The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, May 31, 1867, Image 4

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GEORGIA STATS LOTTERY! t ut Ittf of THE “MASONIC ORPHAN’S HOME!” mUK I.egiß'sture of the Bt*'« of Gen-gla. »t H* ie ß ' 1 newt»t‘. granted l W. \V. ib.vd >ll t other*. 4 (tr»Dt ,« h-5 i>t a l/rtte-y. o • series of I, t.- !*•- and Asencfe". to raise money f-.r t’-r pnn*‘*ve <>f bul.utng a Home f r. and supportin'-' Indigent WM"»i and Ornhans—*> e 11.,me to be called tbe • MASONIC ORPHAN'S HOME." Trie grantee* have as* < la'ed w th them, *s a Board of Manage ■*, imwe of the host citizens ol this State, ia it,.. e t work of benevolence and efiarlty. We call tiie attention of thtA public to the G and heheme below, and a k your patronage. In purcha-triy t . cke'ts you will remember tha* should y ou fail to draw a pri'/.n that your money *1 It stlictly kid Masimtcully applied to a charitable work. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY! FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE '’MASONIC ORPHANS' HOME!' TO BE DRAWN IN 0-PEN PUBLIC, AT AT L A N TA, GEOIt G 1 A ON Wedunsday, May l V W6T- Class B. Wednc«(la,v, Jimc l!),18GT-Cla»8 C Wednesday, July 17,.fSti?- Class D. .♦Scheme the Same for Each Month. •TPrize of SSO. 000 is .’sso, 000 1 Brize of 20, 000 is 20,000 1 Brize of If, 000 it 1", 000 1 Brize of 6,0*0 1* 5,000 • ! Brize of 2, 501, f « ( mn H Prize of 2, 500 f I * re , ’ UO 24 Prizes of fOO are.. 12. 000 55 Prizes of .... 250 are 13, 7501 125 Prizes of 200 a e 25.000 160 Pi Hew of 106 are 16, OUO APPROXIMATIOX PRIZES. 9 Approximati on Przes of $5 0 each for the nine remaining units of the same ■ ten of the No. drawing the $50,000 Brize •are 4, 500 •y Approximation B.izesof $250 eacli for tiie nine remali ing units of the nrne ten of the No. drawing tiie $20,000 l’r.ze are 2, 250 9 Aporoximalion Prizes of $ 0 teach for lire nine remsining units of the >ame •ten of tiie No. drawing the SIO,OOO. Prize are >l/800 9 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each for the nine remaining units of the same , two. of the. No. drawing the $5,000 Pi ize are 900 18 Approximation Prizes of SIOO eacii for the nine ren aining unit- of tl e same ten of the Nos. drawing the $2,500 Prizes are 1, SOO 4 .’4 Prizes, amounting to $168,000 Wliolt Tickets, ijfsl’J ; Halve* $6; 'Quarters, $S ; IlitfMs, $1,50, J37"A11 the Prizes above stated are Brawn at livery Drawing. OftCiiesc Great .Lotteries, and Explanation of Drawings, The numbers from 1 toßo 000. corresponding with (he run,tiers on the Ticke s. a> e print, and on separate slips of paper.a-id euciicled \v Hi suiail placed in a gla-s wheel. All the prizes in ivecordance with tiie Scheme. are similarly pr nted an i encircled, and, placed in anoiher pi iss vhee’. The wheels ere then revolved end two bold, * I'ruifolded, draw li e Numbers and Pri zest. One of the boys draws one number from the wheel of No.-.and at the-same time the oh a boy draws out one prize from 111 • w heel Os prizes. The t umber and prize drawn out are exhibited to the audience, and whftte erprzec mes out is reg's’ered anil placed to ihe cred't of that number; and this operation is repeated until all the prizes are drawn out. The Tickets aie printed in the following style ; They are divided Into Quarters and eight', printed on tiie face of the Ticket. Pour Qua f era or eight Eights bearing the srme number, constitute a Whole Ticket. SEIZES PA TABLE WITHOUT ; DISCOVIIT W. W. BOYD, ’Deputy Grand Master, Principal Manager Atlanta, Ga. 'BsE”Order3 for Tickets by ma'l or express to be ad yverted to L. R. lIROADBEX !’, Agent, Or W. W. BOVU. .Principal Manager. . April 20—wfjuiie 49 1867. Atlanta. Ga. GEORGI A.BAItToW COUNTY.—Whereas Mrs It. C. Bradley ap|4i“s to me for letters of administra tion on tin-estate of William 11.. Bradley deceased.— This Is therefore to cite ail coneei ti-d, both kindred and and credit rs < f said deceased, to show cause, if any they can, w ithi tiie time prescribed by I iw, wt y said letters aliould not be gran'ed to s >i*l applicant. Given under- mV lend and olio iat t i; nature, tl is th j 17tb day of May, 186T.—SOI. ,i. A. HOWARD, Old. j/TEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.