The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 31, 1867, Image 2

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EU:tiiSTKATIOX OKDKH. lIKADgi 'ARTKKV lli> MsUTAUY Dli’r.’) ( (riorgia, JJ/it burnt/, n>i</ JVornta Atlanta." (In., May 21,1807. ) GenEKAL OUDKUS, » No. 20. | In accordance with an Act of Con press, supplementary In an Act to pro vide a more elf) *iont Government for the rebel States, Ao., dated March 2. iBO7, the following arrangements are herein made for the registration ol voters in the States of Georgia and Alabama :— [Era. T. The Stats of Georgia and Ala bama, are divided into Registration Districts, wimbered and bounded, as hereinafter di scribed. i\. A Board of Registration is herein appointed for each District, as above mentioned, to consist of two white Registers, nmi one colored Register, In the Stale ol Georgia, where only the two white Registers are designated in this Order, it is dimmed that these white Registers in each District imme di;il<4v select, and cause to be duly qualified, a competent colored man to complete the Board of Registration, and report hie name and Uostoffice addiess, without delay, to Col. C. C, t Sibley, commanding Distti-ot of Georgia, at Macon, Georgia. 111. Eeach Register will be re quired to take and subscribe the oath or- scribed bv Congress, by an act dat ed Julv 2, 1862. and an additional oath to discharge faithfully the du l vol Reg ister under the late Acts of Congress, ft is not believed tlwit any of the ap* qmintees, hereinafter designated, will be unable to take the test oath above mentioned. Blank forms of these oaths "■ill be sent to the appointees at once, and on being executed and returned to the Superintendents o! State Rcgistra lion, their Commissions as Registers will be issued, and forwarded to them immediately. IV. lu order to secure a full registra tion ol voters, it is determined to fix the compensation of Registers according ia ihe rule adopted in taking ihe census. In ihe cities, thecotnpen -vation is fixed at h/teen cents for each recorded voter ; in the most sparsely .settled counties and districts, at forty rents per voter. The compensation will he graduated between these limits, according to the density of the popula tion, and the facilities ol com mu uiea lion. Ten cents per mile will he allowed for transportation of Registers oil the iines of railroads or steamboats, and live reins per mile, when travel is done on railroads and steamboats. V. It is hereby made the duty of all Registers, and they will be expected to perform it strictly, to explain to all .persons, who have net heretofore-en p,yed the right of suffrage., what are their political rights and privileges, and ltie necessity of exercising them upon *.'l proper occasions. VI. The n unc of each voter shall appear in the list ol voters, for the pre cinct or ward in which he resides ; and iu cases where voters have been unable t» register, whilst the Boards of Regis tration were in the wards or precincts, where such voters live, opportunity wilt be give'll to register at the county suits of their respective eminth s, at a specified time, <>| .which due notice will be given ; but the names of all voters, i.lius registered, will be placed on the lists of voters of their respective pre » incts. VII. The Boards ol Registration will give due notice, so that it may. reaclij all persons entitled to.register, of the and ue when llvey will be in each election precinct ; the time they will spend in i: ; and the place where- the registration will be made ; and upon the completion of the registration for each, county, the Board of Registration will give notice ilu.t they will be present, for three successive days at the county seat of such county, to register such voters, a? have lulled to register, or been pre vented from registering in their re spective .precincts, and to hear evi dence in the ease of voters, rejected by toe Registers in the several products,- who may desire to present testimony *in their own behalf. VIII. Liii 1 ess otherwise instructed herealter, Boards of Registration are directed, in determining whether appli .