The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 03, 1867, Image 2

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[ From the Atlanta Intel igencer.] Import tint and Interesting to r respond ence, 'Che following importmt and inter r sting correspondence was handed us tor publication yesterday evening- The late hour at which it was received prevents anv extended notice of so itn" [i trt int a correspondence in this mor ning's issue ot our paper. Perhaps it is well that we are debarred this privi lego, as the correspondence itself needs no expression or comment on our part to impress itsell upon the public mind, » specially in Georgia. There is di&~ played in it, however, a frankness, a courtesy, a dignity, on the part of both the distinguished gentlemen—the mu itarv representative of the United iStates ami the Georgia civilian — which cannot fail to excite the admir alien of the intelligent reader, and command respect for each in the official position to which circumstances have assigned them. We understand from this correspondence, and the subjoined ‘•General Order No. 10,” most clearly what Major General Pope, the mili tary commander ol this district, requires of Governor Jenkins, and all other civil officers of the State, and we trust no instance will occur that will render it necessary for the former to enforce the removal from office of any one occupying it by reason of his dis" obedience of those orders. Thus, to use the words of General Pope, may lie preserved “unimpaired friendly and harmonious relations” not only with Governor Jenkins, hut with all the other civil authorities ol the State. Hradquakters 3d Military Dist., Y (Georgia, Alabama and Florida) V Allai. 'a, Ga., April 17, 1807. ) Sir—l have the honor to transmit, enclosed a copy of my General Order assuming command of this Military District. Copies were sent to you at the time addressed to Milledgeville. Paragraph 3, of that order reads as follows viz: “Ilf. It is to he clearly understood, however, that the civil officers thus retained in office shall confine them selves strictly to the performance of their official duties, and whilst holding their offices they shall not use any in fluence whatever to deter or dissuade the people from taking an active part in lesoristrucling their State Govern ment, under the act of Congress to pruvide for the more efficient Govern ment of the Rebel Stales, and the act supplementary thereto.” 1 have the honor to request that vou will inform me at as early a day as possible, whether, when you issued v otir address to the people of Ge irgia, dated Washington. D. (’., April 10, IRO7, you had seen or had knowledge of the enclosed order. I am very respectfully, your obedient servant, John Pope, Brevet Major General Commanding. [A duplicate of this letter has been addressed to you at Washington City.] Provisional Governor Charles J. Jen* kins, Miliedgeville, Georgia. National Hotel, ") Atlanta, Ga., April 20, 1867. j Brevet Major General John Pope, Commanding, etc. Sir —On yesterday evening a copy of i communication from you, address ed to me at Milledgeville, on the 17th iiist., w:\fi.har.ded to me in tins hotel. With tliat communication -was trans muted a copy of your General Order No. 1, issued from Motgomery, Ala*- bama, and my attention being called to paragraph 3 of that order. You in qtiiie w.hetlier, when I issued mv address to the people of Georgia, dated Washington, l), ('., April 10th, 1807, 1 had seen or had knowledge of your order above mentioned? 1 answer that at that time f had neither seen nor had knowledge of it. 1 supposed I was exercising such freedom in tlie public expression of opinion, relative to public matters, as seems still to be accorded to the citi z mis of this Republic, not imagining that it was abridged by the acident of the speaker or writer holding olliee. So much for the past, General, and I will only add, that in future 1 shall do and say what i may believe is required of me by the duty* to which my oath of office hinds me, and this, 1 trust, will not involve either conflict or con. troversy between us in the execution of our respective trusts, as I think it need not; everything of this character 1 certainly desire to avoid. lain, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, [Signed ] Charles J. Jenkins, Governor of Georgia. Headqdarters 3d Military Dist., (Georgia, Alabama and Florida) v Atlanta, Ga., April 22, 1807. 