The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 03, 1867, Image 4

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itforgift, nartotv County. Superior CtMirl* March Term, 186/. Joseph E Whitehead, ■» l.iliel for t)i > orce. vs. • Rule to Perfect Ser- Sarnh F, Whitehead. ) v ice. I T *pj>e»rtn|f to th* Oour*. by 'he return of the Slier- I iff, that lee defendant w« t reel, e.. 'he <*ount'-. und it fnr*litr »iipeiiriiiiK hat the doe* not reside'n thinH’ete; l» is, on mutton of cow**', rderfd, Ihat defendin' linear and r at ‘he rex term if t Is •• eij' ' ttie Ce.v be C' naide * I In default, and ;:.e plaintiff allowed to proceed ; ar.d i» if further Ordered, Hitt Uli* Rule be (lUttli.hed in t'e irteiH rillt £.ri/rc*M once a month for four mon'tit JAMES MILNE ft, J, S. C. C. A true extract hori the mino'es. April 2fi, T. A. Word, r!erk. Georgia. tMur'otr County. It;trfow .Superior Court, March Term, 18C7. E.’iZi; Dun&hoo , v«, »Hilt for Injunction and Rp- G K. M. Tracy. I ..of. TT apji- riror to the Court, by the return of the Sher- J PT, 1 . ‘tie »ated on.' , * *he def“ ' d*" * ti. : r. iU>- u thus county, a further . tiia‘he la anon resident of the State; It is. hereby Orter&l, That the defendant apj ear at the i.e.i t .t - Ids court and pi-ad, dunui or answer to said i)ni, and default'hereof said Bill be taken pro O', fe*x<y and tl. thi* order be published once a mouth for thee months in the Curlew Bit le F.rpre**. JaMLd MILNER, J. 8. C. C, C. A true extract from the miuu'ps. April iiC, 1W57, T. A. WOKD, C erk. (JEORIA, BARTOW COUNTY. In the Superior Con-t. Pfeaent, the honorable James .ililner Judge of said 1 ourt. WM. MILNER, : vs : M irtgage, <£c, VVM. L. CROW, ; March Term. i«67. It i.ppesring to the Court by t. e petition of 'Villi -n. Mliner, accompanied by the note and in r'(T'g- need, that on the twenty-eighth day of Ai»ril. 18C*i, the de fendant made and delive od to the P'tlintiEf, 'hi* per tain promissory note he > ring dale t e ye r And day aforesaid, whereby, the defendant promised on or before tl.e 25th day of Decani r, the easter, next following the date thereof, to p- y t - the Plaintiff or bearer, Five Hundred and Thl-'v-*our tfi-100 Dolla"* lor value received. And 1 ' ■* erwarde, .ui tin day and year rio'esald, the def iulmt, the letter to secure the p.- «of said note, executed and delivered to tin? 1 lini.C is de-d of uiortKiiire ; whereby the s .id ie f-.i.ortira r e.a . ti e Plaint tt lot» of land b-r ij in<t [‘JS] in the 18th District c.nd 8d Sc! n o’ Hi v county. And it fif'-hpr tppearinjr that said u ie < lain, unpaid. It is liurefore ordeie 'bat the oaiu defendant In pay into court ,or before the firtt di.v of the next Teini 'hereof, the pricipal interest and cos * me o'i said note, and all expenses incurred . the collection of said note, nun Mi it no the failure r.f t.h> defendant, s » t.« and the Equity f redemption in j.n-1 to sild mortyaped pron l»m, be foreve thereafter hufe' and force! re I. Ami It is turthei "id. red tn ■ t tht Ru’e be pul listed Ii the Gorin; s\file Expr s . ace a month, for four months, previous to the n xt term f this Court, or serve lon the defendant or hi* rpecial or a'turney at lenst three mouths pre vious to the next term oi this Court. JAMES MILNER, J. S C. 0. c. A true ext-act from the minutes of Bartow County Superior Court, 'fi.i* Stli day fAp i . 1567 Thos. A. WORD f'vrk. rl EOROIA, BARTOW COUNTS’. —Two months after Ida e »| id .ation tvi'l be made to 'he Court of Ordi nary -.f sabl eouat', fT leave to se'l all 'he real estate of 1) H. Thomas, dece serf, lying In said Mtate. at either public or private sale, h r the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, April 112, 1567. P. L. MOON. Ad mV. p EOUGI A, BAIUOW COUNTY.—Whereas F. K. llo sou applies to me foi Lette; sos Admltiist ation on th<> estate of Thoinas R Huson, late ‘f C"bb county discer.sed. This is to cte alt concerned, both limb-to and c editor* of sai I (ieceatod, to .hnv cause. ! ft. v they can, within the time prescribe hy law, why said letters shoe l ' not he srante ito sa . -p' .nt. Often under my hand and official nienature this the Ist day of A;>.