The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 07, 1867, Image 3

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Local Jleatl. Ster\ good cook, wiuher and iron~ rr, cither white or black, can find a comfortable home, steady employment, at good wages, by applying immedi ately at thin office. regret to learn that Mrs. Wofford, mother of our esteemed friend and fellow'citizeri, Gen. Wiu. T. Wof ford, departed this life, at his residence, a few days since. No particulars yet obtained. Osnnberg’s for Sheets for Threshers &c*, just received, very low at Ferguson’s. Parties wanting such, would do well to call soon. Agrlf (ill 11 ril l Society. --Beforethe late war Uartow County was taking the lead in Upper Georgia in Agricultural matters. Her annual Agricultural Faiss were yearly grow ing more interesting art 4 oore largely attend ed by all classes of society who felt interested in tins important branch of A gen era and mechanics, among tho fair set in matters j alainirtjj' to house-hold and domestic affairs, which was producing Avery salutary effect upon the growth and prosperity ol the county. There had been, up to the war, a marked improvement in stock sC|eofs kinds ugn ultuiul implements, poultry,lhsus manu factories, the dairy, Ac., and the si s! conomy and enterprise of the peupieiras be ing wonderfully stimulated. Hut the war was p. capitated and this great interest like all others was swallowed up m tiie war question, where it has quietly rested awaiting in com mon with other interests its timely resurrec tion. The din of war has ceased and the smoke es battle cleared away, and again the sun of prosperity is beginning to dawn upon our blood-drenched land, and though tho mist of political revolution have not yet been en tirely dispelled it is fast vanishing, and as i disappears it more clearly reveals the fact that there has been too a great change wrought in our former system ol labor, which demands a u reform now commensurate with tho change, binee tlie cl >»e ol the war the energiesund en terprise of the country have been, to a greet extent, para yzed, partly owing to tbe u set tle a evil mo iof political matters, and partly to the great failure in cro, sand the consequent investment of the limited capital of the Cos n : y iii the necessaiies to support animal life.— But a b. nign Providence is again smi ing up "■« us by promising to crown our labors with ti h harvests and full hams. Now let us res urrect our Agricultural Society and arouse with it the spirit of a generous rivalry in all the pursuits upon which hinges the future wed li o and prosp rity of our people and country, if ever there was a time when the counsel and \ ericnce of wi e heads were needed to en courage and stimulat • industry and economy, n tu) ii certuiuly that time. Let us cease to quibble about polities and look to the source it|*on which life and all its endearments de pend, and in the true scripture sense “beat our swords into ploughshares und s,eais into pru ning-hooks.” We would be hrippv to receive and publish any proposition or thoughts connected with this all-absorbing subject bv any one who feeds jnteicsL enough to write a paragraph about it. € ouicoiil of dial straw pile ! 1 .sl l ;ii tdo it! Its my own ! Il> ught it at the pop lar cheap, cash store of Loewensteii; A IV. tier’s—and a number one bat it is to, for the money I paid for it, and t cy treat me so e'ever and sell me such bargains that I intend t . buy a. 1 my goods Loin thorn. Don’t you waul. tie like it? \ es, anti one I'm bound to have--would have bought it long ago, but I oidn’t know they were selling so cheap ! AV. 11. Taylor, of Athyita, Ga., who xv is s > unfortunate as to lose a good portion ol his stock of Goods by fire, a few days since, and was arrested upon su picion of being a party eriininis in the attempt to fire his own