for .Lamia-v and February. ” TWO MAGNIFIUENT EXGRAViNGS FREE Evety such subscriber uLI be pies'Hted po.-t; aid with the manr.ificenl plate eiiapi vinys ‘ln the Meadow’ and Foes and Fib'iids’’ ot which over einhtv thousand have been sen! for by our subscri be) s. G? cl 'j Ii t, Eiiii-aviiigs, an I a Diciion ar\ Fiee !To . ( uy o H <. pit mplly fo:wardina ns til -uame of a new s b-ciiber t > t|u> A meiican A'i’u ni n ;-i with *2 00 we wii’ -end I! ,- s *'i ' i’i ;ic ic <i D cu m try j nt out 600 Ol'tO W <>: d-.. I llHfu’l I:ii i >!|S iviliie lo ihe!i • w sub c i> ■)■ we wj : i s«- ii 1 the A?! i! .st f< t 1885 and also i.i.r* F.imi? 6Acio- IO: iia p. st free. Fil ■ I he: in e o ■>••• ’lr> le cei lo[ tifle -Il 111., .Xi;> (m ,kii.o ; 5 it, il;j in this ca.-o lot -kmg in I poMas e. we win In wu'd ,he two e!t<>i a villas m’*iilio:ie I lo 'he .'■elide) of lhe suLsCiipti 'll or to the stiftsc! iber iiimself a we may be directed. Mention ih.-se off.-*is in wriiin?. send six cents (stamps), for mailing you spec imcn American Agriculturist ; forty page premi um lisp; with two hundred illu.-tr ttior.s; specimen (tares of Oycloptedia and Dictionary, and full dis cripUons of the /Engravings present d CAWASSERS "WANTED EVERYWHERE. Address, PUBLUSHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, DAVID W..JUDI), I'ieVt. SAM L BURNHAM, .-.■’■rotary. 751 Br< s Iw y,«New York. THREE GREAT OFFERS First Great Offer. Louisville, Ky., Mar. 12, ’BS. As we have had thousands | JJEpCLAR PniCF, $3.50 of requests asking upon what terms the Waterbury Watch couid be obtained, we will say, from and after V S&iSJJ this date, for a limited time only, any one who sends us a new subscriber, and $3.00, will receive the watch prepaid. Os S We will make the offer to club raisers who have 4- l A«ll us a club since Oct. 1, < to send them the Watch on a ’’ receipt of $2.70, in P. O. if Order, or Postal Note. We 'Wt offer the celebrated Wat erbiiry Watch, A. very’s 1> !-2 w & Home and Farm one year f0r55.50. the price of the watch alone is $3.50. Garden 1 and Home and Farm 50 cents Second Great Offer U’ery’a Garden dy Cotuier . Henry Watter id Home and ear for ft 1.75, :c of the Garden his is the perfec ting implements is in the garden * should own one. Four rtflished steel blades go with each implc. meat. ' • ’ Price, 75. ■ Third Great Offer. A 840 Setting Ma« chine we offer for sl6 j to every one who sends u$ club of five at 50 cent > each. We will not | ts sell the Machine at alone, but will only send it fa S-R to those who send us this KJr"'’ ''<73 club; total $18.50. Freight If guaranteed not over Sz to M any railroad depot in the Southern States. Write for circular and testimonials. Send your order now at once to HOME ANT) FARM, (Care B. F. Avery & Sons), Louisville, Ky a j AV * '’ST s> - Cine assent. Indy or ccnt’, in t» eVety county. eteicly employment. Ont «-'<■'•'(- »rc mnk ng irom ’S3 io p r day. Full particulars s< nt tree. Address at one • PARK MI G. OU., -?8» Broad wax, , Box 1521. New York. ! 6131 ! “Rondt on (oiidis.” O' o ’’ THE WONDERFUL SUCESS IN CONSUME- - -TION. Broi ciiius A-tlma, Spiliitig of Blood, Sole ' 1 Iglil (Il ’ . V ; I. 11l os 11. 11l St I USS I , Sore lluoa. Loss < f V-;c-'. Cagi: rh il , aft-’CtioLs CI.T >nie Hackirio j Lriicstt-ii<4 and j Tionb'eseme c -ughs. TR 0 OlfE y 15 cent*. LIQUID. Z'> cu- O. 'I Ik.iioli py,.iii >t and efticiont. it is mild I ba m '■‘ate and lelin'ie for < hil oioii Uleirte’ l.’.oun it j s f|)p m.thers' jf.V•’ H- C< I!ill; m ,1\ 1 e f,.r ; (! f l;i!t the r.liudo ti »n i i di> It is mi: prism Jy es -1.-e v ‘IRKJS# Oft COUGHS.” I is .i a: led i ’ mui n’waxs elluctive and sale :<> 1.