‘U IS 7. J. A. HOWaH >, Q d'y. pEOUQIA, BARTOW COUNTY,—Two r.0u.1. after *7 1 1 itv app'buitl -ti will he made to th Court f Or dinary of said county, at the first regular term after the ■::ipl ation of iw . months from this notice, for leave 1 v cell all the real estate of Wm A. McCravy dsc’d, a ! pivatesa! for the be oilt. of tin: imira and creditors of s. id deceased. March 2illh, 1867. F AN .'IE COX. Admr’x. A. I>. Mol i: IVI, Ad mV. Notice to debtoi sand creditors OF Oh *rles B. Stone, hi’e of Bartow county, Pi„ de ceased, is li -rely given to <v me forward, those hav ItiK ethiius rgitusl aid I estate to present t' era in term: ol the 1 iw, and those ibdeb:ed t > s .id estate to settle up without delay. A. C. TRIMBLE, AdmV. April 5, lotiT. 4Ud GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY. ~ Wlier* as. Jo in J. Epporson apjilies to me In hp rt’f-ircil from his administration on the estate of Junes B Epperson, deceased. These arc therefore to cite Mrs. Surah Ep} rson and admonish all and ingular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file th- ir object - / .is il any fliev have bv the first Monday in Aug nsf. U’67, otherwise letlers of dis nisUon will be granted the applicant at that term of flte court of Ordinary lor sai 1 couatv. (liven tinder my hand ami official signature, this the •Util day of J iu lfjt>7. VV R D MO/iJ, Ordinary, (pi’s fee GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNT'.. Wlie I’CilN, PHIL LIP GRAHAM admiuis tr.iti.r .) r Jvks. IL Tlurr s, rep esents to the Cou. in his petition duly filed and mitered on record, that he lias ftiuy i dminAtored Jos. B. Harris, es a> , This is therefore, to cite all person, concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any can. why said administrator should imt fie ili charged l'r m his administra tion and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in June next, Nov. 2b, tO. WR D MOSS, Ordinary, KWA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. Whereas J A Fowler Adminis tt.ilor of \\ U Fowler, represents to the v.nirL, iu his petition duly filed aiul ea trretl on record, that he lias fully ad ministered W L Fo\vle ,- ’s estate. This -is. tberelore to cite all persons concern rd, kindred and creditors, tor how cause itai.v iliev c.iii, why said administrator should not tic discharged from his tul e stration and receive letters of dis iio 'ion, on the tirst Monday in Sep tvaio. r next. W K 1) MOSS. FeV\ . 21st ISG7. Ordinary, i ’vmter’s fee S6.] k.:TRo-iA CHEROKEE COUNTY. WHFHEXS, Lemuel Cook, Adm’r ol U' jnli Underwood, represents to th.e court, in :0s petition duly filed and en tered on record, that he has fully ad inistoiod sawl estate. T’his is. there ore, to cite all persons conet rued, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, il •any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration, and letters of dis mission on the U<tXy|pay in July, G 7. Dec. 3. W WPIIOSS, Ord. (pr’s fee ?ti) WHISKERS AND MUSTACHES! IAORCLH) to grow upon the smoothest face in from throe to five weeks h.y u- aig UK. JSi.VIGNd‘S RBBTAURATEI R GAPII- I.AIUK.Ihc in si woiulcrfu/ discovery in niotl ,ng upon the Bc. rd and Used n l ' .m ! 1. >:• :h i f ’ "• -N..U.‘> •! i I Bbfe -;L‘V ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL R EVfTI,aTIONS MADE BYTIIE (JREAT ASRR^LOGIST. HlaUame 11. A. rEItAICiO. Fin reveals «eere.. no mortal ever V new.— | She rrstores to happiness those who, from ' doleful ev- nts, catastrophes, crorses i.i love. I 1./>.s ofre)at : on« and friends, toss ofnione;. <£,<•. have li< come despondent, fc'he brings tot -lit er those long separated; gives information concerning absent friends or I >vers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the busint - > "ou are best qualilieil to pursue and in what vou wi ! be most successful, causes speedy mar riages ami tel s yot; the very day you will mar ■ .. gives you the mime, likeness and charac ristics of the person. She reads your very thoug its, arid bv her almost supernatural jiov nveils tin J. -ka'pl hi ! ie-t n»y. lories of too future. From th- stars we see iri tin firmament— the u ih tic stais thatover.,- rue ci p-edon.inate iu the