house and goods, has been, we arc glad to lea n, after a thorough investigation by the Court, fully acquitted of all complicity or guilt in the premises, ne also was his clerk. Those who are best acquainted and most intimate with Mr. Taylor assert that he is a gantlemau of too noble a bearing and too much priieof character to stoop so low as to perpetrate such a diabolical act—he is said to be above suspi cion. But he is not disposed to repine at this misfortune, as heavily as it falls upon him, and as blighting as the effects it produces, he has gone to work again to redeem his misfortune by replenishing his stock with new goods fresh from market bought since tho recent de clioe, and calls upon all who have a heart to Icel tor others woes and misfortunes, to assist him by their patronage to reagain his losses, especially as he proposes to make the advan tage mutual. Our old friend and former coun tyman, E. D. Cheshire, is with this house, an ! was absent 011 a visit to this county when the sad occurrence happened. He is a whoie soui, good fellow, and a correct chri tiati gen tian in. and one upon whose word we may rely, he is anxious to hare all h s triends, both new ami old, from tlvis and adjoining counties, when they visit Atlanta upon any business, to call and sec him, examine his goods and see if he is not selling them cheap but very cheap. Tlie wheat harvest is upon us and the market w 11 soon be open, but Loew enstein & Pfeifer keep open their store all seasons of the year ami all hours of the day, and bid the needy to come and buy clothing, hats, boots, shoes, dry-goods, yankee notions, hardware, crockery, cutlery, etc., with but iit money at very low prices. Bleached Homespun, a yard wide is selling at the sto:e of John M. Gannon, At lanta, Ga-, at Tiftein Cents a yard, and ail othex goods in proportion, advertisement. fay the printer and go to Heaven. ; Wilcox & Ikllibs’ dewing ;lla cltlncH In f ai lersvllle, for sale. These Machines are sold here at the inann i facturer’s prices, but I cannot afford to reship them to any point at my own expenses. I I have a few to let out on trial to those wishing to purchase, and who will take good care ot 1 them; but it will be desirable to have tbe ma chines returned at an early day by those who may decline to purchase. No pains or expense lias been spared to make this machine the best family machine in the market and ail who have given them a fair trial acknotvle !ge them to be so. ’I lie | rice from SSO, upward’ The machines all equally good, but tbe price varies with the kind ot fin- j ish of table and other extras. Office up stairs over Clayton’s store on pub lic square Bast side of R lil-R iad—send for cir culars or call anl examine machines. JOHN H. KUCKMAN, Geo. Agt. for State of Ga. May 31, 1867. The grasses and clover.— That clover and tbe grasses can be success fully raised throughout Cherokee Georgia, t ere is now no longer room to doubt, It has been fully demonstrated in numerous instances since the war. Before the war cotton was the watchword of all our farmers. Some few ol them had commenced the culture of clover and the grass s on a small scale as an experi ment, But cotton then being king, every otli er*pr°due. of the farm was made rubordinate toil; but its borders had been extended untii the forests of the cotton-growing regions had been well nigh levelled, and the gulf States had almost b come one vast cotton-field, and Upon the delusive idea of “cotton is king” the South plumed herself for the late contest. The contest between the North and fcouth shutout the trade that had been ke, t up for a century between this country and Europe, which threw the manufacturers ol Europe upon their own recources for the raw material to feed their ex tensive factories. The stock t en on ham! and that that was run through the blockade constituted t