The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 12, 1867, Image 2

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From the Southern Vidette. Politic*) In flic Pulpit—-Old Jlruddcr Petc; , N Sermon on Nf wives In Miccp's Clothing. ••Beware of men lhatcorne to you in nhcep’s clothing, but within they are | raving tvolves.” Belidbed Brcdderen : I is gw in : to ! do on tits de present ’casion what Ij nehber done alore since 1 comnrencei! j n pound in do gospil: J is gwine to! preacti a poli• ich 1 sarmint. lis a free American of African ’scent, and Is got jisl as good a light to preach polities as brudder Beeehi r. or any odder man. l)e lex 93V, ‘‘Beware <8 men dat route io you in sheep’s elo'hin.” Now, ) brudderen, the question axes itself, | what is sheep’s clothin. Sheep’s cloth* * in you all know i* wool; and you all likewise know the black man got wool slid ol liar, on his craiuoiogv. So widoui stretchin the figgir mor’n a pofiticianer sometime* stretches his conscience, tve may read de tex in dis ! wise: Betvare ol de white man dat cuinei to you in woo/, dat is, comes to j you in de guise oh de black man, [like , brudder Eherhardl, for example ;] dat' make out dev lub de black man ; dat dev leel like tie blaek mar. ; but within j dey are raven wolves, seekin nigger ! votes. Dey comes to us in sheep’s ; rlothir' ; dey call you (ellow*citiz n ; : dey is laborin and sufierin persecution ' lor de sake ub de black man ; dey rr. sped deir colored biudderen ; dey lub • icir colored sostern sometimes, niv j brudderer, not wisely but too well j Dey come to you m sheep’s cioihiu ; | dey is gwine to do great things lor the j black man ; iley is gwine to gib eber black man a farm, and eber otnan a grand planner ; and lam all de little u'gs to cipher multiplication, and taik Greek. Dey is gwine to gib de black man franchises, and cibil rights, and bun s, and pluribus unums, and debii knows what; make crismus come I‘vice a year, and eberv third year a j ibih*. Bewur of deni, my brudderen, •'ey lubs tie black man and de black • •man like de wolf lubs de sheep, and elat, you know, is for de sake ob tie sheep nn at. Dey is ravenin wolves, rnv brudder* »vi, seek in nigger votes. Dey are broken- wlulled politicianers. my bruil deren, dat decent white men won’t vote 1 >r, and dey 'inks dey can gel Vie votes ob de black men, by pullin wool ober deir eyes. Dai’s why dey go in lor nigger suffrage, when de Lord knows de nigger’s done suffered enough al ready wid deir foolishness. What good it gwine to do a nigger to vote? It n-u’t gwine to put meal in tie barrel, meat in de pot, talers in de ashes, nor corn in de boss troll ? What you know bout do laws, my brudderen ? Which ol yon would know a tariff from a tar rapm, ifAc’s tin meet it by moonlight? Which way would \ou stall to go to Congress, ii any! 0 ly was 100 l enuifto elect you dar ? B.uddercu, dey some nines take de eyeses and tie noses in Congress ; and sometimes deir are more noses dan oyeses. lias any ob you got sense emit!' to tell how dat might b<; ? L you don’t know iniffin bout de laws, how you gwine to make de laws, or mend de laws? I known! a smart nigger once who undeitook to idcih! Ins watch. He got it to pieces in less dm ne time; but alter he worked if a while, the debhi! hisself could not put it togedder. Dai's but de fix you will get tie government in if'you go to tink erin wid it. Better be hocin corn, to make bread for de oie oinan and tie clnluns. \ou all knows how to do dat, but you don’t know how to make laws, or mend cm ; and you don’t know what sort of men to choose to do it. You are jest as apt to vote for a fool as King Solomon, and ‘you are a heap np'ter to vote for a rascal dan a good man, kase do tex sav it’s de ravenin wolf dat comes in sheep’s cluthin ; and tie black man can’t tell sheep from wolf. Du’s what dcse mean white men knows; and Jut’s tie reason dey wants you to vote. Dey fraid spectable while folks won’t vote for cm, and dey link dev can fool tie black man, cause dey don’t know nnlfin, and is easy Koft-sawdered. Dar’s ehesnuts in de hre, uiy brudderen, and monkey wants em ; he rake em out wid de cat’s paws; if it burn de cat, it don’t burn tie monkey. W hat mean white hieii care how much de nigger suffer, so dev g» t and keep de offices? What dev care it a hundred sassy, fool niggers get killed, as dey did at New Orleans, so as day can get up a liellabello agin de rebels, as dey call cleber white men ; and get an excuse to hab tie bundle ob de vice turned one more time : and dey get tie rule ob deir betters ? Beware ob dein, mv brodden. When demon • keys see ehesnuts in de fire, and begin to be mighty perlite to de cat, lei lie cat take care ob her paws. Dev is ravenin wolves, my brudder en, seekin whom dey may devour. Dey show deir lub for de black man for taxin his cotton three cents a pound, while his chilluns is cryin for bread, his blankets a dollar a par.- while he is shiberin wid cold. Bewur ob dem, belubbcd brudderen ; if you lets em Idol you wi«i deir soft-sawder, vi.u’ii be wuss dan poor Esau, who sold his birth-right lur a mess of potash ; and he monght knowed fore he traded for it, dat twant fit to eat, but only to make soap out u Finally, in conclusion, mv brudderen, bewar ob men dat comes to 1 von in sheep’s clotfiin, but within dey is ravenin wolves. A Heartless Murder. A man by the name of Marlin, shot and killed anotner by the name ol Westmoreland, 1 at Brunswick, a few days since, in cold i blood. Cause—rivals for the hand of I a lady, l’he latter had just married! tuc lady four hours before he was ! killed, ‘ { fbt Kxutess. SAM'L I! SMITH a.*r> ROUT. P. MILAM Editors and Proprietors. Cailerioille ffa. July l'j, 1567 M liat C ongress is Doing:. No!liing, more nor less, than was anticipated or expected. To quiet down and hush up all this ado about w ho is entitled to registration and sub sequently to vote and hold office. For thirty long arid tedious years has the Republican party been industriously laboring to assume the reins of govern ment. They have eventually succeed ed, am! it is not expected that a pnrtv who have in: ie the sacrifices ar.d en dured the perils that' they iifve, for the sake of power, will, upon their assumption of the same, deliberately abandon their principles and give up the fn ld to their great competitors—the IK inner, is. 1 hey have got the reins of government in their hands and they intend to hold them lor all time to come, and they, furthermore, intend to make every other consideration subor dinate to the support end maintainance ol the party in power. This is verv clearly set forth in the following sup plementary bill, now pending in Lon,, gross : Mr. Stevens, from the Committee of Nine, introduced the following bill: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives of die United States of Jlmcrua, in Congress assem bled, That it is hereby declared to have been the true intent and meaning of the act of the second dav of March, 1867, entitled “an act to provide for the more efficient government ol the rebel States, and of the act supplementary thereto, passed on t he 23d day ol March, in the year 1807, that the governments then existing in the rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Otor gia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Arkansas, were illegal and void, ami that tnereafter said governments, if continued, were to be continued subject in all respects to the military commanders of the respective districts and to the authority of Con gress. Sec. 2. That the said nets to which this is a supplement, shall be construed to authorize the officer assigned to the command of any military district under said arts, whenever he shall deem it necessary the due performance of bis duties miller said acts, to remove or suspend from office any municipal or State officer, or person exercising au thority under or by virtue of any so called Slate government existing m bis district; and the said officer so assigned to c remand as aforesaid, is hereby empowered to appoint another person in the stead of the officer or person so removed, if lie shall deem proper so to do, and whenever lie may deem it necessary, as aforesaid, to prohibit, suspend or set aside any act or pro ceeding of any such State or municipal government, or any act or tiling done under or by virtue of its authority, and all acts heretofore done by any such officer, in accordance herewith, shall be deemed valid. Sf.c 3. That the Boards of Regis tration of the several military districts, established by the act to which this is supplementary, shall admit to registra tion only such persons as they deem entitled to he registered by the acts aforesaid. They shall not regard the taking of the oath prescribed in the act ot March 23d. 