-*-'Two Mprvtlia after VXdate application writ bo made. to Wi-e Court of O. di nary of bartow-iouniv. Georgia, at tiie tir-f regular Terin after tiie expiration of Two Months from this notice for leave to re | i|ie Bands belonging to the estate of W W..TTPFINB, late of savl county dec used, for the benefit of the be'rs and Creditor of said de . ceased: This 10th May 1867 JOHN 11. TIPPINB, Adrn’r. Cd BORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—.Two months .after I da’e application wi 1 lie made to ’WCourt of Ordi- I nary of said countr, leave to se'l «11 Hie real ei-tatc of I). R. Thomas, dece°sed, tying in said State, at. either public or private sale, f»r the benefit, of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. April 12, 1567. P..L. MOON. Adm'r. Fxoculoi-’s Sale. ■jyY virtue of an order of tho Caurt of ordinary of Rar -.14t0w county, and by authority oftiielast Will-of John 'Olay ton, lute of Bartow c mut.v, deceas and, will be sold to tiie highest bidder, at tiie Court house do >r in Oar tersville, in said c> u ity of Bartow on the first Tuesday .in .July next, iqpthe legal sa e hours, lot of land number one ihousaml and four 1004 in tlio twenty fi-o t f2lst) district of thes< c»nd (2nd) settion-of originally Cher < koe. now Bartow o->uniy. Sold fo* dlsiiibntion and •and the payment of the debts of said estate. Terms c sb. WARIUN AKIN, May 8, 1567. Executor, iGECRgTa CHERQKEErGEUNTY. lici’CSYS, Jo in..!, Epperson applies’to. mo to be retired from his administration on the' estate of.lames B Epperson, deceased. These are therefore .to cite Mrs. and admonish all and singular the kindred and .creditors dr’saiii-deceased, to file th* ir objections •if any they have by the first Monday in Aug iust, 1867, letters of dismission >\vill be granted*the applicant at 'that term of ■the court of Ordinary for said county. Given ■under my hand and official signature, this the 2‘Jth day of Jan 18(17. W K D JKOStt, Ordinary, (pr’s fee $6 EORGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. WhCFCcIS •- A. Adm til is* Aralur ol \V 1, Fowler, represents to the vouri, 'ln iii« petition duly tiled and en tered on record, that he has fully ad ministered \Y L Fo\vle r ’s estate. This is, therefore to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors, tot how cause is any they can, why said administrator should not 4ae i&scbarged fami his nd jnimstration and receive letters o< «dis mession, on the first Monday in Sep tember next. YY U 1) MOSS, Feb’y. 21st 1867. Ordinary. £ Printer’s fee SO.] GEORG! A OHEROKEE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Leinuel Cook, Adm’r of Elijah l oderwood, represents to the oourt, in his peiiuoti duly filed and en 3red on record, tiiat he has fully ad ministered said estate. This is. there arc, to cite all persons eonet ri.ed, kin tred and creditors, tit show cause, ii any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dis mission on the Ist Monday in July,'oT. Dec. 3. \Y R D .MOSS. Ord. (pr's Tec Sfl't BK. O. PISJ6ERTO.Y, Cartersi'ille, Georgia. Teivtur* hiv profvs,i na! nt viefs to the c’tizeni of CAttrrsiij.r ami c >u-.try, firrf v.ill atrerA rs Uat ail hou“!*. Oitic-* up-s;s i* Dr Sm.u«l Civ ' lit., s Nvw Br.-.k 14. ijOt.aiy ASTROLOGY. r J he World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT ABRROLOUIST, Madame IX. A. I'LKItIEO. She reveDi* secrets no mortal ever knew. She res tore* to har pires* those who, from doleful even’s .ct »strophe*, ‘-rt.sses in love, loss of relations snd fiieril', > lost of monev.Ju. have become de«pudent. She brin.s i tege’iier tti se l- rig separated ; gives information enn ' cerniirg absent friend* and lovers, restores lost or *to- I en property, tells you the business you are l est qnali. i tied to pursue and in what you will be moH successfu', causes marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and char, acteristic* of the person. She reads your very i hough s and byber a'm'-st supernatursl powers unveiis the dark and hidden mysteries of the futura. From the stars we see in tha firmament —llie malefic stajs thato vercome or predornioate in the configuration—from | the a spec's and positions of the planets anti the fixed stars in the heavens