The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 14, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. 5. tiik weekly Ca.rterHvlli« Kxprew* Is nublishril every IT IE&X ID-A. "Y" m , r „i a g. in Cartersville, Bartow County, Ga., by ~ Smith & Mii.\m, Proprietors, at 'l'hbßE I>OlLtl P rr nn limn, iitricfl', in advance; Iwo Hollars lor feu M .nth»; t*ne Dollar for 1 nree Months. A Ivcrtiac ncnU for one m > it!», or less time One Dollar per squ ire, of ten lines or less.) for each insertion i all other a 1 vert.-omenta will be charged Fifty per cent on old prices. JONES & MALTBIE, ATTCRNtVS AT LAW. Cartersville, Ga. WILT, attend promptly to >H bust less en trusted to their care. Will prin tce in the U . irts of law. and equity n the Che- okee Circuit. Hpceial attention ir.vrn to the codec lion ofJattns. r. Maltbie. gltn J* Jones. ~ Sur geo ii ci ii cl Mechanical Dentist. f ■ AUK undersigned reapeotfully otfer his pro- I services to the c’tizens ol (or Uusvilie and vicinity. He j". . t , ,n Linds of work belonging " f --- •* Z^r (;,„t,r«vill.,r.-!.. 13. 6»° i)lt. T. V. JONKS, n>r! X or,US his professional services to the I citizen# «t KINGSTON and vicinity, and rt*p K-tfiilly * .iicitr. a poition oft e.r patronage. June 2. JQH?J W. WOFFORD. Attorney at Law, CARTERSVILLE. GA. aim, FiRE INSURANCE AGENT. ...•present* the best Northern and Southern Companies. Can be found at tin- l.iw office of Wofford & I’arrull April 10, 1806. _____ IHOS. w. »»Dl>, Attorney at Law AND COUNTY COURT SOLICITOR. Eilng» on. <fa. Will give particular attention to the collection rifclaims. Cel 2t>. .! uu ii €’. Ur an »«». ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, KINGS 1 ON, DA. TyiAl'TirD s l.\\V iii »ho several roun- I lies of ilie (facr >kce Circuit, al •«, P>'l k, U unison an 1 Fund c.m.nies, Prompt at- Ljidi >n given to business, Nov. 23. iy cards s'o cash per annum.J W. H. PRITCHETT,” Altornay at Law. CARTERS ILLS. heOoolA. \C TICES Law in all the courts ol the Cherokee circuit and counties adjoining t> . ... Jan 23. U.n tow. THOMAS W. MILNER, Attorney at Law, CARTERSVIIIE. GECRS Will at cud promptly to business entrus t„ his cure. Oct. 5 wly JERE A. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. C.\RTEKSVII.LE, GA. DRoO. PISiftBRYOS, Cart emu lie, Georgia. 1 ... , ),), ;ir( frjO-Jl»l »cvle»s to the c t.ietii »f CH.ler.vll e »...) » • u. <H «c- u ttv sud « U »;*- «• rtl ic u r t» hf»u*’p. Office up-st t- Jm t*r. > Ll<y luu’i .N»W Brick Uulldinp. M*J lS67,wiy Lan ic r lions e, MARIETTA, <?A., BY LANIER & D3335, Proprietor* f |V| US li > 8 located iu a few steps of he | K lilroud, * liere the cars stop. Passengers take three meals a day here. M als prepared a ail hours. j u ty JONES ‘V MALTSIE. _ Itr, il, ILST4TE 4t.E\TS, CARTERSVILLE GA tV« a « authorised to * !. suit have on hand -everal Hmi-et* ft lot , sod also utu'T"U hu littnuloUiu he town of Cartel gr 1 •*. Alao never l pUntati n* of v»ri «u«»i* siu Bt tow cou ty. Parties desiring oba or •• I vl 1 and well t>c»s u* » eail. AI o • "'#u cailo. • protup Ijr Uswered July 11. iSSd. James W. Strange, Dealer in STOVES. GRATES, IRIN, HARDWARE, PLAIN AND JAPANNED TIN WARE, &C. Clean Linen an.i Cotton H igs taken in ex change for G >o,!s. Kepairin , Roofing and Guttering done with neatness and dispatch. Carteraville, Nov. 1. a Iv The