The Carroll County times. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1872-1948, November 06, 1885, Image 2

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Carroll Comity Times. >ditor and Publisher. TERMS OF HJJMCHIPTION: Tear . $1 25 Six ■•■ tbs 65 Three ■•■ tbs 55 OUR AGENTS. • f J• C/AMPe Villa Rica, j M Hamkick. Temple.—M. T. Baskin. Mt. Zien.—Joseph Entrekin. IT ace.—J. M. Adamson. Reepville.—J. M. Alexander. Whitesburg.—Jno. W. Taylor. Bead onr Shiloh letter on first P»g c - Our former readers will find some valuable suggestions on the first page of this issue. Several state elections have taken place this week. New York and Virginia elected democratic govern, ors. This is a good set off to the triumph of the republicans in Ohio. GARROIiL COUNTY At the State Fair. That Carroll is taking position ia the front rank of progress in inventive genius, as well as in ev erything else, is indicated by her exhibits made at the State fair and the premiums and “special mention” won thoron. A premium was awarded to Mr. J. M. Walker, of Roopville, on a ‘■•harrow, cultivator and gang plow,” as the best one horse com bination. Mr. J. W. Downs, of Bowdon, exhibited his combination “guano distributor and planter,” a descrip tion of which has heretofore ap peared in these columns. The com mittee could not award him a pre mium, as none had been offered for such a combination; but they gave him the distinction of a “special mention,” which is equivalent to a premium. Capt. J. B. Martin was awarded a premium on a self opening and self shutting gate. We hope that Carroll will make as good or a better show next year. Let her thinkers begin now. Get the premium list, select some prize to contest for, and employ the long evenings of the coming winter in perfecting some useful invention. — « • ► The City Court. The city Court of Carrollton commenced its regular session on Monday and held three days.— Seven State cades were tried, in four of which the defendants were ac quitted, and one was abated. John Cospcr, colored, was cons victcd of simple larceny and was assessed S2O, or 6 months in chain gang-: George Hart, col., had his pock et lighted by $50.00, with the priv ilege of 12 months in the chain gang, as an alternative, for a mis demeanor. M. N. Webster’s little pistol figured in court, and his honor fig ured up s3o.oo,besides costs against the defendant. This case was ably contested. We heard part of Bruce Merrell’s argument for the defense and we thought he had won it, but the little pistol and the old confed - erate coat pocket was two much for him. The court rendered judgement in two civil cases. The juries were dismissed for the term on Wednes day evening and the court took a recess until next Monday, when it will go on with cases not requiring a Jury. A Startling Discovery. Mr. m. Johnson, of Huron, Dak., writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that all remedies tried gave no permanent relief, un til he procured a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion, coughs, and colds, which had a magical effect, and produced a permanent cure. It is guaranteed to cure ail Diseases of Threat, Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes. Trial Bottles free at Hallam, Hamrick & Co.’s Drug Store.— Large size SI.OO. Askew, Bradley & Co., have just received a new lot Ladies’ Jersey Jackets. We learn that whiskey straight and the little pistol were brilliant ly illustrated on the “free ride” on theS. G.& N. A. B. R. Yester day. The presence of Ladies and children is always respected by gentlemen, but has no influence on brutes. A Barkeeper always waits until a man is loaded before he fires him. SFT.LS BROTHERS’ ENORMOUS RAILROAD SHOWS UNITED IN ONE GREAT CONFEDER ATIO N. The Largest Show in the World. The splcnid, popular and most honorably conducted Menagerie, Circus, Caravan and Museum, ru mors of whose coming have alrea dy created much comment, is at last positively announced to give afternoon and evening entertain ments in Carrollton on Friday No vember 13. This stupendous combination of leading Railroad Shows is meeting this season with patronage so extraordinary that the management have been frequently compelled to give three exhibitions a day in order to accomodate the immense crowds in attendance.