The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 14, 1867, Image 3

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TrtAM?«oitt\o.—The citizens ol Cartersviile and vieiniiy, irrespective ot religious persuasion, Are requested to meet in the Methodist E. Church in this place, on Wednesday night next, at half after eight o’clock precisely, in a Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting, and unite our petitions as the voice of one man in rhanksgi v ingto Ahnighty God, fur the bountiful harvest with which He h is crowned the labors of the farm" ers this year, to the great relief of our destitute and starving people. sll who have a voice to praise God for this unspeakable blessing. Tie pre-tent on the occasion. Many Members. A fine Line of Dress Goods, Lean. Pld’s., Plain Lenn, all co'ors, Crape Morrell to arrive this week at Blair «fc Bradshaw’s. Bought since the lale decline, and will be sold at lower pri ces than since the war. Meeting In llarralson. At a meeting in Harralson county, Htate of Georgia, held at Buchanan this, Bth day ot June l*D7. i was resolved unanumously: Ist. That we hereby tender to the citizens of Louisville and Lancaster, Ky., Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnatti, < bio, and other places visited by our Agent, for their liberal donations to us in our present destitute condition, and in our present condition, we can only ask G >d to l).es» the cheerful giver. 2nd. Wc hereby lender to Cot. J. J- Jones our Hunks Ipr hi- u.tu.iug c/fwitaiii our bchaii as our Agent. VV. BROCK, Win, J. llfad, Chm’n. Secretary, l)oo Fennel is likely to monopolize every oilier growth about C'arlersville, but i.owt nsiein & Pleiler is likely to monopolize the Dry-Goods trade of toe town and country. 4i ojr'.Ve publish, «»u our first page, the of appointments ol the Alricaii Methodist E. Conference which re" eu l lv convened in the city ol Macon. Nelson Beachein, who baa been serv- ing the church at this place, goes to l(i.uu- instead ol Dawson, Ga. A tine lot ot Plain and Fancy Casi no r- and Linens bought since tlie ande _ cline, and will be sold ior short prof" its Gents .It signing such goods should mil tail to call and examine B. <Si B . (•lock. wWe are glad to see some evi dence ol returning life in the business «>i our growing town. -W e see load af ter lo ol m! lumber being piled u p on the-sites ol the lale business lion-sis t! sir >\ e 1 b\- tire, preparatory to the e r.-eti >n of m-at brick buildings thereon. Sam :of the contracts, we, learn, liave been let out. Business hous es 1 *ti other sites continue to go up, as well as dwellings. \ fujjy-We are requested 'to announce' lieu M rs. 1. misa II irr.s, who has been lor a short lime past engaged in teach ing a colored school, in our town, un~ (1 -r the employ ment of the African M. ■i;., has been promptly paid lor her first month’s service, by the agent ol the Colored Missionary Board according to agreement. We are requested to make this state ment to allay the anxiety of some per sons who have entertained and expres sed the opinion that the colored mis" non was not reliable, and would not, therefore, remunerate Mrs. 11 tnis lor her services m teaching tlie colored youth of tittu community according to prior contract. We think Mrs. Harris deserves great credit not only for ex erting her lime and talents to elevate and instruct this class of our population, but tor her tfforis to support herself and family, who are letl without a pro tector, without depending upon dona tions lor a living. \ Honduras is a great country for a lazy man to get cheap living, but Loe uensiem cV Pfeifer's store is the place lor lie people to buy the cheapest wearing 1 At least, that’s what those say who have tried them. ftafr“Couipion lias ju»t got in store a fine loi ul smoking tobacco aiul cigars, oi the follow mg bramls. 