Cartersville Hole!. DR. THOMAS MILAM having £-mr*\ charge of this H 'use, would he Q * * • j pleased to actomm ulate a f w Board 9 ! i!l or* with tiOARU, with oa without AJI. Lodging. Call an 1 see him at once for terms CarttVsvillo, Jan 17. S. H. Pat till o, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, atta-ul proiup - ' t.ilirCitli c. r'eeslr. . vl >,‘K m-d M ki ig U >y"s and Men’- Cio hiutr. Oiact- la bio r.H,m _f fi'uir 4 Br&Jahaw’* ;ture. 1J CarteraviDr, Ga, 8. o'asniSßS, Dress Tailor IS prepared to execute al kinds j*A of won* in the Fashionable Tail llJ inghne with iieatnets and in dn- _!£. rah!* - style. Over J. EUi* & Cj’a store. Carterrriile, ja# 25, THE CARTERSYILLE EXPRESS. . Li very Stable • g§ssm - iit By J. J. JONES, JR CARTERSYILLE. GA. ! IS prepared, r.t all imes. to furnish the traveling public with conveyin'e through the country. Also to feed »nd shelter stock at reasonable rates of board. My vehicles and stork are kept in good condition. Mch. 15, fV— [j.vt ntr ot my stock »”<I V htcVs \n <rn and .r rt. ,1 esr"'s'iy nl ■ U the per*-r»l'v *<> cal an yivi- If e h fair trial. K«'t» s ill tt- it esi an car and affmilrii, J. J. .l..jr,b‘* ECLIPSE I.J suV Sfalde, J. G. STOi liLS, TIFPPEnFDI.LV uotPy (he P bl c g-rerall> that ]{ l» ha- i•• .ipeane.l Ii ” c.aLIVK' Y aM» ALE S lAULE, ai (1 h.s it r.l w il. li. r,es ■>.,# i“» «'••• and » .npared lumial. 'h'.M: travelliiK iuii> »'•' acru.a ’he .• u tiy Will llj ku.l ... p > ate entry, l.ce He »*'»•■ p, ps e-l to U .id St ek in a> >’ q wli .on f'» - l„ q.* ler- ui.ll . oun.if.i teed Ht r. a eehle r >.» Sto. U t.eueht H1..1 a( hi* stable.. His aou. a 1 being I esh no . qnrpHye ew he tl '.er hm. ell »it tl e ell f tu». t.r call f r i It h a . uau.m ta with • a l e.r, hd c ml. e 111. out n »» 81.) lb<e eKtahi il, Hl>.<e Ueul-.t . A I lie aftke to eat hi It >ota.Uic’ '8 at, hil tAH . EBaVILLK. OA. ■ March 2z, lah7. (gfjUYmtv 3>T TD iiollitig Mill Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF RAIL-ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE BOLTS, BAR IRON, NAIL ROD, AND HORSESHOE IRON, Castings, iA all Jesrnpuous, in Hrass or Iron, imdiulm^ RAIL-ROAD CAR W.IEELS, BOXES, PEDESTALS. FRONTS, COLUMNS, AND VERANDAHS. Miii Gearing and Machinery of ail kinds. JOIIS D. GUAY, President. October AMERICAN HOTEL. AI ibama Street, ITLAATi, GEORGIA. Opposite the Passenger Depot. WHITES* WHITLOuX, r roprietors. rpHE public ere respectfully informed that JL this House !ia been re,noddled and re filled, and re- j ened for the accunmodciiop of the travelling public. Much time, labour and expense has betn expended in n. iking it worthy of patronage. Modern tnprovi meats have been added, and the public can re v 01. ,s being equal to any in fena hern cities WiyTE ,si WHITI.GGK, Proprietors. Hit If SON <V WYLEY, Clerks, u v f24. mm mm CASI S A.IST.O CASKETS. By Erwin & Jones. A PS(3RTED sizes 1 ept on hand. Also WOOD COFFINS made to order. \ good HEARSE r adv at all hours. CARTERSVILLc.Feb i, 1867. w»y |p,W . U. MOI’YTCCSTIaE, Jeweller and Watch and 'w Clock Itepatrer, In the Front of A. A. Skinner & Go’s store - Cartersville jan 25 The Oldest Jewelry House in ATLANTA, GHORGEA. ER LAWSHE, tC locks - p Guatches, w Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers’ Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as /{(presented. Watches and Jewe'ry Repaired by competent workmen and It arranted. May l, IHC7. wly Thresh out your Wheat! Is-n still the AAtEsT f-r the <■*>« . fth se excellent Kenn.