-ants to register are legally qualified, to hold that the terms “Executive and /Judicial,’'’ in the Act of Congress ot March 22, 1887, comprise all persons whomsoever, who have held office un der the Executive, or Judicial Depart ments of the State, or National Gov ernment—in other words, all officers not Legisla'iv, which last are also ex cluded by the Act. Persons who ap ply to register, but who are considered • disqualified by the Boards, will be per mitted to take the required oath, which, with the objections of the Board, will be held for adjudication hereafter. IX. The lists of registered voters, for each .of the precincts, will be exposed in some public, place in that precinct, for ten consecutive days, at some lime subsequent to the completion of the registration of each county, and before any election is held, in order that all ("opposed cases of fraudulent registra tion Ik iv he thoroughly investigated. Due notice will he given and provision made for the time and place for exam ination ami settlement of such eases. X. Blank books o-foaths, required to be t 'ken by voters, and blank registra tion lists, and alio full and detailed instructions ior the performance of their duties, .will ba at once forwarded to the Bo nds-of Registration,‘appoint ed in this Order, and it is enj lined up on these Boards that they proceed to complete the registration with all e:i e'iiv at;4 u'spau-’o. XI. 1':.3 qc-ti-ilci instructions to Registers will designate the member of each Board v. ho shall be its President. \ !l. Violence,or threats of violence, or any other.oppressive means -to pre vent any person from registering his name, or exercising “his political rights, are positively prohibited; anil it is distinctly announced that no contract or agreement with laborers, which de prives them of their wages for any longer trine than tint actually eonsum-, ed in registering or votirg, will he per milted to be enforced against them in i|ii? District ; and this offense, or any previously mentioned in this paragraph, will cause the immediate arrest of the offender and lus trial before a Military Commission. XIII. The exercise of the right of every duly authorized voter, under the late Acts of Congress, to register and vote, is guaranteed by the military Authorities of this District ; and all persons whomsoever are warned against any attempt to interfere to prevent any man from exercising this right, under any pretext whatever, other than ob ject ion by the usual legal mode, XIV. In case of any disturbance, or violence at the places of registration, or any molestation of Registers or of ap plicants to register, the Boards of Reg istration will call upon tne local civil -autlioriiitss for a police force, or a posse to arrest the offenders and preserve quiet, or, if necessary, upon the nearest Military Authorities, who are hereby instructed to.furnish the necessary aid. Any civil officials who refuse, or who fail to protect Registers, or applicants to register,- will be (reported to the Headquarters of the Officer Command ing in the State, who will arrest such delinquents, and send charges against them to these Headquarters, that they may be brought before a Military Com mission. ***** By command of Brev. Maj. Gen. Pock G. K." Sanderson, Capt. 33d Inf. <s• A. A. A. G. The J»Kss. SAM’L H. SMITH and ROBT. P. MILAM Editors and Proprietors. CarlersvilSe, Cits, May 31, 1567. ■i ■ i mimi hi i■ i-( wit —rwumfrrn r~ Ihe opinion of the Attorney-General hi re gard to w o are entitled to register under the Military Bill, and which has been looked tor with so much interest for some weeks past, is before: us. It is quite a lengthy document and will require something more than a casu.-d reading and an ordinary untutored legal mind to fully comprehend its legal interpretation.— From all that we can gather from it the fol lowing classes of officers arc enti led to regis tration. to-wit: tax collectors, tax receivers, sheriffs, municipal officers of towns and cities, also lawyers are not excluded. As regards Jus tices of the Inferior Courts and Justices of the Peace, he reserves his opinion until abstracts of the laws of the Sou hern States, defining their duties responsibilities and emoluments of their offices, is abtain.ed. il3ut we are inclined to the opinion that judicial officers of counties whose jurisdiction is limited and local, are not excluded. Ae to “aiders and abbettors of ihe rebellion,” we will give his own language, as foilows: “I must here repeat, what has been said before, that to work Disqualification two elementsmust concur. Ist, Molding the des ignated office [where it required an oath to be taken to su; port ihe constitution and laws of the United States— Ei\] State or Federal; and, ilndf,, engaging in rebellion against the U: ileei States or giving aid or comfort to its enemies. Both these mu-t not only concur, hut they must concur in the order of time men tioned. First, the office and the oath, and “af terwards” engaging in rebellion, or giving aid and comfort. A.person who has held an office within tlie meaning of this law, and has taken the official