10-wit; 7 obacco.m(io\u L)ust, Eureka, Bach elor's Ifarhng, article ol which be is very loi d.)and Chimney Corner, (to which we have no dislike,; at 60 els a dozen papers. ii gars. — Kegalia, liabaouas, and various other brands. Ready made Cassimere and Linen tuns to arrive tins week, and at prices that deiv competition, at B. & B t. Some Mei cbants in Carteravil e cell Goous very cheap! mid others sell cheaper! but Locwensietu &■ Pleiler sells the cheapest JLiry-Cootism town. are glad to learn that it is in contemplation to organize a Protest ant Episcopal Church in this place, at a.; iur»v lay. DR. DISC XT Est 1’ DROPS, l£*xeb«en u»cd in Georgia'witb great for :he lavttcn years particularly in this Gouu- L • families that haec trifcd it Would not b* without it in their house for twenty time* the price of it, every family and every person should have a boitia of it on hand as at 'this aeason of the year any one is liable to be at tacked reddenly with Dysentery, Cholic, Gri ping Pains in the Stomach, Cramp &c. and by having th • medicine convenient you can cure yourself in a few minutes. It is the best remedy i.) use fpr children or grown person* and as the price is only 25 cents per bottle e very family shou'd provide themselve with a bottle and thereby save not anly trouble but expense. Fbr Sale—Who’esah and Reta-1 by BUST & KRAMER, . Dhuugists, Carteriville Ga. A libera! discount made to all stores. Always Ready.—“ About four years ago,” says Mrs. G. V. Coombs, of Easton, West Vir gin a. “I urchased a Y\ ilcox and Gibb’s Sew ng .*■ achine. It has more than met my ex pectations. I have done the principal sewing for eighteen persons since that tine, and a great deal for my neighbor.s It is always ready always in order. Have broken two nee dles in four years. Blair &. Bradshaw are determined to sell Clothing cheaper than any other house in town. JOSH BILLINGS ON BITTERS. I rather like Stomach Bitters.lkant tell why enny more than I kan tell why I love roback’s Blood Pills, but Blood Pills is good for Uzyness in the system. I don’t like lazyness of no sort, not even in inuskeetera. I want my muskeeler* lively But aul that iz foreigh tew my purpose. Bitters being my subject, I lilt- Roback’s Stomach Bitters they are so easy to take. It haz been said that they wouldnt run out, bat this I think ii a error, for aul my bottles is empty, and I kant find enny on em leak. tgX-Any information concerning a man who calls himself Thos. J. Sims, but known in Bartow county by the name of James Biake, will be thank" fuily received by Jame3 Thompson, at this post office. He married Miss M ss Martha T. Thompson in Calhoun county, Alabama, in 1860, and left home in December of the same year, and bis whereabouts is not known.— He is about 5 leet and 10 inches high, fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes, and was wounded in his right hand and arm, and said he belonged to the 11th Texas Regiment during the war. Any information addressed to James Thompson, Cartersville. Ga., will be gratefully received. Will our Exchan ges please copy. t£guJohti M. Gannon, of Atlanta, i-s out in another big double-column ad vertisement headed “Midsummer Dry Goods,” to which we invite attention. ftaT’Andrew Dunn, of At'anta, is of fering inducements to the citizens of Bartow and adjoining counties, under the head of “Wheat,” to be found in another column. ftayW. J. McClatchey intends to put into operation about the first of July a Wool Carding Machine, on the Eto wah Tiiver near the Railroad Bridge at his Grist Mills, about one and a half miles south of this place. It. all goods, we pledge ourselves to duplicate any Atlanta bill. B. &B. filairWe are glad lo learn that our enterprising friends of Floyd county have -held a meeting and organized an Agi icultural Society. Well done for Floyd ! We were ahead of you before the war, but you have got the ins on us this time, but old Bartow will be by your side after she is done blowing at the great bug-bear— confiscation! 