1867, conclusive evi dence ot the right ot'the person taking it to be registered, but prima fade only, and may receive such evidence under oath relat tig thereto, as they may deem proper, either from the person applying to be registered cr others; and either of the members of said Boards ari hereby authorized to administer oaths or affirmations, and examine witnesses touching the right of anv person to be registered. Such Boards of Registra tion may strike from the list of voters the name of any one already registered who. in their • judgement, improperly took the oath prescribed in the acts to which this is supplemei tary, or was not entitled by said acts to be register ed. Record evidence shall not be re quired by said Boards to prove partici pation m the rebellion, but parole evidence shall be sufficient to establish the fact of such participation ; and said Boards of Registration shall not he bound or governed in their action by anv opinion of any officer ol the United Stales Government. • Sf.c. 4. That no civil roint of the United States, dr of any State, shall have jurisdiction of any action or pro ceeding. civil or military, against any and each district commander, or any officer or person acting by his authority, for or on account of the discharge of the duties imposed upon him by this act, of the act to which it is supple mentary . Sf.c. *s. That no district commander <L-dl be relieved from the command assigned to him under the aforesaid p acts, unless the Senate shall have first advised and consented thereto, or un less by sentence of court martial lie j shall be cashiered or dismissed from the J army, or unless he shall consent to be j relieved. Sec. 6. That the lime for the com-1 p!» tion of registration of persons prop- j eily qualified to vote may be extended by orders of the said several district commanders to any day prior to the first day of the year A. D., 1803. The Mighty flare TaJlen! “Prince*! tins day must be yrur bed, la spite of ail your tours; The tall, the wise, the rove 1 end head, Mu*t lie ss low as ours !’’ We are often asked for the news j of tue day. Well, there is not much ; but such as we have we give unto yon. I The first great item is, that Maximil- j ian and tiis generals have a ! l been shot' by those semi-barbarians—the Mexi- j cans. He has had his day, flourished for a season, and has passed away from this scpne of existence. Is this great bloody scene to be perpetrated, in tills day of enlightened Christianity, amidst ! the interpositions and expostulations of all good men, and not even a word ofrepzoofbe spoken nor redress sought ? Such seems to be the case as viewed from our present standpoint. The world looks listlessly on at this most inhuman tragedy, without even throw ing rp holy hands in horror. Will Austria and France say nor do nothing in reference to this foul murder of one of their principal bowers? Not a note of alarm is sounded, as yet. Poor Maximilian has fallen to rise no more, and that, too, by the hands of those god-forsaken, merciless, unfeeling and unprincipled tyrants —Juarez ar.d his insatiate cohorts, and that, too, when he was struggling to bring those law less and blood-thirsty wretches to un derstand something of their responsi bilities and. dlilies, as rational beings, and give them a government that wou'd teach them some restraints with respect to their intercourse among themselves and with the balance of mankind.— They have proven, by their course, since that country lias assumed the high prerogative of a Republic, that they are wholly incapable of self-gov ernment; and know nothing of Repub lican institutions. Constitutional obli gations, nor the liberties of freemen. The following extract we take from tiie Columbus Enquirer more fu’ly expresses the views and feelings of men endowed with sympathy for the mighty who have fallen in endeavoring to bring order out of chaos; we com mend to a perusal by our readers : The execution of Maximilian has caused a tin ill of horror wherever it has been announced by telegraph. Mexi co, by the dastardly act, puts hrrself outside of the pule of civilized nations. Many of them will ro doubt suspend diplomatic relations with a nation so barbarous and fiendish, and all of them will regard her with aversion, feeling little sympathy for her in the many trials and difficulties that site .ha? yet to encounter. But otner nations, besides