The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, June 21, 1867, Image 4

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Itarfoxv MuTlftS ir'U>N''. !>ew)i<* the < VitllmUiv* «U»or in th* t,,v i, > » ,/’>r“**’ T.i- -ln> n< Ju'y !.<*' v .1 a rr.'» t>• ilium, lie ♦r{J».» ii.:r f.n ,tarty t ' m. ... Utin .be to* nd: M itt Maes, kti-w n t' r.. uI. ' 1..• i<i in at the I'r-q-erty \V. (i ] ... .«■ y jin >- ” i I -...ent (1 f • issue:! from itartuw . !. ti r : f«%'*r ni T. 4 i »ne agsiiitt mio llmc> iv ~ . .... ■■ :• .-1 tr. it. e.H1.l ii fa. .• l!m ], .rs.. 1.,-. I. 1 eti si Ulc property of B try V ‘.J. •ii-iVy, in wtidy ;i li fa ill favuref the 1 le r , :> i • 'it- . c duty, suv.e 1 1 Georgia, va salii i; ■>■ V.I.V! F. M He hr. Vs,, in- linrse, levied on as th* property of ,! i, •• ti t.. s tlufy a. fi fa In favor of tin: luleiioi i ~t l county , »V»te of Georg a, c «»afd Join rli-tlt?-. A! a <ne fl iirey, levied on as t’ e property of /.icha i ii li. A v in lt. r.i aatiafy al!fa in fiv'T if th* luferi r < un of H rl. w c.-untj, state of Oeoigia, « a s*M 7 ';■ 1 TI Avcc rlr. Ai« • one if;.ivi:i Mule, le ie I on as the property of .! -riv Utu M. U"I .to s .tisfy ati fi i: ••’»or of the lufe i ior court of lim»«v county, state ot v-eorgi:*, t # sab Joi alii in MeDo'*. a| oonet* rr 1 Mule, levied on as the p opertyo Hula V. le. .! vto »ai sfy a li fa in favor of lnferio • art ol iiirtna ci'fluty Go., -s * sai<f It W I.eivf*. v.p . nr ll y Horse, le iei! on at- -he properly of J II i o - is. iii sa'i i v it ti ta i:. favor of Inferior court of J i, M.v countv s.iite of Georirl;-, r * said JM. It. gerp. VV. Jo GOODWIN, SJiciili; June G, 1867. i*oh<i»oa<fd Kts!e. M ii, at th-- fame time and place wII be sold. n .. n if It; ii l,er lying in tlie town of Citrters [ .. rear of 1. ionenjielrt & Pfelfet’s store, fout ti,i *;.i f.-oi I,.ii- or less lying on lot adjacent lo A. I , M l i 08. I. vio l Oil as the property Ilf Caleb ,in«, t. satisfy an fa i-sued from the County ( ■ of ip.::. v in favor of Samuel Ga-rott ve sain T i j... W. L. GOJDWiS, Sheriff. / tflOnM \ H.UtTOW COUNTY. — TVltereas LM. Mun • Ii i..,p i,-s to toe f..r Letters of Ail ministration cnt> e k ~|,t ■. f». ii atfield, ia-e <>f Bartow county dr ■ easei!. This is to cie ail t oneerned, to ill kindred am' .i • titors if sa'o! ifei eas.of, to show caus-, if they ca>, •. . hiii the time | iv!cribc<.) Ijv law, why »a;d letteii sioul.l not leg anted tu paid applicant. Given unde- mv tiand and official s g itiiure. this the Hist day <f M •■>• I>GT. J A. HO\VAUI>. Otd’.v ,/ tli ) Hi IA, UAH I’UW COl’N i V —Two mon'hs after \l . i -application will be made tu the Court cl 0 o >1 •• ■ .pout on (.ftivt) i.oiotis from this not'ee, lor lea* e to s 11 ail the real estate of Wm. A McCrivy .Teceastd 1.. r the Inn.ellf of the heirs and creditors cf su.d vi. ,Mt.l. Aliy 2ds'h, toot. LAN NIK COX. Admr’T. A. D, McCHAVY. Ad mV NOTICE. rro all wl om It may concern, the nrde-nf.eoed ferehy 1 tivis to.'ie. , tliat fie tins tiled his p< ti'ion with th (> .1 n try .f Hat tow Couri'v to be di-cli iryed from hi r.xemt tship on liennett ii. Cot y. rs. last V. 11l at.d tes i i turn t, on u ecouiit of bus i liras ii rr.. ngetuenfs, and i mi l-lit.v 1 1 ■ e ref i < tu to said trust, that in two motif hr In m lie In >ii tit o i I tlie publication of this notice he v. ill apply f. r the sanction of sutd petition, to he dis’dia' gvtl from mid execiitorslilp. jc. if—flat. l i COM HUS, Ejt. ofß iP’Cocyerß, dec. / t KOTJGI\. BARTOTVCOtINTY.- -To all whomit-outy 'li i.nccrn, W. 1.. Hii ciiett having in proper f. rm np ' jilie.t to me fur h t ers of Adiuinistralfon with the wil on: exod. on the estate of B nnet.t H Conyers !a*e o' .x iid eoiinty. this is to cite, all and singular thecreditots slid next of kin, to be ami appear at my office within tlie time allowed by law, and show cause if any they can. why said letters slum and ini' he granted to said ap plicant. Witless my hand and official signature, je. o lbtii —dad. J. A. IxOWAiiD, Ord. /"lEOKGIA, ISABTOW COUNTY.—Whereas Mrs li ' T 0. Bradley applies to me for letters of adn.inistra I'litt on the estate of William IT. Bradley, deceased.