eir supply until experiment prov ed the fact that other parts of the world couiu ntid did grow and mature as good cotton . s the Southern United States, and it lurthcr re vealed the la-t that the war in this country migh go on ad. infinitum without stopping a loom mere, and iicic the king cotton Ueius on exp oded. During the war, however, many cotton growers passed through the grass an., clover fields ol Tennessee, Virginia, Ki ntueky Mis ouri, and parts ol Maryland, Pennsylva nia and Uluo and saw the utility in the cult ure ol these products, by learning their great use in the raising ol stock, improving insteau of exhausting lauds, the lightness ol laboi compared to that ol the cu ture ol king cotton, and the general fatness of the land, all com bined to favorably impress their minds with the importance ol its culture. The ultimate result ol the war in treeing the slaves only ten ded to fix them in their deteniiiuatioii of change in <ln ir style us farming, and this conviction coupled with the fact that many men front the above named States have settled among us, it. reality has wrought change’ Tin result is that, since the war, there is scarcely a settled farmer in upper G orgia but who has to a greate-r or less extent turned h s atten tiou to the culture ol clover and the glasses' and in numerous insauces the area of lull seeded is much smaller than it would have been could seed have been obtained. The great advantages to be derived lrom the clim ate anJ soil oi Cherokee Georgia will never be rreai.zed until her mountains high and valiies low sha 1 drop and run down w ith fatness. — W e hope to live to sec the day when if this country dot s not exactly hue Caanan, How witn milk and honey it will with milk am. butter. Our rough niou tain lauds unsuilec to the growth ot wheat, corn or cotton, can and will be turned to good account for pastur age for stock, while our galled and exhausted low lands can and will be mu ie remunerative by tlie ap lieatiou of stimulating leitiiizers, in the production of hay, wh at and corn.— Another gr at advantage this suction of coun try will possess over most of other sections i» that “it is emphatically the Whiteman’s coun try,” as the vv tiite race largely predominate. — Uherokee Gcorgiais and will be the grainery the larder, and the dairy ofThe State of Geor gia as lean as she may appear at present. €omillenceuiMlt.*o I’he Annual Examination ol the Fupiis ofStilesboro Inst - tu e will embrace Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday next, commencing Wednesday morn ing and concluding Finlay with an address.—- The public are inyited to attend. Regular monthly preaching, may be expected in the Presbyterian Church at (Jussville, on every first Sabbath. We are very much gratified to make the above an nouncement, as, during the war, the fold was scattered, and since which ime they have been as sheep witnout a shepherd. Some Merchants in Cartcrsvil’e sell Goods very cheap 1 and others sell cheaper! but Loewensteiu & Pfeifer sells the cheapest Dry-Goods in town, B*3^lt is predict and by many whose opin ions are not to be-entirely ignored, that i! the present wheat crop yie ds as it now promises, there will be two hundred thousand bushels shipped from this point a', ana that the market will open at iwo dollars a bushel All order, we are glad to learn, has been granted by the Inferior Court of this county, to open a pub tc wagon road trom Kingston directly to Cartersviiie, which w 11 greatly shorten the distance between the two points. 