-- o veti in an. cough ot cold or afF'Ction • t lite ili'oal < Les;, air pa s'flops or lunys, a id is Hie < n y :• nu-tlv ..f any avail in te «ii t |J , d.s'ies.sino /Fhui ping Cough. At drtioo’isis. I i;e |] dies can go 1.0 mail. r. S BELLS City. N. J. “BOUGH ON ITCH.” Cures lliuimis E up'nms Ringworm, i Tetter, ball Kin urn F;. stud Feet, C’lrlbbih s 50 c. j it s. “ROUGH ON TOOTHACHE.” I , Ins’ant r< Mel fol neuralgia, toothache Eir ache. 15c. d.B Im. Ordinary's Office, Carrollton. Ga,, Febru ary 20. 1685. -4il persons snl j >rt t < rccis *er in Ordinarvs < flVe ft sp.cid ia\e< as 'en; 1 s .•{ t’)' <1 i ines d rg«, poisons, liq 'inis 01 <> sp;eiai lax r- qui-id by Uw to i ugisier u ill c>m * .it, o,,ce and regis ter in terms vt tne law. Also all adminis trators executors, ami guardians will make their annual teturns to this office bv Ist Monday in July next, according t<> law'. 9 l ,n 8. J. Brown, Ordinary. T A TT Ti —Ladies amt gentlemen to VV rill 1 IL U.t.ike light, pl< asaiit employ ment at their own homes (distant? 1.0 objection); " o"k sen/ by mail; «2 o piv $5 a day' can be quie/ly made; no canTassii.g.' Please address at once. tzL'BE Manufacturing Co.. jßos/on Mass, box 5344 60NSUMPU3N. I have a positive remedy tor tho nbove disease: by its rise thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, so strxmg is my faith in its efficacy, that Lwiil send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALVABLE TREATISEon this disease, to any sufferer. Give Express and P. O. address. ______ DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl St., New York. Office in New York. From Am. Journal of Med. ‘‘Dr. Ab. Meserole, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy has without doubt treated and cured more cases than an. His success has simply been astonishing; we have heard of cases of overSO years standing cured by him. He guarantees a cure ’* Large bottle and Treatise sent free. Give P. O. and Express address to Dr. AB, MESEROLE, No, 96 John St-,,New York. Parker’s Tonic. A PURE FAMILY MEDICIME TH' T NEVER INTOXICATES. Jl y.m arc wasti g awiv fr >:u ag >. j; •.•<ipat«au el .any dis -me »r weakness Iml req tire a •*tini;t lan! ’.ake E i;ke 7 >m C st j wj ]| rate.'Hid liailu you u]> (Tom thertr.-i dose bu wil mv= r ini xicnle. It ! .as s«red hundred- o ■ v >. n may s.yve yours. il yo i ie a ' tw-or. uii’Gier. ■ r bit : nes< man exh os'e . b me;',! -train or acz'.-'fi* c:;r - < ■:> mu ak :n <;x:.- .!ing -iiam| .ii -, bu use Pac ker.- T;.' IC. Ly h :< a ;r. c > mu- or f rm 1 v.iiii -in v. ;h o.efvo k <>;■. 1: o hit inn ilunii 1a fa 1 i!j or h :<h'll ui' s iry I'. rker’s r<ii,i’c. .If !> hwe Pyspep-l i. HhetUii.atism, kd. >y <1 U.-b;■ rj t'.mipl.!,.t-, <rif y u nc r>u >| d W ;ih I m' < is-, r.h rof t.-e hr gs, >t m < h ‘'owe -1. l -.<( or nerv y.,u cm bt cured bv p ir , ur ’ b i onic ■ HiSCOX & ’ ih3 WiJi.aiii -irs ;■!, ;v ew », o.R. 50c. .$ 1 x zes, at. si s in nu'diciues Great eav ng .n buy ng 4.. liar siz -. I?—lir-<>« EXECUTOR’S SALE. V» ill be so’.l b -lore th" conn Louse do >r at Carrollton en the first Tnesca; in Apr.l next nifhi.i th • legil lunirs of sale 11 i‘der and by virtue ol an order from the court oi Ordinarv of Carrol 1 county and the will oi Jesse Warren 1 te o! said county deceased, the following pr iperty p -wit' Xorthurst qu trier of lot ot land miap>cr one b.un’ th cd ai.u 11 tj-fit e cintaining fitly .acres moreur less, anti fifty acres moreor less off of lot of land number one hiu died and s;xt -ix Slid fifi< acres being on th • e.i-t side of Si id ’lot" running the eiilircl- ngih ut I<>l No th.m l Shm’h -ytt of sar i l-md m ti.e r-kvei I; , di.-sriet f ? i i coun ty. Ferry mires of s<u<| c ( i alrl i.ico'sed with a very good fc..ce. Two goof tenant houses thereon. All of .-ai lla id tirs 'class. J'< rms<ne iial» ca -li. balance with vole- with gm..’- ;i ny, » bearin bperc-ni . d rest due D c-ist. ><s. old as the oi -/c-se \\ a;re-. jit oi -a d ((,un tym cr i-cu. E L ’ ha Gextry, Ex cut( r. i < T. C)” UMPi'IVE , 1 ’ ' ! -I ' ! ii. 2 ' ’ h ha is the F ; 11;i,1a of . V. gel.,. 