3 Governor l have the honor to ac knowledge tlie receipt of your letter of the 20th instant, in answer to mine of the 17th. It gives me pleasure to say that your explanation is satisfactory, as far as the past is concerned, and I cordially con cur with you in the hope that our re lations in the future may be harmoni ous and agreeable. I would content myself with this answer to your letter but for the lot ion mg remark which it contains. You sav. **l supposed l was using such freedom in the public expression of opinion relative to public matters as seems still to be accorded to the citi zens of tilts Republic, not imagining that it was abridged by the accident of the speaker or writer holding office.” T'fiis expression seems to indicate that you think that in some manner, j either personally or officially, you have been wronged by that parajnaph of ir.\ order which has occasioned this correspondence, and that I am seeking to abridge tho liberty of speech, in this State, in an unnecessary and oppress ive manner. I trust that I may be able to disabuse your mind of this idea. It is scarcely necessary to tell you that the late acts |of Congress, which 1 am sent here to execute, recognize the existing State government of Georgia as merely pro visional, and that the object ol recog nizing it at all was only that the ordinary course of business in the civil tribunals, and the administration of the laws of the State by the customary agencies, might not he interrupted further than was necessary for the strict execution of the laws ol the United States. It is not doubted that Con gress might have legislated the present State government of Georgia out of existence a9 easily as they have recog nized it as provisional, and it is as little to be doubted that Congress would have done so, could it have been foreseen that the entire machinery of the provisional State government would be used to defeat the execution of the very law by whose sufferance alone it has any existence at ail. It is verv clear that Congress did not indent! to recognize or permit to exist, by these reconstruction acts, a powerful organ ization to be used against their exeeu tion, nor can such use he made ot the State government of Georgia without greatly obstructing, if not, indeed, en tirely frustrating the performance of the dutv required of me by these acts. The existing State Government was permitted to stand for the convenience of the people of Georgia, in the ordi nary administration ol the local civil laws, and to that end it should be carefully confined. It was in this view that paragraph 3d of my order assuming command was considered, and it is not easy to see how it can be regarded as oppressive or unjust. Molding your office by permission of the United States Government, you are debarred, as I am, from expressing opinions, or using influences to pre vent the execution of the laws of the United States, or to excite ill-feeling and opposition to the General Govern ment, which is executing these acts of Congress. With your personal opinions, or those of any citizen of Georgia, or their expression within the limits of the law. 1 have nothing to do; but the distinction between personal opinion openly expressed in an official capaci ty, and official opinion, is too nice for the common understanding. The influence of your opinions, openly avowed, must oi necessity be very great with the civil officers of the State in all its departments, when the tenure of office is largely dependent upon your pleasure. Your opinions at a private citizen, without official sta tion, and the same opinions whilst Governor of Georgia, have a very dif ferent significance, and produce a very different effect. 1 only require that the civil machin ery of the State of Georgia be not perverted so as to frustrate the execu tion ol the laws ol the United Slates, and for that reason, I exact from the civil officers that whilst they retain their offices they confine themselves strictly to the performance ol their official duties, and do not use their influence to prevent the people of the State from submitting to and carrying out tfre laws of the United States. In your address to the people of Georgia, which occasioned this cor respondence, you denounce the acts of Congress which I am sent here to execute, as “palpably uucosiituiional” and “grievously oppressive,” and ad vise the people, whatever may be the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, to take no action under those laws. Whilst you counsel them not to resist by violence, you at the same time, by open official denuncia tion of the law, invite the very action which you seem to deprecate. It is manifestly impossible for me to perform the duties required of me by the acts of Congress, while the Pro visional Governor of the State is openly denouncing them and giving advice to the public in his official capacity, the result of which will he to excite discontent and array the whole