oath, and who has not afterwards participated in a rebellion, may very safely take this o th ; and so, too, the.person who has fully participated in the rebell on, but has not, prior thereto, held an office and taken the offi cial oath, may, with equal safety, take this oath.” So, it will be seen, that any one who eeerdiet'd an office and took the oath, prior to the late :ebellion, are excluded from registra iion and the e ective franchise, and not those only who held office at the b. caking out of the rebellion. The next thing to determine is as to whether the participants in the rebellion are to be held as “enemies,” as that :erm has here tofore appli and to ••foreign foes,” as in of the war with Great Kritain, Mexico, &c.; and further, ti e “giving aid or comfort,” whether it was voluntary or compulsory, the Attorney General very tully argues, but we prefer to defer further comment until the next issue of our paper, when, we hope to be able to give full particulars as to who is not disfranchised. — This matter is much more complicated than one would suppose from mere course of rea soning without refetence to details. Notwith standing the Attorney-General’s opinion is in tended -as an inter,retatioa of the law in re ference to the act known as the Sherman bi 1, under which the Southern States are now be ing reconstructed, owing to its complications, it will require a e'ear head and sound legal judgment, to reduce it to the comprehension of the masses of our population. Our irivale opinion leads us to think, upon a careful reading ofthe document in question, that a much smaller number of our people will he disiranch sed than was at fir it thought.— If :t :s true, a.'we think, that every one who voluntarily engaged in the w ar, whether as an officer either field.or staff, private soldier, or a citizen, without compulsion,by taking upartns. or cor.tributing mean? for the purpose of car ry ing on the war, are not excluded, it certainly is not a verv large pro{K>rtion of our heretofore voters. But if a man was forced into the army by conscription, or (perhaps) from the fear of conscription, or forced to do any work, con tribute clothing or food, or pay taxes or tithes, oreven ma le any contribution cr done any thing Ho'ameliorate the condition of our soldiers without intending to aid the rebel lion, he, is certainly not excluded. Here we will let the subject rest utMil we can get more light. Since writing the above, we have been able to eull the following facts front the Augusta Daily Chronicle and Sentinel : fVIio are Disfranchised in Georgia ! ANALYSIS OF JUDGE STANBKRy’s DECIS ION. For the convenience of our readers we have prepared the following abstract of the opinion recently given to the President by the Attorney General, as to tire extent and character ol the disfranchisement ol the white people ol the South under the Military Bill. We believe that, under the effect of this opinion, the disfranchised class in Georgia will not exceed eight or ten thousand. It will be -seen-that the views of the learned Attorney General very nearly coincide with our own, which we pub lished in this paper on the 22d March last, as to the class of persons who are disiranchished. 'Faking the order of the Attorney General’s argument, we find Ist. That a year’s residence in the State previous to registering is not necessary. If the party will have been resident in the State one year at the time of the election it is sufficient. 2d. The disqualification lor felony must be upon the legal conviction in a competent court for a crime known to the laws ot the State or the United States as feleny. 3d. Members ofthe State Legislature —members of Congress before the war, who participated fin or gave aid and comfort to tue rebellion, are disfran chised. in this class are also included the members ofthe convention which passed the ordinance of secession. 4th.. Executive andjudicial oflicersof the State. This includes Governors, Lieutenant Governors,'Secretaries ol State and ofthe Treasury, Comptroller and Surveyor Generals, and such other ■ officers ofthe State who exercise func tions .at the seat of Government. — •Judges o( the Supreme and Superior Court's are disfranchised. sth. in regard to cminty Judges,'Or dinaries. Justices of the Inferior Courts, Justices of the-‘Peace and Sheriffs, the Attorney General expresses no decided opinion. In regard to these he reserves for further consideration the question whether any or all of them are within the'terms of disfranchisement. 6ih. All officers and appointees un der the United Stales, who took the oath to support the Constitution ofthe United States, are disqualified. 