- This is therefore to ette all concerned, both kindred mid and credit .rs if said deceased, to show cause, I city they ran, witt.i i tlie time pt i scribed by law, wbx. said letters should not be gran ed to s lid applicant. Given under my Ivnd and ulh ial eirnatore, this th 17th day if Mvy, ISC7.—3OJ. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. / « KoliGlA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Two Months afte /date application will 1 o made to the Court of Ordi naiy of Baitdtv-coutityv Georgia, at the flrsf regului Term af'er the expiration of Two Monti.s from till M'tiee for leave to se I the Lands belonging to tl « estate of W W. TIl’I’lNF, late of said county dec used, for the benefit of the heirs and Creditor of said de <ceased: Th.s 10th May ISC7 JCUN B. HFPlN’t', Adiu’r. Kifif ulor’s Sale. Ti Y virtue of ati order of the c urt oft.rftini>ry nf Bar flow County, tint) by authority of the last Will of Join Clayton, 1 ite ot Bartow count , deceus and, will be sob to the It ghest. btud r, at the Court house door in Our T .svil’e, in sai.t c unty of Bartow on the first Tuesday In duly nex', in the legal sn'ehours, lot of land numbet . ~e thousand ut.d four 100A in the twenty fisrt (‘2lat' 'district < f the - coml (2nd) sect loti of originally Cher i 1.'., now Bhitow county, h'otd for disi)i'o ition and ad the payment of the ilvbla of said utaie Term.'- C sit. WARRIN AKIN, May S. iscr. Kxecutor. GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY. WStCI’CIIN, .lo in ,1. E|>j)t v rsoti ap]ilit*s to m» ti>!ie retired lroin lily udir.inistratioti on tin isttite of J autos-13 Epperson', iloceascd. ’i'hest are lliereiore to cite Mrs. feiaiuli-Eppcraon aim adinonisli ail uiul rinsular the kiutireii ami cretlitotsot sitia tlecenseii to tile th l if ohjections if aiix they huxe by tin* lirst Monday in Aug •gist, IPO7, othenvise letters of liismission xvill he grained' the applicant at that term ol the court of Unlinaty lor said con* ty. Given under im hand and oflleial signature, this tlu 2*)lh da v of J .n 18(57. W K D .MOSrt, Ordinary, (pr’s fee tft6 "Bariott Mloi-lgage SJjt'ilfl's Sale ■ITTIt.L lie sol < before the Ciurthouredoor'tti the town *\ ot Cartersville, on the first Tuesday in August next •flio following pro e.ty to wit: Ouj soils t en li-int power Engine and Boiler, anil one Double Ge ired Po table Twenty Pour Inca Com Mill, levied on as the pr >per’y « f C. T. Parke’’, to satisfy a it nUageli la issue.! fro u Rtr o v county mu t, in fa \orofJ E Whitehead, Agent f r Mart A Munson n , ainst s .iit P.irkei. IT j.eftv p i ted nut tn said niort ■, age li tr. j . i ‘ W. U 8008 WIN. Shff. EORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. Whereas 1 v Fowler Adminis* Tr.ttut t'l W 1. l'owler, represents to the eourl, in his pplilioi) duly lilt'd and en tered on record, that he lias hilly ad ministered \Y I. ! owlr’s estate. This is, iherelore to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors, to. how cause it any thev can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad 'niitirstraiiou and receive letters ol dis illusion, on tlie first .Monday in Sep tember next. \Y li 1) MOSS. Fcb’y. 21st ISO?. Ordinary. [Printer's Tee §6.] "THE LIVE DRUG STORE" HEDWIITE &c POX .iiiiuiui, ba, Ihe #t‘er,tion of Dn’piHsf, Mercitante and others I nv " t;,] TO oar large elegbrt slock of Drugs, Med * Dytste.iT , linpoit.u and American Fancy Boodi t ei tuuieiirs, t oilet urticles ii „ .kg, AKo in store amt to arrive Soil Boxes French and A ‘"fi( IC T n .. VV,ll '.L W ( ' lllß T-OfKi Pounds Eutty (in Bladder.! >■•.» t ure •’Aon Explosive” Coal Oil. far prefer*Me to the in'ten Petto 0.1, ,5 Bids Tanners Oil, 0 Bbls White- Uk l-'J -neat ng Oil, o Bbls Bard Oil, Sperm Oil, Neats lo. i 0.l end A ami»iies of all k bits loot) Bbls White Ecad ait Zincs'—Large lot Spar.rush Float L.digo, WARRANTED GOOD . 100 SWEEDISII LEECHES, a large **rie»yof Patient MEIDICIXTES, „ . WINES AND LIQUORS, VKKV luW 1 a '^ bta ali waicn offered V .allots lo our City will find at ike U MY3S: ©&!