10^ Read General Orders No 8. Ulna Life Insurance Com pany. Mr. J. V. Bradford, agent for this safe and popular Company, will remain in town a lew days to receive applications f r insurance. Mr. Bradford comes to us with the highest recom mendations as to integrity and business capac ity—and has Iciteis ot introduction to many citizens of this place. We would bespeak tor him a favorable reception among those who may de. ire the benefit of Insurance in one of the safest and boot companies in America. A Good Appointmknt. —The Atlanta papers notice the appointment of R. C. Robs«»n, Esq., to the responsible post tion of Auditor of the State Road. PsgrPublic opinion lias forced Gov. Browtilow to order the atrest of Capi. Rickman, one of his militia, for his many brutal outrages. [Louisville Coiu ier. “Coming Events,” <tc.—A foreign paper makes the following delicate but signiricant announcement. The Empress Eugene will never be better until she’s been worse. Removal. —Maj. (fan. Pope has re moved Mr. Abner Jones from the office ot Sheriff of Talladiga county, Ala., and appointed in his place Mr. F. M. Shous. —A five year old Chester field, Va., two hundred nr.d seventy pourtes. Meeting in Folk CouATy.—Ac cording- to previous appointment,' a large number of the citizens,of Poll co out v -jrssembted at Center ’Church, jqn.the-Bth of June." The meeting was organised by appointing Joel Adkins, Chairman, and Joseph D. Morgan, Secretary. Col. J: F. Dever then ex plained the object -of tue meeting ; and give a brief statement of his travels through the Northwestern States as agent for the relief of the county, to guther with his actings and doings ; whereupon it was Resolved, 'That the citizens of Polk county, do receive the report of Col. Dever as giving full satisfaction; at the same time tendering to him our thauks for his energetic exertions in our behalf. We also tender to Judge VV. G. Barter, chairman of the Inferior Court, our thanks for the valuable services rendered by him in obtaining relief; algo to the distributing agent lor ’his services, 4‘C. Be it further Resolved , That we tender to the citizens of Cleveland, Columbus ant! Cincinnatti, Ohio, Lou isville, Ky. ?nd other places, our lienrt felt thanks of gratitude for their noble contributions to our perishing people. Believing as we do that they have been instrumental in saving many lives, and enabling many farmers to carry on their crops, who would otherwise been forced to abandon the same. VV e pray God’s blessings both temporally and spiritually, upon them, that they may gather up many days hence the bread, in four-fold, so graciously given to us while we were a hungered. Be it further Reeohed , That the Secretary cause the proceedings of this meeting to be published in the Car tersville Express. JOEL ADKINS, Chm’n, Joseph D. Morgan, Secretary. Maximilian’s wife is dying from softening of the brain. Prussia’s war levies amount to over forty-one millions in gold. A fine baby show is in progress in Thomasville, Ga* The starving Alabamians are com pelled t.» eat snakes to sustain life. Nine hundred gold medals will be distributed at the Paris Exposition. The grocjrs in Philadelphia have formed a black list of cilatorv debtors. Jay Cooke & Cos., have bought 100,- 000 pine lands in Missouri for saw mills. California papers contend that the recent earthquake there was no grea* shakes. The adjourned term of the Circuit Court of Prince George’s county, Md., will commence on -Monday next. A gentleman in St. Louis has recov ered $20,000 from the citv for damages caused by the falling into a cellar. —The registration returns for Louis iana indicate a majority throughout the State for the freedmen in every parish in the State save two. —The widow of Bishop Polk is teaching in the Columbia Female In stitute. an Episcopalian institution own ed by the diocese-of Tennessee. —The preliminary examination of Cole, for the murder of Hiscox, took place at Albany, yesterday. No new facts'Were elicited. The prisoner has been assigned more comfortable quar ters than tiie county jail afforded. exchange says that “bridal envelopes,” so extensively advertised for sale, means simply mgTit gowns. —A Mississippi negro -worked on shares. On being asked Use amount ol his profits, he replied: “Muffin: 1 worked lor de seventh, and the boss only made ile filth; dariore, i got nuffin.” A Boston minister has been preach ing against tillers.” lie said he couldn’t shut his eyes on the abomin ation any longer. A gay and gushing member ol his congregation said she didn't wear ’em for shut eyed people. The Press banquet at the Exchange Hotel, at Richmond, was a rich affair, the lion and the lamb affiliating.