army of office holders in the State in opposition to the“- execution, unless, indeed, the whc.e civil Government ot the State is overthrown, and the Mili tary substituted. I think such a change would be as distasteful to the people of Georgia as it would be to me, and yet it the civil officers of the State follow the example which your Excellency lias set them, there will be no escape from such a result. The 3d paragraph of my order im poses no restrictions on you to which I am not myself subject; you hold your office by permission of the United States Government, 1 hold mine, as do thousands of otheis, both civil and mil itary, by substantially the same tenure. Custom, old enough to be law itself, restricts us in conversation and action, precisely as paragraph 3 of my order restricts you. There is a very simple mode of freeing ourselves from such restrictions when they become too oppressive. In conclusion, Governor, it seems necessary forine to say in general reply to the latter portion of your letter, that the paragraph of my order to which you object was very carefully consid ared; that it means precisely what it says, and that to the full extent of my power it will be st icily enforced. Mv great respect for your personal character has made it painful to me to write you this letter, hut as a fair and full understanding between us is abso lutely essential to anything like har* mon ous relations, 1 have thought it recessary, even at the risk of giving offense, to acquaint you fuliy with my understanding of my duty, and of the status of the civil officers of the Fro visional State Governments undei the late Acts of Congress. I again assure y oft th .t it shall be my study, as it will be my pleasure, to pre serve unimpaired friendly and harmo nious relations will) you, and 1 trust that our views on the subject of this correspondence may be made to har monize sufficiently to secure this result. 1 am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed,] John Pope, Major General Commanding. Headquarters 3d Military Dist., (Georgia, Alabama and Florida) v Atlanta, Ga., April 23, 1807. j General Order Ao. 10. The following paragraph from Gen eral Order No. 1. from these Head quarters, is re-published for the infor mation of all concerned : “Paragraph III.—It is to be clearly understood, however, that the civil officers thus retained in office, shall confine themselves strictly to the per formance of their official duties, and whilst holding their offices they shall not use any influence whatever to deter or dissuade the people from taking ar. active part in reconstructing their State Government under the Act of Congress, to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States and the act supplementary thereto.” ’l'lie words, “shall not use any in fluence whatever,” shall be interpreted in their widest sense, and held to mean advice, verbal or written, given to individuals, committees, or the public. All officers in this military district are directed, and citizens are requested, to give immediate information of any infraction of this order, and to prevent misunderstanding on the subject, it is distinctly announced that any civil official (Slate or municipal) within this district, who violates the above order, will be deposed from bis office and held accountable in such other manner as the nature of the ease demands. By command of Brevet Major Gen eral John Pope. G. K. Sanderson, Capt, 33 J U, S.lnfantry, and A. A. A. G. [Official.] Southern Con fiscal ors. The Raleigh Standard Holden’s or gan) is rather in favor of confiscation. It says : “Mr, Stevens has solemnly declared that he wilt devote his remaining strength to the work of confiscation. His influence in Congress is well known. The great body of the North ern people, and many of our own peo ple, feel that it would be an act of gross and crying injustice to free the slaves and give them no lands ; and that, to say the least, it would be better that the large bodies of land held by the Southern rebels be cut up into small farms for the poor whites and the colored people. Revolutions never go backwards, and this revolution has not yet run its course.” These are the opinions of one who professes to be a Southerner. The opinions of the Northern men of (he correctness of his ideas are shown by the following extract from an editorial of the New York Times, to which we call the especial attention of our read ers : “The effect of writing of this charac ter cannot but be mischievous. It introduces anew elementof uncertainty into the South, intensifies its industrial paralysis, and heightens the distrust which already deters capitalists from embarking in its enterprises. It shows