% f,f ©a® deU? # L . tfal Drink, drawn from the J * mu * Uruuuiui Jfouut, ali aiul try it. ked ivixr & ro\. •'i’liU. NX iiiti»hufi »V \ n. streets, St' nt > <; ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished AT TUB WUN'DIiRFUL REV L'l aTION'S MADE BY THE C*KEAT ASE.RO LOG IBT. Madame 11. A. PLSlilfciO. Fhe reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She res tores to happit ess those who, float doleful even's ,c; t xstropln-s, i rosses In love, loss of relations and ft lends, ! mgs of mottey,sic. have become despondent. Bhe brim s u ge' her th se I ng" separated ; gives information con | ceruit g ahseiit frieuds and lovers, restores lost nr sto •;ri property, tells you the business you are best qe«! ; . lied lo pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes spredv marriages and tell* you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness ali i char, icteristics of the person. Fhe reads your very i hough s md by her almost supernatural powers unveils tit lark ait l hidden mysteries of the futurp. From the tars »e see in ilia ti marrieni—the malefic staas that o ercome ot predoa.i ate in the configuration—fron be a spec’s and positions of the planets and the fixed -tars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces he future destiny of n an. Fail not to consult tin re- test Astrolegist on eaith. It costs you but a trillt ii.d you may never again have so favorable an ÜBity. Consu tation fee. wii h likeness and all deslreo . .formation, tl. Pai lies living at a distance can con ult the Madame by m it with equal Bafety and sa is acLion to themselves, as if in person. A full and e'x ■dicil chart, written out with ail ir.quiiies answered anti likeness enclose- 1 , sent by mail on receipt of price a bovs ntenti-ned. 'I lie strict ext secrecy n ill be tnain ained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. Ref rences of the highest order furnished th'.-’e deal ing- them. Write plainly the dav of the and year in which you v. e,e b >rn, enclosing a small lock ol Address MADAM* - H. A. PERRIGO. P. 0. Drawer 203, BUFFALO, N. Y. march 1, ly. ('here cometh glad tkl’ngs ofjry to all, !'o young atnfto old, lo great and to t-mall ; I'lie b-auty which so picclcua and rare, Is f, ett furol-, aaJ till may fair. csy Hitie oi‘ CECgkSTELXjgkIi'S W H I'l l’. L I O L II) ENAMEL. For intproviug and beautifying the Complex ion. The most, valuable and perfect preparation in use. or giving the skin a beautiful pearl-ike tint, that it lily fouuil in youth. It quickiv removes TanpFieck ey. Pimple?, Bpitehe-'. Moth, Patclre-’, Sallow ness, F uptions, at.d all impurities of the skin, kindly i ealii.g', he same leaving the .-k n white and clear as alabastet. Its use caniior. he deteced by the closest scrutiny ; at.d tiling a vegetable preparation is perfectly h innie s, ft is the only article of the kind used by the French, md i- conddered by the Parisian as an indisptnsabh hi ape. feet toil. t. Upwards of-80,000 bottler wre sold luring she past year, a sufficient guarantee of its •tiicacy. Priceotny 7") cents Sent by mail, post-paid, ip. receipt of an.order, by Bt KGKR. silUiTd ci Cos. ■ .'hemisls, £Su it.ver Battel, Troy , N. i. inch 1. AFFLICTED 1 SUFFER NO MORE! When by thense of DR. JOINYILL-ETI KLTXIR you can be cured permanently, end at a trifling cost. The astonishing success which hits attended this in valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness. General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Knergy, lid potency, or any cf tte consequences ol youthful indisc: edon, renders it the most valuable pre paration ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, depression, exc itement, incapacity, to study or business, loss cf neinory,confusion, thou.htsot seif-destrueiion, finrs'oi nsanity, Ac. It wil! restore the appe ile, renew the ea th of these who have destroyed it by abnsual -xcess or evil j.ractices. Y ung Men, be humbugged no more by “Quack Doc ora’' and ignorant practitioners, but vend w ithout de ay tor the Edxir, and be at- once restored to health and nippiness. Ape feet cure is guarantied in every In uai ce. Price sl, or four bottles