Mexico, Imye their honor stained by this foul blot of the 19th century. France is unquestionably complicated, and there is reason to fear that the United States did not urge with the energy which the occasion demanded its influence to prevent the murder. If it bad not great influence over the Juaiez gov ernment, it only lacked it because of the sinister character of the aid it had rendered to the so-called Republican cause. Moreover, it had not in Mexi co a Minister to urge in a proper manner its appeals and representation in behalf of clemency. The European powers had relied on the United States government to present their views and protests in a more authoritative manner than they could present them for themselves. But, so far as is now known, only a special messenger of Mr. Seward ever had an interview with j Juarez, and the i irctimstances attend-j ing his mission were such as to make it appear that it was an appeai of Aus- j tria, only forwarded, or perhaps miLlly ■ endorsed, hv the United States. We had no Minister in Mexico to watch events and to use such representations or influences as the emergency might from day to day have demanded. It i3 even stated in a special dispatch from Washington, Ist inst.. to the N. Y. World, that the appeals of Queen Vic toria and Napoleon, intrusted to the agency ofilie government at Washing- j ton, never readied Juarez at all, because j we had no diplomatic minister in Alex- j ico ! F’rom the same dispatch we copy I the following almost incredible state- j ment: An important officirl fact has trans pired to-day relative to the policy proposed by the French government to the United States as regarded the presence of Maximilian in Mexico. It appears that r.s long ago as January last, Count Berthemy, the French Minister here, informed Secretary Sew ard that Maximilian hail proposed to abdicate Mexico, provided that Juarez would convene the Constitutional As sembly for the election of a president of the republic. The Emperor was thereby willing to acquiesce in a republican form of government in Mexi co, but desired anew choice of the Assembly for the presidency. He was willing to pledge himself nc-t to object it Juarez was chosen again. It seem and to be the desire of the French govern ment t:o obtain the approval of this government to this proposition, but Mr. Seward regarded such a step ns nothing less than an interference in Mexican affairs. How hr l»i« official efforts to save Maximilian’s lile will prove to be an interference, remains to he seen when the official correspondence is laid before Congress. Preserve Your Wheat ? The wheat crop of ibis section of country is now being garnered. Our people are but poorly provided with live necessary ro-Jit &>r secure stoicge, consequently, many of them have to store it away in sacks. fyc. We corn men 1 to their consideration the foil ow ing article on the above subject, and hope they may find it very timely and useful in the preservation of their grain from the inroads of that destructive in sect known as the weevil. Read it and try it, if successful it will amply repay you for all your trouble. The following article tvns communi cated, we think, to the Southern Cuitt valor : In looking over the Sot,them Culti vator, for last October, I find an extract from the Dollar Newspaper, in which two plans are given to keep weevil out of wheat. lam thus reminded that during the last harvest 1 wrote an ar’i cle on the subject for the Cultivatoi, blit neglected to forward it. To come short to mv point, let wheel be salted, and weevil will never mb st it. 1 have followed this plan from 1 834 or’3s till now, and have never lost any wheat by weevil alter setting it. So certain is this plan to save wheat, that 1 never sun mine at ail. I let it stand in the field in dozens for ten or twelve day s. then thresh, fan and salt it away at once. It it be dry enough to thresh well, it is*Jry enough to salt away. 1 useahajf pound of salt to the bushel of wheat. As it is meas ured into garners or hogsheads 1 sprinkle the salt and stir after each measure. If the house is dry, wheat is certain to keep well on this plan. I got this plan from the Tennessee Farmer in 1834.' A farmer of East Tennessee communicated this as his plan, based upon fifteen years’ experi ence. 1 have forgotten his name, but .Well remember his statements. lie said that salted wheat remained new as long as you might desire to keep it ; that is, it does not shrink by time, and it continues to yield as good and as much flour as when first harvested.