configuration--from the aspects and positionsof he planets and the fix ed st irs in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the fut ure destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you fUt a trifle, and you may never a guin have so favorable an opportunity. Con sultation fee, with likeness aid a!! desired in formation, 'l>T| Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out wiih all inquiries answered and fineness en closed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentined. The strictest secrecy will be main ♦ained. and all correspondence returned or de stroyed. References of the highest order fur nished those desiring them. W rite plain v the cl ’ y of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock ot hair. Address Madame H. A. PKRRIGO, I’ O. Drawer »b3, Buffalo, N. march 1, ly There cometh glad tidings of jn_v to all, i'o jonng and to old, to great am! t small; The beauty which once was so preciou3 and rare, Is free for all, and a I may fair. By Hie use of CHASTELLAB’S WHITE LlttUIU ENAMEL. , For improving and beautitying theCompU x ion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use. for giving the skin a beautiful pearl like tint, that is only found in youth. Itquick iy removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches. Moth Patches, Sailowness. Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the sanu leaving the skin white nod clear as r. Its use cannot be detected by the closest sc ru tin , and being a vegetable j>re]>aration is perfectly harmless. It is the ei.iy article ol the kind used by the Fret :i,and is consider-, by the Parisian as an indispensable to a per fect ‘oilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles vv . sold during the past a sufficient guar te of its efficacy. Trice only 75 cents. Smt by mail, post-paid, o .Toeipt or an order by BEIiGER, SHU J I*B & CM).. Chemists, mch 1, 285 River Street, lhoy, N. Y. AFFLICTED! SUFf ER NO IViORE! When by the use of I>R. JOINT El IXHi you can be cured permanently, an - at a trifling co ;t. i'll;-r-stoni-uing success wine! has attend ed this invaluable medic -e lor Fiiysical id Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Frustration, L.m of Mu.-cular Energy, linpo icnc. or any of the consequences of youthful imliscrct on, renders it the most valuable pre paration ever discovered. It wiil remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, contusion, thoughts ol self-destructior, fears of insanity, Il vvi 1 rest"- the appetite, renew- the health of thos- who have destroyed it by sensual excess or «• il practices. Young Men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doctors” an 1 ignorant practitioiK-rs, but send without de-av for the '-h; ir, and be at once restored to health and k.ipiness. A perfectcuie is guarantied in every instance. — Price Jjil, or four bottles to inc addle- ‘yib.— One liot ie issufficien to efi'ecta cure in a!! ordimir" cases. ALSO, DR. JOINVILI E’S SPECIFIC Pli.I.S, for the speedy and permanent cure ‘ Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges,Grave!, Stricture, and all affections of he Kidneys : ml and Bladder. Cures effected in from 0.. eto five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harm'css on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate rh breath. No change of diet is necessary while using them, nor decs tlieir action in any man ner interfere with business pursuits. Either of the above mentioned articles will be sent to any address, elose/y scaled, and post-paid, bv mai /or express, on receipt of price. Address all orders to ■ BERGER, isKCTTS & Cos , Chemists, inch 1. No. iiSf, 'Proy, N. Y. BEAUTY 7 knburn, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Claris, bv th- use use of Prof. DEI3- REUX’ FRISER EE CHEVEUX. O e aiqiliciifion warranted to nl the moststmiuht and stubborn hdr of either sex into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls, lias been used by the fashi ' ables of Paris and London, with the most gratifying r esuits. Does no in jury to the hair. Price tiy mail, sealed and Hist-paid, Si. Inscriptive Circulars mailed fn e A Ire.