to o; e add ess $3. Ot.e botlttis sufficient to effect a cu.e in ail ordinary ases. A! t-’O, DR. JOINVILI-’S FPECIFIC PILLS, for the -p edy mil permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet. U • thral Di charge , Grave', St icture, and all affections ■ I the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in front me to live days. -They are prepared from vegetable extracts 'that are harmless on the System, and never t .uteaie the stomach ot iinpr-gnate the breath. No hinge if diet is necessary while using them, nor does heir action in any man nee interfere with business pursuits. Either of the above mentioned articles will be sent r.o ar y address, closely sealed and post-paid, by n ail >r expiess, on recipt of price. Andress vll order s to BKKGK'U SHUTT3 & CO. Chemist-', mch'l. No 285 River S'reet, Troy, N. Y. 1 WHISKERS A N D MUSTACHES! 1.t.-rced to g’ow upon the str.oo'best face in front three l to live we-ks ty using DUUCYIGNK’S UESTA'UU- V IT>f It CAI'IILAIKE, the most wonderful discovery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and used by the elite of Paris and London with the most 11 uterine success. Nantes of all purchasers will he registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, t'-e money will be fully refunded. Pi ice by mail euled and post-paid, sl. Descriptive cl• culm's and testimonials mailed tree. Address BERGER SHUTTt> & CO., Chnn'sts, No. 285 River btreet, Troy, N. Y. So e Agents for tlie Uni ed States. march 1, ly. BEAUTY. Auburn, GoUlen, Flaxen and SiElten Curls, PRODUCED By the ase of-Prof. DEBREUX’ FRISF.R 1 CIIKVECX. Oue application warranted to curl the most, st'aight and stubborn bair of either sex into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Has been ’. sed by tite fa-liionubles of’Paris and Loudon with the most g'rat fi it.g results. Does no injury to the hair. Price i v mail, sealed and pos -paio, sl, Dtscriptioe Cir culars mailed free. Address BERGER. SHUTTS t’ 00., Chemists, No. 255 River street, Troy, N. V: Sole Agents lor t e United states, mch 1, ly. Reparalor Capilii, Throw away your false frizzled, your switches, your wig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig : Cotin aged, come youthful, comeugly and fair, And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. KEPARATOR GAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever -cause it may have fal en out) and forcing a growth of hair upon the lace, it has no equal. It will force the beard to grow up on the smoothest in from’five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A tew ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is nothing that wiH force or, hasten tne growth of hair or beard. Their as sertions are false, as thousands of living wit nesses [from their own experience] can bear witness. But many will sav how are we to distinguishAhe genuine from the spurious 1— It certainly is dillieult, as trine-tenths ot the Preparations advertised fi r the hair and heard are entirely worthless, and you may liave al ready thrown away large amounts in theii purchase. To such we would say, try the Separator’Capillis it will cost you nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations- Ifyour Druggist does not keep it. send us one dollar and we will forward k, postpaid, togeth er with a receipt for the money, which will be returned you on application, provided entire satisfaction is not given. Address W, L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, TSyuacisk, X. Y. Mrs. Carrie Payne INVITE? the atte->tion of th» La dies of CarterevlTle and vioinity. to her fashionable Dress-M a king ESTABLISHHEBT. Site has oil hand and is IgjlElliL Cnnrta’itly receiving from Now York the LATEST STYLES. Ch-c taken of nil work amt satisfaction guarantied. Attention paid to filling orde s for Drt «s Oooil-, f i iniTuirtga o ( f'-’-bn- Over W 1 ] V.olor*. t»rv-«.. .1 Sf.iv t 7/ .