-k. TiItEBHE*B. b tfi so r bi>r-e and two boric b.ZE . T* e recc t isnpro emeiiU maue n t TliK.-SHtHs rend r th« m iht •’<««»desirable "f -ny hit a e vow uffe e>i 'or gait. Ti.ey ar- e*»liy MaSLuED ami not u*ble o a- 1 out OP ORDER. Or er* tn-cite i, the*' on, r the BETTER, so ihat the M ioHINB m-,y itrtve t good TIME. artt.l .'the, vis. A.r. 13 aJji. J. J, S3 VAI»P CARTERSYILLE GA, JUNE 14. 1807. M BRIDE. DORSET P CO., ATLANTA. GA. To the Merchants of Georgia and adjoining States: \1 T E have nlfeady sp >ke . through the papers to our IT Ii end- thr uzh "Ut he Sou'h. ai.,l aavised th Si who we r e so mrrly ou.- ft-llo*-50... er» i toe Sou he a ■Arm , 'hat we h and undertaken t.» apnly, n P ac , ’he eirin uU of viy e"e>KJ ad ■ rotnptuea., wulcli had so ten gained ns th.. day u> War. We hive opened a Wholesale Crockery AND GLASS HOUSE. in Atlanta. On a scale far beyond any before known in the State. We are hacked bv all the *dvar.t>ees which are de rived fr in means and a thorough knowledge of he business. A large part of our goods are shipped DIRECTLY TO US FROM EUROPE. via Charleston and Savannah. —j-jr- We cm fl.fently expect to supply from JfjjCJ ISA/ onrd poi in A, ant , all th .se im r fcspf 8, -y chant-ihroti; houi thl-and adjoining \ j «J» State , who have he, etofore made thelr pu eh >ees North. We can offer as varied a stock as can be fi und !a New V oi k, and we know that OUR PRICES HERE WILL BE LOWER. You will ».ve KKFIOHT by purchasing here. Y u will s ve BKEAKttvF by purchasing h<oe. Y tt will c fitrib to o the b , dine up of a home de pot , f supoiiet ny'iie he e. W. have on baud and const nt y arriving ASSORTED PKf’S OF CROCKERY, 1 1 best, ai.d mix»d erade. We epack Crockery, China Qlasswu , L O a Tes. L mpr, utlerj. P, '"d and J»pan e.l War, til ck j , & to r.l r. u' ha e j h lots of these gods fr >m e to t’tne at very low pi ice . We k( licit y u• C \SH o- er-, and will give lira age advantage,, so C»SH IN MaNl>. Y or Fi lends, April 19, lt>67 McBLIDr, DOKftfcTT k CO. T. !l S H. 5. De t LEH9 In ENGLISH AND AFRICAN Slai dtvare Cutlery Guns Pistols AL3U— Iron, Steel, Nails, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Cor * Shelters, Straw Cui ters, Shovel#, Plows, Hoes, Chains, Locks, Hinges, Screws, ■ Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, &e. And all other goods usudly kept in the Hard ware lin«-. Also Agents fur Farrbanks Platform a. and Counter Scales, which we will sell at Fac tory prices, freight added. At their old stand. Corner pi Peach Tree and Line Street, Atlanta, Ga. fl IHE • xercises of this Institution will he J[ resumed on Monday,the 28th inst., under t e supervision of J vHES G. RYIES, Principal, Assisted by J. D. tOLLI\B AND IIEXRY MCCORMICK. Ratos of Tuition, per Session of 20 weeks: Primary Department sls 00 Preparatory “ 20 CO High School ' 25 00 Incidental Expenses, I 00 Music 25 00 Board can be had, inclusive of every thing bu lights. » S 17,00 per Month. The earn *st. he irty co-operation of the community, in the establishment of a Sc mol of high order in their midst, is most Urgently solicited. Stil slioro, Ga., January £5, 1867. wtf W. L. Kirkpatrick & Cos., Druggists, cartersville. ga. BY TILL keep constant on hand a well f y seeded stock of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, 18, 0>S&8„ Patent Medicines Jumps’ Carriage Repository, Jan 17. J. A. E RWI ® & C°- »Ji e receiving their Stock of Sl'lilM. AND Shtmnttr <§ooH #'OMPRI?IoQ ever- vari-ty adapted t . the want* of L the couuiry, which they a ede erui neu >o te 1 tt the Lowest Price s Cheaper than the Cheapest! All are invited to CALL, EXAMINE AND BUY bargains. Terms: Cash ! and our motto ia Small Profits. Caitereviilc, G-, April 19,156 TANARUS, Mew I an new receiving from New York a large Stock of Goods ; consisting of DRY-COODS, GROCERIES, (fMlicnt, Soots, N<y 1 SHOES. HITS. HARDWARE. SADDLERY, STRAW GOODS, IbBA.ID-Z--hZLA.X3B Which I am offering very low for Cash, Come and see for yourselves. Kingston, Ga. E. V. JOHNSON. May 17, 1867. NEW STORE! N T FW GOODS ! And New Arrangements. The nnder-lgned t’tkes plessure in announcing to the C’t xen« i f C .rereville and . urrou. ding enuntrt. that he has Ju.t I'pened out a most sp ended and FASH ION A BL> Block of DRY GOODS? adapted to the want* nf the people, which he proposes tn sett at P Ice to SUIT the TIMES. Ladles wi I find almost Everything pertaining to their Wardrobe. GENT LE UFN will find Material and Furnishing Goods for Clothing. Families will find all kirds of good* common for do- MESTIC USE, BOOTS, SHOES, Hats Bonnets, Hoop Skir Is, Umbrellas &c &c. A’so will keep on hand a large lot of FACTORY YrYYRKsfS HE WOULD be h ppy to receive c*lU at any time Hi* door* are thrown w dc open, and the invitation Is tn all. (tome and examine his goods and pri es. Next door to A. A. Skinner i Cos. s <* just below the Post fii :e, L. FE*tGUSON, J. T. STOCKB with Ferguajl. Cartersville, Ga., May Ist ls6T. gWfiUTCML 9AIS VI V xf}> cusrovfKßS will pleas* remember, Mist, after haring been twice burned out. I have re. li. gutted the DituU BUSINKds wl h Meatri. T. -J. A M. B. BVVANSON, under the gtyle of mvmmm & AT ROARK'S CORNER, NEAT DOOR TO W. H. BROTHESTON, ATLANTA, GA. I will be plegged to meet all my old friend* at our r,e* place of buaineis, where I am prepared to ihow them a lare¥ uud w«l» *juoi ltd block of * purposes, and at very low fieurp*. r R. J. M ASSEY, late Massev and Hetty. feb 1 ATLANTA, GA. mmsMws howeb ARD HE APEB. Best Machine In the W or'd, Manufactured by C. Ault man 4* Cos. CANTON, OHr». For 1867. JMKfdtfb XTEh*veheen appoint 'dSlfe ed ageut# f.,r ihe sale o Xtffe VSEr **•. thie celebrated Mowe A Reaper,f rthecoun lie* of Bartow, Gordon, Cherokee, and I*. kec», aud will eell to any par'ie* w o vinh the H chiue delive ed to them here. The prices are low and terms rea» n able. le »r ca l*t once and obtain circula-a giving description a> and pi icta, or address JOHNJ HO<VaRD,or W. H. GIL. ES T . Carterari'le, Ga., April IK ib67. *sn» ~lj. W- MAXWELL. BRXCK MASON. I* p-epaned to do ail kinds of work In Brick and Stone at th rt notice. Raa on hand a Sue lot cf newly burned b ick and ta p-spared to do work upM the meet reasor able t *rm«. OartararilLa Ga., Utj 3.A. LS6T "* * ‘ ' . -i . » . s * Aj>l»uli)iiti. it(s of (he Georgia Aunual Conference of the African Jletii, E. Church, !5»G7-’S. Savannah District —R F Gibbs, P E Savannah Station—K Pliibhs Augusta Station—C L Brad well Butler Cretk- Samuel Steward Ogeehct Circuit—Thomas Garrett Bryan Comi’y -R M Taylor Darieu Mission—Samuel Dravton Jr(le.suii and B.rks County —Geo. H Nealey Sanders’iiie—W Persons and J Siiuinons Macim District —ll M Turner, P E Macon Station— H M Turner and W B Campbell Cos uinbus Station—David Picket Atlanta Station W J Games Marietta Station—Peter McClain Greensboro Station— Henry Strickland J lorence Station—B Jackson Lumpkin Statiou—T G S tward Stewart County Mis.