-; BERGER. FBUTTS cV CO„ Chemists. No. 28; River S- C Troy, N. Y. tSul- Agents for the United Gtates. mch l,lv ~ico2C & hIlXj. Bare Sow In Store: J bakrelsrye whisky, 50 barrels Bourbon W hisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified Whisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30 pk;:s Cognac Brandy, 20’ kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Bum, 10 pkgs New Engla -d Rum, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 cases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Warn poo and ©rake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases \ box Sardines, All of which we offer to the trade at COX & HILL. (J dec 1 3 " >f j Hand Looms. DR. H. SELLS, ANDREW DUNN, B. P. GLENN President. Secretary. Treasurer. GEORGIA LOOM AND MA NUUF .4 C T U RING COMP A N Y Manufacturer* arl P’ mters. t-iok to yonr interests, and dor/' jit 'oca’l t B L-Jnh-ison Bi ilriing, next door to tbe Post-office, a: a see it in opperatiou MENT)FNIIAT L’P IMPROVED SELF-ACTING 4A N D AN D POWER LOOM! Easier Hnders'ood, Ea=i»T to Operate, and more relia- Me. Possesses superior advantages over other Hand Looms, is more simple and dm able. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By Weaving ail their Goods fir Home Wear on the MENDENHALL IMPROVED Hand FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. it weaves as fast as any Factory Loom ! HALF THE COST OF THECLOTHING OF A FAMILY CAN BE SAVED«Y ITS USE! From Five to Ten Do larsa day can be made on It. ITS PARTS ARE SELL-CHANGING. By 'he turning of an Easy Ore...’- it lets the Warp off, *inds up the Clo'u, tread the Treadles, ami ti trows the -hutt'.e. It weaves Jeans, M.tine’s, Linsey, B'anket Twill, Doub e-Ptain, various kinds of li.' Led Goods, Fencing Twiils of a i kirn «. Flax, Cotton, Tdw, or All-Wool Cl- th, Bugir.g, TOft'Otiinr, Table Linen, Bal moral Skir-'s, W • oitn. L'nen aid Hemp '’arpets—Hn fact, any thing, from a Handsome Silk to a Rag Carpet. IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT, JS'ol larger than a common Breakfast Table. if Ia MADE IN THE MG ST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER. Os Goad Material and Handsomely Varnished. IT IS VRY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed by Turning a Crank. LCGMS AND COUNTY nIGHTS FSP, SALE, For Fin her Pa (failure. B e of Pr’ces. Descrip tive Circulars, and B ■«>- pie -ofli t vitaj , add: ess GEORGIA'LOOM AND Manufacturi i:g C ompa;ty, Atlaniai Ga. JL. PRATT, Agent. March 22, LSo7, w6m Rep a rat or Capiili Throw away yon - false frizzles, your switches, your wig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig : Com, aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair, And rejoice iu your own luxuriant hair. HEP 4R * TOP? Ch4PII*I^I. for restoring mir upon lmld heads (from whatever cause it may have fal on out) and loicing a growth of hair upon the lace, it has no equal it will force the heard to grow up on the smoothest in from live to eight week , or hair upon tin LI heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted ih : there is l. thing that will force or hasten tin ... nvth of hair or beard. Their as sert! • !.s are false, as t of living vvit • scs [from their own experience] can bear witness. Cut many wiii say how are we to listingi'isl] the. genuioc from the spurious ] h. certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the Preparations advertised f r the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have, al ready thrown away large amounts in theii purchase. To such we would say, trv the Roparutor Capiili; it will cost you nothing unless it fully <_ mes up to our representations* li'your Druggist docs not keep it, send ns one dollar and we will forward it, postpaid, tog. fil er with a rec- hit for the money, wh eh will be rrru'r.fd you on application, provided entire satisfaction is not. given. Address W, L. Cl. \ RK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. SI,OOO HOH!WAA...RxIO. Kunter ? s SpeciAic. greet English Remedy. j A certain, speedy and pleasant cure foi GonnoraLcea, Syphilis, Pain in the back, • Incontinence of Urine, Diseases o the Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Kidney