The Carroll County times. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1872-1948, December 11, 1885, Image 2

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< in roll uiuiii) Tinies. J. 13. BEALL, Editor and Publisher. wk: ' - .' : =: HILUS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Gno Year JI 25 Six jnontfcn 65 TtwM rnnrtth". 35 OUR AGENTS.' Bowdon.—J. J. Walker. V. Rica.-J £ Hamhick. T-mple.—Dl. T. Baskin. M'. Zion.—Joseph Entrekin. ’ Waco.—J. 31. Adam-on. Roopville.—J. DI. Alexander. Whitesburg.— Jno. W. Taylor. t ■ i —— saur. >ii 'ii iiw ■■■wwMwnßWßwy'zcuxaMKagarscgwi Bowden. We spent Fridcy and Saturday at this m _>st pleasant of West Geor gia villages. Bowdon always has and always did have something to point out to visitors as the pride of her citizens. That something is and has been principally and pre eminently ‘her schools, —her college. They are so much a unit on this that one can hardly imagine two Bowdonites differing about any thing else—as a preference between two candidates for bailiff or for president, for instance. But just now she has Jersey pigs. They were introduced by Mr. John Shelnutt, who obtained the stock from his father-in-law, Mr. Ed wards, of Senoia, wha got them from New Jersey. Quick growth and freedom from disease are the strong points of the Jersey. Rev. W. S. Twedell has one which, at 18 months old, weighs 475 or 500, and another, a sow that has dropped two litters of pigs, same age, weigh-, ing about 350. We saw two at Mr. AV. T. Johnson’s 8 months old, that will approximate 200. While on the subject of pigs we will reproduce here some very sen" sible remarks of a recent writer, who says, “Besides supplying his own wants with lard,poik, sausage etc,, every farmer ought to rear a few pigs to sell,’ Many think there is no profit in keeping pigs, but if well managed there is a profit. Good swine management, as in the handling of ail other farm animals, begins with the selecting and breed ing of good stock. There is much dive r sity of opinion as to the superi ority of the various breeds: each has its admirers and champions, and each has likewise, its merits. Black hogs are most popular, and the lead ing breeds of this color are the Essex, Poland China and the old reliable Berkthiic. A good boar of either of these will greatly im prove any breed of common hogs. Every farmer should breed of his own pigs, or get them from neighbors in his immediate vicinity so as to be sure they are healthy and well bred. Swine diseases are be coming so formidable*!!! the into" rior that it will pay farmers to give more attention to the pi educ tion of pork on the Atlantic slope. If our dairymen will give the pig a chance, and feed him the skim miik instead of wastng it in making white oak cheese that will not sell, he will vindicate himself. G ivc the pig a chance.” Mm - , , I > <*>- UM II I M*. A New Firm. While it is unpleasant to us to chronicle the dissolution of so old and reliable a firm as that of W. W. G. V». Merrell, who though many year have most wor thily sustained a large practice in the law in this county and the adjoining territory, it is a pleas ure to say to our leaders that two as responsible men as G. W. Mer rell and W. P. C de have formed a co-partnership as successors to the old firm. The well known relia bility o.’both the new partners com mends them to the oublic as wor thy successors to a fit tn that has been faithful to every trust confi ded to their piofessional care. An Instructive Letter. The following letter, received some days ago by our Junior, we publish in Ins absence, without con si ting him or his learned friend. Its valuable su be of service to any re; dcr of the Times who may be ambitious of walking in literary paths. It was not writ ten for the press, but is well wor thy of a place in any of the stand ard magazines. THE LETTER.. “By the way—speaking ing—l must express my appioba tion of your story, “Adrian Ster ling.” It gives promise of a broad and luminous carver m tec . letters, if you aoop that f * »? session. If you do ado t it, re re: ;-j her Bulwcr’s suggestion 3? Ci n, j thesculptor: “He inustdevM” his' youth to toil, who woi.l ' <■ e-1 crate his manhood to fan c." I ( were of your age, and hul ;< .