The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, July 26, 1867, Image 3

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total lie ml. vM Religious Revivals. \Ve have been hlest with a gracious Revival of Religion—quite a number have been converted, and the church greatly edified. Another one is now progressing at Stegall’s Chapel, Just across the Etowah River, A font dav s meeting will commence at the new arbour at the Dobbs School House, near Jacob Lewis, some six miles north of Cartersville, to-night, embrac ing Saturday, Sunday. Monday and Tues lay next. It is expected to devote four days exclusively to the service of Cod. at the last named appointment. All those appointments are embraced in the Cartersville church, Rev, C. A. Evans Preacher in charge. We are requested hy Col. J. W. Pritchett, to announce to the public, that tns School will commence (at his residence oil Main s.reel) on Monday next, the 2Uth. Those intending to patronize him, are requested (it possible ), to commence with the opening ot the school. We take the liberty of calling the attention of those interested to the condition of the Lightning Rod on the Presbyterian Church, which is very much out of repair. In its present coalition it is liable to he destroyed at any tune. We hope that this matter will be looked into and attended to at once, as other houses 111 that vicinity are a Iso endangered by the very bad condition of this rod. tTTC.IiTIOX, LVLItIBODY. I will sell, commencing Thursday, (the 25th o 1 this mouth), all Summer Goods at New York cost, freight added. Come one come all, 1 am determined to sell, atld mean what 1 say. L FERGUSON. Cartersville. July 23 1867. JtlY*.\loxico is about to he invaded ami... Pshaw! LOEVY ENSTEIN PIT 11’ERS’ store is invaded every day, both bv Lillies and Gentlemen, a id large quantities ofgoods are ear ned ot. at very low prices FO R C A S 11 . It seems, Ironi the reports ol our Fanners, that the rains are very partial tiiis season, as the crops in some sec tions of the country are parching up whiU oilier portions of the country, have not suffered a day for rain. Pei; son At,. — Hon. Linton Stephens ami wife have arrived at their lit)me in Hancock county. 6ctY“See Advertisement of ANDREW DUN N, under l!u heading u! W heat. W heat. WHE \ T ! WHEAT ! ! Bring on vour W IIEA fto BLAIR •A BRADsIiIW who will always strain the market to the highest to help the larmer. TtjSfc.Certain parties are recruiting both North and South fora filibuster ing expedition into Mexico, hut il you want to recruit \ our ward robe your <h Iph, your cutlery, er your house hold maters, be sure and go to LO'E ■ WENSTEIN A: PFEIFERS’ store, where vmi can buy all these things Cheaper.than you can any "where else. Wheat Advancing. A No. 1 article ol white wheat in large lots on yesterday (Thursday) was wot ill 51.95 to 82.00 Red wheat in large lots and of a superior quality was worth Si 65 to 81.75.. Btf%_()ur readers will consult their interests by reading in another column the ('aril ol J. O. Mtilliewsnn 4* ('o., ol Augusta. We feel confident that they will give satisfaction to all who may favor them with consignments. Registration in tfartow Ccun ty. Up to Thutsday Morning 25th. the number of whiles registered are 1357 : colored 619. Total 1976. Theentiie lot ol Wilcox <fc Gibbs Sewing Machine at this place being exhausted, I wish to hear as soon as possible from th* se haveing ?nv of these rHachines. who wish to return tneni. or to exchange them for others of different finish—so t hat lean order others accordingly. Cartereville. July 26 1867. JOHN H. RUCKMAN. Gin’l Hgt for Ga. RUN, RUN, EVERYBODY TO the busy B’s and get your Ready made Clothing, Hats, Roots, Shoes, and DRY-GOODS before they are all gone. fFor the Exjrrets) 1 Tobncco Chewing & Snuff Dip ping. Messrs Editors. Next to an inordinance use of strong drink, one of the greatest vices to which the American people have be come almost enslaved is the exresive use of tobaco —by b ill) male and fe male— in the various ways of smoking, chticing and—shame to tlie ladies, dipping. It is not our purpose to show how these things ere vices and evils—for we believe no body disputes the proposition. They are such vices however as &o not awaken our fears and amuse our opposition by iinmedi r ate and direct ruin, and hence no one feels called on to make a bold stand against them. 1 write this for the pur pose of calling your attention to what took place in the New Hope Church Sunday School on last sabbath.