— All these statements I have .found to be true, by the experience of eighteen years. Now, all farmers know that wheat put up in the usual way diminishes in bulk as it gets older, (/. e. the grains get less) and that it will not yield as much, or as good flour, as when it was fresh f)om the field. This change is prevented by sailing. I prefer the Kanawha salt, because it ail dissolves and is soon absorbed by the wheat. If you examine it eight or ten days after salting, it will be found dry, having kept coni all the time. The salt enters into the grain and makes the flour salt ish, but not enough so to interfere with any of its culinary use. Let us now sum up the advantages of this mode of saving wheat. . 1. It preserves the wheat with more certainty than sunning. 2. 'i’li * wheat tines not lose in volume or weight by long keeping. 3. It makes more and better flour. 1. It costs much less labor. 5. The wheat is better for seed, be cause it is preserved in a perfect state. There is not salt enough in it to pre vent it from germinating, but there is enough to stimulate it to sprout vigor ously. I suppose that alter all the cost ofla hnr in sunning, nearly one-fourth of all the wheat produced in the valley ol the Mississippi is either lost by weevil or badly damaged. This is no small item of loss, when the aggregate crop is con sidered. Were all farmers to salt their wheat this enormous annual loss would be prevented ; and then no one would ever make bread of wheat not quite spoiled enough to give to the [figs, and yet too bad tor any person to eat. I have seen wheat saved by salting it af ter the weevil were in it. In 1836. for want of house wheat was put in hand-stacks ns it was hauled up for threshing. When about half done hauling, it occurred to me that weevil might get into it before we should get ready to thresh it ; I there fore sailed the remaining wheat as it was put in stacks, and it was fortunate that it was and one, because the weevil ruined all which were not salted while those stacks which were salted remain ed uninjured. In 1852 there were four separaie parcels of wheat put in mv barn, three of them were salted, and the fourth was not. All three of the parcels sa’ted kept perfectly sound and free of weevil —but the one not salted was ruined by the weevil. I think Indian corn might be saved by “ailing. * * It is best to unite the two principles here set fourth in saving wheal; that is, it should be kept dry and salted too. Because if it be put up moist, so much salt would be required to save it that it would make the flour too salt for use, and the vitality of the grain would be destroyed, so that it would be unfit for seed. COMMENDABLE. We are rejoiced to see that all our merchants and business men close their doors for one hour every morning and repair to the Church for prayer and religious worship. God grant that they may ail be amply rewarded in their j own as well as the conversion of their j chiL'rcu and friends. Church Sleeping--some Hints: as to tl io proper Method of rc- • posing during tho Sermon. My friends., do you make il a busi ness 10 sleep in Chrtreh during religious services, if so,, in order that system may rule vour rent, we kindly submit to v ou the following rules bearing on the subject. We h ive long heard it as an adage that “anything that is worth do liijr, at all, is worth doing well.”— Read these rules and observe them, j arid you may not only make it benefi- ; cial to yourselfbut advantageous to the Congregation. Some vain persons have been s > weak and wicked as to raise a question upon the merits of the cate —yes, they have gone so (ar as to say that sleeping in church, so far from being a duty, is absolutely, and to all intents and pur poses, a sin. They alledge that the church was built for the purpose of di vine worship, and it ts an insult to our Creator to go to sleep ill it- They further alltdge that it is disres' spectful to the speaker and to our selves to do so. This is going a dread ful length, and only another instance of the radical and extreme tendencies of the age. What ! that a sin which has ex ted in the church from the days of the apostles themselves! even under Paul’s preaching ! You remember the striking example of that worthy young man, Eutichus ! A sin, indeed. It is not a sensible act in me to waste time and arguments upon such vain cavi ars. The uniform practice of the church (especially in warm afternoons) for eighteen hundred years 19 deci- sive. Assuming, then that it is a duty, let ,13 consider the manner of performing it. 1 hold that, like all other Christian practices, there ought to be uniformity in the manner. We find it in all o ther parts of worship, t. e., all sit while the sermon is being delivered, all stand oi kneel while prayer is beingofiered.