The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 10, 1867, Image 3

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buiti tie ad. women, we arc informed, were lodged in jail in this phice, on Tuesday last, for trying t° deceive tiie Agent ot the Freedman's Bureau, by try iug to draw rations two days in sue- i cession. Another one was also im prisoned, the same day, for unmerei* • in 11v whipping a child at school. It was a white child. Just Received, a large Intel Crock ery and Glass-ware, lor sale veiy low, at Loewensteii' 4" Fleifer s. \V. Maxwell, brick mason, has just burned a kiln of as fine brick as North Georgia ever has or ever can produce, and is now prepared to make contracts for building houses, chiinnics, j and anV kind of jobs ill brick or rock, at greatly reduced prices. See adv. j Ko Ev .sy Boot; To Blair & Bradshaw’s and get your Goods cheap before they Bell out’ will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, that I)r. O. I’inkkrton has located in this place, and resumed the practice ot medicine, lit: lenders his professional services to our citizens. Office tip _ slairs in Dr. Clayton’s new brick building. When yon come to town call on Juiewenstcin 4* l’lcifi r and get a good Wool Hat lor Sixty Cents ; a pair «1 Men’s Shoes lor one dollar and a lia'l , and all other goods in proportion. Tiik Land we I<ovk. — Ihe Apiil ii ti in he e is received, in new and neat i dress, and much improved in tj pograph- j ,e,.l appearance. Tin* literary dfepart o.eiu is excellent, and the Haversack, j usual, is worth double the year s j Mibsc riptioi;. Tin- world is astonished at. the reduced pri- j cr . ,»i goo,ls, at Blair «St Biadslutvv’s store. j We publish, on our first page, a j s,jd tribute to the memory of Cassvdle. | under the caption of “llio ltumed \ a- | J.,0e,” written by a loriner citizen ol j .dud place, to which we invite the :*t lr imm ot oilr readers. Jud irriveil. Hoop Skirl* for 00 els., 1, tdies' kid gloves for S>l 50 : Ladies Mo., s lot $1 25 ; at Lot svenstcin & Lb ifer’fl. Oar tellow-t .iwnsm an, W. IT. Gil 1m ,i, 1 1 a> pist got m a superb bit ol grain -eradles, ready for use, to which he in \ ,t, s the attention of farmers. Mv IVieinl where dill you gel n o tm° *uit 1 |\ ~, Blair A Briulsltaw, of course and only i,ai i udir dollars tor it. We ;rre rejoiced to see that, not with -at; tiding the lightness ol the times and llie great dearth of business, the pro • priss of our town is still ‘‘‘onward and i pward,” slowly but surely. The cit i/.vis stall coH'ttntie to build, and new caiididntes for .public patronage in the shape of stun*, are being opened, all ml whom, are doing a greater or less hu situ ss. Great rush ■ter Gassimere Suits worth §l2 Ot), and sold at 00 by Lcuwen stein A. IMctfer-. g?53,.T1i(! 1 < mior House, *u Marietta, is siiuated 1111 mt*<llately oil the Itai 1- n>;ul. aml quite convenient to the de |mt, and travelers and passers whutove ! oood eating and a heap of it, should j never pass that way without calling in. j Thev will alwavs find the gentlemanly proprietor, Id. A. Dobbs, and that host *>! j illv good fellows, Jo. 1 noker, result \v nil open anus to receive them. ms ♦ 15!,i ir & Bradshaw's is the place for the poor m e.i to buy his goods. t; ,Cvery heart should swell with inexpressible gratitude to the Giver ot all Good, for withholding the deadly frost with which all vegetation was threatened, oil '\ ednesday morning last. Nothing but the steady winds which blew all night averted the awiul calamity, otherwise our hopes for lood would have been blighted, and weeping and lamentation would have been hejjrd throughout the land. Praise the Lord, oh my soul ! all that is within me llis holy name. Blair & Bradshaw are selling good Wool Hats at (.00 cts.) fifty cents. Gen. A. J. Ilansell, of Marietta, lias retired from the practice of law and is now connected with Roswell Factory. A good exchange, we think. Blair & Bradshaw’s is the place to go t\ to get vournicney back. A New Discovery. —Oil Stone, o! superior quality, has been taken from anew well, in Cartersvi'.le, recently. "We hope soon to discover the oil to go with it. fcjf' Don’t fail to read the large double column ad vertisenx nt of John M. Gan non, wholesale and retail drvgooJs merchant, Atlanta. Ga. This is one of the heaviest Dry Goods Houses in the interior of the South. Mr. Gan non has a mammoth stock of new Spring and Summer Goods, of everv imaginable Sly ie and quality, and is continually receiving fresh supplies. He is prepared to offer inducements to country merchants as well as individ uals which are unsurpassed in the South. All that he asks to insure the sale of his goods i» an examination of his styles, qualities and, above all, his prices, lie has the means and the ca r pacity for carrying on a first class store, with profit to himself and convenience and profit to his customers. He bought his goods to sell again, and therefore, tie bought good, fashionable and sale ble goods, and put them down to tlie low est possible prices. bad the pleasure, in compa ny with a number of other ministers and delegates, while on our way to the District Conference of the Methodist E. Church South, held at Rome, Ga., of stopping off '.he cars just before reaching that pleasant little city, on Thursday, the 2d, and attending a May Day festival given by its generous citi zens, by invitation of the same; and though we got in at the eleventh hour, it was not after the feast was over, for we ionmJ the tables still groaning be neath the superabundance ofgoodthings prepared lor the occasion—yea, the full twelve baskets full, —a goodly portion of which was seized by the violent hands of the new regime and appropri ated by them for internal uses. The wants of the inner man being fully and freely supplied, then commenced the least of the eyes and the flow of soul. The fluttering of banners in the breeze, the rostrum —(but we were to late to hear the speeches, singing, &c.,) —the bright-eyed little Sabbath School girl* and boys with badges of pink, purple and blue, as well as those of riper rears with a smart sprinkling of hoary locks, ; the yout.ilul pastime amusements and cheerful glees of joyful hearts at the return ol Spring and ns floral oil rings, all combined to make the feast one of more than ordinary interest. The greetings and comnuiiiings ol friends, revived the How of soul nearly run down into fogeifulness by absence and troubles.. Alter a most pleasant even ing’s enjoyment, the signal was given for all to repair to the railroad—all a board the cars —after a few minutes ride the city was reached, cars dis gorged ol their burden of human souls, and ihe mullidtide scattered in every j direction to their homes. All united in expressions of gratitude for the en joyment of another May day festival. | is invited to the ad~ ! vertisement of Air. L. Ferguson, deal -1 er in domestic and fancy dry-goods, &c. Mr. F. lias come among us with the | view of identifying his interest with j ours, and has just opened a nice stock j of goods, which, we think, he is ofFet- I mg to sell at very reasonable prices for cash. ILs goods are new and fashion aide, and above all he is anxious to sell them. Our fellow-townsman, Mr. John T. Stocks, is with this house, and cordially invites all his old customers and the public generally to call and see his cowls and learn iris prices before purchasing elsewhere. The Southern Cultivator for May lias readied its subscribers, and is, as ever, well worth ten times its cost. 'The Agricultural and Horticultural de partments furnish much reading; of pe culiar interest at this season of tl.e vear. 'The oldest ami best farmers will find valuable hints and suggestions; and indeed, they will be most valuable to those who are most experienced and most successful, for in the hands ol such men new ideas afe never mis used or mis - understood, as is often the case with beginners on the farm. The as* sortment of reading in this number is complete, and if one lias only a single flower pot for a garden, or two rows ol cabbage for a farm, he will find some thing to please him, and be worth, during the year, double the cost. §2 per annum. W. N. White, Athens, Ga. Subscriptions will be received at j this office. From the Dahlonega Signal, we learn r tJiat a difficulty occurred between a citizen and a soldier, a few days since, ♦which terminated in the killing of the latter by the former. After legal in vestigation the court decided that the citizen was acting in self-defense, and was accordingly released, and has left ' the country. Trice bn 10 J* every where, Tut buy then where vou can sjet them eheopest; at Biuir & BraJ ghaw's. Ike Hanson aixl Noah Ah-xaander,of Paris, K v., fought a duel on tnc 30th April- Alexan der receive J a flesh wound in ihe hip. Han son come out unhurt. All of which aforesaid enabled them to arrange and settle the difficul ty amicably and honorably. -Without the shedding of blood there is no remission ot sin.» A gracious revival of religion is pro gressing in the city of Marietta, up wards of seventy souls have professed conversion and received into the fold of Christ, and the good work