< XT4 Hand Loom?. DU. H.3ELLB, ANDREW BUN Y, p. p. GLENN President. secretary. Treao’.jrt,r. G E Oil Til A LOOM AND MA XW'F ACT U R I NG' COM FA S Yj. Manufacturers and PI >r ter-*, look to your interests, •mil don't fail tqcall. tßelb-T-h son Bo onfo next door to the Post-offiee, at.d see it in opperattou MENDENHALL'S IMPROVED SELF-ACTING HA N D AN D POW ER LOOM? Easier Understood Easier t» Operate, and more reEa-- le possess superior »»lv:u»tag(jß over oilier Ha.ia Looms, is more simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By K.ixlag all tl«lr Ooo«> B„ Korn. W,.t on M{ MENDEMALt improved hand loom, FROM 15 TO YARDS CAN DE WOVEN CN THIS ‘LOOM IN ONE DAY. It weaves as fast as any Factory Loom ! HALF Tift: CCST OF THE CLOT MN G OB' A'FAMILY CAN BE SAVED BY ITS USE! From Five to Ten DoTarsa day cau be made on it, ITS PARTS ARE SELF-CHANGING. P,v the turning of an Easy Gltnk'it'lets the Warp off, w inds up the 'CIoM?, treads the Treadles, and throws the -buttle. It weaves Jeans, r-atinets, Linsey, lbankti Twill, Double-Plain Cloth, various kinds of Ribbed Goods, Fencing Twills of ad kinds. Flax, Cotton, Tow, or All-Wool Cloth, Raging, Toweling, Table Linen, Bal moral Skirts, Woolen. L'nen and Hemp < arpets—n fact any thing, frvm a llanUtomc Silk to a Larpc . IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT. Hot larger than a common Breakfast Table. 11 IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, Os Good Material and Handsomely Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD. Everything is-Performed by 'Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, for Further Particulars, Bill of Prices Descrip tive Circulars, and Banipiesof Weaving, add/ees GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. R. -PRATT, Agent. March 22, 1867, w6m ‘‘OURMOTfo 7 ’ 'h'S.V'B) ANI) XsHT IjIITI] ! I Shall be demonstrated in all our dealiiißS. J. IS, S.ITTERJFIKID # BRO„ Are now receiving their Spring and SUMMER SUPPLIES Os Hew and Beautiful Wry- Goods, Clothing, Hals, Bdols, Shoes, and Motions, in the prices of any and ali of which we pledge ourselves to dupli cate Atlanta bills. We also have on hand a superb lot of roceries and jproduce, which we will sell equally as low ; but, remem ber our terms are unequivocally CASH AND CASH, O-N-L-Y. The citizens and public generally are earn estly solicited to call and examine our goods and prices, and try and prove us and sec it we will not comply with our promise. J. H. SATTERFIELD & BRO. Gartersville, Ga., April 10, 1367. ;oox & hill. II are Ho W In Store : -Q BARRELS RYE YVIIISIiY, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified Whisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30 pkgs Cognac Brandy-, 20’ kgs Holland Gin, 10 .pkgs Jamaica Rum, 10 pkgs New England Rum, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 cases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Wampoo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases 1 box Sardines, All of which we offer to the trade at very low prices. COX & HILL. ATLANTA, Ga., tied3—wif Montvale Springs, 1 S 6 7. TPI? popular Summer resort havir.g been placeil in thorough repair, and furnished win new Furniture, will he opened for visitors on the Ist of JUNE next, under the direction and control of tlie undersigned — Proprietors of the American Hot l, Atlanta , o in. Mont vale presi nts the strongest attractions to both the inva id and .pleasure-seeker, no less on account of its retirement and the beauty of its surrounding scene ry. than of the restorative powers of its waters. We have reduced the price of Board to the lowest figures consistent with a proper provision for the Entertain ment of our Guests. Board, per Day, fS 00 •• per Week . 20 90 “ per Month,.... fiu 00 with an allowance for families. Travellers by Railroad Te-’ch the Spring, hv special conveyance from Loudon, or bv regular daily mail coaches from Knoxville. Ter.n. WHITE A ’A’Hit LOCK. I < ’ ’V-: PREPAR ED at the Baltimore Chemical Works, for tans by B&K. DEALERS IN Chemicals, Paints, &c., Sec. Proprietors of Kramers Hair Restora tive, Psoricus, Universal Bitters, Nerve & Bone Liniment, fee. Cartersville, Ga. WE beg leave to inform the citizetis gen ! eraliy, and physicians particularly, that we have On hand a large, well solected stocK of Drills and MedicincN, and are ready to iiil orders at the lowest prices. 