1 he" road is to leave the old Cassville road just above Pettu s Creek B idge to the' west' and steer clear ot the railroad until it intersects the Giilam bridge road, and from thence direct to K ngston. The Imperial government in Mexico has gone up the spout, but Loewcn stem &. Pfeifer haint. or at least you’d think they hadn't if you’il take a peep into their store and learn how chesvp they are so’l ing D-v-Goods, and so you woulu ; , A well-dresse .mm fails not to bo received in the first circle-, or to be popular with the Ladies. In order to be handsomely dressed, the shirt-bosom mur l h> ofthe-ni st unexcep tionable white, (not in anywise ’approaching 1 the color of nanki: ) Tbe hat must not' be of too wi 'e brim or re-'embo- a “churn,’ lout just the thing ; the gloves fit close uni smooth*.', the neck-tie neat and tasty without being fl .shy. If you wi»ii to wak* »j sv ’h an out lit go to> & Bp. v i>s:f atv’j* large supply of floods indispensable fi>r Gentlemen's wear, at prices that defy competition. ROBACK’3 STOM\CU ill PTER^. Tai» very excellent medicine has become! widely known a* one of the best remedies for j Dyspepsia and other stomach uLenses th thas I evei been > ffi red to the public.--A as tin, Ind., \ Argus. Large Onlunsand Esehelottcs Our esteemed frier.d and townsman, Judge Nathan Howard, has made us another annual visit—invaded our sanctum, and left upon our table a half dozen of his mammoth silver-skin Onions and a bunch of about seventy-five Es chellottes, for which favor he will please ac cept the thanks of E itorx, printers, and devil of this office, and all other parties indirectly concerned. The Judge is a fine g rdener, and h- g plenty of the same sort to spare to his friends for a small consideration. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD! BUT g OTWK'3 STOMACH BITTERS, after y! ■ years of exjieriPiiee ami trial, have proven to be the best remeuy extant yf ■ 1,.r all romp taints where » tonic and fl 81-.timi.lmit are required. They never not to eliengttieu the weak, . mpurt vigor to the strong, and in alt respects ”H %. restore shuttered and t.roken- .own H 8 constitutions. No remedy lias In en B .-eeeived with as imieh f-.v. r as l!o- U M B.wi.'s Stomach Bnrtiu. In Chicago “**—^ OVER 50,000 ) Kittle* Were Sold by one drug-house-in 1 1,*• j.a-l year. If is ad mitted oy iiiost learnt and ]>h\ sic ~ns that In. ItOhACK S STOMACH BIT TKItS combine the jiropertit -of a gentle laxative, an efficient anti-bilious • Rgent. and the ls-st stomachic known to ~wr the world. UOHACKS liITTKIt.S should I lie nved by eonvideseents to strengthen fl the prostration which always follows acute fl disease. In tho - 811. KH’S districts of the West mid Stauh tliere lias, for a ton.; tone, Is-en nitt'di needed an article of STt >il \(!!t BITTEItS, which. if taken in prn;*ct quantities, and at t lie pr'»j»-Y'time, 10 a bine> ol ii:ho„» ffver, Ft err.tid Ague, I.ivvr Complaint, l*y«- r A'l pei«ia, Indigestion, .laundiee. Kidney ' ij ' Complaint, and nil .liseases of similar nature; and are bettor as a preventive I kn Ulious doraugemeut, ANl> strengthening the «y.!rm. and civ ing tone to il.e digestive than any other known Now (hat the war is over, here will W thousands seeking homos in tin? Mouth. No per son w ho values his life should go there without having eonsfantiv at h.-n i the v a x HITTERS, as a safeguard agonist epi- f a 1 deitii.- mid mala.lit**< engo titer.-.! t.y mi- Hj nsni'i and polluted vv-d v.\ Travelers y; mat nil residents ol tho lank river-bot- i tom CJ OfN’i'iry of the and . and ’ UiV valhyv of ti e Mississippi riel Its i ?'line s, should provide themselves ! with the !dTTKUS. ’Mo re is J no one disc: se with vv tiieh loankind nr« aUiicted >v tiich .» the oourev of ro. ni;uty ailments as J>')* psi.-, or is mote "T 5 oomn'.oniy called Sour Stomach, and I , ' tl ere is no more certain remedy than D y Pobiick’s P.dkV#. Tl.’n are | J never known to fail. KlN'x; CHOI.rtIA ba« nl-.vnys hewn luUcti (headed oy ‘.tie pui.lie, and of mcdieuies to arrest the* progress, imd pieveutivo ts to be ibiiini in tint use of Pr. BOBACK’S PCANPINA- VtAN UKMKPihX Keep the bowels U B open with the P IN, mid or, : g .rate the system by lice u-e of the Stoniaeh b St Bitters, or, if tile blood be thin, use the fa 9 J I’nrilicr. kS T’CIT nr. in "alt in o’.