7th. Municipal officers are not dis* franchised, and this whether their functions are executive or judicial, or bo*h or either. Bth. Militia officers who were in of fice before (lie war, although they might have taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, are not disfranchised. 9th. Neither are attorneys at law, tax receivers, tax collectors, constables, comity treasurers, jailors or other sub ordinate county officers disfranchised. 10th. Clerks and Secretaries of the Senate and HouSe ot Representatives, and oilier officers ofthe legislature, not members, are r.ot disfranchised. 1 Ith, Secretary ofthe Executive De partment, Superintendent of the Luna italic Asi him lor the blind, for the deaf and dumb, Keepers of Penitentiary, Superintendent and other officers of the State Road, State Diieetors of Banks, President and Professors ot the State University, State Commissioners either for general or Special purposes Nota ries Public and commissioners of Deeds and all others of this class of appoint, ment are not disfranchised. In addition to falling with someone or ail of the foregoing excluded clauses it is necessary that the party to be af fected thereby must also have partici pated or engaged in the rebellion or giveing aid and comfort (hereto. In considering the effect of the latter re construction, the Attorney General says th art M so me direct overt act done with the intent to further the rebellion is nec cessurij to bring the party ivithin the provision and meaning of this clause. Ilence those who entered the service of tfie Confederate Slates as conscripts, Those who made voluntary contribu tions to those who were in the service. “Those who held a simple judicial of fice or other executive office or public employment ol a purely civil character —Tsuch as county officers, municipal of ficers and others of like character during the war ; forced contributions by the Confederate authorities, the payment of taxes State and Confederate—the ut terance of disloyal sentiments—these and the like do not amount to such aid and comfort to the rebellonas will work disfranchisement under the law. Voluntary contributions to t!>e Con federate Government, subscriptions to the Confederate loan, organized contri. but ions of food and clothing to those in rebellion and other like nets, do amount to the giveing ‘ aid and corn'o;;" with in the meaning of the laws The'ettornev General is silent as ’o the effect which a subsequer.' pardon for a:tv or a’! ’he •?•'!? which work dis franchise areut would hu c tiff*, the par ty in interest. We had hoped that hi? views would have been given in lull upon this point, for it is one ol vital ira. port a nee to thousands of “good men and true” in the Small whose votes will, depend upon the effect/ofisuch pardons as applied to previcusplisability.. No oath oilier than that required by the law itself can be nqnired' of‘those who apply’ for registration, nqr can they be'suhfecied to any other test'dr question by the Register. The respon sibility of deciding whe-ther tire appli cant lor registration is or not disquali fied under the law, is left to the dec is, ion alone of the party offering for reg istration. To tl e People of Georgia. There seams to be a prevalent mis understanding either of the powers of the Executive, or of what the Legisla ture has done to supply provisions to those needing them. I receive daily communications, more numerous than 1 can possibly, answer separately, giving informational destitution, and appeal ing for relief from it. This destitution is of two kinds : First, that prevailing among men ot some property—cpos sessed of lands and live stock—who have hired-laborers and set their crops without having secured it sufficient supply of provisions to feed -their la hotels and beasts of burden, and are now, in .the midst of .the crop season, arrested for lack of food. Secondly, that which arises from the utter desti tution of property, and inability 4o la bor. Thosembrny readers, who understand the Constitution ofthe State, know lull well that ihe treasury ol the State is under the -control of the Legislature ; they lcnow that it is ordained by the Constitution that “No money shall be drawn from lire treasury of this State except by appropriation made by law.” They are aware that when an appropri ation is made by law for a specifice purpose, it can be used only for that purpose. These are plain truths. Let those who have not considered them before, take note of them now. The last Legislature appropriated one hun dred thousand dollars (no more) “to purchase corn to give biead