at Che time of birth, she deduces he future destiny of n an. Fail not to consult the ere te.t Astrolegist on earth. It cos's you but a trifle si and vou may never again have so favorable an opper • unity. Consultation fee. with likeness and all desired i .formation, sl. Pa ties living ate. distance can con sult the Madame by mail with e«iual -safety and sa is faction to themselves, as if in person. A full and ex plici chart, written out with sll inquiries answered and likeness enclosed, sent try mail on receipt of price a menti'-ned. The strictest secrecy will* be main tained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. Ref rences of the highest order furnished those deei ring them. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of h * r ' Address MADAMS. 11. A. PEEBIGO. P. O. Drawer 293, BUFFALO, N. Y. march 1, ly. There comefh glad tidings of Joy to all, To young and t o old, to great and to small ; [Tie beauty which oncejwas so precious and rare, Is fiee for ul, and all may fair. Hy llie use «f CHASTELLAB’S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. For improving and beaut.lying the Complex ion. The most, valuable and perfect preparation in use. for giving tiie skin a beautiful pearl-ike tint, that i only found in youth. It quickiy removes Tan, Freck les,’ Pimples, Biotc'ie-', Moth, Patches. Sallowjiess, E rupuons.'aiid all iuipuiities.of the skic, kindly healing the san e leaving the sk n white and clear as alabaster, its use cannot tie detec ed hy tiie closest scrutiny ; arid l b- ing a vegetable preparation is perfectly harmless. It is Hi- onlv article of the kind used by the French, arid 1- con idered by the Parisian as an indispensable to a] e feet toil, t. ’Upwardsof 80,000 bottles w resold during she past year, a sufficient guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 73 cents Sent by mail, post-said, on receipt of sn order, by BKHGER. sHUTTS He Cos. Chemists, 285 R.ver Street, Troy, N. Y. inch 1. AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO M O'RI! Wlien'by the use of DII. JOINYILLE’S FLIXIH you can lie cured permanently, and at a trifling cost, Tiie astonishing success which has attended this in valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Prostration, Boss of Museulsr Energy- Impotencv. or any of tiie cor-sequences ot youthful indiscre ion, l enders it the most valuablepre parat on ever discovered. I' w II remove all nervous ader tions, depression, ex citement, incapacity, to study or Busin- as, lots if memory, contusion, tlion hts of self-destruction, f. arsof insanity, >fee. It will restore the aope ite, rynew the health < f 'inse v.ho have destreytd it by sensual exre-s or evil practices. Y ung Men, be humbugged no more by “Quack Doc tors” and ignorant practitioners, but. send without de lay 'or the Elixir, arid he at, once restored to health and happiness. A pe feet, cure is guarantied in everv in stiu ee. Price sl, or four bottles to ore add ess SB. One botlttts sutfieient to elfect a cute in all ordinary cases. AI 80, DR. JOINVILL’S FPECIFIC PILLS, for the sp e.iv at and peruiat ent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet U rrthral Di-ciiirge , Grave', Stricture, and all afTeCtions of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures eff.-cted in from one to five days. Thny are iprepared ’from vegetable ext'ao's tiiat are larndess on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impr> gna'e tiie breath. No eli mge ' f diet is necessary wt ile using them, nor does their action in any manner interfere with business pursuits. Kiiin r of tiie above mentioned articles will be sent, to a y addre s, closely' sealed and post-paid, by trail or express, on reeipt of priee. Andress all order * to BERGER BHUTTB & CO. Chemists, mch i. No 285 River S reef, Troy, N. Y. WHISKERS A N D MTTJ STAOHES! 1,1 r> ed to grow upon the smoo hest face in from tliree I to five weeks I y ns’ng DR t EVIGNE’S RESTAUR ATEUR CAPIILAIRE. the most wonderful discovery in modern science, acirig upon the Beard and used by the elite of Paris and London with the most fluttering success. Names of all purchasers will be registei ed, and if entire ratisf .ction is not given in every instance, t l e money will be chee fully refu ded. Pirce by mnii eealtd and post-paid, sl. Descriptive ciiculars and testimonials mailed tree. Address BERGER SHUTTrt & CO., Clum'sts, N<-. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Foie Agents for tiie Uni ed States. march 1, ly. BEAUTY. Aiibiiiu, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Furls, PRODUCED bv the use of Prof. DEBREUX' FRISER BE CIIKYKUX. One applicaiiou warranted to cuil the most straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlefs or heavy massive curls. 'Has been rsed by the fashionables of Paris and London with tiie most g> at f.> ing resul’e. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and pus -pai", sl, Discriptme Cir culars mailed free. Address BERGER. 811UTT8 & CO., Cbemists, N«. 285 tR ver 6treet, Troy, N. Y: Sole Agents for t e United States, mch 1, iy. Rep ar at or Capilli Throw away your fake frizzles, your switches, your wig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig : Conk aged, conte youthful, come ugly and lair, And rejoice in yaur own lu xuriaivt hair. HIIPARITOR CAPILLI. For itestoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fal en out) and forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has no equal. It will force the beard to grow up on the smoothest in from five to eight week-’, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is nothing that will force or hasten tne growth of hair or beard. Their as sertions are false, as thousands of living wit nesses [from their own experience] can bear witness. But many will say how are we to distinguish the genui' e from the spurious]— It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the Prep'rations advertised for the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have al ready thrown away large amounts in theii purchase. To such we would say, try the Repara tor Capilli; it will cost you nothirg unless it fully comes up to our representations - Ifyour Druggist dors not keep it. send us one dollar and we will f >rward it, postpaid, togeth er with a receipt for the money, which will be returned you on application, provided entire satisfaction is not given. Address . W, L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette btreet, Syracuse, Ni. Y. Darfotv SliciiffSalCN. TT 7 ILL b» s Id, btfore the court house door in Car- VV tersville, Bartow county, Gh., on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal ta.e hours, th) following property, to wit; One farm, lying one mile S' Uth of Ca-s-.-illo, contain- ; ng one hundred actis, more or les«, known as tbe Judge TVTight place. Levied on ihe prope iy of W. B. Het lerson, to s 'tisfy a tax jt/a, in favor of the State of Georgia, and Bartow coun v. Ys. said Ilenticroon, levy made and returned to uis by a constable. April 29 1 h, 1567. \ YY. L. AYCOCK. _ Sber ff TUi csh out your Wheat! Ism «t'il 'he AGENT f r the sale of th"se excellent KeuGieVv TH KE&H ERP, borh four hor.-e and two “ *>r»e s ! 7f. Tb« reort.t improveme its made on ' fbiMo TM It* -rdf Rs rend r Ihem the most desirable of »nr'bv* n-e now offervd for sale. They are easily MaNAOI'Ii r.rirJ not Untile to pt <mt. OE ORDER, j Order, sohritid. the sooner the BETTER, so that the : MACUINEa ir.iv an v e In food TIME. I a;W.e . t-Ad Yu., 5; r. _2u., J. J. UOM AliD Hand Looms. Li B SELLS, ANDREW BONN, R. P. GLENN President. Secretary. Treasurer. GEORGIA LOOM AND MA NUUFACTVSI -VC COM V A V Y Manufacturer* and Planters. Wik tn yrrar intcresk and don’t fail tncnll it Bel!-Johnson BiHlding, nextdoor to the Post-office, and see it in opperatiqu MENDENH AT L’S IMPROVED SELF-ACTING H AND AND P O WER LOO Ml Easier Understood. Easier to Operate, and morerelia- V( le Possesses Buperior fidvantapes over cftlrer iliiLa Looms, is more simple and SuraiDle. ————— # PLANTERS CAN BF* INDEPENDENT By Weaviug nil their for Home Wear on the MENDENHALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM. FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS. LOOTVI IN ONE DAY. it Yveaves as fast as any Factory Loom ! HALF THE COST OF THE CLOTHING OF A FAMILY CAN BE SAVED BY ITS USE ! prom Five to Ten Do larsa day can be made on 1L ITS PARTS ARE SELF-CHANGING. By the turning of an Easy Crank Diets the Warp off, winds up the Clotn, tread- the Treadles, and throws the -butt'e. It weaves Jeans, batlnets, Linsey, Blanket. Twill, Double-Plain Cloth, various kinds of Rit bed Goods, bcucing Twills of ail kinds. Flax, Cotton, Tow, or All-M 00l Cloth, Baging, Toweling, Table-Linen, Bal moral Skirts, Woolen, L'nen and Hemp Carpets—in fact any tiling, from a Handsome-Silk to Carpet. IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT, Xot larger than a common Breakfaxt Table. 