<• ' talent for composition. ' < , i n<>t be content with ‘ tir level of (ho great” iu ilm .. FC: sion. Among its ti.uiis.. 4 one celebrities I would not ar<j. to ( shine. The parlicnlir .. . ; . vtry dimly if it gets no. a’ v .no. general haze. I w-qujd b< 4 •. e A .;>■ inoor in the circlet of g.. ~ >r I i would not care to jbe pl L.c crown at all. 1 would not, lit erary man, be content to . Nt-.. .. o ries to please the hurried nd u perficial crowd of reader alone, or stories that are too light to i, a desirable impression, and ‘.ha , when read by the crith, are furg, t ten as soqn as laid aside. As a friend of some c .l< in literature, would a l vis you, Horace did the Pises, to ir.Jy the great models by day and by; I would not merely rc -.1 them again and again, but-1 would MMy them critically and with con entra ted attention. ; Th# styfy o. every author worthy the name iy, ;/ 01, course, his own--origin ;;L wid»p:- culiar. But a thousand ac ion come in to modify, iolijct, or adorn. As some insects t.ik j- the hue of the leaves on winch th. y feed, so the mind J’n t. ■ « rigi nal writer will be w . u.c io catch some tints from th. • i.rden lands through which it I would study Scott for Mt uJ directness of style; Lhf .er for beauty of imagery and cl ; . re finement of expression; .nni Dick ens for the tender pathos and gen tle humor that lies evermore, c-vgi amid the humble and the pour, be neath the common surface of hu manity. These great ma. iei/in the prolific fields of fiction 1 w >rdd study deeply and de-vot edly—not, of course, for servile imitation, but for the nmb r it pose of imbuing my mind with their several modes ot inter• eta tion of thought and sentiment. Literature as a prof, si n is grand and noble. It has it the “dainty grace of high I;; . ”■ Around the throne jof Cl > a .c were gathered three gio;. n .e ers. Theodelf of Germany, Ahuin of Englano, and Clement ...of I da;. 1. These three at his cou" wer< ,tot active agents in the .‘revival of letters.” ,“What is writing.* ic ed Pepin, the son of the gr t. . o arch. Alenin responded, ‘lt ..□ guardian of history.” 1 . d as well have said: “It isr n cmy the imiuortality of speech, u t e embalmer of are not only, afe D'Aven ca i them, the “monuments < f va.d ’ ■ minds,” but their mu;! v tne. s arc pyramids in which lie * ibidm cd the monarch thoughts cd a. 11 time. The arrow tb-a’ •i. ;; t w Persian mail now min.:.e- - , . dust on the giay mour 1 d thon , but the dart that v. w :-p d from the bow of Pind r e;i < iejs on its wav. Like thav .-Het from the bow of Accstes on the A-.- ian shore, it is abhize in d y- oe' it is not consumed. The bgh f of literature ntver wane--. If s along the generations of a -m w. rying but undying hues ol s>. • i The torch or Homer, s. io n d but resplendent still, glov.s a. ;uid the harp of Virgil, and JJmi . pass-. J the “purified flam beau' o ions waving hand. It is sti;, amaZ’ . It plays around the tongue of the or ator, the pen of the hoi -i. : , and mi gic wand of the peed Therefore, my you. g a. dent ffiend, I can wish }on no broiler field, no brighter career, than that which awaits you as a priest oi the in the temple ol lekeis. O »-«» How it Feels to be sued. Mr. Editor: —lam sued, , v., sued, and it makes me fed mi..i.ty curious. The shortest, fatest r.. n I ever saw, who'called hisnseli a con stable, called on me, as ve n.. two letters, and J was so plagued, that I was afraid, after lie left, that I did not treat him | iitely, for I always want to be P oiitc.— One of the letters was from' my friend . 1 reckon I k pt him in a stew so long, that he was obliged to bile over. Now I tried to pay him, in the best hoi.-cd' sh, in the county, but nothing but the money would do, and I coal.'