— Excursions are arranged on all the different railroads from all points within a radius of fifty miles from the place of exhibition, and the in stances arc rare when the trains do not come in crowded to their capa city with visitors. Their tents, although the greatest both in num ber and magnitude of any show traveling, are frequently' found inadequate to hold the prople, and in order to give the varied pro gramme in detail, and without om ittiog any of its features the man agement find their many acres of canvas to be an absolute necessity. The pair of huge blood-sweating hippoptami owned by Messrs. Sells are the only pair in the entire world, and the only pair that have ever been exhibited, or probably ever will be. They are truly the behemoths of holy writ, the won derful scriptural marvels described in holy Job. The herds of giraffes owned by Messrs* Sells are also curiosities greater than any owned by any other show. The entire world of amimals, in fact, include wonders rare and strange from all families of the quadruped world. The all-star list of 200 first-class performers is an unequaled galaxy of superior merit, and leads any - thing which we have ever seen or heard of in the known world—2oo artists, and every artist a star. In a word, the circus and menagerie are superior of any any other traveling or tented exhibition of which anything is known,and will, we are confident, meet with sur prising success here. Any truth, faithfully faced, is strength in itself. Oil From Nature’s Well. The skin on the head is kept soft and flexible by a secretion from the oil glands. When these are clogged the hair dries and falls off. Parker’s Hair Balsam renews their action, restores the original color to the hair and makesit soft and glossy. It also eradicates dan druff. Not greasy, not a dye, de liciously perfumed. Delightful for a lady’s toilet table. The best of dressings. Preferable to all simi lar articles because of its superior cleanliness and purity. Cloaks, Newmarkets, Walking Jackets and all kinds of Ladies’ wraps at Askew, Bradley, <fc Go’s. Go to Fitts Drug store, make a selection from those choice flow er seeds, plant them in season, and beautify your yards. He has also grass seed in variety. 41-ts. Dress flannels, worsteds and cashmeres cheap at C. J. Almand & Bro’s. Bargains in Hose, Gloves, Cor sets and Jersey Jackets at C. J. Almand & Bro’s. Ladies and childrens’ Hood— Zepher shawls, cloaks, and Ladies underwear at reduced prices at C. J. Almand A Bro’s. 1.1.1 * All persons indebted to me will come and settle. I have been put off long enough. I accommodated you when you were in need and now lam the sufferer. No money to loan, slow pay and no pay has caused it. W. D, Lovvorn. Memory is the storehouse of life. Consumption Cured, An old physiciaa, retired fiom practice, hav ing, had placed m Aid handsby an East India mis sionary the formula of a simple vegetable reme dy for the speedy and permanent cure of con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Complaints, aftdr hav ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thous ands of cases, Aas felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve h umaii suffer ing, 1 will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in German, French or English, wish full directions for preparing anL using.— Sent by mail by addressing wfth jstamp. naming this paper. 'V. A. Noyes, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 45-ljyr, eow. A. Miss J alia Pease, a Vassar grad uate, cultivates 6,000 acres of land in Texas. She still chews gum while following the plow. An End to Bone Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111., says: “Having received so much benefit from Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. 