— Their Superintendent Dr. S. W. I,e land has established a rule of having som'; one of the teachersof the school to deliver the children an address on some important subject every Sunday. Last sundav it was the Dr’s, turn He addressed the children on the mischievous and rnious effects of the use of tobacco. The v hole subject, chewing, smoking, and dipping, was illustrated in the Dr’s, peculiar style to the perfect comprehension of the children. The lecture concluded, the pupils men called on to know how many of them would sign a pledge not to use tobacco in any way. The whole school, we believe, and a large school at that, with the exceptions that two signed the pledge. Well done lor the New Hope Sunday School. Who can estimate the amounts of good that will grow out of this simple affair Will not other .will r.ot all the Sunday Schools in the Country more in the same direction ; and thus check if not put an end to this great evil* We shall watch with much interest the results of the Dr’s, lecture and the pledge signed by the children. If they will be firm to their promise many ol these children in years to come will rise up and call their supreintendant blessed. Observer. B6TMessrs, HOWARD f* PEACOCK of this place, have the Greenbacks already or hand to I ay the market price tor any quantity of WHEAT. It you have any wheat to sell, oil at Messrs. A. A. S * inner & Co's Store and get some bran new sacks to put it in They will forward wheat for any of their cus tomers and friends, to either Baltimore or New York. \ conundrum. Why do the la dies prefer to trade with LOEVVEN STEIN & PFEIFEII 2 ANS WER~ Beeause they sell prettier goods and cheaper bargains than anv body else. More “Mother.” We had comforted ourselves that the ballad -mongers had used ••mother” completely up, and set her to music in all possible combinations of demis-emi quavers. But we were mistaken, an other songster it as taken a tilt at the old ladv, and exclaims to slow music : “Mother, dear, I have left you now,” we congratulate ..mother.” she will have less washing anti baking to do “ no w.” tS-The Editor of the Bossier (La.) B miner Biliks that by the time lie gets through with his experience in district No, 5 under Sheridan, lie will he able to stand It—! very comfortable. FINE DUCK PANTS FOR SALE Ai’N. Y. COST BY BLAIR k BRADSHAW. Wanted, Tidings of a Widows’ Only Son. A destitute widow, Mrs. R. C. Mon roe, whose postoffice is ‘-Stephens Store. Calloway county, Missouri.” is very anxious to he;>r some tidings ol her son, James Richard Monroe. A carpenter by trade, who left her home in company with two sons of judge Bright to join Price's army on thp 20th of October, 1S P 4. She has not heard from him since, but has heard that some voting Misntirians living in Texas were shipwrecked near Charleston, S. C., and 'hat one of them named Mo., roe, who said his home was in Mis lead come from Charleston to Boa-ling Green, Kentucky. Any person -who can give her information in regard to her son will confer a great favor upon an anxious mother by writing to Mrs. R. C. Monroe, “Stephens Store. Cal loway county, Misouii.” Southern papers are requested to copy. —Louis ville Courier. 