— Why, then, should those who are cn ! gaged in offering up sleep worship not conform to the one attitude. First —It is an inproper manner of performing this duty to nod and for the plain reason that the worshipper at tracts too much attention. Now, we are taught to avoid ostentatious diplay in our worship. The Pharisees were condemned for praying at the corners of the streets, that they might he seen Jof men. On the same principle, the nodding worshipper is condemned, for he is making too public a display of his devotions. Those in hie imme diate vicinity', instead of attending to their own worship, are lost in admira i tion of t>’e profound state of which his devotional meditations have placed him. Peradventure they may envy It is condition and thereby break the tenth commandment. Second —Nor is it proper to snore in the performance of this duty—partly for the foregoing reasons, but mainly because it is a direct infraction of the golden rule. Suppose for instance that your next neighbor is asleep : by your snoring he will he disturbed — probably awakened. This you per ceive is not doing to others as you would that they should do unto you. Third—l deem it unchristian to sleep with the head thrown back and the mouth wide open. It is wrong to injure one’s health while offering wor ship: and all physicians admit that such a position is liable to produce sore throat and hoarseness. Besides, flies sometimes get into the mouth on such, occasions, and by their injurotis ex- ' s-fu-rations ticklethe delicate membranes am! cause horrible sternutation and coughing —which, I am told, are very , injurious to health. Fourth —Vo sleep with the head rest* ting on the arms of the worshipper and the face buried up in the cuffs ol the coat, is the most improper way of of fering sleep worship. First, because it is also injurious to health, and is al together a very unsafe way ol perform, ing the duty ; and secondly and main ly—-because it is a sin—a direct viola tion of the scriptures, which commands us to let our light shine that men may profit by our example. In this case it is impossible to know whether the ehris ti:• n worshipper is asleep or awake. — It is a positive case of lukewarmness neither the one thing nor the other. My cogitations have well nigh ex hausted the subject. Let me then say that the only truly pious way of per forming the important duty of sleeping in church is to sit upright, face to the mmister, eschewing nodding, snoring, and depressions of the head. Wright’* Patent—lron & May Screw! From an Advertisement in another column it will • he seen that Messrs. Tommy & Stewart, of Atlanta, are Agents for the manufacture and sale of j this most excellent SCREW. The j very thing our farmers need. See ad- ! vertiseiuent and act accordingly. - 1 Zaightl Light. ITCOSr EXPLOSIVE ©l^ ThU OH mates thg b-»\ «-'est»n-l -hesneit Unht of anything known. * fufl.r p Vnti-l—-<i (ru'roritee of it,guperiurvy. 1 can be used )u »rv KenweneorCo.l Oil L»nn«>, by attsehlng ti e 1.1 UT UOUMs. Bt It-r K, which l.« prvterub eti all nth—«. This LI in i es» clew, b ight II kes lt«t ami b in, na.g>r Umu itntr Oils, amt i* as stf«“ *< * tillmr candle It wi l not xpl ..!<•. as ov i be <tem >n«tra'e.| m * m<> nent. The METEOR 9\FKTY LaMP Is a perfect g ui— i uidver>al fivoihe—and g.ves aLI Alll’ for lets inm La i aceut au hour, for gale by W L. KIRKP'TItU K * CO. Car iew tile, G*. 1. M. ELI.IIS, C.lUou., »*. RUFE \V. TIIOTNTON. Proprietor of Bartow and Gordon cnunUc*. Also set f>r the sa’e of Cowntj T;ma= Ay Ini a, of making money, will do well to correspond him at Calhoun, Ua. Jc (IS tl, WIIOLV9 iLE AND RETAIL DEAI KR IN Bools anti Shoes, l.ealber. Calfskins and Shoe rimlinps. I tat- this nethod sf oallln? y> , r attrition to *he No* that I have ret •tru'd to Att*tY* h*** opr'o’ 'n Raw-sou's buildlnv. cotne>- ,>f Whl>eh,l| and Homer -treels. tnexl do r to Chain >er In, Co'e A Hoy ton * e ernui Dry ooda store.) ot;e of the rumt complete -to ks of Boots and Shoss. Hemlock and Oak T*32 ther, Calf Skins, Lining anti Bindinding Skins , L.