'Being aware of the great adulteration prac ticed in preparing Medicines, we have made arrangements to have this done under our own supervision, and will warrant all our Medi cines pure. As we buy in the best inarKets in the country, and buy entirely for cash, we can supply our customers with goods as cheap as tlie; can possibly be bought elsewhere, YVe will duplicate any bill of o-oods bought south ol Louisville. Respectfully soliciting your orders, we are Yours very respectfully, Feb'S, 18G7. BEST & KRAMER. New Spring mid Summer GOODS, Hats, Hoots, Shoes, aiul a thousand and one things too tedious to e immerate, just received and for sale cheap for cash, at J. ELSAS’ . ♦ Cheap, Cash Store, Cartersville, Bartow co. April 26th. V. R. TOMMEY, 1 -S. STEWART. Newton Cos., Ga. Oxford, Ga. TOMMEY k STEWART. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the * MILL SAW and GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Respectfully call ti e attention of merchants and oth ers to their large and well assorted btock of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of Iron. Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sythe Blades, Tools of all kinds, &c., &e.‘; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND COTTON YARNS. ; AGENTS FOlt Llook’s Anti-Friction Metal, Baugh’s Eawbone Soper-Phosphate of Lime, Buffalo Scale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine. proprietors and agents for Brook.’* Patent Portable Cot ton and Hay Screw and Revolving Press In over cne hundred counties In Georgia. Step-County Rights for Sule.^ & April 12, ly. IV li; ole hale and Retail CASH CLOTHING HOUSE. If TE have now in store, and are recieving regularly V \ all the L A TEST STY LES of MEN AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, PIECE AND FURNISHING GOODS, TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS, &c, &c. Which we will sell at a very slight advance on first cost OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is now coinp.ete. r - Suits of All Kinds Promptly Made HERRING & LEYDEN, 40 Whitehall Street. dIJLCUIJTES. Having accepted the'General Agency for the state of Georgia, of the WEED SEWING MACHINE, we are prep.-irtd to sell them at Manufacturer's prices.— Machines, after a thorough trial for years, have proven themselves to be the SIMPLEST AND BEST for general family use now made. Our arrangements are now complete to furnish any oil the leading Sewing Machines at, maker's prices, HERRING A LEYDEN. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! FACTORIT VARNs. Vf*E are the Agents of the Athens Manufacturing Cos , *» and will reil their Yarns at facto \ rates to w bolt ea e buvsu. Depot at our Clothing Huubt, Whitehall street, .vtiurtr. <; - j Mp : i/jIFFING .V T EYDEN. HARDWARE. J. ft S J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in > HARDWARE, CUTLERY, gggiHig Iron, Nails, Steel, HELTIJVCr, 9ULE 'S.IWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. MEC HANLGAL TOOLS, ol all Trades, METALS, ‘of all kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, ■AXLES.SPRINGS.LOCKS. Builders’ Hardware, AXES. HOES. SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS. Bolling Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, °r of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be sold low for cash. We have just received a large Invoice of the beat Double-anker Bolting Cloths, of all desirable numbers, which we offer Loxojor Cueh ! ALSO MILL PICKS, SYTHES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other articles which you need, and which we are desirous of selling, Call and see us whan you visit Atlanta. J. M. & J. C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. April 26, 186-7 w6m Samcki. Clayton, R. A. Clayton. S CLAYTON & SON, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, . CARTERSVME, GA. Store Room in the Corner room of the NEW BRICK BUILDING, ADJOINING the Bartow House. Would respectfulty invite the citizens Curtersville and surrounding country , To call and examine our which consists of DRY-GOODS, CROCKERY, SHOES, MOTION'S. HATS, TIN-WRRE, STATIONERY, HARDWARE, and