-io.i—Thus Crayton Fort Gaines Station—Robert Alexander. Dalton Station—A Brown ami W S W Sherman Americu3 Station—J HJe rings and W Ravens Griffin Station—A McGee M arrentou Station—Robert Crumiy Randolph Count —Job R Brown Athens S a.ion—S B Jones Albany Sutiou--F Robins,-n Coiquitt Mission—Julin T Gipson Dawson Station—Nelson Bcaohem Cartersville Station—Cnarlee R Edwards At.anta City Misaion--Joseph Wood Green (.’ounty--L Wood Washington, VVi k. scounty—E lw’J Purdcy Forsyth Station—Euward Troppe Maiii on Station— >r hos K Brown Rome Station-—Henry Burns Kingston—C Murphy Dougherty County—Solomon Zants H Hwkinsville—Rob.-it A nderson Biakely— l o lie atipplied Alabama District—il Stubbs, P E Union Springs--!! Ope!ika«—R B iley ad G Hawki s Eufaula--L Gardner l.ilterty Chapel--Iy.iac Hail Shady Grove--Henry Evans Auburn—To be supplied 4’hunnenuggee—Cain Rogers Enon— Washington Harvey. At the close of the Coherence, Rev. N. M, Turner offered he following Preamble and Resolutions, which-were adopted : Whereas, The great Head of the Church, by his unerring counsel and protecting power, ha« cn.tb ed us to gatherthousands o: members and scores of Preachers into the bosom ot our organization, thus en tit ing us to form an Am nualConference,known as tha Geor ia Annual Conference, of the African Methodist Episco pai (Uiurch, consisting already of nearly a hundred Ministers, itinerant md local. Resolved, Tliatwe a e profoundly th nkfulto the God of all favors for our abundani success, which has -likely ■ ever been equalled in the history of the Christian Church. Resolved, That w<* tender the many mini ters of the M. E. Church South, our grateiul ac knoledgements, who have so generously as sisted us in the est-ih isiuneiit of our churches in d’fferent parts of the State, none of w/mm have cv<-r tried to impede our effoits or traduce our name. Resolved, That inasmuch as the formation of our Conference constitutes us regularly organ ized, we intend ’o live, if possible, in fraternal harmony with all sister churches, and seek only the spread of the Hetleuner’s Kingdom. [Macon Telegraph. A Phue Roolcs. Mewsirk is 1 of the arts & sighermt ses. A singer is a artist, & a singin master is a sighentist if lie teaches sighentificaliv, unlherwise he’s a hum bug. To them as wants to excel!, a phue rooles will be very percpplable, & by foileriti whitch you ken -succeed; 1. it you sing in a quire ollwazc hold the last toati alter the rest are dun. so that people can heer you sepereight. 2. When you come to a high noat thro yoor .led back & shot yoor ize, it maiks it the moar expressive. 3. When you get done with the hi tone and want to see the next hue open yoor ize again. 4. If enny hoddv else looks on the book with you, hold it strute in frunt , of your own face, and then it wont he in their way. | 5. Ollwaze nbjeck to the toon the quire leeder selecks and a pirtier one yourself, it shows your good taste. 