— Horace Greelv presided, and MacFar laiul, of the Chronicle proposed “ the health Jefferson Davis,” during the evening. At Brooklyn. May 14, the rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association were broken into and three hundred dollars stolen. There is reason to suppose that the robbery was perpe trated by someone or more of the members. —General Grant is said to be in part nership with several Congressmen in terested in the Georgia and North Carolina mines. —The New York Herald says Mr. Davis is about to purchase a country seat near Montreal, with §so,ooorecent ly presented to him by sympathizers. Judge Kelley, on returning from his Southern tour, >»as proffered money by the Congressional Republican Com mittee, to reimburse him for expenses and outlays iucuired in his travels. The Judge, however, decid ed, alleging that the practical knowledge he had received during his tour had more than repaid him for the money invested. Let no one hereafter say ihat Kelley is not a conscientious man. Only the Rich. —Tlie Montgomery Advertiser publishes the following let ter, written' to a citizen of Dadeville, Alabama : Lancaster, May. 21, 1867. Dear Sir: We do not confiscate loyal men, nor rebels unless they are rich ; few will sufier; not enough I fear; stone inoccut wilt I fear. T m PDi'v* Steves*. A!f.lcer Fnivesity. —Th** removal of' iny*'Uition to Atlanta haying become a nxed fact, ilhe of the institution. Rev. Dr. Tucker, and Rev. D. £> Butler, President of the Board of Trustees, are in that city for the purpose es selecting a site for the building. Wilcox & Gibbs’ Sewing Ma chines in Cartersville, for sale. These M»ehi&es are soli here at the manu facturer’s prices, tint I cannot afford to reship them to any point at my own expenses. I have a few to let out on trird to those wishing to purchase, and who will take good care of them ; but it will be desirabic to have the ma chines returned at an early day by those who may decline to purchase. No pains or expense has been spared to make this machine the best family machine in the market and all who have given them a fair trial acknowledge them to be so. The price from $56, upward- The machines all equally good, but the price varies with the kind of fin ish, of table and other eitras. Office up stairs over Clayton’s store on pub lic square East side of Bail-Road —send for cir culars or call and examine machines. JOHft H. RUCKMAN, Geu. Agt. for State of Ga. May 31, ’,857. ROBAGES *V° 0D P 'iLs ROBIGKS I SUGAR-COATED, i 'purely vegetable,! Frt:e from Mercury AMO ALL MINERAL POISON,i j And *re, undoubtedly, the beat remedy extant FOR /jfc SICK AM) mm F.SADICM! ijy' Operating, / they 10, by virtue VNF wffr / ol a special affinity for the \. S' mucous membrane of the bowels, s s' thereby removing tire causes. Asa LIVER PILL 1 they can bar® no rival, being com- | posed of the most Powerful Vegetable Extract* j which have a direct action on the SPLEEN AND LIVER, y happy effect of which can Us seen alter oue or two doses. They Remove the lisle , Assist Digestion, Cure Costive ness, . : r ' la fact, they are, ss their name ijdicates, the BLOOD PILL "The Life-Giving Principle.” They search out disease and strike at i's very root, leaving the system in the full vig<v of health; are P'KHEK'TLY HARMLESS IO INFANT!*, OR PERSONS OF THE MOST DELICATE coafsTiru- TtONS, mm are a SAFER, SURER AND BETTER Purgative Pill than has ever before been available [ to mankind, and, being thickly SU t (AAR-COA TK!