.n't get it up. The other was from a i- like ij wa.s the firjt lima 1 went a. dear I driving. Ity kmv ■ ( g all right, I but when th 1 dem c- me in eight 11 'had what I hn’g vy thvv rail, i but!:* h . ”>■ */ •: «•<' 1 gD ; ix ady, i ' . H-»pe Mr. W :,; t j U ,,wder i' V,, a if i- bad to be i ■ Uc I, . • .... ti> c >n- isde mi. On is 1 didn't get mud, b ’i m- ’erlings to get mad, a,...! it t . ”.‘sso;ue folks to say > Alien is, f I *: ■ot bv myse'f, f r many a;- d w . a- ne, aixt the old r.iyi ?’ is ti n . that “mis? y company. Another thing lam proud of. i., that I have done the ucst I com ■, and h ive a conscience void of offense. lang again, that I never, nor never will dun a man on a Postal car.’, foi it is slander—as well es a violation, of law, and I bad ialii r a m m would steal my i ist c. u tor bro i . .man to slander me. I never siie i a man in my life, an i never will, while he is tn mg to pay mo, for it is hard gh fur ap< or ihaa to pay his ju t debts, a d when a fellow is down, it is a poor way to help him, by ] iling more load on him. M s\v, in c mclnsion, let me say a I,w words to my ft How sufferers md to the farmers, and working people. Dear Irion Is. let us do Hgat v t a.; kizaids, ..nd unler all circumstances,, whether others do so by r or iiot. Let us keep out of debt if we have to live on bread and water. Let’s pay our old debts, as .a/, ac we can, whether co. ipelled ur nut. Them let us oix ganize farmer s clubs, in every set tle m ;.t, so that wo can help and encourage each oilier, and as soon as v . g independent again, which we xw.i if we trj, then we will ship . oiw cotton to Atlanta or wlic ru else,wo please, and then buy our goods at wholesale prices, and lct.ihe?c one horse towns, and mid" die men, go to work, or go to thun der, whichever suit th Am best.— “With* charity for all, and malice toward none, L.t us not be discour age d, ’ ut be sure we are right and then go ahead.” D avid Crock ett. rOR COUGHS, AND CONSUMPTION USE TAYLOR’S Il AAA Jw 'e&r ■ al. gußg? 7 - ... .: The swee t gum, as gathered from a tree of the sane name, growing along the small streams in the Soot hern States, contains a stimulating ex pectorant principle that loosens the phlegm pro duel ng the early morning cough, and stimulates t he c litl d to 1 Lirow off the false membrane in croup ; v> tioophig-cougli. When combined with the r.iing principle in the mullein Is. pi ents in Ta yi.ok’s Cn E iOKES RE :EP\- OF SWEET Gt’M AND MUL ’ 'iNt'i t -st known remedy for Coughs, Croup Whooping-coughandoonsumption; and so pala table, any child is pleased to take- it. Ask your ■iruggist for it Price, Sse and SI. Ifhedoes tn... keep it, we will pay, for one time only, ex- I cim- es on large size bottle to any part of tiie U. 8. on receipt of SI.OO. WALTLK s.r.lYLOr.P‘"t E ta,Ga- I CURE FITS! When < <Ay euro I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS. EPILEPSY or FALIz- ING SICKNESS a life-long study. J warrant my remedy to cure tho worst cases. Because other# have failed is no reason for nut now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy! Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trig, c„d I will cure you. PB, 11. G. BOOT, IS3 Pearl 8t„ N.T* . 7886. W Ite tniiku *Tiir ’I to all applicants, and to customers of ;-5 . y-:tw without Orc tar it It contains about 130 pages, < Mons, prices, sc«ur®£* descriptions and valuable directs, r sot ,ian.init nil varieties of VEGETABLE a:tt lILOVi Sl’EiMB, BULBS, ettb. Dj.a’-jabie to all. esneciallv u Market Gardeners. Send for it. P. KL FERRV & Detroit, Michigan, PATENTS Am. G. HENDERSON, F.Vk: T ATTORNEY AAD SOLICITOR, OFFICE, 925 F STREET. P. O. Box 53. IV IX £0 i X r(>.v, ». c. Fuiiueily us u.e Examining Corps, U. S. Patent office. Practices before the Patent Office U. S. e.iiu?'Cou land the''Fede ral Courts. Opinion- . ivon is to scope, validi ty, and infiin ; unent ot Pater.ts • liiiormation c'n erfu'iiy and prompt ly furnisib-d. ILw d book on pal nts, with rrfe e iiG ; . annexed, F:ee. JEFtYBDBY. The notes a: d accounts ot Tur ner A Chambers, ar.d Gaulding, Hailuni A Co., are placed in my hands fur collection. Settle at once and tave cost, 43 ts. O. J. Walker. Attorney at Law. i CORDIAL FOR THE BOWELS&CHILDREN TEETHING It is THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY for the bowels. It is one of the most pleasant and efficacious remedies for all summer complaints. At a season when violent attacks of the bowels are so frequent, some speedv relief should be at hand. The wearied mother, losing sleep in nursing the little one teething, should use this medicine. 