6. Ockachunly sit sttil and let the rest of the quire sing the him without you ; it spoils the effect of yours to have it too common. 7. Dooring the sermon and prayer keep a turning over the ieeves of your book—it shows you are aevoted to niewsickte persoots. 7J. Spend some of your time in writen in books and riten nnats to sum 1 else in the quire, for if you want to sing dear you miisent weary yoor mind ami vois by lestemn two close to the servis* If its in the evening beet time with ' tfie hand with whitch you hold the randle with—the oddieuce can see it pianer. 9. Doant forget to whisper some—it taiks awa etnbariassment and helps to pass time awa. 10. Fill your pockets with peanuts before you go to ineetin, and throw the shells on the floor— the fcSeekston ken tell then where the quire sets when he sweeps out. 11. Olwaze take the best seet — sumboddy must hav it, and it may as well be you as any buddy else. 12. While yu ar signin il yu meet the i of 1 yoor friends in Ihe kongrega shen, smile 4* bow —it shows yu aim too much sot up to recognize and old friend even if you are in the quire. 13. iNeyer sing egzactie with the leeder—keep a leetle behind out of re spect for him, or else Keep a lecile ahed which will eucurridge him with yoor egzampie. Il the rest of the quire sings ahed ol'iha leeder, yu keep tuhiud; aud- the rest sings behind, yu oi . • Drugs, Mt'dicines, Chemicals, Pat. Med., Pair.ts, Oil, Glass* Putty, Fancy and Toil. Art., Soaps, Per fumery, Brushes a variety. Wines, Brandies, 4*c., 4 - c. keep alietl. this will oiv variety. 14. Follow these rooles tlaly every Siiiitiav, & it you have sucksess, yu will b<3 sure to suckseet!. I*. Besson. Sir.. with the Sr. il slans for snigger, —Song Messenger. A Soldier’s Joke —The corres*> poiult’iil of a Virginia paper gives the following story : A command of eavairy, which was afterwards distinguished for its t. r dll a in ry. was, on its first organic ation, a laughing stock not merely to Forest’s veterans, hut to the Yankees tlu-m --selves. One day, on a tram in Mis sissippi, the rear car was occupied hy soldiei s cracking their rough jokes upon one another. When the ton was al its height, a very ungainly “Relt,” with clanking spurs, uncombed hair, and a general appearance of long disuse ol a ‘ hiled’’ shirt, stalked to a window, and thrust his carhiue nut of it. Tl.en he slopped, and looking around, as though apprehensive that he was doing some thing wrong, and inquired, “is thar any of It's men aboard this shebang?’-’ N” answer, oi say, hoys, does any of you belong to U’scavalry ?” At length some one spoke up, saying : “I belong'to K’s cavalry.” “Axingyer pardon stranger.” said the uncouth individual, “my old gun is dirty, and I wanted to clean her out; I’m just gwine to pop a cap. Don’t he sheared honey !” We should not he surprised if that joke was not bdd in the next fight at tended by the command. A Boy's First Composition. —An exchange given the following as a gen uine production, just as it came from the pen of a juvenile, it being hi# first composition. The subject—“ Oxen “Oxen is a vrrv slow animal, they are good to hi:tk« ground up. ] would rather lia«’e horses if they didn’t have kollick, which they say is wind col lected in a hunch, which makes it dangerer for to keep horses the people would have to wheal tha re wood on a wheal barrow, it would take two ot three days to wheal a cord a mile.