11 IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, Or Good Material and handsomely Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is .Performed by 'rurning a Crank. LOOMS ANDTCOUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, For Far her Particular-, Bill of Trices Descrip tive, Circulars, and Samples of Weovkrg, addi tax GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. R. PRATT, Agent. March 22, 18(17. wfim “OUR MOTTO ’ LIVE, ANI > SiET LIVE 1! Shall he demonstrated in all our dealings. J. 11. SATTERFIELD Sf BRO„ Are now receiving their Spring' and SUMMER SUPPLIES Os Sew and Beautiful Dry- Goods, Clothing, Hats, Bools, Shoes, and Lotions, in the prices of any and all of which we pledge ourselves to dupli cate Atlanta bills. We also have on band a superb lot of p roccrics and jproduce, which we«ivill sell equally as low ; but, remem ber our terms are unequivocally CASH AND CASH, 0-N-L-Y. The citizens and public generally are earn estly solicited to cull and examine our goods and prices, and try and prove us and sec if we will not comply with mar promise. J. H. SATTERFIELD & BRO. Cartersville, Ga., April 19, 1867. ";oox & HILL.” Have m o w In Store: -Q BARRELS RYE WHISHT, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified Whisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30pkas Cognac Brandy, 20 kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Bum, 10 pkgs New England Rum, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 eases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Wampoo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases T box Sardines, All of which we offer to the trade at very low prices. COX & HILL. A TLA XTA. Ga.. dec!3—wtf ItSontvalc Springs, 1 S G 7. TFIIB prpu’ar Summer rt'mt h&virg been place l '- in thorough repair, anil f.iruish-d wit i new Purnitur , will be ci enefl for \ i-itcrs on the Ist c f JUNE rext, under the iMu-ct'rn r.pd conf"--t of tbe iindersigc.-a— Proprietors of thi- Ame-ican Eoi l, Atlanta, Ga. Mont-vaie ju vs-nts the strongest, aitruciiocs to both the id "nd l)!ea»u-v- c eeker. no less on account of iw retirement and the beauty cf its sur*Pun'Mi g*cer.e *y, than t-f the restorative-powers of its wate-s. V. e have reduced the price of Board to the low-sf figures corsiste-.t w-Jh a proper prevision for the Esiteruila ment of our Guests. Board, per Diy,...j.. A3 05 *• per W e-k..., Si) M “ per Mn-uh, 60 00 with an allowance tor families. Travellers by Kaiiroad reach the Springs be special conveyance fr-ru Loudon, or by regular Cui.y mail coaches from Knoxville. Tens. WRITE X WHITLOCK. April J 5,1557. Sewing »lfiathine Oil, PBT.P.VBED at the Baltimore Chemical Work*, for Saie by B&K. case £ KittM, DEALERS IN Chemicals, Paints, &c., &c. Proprietors of Kramer's Hair Restora tive, Psorieus, Universal Bitters, Nerve & Bone Liniment, &e. Cartersville, G-a. ATTE beg leave to Inform the citizens gen \\ erully, and physicians particularly, that we have on hand a large, well solected stocK ot Di ngs and medicines, and are ready to fill orders at the lowest prices. Being aware of the great adulteration prac ticed in preparing Medicines, we have made arrangements to have this done under our own supervision, and will warrant all .our Medi cines pure. As we buy in the best marKets in the country, afid buy entirely for cash, we can supply our customers with goods as cheap as the* can possibly be bought elsewhere, We will duplicate any bill of bought south of Louisville. Respectfully soliciting yonr we are Yours very respectfully, Feb 8, 1867. BEST & KRAMER. New Spring and Summer GOODS, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, and a thousand and one things too tedious to e numerate, just received and for sale cheap for cash , at J. ELSAS’ Cheap, Casli Store, Cartersville, Bartow co. April 26th. V. R. TOMMEY, J. S. STEWART. Newton Cos., t»a. Ox lord, La. TOMMEY l STEWART. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Respectfully call the attention of merchants and oth ers to their large and well assorted stock of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sythe Blades, Tools ol all kinds, &c., &c.; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND COTTON YARNS. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Baugh’s Ravvbone Super-Phosphate of Lime, Buffalo Scale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine. PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR Broo k’? Pal ent Portable Cot ton and Hay Screw and Revolving Press In over one hundred counties in Georgia. County Rights for Sa/e.'%M April 12, ly. • Mrs. Carrie Payne INVITES the attention of the Lv d'es of Cartersville and vloinity, fc her FASHIONA BLE Dress-Making ESTABLISHMENT. She has on hand and is constantly receiving from Now York the LATEST STYLES. Ca r *> taken of all work and ion guarantied, fog”attention pain' to tilling orde s for Dress Gotods, Trimmings and (‘sterns Over W. H. Taylor's D r y-Oooi Store, A TLA 1. TA, GA. April lit), 1667. "Sin FARMERS’ Land Plaster! The best fertilizer now in LSE, just received and for caie, bv A, A, SKINNER & GO Cartersville. March 1, GEORGIA BARTOW COUNTY.—Thomas D. Bprag glns, l-avi ig applied lei be appointed Guardian of the person ana p uperty of Jwliu A. Chastain—a minor uacer fourteen years c: age, resident of said ccurry. This is to cite anti admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at the next term of the Court of Ordi nary of iu and couuty afttr ihe expiration of 36 d-iys from tiie first publication of this notic«\ and show cau-e if any they can, why letters of Guardianship thouid not be granted the applicant. Witness iny cflici&l Signature, H : Tub. 1:67. J. A. HOWARD. U.d;n-_ry. HARDWARE. J. M. & J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in , HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Iron, Nails, Steel, BELTIXe, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, MECHANIGAL TOOLS, ol all Trades, METALS, of all kinds, COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES. SPRINGS. LOCKS, Builders’ Hardware, AXES, HOES, SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS, lJollh.g Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, of of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be sold low for cash. We have just received a large invoice of the best Double-anker Bolting Cloths, of all desirable numbers, which we offer Loicjor Canh ! AI.SO MILL PICKS, SYTHES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other articles which you need, and which w e are desirous of selling, Call and see us whenjou visit Atlanta. J. M. & J. C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA, April 26, 1867 w6tn Samukl Clayton, R. A. Clayton. S C LAYTO N & S0 N, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CARTERSVILLE, GA. Store Room in the Corner room of the NEW BRICK BUILDING, ADJOINING the Bartow House. Would respectfully invite the citizens Cartersville and surrounding country , To call and examine our a gm frx iT 1 which consists of DRY-GOODS, CROCKERY, SHOES, NOTIONS. HATS, TIN-WRRE, STATIONERY, HARDWARE, and a general assortment of Family Groceries. Mr. LKIAH STEPHENS, so long and favorably known to this community, is with us. Tie will be pleased to meet his friends, and will be ever ready to supply their wants. Our TERMS are CASH, and we will Ire contented with small profits. No trouble to show goods. Come and see us. Feb Bth, 1867. mrnmWm UHH O XT S IB WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, ’GEORGIA, ARE now receiving their Tall and Winter stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, the largest ever brought to this city. These goods came direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the trade at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting ot Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip,calf and buff Brogans and Balmorals—Boots, of a'l styles, thick, wax, kip, calf, and the finest qu ■ litics. Ladies’, Mi-ses’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, H, FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 26. Jy Hew £«I$! N. GILREATH & SON, now receiving a general stock of SPRIN&«UMMR . consisting of Ladies 7 Dress Goods .A.J>TJD HATS. GENTLEMENS 1 FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Ready-made Clothing. Also a well assorted stock" of llardware and Crockery, Family Groceries, which was selected by one of the firm in person. We aak purcha-ers to call and examine our -tuck and pri ces.