>, are especially adapt ed as a REMEDY FOR CHILDREN, i and persons who have a dread of swallowing a pill. They are, uu questionably, one of our mott Y eatisfactoiy CATHARTICS, / ROBACK’S BLOOD AlffP LIVER Ny and no household JL 1 \ .rfV should Os with- AAt / \V*k\ out them. A,*s2*A w, /Ay" \f>\ /Ay A PRINCE, WALTON & CO.. (Successors to Dr. C W. RoWtck,) SOLE PROPRIETORS, Nos. 60,68, 60 &62 East Third St. CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS ! New Arrival! TALLEY. BROWN &CO Whitehall Street, Miania, Ga. A • HOW daily r*C* n- their r -'Wi SELL ht- i. tTALLM-EN OF Spring and Summer Goods! In t-o the''' j ir.ert -toek.they wii RiTEIVE WEEKLY, dmlng tu-. cjmmg season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOOES! THEY HAVE ON HAND NOW! Slack ami Fancy - ilk:-, Moaamtvqu-s. Grenadin-a, Oigandie Vus.tne, Wcite ami B'*ca Iron Bareges SWISS, MULL, NATNT-OOK and JACONET MUSLINS While *nd Fancy T&rlatc, *, Wiiite and Fancy Bo! lent., Tucked sk rt G Aiexitna.e'* K:d Gloves—Ujht colors MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Point-, Grenadine Shawls, Ac. m&Z F»*r* T Hf 'SOLICITED- I' ‘Notices. K 'ow Thy Destiny. M apamk E F. Ti: tintuS. the great Engli»h As' -, Clairvoyant and Psy chrome trican, who oas astonished the scientific cissses of the Old World, has now located heraelf at Hud* son, N. V. Madame Thornton possesses such Wonderful powers of second sight, as to rrahic her to impart knowledge of the greatest im portance to the single or married of either sex. H'hiie in a state of trance, she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense pow er, known a* the Pay chomot rope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture ot the future hus band or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in iife, leading traits of character,&e. This is no humbug,3s thou sands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a cert.fled certificate, or written guarantee, that the pic’urc is what it purports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition, and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired informa tion by return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence Madamk E F Thornton, P. O. Box "23, Hud son. A. V. march 1, ly Wonderful but True. MADAME RE rfIKGTON, the world-re-, nowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Chur voyant while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to mar ry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guaran tees to produce a perfect life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character,&c. This is no imposition, as test imonials wit* outnumber can assert. By sta ting place of birth, age, disposition color of eyes and hair, and enclosirg fifty cents, and stamped env lope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, togeth er with information. ROBAGES Address in confidence, Mabame jlkr trcde Rhminutox, P. O. Box 297', West Troy, N. Y. ura r ch 1, ly EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR!! CHASTELLA33/3 Hair Exterminator For Removing Superfluous Hair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable dep ilatory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to fema’e beauty, is easi ly aj plied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, to tally and radically extirpating the same, leav ing the t>!>in soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real, ellectual in existence, — Price .75 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BEKGdK, o±l , ITS <& CO. Cdemists, 235 Rivet Street, Troy. N. Y, march 1, JBC7. Jy A Y©ung Ladv return ing to her country-home, rl'ter a sojourn of a few months in the City, was hardly re- ogmsei! by her friends. In place of a coarse, rust c flushed face, she had a soft .ruby complexion, of almost marble smoothness, and instead ol txventy-three she re-Ty appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the Circassian Halm, aryl considered it tn invaluable acquisition to a l.ady’s toilet. By its use any Lalv or Gentleman can im prove their personal appearance an hundred tt>Jd. It is simple in its combination, as Na ture herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, aUo hea! ing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuti cle it draws from it a 1 its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Natureintcnded it hould