to such in digent widows and orphans of deceased soldiers, and disabled soldiers df the State, who, by reason of (their extreme poverty and inability to labor, need the samel” Nothing can be clearer than that the-class so fanners and planters, whose provisions have given out, mid way the crtt.p, do not come within the description given in the act. However much therefore‘l may sympathise with them, (and no man does so more free ly) it is manifest ! cannot relieve them. Appeals to me only horr >r my feelings without the possibility ol bringing relief to tire sufferers. So, too, the provis ions donated by the noble charitable associations of the more fortunate States, are dedicated to the feeding of needy men. women and’children, who have neither property of any kind, nor the capacity to labor for the means of subsistence. It would be a violation ot the trust to distribute them among property holders, in aid ol agriculture. It cannot be done. Deplorable, there fore, as this sta’e of things is, I have no power to give relief. .In this connection, I trust that I shall be pardoned for making a sug gestion. We are an impoverished people-; a large amount of properly wipid out, and what remains, depreci ated in preseul value by U>e ravages of war. On the restoration of peace, we had to begin life, anew, and to begin it with a very inadequate supply of bread —the staff of life: ' Two crops gathered since the cessation of hostilities, have been decidedly short—inadequate to the wants of our people. Last year the suffering was great, this year it is far greater. All that the State Govs eminent and the United States Gov ernment and the ever memombie charities ot benevolent individuals have done, will fall short of<*full Relief. — Fellow-citizens, ho - ,v long shall this continue? Believe will continue and grow more stringent, until there shall be raised,.on the soil of Georgia, in one year, enough of bread to feed all her people. Os this result, there is no, hope this year, next year, nor with in ten years unless those who tiil the soil, plant in cereals and ether articles of food a sufficient breadth of land, *lo secure this result with moderately tin propitious seasons. This is a prompt ing of interest, it is the dictate of pa triotism. This once accomplished, we can make a fair start, and with the blessing of God take care of ourselves. But this, I fear, is hot being done; I gieatly fear there is.too much land de voted to Cotton, Cotton, COTTON. There would be hope for the State, if thousands of acres of cotton were now ploughed tip, and l!*tP ground devoted to corn. There is yet time for it. The present cry for bread among substantial farmers admonishes all to do this. Again, in regard to the second class, those who are provided tor by volun tary contributions, and by State ap propriations. The inquiry comes to me daily, why do not ihe supplies come forward ? I answer to all. The voluntary contributions which come to me are distributed with all possible dispatch,and as they come in quantities too small for eacii shipment to be distri buted all over the State, Counties are classified, (the most destitute and suf fering being firsi attended to) and sup plied in order. Concerning the State supply: it rqust overlooked that to the appropriation of the §IOO,OOO, the Legislature put this proviso* ‘-that no part of the same shall be expended until the Governor shall become satis fied that a sufficiency of corn will not be contributed from voluntary sources.’’ Many ofvout representatives bel ev< J would be .o cuchibutcff; I owed to them the duty of waiting to see ! the result. lam satisfied the expend* ifure will be necessary. My opera' -tions are in progress—l doubt not the corn will be distributed -at the most .eligible lime of ilte season. The appropriation to pay freight on corn “donated,” is only $20.©00. This w ifi lie 'insufficient to pay all th? freight which will aceure on corn 'cftntfihtjteft. I feel it to be my duly first to apply it to freight mi consign* tnents to H. <J. Hornady, the agent named in the appropriation act, and to other agents directed to report to me, and to myself as the Executive of the State. Authorities sending out agents" and receiving and distributing corn by their volition do not come within the provision of that section. 