- We expect to sell low f r cash. Give us a cab. CartersviUe, Ga , April 12, 186(5. v2m SI,OOO E/BWAfID. Hunter’s Specific. THE great English Remedy. A certain, speedy and pleasant cure for Gonnoraboea, ■Syphilis, Pain in the back, Incontinence of Urine, Diseases o' the Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Kidney Discas s, [liabetis. Stone in Bladder, Effects of Murcurv, and Gleet. —lt cures in from five to eight days. —lt requires no change of Die*. lt is not disagreeable to take. —lt imparts no odor to the breath! lt gives, tone the who'e system. —lt removes impurities of tie blood. Sold, wholesale and retail, by WM. H. TUTT, Wholesale Druggist, Augusta, Ga, )uu » j-uUa W. H. Gilbert, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. WILL BUY and SELL GOODS and PRODUCE ON COMMISSION, For sale the celebrated BRINTLEY STEEL PLOW, and other Agricultural Implements , and WASHING MACHINES, at Factory prices, freights added. On hand and for sale, Low for Cash, Cook, Parlour and Office STOVES. GROCERIES & PRO VISIONS, Iron, Steel, Nails. Axes, Shovels, and other Articles of leading Hardware. Dec<nnher 5, 1860.—wOm' T| tHE exercises of this Institution witl be J| resumed on Monday,the 28th inst., under tue supervision of JAMES G. RI ALS, Principal, Assisted by J. D. COL LIAS AND IIETRY McCORMICK. Rates of Tuition, per Session of 20 weeks: Primary Department,........... .sl6 00 Preparatory ** 20 00 High 5ch001,...... ...... ...... 2ft 00 Incidental Expenses, t 00 Music, 25 00 Board can be had, inclusive of every thing but lights, a' $17,00 per Month. The earn est, hearty co-operation of the community, in the establishment of a School of high order in their midst, is most urgently solicited. Stiff sboro, Ga., January 2ft, 1867. wtf New Marble Yard. S. B. OATMAN, Ago*. For WILI.IAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian , Block ad ilk, and White Hut land Statuary MARBLE. BWE are now receiving and have in store, a large 8!!< 1 desirable stock of finishedI and rough Marble, whichfJ/gQ we offer to the public on IWkjL the most reasonable terms. Owing to the high price of marble at th’s time, many persons arc kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. My facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profits and quick sales—such is mv motto. We are prepared to furnish in the best style. Monuments, c irvpd and plain. Box Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns, Vases. &o„ and Furnishing Marble of all dc scriptions, With good and experienced workmen in all departments of business, we hone to merit a share of public p.tronage* Designs of Monu ments and any other Work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so’icited and promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Bdlvue Hotel and oppn ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec 6th, 1806. SOMETHING IMPORTANT to the people of Cariersville and vicinity. SAVE LABOR. The great CAYUGA CIIEIK MOWER, and sows* - mmm combined for Reaping Wheat, also Hall's Universal WASHING MACHINE, a wonderful labor saving Machlne for only Ten Dollars Send your cash orders to JOHNSON & ECHOLS, ■ Atlanta, Us. STEWART COOK STOVE, THE LATEST WONDER A. iid Most Complete Improve memos the Age. u $>1,000,000 MADE WITH THE STEWART COOK STOVE, IV’OT by the makers and sellers, but by the users J.V From testimony furnished by the class of persons referr. and to. it. appears that the said Stove, on account of its durability and fuel-saving qualities, has proved a source of iiicume to families wt o have used .it avera giog at least fourteen dollars a year. 30,000 of these stoves have been put Into use during the last, eighteen years. A lowi g e>ch stove to have been