be, clear,soft, smooth and beautiful. Price -sl, sent by Mail or Ex t ,resS, on receipt of an order by W . L. CLARK & Cos., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Str., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale ot the same. march 1, ly ROBAGE’S BLOOD AID’D LITER CRISPER COKZAi Oh ! she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soft., entwined. Enchained the ,erv heart and mind, CRISPER COM A. For Carling the hair of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Mas sive Carls. By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is th“ only artiele in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies, and cleanses it; is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article ot the kind ever offered to the Ameri can public. The Crisper Coma w;!i he sent to any address, sealed an l postpaid for sl, Address all orders to W- L- CLARK &CO-, Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, march 1, ly N, V ~ TO CO^SIMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks • y a very simple remedy, after having »us sered for several years with a severe lung sffe tion. and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious t > make knowu to his fell >w sufferers the means of cu e. To all who desire i% he win seji.l a cij y of the p-- scrij tion useJ (free-.-f ch rge), with the directions for i r<.p ,rtr g ano us-ns tire ,-JStne. w hich they w P find a BUKK CURE for ON'U dPl’fON, AoTHMA, BROV- Chl 11 , vOUGtlls. COLUS, aim all Throat aim Lung AB'eciioi s. i l<e n y .bject of the -dvertiser in sending t.e Prescription is to benefit the attlicnd, aid spread i. forma.ion which he conceives to be invj.luabi-, and he h, pts ever;, sufferer wii, try his lemedy, as it will c- st, them nothing, ana ma prove a biessi g. Par ,es wi hiog the p esciiption, FREE, bv return matt, will please ad* rcss KtV. thiVAitU A vYIi.SON, Miiiiamsburg, Kings Cos., New Yoik. May Ist, 1567. wly. errors of youth. A Genii m-*n wh-> si.ff-r-d for years from Nervous Debility, Premiture, Deca , and all the eff cts of out-.fill indDcretinn, w !!, tor the sake r.f suffering hotnanitv -en I free to ah who neeo i:, the rteeipe ar.d directii ria tor :uati..g ’h» simp e reu.eily hi wliic.h he T ANARUS,, . n-ed. gaff -e s wishing to p:ofit by tee adver tise) - cv-e ii, can <1 so by ad essing. in perfect co-fid-ace, JOHN B OGDEN, 42 Cc-l-r C.Weet, New Yoik. « M!i 7 h ISC7 - wI Y- Free to Everybody. A T -arge 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may beco-t.e beautiful, the disptsed respected, and thi for saken loved. No young lady cr gent’ennn should fail to send their Addres.,, ±ud re ci«e a o>py poet pdid, by return mail. Address roca 1. fin; p. 0 L. ■ r *1 Troy. >'• Y DJilisumincr Qrj) doo&s! IMMENSE ATTRACTION!! Immense Meduction In Prices! 1 GORGEOUS LOT 0? DRESS GOODS Just Received from the Late Sew York Auction Sales, a* A Reduction ofso per cent, from last month’s Prices! •Mil Goods JHar/ied In Plain Figures ! My well known straightforward and honorable con -se of conducting business is a siifilcifiu guarantee to all who may fa*or rot with their patronage, that they will be farly dealt wi h. JOHJV M. CJwVJVW, Corner of Whitehall and Hunter Street*, RESPECTFULLY announces to his friend* And the public, (hat he has just returned from New Y rk, where ha has beer. ic alt-ndanee at tho immense eurtiui salts which tovk place the t .at week, anti that his magnificent •lock of MiJsuuuner Goods is now complete, and will be sold at. paces that win dciy ouiupution. The m..»i tuck perieoeed will at once perceive Iho great advantage <>? pu chasing a stock of dry good* at this particular Uinn when luiporics are disposing of their stocks regard ess of C.' s'. _ , I would annex a schedule of prices, but space will not | unit. Suffice it toisy that I was in New York when vhw late panic reached its climax, nnd tha’l purchased my present iluuk iS& per cent, it,i iw. it Couid hate been purchased at any other tune this season. JUST TTEGEIYEL: 600 pieces beautiful Drcs* Goods,ousietiug of Grenadines,Mosamblqucs. Leaps,, Lawns, Bareges, ate. 200 pieces splendid goods for Gents' and -Boys' wear, consisting of Cloths, Caasimere’, D.