still goes on, through the instrumentality of the Rev. ■ G. J. Pearce, and the preacher in charge Rev. W. F. Cook. May the gracious work spread rll over the country. JPoT’Read the new advertisement of E. V. Johnson, Kingston, Ga., and learn that he has just received, fresh from market, a large stock of goods, consisting of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Shoes, Boots, Hardware, Saddlery, Hats, Straw Goods, Ready Made Clothing, &c. In fact it is one of largest stocks and choicest selections of Gpods ever before brought to the Kingston market, which he will sell very low for cash. Call and examine. The Methodists and their friends in Dalton, notwithstanding their impover ished condition by the war. are build ing a neat brick edifice to worship in, which will cost between four and five thousand dollars. ’Who would not contribute their mite to aid in such a laudable undertaking? One man, and a poor one at that, assumes the respon sibility of the deb:, and though lie does not request us to say anything about it, yet we take the privilege to notice it in onr paper, hoping that some gener ous Methodists or friends in Cherokee Georgia, will loan a few dollars to the Lord by helping these brethren. Kentucky. —Reports are in circula tion that Kentucky is to he placed under the command of a military Gov ernor. 'There are Slates further North that need reconstructing more than Kentucky.— [htlunla Intelligencer. A HE GOOD! BUT e CRACK’S STOMACH BITTERS, niter* ol experience mid, have proven to be the best remedy extant ioi nil i-oii!| hiints where a tonic and I stimulant are re<|uhv,t. They never -'tail to Btreneilieu the weak, iuipmt vigor lo the strong, mnl in all respect* restore shattered an! broken-town I 3 constitutions. Mo remedy has been fj deceived with as much invar as Ho- y JS hack’s Stoma, it tin rjtits. In Chicago OVER 50,000 bottle* were sold by one dti n-liouse in the pest year. !l i- ad nulted ny our most learned phy sieians I Inn hr. IR.) I SACK'S STOMACH RIT TERS eombiiu* the properties ol a get.tie laxative, an eiticieul autbbdious •igent. and the best stomachic known ( • ~sr~ she world. RiiliACK S RITTER- should gj be used by eonvnleseenls to strengthen M Ihe prostration which always follows acute 0 disease. In the B IRKfI'S diet riels of the West and South there lias, li>r a long lime. be. ii much needed an article of STOMACH RITTERS, which, if taken in propet (|iiiuitilics, and at Hie proper lime, am a sure preventive of ihhotis J', Fever and Ague, River Complaint, I*y“- jr *s ns pepain, Indigestion, .lainntiee. Kidney f 8 l Complaint, and all diseases of similar ■ nature; and are hotter as a preventive for bilious derangement, regulating “ AMO alrenattiening the system, and giv ing tone to Hie digestive organs, limn any other known remedy. .Now that the war is over, here « ;l! be thousands seeking homes in the South. No per son who values his hie should go there without having constantly at hand the gr Sf~T| RITTERS, as a safeguard against rpi- f H ’ domic and maladies engendered by mi- H nshiH and polluted Watjr. Travelers R and all residents of the rank mer-bot- jy tom ft COt’N’i'TE.S of the West and Smith, and the valley of the Mississippi and its I (,'itaries, should provide tiiemselven with the RITTERS. There is probably no one disease with which mankind nro atllictcd which ik tiie source ol so many ailments as dyspepsia, or it is more ~*H| oommonly called Sour Stomach, and I , ' there is no more certain remedy Ilian (j y Roback’.s Stoma, h Itiitefs. They are B J never known to fad. ™ KINO CHOI.ERA ha' always been much dreaded by Hie public, and people iiaye resorted I<i all manner of medicines to arrest the progress, but wiili little slteeess. A sure euro and pieventive is to be found in t!ie use of Pr. ROBACK’S SCAN I UNA- VI AN REMEDIES, keep I lie bowels ■ § open with the Pills, and invigorate the B— system by free use of the Stomach I ttitiers, or, if the blood be thin; use tiie J Bj Purifier. Sk PCH an invaluat.te remedy should l* kept in every family Keep ttie system infill! vigor and nothing is to he feared from disease or .hotera. THE AM.D REi.IAKRE. Po not he deceived by purchasing any of tiie quack nostrums tinder tiie various names of Bit'err. Purchase none other but Pr. ROHACK’f? ' STOMACH PlTg’jEivS, which are eoni pounded of the purest drugs, and in k j which the Hfiiicted can rely. ARE BETT3SR! PEIHCE, WALTON & COMPANY, (Successors to C. W. Roback,' SOLE PROPRIETORS, Woa. 50, SS, GO and 6V East Third Street Arc Sold by a!! Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. Pail as follows Dress goods, silks, poplin?, mozamluqnes, grenadines, berege, challics, delaines, lawns, muslins, and the best stock of PRINTS, bro’t to Car tersvillc since the war. A complete as sortment of Hoiserv and Gloves. Our stock of Ladies’ s!ioes ? slippers and gaiters is com plete. Bleached and brown sheet ing, table linen and shirting. Forgenllcmen Fine French cloths and doc skin, fancy cas si meres, eng lish tweeds, satinet ts. jeans ana plain and Ihney linens. A comjdetc assortment of CLOTHING. Boots, slices, Hats, and XO'J'IOXS. Calico for 10c p wyard: SIo >;) skirts, for 7-3 cents. Ladies’ lasting gaiters for 1,50 Hats lor the million, good wool for 75c A .Ve arc determined to sell our goods cheaper than anybody. Come all— tin*, rich the poor, the learned and the illiterate, the white, Hie black, the male, and lemale, the little, the big, the maimed, the halt, the blind, and hi v bargains at BLAIR & BRADSHAW’S CHEAP STORE, IN DR. CLAYTON’S NEW BRISK BUILDING, 'EAST SIDE R. R, Cartersviile, Georgia. April 12 1807. racial Koikes. Know Thy Destiny. M\n amk E. F. Thokntdx. the great English As 1 roiogist, Clairvoyant ami Prwehrometru’nn. who has astonished the scion title classes of ihe OiJ World, has now located herself at Hud son. X. Y. Madame Thornton {'assesses sueli wyuderful powers of second sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest im por-ance to the single or married of t ilher sex. C hile in a stale of trance, she delineates,the very features of the person you are to marry, and l\v the aid of an instrument of intense pow er, known as the Psvchonrotrope. guarantees t > produce a life-like picture of the fu'urc hus band of wife cf ihe applicant, together with date of marriage, position in lifer, leading traits of character,&e. This is no humbug,ns thou sands of testimonials can assort. 81ie will send when desired a cert.(Ted certificate, or written guarantee, that thro jic*ure is what it purports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition, and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamrmd envelope addressed to yourself, you "id receive the picture >nd desired informa tion bv return niaij. All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence Madame E F Tiiokxtox. P O- Box 2-3, Hud son. X. Y. march 1, lv Wonderful but True. MADAME RE vIIXfITCH'S, the world-re nowned Astrologist jind Somnambulistic Clair voyant. while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to mar ry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense ps jyufr. known as the Psych*-mot rope, guaran tor's to produce a perfipet life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant,- with date of marriage, occupation, leading trait* of character,&c. This is,no imposition, astest imonials wit* outnumber can assert. By sta ting place of birth, ago, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and slumped env* lope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, togeth er v>dli information. Address in confidence, Madame Gleb fftriiE Remington-, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. march 1, ly EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR!! Hair Exterminator- For iieiiaovsjjg' Superfluous Eiiair. To the lad’es especially, this invaluable dep ilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to fema e beauty, is easi 'V a{ plied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to rentove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically exti pating the same, leav ing the skin soft* smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real, effectual depilatory in existence, — Price 75 cents per package,.sent poet-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BEKUER, SHLTTS <St CO. Chemists, 235 Rivei Street, Troy, X. Y. march I, 1807. ly A. Young Lady return ing to her country home, after a sojourn of a i'c’.v months in the City, was hardly recognised by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion, ■A' almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-throe she really appeared but eighteen. Upon" inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used theCircassiaßß Balm, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to a Lady’s toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can im prove their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in i:s combination, as Na ture herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also heal ing, cleansing and beautifying the sliti and complexion. By its direct action on the cuti cle it draws from it a'l its impurities, kindly