#STS, PEGS , SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS AXD FIXDIXGS to > e foud In th's City—ln short, everything usually found In a first c'as, Hi e and Fii ding Store, which Hock I propose to keep luii ai a'l nmci, and sell than tti a pi ice w hich cannot fall io nun, Wholesale or Retail. Having had an experle ce ot/.urteen year* in -h's in the «ta» •. f O-ortl« sn-i bn- inn rs the ast.Two pear, m the N ,rth n. -.ndJßw eoi m .Kelt, q,iy ,g.gaod*f >r o ■»•>'<> wm e f/onse*. 1 fiaie imselMhat. Ih v torperior aflvnt »v i *ll co-ope'ln olnh. \ lie—ei «l u.ak ng M- n> purchases cat fit i; e’y for o"tih only -n.d liai .ng Ueiei uiu.eii to re 1 for l.Abu ON I>l.Ll' r.h Is I will duplicate any bill of Hoods in my line, bought of jobbing Houses in New York or Boston, adding only expense of transportation. &c, to This point. THE ABOVE, TOGETHER WITH THE ENJRMJJS AMOUNT OF MV PURCHASES ENA3LES ME TO SELL BOOTS AND SHOES AS LOW AS i.NYJOBUING HOUSE IN I’UE UMTBO STATES. O've me a ea'l and satisfy yourgnlves. R member the place—- llajpTlavison.s BuilJing. corner ot Hunter ami Whitehall Streets; next iloor to Olutnaerln, Cole &. Boynton’s Dry Goods Store, and the sign I. T. BANKS. N. B. lam not connected In bu*lnes» with ary other home In this city. Th gig _and the fl m’• I- T. BA-IrTKZS- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. An Etifray Yearling Heifer. IN ESTUAY YBARi.ING II IFEK h 8 been loi er ** about uiy pi e.ul-es w th my sio k, lor several month, past, it hum any in rk ci or red with a lew wld'e shot, on her side . Theowu-r is hereby n .tf fit-d to come forward, pi ove property, p y exi *n,es, and tnice her away, or bhe will be Uiuli wi )i as the law directs. WM. P. -VILAM. Cartersvillc, Ga., July 12, 18j7. Tohii Lots in CaNsville and Calhoun for Sale. ITVIt L BPLL, on the first Tuesday In August next, to the highest bidder One tiusine.'S ai.d l w K >l - ce Lot, in the town of Cassville, and a so oi e bu i ness Lot in Calhoun, with a Store-House on the latter, on rei.ao_.abit t mis, part to he cash. THUS. M. COMPTON. Csrtersville, Ga , July 12, 1867 w4t 6ft. G, G. ROY, On the Dillard Farm, STILL offers Ills professional services to the Public. ne would reaped tuliy ask old palroi..-, and ad oiners to pay h.tu. An ihote who l.ave Claims ..gauisi him or the estate of John W Lbiiaid,, will pieate present them to Cos,. VV. 11. Pri clie t, AUuiu y at La.,, Carter-v lie, 0 >., for seitl meat. u. O. Kelt, Lxlc. Est. John W. Dillard. july 12. Cotton and Hay S CRE VY. U 1 RIGHT’S PATENT I .ON COTTON AND HAY SnREW, wi h recent imp ove i.ents, is now o< i..g manufactured in AfL. NT A. all neces-ary in orina tion furuibbed on apptication. Sena in your o.derg in mediately, that your Screws in iy be r*ady 1 y me first of the season. TOVIMY & STKW ad i, H iidwaie Meich..nts Agents. Atlanta, Ga., july 12. Georgia, barto n county.—By virtue of ail Order from the Court ol Or dinary o! Bartow County, Georgia, will be Sold before the Court i ouse door in C.tRi’ERS VII.LE, on the First Tuesday in September next, between the Legal Hours of »aie, the following Tracts or Parcels of LAND, v z: Lot ol Land No. Seven Hundred and Ninety (790). Seven Hundred and Ninety-Five (795 j, Fract onal parts of lots numbers as follows: Seven Hundred and Twenty-Three, (72:i), Eight Hundred and Sixty-Tw-., v 862); said land being i said county and State, originally known as Cherokee county, in the 4th District and 3d Section ; being part oi the Real Estate of Jas. C. Sprou !, deceased, containing by survey HOJ acres; sold for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditois of said deceased. HUGH D. COTHRAN, Adm’r, ELIZA M. SPROU..L, Admr’x July 3d, 1887. Georgia, bartow county.