used ten years o an average, the whole amount, of saving, with intertr'. at six per cent., is five million of dollars. The price of qui-tness comfort and health secured to a family by the use of a culinary apparatus perfectly adapted to thtdr wants, cannot be reckoned in and dlars and cents, Hut w e have not space here to tell you of all the vir tues and advantages that these Stoves p 'sses- over all others. go we cordially Invite ail, especially the la dies, to CALL AND EXAMINE before purchasing elsewhere. ALSO CIDER MILLS, STRAW-CUTTERS, Ths Latest Improvement in Plows, &c., &c, Wa offer the celebrated Phoenix and Wilcox, Gibbs A MANIPULATED GUANO, We also offer to the puhlio all kinds of Selected Fam ily Groceries and Provisions of all sorts; also a choice assortment of Fancy Groceries, Candles, Nuts etc., etc. Ae we are dealers in Agricultural Imp'emente, Ma chinery A.;, we invite correspondence from all parts of the American Union, from Manufacturers of the same, and 'tier ourselves as agents for their sale. Indeed’ so far as trade is concerned, we have to say that “No pent-up Utica contracts our pow'rs ; The wnolc boundlc s continent is ours !” JOHNSON & ECHOLS, Commission Merchants, Whitehall street, A VLASTA , GA. iW'Oi ><■ Th"u-*.tud pullt-ds of Ruite.r r.fl _r< and to the public— virj ui.ta *k|>rU -Gj i.t-7. USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all sped** of Indigestion. USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters, It will cure Intermitent Fever and Fever and Ague, and all periodical disorders USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will give immediate rcliefin Colis and Fl«i USE EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costivencss. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a mild and delightful Invigorant fc; Delicate Females. * USE EDWARD WITDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious Alternative au tonic lor all family purposes. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a powerful Recuperant after the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sickness USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as wellasStren ener ol the digestive forces. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. As it is being daily used and prescribed be all physicians, as the formula will be banded any regular graduate. EDWAIuTwiLDER, SOLE PRUOPRIKTOR, So. 215 M a 1 a Street, j MARBLE FRONT, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. A FOB r 3ALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY RSOWINE & FOX. WIIOLESSALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS Coiner Whitehall and Ala. Sts ATLANTA, CJA. Nov. 9 1 y 5,».11©M2§ 9 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY AND CARTERSVILLE, GA. Spccial attention given to Repair* ing. HAVING opened business at my old stand, I am prepared to do any and all Minis of work desired in the Carriage Line, at low figures for cask. I shall keep on hand a line assortment of Buggies & Carriages and can, at short notice, furnish any kind ot a VEHICLE desired. Having connected myself with Messrs. Wyman & May, Augusta, Ga> a well known and reliable firm, I will sell at Augusta freight* added, from the best Factories at the North and Enst. All of which will be warranted right, Being well acquainted with the country and people, with long experience in the business, I purpose to furnish the market with such work as will give perfect satisfaction, I shall be able to furnish the entire country, as my facilities are unlimited. Call and examine, it shall cost you nothing. I feel assured that the good people of this county will appreciate the honest efforts of one of their old citizens, broke down by the war, R. H. JONES, January 17, *867 wly NEW FIRM. Up Stairs in Col. Jones' Carriage shop. Harris & Thompson. HAVE just received a FINE AS fcJgHA SOKTMKNT OF HARNESS hEA-JtJhdsQk |££j.ISSTHER and other material* “ »ary for a first class 4 SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of HARNESS to order. Old Harness made new. [?] SADDLES RE- P'IRED with neatnns and dispatch. Oustamers by culling can find an assortment of Stw Wvi k *l**i/i on hand, Chmtp for Ca*h. VftltSJSTiiki Lit., AftU vliq