healing t e same, and leaving the surface as Nature in tended it - liould hr, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price sl, sent by Mail or Ex pros;;, on receipt of an order by W, L. CLARK & Cos., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Str., Syracuse, N. Y. I The on y American Agents for the sale of i the same. " march 1, lv Free to Everybody. A I arjc 0 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young ot hotli sexes. It teaches how the homely may bccoi.e beautiful, the diseased respected, and the for saken loved. No young iady or gentleman should fail to send their Address, and receive a copy iost paid, by return mail. Address melt L, Gin 11.I 1 . U. Drawer, 21. Troy, N. Y. OaiSPBR COMA< Oil 1 she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soff, entwined. Enchained the .cry heart and nnnd. CS2ISPER tOHi. For Curling <l»e lEtila'Of cstber Sex into Wavy and Glossy Uisigicts or Heavy Mas sive Curls. Bv using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it'a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper j Coma not only curls the hair, hut invigorates, j beautifies, and cleanses it; is highly and de- | lightfully perfumed, and is the most complete | article ol the kind ever offered to the Aineri- j can public. The Crisper Ccma will be sent to anv address, scaled ail 1 postpaid for sl. Address all orders to W. L. CL\ftK & CO., Chemists, No. !l West Fayette Street, Syracuse, march 1, ly N. V. I TO COXSIMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restorer! to health in a ! few weeks "v a very sample remedy, after having “of- ; sered hr several years with a severe lung affect! m. j ant that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to i make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cu e, j Tu ail who ties? re ih he will sen.l a c ry of the p-cssription used (free of charge), with Ihe dire 'iocs fur nrep-nr" and using the same, which t-hev w li Sind j a SI RE COM: for CONSUMPTION. A.'THMA, BRON r} l i [j COUGHS. COLDS, and ail Throat ami Lufig I Affections. Tie ou’v object of the advertiser in sending | the Prescrio.ion is in benefit the afflicted, and spread information which be conceives to be invaluabl-. and ; he h. pes everv suffe-er will try his remedy, a? it will ci “t theta nothing, and rear prove a blessing. Parries ; wl-t'iog the v escrlpMon. FRKE. by return m»l', will , please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON. j Williamsburg, Kings Cos., Netv in k. May Is*, ISJ7. wiy. j EOUOBsl)F ioitii. \ Crentl-man who suffered for years frit N rvons | P„V o v Premature. Dec±*\ and ai! the effects ol i -on” Cl indiscretion, w 11, tor the sake of suffering | hr r*v. sen I free : . a'l who need i*, the receipe and > i v in« r making the siirp’e remeuy by wruch be r asrn-ed. ".u'-reorislrnSM p-, ti by the *dver- j . r -'< • • - ■ o i- l v awe;.! .g. a per* t -.| • ►ii-N E ■ - ", « ' r y May I, l-u.. wiy. ; PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES FOR 1867. Chamberlain, Cole <s• Boynton, Atlanta, Georgia. A-re selling their immense Slock ot mm mmm *» ®®iais At Wholesale and Retail, for Cash Only, A t P f i c c s to suit th e T i in c s | Their Stock <u DRESS GGGDS com I rises cverv now stile in the A itui ican maikets HOSIERY am! GLOVES- ,|M DnH-st ever l.rrm’oht to Atlanta ; j SILK a »‘i POPLIN COVERINGS, :>i»d LACE POINTS Gevery va ricty ; ; EMBROIDERIES aml LACE GOODS of every description ; PARASOiS SILK URDREUAS "> w »'y ; TABLE DAMASKS- NAPKINS- TOWELS* TOWELING a >o IRISHI LINENS ■ * | CURTAiN DAMASKS* k)l ' Men's ;wul Boys m ear. DijMESTICS NOTIONS i. l for tih: l o w f s t c a sii r u i e e April 12— ly, #, a, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION NERCHANT. 130 1 Granite Block, Broad Street, [Adjoining the K.iil-RoaJJ B. F. MOORE, ATLANTA, GA. T. F. FLU MING. Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain Hay- and all Western Products. Order* for arv description of Merchandise promptly filled, oxici consignments solicited. April 26, 1867.w3in MENS’ AND DOYS' CLOTHING AT THE GATE CITY €i®aail«f Br£&M3&,8 r £&M3&, We w uM respectfully inform our fiiemls ai;il (he public ihat we have just received or.e of the largest anti host, m j ifeted s ooks of Ever brought t- Atlanta, all of which have been manufactti-ed for ns from Good, bong't nf late decline, for Cash, with special refereuCe bo the wants of tills section. We would respectfully invite all to an examination of Our Goods and Prices, Feeling confident that we can suit t: e most economic*’, as well as the most