1 heartily wish I could buy coni and pay freight for all. Buts trust the ex tent of my powers and the means at my command will be now fully under stood, and that no unfounded expecta tions will be entertained. Charles J. Jenkins. THE COTTON TAX. How it Operates on J reduction —How It ltobsthe Freed men —lts Folly. An officer of the Freedman’s Bureau, at Demopolis, Alabama, has written a letter to the Alabama Republican,, in which he exposes the folly, if not wickedness, of tiie tax put on cotton by Congress. It is the testimony of one who knows whereof he writes : AN ARGUMENT AGAINST THE COTTON TAX, BV AN OFFICER OF TH-1E -FREED* men’s BUREAU. Demopolis, Alabama, March 13, 1807.—The erroneous idea that there are immense profits in raising cotton has, undoubtedly, induced Congress to impose the tax of three cents a pound, while the actual truth is, it is not more profitable than the cultivation of any other agricultural product. What made it profitable in former times, was the continually increasing number and val ue of the slaves who cultivated the crop, rather than the,proceeds of the crop itself.; for it is well known that a man not owning slaves never could make a decent living by'his own labor in the cotton field, and even at present prices its cultivation is not more profit able than that of many other agricullu ral products which are-not taxed. To illustrate: One man with a mule, in a good cotton season, at a high av erage, in the old cotton States, can make 2,000 pounds of fiat cotton and about enough corn to feed his mule.— This takes Iris entire time for twelve months in the year. This cotton at the present price will sell for SSOO, on which tb.e Government tax of three cents per.pound amounts to s6o* Now one man with a team in Illinois, by working six months in the year, can make 2,000 bushels of corn, worth at least. @BOO. A tax on this 8800 worth of corn raised by one man in Illinois, in proportion to-that imposed on the five hundred dollars worth of cotton raised by one man in Alabama, would be ninety-six dollars, or -si-early live cents per bushel. But as it takes only half the labor to make the corn that is required to make the cotton, the taxon it slioul’J tre doubled, or I*o cents per bushel, in order!© equalize the busi ness. One man in Berkshire county can provide (brand milk twenty cows, from which he can make -eight thousand pounds of cheese, which will tiel 81,- 400. 'Now a tax on this owe thousand and four hundred dollars worth of cheese which one -man in Berkshire can make, in propoition to the BGO tax on 8500 worth of cotton which one man in Alabama can make, would be one hundred and sixty-eight dollars, or two cents per pound. How would our Berkshire farmers relish this? One man in any Northern State can take caie of and provide for enough sheep to produce two thousand pounds of wool, which is gust the number of pounds of cotton which one nun in Alabama can produce. But wool usu ally sells at double the price of cotton at iis home market; hence a tax on wool parallel with that on cotton should be six cents per pound. Yet Congress, instead ol taxing wool until it stands on an equal footing with cotton, or re moving the tax from cotton until it stands on an equal footing with wool, keeps a lax on cotton which does not increase the market value anywhere, and puts a high protective duty on all imported wool, which largely increas es tiie home value of the native article. It is well enough to protect American wool, but why thus oppress American cotton ! Is it magnanimous ? Is it just? Is it encouraging Southern emigration ? Is it not rather poor statesmanship, and blind sectional legislation ? This, however, is not the worst fea ture ol it. 'This little tax of three cts. per pound on cotton produces actual destitution and suffering among the freedinen. ( have assisted in the set tlement of accounts with freedinen, on perhaps fifty plantations in Alabama, during the winter, and know perhaps, well their condition. The following statement of the situation on one plan tation will illustrate that on hundreds of others. 111 the latter part of Decem ber I visited one plantation, lying about ten miles up the Tombrgbee river, for the purpose of settling with the freed" men. There was made on the place less than one thousand pounds of cot ton to the hand, and no corn. It was an average cotton crop for Inst year in this section of the country. The freed inen were t.o receive as wages their i rations of corumeai and port;, and one- j fouith of the crop, which are the usual j ‘e?:us given this year. ’j He- -ve-t c sick S'Jtac, :ui J bad hougiu soine clothing, a little sugar, flour, & »*., from their employer, promising their crop in payment. At the settlement it was found that some had overdrawn their accounts, some come out with five dollars due them, and one or two had as high as thirty dollars com ing to them, for their year’s labor.