50 Pcs New Prints all dark colors, just arrived at the busy B*s and for sale at reduced prices. Read the advertisement of C. D. Owens. General Western Agt of the great Southern Freight Line Via Charleston. [Communicated.J Measro Editors Exphj>B: •‘ln union there U Strength” ia an old adage which has been «o recently, and terribly de mona.rateil, and verified, tbit haneeforth, it will be receiveJ as one of tho sclt-evident propositions requiring no argument; without this element nothing very great has been accomplished. If we accept the achievments of the rare genius, whom providence has seen lit in hia infinite wisdom to lend the world for some special purpose. History is constancy repeating it self, and adding to its vast store of examples for our instruction, and no people, since the days o' Moses, have contributed more rapidly their share, than the U. S. have done in the last six years. Yet I am inclined to think, that a ••looker on Venice” woukl be induced to say, we were looking more to the quantity than the quality of the material we are producing, and the profits very inconsiderable to the out lay. So great a change, in the internal Policy of a nation, has never before been tried on a scale of such magnitude, as the late Radical change in labor, the effect of which time alone can demonstrate. But there are results, which will certainly grow out of this untried experiment—a change in the direction of investments. It will no longer be in negroes, mules, and land, to make money, to be repeated in a like investment in a never ending circle, as in by gone days. Then would not all provident people mani fest their wisdom, and fore-sight, by at once abandoning prejudice, and passion, and so shape their policy, as to meet the exigencies of future developments, It is now manifest to the most careless observer, that Heaven is again smiling upon the Industrious, and commendable efforts of a fallen people, and that a few years of plenty will beget a surplus fund for investment. Our prosperity as a People depends very much upon the direction given to their investments. No one, desiring the improvmcnt of this country, would advise or be pleased to> see thi# surplus Capital absorbed in lands by the few fortunate enough to control the means, to buy up large landed estates, to be rented or may be uncultivated, but would rather advise the division into small estates to be sold to good substantial Citizens, who will improve and put them to their maximum in production, making our beautiful Valleys truly to blossom like the rose, dotted with neat cottages; filled with the smiles of a contented, happy, and prosperous people; corn cribs overflowing, and grainerics groaning with plenty. Tne direction in our humble opinion that this Surplus should take is first and promi nent, Rail Roads, and next Manufactories. Railroads stand above all the inventions of man in the development of the resources of a country. In stimulating 'he energies of a people t > the accomplishment of the mighty results of well directed industry and genius. In the enhancment in value of homes, and real estate, almost always equivalent to the out-lay of the road; In the progress aud ad vancement of the people to a higher standard of intelligence, and excellence, —the hope, and Safe-guard of Liberty; In furnishing a market at your door, to increase the compensation of labor, and to lesson the amount necessary to a given result; In fitting and adapting a. coun try to other order of improvements, such as manufactories; It requires a combination of circumstances to produce certain results, which may repeat themselves or die out. Small pox, as illustrating will re; eat itself independent of its creating circumstances ; but many other equally fata! diseases, as yellow fever will die out. Manufactories, though of such immense importance to the highest development of a country, are not self-creating, but require a chain of circumstances to favor their growth, these circumstances, in some rare localities, are almost entirely supplied by nature, but in most places ttiey are the work of man, and if our people intend to assist in making this country, what it seems, nature intended it should be, by t l, e lavish manner in which He has scattered Hi» favors—in the best of water powers; the finest soil; the most delightful and healthful climate; lhe most extensive beds of gold, silver, manganese, iron, slate grind-stones, limestone and fine timber