50 cts. a bottle. Send 2c. stamp to Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., for Riddle Book. Taylor’s ( iierolwH- Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup, and Consumption. Price 25c. and SI a bottle. NE W ADVEBTLSEMENTS. SHEEiFFS SALES. GEORGIA, Carroll County:— Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest bid der for cash the follcrtving property to wit: A lot in Carrollton with the house and appurtenances w hereon John Rodahan and his wife now live, ly ing west :fnd adjoining the old jail lot, north of and facing the street leading to the Old Methodist Church (now 2 Baptisr church) bounded on the westby tho West and parson age lots and on the east by the Con nell lot, containing 2 acres more or less, levied on by viriue of an execu tion issued trom Carroll Superior Court in favor of Thomos Chandler vs. John Rodahan and E J Rodahan his wife as their property to satisfy said execution for the purchase mon ey. Deed filed and recorded in Car roll Superior Court, clerk’s office be fore levy and notice of levy given de fendants according to Jaw. ALSO at the same time and place, the North half and the South west quar ter of lot of land number twelve in the 1 Oth District of Carroll county Georgia, containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less, levied on for balance of purchase money due by the defendant, in fi fa, under and by virtue of an Execution issued from Carroll Superior Court in favor of E W Barnes against DI F Spruell De tendant holding said land under a bond for title. Deed made and filed in clerk’s office. Notice of levy given according to law. MLSO fifty acres of land of the northwest portion ot lotot land No 44 in the4th district of said county; levied on as the property of the defendant under and by virtue of a fifa issued trom the justice court of the 682nd district, G M, in favor of W \V Gordon & Co bearer, vs A M Wald. Property in possession of, and pointed out by the defendant at the time of the levy.— Levy made and returned to me by a lawful constable. Dec 2nd, 1885. ALSO al the same time and place will be sold lot of land No 91, and fifty acres in the south west corner of lot No 92, all in the 9th district of Carroll county Ga. Levied on as the prop erty of defendant, by virtue of a Jus tice court fifa issued from the Justice court of the 12515 t district, G M, of Haralson county Ga., in favor of W T Broekvs J W King. Property pointed out bv plaintiff. Levied on and returned to me bv a constable. ALSO one hundred acres of lot of land num ber (22) twenty two in the tenth dis trict. ot Carroll county Ga, off of the south west corner ot said lot, bounded 'on the east by the land of 11 D La ney, and pn the south by Mrs. DI F i Spruel’s land and on the North and West bv the original laud lines of said lot, number (22) twenty two. — , Levied on as the property of J/is J/ j i FSprui , under and by viitue ot a fi fa , is tied fn m the Stipei ’Of Court of j I said coun v i; favor of I? D Laney | j against thei-au: Mis M F Spruell for the purciutse nioiu.y due >’) said ; landi Deed fihd and recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Supeiior Court lof said county, as it-quired by law.