Diseas s, Oiabetis, Sioric in Bladder, Effects of M urcury, and Gleet. —lt cures in from five torightdays. —lt requires no change of Dies. —lt is no’- disagreeable to take. —lt imparts no odor to the breath. lt gives tone tbe who e system. —lt removes impurities of tne blood. Sold, wholesale and retail, by VrM. H. TUTT, Wholesale JL-Yiiggist, Augusta, C*a. jan 25. w bin Thresh out your Wheat! tsw gtilt 'he AGE'' T f->r the sale of exeellent ! Ken'v sv TIIRFSitERS, four hor.e and two • : .»rsf SftZR -4 . The revest itnproveirents ma- t f.n t: e-e THRESHERS rend-r lie c op' desirable of «ny hat *-e nov offeiei? for sale. Tbt-y are »a«iiy MANAGED oo<l r.ot liable to • ••* out OF ORDER. Ori'er* soiie.’e.l, the sooner :i.e ' f. f’IER, so that the M XL lIINE- rn.-y »r: in* In poed TI.MK. Csrte s-'ilie. Ge A;r ld*Cji. J. J. HOWARD Setting JVSa chine Oil , PREP ARED at the Baltimore Chemical Works, for 1 Sale by B&K. as«(*sa*K*a, DEALERS IN Chemicals, Paints, &c., &c. Proprietors of Kramer’s Hair Restora tive, Psoricus, Universal Bitters, Nerve & Bone Liniment, &c. Cartersville, Ga. \\ beg leave to inform the citizens gen -7 7 erally, and physicians particularly, that we have on hand a large, well selected stocK ot Onus and Medicines, and are ready to till orders at the lowest prices. Being aware of the great adulteration prac ticed in preparing Medicines, we have made arrangements to have this done under our own supervision, and will warrant all our Medi cines pure. As we buy in the best marKets in the country, and buy entirely for cash, we can supply our customers with goods as cheap as thev can possibly be bought elsewhere, We will duplicate any bill of gmods bought south of Louisville. Respectfully soliciting your orders, we are Yours verv respectfully, Feb 8, ISC7. BEST & KRAMER. E. V. JOHNSON, ICIUTGSrOIT, GkA.. DRY^COOD^ AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Agent for Va. Salt Works, and Land Plaster, Highest market price paid for DRIED FRUIT, COTTON RAGS, AND COTTON BAGGING AND ROPE, and Revenue Tax paid on Cotton to those who wish th ship. Oct 5. ly |HA V r E my large Ware-JTouse finished.— Parti-.s wishing to store Cotton with me can do so at the usual ware-house rates. Ail cotton bought by me hereafter wi I he weigh ed at my own ware-house, thereby avoiding the disagreeable necessity of driv'ng to the Depot with cotton, E. V. JOHNSON. Kingston, Nov. 1 V. R. TOMMEY. J. S. STEWART. Newton Cos., Ga. Ox lord, Ga. TOMMEY & STEWART, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW ami GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Respectfully cal! the attention of merchants and oth ers to their large and well assmted rtock of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sythe Blades, Tools ol all kinds, &c., &c.; -ALSO LEATHER. LIME AND COTTON YARNS. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Baugh’s Rawbone Super-Phosphate of Lime, Buffalo Scale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine. PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR Brook.’!* Patent Portable Cot ton and Hay Screw and Revolving Press In over one hundred counties in Georgia. County Mights for Sule.' a ®& April 12. ly. constantly receiving from Now York the LATEST STYLES. Care ;aken of all work and satisfaction guarantied. attention paid to rilling onie s for Dress Goods, Trimmings and Patents. Over W. H. Taylor’s Euy-uood Store, ATZ.A2* TA , OA . April L 9, IS6T. w3ni NEW FIRM. Up Stairs in Col. Jones' Carriage shop. Harris & Thompson. /***_ #y HAVE just received a FINE gvagak s°aT.»itNT of harness lea-1 jtxe&L I TI!E,: anti other materials neces-l . <k sary for a drat clas3 a j SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP, a r d are prepared 10 furnish ail kinds of H AP.NES3 to : order. Old Harness made nw. [?] BAUDi.Ed HE -I’. lUED with teatnru and dispatch. Customer® by 1 cai’n:g can find an assortment of Stv Work always . on hand. Cheep for Ca*h. I Cartels vide, va.. April Slh, 1087. Mrs. Carrie Tavre TNVU'ES the atip-tion of the La dies of O&riersviile and vioinity, to her FASHIONABLE Dress-Making ESTABLISHMENT. She has on hand and is