that, in the opinion of politicians who claim a peculiar right to manage affairs, and a peculiar influence o v er Congres sional action, a sweeping measure of confiscation is in i'self righteous, and should be pressed upon the country. “The Standard mis-states the case, when it declares that ‘the great body of the Northern people’ favor the measure, and that the influence of Mr. Stevens in Cengress is a guarantee of its ultimate adoption. The personal influence of Mr. Stevens we have no inclination to depieciate ; but the last two sessions have abundantly' proved that the influence, large as it is, does not enable him to carry points at vari ance with the general sentiment of the party. We should be sorry to lose him from the political arena, and are content that he shall devote his re maining strength to the work of confis cation,’ because the failure of his efforts In that regard does not admit of doubt. The reception accorded to his confis cation bill is evidence to this. It met no response in the House, and was postponed indefinitely by its author, because an attempt to pass it would have quickly ended in its rejection. With all their radicalism, the majority of members are not prepared to sustain a scheme that is repugnant to the moral sense and the humanity of the North, rhey know that the great, ‘body of the Northern people’ not only have no desire to seize the lands of the planters and divide them among the freedmen. but would frown down such a project as barbarous, unjust and eminently impolitic. “The current opinion at the North flows in a direction widely different from that on which the extremists ol North Carolina base their calculations. Their reasoning is as unsound as their axiom. Revolutions do sometimes ‘go | backwards,’ or, rather, their violence j sometimes produces a re-action which undoes the work and permanently neutralizes their influence. The more I sensible of the radical journals, recog- ■ nizing the eminence of re-action as a conseguence of too violent proceedings, are earnest in their condemnation of the very measures on which the Holden faction build their hopes. The Chicago Tribune, than which the radicals have j few abler or more influential organs, condemns confiscation and repudiates it in behalf of the party, When Mr.! Stevens introduced his till, the Tri«« j bune denounced it as a libel upon the’ Northern people, who want ao measure i of vengeance, and will tolerate none of robbery. The same journal denounces the recent propositions of Mr. Sum ner, and in effect declares that no party could live after giving them its sanc tion.” fr iy SAM’L H. SMITH and ROI3T. P. MILAM Editors and Proprietors. Cartersville, Ca, May, 3 1867. uaanaiHHEaaaHDßamHiiHHmiup How stands tlie Record! We publish, in another column, the correspondence between Gov. Jenkins and Gen.. Pope in regard to the present and future policy of the State of Geor-» gia in the matter of reconstruction. Gov. Jenkins says he feels it his du ty to stand by his oath of office, hoping at the same time that their respective trusts will not clash. Gen. Pope also expresses the same hope, but gives the Governor very plainly to understand that he does not object to his standing by his oath of office, provided that oath does not throw an impediment in the way of reconstruction upon the plan that he has been commission by Con-, gress to execute, but in case it does “he (Gen. P.) will exert the extent of his power to enforce the law,” We would regret very much to see a conflict of authority raised between the two intended co-operative branches of the government —the civil and the military—the civil must yield, and the arbitrament oi the sword is seldom, ii ever, very concilhatory. We fear, however, that designing persons, have been and are still trying to bring about a breach between these two functfbna ries of the government ; but from the very respectful language in which the correspondence is clothed, we hope ail'd believe that their object will not be accomplished. If Gen. Pope was to fail to discharge the duties assigned him by Congress, he would be removed-and a far less ac» ceptable officer to the people of this District might, and in all probability would, be appointed to succeed him. Gen. P. thus far in his administration, while he designs to be understood by the people as an unswerving execution er ol the law, has evinced every dispo sition to make his administration ac ceptable and himself agreeable to the same. We think we have cause to congratulate ourselves upon the ap apointment; of so conservative a gentle man to the high and responsible posi tion, and, if we cannot fully and freely endorse the mission he was sent to accompliih —if we cannot enter heart and hand into the work of reconstruc tion under the military bill—we should not throw obstructions in the way by manifesting a spirit of hostility to the measure, either in words or actions, but, on the contrary keep our mouths shut and attend to our own business, obeying, at the same time, all laws and orders respecting our conduct and intercourse emanating from the powers that be, and when registration of voters begins, to go forward and record our names, if not dislranchised, that we may be duly qualified to exercise the •liberty of suffrage when duty requires it. These are our honest convictions and we give them for what they are worth. publish orders No. 4 and No. 10 from the headquarters es this, the 3rd. Military District, which we com mend to the attention of our readers. Read and know the law that you may not become a transgressor of the same. «@°*Th ose who want to buy good Giocks, Watches, Jewelry or Silvers ware, or have the same repaired, would do well to read the advertisement of Err Lawske, in another column.— This is one of the oldest houses in the city of Atlanta, and, the beauty of it is.- everything is warranted. Reconstruction. —One of the greatest obstructions in the way of re constructing the Southern States now Unrecognized by Congress, under the miiitary bill, is thrown there bv individuals who are making it their bu siness to travel over the country and exeri their influence in arraying the freed men against their former masters, and also in instigating them to the per* petration of deeds that they well know will create a feeling of antagonism be tween the two races. The former slave holder of the South has been taught from his cradle to look upon the negro as his inferior in every respect, and no thing would sooner consign a white man to infamy in his eyes than an equal association of the two races. — Since the slave has been set free, and is the whiteman’s equal in the eyes of the law, we have reluctantly acknowl edged it, and it does not appear now half so hideous as it did then. We are willing that he should be free, that he should be educated, and be his own preacher, lawyer, doctor, mechanic, and farmer, and shall be equal before the law to sue and be sued, to contract, to testify, to vote, &c., s*c., but any ef* fort to place him upon asocial equality with the white man, will meet with op position, whether it be voluntary or compulsory. There are individuals traveling over the country who avail themselves ol every opportunity to en force social equality between the two races, by making them eat at the same table, sleep in the same bed, ride in the same cars, and even to intermarry.— Now what is the result? It not only embitters the white man against the black and the man who endeavors to enforce equality, but against the gov„ eminent he represents. It cannot be in the very nature of things that two races, raised up together under such circumstances, possessing different habits, manners and customs, will affil iate in every respect in so short a a length of time if ever. Only give us time and those things will all come right as far as Providence designs they should. (Correspondence of the Cartersville Express.) Nashville, Tenn., April 25 1867. Editors Cartersville Express , In traveling into this section of the •State soliciting contributions for* the destitute of a portion of our State, I have everywhere met with the kindest reception. It is true that the charity of the people of the State had been previously heavily taxed, but they re sponded to my request to the best ot their ability and means. Gov. Neil S. Brown, his honor the Mayor of the city, and Col. A. S. Colyar, the Pres ident of the coal company, rendered me great assistance, for which many hearts will thank them. Also in Win chester, Col. Estill labored in behalf oi the poor of Georgia, with a zeal that will render double the welcome he will receive from the people should he ever visit Georgia. I find that a great majority of the citizens of Tennessee belong to the Conservative party. Four out of five of the journals of the city, support Ethridge, the Conservative party ; the enfranchisement of the negroes may cause Brownlow to he re-elected Gov ernor. In some of the counties of the Stale, but few white persons are allow ed to vote. I find here a good number of U. S. soldiers, which the people dread less than they do Brownlow’s militia. I have found some capitalists in favor ol building the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad. They will soon send rep resentatives to look into the matter, and il they are pleased the work may soon commence. J. F. D. Appeal to tbe Supreme Court. The New York