inex haustible. They ought to let no opportunity pass un improved, least other less eligible ylaces fovor cd by more enterprising citizens, may term what nature seems to design for this country in some other direction; now if we will act promptly, we might build a road from Carters viile to Decatur Ala-., and not only benefit ourselves greatly, but all the people on the line of road from here to Charleston ; but sup pose we stand still, and discuss it, some are atmid i: will injure thi> place, and others that place, one will not act if it dues not go by his place, and o'hers if it does go throug-h his place, until the people of Savannah take hold, and make the connection, and trade all turned in that dmciion, then we can repent our folly at our leasure. S. Threat from a Loyal Leaguer.— The expose of the “Loyal League” is having its effect. The Nashville Ban ner has the following threat : Nashville, July 11. 1867. The following letter was delivered by the carrier, Buckley, at iny house to day. I pronounce the anchor a liar, a 'coward -and a sneak, and say to him j -‘Lay on Macduff.” I keep canes for 1 dogs and pistols for men. ! William Driver, 241 South Scunner Street. William Driver, Esq., 241 South Summer Street. Perjured traitor, beware. The out raged and avenging spirit of Liberty and Loyalty, swift as an arrow and re morseless as the grave, is on your track —the reward of your treachery will be swift and sure. Outraged loyalty will vindicate itself. Beware. Loyal Leaguer. SP£f.Gtt.S, s u e A'l partir* to M -, will r!ea?.> e'tce f'-rward Ard ettfe. or we m ill b- cviujv-kea to pul t- e * c 0110, In th» tsaml* of »■ riM* one for c»llert)or>, we must hftvd T-vir.t v tiy up )r.,uMt* Ufi 'l a KR v WES. Cartersville, Ga- J " Hook Noiictt*. Th- Life of Lieut Gen. T. J. [Stonrws!!] Jackson, embracing his Campaigns in the The Valley and Army of Northern Virgin ia, with Diagrams of the principle Battle- Fields upon which this imrno.tal hero mcn leveured. Price from Four to Six Dollars, according to finish. This is a very interesting work and should be in every family in the Southern States. doses and the Proph-ts. Christ, an ! the Apos tles, Fathers and M irtvrs, illustrated wth Eighteen fine Steel Plate Engravings, a Map of the World, s * hundred pages Price Three and a nail to Four Dollars, ac cording to finish. The above bonks are sold >n’v by subscrip tion, and can he obtained of PF.NDLE PON ISBELL, Cartersville, who is sole Agent for the counties of Bartow, Floyd and Polk, July 10 1), 1837. WlScox. iw Gibbs’ Sewing Ma chines in t atlersvllle, for sale. These Macmncs are sold here at the manu facturer’s prices, but I cannot afford to reship them to any point at my own expenses. I have a few to let out on trial to those wishing to purchase, and who will take good care of them; but it will be vies: able to have the ma chines returned at an early day by those who may decline to purchase. No pains or expense has been spared to make this machine the best family machine n the market and all who have given them a fair trial acknowledge them to be so. The price from upward* The machines all equally good, but the price varies with the kind of fin ish of table and other extras. Office up stairs over Clayton’s store on pub lic square East side of Rail-Road—send for cir culars or call an ! examine machines. JOHN 11. RUCK MAN, Gen. for State of Ga. May 31, 1867. DR. BLLLIOKS’ DYSENTERY DROPS, In the last two weeks many families particularly children have been afflicted with Dysentery, they have tried, many of them “Dr. Bullions Dysentery- Drops” and in every case they have been made to rejoice at the success of it. They all agree in saying they would uot be without U in their house for ten tines the price of it, evtryone should supply themselves with one or more Bottles, every Store sholud keep a supply on hand, Retail Price only 25 cts. A liberal and sconnt to the trade.— Call ar.d provide, lor you or vour fain - ily may be taken sick at night For Sale, BEST & KR AMER. Druggist’s Cartersville Ga. Aliberal discount made to ail stores. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having l>een restored to health in a few weeks t.y a very s’mpie remedy, after having -us fared f'.i several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease O.n.sumptio —is anx-- a» t make known to his felt .w sufferers the means of eu e. To all who desire i f , he will send a e >py <!' the pn sorij ttoD used (free of ch rge), «Ph the directions for nrep ring a id us nit the ea ne. which they w S' find a SURE CURE for • OW-UMP CION. ASTHM'a, ISUO.Y CHIITS COUGHS. COLIJri, arid ail Throat at a Lung Affections. The on.y object of the drertiser in seeding the Prescription is i<* benefit the alHicud, a-d spread information which he conceives to beinvaluahl , and he hopes every sufferer will try his rein-dy, as it will ci st them nothing, and uiav jir,, V “ a btessi g. Paries wi-hing the preacrip'tnn, FULii, by leturn in ; , wiit please address r.E\. Kl)iV , ! 'I) V Olto (' Willi,suit bmo;, Kings Cos., New Yoik. May Ist, IS6T. wly. CIRCULAR TO AGENTS. Western & 4ff:inffc ElaSI-road. Office Master of Transportation. In order to insure the in-ompt transportation of wheat, and to prevent delays, errors, and losses in its shipment, 'he following instruc tions must be strictly of s.-rve i in a!! shipments of wheat t. r. ur depot:— I. Backs most b ■ marked,and before any portion ci the sid mient is received, wsitton instructions nuisi bo given by consignor, show ing number of sacks to I e shipped, marks, consignor, consignee, Jcstmatlon, and the route by which it is to be shipped. 11. Special Instruction No. 2 will he strictly observed in giving receipts for when*. 111. Rule No. 4. in printed local tariff, must be adhered to in regard to wheat, and agents will not permit wheat to be put into the depot until the provisions of paragraph I. of die circular are cornp'iec with ; but shippers will be allowed to deliver portions of a shipment after the written instructions for shipment of a whole lot have been filed with an neont. JOHNB. PECK, Master Transportaiion. EUKORS OF iOt’l’ii. A Gentleman win suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature, lieca.t, ami tut ti e elt-its u i vouthfai iiu iscretlon, w 11, :or the sake cf s.Bering humanity, semi free i all who need i>, the rect .j ea and directions lor niukiLg ihe remedy b; »'h C rt be wasi fiievi. Stiffwre s wishing vo profit by toe n<jv-er tiser'a cxpe.irljce. chii Ho so by x «i; tssiuj?. ir» j effect, JOHN 15. OGDEN, 42 Cel r Strtii, Ne-v York. May], lso7. wty. Ba. G, G. BOY, On the Dillard Farm, OTILL offers his proffewsi mat serv'ces td the Public. O tie wuuid respee ful.y ks-liis old patron-, and ,-'1 otiiers t > piy hi n. Ai. tttuee who haveClaicus 'igafns l ira or the estate of Job,; W D.IU.d. uecca.-ed, , !i pleote present tiiem to Col. W. H. Pitcbe », Attorney at Law, Carter >v iie, Gi„ for se' demerit. b. Gr. Itirk, Lxec. Li,, ucliu W. Dillard. ju!y 13. Througli Rtttcs on W&eat f roia CartersvilEe, TO Matos. 13 Cents. savannah .96 ** Stw-\ ort, Pniiadetphia, f ......... 4d *• “ But n re, f Cars go ii.r ugh from Atl rta to Sa-amsah without tran.-fer. F• «t c!a« side V’h.i.:» sti'ps.ieave S>- vaar.ah e*ery Tue. -t . T .ur- ; ty -i.,d jtatur lay. ihe e by securing to shi; erw pr,'Bjpt ueitv- y in Nsv Yoit. free for warding -m . no k .a i..a or or- yage on wheat for New York, Phuadelphia or lit, G. J. FOdEACr.F, \otFUrrC &i Ai v,, j«2?, .f-, Ge Tfic "Dcst .UnrliSnc tu (!ic World** Mrs L). L. DeGolia sars . "I hare need the “'ttti.sUuMoop” stitch f>r seven voars and have Inn’: !;Mit t--. new (or: vet l have never known a seam to‘r.ji’—nor has the machine been >ut -•! -r. The VVii.ox St, Uibbs is he best i;i the wjrlJ *” UNITED STATES HOTEL. (WHITAKER & SASSEEN, Proprietors,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. \\t E take pleasure in Informing cur old YV friends, patrons and the public gener ally, hat we have refitted, painted, furnished, and enlarged the above House, making it in style and capacity equal to any house in this