- remedy should be kept in every family. Keep ihe system in rui! vigor and nothing is to Is? feared from disease or cholera. THE OPD KKIdABI.K. l»o not be deceived by -" j tuchmhng any of tb.e quack nostrum's tinder the various names of BUtera. Purchase none other hut Pr. ROBAC'K’B BTOMACH HITTERS, which are com |vonnded of tlie purest dings, and in k J wlticli the arlkgte.i can rely. ARE BETTER! FEINCE, WALTON & COMPANY, (Successors to C. W. Eoback,) SOLE PROPRIETORS, Vo». 50, oS,-00 u nd 6!f ICust Third Street Are Sold by ali Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. URI GOOIkS ! DRV GOODS ! N e w Arrival! TALLEY, BROWN & CQ. Wliitcliall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Are now daby receiving their CtCCND INST A L iff. E N OF Spring and Summer Goods! In addition t» th-ir r.resent *toc>,they wi; KSCEIVL WEEKLY, au.icg the comiug ccitsuii, the L \TEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS ! THEY HAVE OY IIA YD VOW! Black ar. i Fancy fiikq Alosxmb qa s. 6rer« line*, O fcaudie Mns ioa, Waite and B ack Iron Bareje- SWJ-«, MULL, NAINSOOK and JAOCNET MUSLINS White and F..rcv Tar ators, Wiiite and Kacy Bri! iantf. Tucked Skirt Hoods, Alexand.e’e K c Gloves—light colore MAT-TFSE AND CUNY LACE COLLARS? Lace Poiatf, Grcnadfge Shaw^, ORDERS FROM THE " SOUCiTCD. M c - a GpG. ' ' "_•mi , ■ "" •Mvr “1 mm* ,'■ • • J*art as folio \V3 Dress goods, silks, poplins, mozanibiqucs, grenadines, berege, clialiies, delaines, law ns, muslins, and the best stock of PRINTS, bro’t to Car tersville since the war. A complete as sortment of Hoisery and Gloves. Our stock of Ladies’ shoes, slippers and gaiters is com plete. Bleached and brown sheet ing, table linen and shirting. For gentlemen Fine French cloths and doe skin, fancy eus si meres, eng lish tweeds, satinetts.. jeans ana plain and sane) linens. A comidete assortment of CLOTHIIiG. Boots, shoes, Hats, and ACTIONS. Calico for 10c pm yard ; Hoop skirts, for T 5 cents. Ladies’ lasting gaiters for 1,50 fiats lor the million, good wool for 75c Wc* are-determined to sell our goods cheaper than anybody. Come all- tSu rich the poor, the learned and the illiterate, the white, tlie black, the malt*, am lemale. the little, the big, the maimed, the halt, ihe blind, and buy bargains, a BLAirt & BRADSHAW’S CHEAP STORE, IN DR. CLAYTON’S NEW BRICK BUILDING, ’EAST SIDE R. P Gartcrsville, Georgia. April 12 1807. ijTviiii No.ices. kflc-v thy Destiny. M -.!>•li P. 'i'ii ;.’-r >.< the Eng bib As i" 1 ' I tiirv »ynn! at; .1 Psvchnum iricmi. w h*j h’ > :ist‘»h;?hc.‘? * tic r, ten; itic c hsm s «»f the OKI V\ a- :«], has now i--ti herself »t Hu:l -•n.A.'l. M,ll!;l!!l ‘l'll-•'-I t.lll <-S’jS -llcfi v. on* • r:nl j-'ivfis t. as t em.v,. her t * impart imp g.e■ I c -1 im .torv t i tin' sin/ie ■ > in tried of either sex. ; 'hi!e n a state <d traueo, she delineates ih» very features >fthe p’r.-on are to tmrr" am! l*y the nidi ian ms: umont ol ii:ts_‘ se pow er, Known a.» the Pswivuiotiotie, g-ouranHes to produce a bif-'ikt* ot the iu tu\'i ;s --i iial ‘ \x ife of the tog-tlmr with of pi it i a to. posit ion in lim, leadingLnits f eha,acter.&c. This i- no humßug, is thou* -i rn!' o! testimutuals on n ass. :. Is lie will spin! when desired a ec3 lied emfifieate, or wi.tvo guarantee, that the ; ini v is what it purports ‘ be. By fiK-'o- i,r a small lock ’(hair. ami j st ;t!iiff place ol .birth, »£<•. disposition, an I complexion, and enclosin/ tittv rents and | stamp ii envelope addressed to y n rs. !f. you : "iU receive the picture nid desired intorni i ’inn by return mdl. Ail communications sacredly eotih sent-ial. Address in confidence .