a general assortment of Family Groceries. Mr. URIAH STEPHENS, so long and favorably known to this community, is with us. He will be pleased to meet his friends, and will be ever ready to supply their wants. Our TERMS are CASH, and we will; be contented with small profits. No trouble to show goods. Come and see us. Feb Bth, 1867. FOmBOOTAND SHOE lEC O XT S in WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ARE now receiving their Full and Winter Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, the largest ever brought to this city. These goods came direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and Will be sold to country merchants and the‘trade at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting Os Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip, calf and bufiT Brogans and Balmorals —Boots, of a'l styles, thick, wax, kip, calf, and the finest qualities. Ladies’, Mi •scs’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, H. FARCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of ChbrlcstOn, will be glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 26. 1y Mm N. B / IRE ATH & SON, RE now receiving a geneial stock of consisting of Ladies 7 Dress Goods HATS. GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Ready-made Clothing. Also a well assorted stocK of Hardware and Crockery, Family Groceries, which was selected by one of the firm in person. We ask purchasers to call and examine our stock and pri ces. We expect to sell low for cash. Give us a call. Cartersville, Ga, April 12, 1860. w2m SIvCOO HEWAHD. Hunter’s Specific. THE great English Remedy. A certain, speedy and pleasant cure for Gonnoraboca, Syphilis, Pain in the back, Incontinence of Urine, Diseases ot the Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Kidney Diseases, Oiabetis, Stone in Bladder, Effects of Murcury, and Gleet. —lt cures in from five to eight days. —lt requires no change of Diet. —lt is not disagreeable to take. —lt imparts no odor to the breath. lt gives tone tbe whole system. —lt removes impurities of tbe blood. Sold, wholesale and retail, by wm. h. run, Wholesale Druggist, Augusta, Ga, pin "5-v. Ora CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ' AM) CARTERS VILLE, GA. GagTSpecial attention given to Requir ing. HAVING opened business at my old stand, I am prepared to do any and all Kinds of work de-ired in the Carriage Line, at low figures for cash. I shall keep on hand a line assortment of Buggies & Carriages and can, at short notice, furnish any kind 01 a VEHICLE desired, Having connected myself with Messrs. Wyman & May, Augusta, a> a well known and reliable firm, I will sell at Augusta freights added, from the best Factories at the North and East. All of which will he Warranted right. Being Well acquainted with the country and people, with long experience in the business, I purpose to furnish the market with such work as will give perfect satisfaction, I shall be able to furnish the entire country, as m; facilities are unlimited. Call and examine, it shall cost you nothing. I feel assured that the good people of this county will appreciate the honest efforts of one of their old citizens, broke down by the war, R. H. JONES, January 17. >867 wlv NEW FIRM. Up (Stairs in Col. Jones' Carriage shop. Harris & Thompson. HAVE just received a FINE AS- IK OF HARNESS LEA- R and other materials neoes-lfclssg- Tk sary for a first class *» SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP, and are prepared t.o furnish all kinds of HARNESS to order. Old Harness made new. [?] SADD. ES KE- FelltED with anil dlspa'ch. Customers by calling can find an assortment of Xtio Work always on hand, Cheap for Cash. Cartersville, via., April sth, 1867. New Marble Yard. S. B. OATMAN, Agent. For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian , Bloch" adille, and White Rutland Statuary M A II B L E. WE are now receiving and y->jJSAv have io store, a large and ffSdTlll/Tif H' M I ‘h'sirable stock of finishedSoMM ||| | Mi 1 and rough Marble, which||jf/fuQt vMiQL we °^ er t(> fke public on ,/k}Qu tfajfeaal the most reasonable