—six -1 Y days alter date ap lication will be maiie to the court of Ordinary ol Bartow co., Oa., fir r leave to sell the LAIN L>S belonging to the Estate of Jag, C. TSproull, late o # said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs & creditors ol said deceased. H.D. COTHRAN, Adm’r. ELIZA M. SPKOULL, Aumr’x, Jly 4th 1867. Estate of Jas. C. Sprout), UNITED STATE3 HOTEL. (\A HI I’AKER & BASSEEN, Proprietors,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. \T7 E t ke pleasure in informing cur old triends, patrons and the public gener ally, hat we have refitted, painted, furnished, and enlarged the above House, making it in style and capacity equal to any house in this city. We have done this at a heavy expense. Our House is well located, within 100 yards of the General Passenger Depot; and we flatter out eives that a io g experience and strict ap plication to business will not fail to be appre ciated by a generous public. Our charges for the present will be $3 per day for tra sient board, and we are offering special inducements to business men for single meals, &c. WHITAKER & SABSEEN, july2-tf Proprietors. I hereby forewarn ail persons not to trade for a note given by me to Messrs. Short Broth ers, of New York, for One Hundred and Nine ty-nine Dollars and Eight cents, as I do not intend to pay said note unless compiled by law. The consideration for which the note was given ha 6 entirely failed. E. V. JOHNSON. Kingston, Ga., June 26, 1867. Greenbacks IRrcivT) ip’u ! ? To Loan on urv.;nourn!»ernd RE VL ESI’ATE. FOR SALE or exchange for city,or tow i property or North Georgia land, 1923 Acres of No 1 FARMING & TIMBERED LANI ! It is within 11 miles of Savannah Ga.; one fourth of a mile of Depot, and u hall mile of Tide Wut< r Ad tires* DR, HUGH A. BLAIR ‘ G trteiKvihc, Ga. KOTKE. Gartprsvillr, Ga , June 25tli 18T7. I">y order of James Milner. Judge of the So- Jperior Court of the Cliero ee Circuit, th re will he an acjonrned term of the Superi or Court held for the County of IJar’OW on the oth Mot day tn July .nxi. for th - tii,l ~f criminal cases. Jurors, parties and witnesses will take due notice and govern (he,n,elves ac cordingly. THOS. A. WORD, Clk. L C. B. C. "nilun ' MO WIB ER, AKD BE APEF6. Isesl Machine In the Wur‘<l. Munvfuclured by 6’, Ault nut n 4- Cos. CANTON, OH 1 • 1. Tor ISS7. ■ius Hurtow, Oord n, Cherokee, sn l x-i.s, ~nd win sell to any par ies w <> w eh the M chinv dclKv cd t" ihem here. The prices are i. w .nu terms .ear u ahle. c) e r „ j,, , lliCe a ~j oi> 1 a:u circma s giving desc.iption a ilp icig, or address JOHN J. HO YARD, or w. h. 0J Li Elt . Carttrsville, Qa., April lk .667. v.Bm Through Rates oa Wheat from Cartcrsvillc, TO Mason, 19 Cents. •* Savannah, 3H •» *• New York, Pldl.idelphia / 4(j *• “ bait mure, f Cars go through from Atl inta to S»' annali without transfer. E rst class td,, c Wheel -tea ships leave 8• - vaimah every Tuesday, Thursri y ai dßaturiai,iliere hv securing to shipper pronip* ilelive y New Y• k, free for varding and no wlia, tige or dr. ysge on whsat for New York, Philadelphia or Bo mure. 0. J. fOKEAChE, General A„t., je 29,—1m Atlanta, ua. THE BOifFliiir 'U out s riber roppef ■! y informs the clt - s»n* of Pau dins. Bu low mml adjoining c* untie , that he ha* erected anew Mill for griti'lin* »ht»t ami c ri , arid w II grind so- the tenth when a- much a- five b or upAit: da is ft-tit at enn tine. He will grind eve y nlcht anil on ha n 'd.y., The Mil' is situated about two ni is »est of Sikh's tid Steam mil , ten mile* *■ u'h we-t of le, thiee in lea no th- west of Hurnt Hickory and six mile* south-east ■ f b'tlleahero. He it now prepared o saw L in her at. the u uai ra’es. He leapectful y solicits t e patronage of the pnhlic, and pi .dies bini.-ed to l o »s tiood grinding and sawing as th best mi.U in tl e country. H. J SLIGH. je I—sfin. The “Bess Machine In the World” Mrs D. L. DoGolia says . “I nave used the “twisted Joop” stitch for seven years and have had nine to sew for ; yet I have never known a seam to‘rip I —nor has the machine been out of order. The Wilcox & Gibbs is he ojtt in to s w i-l I•” Georgia, Bartow County. Bartow Superior Court, March Term, 1867. E - za Dunahoo \ vs, [•Bill for Injunction and Re- G R. M. Tracy. » lief. IT Dppe'rlnr to the Con », by the return of the Sher- I iff. In the ab >ve stated chb>-, ’hat the deft riant doee not reside in 'h:s county, and it further sppearo e that he U a non rend’nt of the Mate; It is, hereby Ordered/! That the defendant rpi ear at 'Unit i te'm of this oonrt and pin*.!, rii mur < r eran er - o said R"t, and default‘hereof s-td H II he tak n pro and that thia order he p>b'i*hd once a mourn for th'ee months in the Carter *vi. U Exrre*s. JAMES MILNER, J. S. C. C, C. A tru« extract from the tulrntes. April 26. 166 T. T. A WORD, C erk