1 rcim rly f'-r tire i; p. <ji at .1 pe; m .i,e.;t cur of Ccnsdii ] ti,.;:, Ca’ai Ib, Rr< pi<_ asth ■ uia. fii d all 1 hi<»;ilinug affec lui,-. fitie 1 thorough'}. i-.;s mg j'.s, wm, Iritul curative powers iiiliit'(lim’s of < a Sf S t ,Is ii do ty to lueae i' kloa n t > ,i,,* who ttmv need it. The leuipo wj.l |> • ,- h . | le p of charge, 1 to ail wh,, desire L with lull diiectioiis for prepaiiug ami n-ing \ b'.rp-s. Prof W. H. ArmstroXG. 737 Knee St , Phimh-,,.|,i , Pa. t (MEM ION i HIS PAI ER ) [B6m. ( », Ts 1 t < ■ - J. fl ISX£ 1 II A J,ITS ctired i!ITt i- i < >'i; ~h o:n<; .v V»'»ut vaiji. Hook 188e 18 85 L,C. MAN DEVI LLF, * . -DE -tf.EK TN General Merehandtae, CARROLLTON. GEORGIA. ■ 1 keep always on hand and for s tle at my store on the north side of the public squaie, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, < rockery, Hoots, Mhoes, Hats, Glassware, Hollowware, Lamps, CLOTHING | For Men and Boys, and all other goods usurdly kept in a general sap ply store, and at prices that guarantee ready sales. The old and wi ll known W hite Hickory Wagon. Several standard ' improved Sewing Machines at lew pt ices. GUANO and FARM SUPPLIES. We will continue, in future as in past to keep plantation snpplin . such as plows, Guanos—several Standard Brands, and Family Call and s< e me when you visit the city and you will find it to yoiip interest to purchase. Respectfully, March 12, 18S5. L. C. MANDEVILLB. - r JETER BROS. JNO. M. ADAMSOI, (Lite with L. C. Mandtrilla.) JETER, ADAMSON, & CO., Oft-, DEALERS IN GUANOS AND ACIDS. . ‘‘Miles IX I. ‘.Vi thia Soluble Guino" “ilarles Rxwßone” Ilatlea Aci«l ml * >txib 1 Guam .’ AU fit >ic.a-$ Li 11 ds. A r ; < wm an house close to the opiate. Give nn a /Pe'll <l<> y< u right. 7." m. t he IM|A| THE BEtTI For th ® MONEY Hte S found ,n the S 111 a sWWWSWXi VERY LOW pmeE » IrW ,;g == ' S TERMS. ARENTS 50 CSG make Money htatfflng w these Organa. Bl _ CHICAGO. 33«> S’uaL.cTTX-.rr y, REV. E. 11. M. HENDERSON. D. D. Ptcsidi ill, mid Professor of English and Classics. E. L. TAPPAN, A. 8., Professor of’ Mathematics, Professor Preparatory Dej ailment. I line. Mu.-ic and Governess Female Departments o EXPENSES TUITION, FBEETO ALL STUDF.HTS. ,n3 t'’ ci,i atioii fee ot $3 OJ for the Spring term must be paid tn Jniia H \\ ord, Secretary, B. T. before«euteiing. Fee tor fall term $2 00 IppVv?: i .pp±'\ l h' ,i,s ' l! " 1 ■'<’ 810 per month in'adwner. issl X '’ |,e '' S S “ C °" d "/O'-es'lny i. jMwry, J ALL r l ERM of four months opens first Wednesday- in IMA CO.MMEXCK.WENT SEIIMON Snn.lay. June 28,1,; 1885 ’ ’ 6@pTor u;rcu!:i’- address REV. I', li. AT. HENDERSON, PresilMt. hardware. W e Lave jn-t opened in th., next room to N. L. Benson <t C»‘s bw Utpnls es.nhlishment, a lar-re and complete stock of Hardware, Hollow ware, Cutlery, and Farm Utchsilt, buggy an<M\ agon Materials, Plows. Plowstacks, Hames, Col lais, brm.c-s. '.hips. Horse Shoes and Nails. CurrycomH and britsjes, Bolts. Hings, and Locks of all styles and sizes. A lull assortment all sizes ofshot, M e make a specialty of all kinds o( Wagon and iiuggy Material. s. B. PACE & co'''- Carrollton, G«. To the People of Carroll and uldjoining Counties We make no great blow of trumpets. But if you will eome n ill ) 'L S( - 1 e US ' V n ' Vlii Se!l you S oodci lower th an the lowest.— Don t tail to call on us at north-west corner public square, "here you will find a mammoth stock of I By G ood s, G roc e ries, Ha r d ware, 4 / roc k e i*y ,G 1 a swa r e, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Notions, . And. a LARGE line of Aien, hoys and Gents’ Ready . Made Clothing. W e HaSu nave lui 8al? lew down, the self-ban dingself-settinr needle HAR TFOFD sewing machine. This machine if warranted. Lastly but not leastly, all parties owing us either by astf ei accoGi.t will please come forward and settle at once as we are compelled, to mahe close collections. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Respectfully, IUIUDY& SPURLOCK*