— Notice (. t 1 evy given as required by law. Property’ pointed out by Plain- I tiff in fifa. 49 sls. ALSO at the same time and place, will be sold one bav horse about nine years old. one E Van Winkle cotton gin, Feeder end Condenser attached. Lev ied on as the properly of def t, under and by virtue ot and to satisfy an ex ecution issued trom the City Court of Carrollton in favor of W J Stewart ; bearer against J II Robinson. ALSO lat same time and place sixty acres more or less ot land being parts of lot No 250 and 25i, in the pth dis- 1 triet ot Cai roll countv Ga., bounded las follows; commencing east ot the 1 right ot way of the K G & N A R R ; and running snath to a culvert, at the , I south side ot the culvert, to drop 1 east 36 feel- which makes 86 feet | from the track thence south to ■ the second culveit, thence east on the , south ba*ik on the big to the land of D P Power; thence north I along the line of D P Power, thence 1 west by the land of G DI Upshaw, i thence >outh to the big gate, thence on the south side of the street, west lo the starting point. Levied on as the properly ot J A Land, to satisfy a fifa issuul tiian the supeiior court o! i said county in favor of ,7 C Benson v$ J A Land for (he purchase money for said land. Deeds filed and recorded as required by law. Property poin— ! fed out by plaintiff. L I MANUliVlliliE Is jiibt receiving the largest >tock of goods ever brought to this market. It is complete ir'cvcrv’line.* IhcSe go- ds I have ju-t bought in New York hi perron and we|e bought right—lower than 1 have’eve bought before, ar.d will be offered to the trade thebaine* way. The followingpiamed items embrace a » the grades I have « n hmd. DRESS GOODS, all kinds and prices. > CALICOES, CHECKS. SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. A tine lot of BLEACHED GOODS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, BLANKETS, BED QUILTS >,« SPREADS, TICKINGS, a big lot of JEANS, and one of the nicest lines of CASSIMERS rverP.t— S this Market. Table OILCLOTHS, LINENS, DAMASKS. TOWELS, Ac. A big ; lot of CANTON FLAKNJJUJ 10-4 SHEETINGS, Bleached ar.d BROW N. Bal Skirts, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, TRUNKS—Bcstjis t .„’ A lot of good and cheap VAtISES, RETICULES. A complete stock of NOTIONS. HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, Os every desci iptiou and price. HATS,'HATS, r CAPS, CAPS, All kinds, sizes and prices S33S ID Ei 15 JESLT&L w 1 ' T a " SADDLES for men, boys and women. BRIDLES—aII prices. COLLARS—aII sizes. HARNESS— singIe and double, for wagon and buggy. WHIPS. WHIPS, ,Wil IPS, HORSE BLANKETS, SADDLE BLANKETS, LAP KOBES (heavy woolen) good and cheap. #■ CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, HARDW A R E. Anything in the world in the hardware you want, you will be apt to find here. Wagon' and ■ Btifmr material, Iron, Plows and Stocks in abundance. I also keep on hand a full line of groceries, such as* Meat, Lard, Flour SvrupJSugars and Coffees Mann er e l , Cheese, good and at’-a low price. * 1 Rubber goods, all prices, for Gents’ and Ladies’ wear. I have exclusive sale of the Celebrated BAY STATE SHOE. Every pair of these Boots and' are branded and guaranteed. If you buy a pair of them and after wcaring’them outh have not ret money’s worth I will make it up to you. * * 1 also have control of the EIGIIMIE Patent Shirt, laundned and unlaundried, one of the best and est shirts ever manufactured, also the most comfortable and best fitting. Buy one of them and you will wewr no other, .also cheaper shirts. SHIRTS, over and under, knit wear for men, women and children. Also on hand a lot of good and cheap TOBACCOS, SNUFF, A .MUNITION, WOODEN ‘ Buckets, Tubs, Sifters, Kegs Ac. ’ * CLOTHING. A sud line of Mens 1 oaths’ Boys’ and Childrens’ Clothing, and Ovcrcoats'of all kinds* sizes andZprlee* FP.i o JI'S. 1 also keep on hand a few good one and two horse Wagons for sale very low. /G-YaMSI I NEED the article. These goods must be sold, and at the same time I request all whoßare in debt fb me to come m just as soon as possible and make me a payment. Oct. Ist, 1885 * L. C. MANDEVILLE. on’hui'ntP’ lo t of Syrup barrels and kegs on hand for sale. Also Tagging and Ties always . L. C. M. ALSO at the same time and place lot of land No(122) one hundred and twenty two in the Third district of Carroll county Georgia, containing two hundred two and a half acres more or less, a’so one Saw-mill and fixtures on said lot, levied upon as the property of one