\! •.r> m;' Id F riioßNTo.v, I'. O. li«i x 223. llud- j son, .N. \ . march 1. tv Wonderflil but True. MADAME TIE iI.YUTON. the world-re liowncd Astro’ogist and Somnambulistic Clair voyant while ina ehtiivoy ant stale, delineates the very features o! the p.-rs in you are to mar ry, and by tile aid o( an i> strunient ol intense •power, known ns the Psychomotrope, guaran tees to produce a perfect life-like picture of the future husband or wile .oft lie appli aot, with date ol marriage, occupation, leading traits ot character.&e. This is no imposition, is test imonials wit out p uni her can assert. By sta tii'g place of birlh, age, disposition colot ol eyes and hair, ami "enclosi; g fifty cents, and stamped env-lope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture Up return mail,togeth er with into m tion. 6*3^°“ Addo ss in confidence, Wapamk Ikb 'Till nr; Ivkjixnu io>, J l . O. Ii»• *- 21)7, V\ est Troy, A• Y. marcli I, ly EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR!! O TELL ’S Hair Exterminator Tor itcb)«vi«s SiipcrMuoug Hair. To the buFes especially, this invaluable dep ilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to fetna e beauty, i.s easi- V a, plied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It s warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically exti pating the same, leav ing the skin suit, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and i.s the only real, effectual depilatory in existence,- Price 75 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BHUGEK,SHI TTS it CO. Chemists, 285 Kivei Street, Troy, A. Y, march t, 1807. Jy Young Lady return ing to her country home, rftcr a sojourn of a few months in the City, was hard!? re ognised by her friends. In place of a coarse, n st'c flushed face, she JiatJ a soft ruby complexion,, of almost math e smoothness, and inst tul ot twenty-three she re dly appeared but eighteen. Upon inqni-y os to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the Cirri!fisinn Ba!lB, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to a Cade’s toilet. Bv its use any I.adv or Gonflciu.m can im prove their persona! appearance an hundred ibid. It is simple in is combination, as -Na ture herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, tiso hc.i! ing, cleansing and beautifying the s'in and complexion. By its direct action on tile cuti cle it draws from it a i its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surlace as Nat me in tended it hould he, clear, soft, smooth anu beautiful. Price •$!, sent by Mail or Ex press, on receipt of tin order hv V\ . L. CLAKK & (Jo., Chemists, No. 3 \\ est Fayette Str., SYRACUSE, N. Y. The on y American Agents for the sa c of tiic same. march 1, ly CRISPER COMA* Oh ! she was beautiful and fair. With starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils sff't, entwined. Enchained the .erv heart and mind. CRISPER CO )I 4. I’ar Cuiliugliie liair o4' either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Kiuglcts or Heavy mas sive Curls. Bv using thU article. Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is th • only a:tiGe in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma net only curls the hair, hut invigorates, bcuilifi.'s, and cleanses ij; is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article ot the k'rid ever offered to the Ameri can public. The Crisper Coma will he sent to fiov add:ess, sealed an i postpaid tor tjl. Andres- ail orders to W L. CLARK & CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse. march 1, ly N. i to ccxsTMPTit a:». The advertiser, having been resto-ed to health in •- ; few wteVs i y a very Simple remedy, after liai itig .-at . f r several year., r 'tfi n severe iniv agfe tCn. ami t at dread disease < a «ui 'ption—ls ‘ j make k.u Wi. to his tell >»• sufferers tin; means of cu r. i T i all who desire i*, he wilt Send a c \>y < [ the • ]>- scrij-tion useo ylree v* eh rge), w h the directions ! fir i.rep ;»• g and a. ng tlie -a which ibev v.