1 used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and my leg is now sound and well.” Eleciric Bitters are sold at fit.y cents a bottle, and Bucklen’s Arni ca Salve at 25c. per box, bv Halluni Hamiick Co. 41-ts. No Mystery About it There are no mysteries or secrets about the compounding of Brown’s Iron Bitters. The preparation of iron is the only one that can be taken without injuring the teeth or stomach. It gives vigor to the feeble, life to the debiliated, and health to the dyspeptic. You need not fear to give it to the most deli cate child. Mrs. Emma Williams, of Starkweather, Miss , says, “It relieved my daughter of dyspepsia, and myself of general be bill ty.” Our thoughts of to-day, arc our actions of to-morrow. Are You Tired, of Being Sick? We want to say a word to the men, women and girls who work in stores, offices and factories. There are hundreds of thousands of you in the country. Very few of you arc well. You are shut up too much and exercise too little. In this way you get sick. Your blood is bad, your digestion poor, Your liver, stomach and kidneys are out of order. Parker’s Tonic has cur ed hundreds of such cases. It is pure, sure and pleasant. <'ii » AFTER THE BIG SHOW. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating. As our readers are no doubt aware, the Sells Brothers’ Enor mous Railroad Shows, now all uni ted into one vast amusement enter prise, the largest show in the world, will exhibit without fail at Carroll ton on Friday November 13. While it is true that all the praise we might bestow upon the big show would be superfluous, still we cannot refrain from saying that it is by all odds the best show in cre ation, and supplementing the re mark with a notice clipped from the Memphis Journal of recent date. Here it is : sells’ circus. In the equestrian ring every act was of the best. The fearless bare back riding of Don Jeronimo Bell was applauded; no more, however, than the dashing and intrepid lady bareback rider, M’lle Cordona, who carried the audience by storm. Her balloon jumping act certainly stamps her as a leader and at the head as a female bareback rider. M’lle Marotta, on the aerial rings, displayed both nerve and skill, and the applause she received was well merited. The brother acts were well executed, and the bicycling by the Stirk family was well worth the price of admission. The dog circus was the best ever exhibited, and the tumbling was far above the ordinary. The only unsatisfac tory feature to what might other wise have been a most laudable exhibition was that of giving all the best acts in the ring to the left of the dressing room entrance. — -There being 14,000 persons present 7,00 were at the wrong end all the time, and a huge number of the audience manifested their dissatis faction by retiring before the con clusion of the performance. It is to be hoped that Messrs. Sells will, to some extent, at least, remedy this, the only defect of the show. Upon the whole the Sells Brothers may well congratu late themselves upon presenting to the public one of the very best cir cuses now on the road, and the public may be assured that they will npvpr be defrauded of a cent or ever regret having patronized this meritorious entertainment. All persons indebted to me eith er by note or account, are earnest ly requested to come and settle at once as I am obliged to have mon ey. Those who fail to come need not blame me if their notes and | accounts are in the hands of a col -1 lecting officer. I cannot indulge c urther. W. W. Fitts? Oct. 19 1885. 43 6t S- Notice. We have carried your guano notes one year already. lon can now save cost and Attorney’s fees by coming forward and settling.— 43 ts Stewart & Bass. Hallam, Hamrick A Co. say they want what you owe. C. I». GORDON W. F. BROWN. GORDON & BROWN. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, CARROLLTON, GA. Will practice in the various courts in this and adjoining counties. Special attention given to suits fcr land, claims against terminated homestead estates, the adminis tration of estates, A Co. T\ FAF NF Q Qi* s <J Avs d c<: «e I IfcHr II L VUbv one who was deaf twenty - I_7 eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists of the day with no benefit. Cured Himself in three months, ana since then hundreds of others by same process. A ?plain, simple and successful home ticatment. Address T. S. PAGE 128 East 2fith St. New York City, “Rough on Coughs.” Though prompt and efficient, it is mi Id and Harmless. Safe and reliable for children Wherever known it is the Mot hens’ Favorite Coweh Mediciue for lhe infant, the children and adults. It is surprisingly effective. TKOCES. 