of the defend ants, I. N. Brown, to satisfy two til as in my hands issued from Car roll Superior Court, one in favor of John T. Longino vs I. N. Brown J. C. Brown, M. I). Watkins and F. M. Camp; the other in favor of John T. Longino vs John A. WiL son Al. D. Watkins I. N. Brown & M. V. Boatright. Notice of levy given to I. N. Brown, party in pos session of said h<id. J M. Hewitt, Sheriff. CORONER’S SALE? Will be sold before the Court llou‘e door in the town of Carroll ton Carioll county Georgia between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January next the follow ing property to wit: Thirty five (35) acres more or less of lot of land num her one hundred and forty two, bounded as follows; on the north and south by lands of Cavender, west by Echols, east bv the Fuller old field. Levied on as the propeity of ■ defendants, under and by virtue of a , fiia issued from the City Com. of tjintillimi. m faVor <>t W J So wail, , berrer against O B Todd principal J and J. M Hewitt Endorser. Notice ; of levy given so b mint in possession. Gii bekt Cole,Coroner. I Farm for Sale. i On Turkey creek, within easy j walk of Alt. £iou Seminary, one 'of the best institutions : n the State,' 50 Acres, with one horse farm open and under good fence. New framed house, 4 rooms, with hall and piaza. Good kitchen, good stables, a nev- ■ ER FAILING SPRING in 60 feet of the house. A branch i nns across the lot, bordered by a narrow strip of button. It is in Hght of the public road. Apply at this office or address J. B. Beall. 36-ts. The above place, if not sold be fore will be sold at public outcry, he i tore the couit door on the Ist Tues day in January next. ! HACK LINE? FROM TE UFLK TO C ARROLLTOJJ Leave Temple daily, except Sun ! day, at 11.15 a. m., or on arrival ot west bom d mail train. Arrive at Carrollton. 2.15 p. m., or 3 hours after leaving Temple. Leave Carrollton, 7. a. m , i Arrive st Temple 10 a. ni., Fare each way £I.OO. Bill Benson. Just received a second stock of shoeg this fall—ose stock sold out. Numbers and styles complete and prices as cheap as any house. McCord & Shaw. iBBS - 1885. Millinerin I invite the LADIES tojjall andjEXAMINE my NEW and COM- I ILhIE Stock of MILLINERY, —coasisting in part of Ladies’ I Children’s II ATS, PLUMES, BIRDS,TORNA MENTS,'TRIMMINGS, and RIBBONS in variety. All'of'whicli"! propose to SELL, and have marked to ,! insure that end. i MISS MATTIE L. MERRELL. Southwest corner public square, Carrollton, Ga. 43-ts. J. A. MITCHELL, MANUFACTURER AND.DEALER IN i Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, etc. South Side Newnan Street. SINGLE AND DOUBLE Y it N ESS. t 7 ■t . y f 4 ARM, (L4RKIAGF, B UGG Y n i DI: A Y 11A RNKSB. hiding Bridles, Flat and Check hi;.- Leather Halters, al in X' ;CB, Lines, Surcingles, Sp«r» even <k’-<*riptioh, BeJtr, and Bits. '• harness oil. 37, 4 n. S Avery | g@„ NE WN A N .-GEORGIA. __ belts, Infirm SPEC. WARR ggld pens, stationery, bric-abrac, NOVELTIES, &C, Manufacturing of School Badges and. Medals, Society and Pre sentaticn Jewelry. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS «JW ON EXHIBITION. engraving and repairing. HF Orders by mml phmiptly at tended to. IT 'VILI. PAY YOU If you Propose Going West or No* thwest, write to„m?, I rep resent the Lhot Line. F. D. BUSH, D P. A- Atlan ta, Ga. % Hulluiu Hamrick & Co. sa\ tliey must have what you owe them. <> Partnership Dissolution The partnership heretofore ex isting between the undersigned as a Law fi:m, has been dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of W. W. Merrell from the busi ness. All existing duties to clients will be fahhfuUy discharged. All indebtedness to the firm must be settled ut once. Call 0:1 either of us as suits your convenience. The firm is succeed ed by that oty‘Merrell & Cole.” of G. W. MctreiHV P. Cole, who will practice law, and loan money at our old office. W. W. Merrell,) .. . . T _ w As z Att y< at Law- G. v\. Merrell, ) J Do you want to borrow mon ey i We want to len $40,000 on improved farms, Merrell Col*. Nov. 27th, 1885. 47;j4ttb