fastUl.ou-, ns to price and quality £paus does nut permit to enumerate all the U )o«1b kept hy t , but sufli ;e it t j we h ive nice Casslmero Suits for S7 50 to sl© 00, and upwards. Those acquainted with our f} >->ds, nee 1 no*, hr t.oh, that, nnr Cinth'n? is made up by the best workmen, and of superior gnods. In add tiou to the ab we. -ve k-'e *, a'so, a large stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Ons'strg of PUFFED and PLAIN WHIPU SHIRT*. F IN GY and MOWN LI*F.N STURT?, US DR UG AK MEXTS. Fancy and Plain T 1 Ed, of all de-*'- ipti ins, Silk ami Linen Pocket (la .dk* lv-defs, (b-nuh.o Gray’s Patent M dde-1 Coliaas well as Glazed and M irseiiles Collars, All of whicli will be sold cheaper than can be bought elsewlu re Also. Boots. Shoes, nnts, Sole l.cathcr and other Trunks’ Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladies Trunks, kc. Before purchasing, please call at the Gate City Clothing Store by A. ROSENFEId) k BRO., Next doer to McCamy & Go's Drug Store, Whitehall Street, April 2G, ATLANTA, GEQR3A. 25RY GOODS I Dili GOODS I N c w A r r i v a1 ! TALLEY, BROWN & CO, WJaUeSaalS Sfiect. Aflunta, Ga., Art now dai y receiving their SECOND INST AILMENT OF Spring and Summer Goods! In addition to Ihrir present sfocV. they wil RECI.IT E WEEKLY, during the Cuming season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS! they have os hash SOW! Black and Fancy Silks, Mosamlvqtus. Grenadines, (j. gatidre Mus.Lis, White and Black Iron Tareges SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET KUSI.INS White and Fancy Tarlatous. W ..ile and Fancy Brilliants, - Tucked skirt Goons; Aiexand.e’s Kid Gloves—Tight Colors. MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Points* Grenadine Shawls, Ac. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED. May 3—ti6.ii. New Spring and Slimmer Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, ami a thousand and one things too tedious to e numerate, just received and for sale cheap for cash , at v J, ELSAS’ Cheap, Cash Store, * Cartersville, Bartow co. April rJ6ih. The Oltlesi Jewelry House in ATLANTA, GEORGEA. ER LAWSHE, t flocks, * Thatches, Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers’ Tools _ and Material. All Articles Warranted as H atches and Jewelry liepaired by competent workmen and ft arranted. May l, 18G7. wly CIIE IP HIISTIXG PAPER. To Editors and Publishers. LETTER FROM W. G. CLARK ESQ., PRESIDENT SOU I'll URN PRESS ASSOCIATION. ATLANTA. GA., April 13, ISC7. J. S. Ikrcslier h’-'j., I)t nr Sir : It ntf • ds me mnch pleasure to cnmmtinl cn'e t you tin' resolution of the Southern l’l "Rs Association : Resolved, -That »s a tesfmnnia' c.f on- appreciation for the zealou . fuitlilul and ff.ctive unices of Join S. Thrasher. Esq., as bupei inlendeut of this Association in yea s pas*. We hereby lendet him the thanks oftliis Associat’on, and. cnfei upon Mm ’he comp Lin. nta-y p'shion < f Agent of the Southern P.ess Asrociotion in the City of New York." 'I he to :ut of commendation employed in the above resohuio , do no in » e than Ju tire to your impo Lint service’ dining your S permt ml nicy— services which none Led better opportu ily to know, and none can more highly appro i te than myself. Should oceaei.ui requme t shall he glad ti avail myself oi the aid pr voted lor by the resolution. Veil rsspe.ifui r, your oheuient serv't, G. CI,ARK. Pi content. NOTICE, I would respre fully request every daily, (r-Teekly, semi-wet k’v, weekly and monthly journal, south of tlie Pov m e aiid Ohio rivers, and the at and g. 3) min. pai aliel of lattitude Weal, of lie Missies pi>i, to puMisl. thi, advertisement tw i. e. and send to me .t N « list eft-li time, a copy containing it, post j. a id, with bill lor the same. It is desTable, in tr y combinst’ons to procut a cheeper p lntirg paper tor our Southern j urnabtlm , I sh til have the foi lst infonna’ion r guiding the sir , of paper used hy the several publications. Him 1 ~u procure it in no otiier way than by requesting pa-ti ti lar a leiulon to tl.e teed of sending copy of the publi cation with ilie hiP. 1 (i. sire ii sent tw ce t' provide against mail failure'', and that they be po-lpui i tos-cai e pns'-otlicedeHve v. J S. THK tSIIKit. ' Box o 333 New York, N. Y. If you! a fine ami cheap suit of Spring ClotiliUg, tall at Loewcithtcin & Pfciini s tiISNitSHTCS. COUonadeK, Jeans, and Linen Drill, Duck and Coating, just ro ceiv (1 at Eoewenctein sV Pfeifer’s. Just receiveanand, at fine lot of ladies’ and gents’ buolM ami sJIiKS. Esg 1 Bead t!i«' advi ilisernerit of the Georgia Kutc L r'■ in •» i ..