-ap D'Etr, Jeans, Line s Luca and Drills, Marseille, etc. 900 piece* white (rood*, con-irtlru of Plain, Striped. Checked and Doffed Swls*; Plain, SDlped, Checked and Dotted Jaconet; Tariaton. Nainsook, Crimped Muslin, Itrilli m es, Piq ie Cloth, Bishop Lawn, etc. SOO pieces American., E-iefiiih and French Prin's, all new styles; 1000 nieces B'eache.’ SM-tintr*— New Yr.rV Mills, Wamsiifte. Lnnsdrle. Hope, Patnam and several othe mil •: S. 9. IP. 11 and 12 1-4 Bleached aid Bn wn Sheeting; 5 4 and 6-4 Pillow Case Cottons ; 20 pieces 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 Table Linens, both bleached and uublenrh'd 8 r cases all styles of shoes: 20 rnne« Ml stylesPtrsw-Gooof; too do*en nil styles Horn Skirts; 300 dnten Ladies’ and Misses' H r-; 5P d-r-n La-lies’ hrtntifui Iron K-emes. very superior; a «plendll jot of E- en.-h Ooisetr; s sp on ■ di, lot of L. C. fl itidkerchiefs; 10 pieces beautiful Fla me’s; » cn nplete s' nek of Notions; 6000 Paper Collnrsafov Ladies and f4en*-; always on hand, a full st >ck of'hirtiojrs, Sheetines Psnahurgs, Jeans, etc., which will be «jid for facto) y price. Everything usually kept in a first c.avs Dry Goods Store can be found here. P. S—This sp’endid stock of Goods has been purchased since the 24th of May, which announcement will satisfy, all that great bargains w.ll be given. JOII\ n, tiAWOY. jc. 14, 1867. Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, Atlanta, Ga. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES FOR LCS7. Chamber/tein , Cole ISoynton , Atlanta, Georgia. Are selling their immense Stock of saw warns - twaasa BRT-VO.O^S. At Wholesale and Detail. for Cash Only, At P ric e s to suit the Times Their Stock of DRESS GOODS comprises every new stvle in the American market* HOSIERY »'«> GLOVES- e lorgest ever hmiin-h, to Atlanta; SILK :»..<! POPLIN COVERINGS, and LACE POINTS of every variety ; EMBBO'DERIES am I LACE GOODS of every description ; CURTAIN DAMASKS- Goods lor Men sand iiovs wear. DOMESTICS a, “‘ NOTIONS &£f‘\ L L FOR TII E L OWES T CASH PIU C E April 12 —Jy, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION NERCHANT. No 1 Granite Block, Broad Street, [Adjoining the Itail-Road,] B. F. MOORK, ATLANTA, GA, T - P - Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain Hay and all Western Products. Orders for arv description of Merchandise promptly filled, and consignments solicited. April 36, 1867.w3m MENS' AND BOVS' CLOTHING Ar THE SATE CITY C&OXjBX&a SXG%£, We would respectfully inform our friend* and the public that we have just received one if the largest *ud sipSiira- stjmmbb glothqtg t Ev.-r brought tj Atlanta, ad of which have been manufactured for u*. from Good* bought ag,late decline, f»r Cash, «i'-h special reference tv the want* of this *ection. We would respsctful.y Invite t.l to an of Our Goods and Prices, Feeling eoufid-nt th»t we can *uil the most eeoiio-nii-V, as well »• 'he mo»t fat*id< ou», a* tu p: Ice and .uailty ripace doe» aur permit to euaiuerato aii the Good* kept by os, but aufficu t. to *ay we nlo« Cassimere Suits for $7 50 to SlO OO p ■ and upwards. Those acquainted with our Good*, need no* told that our Ohithin? 1* :mJ* uptly tliw best workmen, and of inov-ior good*. In add tion to the above, we Ic-e >, also, a large aiock ; of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, fyps’rtieg of PUFFKT) and PLAIN WHTT? SHIRTS, FANCY and BROWN STURTS, CNDERGA ofalt eires Fan jy and Plain TIE*, of aii description*, Silk and Pocket K k-.dkfr.-.hiefp, Geart Gray's Patent M Med OoU.\ as well as Glaaed and Marteiiie* Collars, All of which will be iold cheaper th can be bought elsewhere Also, Boots, nats, Sole Feather and oilier Trunks Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladies, Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please cull at the Gate City Clothing Store by A. UOSENFELD & BUG., >'cxt jor<r to McCatny & Co’s Drug Store, Whitehall Street, Apri’ 26, !?S7 rtc T VAN T A GEORO\ ;