Tribune says that opposition to the reconstruction law takes its first formal shape in a prayer to the Supreme Court for an injunction to restrain from enforcing it. “Gen Pope, Commander ofthe Third Military District, and Andrew Johnson, a citizen ofTe»nessee,and President of the U. S.” That Mr. Johnson would like to be enjoined not to enforce the law is certain, and'it is understood that he is the leader of this effort to test the constitutionality of the law. There is another question, however—whether the Supreme Court can act upon the case unless it is brought before it on ap peal from a lower Court, and the Hon. Reverdy Johnson is ol the opinion that it cannot. Senator Wilson tells the Southern people that il is not only necessary lior them, to receive political grace, to reconstruct under the laws of Con gress, but to join the Radical party. In short become political Puseyites, and always when they pray to turn their faces to the East. J Head Quarters 3d Military Dist., j Montgomery Ala., April 4, 1867. j General Order ) No. 4i f I. All post commanders within the limits oflliis Military District, are in structed to report as soon as practica ble after tneir occurence, anv failures of the civil tribunals or officers to render equal justice to the people, and any acts of such tribunals or authorities in contravention of the Civil Rights Bill, or other acts of Congress applica ble to the Southern States. Their attention is particularly called to the acts of the local authorities or tribunals which discriminate against persons on account ot race, color, of political opinion, and whilst not interfering with the functions of the civil officers, they are directed to give particular attention to the manner in which such functions are discharged, so far as relates to the matters above specified. The post commanders are admonished, however, to be cautious and careful in their statements, and to send with their reports such evidence of the facts as shall justify action on the part of the General Commanding. 11. All reports oil these subjects will he addressed to the commander of the district in which the officer so report ing is stationed, and the District Com mander will forward the reports to these Head Quarters with his opinion and recommendation endorsed thereon. 111. It is made equally the duty of the District Commander, to give his own personal attention to the cases affove referred to, or any which may come under his own observation, and to report thereon without delay, IV. The attention of all officers serv ing in this Military District, is called to paragraph 3. of General Orders No. 1. from these Head Quarters. Any violation of that paragraph will be forthwith reported. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen, Pope. J. F. CONYNGUAM, Ist Lieut. 24th U. S. 1., [Si gned] Act Asst. Adjt. Gen. J. F. CONYN GUAM, Ist Lieut. 24th IJ. S. I. Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. A true copy. H. DODT, 2nd Lieut, 33d U. S. 1., Post Adjt. Ilead-Quarters, 3d Military District, (GEORGIA, ALABAMA AND FLORIDA.) Atlanta, Ga., April 23, 1867. GENERAL ORDERS, ) No. 10. ) The following paragraph from Gener al Order No. 1, from these Head quarters, is republished for the information of all concerned: “Paragraph III.—It is ciearly to he understood, however, that the civil officers thus retained in office, shall confine themselves strictly to the per formance of their official duties, and whilst holding their offices they shall not use any influence whatever to deter or dissuade the people from taking an active part ir, reconstructing their State Government under the Act of Congress, to provide for the more efficient gov ernment of the Rebel States, and the act supplementary thereto.” The words, “shall not use any influ ence whatever,” shall be interpreted in their widest sense, and held to mean advice verbal or written, given to indi viduals, committees, or the public. All officers ill the Military District are directed, and citizens are requested to give immediate infoimation ol any infraction of this Order, and to prevent misunderstanding on the subject, it is distinctly announced that any civil of ficial (State or Municipal,) within this District, who violates the above Order, will be deposed from his office and held accountable in such other manner as the nature of the case demands. By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Pope. G. K. Sanderson, C apt. 33d U. S, Inf. & A. A. A, G. Official. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! And New Arrangements. The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the cit.zens of Cartersville and surrounding country, that he has just opened out a most splended and FASH IONABLE Stock of eras®® & unit DRY GOODS, adapted to the wants of the people, which he proposes to sell at Prices to SUIT the TIMES. Ladies will find almost Everything pertaining to their WARDROBE. GENTLEMEN will find Material and Furnishing Goods for Clothing. Families will find all kinds of goods common for do- MESTIC USE, also BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Bonnets, Hoop Skirts, Umbrellas &c &c. Also will keep on hand a large lot of , FACTORY TY-A-IRYSfS HE ’ WOULD he happy to receive calls at any time. His doors a,e thrown wide open, and the Invitation is to all. Come and examine his goods and prices. Next door to A. A. Skinner k Cos., and just below the Post Office, L. FERGU SON, J. T. STOCKS with Ferguson. Cartersville, Ga., May 15t,1&67. Dyspepsia. — Do not suffer with dyspepsia, w hen relief is so close at hand. Tweoty thousand people have been cured of this terri ble disease in the last year by the use of Roback’s Stomach Bitters. New Advertisements. DUI GOODS ! DRV GOODS ! New Arrival! TALLEY, BROWN & CO, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga.* Arc now dai y receiving their SECOND INSTALLMENT or Spring and Summer Goods! wll^v 0 ? *? present stock, they tfil RECEIVE » EfciKLi, duung the coming season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS! THEY HAVE ON HAND NOW! Black and Fancy Silks, Mosaintvques. Grenadines, O gnudle Muslins, While and Black Iron Bareges SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLINS W r hite and Fancy Tarlatons, White and Fancy Brilliants, Tucked Skirt Goods, Alexand.e’s Kill Gloves—light colors MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, &c. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED, May B—w6ra. The Oldest Jewelry House in ATLANTA, GEORGEA, ERR LAWSIIE, tC lockS) to Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers’ Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as Represented. Watches a/ul Jewelry Repaired by competent workmen and U arranted. May l, 1867. wly CHEAP PRINTING PAPER. To Editors nntl Publishers. LETTER FROM W G. CLARK ESQ., PRESIDENT SOUTHERN PR I S3 ABSOCIATIuN, ATLANTA, GA., April 18, 1867. J. S. Thresher fCiq., Dear Sir: It duds me ranch pleasure to oninmuni cate tn you the following resolution of the S utkern Press Association : Resolved, "That as a testiunnlal of our appreciate i for the zealou . faithful and ffective lervioer of Joh i 3. Thrasher, Esq., as Supei inteodent of this Association In yea s past. We hereby tendei him the th-nks of this Association, and Confer upon him th- cornplitm td.n y p- si ion of Agent of the Southern V. ess Associotiou In ihe City of Netv York.” t\.o«« —nwiiemlntion employed in the above resolution, do no more than j t „ V()Ur tll „t service ; during your Sipennt- ml u,.,„ i.ich none had better opportu ity to know, nd none com more highly appreciate than myself, bhould occ.ati n require I shall be glad to avail luy.elf ol the aid provided tor by the resolution. Very respe.tfuLy, your obedient serv’t, W, G. CI,ARK, T resident, NOTICE, 1 would respec’tuily request every daily, tr'-v eekly, semi-weekly, weekly and monthly journal, south of the Pon m c and Ohio rivers, and the 8H and g. B' l ind . par allel ol lauitudc West of he Mi iss ppi, in publ sh lliis advertisement twice, and send to me at New York each time, a copy containing it, postpaid, with hill lor the same. Ii is desirable, in my combinst'ons to piocure cheaper p biting paper io« our Southern j Urnale,thi.t I slinl have the fullest informa ’on r garbing tlx. six 8 of paper used by the several p üblioatlouß, ano I can procure it in no othei wav than by nquestin • pa th u iar a teuti >n to ihe need ol sending copy of the publi cation with the bill. I desire it sent tw ce to provide against, mail failures, and that they be postnuid to secure post-office delivery, J 8. THR.vSUEk. B ix 5 980 sew York, N. Y, liar tow Slier!O'Sales. TT7 ILL be sold, before the court house door in Car- VV lersville, Bartow county, G»., on the first Tutsday in June next, within the legal tu e hours, the following property, to-wit: One farm, lying one mile south of Ga. sville, contain ing one hundred acres, more or ies-, known as the Judge Wright place. Levied "ii ihe propeity of W. B. Henderson, to satisfy a lax fifu. in favor of the ritit'o of Georgia, and Bartow oouu v. Vs. said levy made anti returned to me by a constable. April 89th, lbt>7. W. L. aVC’OCK. Sher.ff. •** New Spring and Summer GOODS, Boots, Shoes, and a thousand and one things too tedious to e numerate, just received and for sale cheap for cash , at J. ELSAS’ Cheap, Cash Store, Cartersville, Bartow co. April 26th.