— Cows is useful to. I have heard some say that if they had to he tother or an ox they wood be a cow. I think when it cum to have their tits pulled off a mnrniu they wood wish they wasn’t, for oxen don’t generailv have to raise caves. If i hail to he ennv i wood rather be a lieffur. But if i coodent be a lietlur and bed to be both i wood be an ox.” “Josh Bdlings,” Artemus Ward, and a host of ( titer professional, paid hu morists. hardly ever beat this iugeuuiue humor. Anour the Ladies. —Whai lady is g 0.l to eat? Sal Ladd. What lady is good to eat with her 7 Olive Oil. What lady preaches in the pulpit? Minnie Stir. What lady has to fight the Indians 7 Emmi Grant. What lady helps her? Min •lie Rifle. What lady is acquainted with sur gery? Ann A^my. What lady is fond of debate ? Polly Tishun. What lady votes ? Della Gate. What lady paints portraits ? Minnie A. Choor. What ladv is much talked of now? Amelia Ration. Whn lady is used to war ? Milly Tary. What lady is lively and gay ? Annie. Mation. What lady is voracious? Annie Condor and Allie Gaiter. A waggish journa'ist, whn is often merry over his personal plainness, tells this story of himself; “I went to a drug store early the other day for a dose of moipliine for a sick friend. The night clerk objected to giving it to :ne without a prescrip tion. evidently fearing lha' 1 intended suicide. “Pshaw !” said I. ‘do I look like a man who would kill himself?’ “Gazing at me steadily for a moment, he replied : “I don’t know. Seems to me if I looked like von I should be greatly tempted to kill in}self.” The Way it Works. —“Hello. Sam bo! Whar did you git dat nice blue overcoat ?'* “Ob. go ’way nigga ; I got it aide drawin’.” “What for you go dar? I knows you got plenty of good clo'ea, and ! plenty to eat, ton.” “To be sure I is. But I seed ail de udder niggas gwine ar.d I kiiow’d I had jis as much right as dey. I golly, nigga, I*se gwine to take holiday all i next week. Bless de guvment dat ' feeds and clothes us and leaves us nffip to do. It’s better dan old masga r fed and clothed very well, hut always, would make us do some w.,vk !” “Is them fellows alive no,# >” ssid an urchin to his tocher- “What fel lows do you mean, dear?” “Whv, Paul, and Luka, arid and them ” NO.4D. A Boston paper relates the iw*»«**•' >"g. “Col. U. spent the winter in Lexing ton. K>. A friend of his went to visit him. ‘Come Sunday,* says the Col., *1 want you to hearken to out church hells here. There’s four ol ’em.— Each sounds out its ow I) dcncinina»,u!!- al rail. •There’s the Episcopal. . I h;;t h a heavy, deep toned, sonorous oed. Now you see if that don’t ruig out— f ostoitc succession! * Fostolie succession ! •Then the old Fresbyterian—thfit s most as deep sounding, and that saj s . Eternal dam*na tion ! Eternal dam-na tion ! ‘Tilt* Baptist is quiche!—a sharp, snupp\ bell—and that says, rapid . Come out and be dipped! Come out and be dipped ! Come out and he dip ped ! Couio out and be dipped ! ‘But the .Methodist—that’s a crotvn.