pfesosal/lci’m's-. i^-—--A4 Owing to the high price of .nirble at tins time, many persons arc kopt 'fcoin .purchasing. I propose.tb reeftute prices so that all can buy. My facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profits and quick sales—such is mv motto. W’e arc prC'pafcd lo fernis.T in the best style, Monuments, cifved a'nd plain, "Box Tbmbs, Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns, Vases, &c„ and Furnishing Marble of all de scriptions, With good and experienced workmen in all departments of business, we hope to merit a share of public p .tronage* Designs of Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so’ieited and promptly filled. 'Office and Yard adjoining Beilvtie Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA , Ga Dec '6th, 1866. DRY GOODS I DRY GOODS ! N e w Arr i v all TALLEY, BROWN*CO Wliitclia.ll Street, Atlanta, Ga., Aie now daily receiving their SECOND INSTALLMEN OF Spring and Summer Goods! In addition to their present stock, they wil RECEIVE WEEKLY, (lu;iag the coming beason, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS! THEY HAVE O.Y IIAYD VOW! Black and Fancy Silks, Mosambiqueg. Grenadines, Organdie Mugilng, White and Black Iron Bareges SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLINS White and Faucj T .rlatons, "White and ra.icy Briliantg, Tucked Skirt Geode, Alcxaud.e’g Kid Gloves—light colors MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, Ac. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED, May B—w6m. MEW LIQUOR STO RE. R. JU.Rose& Cos, Wholesale Dealers in Brandiea, Wines, Whiskeys, Gins, Rums, &c. &c. Yo 3 Granite Block, Broad Str. Atlanta, Ga. IMPORTED AND DOMHSTIC LIQUORS of every Grade offered at low figures. Country dealers are specially invited to give us a call i and sample our Liquors, which »e guarantee to be a, j »e r«|>res. tit them And satisfaction given in every j tr».iKsc'iop June T-tc. K, II ItOcL * C 9, USE . EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all speciet of Indigestion. USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters, It will cure Interinitent Fever and Fever and Ague, and all periodical disorders USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Hitters. It will give immediate reliefii) Colic and Flui USE * EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costiveness. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a mild and delightful Invigorant ft: Delicate Females. USE EDWARD WITDER’S stomach kitt’eSs. It is a safe Anti-Bilious Alternative tu. tonic ior all family purpose*. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH HITTERS. It is a powerful Recuperant after the framfe has been reduced and attenuated by sickness U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH RITTERS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as weilasStroh etier ol the digestive forces. US E EDWARD WILDER'S STOMACH MTTERS. As it is being daily used and prescribed hb all physicians, as the formula w.ll be handed any regular graduate. WILDER, SOLK FItfIOPRIKTOR, IV o. 2 1 5 91 ain S 1 r e e I, MAIIBLE FRONT, L()UISVILLE KEN I’UCKY. \ u —• FOIt'SAI.K, WHOI.FSAI.K AND HKTAII,, BY RBDWINE & FOX. WHOI.ESSAI.K AND ’R'iiTAitl. 'DKIUIUIMT » Cornea* WhiUihall ami Ala. St* ATLANTA, <1.4, Nov. 9 1 y HO YE PEOPLE OP THE TERRITORY OP GEORGIA !—LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! And come to the Store of And buy your Clothing, 'flats, Boots and Shoes at New York Cost. We are determined to confine oueselves strictly to a Fancy Dry-Goods trade. Hence we make the above proposition to sell out that p?rt of our stock AT COS l\ Country Merchants Look to your interest! Ladies call at our store and buy your Fancy Drj -Goods Cheap. We are aware of the hardness ot the times and the scarcely of money in the country, and with direct reference to the wants of the trade, we bought our Goods at prices that will authorize us to sell them low indeed, and we are determined to sell as we bought, as now our motto is quick sales and short ptofits. » J. 11. WHITE 4- OO,^^ East stile Whitehall Street. June 7, —3in. Atlanta, Gu,