city. We L .re done this at a heavy expense. Our II use is wed located, within 100 yards of the General Passenger Depot; and we flatter ourselves that a long experience and strict ap plication to business will not fail to he appre ciated by a generous public. Our charges for the present will be $3 per day for trai sient board, and we arc offering special induce in cuts to business tn a for single meals, Ac. Will TAKER & SASSEEN. julyQ-tf Proprietors. I hereby forewarn ail persons not to trade tor a note given by me to Messrs. Short Broth ers, ol New York, for One Hundred and Nine ty-nine Dollars and Eight cents, as I do not intend to pay said note unless compelled by law. The consideration for which the note was given has entirely failed. E. V. JOHNSON. Kingston, Ga., June 26, 1807. NOTICE. Oartersville, Ga , June 25th 1537. I)v order of James Milner. Judge of the Su perior Cou't of the Chero' ee Circuit, tli*re will be an adjourned term of the Superi or Court held for the County of Bartow on the sth Monday tn July n -xt, for the trial of criminal cases. Jurors, parties and witnesses will take due notice an I govern themselves ac cordingly. ’i'llOs. A. WORD, Elk. L. C. B. C. lISS© ole res of Barlow L 11! §. I propose to sell three traces of of Land embracing 1290 ACRE'S. and will give the best bargains now offered in the county. Ist Tract. 910 acres—loo acres cleared, u-der govt fence end In a high R'-.te of cultivation. The whole tract lies v eil nrodu-es f reelv aid is pleasant to cultivate. Ii i, -.r t'WO MMIICiI '.NT MILLS CHURCH K3 AND nittH SCHOOLS Convenient —health and society good. he imi'i oven ents consist of a newly finished it welling v, ;u, six ro .ins—Gttt house Smith’s shop and other ntcessary outbuildings, together with six oilier separate eneuients on the pi ice. 2nd Tract, Contains 320 acres—SO cleared, improvements common. Puis place be* l mite of ti e town of Eul.arice. 3rd Tract, Contains CO acres, one half cleand The above lands can be hou ht separate or together, Terms e sy. I deresfc in present crop »old with th p’ace it < eshed and posses.ion given, torty days from day of s , t l e- B. T. I.EtKE. June l, 1867. w3m SZD-S e/ou) I an now receiving from New \o.’k a large. Stock cfGoodb ; consisting of DRY-CO DOS, GROCERIES, (Broflieni, goofs, SHOES. H ITS. HARDWARE. SADDLERY, STRAW GOODS, ««SSII© 9 Which I am offering very low for Cush. Come and see for yourselves. Kingston, Oa. D. V. JOHNSON. May 17, 1567. NEW FIRM., Up Stairs in Co’. Jones' Can-luge shop Harris & Thompson. HAVE j<i=t received a FINE AS- ft SO -TvifcNT OF H.V»SKsSLEA-OagEht aud oitier materials ti * &<iiy for a fi st class “ SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP, are prepared *o furnish all idnrtg of HARNESS to nrrtrr. Oid tlarress ma e new. [rj S.VOD ES KK- P 111 ED with neato* ss and dispao-ti. furto i era by calliiuf can fif>d an asG.rt r i iiit of Xtw Work always on hand, CJu ’p for Oath. Oartarsvil.e, u&, April sm, 1867. SLOOO BEWAH/D, 'Hunter's Specific. rpHE lire it English fi< :nvdy. £ A certain, speedy and pleasant cure for Gonnera'cea, Syphilis, Pain in the back,- Incontinence of Urine, Diseaseso the D ladder, Seminal Weakness, Ki Iney Diseas s, Qiabetis. Stone in Bladder, Effects of Murcury, and Gleet. —lt cures in from five to eight days. —lt requires no change of Die’. —lt is no’ disagreeable to fake. —lt imparts no odor to the breath. lt gives tone the who e system. —lt removes impurities of t e blood. Sold, wholesale end retail, by m, H. TUTT, W&olcsale Druggist, August fi> an. Iffibsnnimrr §nj #oote! IMMENSE ATTRACTION!! Immense reduction In Prices! I GORGEOUS LOT OFDffiSS GOOD Just Received from the Late New Yurie, lucllon Siller, A Reduction of 50 per cent, from last month’s Prices \ +lll Goods Jlfarkcd In Plain Figures ! My well known straightforward and honorable course of conducting business is a suTvc ...uarantee to all who may fa'or me with their patronage, that they will be lurly dean wi h. JOIIJY M. G.BY+YO+Y, Cartier ol' Whitehall and Hunter Streets, RESPECTFULLY