- rr; it talks right out: Room' loculi !» KuoinTor-aii ! Koom-forall!” fron't (qre. —A Richmond paper tells the following: A young African wanted to got on the •‘ladies’ ear” yesterday. I hi" conduc tor told him it was tor white p-ople. “1 doesn’t care if it am, ’ returned Eho-skm, “1 ain’t at all proud, and ’ud jes as leev ride w id white foiks as will some mean niggers 1 knows.” Ho didn’t ride, though. The eondiietyr would not permit him tocmidcseead. Meanness. —Tlie meanness of For ney’s Hr css is unbounded. Tbs par agraph below is from that paper: None of our readers will he very sorry to learn ol the lai!tire ol lrn*er. Trenliolm & Cos., the well known reoof firm id Liverpool. Tlieir business was mainly blockade-running and negotiat ing Cnniederate brans, Tronhwlin him* 1 sell being Secretary ol the I reasury in the Confederate Cabinet. Their lia bililies are large, and this crash utterly ruins them, unless lioiace (Ireeiet, improving on his Jeff* rson Davis fi iiuneiai exploit, should endorse their paper, in which they would likely keep alloat a little longer. The citizen* of Kentucky are about to present to the wile of lion. J-din C. Breckinridge, a home within the bor ders ol tine Slate she loves so well, vml which has showered *o manv honois upon her distinguished husband. —Jefferson Davis arrived at Montre al on Tuesday, and i» stopping at trie residence <d Ins wife’s mother, Mrs. Howell. It is said that Mr. Davis lias purchased the McCiverin estate at Si. Catharine's lor a summer residence. jKsr*Every item of intelligence w« receive from the West indicates that <* terrible Indian war is beginning. The United Slates authorities are hurrying supplies forward to the posts on the border, and letters from the West say there is no doubt in the minds of old mountaineers that this is going to be the worst vear of Indian troubles ou the plains that w'c have ever had. Sad Affair in Union County.— regret to learn from tip. UfausviUe mad carrier, Mr. John Recite, that CUarjp* Ilill, shcrifl of Union county, was shot on Wednesday evening 15th rust., by a man named William Campbell. Lap pears that Mr. Hill lead a warrant against Mr. C., and proceeded to. his house to arrest him, whereupon, lit* resented ant! fired upon Mr. id ilf. tjlio • bail taking effect in the bowels, from,, which he died the following Friday morning. Mr. Iltil was a young man. 3nd was greativ esteemed as an ; officer,, and as a kind, clever and irfueueoi citizen. 11 is sad demise has cyst a., gloom upon all the citizens of the county. Campbell made his escape and : fled to parts unknown.— [UxiUlti&ga t: Signal. “Mr. Jones, have you got a match?”' “Yes, sir, a match for the devil ; ther*» she is mixa-ng tip dough.” Jon** point ed to tiia wife and then “slid” for ih« • front down the road, hot’y pursued by a read headed lady with a cistern pole.. Poor Jones-! , A “greenhorn” who had never before • soon a steamboat, fell through the hatchway and down in the hold of one,, and. being unhurt, loudly expressed hw surprise; “Well, ii the durned thing ain’t hollow !”" A merchant’s advice in selecting a. wife, was—“CAetlioid of a piece of calico that will wash;'* whv don’t you talk to your master and tell him to lay up treasure Ltx, heaven?” “What’s de D3e of layio up. treasure dar ? Up never see ’uni again. \ young fe'.m'A fond of t\’k:«tr, marked, “f no prophet.” “True,”' r- pli« and a lady pti-aeßt. “no profit kf# yourself nor to any body else.” ! An Albany paper thinks it ii-* ;oTtint; and not bur wrongs r dretaed. 'J Bl2ir & i* ia7 t a i get your maney back c 0 *^*9