HARDWARE. J. M. & J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IMF* i Iron, Rails, Steel, BELTING, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. MEOHANIGAL TOOLS, of all Trades, METALS, of all kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES. SPRINGS. LOCKS, Builders’ Hardware, AXES, HOES, SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS, Bolting Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, of of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be sold lo\v for cash. We have just received a large invoice of the best Double-anker Bolting Cloihs, of all desirable numbers, which we offer Lena for Cash ! AI.SO MILL PICKS, SYTHES, bRAiN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other articles which you need, and which we are desirous of selling, Call and set us when you visit Atlanta. J. M. & J. C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA, April 20, 1867 wSin Samuel Clayton, R- A. Clayton. S CLAYTON & SON, DEALERS IN • GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CARTERSVILLE, GA. Store Room in the Corner room of the NEW BRICK BUILDING, ADJOINING tSie Bartow House. Would respectfully invite the citizens Carter smile and surrounding country, To call and examine our which consists of DRY-GOODS, CROCKERY, SHOES, NOTIONS. HATS, TIN-WRRE, STATIONERY, HARDWARE, and a general assortment of Family Groceries. Mr. URIAH STEPHENS, so longhand favorably known to this community .fHpith us. He will be pleased to meet his linends, and will he ever ready to supply their wants. Our TERMS are CASH, and we will be contented with small profits. No trouble to show goods. Come and see us. Feb Bth, 1807. FORCE'S BOOT AND SHOE ZEE OUSE. WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ARE now receiving their I’TI.H Winter Stock of BOOTS ANO SHOES, the largest ever brought to this c.’ty. These goods came direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the tr de at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Youth s ’, and Childrens’ wax, kip, calf and buffßrogans and Balmorals —Boots, of all styles, thick, wax, kip, calf, and the finest qualities. Ladies’, Mi-ses’, and Childrens’ Boots and Slioes, of every style, all made to order. G, H, FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 26. J Y Hew N. G/LREATH & SON, now receiving a general stock of SPRffIG AND MKER consisting of Ladies 7 Dress Goods HATS. GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Ready-made Clothing. Also a well assorted stocE of Hardware and Crockery, Family Groceries, which wis selected by one of the firm In person. We pun-t,a‘ ers to cull ar„l examine our Muck and prl c,a. We expect to sell low t r C**h. Give us a call. Cariersv Ue, Ga , April l- : IMG. w.'ui W. H. Gilbert, COMMISSION MERCHANT, GARTERSVILLE. GEORGIA. WILL BUY and SELL GOODS and PRODUCE ON COMMISSION. For sale the celebrated BRINTLEY STEEL PLOW, and other jigriculrural Implements, and WASHING MACHINES, at Factory prices, freights added. On hand and for sale, Lou< for Cash , Cook, Parlour and Office STOVES. GROCbRIES & PROVISIONS, Iron, Steel, Halls. Axes. Shovels, and other Articles of . leading Hardware. December 5, 1866.—w6ra ri IHE ,'xercises of this Institution will be I resumed on Monday,the 28th inst., under tne supervision of JAMES G. BIT AES, Principal, Assisted by J, 11. l OALIAS AND HE ARY MCCORMICK. Rates of Tuition, per Session of 20 weeks: Primary Department, 00 Preparatory “ 20 00 High School, 25 00 incidental Expenses, 1 00 M usic 25 00 Board can be had, inclusive of every thing bu lights, a< $17,00 per Month. The earn est, heartv co-operation of the community, in the establishment of a Sciiool of high order in their midst, is most urgently solicited. Stileshoro, Ga., January 25, 1867. wtf New Marble Yard. S. B- OATMAN, For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian, Block adille, and While Rutland Statuary MARBLE. WE are now receiving and _ (fiffo. Mohave io store, a ln-ge and desirable stock of finishedl fjfJtL. and rough Marlde, whicbfLhyi-L 1 'I/lOb we °”” er to the public on >7fJ the most reasonable ;||p=»** p-=^,tcrmß. Owing to the high price of marble at th ! s time, many persons are kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. My facrl’ties are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profits and quick sates —such is mv motto. We are prepared to furnis.l in the best style, Monuments, c irved and plain, Box Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns, Vases. &c., and Furnishing Marble of all de scriptions, With good and experienced workmen in al! departments of business, we hope to merit a shiire of public p.tronage’ Designs of Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so’icited and promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Be lvue Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec 6th, 1866. Sboot, Luke, or give up your <3- TT 3ST 111 {BMBgiJN rpHOSE having Guns or Pl.*o’» ■fafegS™™ l j* ‘ J at the shop of J. K. Sc J. Q HAK WELL, upon which ti e money is "pf <lue for Repairs, are hereby notj "*■ tied to call, at once, pay charges, and take them away, or they will bo sold for repairs. We can’t eat nor wear guns or pistols, and we have quit working siinpiy for an accommodation. Cartersville, Ga., April 19, 1867. FARMERS’ Land Plaster! fAIHE BEST FERTILIZER NOW IN [ USE, just received and for sale, bv A. A. SKINNER & CO Cartersville, March 1, eaTe— & c° jtt e receiving their Stock of Sping atttl Rummer dweebs, r'IOMPP.ISING every variety adapted to the wants of C the country, which they ace determined to aecl at the Lowest Price s Cheaper than the Cheapest! All are Invited to CALL, EXAMINE AND BUY BARGAINS. Terms: Cash ! and our motto is Small Profits. Cartersville, Ga., April 19, 1867. USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. U S E EDWARH WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Comphimt and all specito of ludigestion. U S E EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters, It will ctirc Intermitent Fever and Fever and Ague, and all periodical disorders USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will give immediate reliefin Colie and Flc USE EDWARD WILDER S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costiveness. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITFERA. It is a tnild and delightful Invigorant f Delicate Females. U S E EDWARD WITDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious Alternative a..- tonic tor all family purposes. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a powerful Recuperant alter the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sickness U S E EDWARD WILDER'S STOMACH BITTERS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as wellasStren encr of the digestive forces. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. As it is b ing daily used and prescribed be all physicians, as the formula Will be handed any regular graduate. ED WAKIT WILDER, SOniC PRTtOPRIKTOR, Ho. 2 15 Main Street, MARBLE FRONT, LOUISVILLE KENTUCK Y. I a FOR'sAT.R, WHOLESAI.E AND RKTAIL, BT REDWING & FOX, WIIOMCSSA F.K AND RETAIL DlllHiO ISTS Corner Wliitcba:i and Ala. sts AYLANVA, LA. Nov. 9 1 y s» CARRIAGE REPOSITORY A YU »A»ir»4«t®aTr, CARTERSVILLE, GA. (©" Special attention given to Repair fug. HAVING Opened business at my old stand, I am prepared to do any and all kinds of work de-ired in the Carriage Line, at low figures for cask. I shall keep on hand a liuc assortment ot‘ Buggies Sc Carriages and can, at short notice, furnish any kind oi a VEHICLE desired, Having connected myself with Messrs. Wyman & May, Augusta, Ga a well known and reliable firm, I will sell at Augusta Prices, freights added, from the best Factories at the North an and East. All of which will be warranted right, Being well acquainted with the country and people, with long experience in the business, I purpose to furnish the market with such work as will give perfect satisfaction, I shall be able to furnish the entire country, as mj facilities are unlimited. Call and examine, if shall cost you nothing. I feed assured that the good people of this county wjll appreciate the honest efforts of one of their 4fcd citizens, broke down by the war, R. H. R)NES, January 17. *867 wlv as*k,Fine White Cotton Seed fo r sale, at 50 cents a Bushel, by Dr. W. \V. Leake, near this place.