annourc* s to Us friends and the piib’lc, that he has just returned from New T rfc, where ha has bee id atuniauce at the immense auction salts which 1h k pUct* toe l -at weeU, ana Uiat hid stoct ol'Midsuiuin.r Goods i. noiV eompie.e, and will be sold at p.ihe» that win d.ty coinpeiiou. luo most mw perleneed will at once perceive the great advantage or pu-chaslng a stock of dry grnli at this particular tlrna late panic readied its climax, a .and tba. 1 purchased my pr.sent stool. £o per coal, less than 11 oo i.d hate puiclui&cu ut any ether *i*L.e khis season. iTXTST RBCBIYEL: COO pieces beautiful Dress Goods, consisting of Grenadines, Mozambique. Lenos, Puplinos, uawns, Barege.', e'c. 200 pieces spierdit! goods for Gents' and Boys* wear, consisting of Cloths, Cassimerey, I)rap D I-tp, Jean*, Llr.t.i Duca. a..d Drills, Marseile*, etc. 300 pieces white eond*. consisting of Plain. Striped. Checked and Dotted Swisv Plain. Striped, 'Checked and Dotted Jaconet; Tarlatan. Nainsook, Crimped Muslin, Brilli turns, Piq le O.oth, Bivhop Lawn, etc. NH> pieces American, Enefish and Wench Prints, all new P t v Vs; IfiOO pieces Bleached Sheeting; *5-4°arid 6 4 Pillow CabJ Eauas* 20 puUT'A' 9-4 and 104 Table Elnent.botb bleached and, unbleached 30 cases alt styles of shoes; 20 cases b’l Myles Straw Gores; V* all and Misses’ liT; finrf-wi Ladies’ hesntifu' Iron F ’"ice very ds' , * r denrtli Vs i 1 , .„r for factoiy price. Evciyllung usually kept in a first class Dry Goods More cuu be found here. r. 8 This splendid stock of Goods has teen purchased since the 24th of May, which aancuncomeni will satisfy. ali that great bargains be given. JOHN 31. C IWO\, ie. H, 1867. Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, Atlanta, Ga. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE Tl US FOB. 1867. Chamberlain , Cole <£* Boynton, Atlanta. Georgia. Are selling their immense Stock ol nv wmsm ™ wHmut id s, wsi © © ® So At Wholesale and Retail, for Cash Only } At P rices to suit the limes TJieir Stock of DRESS GOODS comprises every new style ::: the Arnetican oiarl.c ts unOIKPV -dm! °! nupc;. the. largest ever hmugot to At.arstri ; SIU POPLIN COVERINGS. LACE POINTS »f-«'J v “ t; * E ,1BiiOIBE!ilES ■■■<"' IACE GOODS <>' “. .y u-enruoa i PARASOLS >'"<> SILK UMBRELLAS "> s 'll l™ 1 -' ■. . TABLE DAMASKS- NAPKINS- TOWELS- TOWELINb ■>"* IRISH LINEN ! • riIuTASN DAMASKS’ tiouds tor Men sand Boys w ear. DOMES i lUo alH * «U I IdNo gfey-Af.L FOR TIIE LOWEST CASH PRICE.-©! April 12 —ly, I. SL S©Sf Wl*lS s WHOLESAALE GROCER AND COMMISSION ffiRCHAR No 1 Granite Bloch, Broad Street, [Adjoining the Hail-Road,] B, r. MOORE, ATLANTA, GA. T - p - FLtM,NG - Wholesale Dealer in Flour, Grain’ Hay- and all Western Products. Orders for nry description of Merchandise promptly filled, and consignments solicited. Apiii 20, L867.w3m MENS 5 AND BOYS’ CLOTHING AT THE GATE CITY We wouvfoeso-ctfully inform our fi tends and'the publiv that we have just received one of the largest and IpMIX-fa- SXJXARVTEK, CLOTHING! hiCS'lik’cU'S “i & StiiSSVK Sl'-wfJS? >53^,-a Our Goods and Prices, , ' na a-»!i as ho most f».tld»ou», n» to price and qtwi’Uy r£2? X S « -—«*. Gassimere for S/ SO to Sa.o 00, and onwards Those acquainted with our Hoad*, nee I not br told that our Cloth!mr Is made up by the bea workmen, and ts superior goods. In addition to the above, we k»cp. V*', a large stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, , . pi’pcpn R-wi PLAI’J WHIT?. PfilßT?, FANCY, and B R OWN LI V EM SHIP.TP, MEVTS ofa’l sires Pancv and Plain TIE', or ail description-, s>!k and t r,er. pocket _«a idicerd.iefs, h *nt« Gray’s Patent Mil led Collar, as well as Giaaed and M-irsebloa ColUrs, All of w;.l be so.d cueapvriu» can be fcougbi elsen h. re. Also, Boots, Shoes, nats, Sole Leather and other Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladies Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the G-ate City Clothing Store fey A. HOSENFELD & BRO.. Next dorr to McCaray A Cfo; Drug Store, Whitehall Street, April 26. ’ ATLANTA, SEORSA AV