15c. I.IQUID, 25c. The Wonderful Success In Consumption Bronchitis, Asti ma. Spitting of Blood. Sore or Tight Chest, Weak Lungs, hoarseness, Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, Catafrhal Throat Aflec tions, Chronic Hacking, Irrilstigg and Trouble some Coughs. ROUGH ON ITCH. Cures Humoj, Eruptions,, Totter Salt Rhen B, Frosted Feet, Chilblains. 50 e.jar E S WELLS, Jersey City, N j, U S A. 11®* CORDIAL FOR THE BQWELS&.CHILDRENTEETHING It is THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY for the bowels. It is one of the most pleasant and efficacious remedies for all summer complaints. At a season when violent attacks of the bowels are so frequent, some speedy relief should be at hand. The wearied mother, losing sleep in nursing the little one teething, should use this medicine. 50 cts. a bottle. Rend 2c. stamp to Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., for Riddle Book. Taylor**! Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup, •nd Consumption. Price 25c. and JI a bottle. THE MAGIC INSECT EXTERMINATOR, and MOSQUITO BITE CURE. We oiler one thousand dollars for its equal. Send lor circulars. SALLADE & CO., 8 East 18th St. New York. CLINCMAN’S Tobacco ■ REMEDIES B®/ jmmbiw 3 The Greatest Medical Discovery of 3 the age. No family ought io be 3 fa without them. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT THE MOST EFFECTIVE PREPARA TION on the market for Piles. A SURE CURE for Itchintr Piles. Has never failed to give prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers, Abscess, ristula, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Barber’s Itch, Ring worms, Pimples, Sores and Boils. Price 50 cts. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE NATURE’S OWN REMEDY, Cure, nil Wounds. Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Erysipelas. Boils, Carbuncles, Bone Felons, Ulcers, Sores. Sore Eyes, Sore Throat,Bunions,Corns, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Orchitis, Gout. Rheumatic Gout. Golds. Goughs, Bronchitis, Milk Leg, Snake and Dog Bites, Stings of Insects, <fcc. In fact allays all local Irritation and Inflammation from whatever cause. Price 2d rte. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared according to the most scientific principles, of the PUREST SEDATIVE INGREDIENTS, compounded with the pureet Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for Croup, Weed or Cake of the Breast, and for that clam of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and Pains where, from too delicate a state of the system, the patient is unable to bear the stronger application of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches and Pains, it is invaluable. Price 15 cts. Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM, N.ZC., U. S. A. L. C. Mandeville has bought out the hardware store, replenished the stock, and added a general line of goods, all of which will be offered for sale low at the Sharp Brick Store by W. D. Crutchfield. NOTICE - Long Co hereby notify all who owe them, that prompt pay ments are expected, and if any fail to respond to this notice they need not expect father indulgence. Oct 30 1385, Long & Co. 44-4 ts BREMEN TOJSrROLLTON. Bill Benson will carry you with the mail. Leave Carrollton Wednes day’s and Saturday’s 6:30, a. m., arrive at Bremen, 11 a. in. Leave Bremen Ip. m. arrive at Carroll ton 5:30 p. m, SEE HERE! EVERYBODY. The notes and accounts o± Tur ner Chambers, and Gaulding, Hallam <fc Co., arc placed in my hands for collection. Settle at once ar.d save cost. 43 ts. O. J. Walker. Attorney at Law. Farm for Sale. On Turkey creek, within easy walk of Mt. Zion Seminary, one of the best institutions in the State, 50 Acres, with one horse f .rm open and under good fence. New framed house, 4 rooms, with hall and piaza. Good kitchen, good stables, a nev er failing spring in 60 feet of the heusc. A rnns across the lot, bordered by a narrow strip of botton. It is in k ight of the public road. Apply at this office or address J- B. Beall. 