- P find i a SURE CL UK for OV-U VtP iOX. As Til .vfs, BitOV- | (iilil , lUL'tiHf. COLOs, and ad Tnrcmt Hid Lung ! A tie ain e. » e u y bje. (of the tl- erti«er in se .ding ! t.:e Prescription is i« bexitfit the alhiet- tl, ad spread I t ..forma ion width he conceives to he inva’tmM , and ' h" n- [ es every nufl' wifi try ins reun dy, a- it will ! e s' ttiem nuihii.g, and nm> ;t ove a ble.-si g. Par its j v.i hi' , the J» esCiip ion, FtIKK, Itv return Mtii 1 .will j phase ad-.ress KEV. hit A a KI) AWV 50N\ Williamsburg, Ki. gs C., X.« Vo k. i May Is*, 136 T. wly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Genthmsn vein suffered for years from. Xtrvorv ; held nv, Freni ftsrre. l*ee* , :>'-<! sil ti e e 8 ■<•>& <•; ! n utttlu! in iscfetion, w 11, for the sake of stijP-r>cg j ha nans v, m i f-ec to all who i.eeo i', «iie revetpe at t> x dnec i itis ior imikti g tile sinij.'e remedy by w. let. he ! was t u ed. Stuff .-re » wi/Jilcg to profit by toe auver t rst-e i ure, can do ,-o uy a d■ easing, in perfect ...., .TUHX B. OGDKN. 42 Ceil.-,- «<•*..*, New! Yu k. May 1, lad.*. *Jy. I ' ; Free to Everybody. A T urge 6 pp. Circular, giving intonnatt .-n j of the greatest, iin x K>rtauce to tiiu ynung ot * both sc;*, us. I; tenches how the homely may bccon.e : beautiful, the uispisei respected, ami the ior- ! si ken Loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to semi their Address, an.: »e me a copy | ost- ( BEY GOODS! BEY GOODS! i A T \V II OI.SA Lll AX I) ft ft T\ 1 1.. 0 I M M EN S E A’V r C VCTI 0N !! THE CHEAPEST GOuDS if THE SEASON ! t'A-Jl J WFRs -re rvlted tv call at orefc ai U i.v x jl. .f j. cV, t\U *-st Ji A Cyidi la y.tkiU lijjuiie. . ONE PIUCE ONLY! Prices Gt arantutl to Correspond icith the Times. JOIIvV JL a.LV.YOJ) C oi ner oi Whitehall.’Hud Hunter Streets. RV-PK. luforuis hU ai «I’lie pul'tio, hat tus ,t ek is nv\v em plttv In ever} Dcp» 'n: •t, (<r-d tliAi hr w ill oi* JD-A.LT, 13TII ILTST^XYTT, ’TiRrV down lifw GnorL prfro« ♦ A pnprevpr f tfT xvitV, <',p »‘r e»» 11 Cot*««!ri.lP C.t DIV Got till ? IJI AArJUilf tY»r ilitfr'*"* l »V evil 1 Hi'r.f f !l’s si» ♦*? <o*l ‘-ft l- IwfV'Vp e “ev\V» **. G e t hnrg? it fi *» i! b*> < '! v e• r 1 t n hrvf• -»• Oet «v • In r*o re re tl't> 1 * r ' : V. * » n« to 7m*Vp fo- my '!fd-i a tnn r Hi*r wVtl»*h ! n‘.» •! yo\»cY- ?»t ti e Imn.fnfe Anc L u v!H Utkt* j»l;K‘e in New Yoik the l l t*r p»rt >,f th <. nnd f.trlj pa it flit \t m oh. T>u* fwrt of the tro 1 d*i Lehip m••rW«l in til In fitnir-'-* 1- th# It s* # , v»» l *-?:<*• O t! e t*»-«rep vMI Ve ■ Mrr L r , < ' r ’hr ti c* »- r i.Tjof b a s cord prO*#* ( ■» e*ts ch v, #* t> < ’* *• i lNvpn tl *'o ♦!»♦*»" elves >n.‘ jt't-i- t* ir u’r. To ih >s» L'b xat H disthiicc Jw. uM f«>, if *l»ev dme iMr roiers tl » y will be pfon*ptl) fti’cd Ht b» lt'ccet»t price* • f the fe-.<ar.n. Aunixed w i 1 be found a schedule . f Goods i.> the ditlerent tu ents: Dress Goods Department: Die \ snd Fnr ? 'k p , P»ulp and Print*** l t* ra r d’e» % Plain brni E nhr«d»lered Cauiin ''t*n.b*h» «nd 0- in^nr, CLallir**. Tnmert »»p % Ki.g i- v Rer »• 1 *»b ID*"?** Par* :t\ P*int<‘d p.ilij n»*. M y. ibitjm*. Pi lilted P. Bred Perea*c*, Cloth. House-2£eepii>g Department: 9. 10, 11, t»nd ’2 4 !J!**acbe ? ar.d Brown SI eeMne, S, 9 aud 10 *4 Ur v ed hi and B own T:<h’e Damnek, A bpleuui l L*ne <*t I ;s l Linen , Nat V» ToweUi SwOteh DI «|» r. ITurk IM pc***, itU'Sih Ciaf-bj Mjn.Cfi‘l* t* and Lant ftder Q ? »! t®. Whit*: } Goods Department.* Swisr, Jaccntt, Sulnsu k, Mall srd (!>imjv tl Masli", l’laid auvi St. i|x-U N»in •> k,!?»’»» an<» Jaconet Mux'ina. I*.!!, Cuui Mualiii, lit h ip Lawn, Wtilp amt Cuie cit laritior, It Hiiantc, Dot *<l ami Kljurcd Swi*», A fine assortintnt of Silk anti Silk L ee Cl.