— All were ragged, their children were naked ; all now without food and many without money. Yet the Government fax on cotton belonging to the freed inen on this plantation, was nearly six hundred dollars, enough to have com fortably clofhed most of them. Sad, naked and hungry, they left this plant ation to look for other homes, little dreaming that the Government that had set them free was now actually taking the food from their mouth? and the clothes from their backs, under the mistaken Notion that it was only mak ing rebels pay a part of the national debt. Such is the actual situation upon hundreds of plantations in Alabama.— Yet Bureau officers are required to urge the freedmen to educate their children, to save their money in order to buy stock and tools with which to farm on tin ir own account. Congress has now given freedinen the ballot, while it takes away much of their bread and bacon. Had the freedinen them selves been given their choice between the two, I fancy they would have chos en the latter. They can noteat ballots, nor wear ballots, and I judge that about the first use they make of them will be toward removing this cotton tax, which now bears so heavily upon their indus try. Pierce Burton. NEWS FROM II »X Or HAS. From Mr. Blackwell, who was one of the party who left here about two months ago for Spanish Honduras, and who returned on Wednesday alurnoon, we derive the following interesting par ticulars :—New Era , Land, in almost an> quantity, can be had at low .prices and on easy terms. Bill the •country has no stable govern ment, and with each change of ruler there lists <to be anew arrangement. — Tiie land appears to he'rich, and, with proper cultivation, might be made to yield largely of a considerable variety of productions. It is well, but not heavily, limbered. Oranges, plantains, cocoa-nuts, and otbeu tropical fruits abound and grow spontaneously, but wheat does not thrive. What wheat flour they have there is quite indiffer ent. Corn is raised, hut they have no mills, either saw or grist, and mash corn lor use as food, by rubbing it be tween two flat rocks. Coilon grows with wonderful luxuriance, and all hough planted in rows eight feet apart, and five feet apart in rows, it attains great height,and spreads so that the branches interlap. It is planted every ten years; the old wood being cut away each seasons and new shoots cultivated. A sample shown us was, in quality, about equal to go»d upland. The population is a mixture of Spanish. Indians and negroes, in a semi-civilized state. Tliev go but par *tially clad, and are shameless in habits men and women go bathing together, and seem to be ignorant of any breach of propriety. Labor commands but from six to eight dollars per month, at which the laborer must suppoit himsell. Calicos, gro ceries. and such provisions as are common to this country are quite as High as here ; but as the native fruits— particularly plantains, cooked in vari ous ways, or uncooked—furnish nutri tive food, on which they mainly sub sist. they manage to make ends meet. The climate is very hot and sultry. Those who went from here were cau tioned not to eat fruit, particularly co coa-nuts and oranges, and to keep in the shade as much as possible. Mr. Blackwell thinks it would be impossible for white men to work in the field there. A portion of those who went from here are locating a town in a fer tile valley about sixty miles from Omai, on a river, which, ifeleaned out, would be navigable between the two points ; a distance of something over one Inin died miles. The valley is over sixty miies long, and the tract secured lor the emigrants altogether about three miles wide by six or eight long. In the town, each alternate lot is given, the farm sold. But as there i3 no regular System of taxation, eat h successful party demands according to his Wants —sometimes alia citizen has of provis ions. Tiie only officer he saw who understood English was a negro magis tral. The forest growth in this valley is not heavy timber, but es a stunted character, and the hilly or mountainous country is no more pleasant as to cli mate than the lower country. Many of those who went from here would be glad to return if they had the means. A few profess to be pleased mil signify an intention to remain. The first named express a determina tion to return home as soon as they can make the money. (?) Mr. Black well says his experience cost him about two hut.died dollars, and that he feels content now to remain in Georgia, which, with all ils present disagreeable circumstances is more desirable than Honduras. All we want is re-organization, and restoration to the Union. Then, with equal laws, perfect liberty, undoubted security for person and property, and the protection of the best government and most powerful nation in the world, the State will make even greater and more rapid strides to wealth and com mercial pre-eminence than ever belore. We counsel our people, one and all, to remain \vh*re they are, and work tin divided!y and unflagingly to attain this moM dcsi* b!c of;.!! present ends. 12b L> •lores of Bartow &AD&. I propose to sell three tracts of of Land embracing J 290 ACRES, and will give the best bargains now offered In the county -Ist Tract. 