36-ts. Motive. All persons indebted to the estate of John Bryant deceased are res quested to come forward and set tle, and all those having demands against said estate will please prps sent them in terms of the jaw, Sept. 24th 1885. E. L. & A. r. Bryant, 41 6t. Executors. Old papers forsale here. To Rent. Residence and lot whereon Dr. Bartow Cole now resides on Newnan street. Possession given Jan. 1. Apply to J. F. Culpepper. 43 ts. Coflins and burial suits furnished day or night. Askew Bradley A Co. r ‘ For Warner’s celebrated inak# of corsets <jo to L. C. Mandeville. Make S7O to $l5O I ——month selling Onr Standard Books A Bibles*—j Steady work tor Sprin ami Sammer. Address J. C. McCurdy A Co., Phil elpbia,Pa. L. C. MANDEVILLE Is just receiving the largest stock of goods ever brought to this market. Jt is complete in every line. These goods I have jflst bought in New York in person and were bought right—lower than 1 have ever bought before, and will be offered to the trade the same way. The following named items embrace a few f the grades I have on hand. DRESS GOODS, all kinds and prices. CALICOES, CHECKS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. A tine lot of BLEACHED GOODS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, BLANKETS, BED QUILTS ,„i SPREADS, TICKINGS, a big lot of JEANS, and one of the nicest lines of CASSIMERS ever ; this Market. n ln Table OILCLOTHS, LINENS, DAMASKS, TOWELS, Ac. A big lot of CANTON FLANNELS 10-4 SHEETINGS, Bleached and BROWN, Bal Skirts, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, TRUNKS—Best in tow? A lot of good, and cheap VALISES, RETICULES. A complete stock of NOTIONS. HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, Os every dcsciiption and price. HATS, HATS, CAPS, CAPS, All kinds, sizes and prices h . ■<:x-w, SADDLES for men, boys and women. BRIDLES—aII prices. COLLARS—aII sizes. HARNESS— singIe and double, for wagon and buggy. WHIPS, WHIPS, WHIPS, HORSE BLANKETS, BADDI F BLANKETS, LAP KOBES (heavy woolen) good and cheap. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, HARDWARE. Anything in the world in the hardware you want, yon will be apt to find here. Wagon and Bn CC v material, Iron, Plows and Stocks in abundance. I also keep on hand a full line of groceries, such as Meat, Lard, Flour Syrup, Sugars and Coffees. Mark ore 1 , Cheese, good and at a low price. Rubber goods, all prices, for Gents’ and Ladies’ wear. I have exclusive sale of the Celebrated BAY STATE SHOE. Every pair of these Boots and Shoe, are branded and guaranteed. If yon buy a pair of them and after wearing them on th have not got vonr money's worth I will make it up to you. I also have control of the EIGHMIE Patent Shirt, lanndned and unlaundricd, one of the best and cheap, cst shirts ever manufactured, also the most comfortable and best fitting. Buy one of them and you will wear no other, also cheaper shirts. SHIRTS, over and under, knit wear for men’, women and children. Also on hand a lot of good and cheap TOBACCOS, SNUFF, AMUNITION, WOODEN WARF— Buckets, Tubs, Sifters, Kegs Ac. CLOTHING. A full line of Mens Youths’ Boys’ and Childrens’ Clothing, and Overcoats of all kinds sizes and prices H‘./ G O .VS. I also keep on hand a few good one and two horse Wagons for sale very low XMoxerxa v z I NEED the article. These goods must be sold, and at the same time I request all who are in debt to me to come in just as soon as possible and make me a payment. Oct. Ist 1885 L. C. MANDEVILLE. N. B. A lot of Syrup barrels and kegs on hand for sale. Also Bagging and Ties always L. C. M. Has made some of the Most Won- I derfni Cures on record. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS WANTED F6R “BILL ARP’S SCRAP BOOK.” MP’EXPERIENCED AGENTS appreciate the advantage of having a book that sells to all classes and gives them a cordial welcome everywhere, as BILL ARP’S BOOK does. The book contains over 400 pages, good book paper, finely illus trated by the talented artist J, H. Mo ser, of this city. Agents and all in want of employment should write confidential terms. copy will be sent, postpaid, to any address, where we have no agent, on receipt of price, $2.00. Address x . SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO., 26 North Broad St., Atlanta,Ga. NEWSPAPER WERWnG. DAUCHY & CO., 27 PARK PLACE, 24-26 MURRAY ST., NEW YORK. Make lowest rates on all newspapers in the U S. and Canada. ESTABLISHED 1867. To those whose purpose may be accomplished by a short advertisement, or by a transient ad ▼ertisement, and to whom prompt (insertion is important, we recommend our Popular Local Lists: 1,130 Daily and Weekly newspapers, divided into sectinhs. All home-print papers—no co operative® ihcln ded. These papers have a monthly circulation of over ELEVEN MILLION COPIES! Send for new CataloiriK just out. Forties con templating a line of advertising, large or «mal) are requested to send for estimate of co«t. Please na-ne tnis paper. Valuable Farm For Sale. Will be sold before the Court house door in the town of Carrollton on the first Tuesday in December next, 200 acres of land more or less, ‘ lying in the tenth district on the Tal lapoosa river, throe miles west of Car rollton, known as the Isaac Black place, to be divided into four lots as follows: fjot number one, fifty acres, south jjagt pprner land lot number 123, with two ipg gQbins, one {laying two rooms, smoke bouse, unbs stables, 2Q acres in cultivation; being tjie place whereon J. J. Black now lives. The remaining 150 acres, estimated, is thr.t part of lot number 102 lying on the north of the river. It will be divided into three equal lots by lines running form the river ninth to north line of the lot. The Eastern tract number 2 joins number 1 on the north and has on jt the house and out-buildings lately occupied and used by the deceased, about 40 acres cleared and under fence. JO acres bottom. The middle tract, number 3, lies along Buck creek and the rive., near ly all bottom; about 30 acres in cnlti-I vation. The west tract,number 4, is all but halt in cultivation, the woodlands having valuable timber in abuivlatuce. Teims: our half ea>h ami one halt 12 months. Sold by agreement, the heirs, all being <4 age. J. J. Black, 43-4 ts. Agent. 1885. 1885. MillineiY! I invito the LADIES to call and EXAMINE my NEW and COM PLETE Stock of MILLINERY, —consisting in part of Ladies’ and Children’s HATS, PLUMES, BIRDS, ORNA MENTS, TRIMMINGS, and RIBBONS in variety. All of which I propose to SELL, and have marked to insure that end. MISS MATTIE L. MERRELL. Southwest corner public square, Carrollton, Ga. 43-ts. J. A. MITCHELL, manufacturer and dealer in Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, etc. South Side Newnan Street. f SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. FARM, CARRIAGE, BUGGY and DRAY HARNESS. Riding Bridles, Flat and Round. Check Lincs, Leather Halters, Blinds, Martingales, Lines, Surcingle?, Spurs of every descriptioh, Belts, and Bits. HARNESS OIL. n-miIVCS- SADDT .THIAt- 37, 4in. DR. D.W.D ORSETT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TEMPJLE, GA. Ilaviii" permanently located at Temple 1 offer PTiP°J e^°- na . 1 rvice «to the citizens of Car toll and adjoining counties. Special attentions Obstetrics and diseases of women. Office at Camp'ell & Bel) s (-tore. All calls promptly ae eM ej’oa cay afid niglit— All night calls answered ij-opi p. McCsyin s residence. 2—ly, FREE! SELF-CURE favorite prescription of one of the tJJOBt noted and sucpeMfut -sp.-ciallsts in the TT 8. Jiow retired > for the cure of »*-*•<>?<.<» !>«««»». Sent ® plalnsealedenvelope/ree. Druggtstacan UP. ft. DR. WARD & CO., Louisiana, Mo, » ’ Min;Thm£ they know all about Mustang Lil*’ iment. Few do. Not to know « not so have. J PATENTS. Wm. G. HENDERSON, ' WminTOHMIJADSOLICITOI!, OFFICE, 925 F STREET. P.O. Box 50. WAMUITOX l> £ L Formerly of the Examining (Jorp?, U. S. patent office. Practices before the Patent Office, U. S. Supreme Court and the Fede ral Courts. Opinions given as to scope, validi ty, and infringement of Patents. Infurrnniion cheerfully and jooiii|»<* ly Imnished, Book on patents, with ,t ‘l e rences annexed, I'REF, Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin; • and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Halm. 1885.