> k--, RotunrUs and Points, G canine ana It ucm xi i v s A fo’l line of Alexander’s Kid Glove*. Par’s Si k V\>is Lisle Tliri«d erd Cotton G . vw, Block oml White Si'k G ove-, Siik. L’t«eu ad .’iii* n Lea' r'ans, j! ie F Corsets. I’ Wli te Sngltsh 1L Be. (S me veiv si.peri r ) !• ml.roi c. itt*, L ee-, u.dla-sa o Cliff*, bordered. Ilein-tio) ed and L. C. liabuktwcblvU, Camlni , Cottutl Aiid *£ilk UHndkeicluti.n, beuuuiul DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT: Trench, Eonlisn ard American Prints; Foencli, Fc .teh and Am iie«i. G n.-h ir , New York Mil's Lore Cloth. Kosda e l.„i,K Cl th; liil.’sd ~• R u ,e Hu do; Hoed , t.ial mi f.. ■n e inamis. Gm! s *':f fc A” ,sl!l, ‘ i «i**«**»*4» " Shvenu t always an I and ;•• full supply of Aurusta an l * '* * c >- u.t eg .nod, t arm. ami o.,iiai,uijj-, ticaiugs, Strip s, beauui, U.illing; ui.U Cheeks. I’or Ce nts' and Cloy s' Wear: Bliiek French Broad.’! >th, T icot Cloth, Black Frei c'i Dtierltin Pitney C.jsin’e a, <’ shmaref'ev, Kr ylDi Trends, Satinets Jeans, t u;t n ac, I’.aiii and L in.y Linens, Ptnin and P luy * »r-e 1 vs. tliai. u’Kt-, li J.UU Half 11 n Heiniued nilk Hainlkv’chiefs. Alw .ys on hand, a lull stock o; Kotionr, Boots and time- - . Trunks and 8 raw Good#. .9011 \ >J. c; 4WO Y. Corner Whitehall and hunter IBtr#4.l&, Atlanta, Li.i. 'PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES rOK 1357. Chamberlain , Cole 4‘ Boynton, Atlanta, Georgia. Are selling their immense Sloth of mm *» iIMMIS i ID SI 'jf-t'U t) ©li Jj, | At Wholesale and Retail, for Cash Only, A t P r ic c s t o s u it t !i c T i m e s i Their Stock of DRESS GOODS mi»n prises every now style ini lie American mat kits ' HOSIERY GLOVES ,l " I- rtjfst ever hroimlil in Atlanta : SIIK »»«• POPLIN COVERINGS', LACE POINTS of every variety ; | EMBROIDERIES LACE GOODS *>l every .lescM.ption ; PARASOLS «»«• SILK UMBRELLAS sl,i ’ pvprv f,n(K ; | TABLE DAMASKS NAPKINS- TOWELS- TOWELING *'*<) IRISH LINENS : CURTAIN DAMASKS* Goods tor Men’.,ami Boy, wear.DOMESTICS **»«! NOTIONS S@rA L L F 0 R T H F LOW ES T CAS !I I» RIC F. Apiil 12 —ly, &W mismm, WHOLESAALB GROCER MID COMMISSION KERCHAIT. No 1 Granite Block, Broad Street, . [Adjoining the Rai!-U'>ad,j B. F. MOORE, ATLANTA, GA. T. T. FLI.MINO, Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain Hay. and all Western Products. Orders for ?u v description of Merchandise promptly titled, ar.d consignments solicited. April 26, 1867.w3m MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING AT THE GATE CITY We wi u ci respectfully iiifjrrc our fiiiixds ai.d the j undo that kt In u jest lecelvtd one of the latest smi hf3t »fl*C r tiCi iM-oi’ktf Os SP.EUiFC3- CX-OTIXIIiTG ! Ev**r brought i.> At'tntp, n1 of whf< h '•.*'* e bf«»n fnnnuG'icturt 1 r o~ ;? frem O > (13 *•*".?* • st la?o -o, J c V«sh, y>itu tfrsci %1 L j the ;.*nu oi luia htcUoo. We wjuM mvile aii to an e.^j-iUntwa ut Gur Goods and Prices, Fedfnsr confidentilnt wi* .m ~uir f c »•<« .ruH^iC4 v . »•.- »•« Ji m < »: , r.a w> jnic- md qua‘:ty splice doei not perra.t to tau ac. a.I th«r G jou* kptb, \1 , bi' s ihi »t f * v,t •*' i, c gLo: Cassimero Suits for S7 50 to TllO 00, s:vl np-.rar.l-. rhos“ rrex /i-. 1 ?,;! wt'h rt}i *!«. ne-1 nn‘ told Unit on- f h‘n» t< toidci up by the be«t vorkuej, and cf •uperior goods. In »and ii : >;> • . tfi • above, me k**ei», nig ~ a I.irgt 3to a. of GENTS’ FUITNiSUING GOODS, Crf»i»Vrlr|r of and' PI UN Wff? r«T VN V H 10 *S JA S'llkM, T NDITEGA MFN **■". »>fstlf ? n v°n i pF*»r» of «i!l * •*", 1 Tt*P i*»*t H if». Gvnrp M iM*H C*>L*i‘ t m Ra ui t M irtfti.iji o=i .r , Aii u*f .vli E (rill he <1 ohti»j>tT ft ft can ue bvugbf j;3o»h re Vlso. Boots. Shoe3. nats. Sole I cather and other Trunks Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene arid Saratoga Ladies, Trunks, kc. Before purchasing, please call at tire Gate City Clothing Store hy A. BOoENFELII L, BRO , -X.: (_ L;• • , V