990 acres—4oo acres cleared, under pood feuce and in a high state of cultivation. The whole tract Ilea well, produces freely and Is pleasant to cultivate. Ila near IWO MKRCHtNT MILLS. CHURCHES AND lUGH SCHOOLS convenient—health and society pood. The Improvements consist of a newly finished dwelling with six rooms—Giu house Smith's shop and other necessary outbuildings, together with six other separate t -neinents on the place. 2nd Tract, Contains 890 acres —SO cleared, Improvement* common. This place lies 1 mile Cl the town of Euhurlee. 3rd Tract, Contains 50 acres, one half clean and The above lands can be bought separate or together, Terms e»sy. Interest tn present crop sold with the place if desired and possession given, forty day* from day of sale. B. T. I.EEKE. 8. «MS§SSE&®» WITH W. tt. Tm)W, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In §rjj dWte, BOOTS, SHOES - YANKEE NOTIONS, &C. Whitehall street, May 31, —ts. Atlanta, Ga. pEOILGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Whereas LM. Mun *7 ford apples to me f- r Letters of Administration on i e es’ate Fredrick I). 11 atflelrt, late of Bartow county de ceased. This Ib to cite all concerned, both kindre" and creditors of Haiti de-'eus and, to show cause,if they can, within the time prescribed bv law, why said letters should not he granted to said applicant Given umter inv hand and otHclal s it lattice, this the 81 it day of M iy ISG7. J. A. HOWA KD, Ord’y % THE THE DRUG STORE': REDWIFTE 3c IFOIXI- Atlanta, La. The attention nf Drupp'st , Merchants and others 1 Invited to our larpe ami tlepuot, stock of Drups, \tedl clues), Dyestuff , Imported and Ameilcan Fancy Goods IVi turneries, Toilet articles &0., & •. j Also in store and to arrive 250 Boxes French and A merlean Window Glass,2ooo Pounds Putty (in Bladder,) 10 Bids Pure “Non Explosive'' coal Oil, far preferable to the Patient Petro O l, 5 Uhls Tanners Oil, ft Bids 'While- Oak Lubricating Oil, ft Bbls Lard Oil, Sperm i'll, Neats* foot Oil and Varnishes of all kiiiil< 1000 Bbls Whit* Lead and Zincs—Larpe lot Spannish Float ludipo, WARRANTED GOOD. 100 SWEEDISH LEECHES, a large varietyof Patient WINES AND LIQUORS, purposes Ac. Ae., all ui which are offered Viattors to our City will find at the a most delh-htful Refrlporatlne Drink, drawn from th* Famous and beautiful “AKCTIo” J’onnt, call and try it. urowifß & pox, Corner Whitehall &. A a. streets, Atlanta, Ca. WholCNtilc and It etui I CASH CLOTHING HOUSE. IXfE have now tn store and are recleving regularly VV all th- LATEST STYLES of MEN AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, PIECE AND FURNISHING GOODS, TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS, <fcc, Ac. Which we will sell at a very slight advance on first cost OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is now complete. Suits of All Kinds Promptly Made We.guarantee FIT,fBTYLE, and QUALITY. HERRING & LEYDEN, 40 Whitehall Street. SEIT/JFC JfijtCHIJVES, Having accepted the General Apency for the state of Georpla, of the WEED SEWING M 'CHINE, wa are prep i|r-d to sell them at Manufacturer's pi Ice*. — Th*se Machines, after a thorough trial for years, hav« proven thems-Ives to be the SIMPLEST AND BEST for general family use now made. Our arrangements are now complete to furnish any of the leading Sewinp Machines at, maker's prices, HERRING & LEYDEN. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! FACTORY YARNS. TJTE are the Apents of the Athens Manufacturing Cos., VV and will rell their Yarns at faeto-y rates tn whole sale buyers. Depot at our Clothing House, Whitebait street, Atlanta,Ga. May 17, HERRING <* LEYDEN. Corn and Bacon.—l propose ta furnish Farmers of Bartow Countv with Com and Bacon to be paid for in Wheat by the tst day of July next. For further pmticulars ap ply to me at Cartersviße or wherever you may chance to see me. W. L. GOODWIN. I@“The Viceroy of Egypt is the richest man in the world. He owns a fourth of the entire soil of the country. The “devil” wants to know if he has any “gals,’