The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, August 02, 1867, Image 4

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THE BURNT HICKORY ~ rr ’ r sir * f -r-j *> T ANARUS! muU rilifr rfpT'f' l y in' rmi the e't’ten* of I'd ft-* f. Ut *«•* rmrt «*« .- ('-uiiie , *':--.t he !•»'* • • ted »i e a Mtil for Fri-oitir »!»*»• tin C rr, fir and • i ml tii- *h-* >e<ith whe-i ».« iimch »> fi-** b. >►! : <1« % - ir. r.' i.r tht e. Ur »Wl jr*in*l rve-v i . <-a S-. tr ley-. T"e M I* 'a ».tu*terf #> uat n- t • ; i,‘i !J 8 *%.n m'.t , tt-n in'lc youth -tl*. t*--**<* ;:.!• < no th- *rt! >f Bern* e.*. - ■;*i. i- vt *.f .“tilfS'-Tf. He U • nr i. tot «r >he u tia rate*. • p - . . : e »»% t* - * >:t. - <>f ti poblii*, < ti l> . * p.-ood g. '.J'Tif «r ■: «.-.»■ g .1.1 e • -. Kiitrj. 11. J SLIUH. V* O ; 1m <T V T- - . :- * * i # n;i n*ufth'i<«r.« for rnnnlßfr - . -t- ■ -i Br *Vifi iiv T iteirUpe W.-, j** ;- fi, B ; .: , I; 4 iu!!cs fiorn O'rtcrsv ih* 1 ||-‘ |j . - : tl! : ) l.'it p,niiti:.* ll •Hit li)8 latol '* ' W r U w i be done n t■* u gfact- y ftiun'ier and ! »ti.- a* *1 com. P«tr«t!iM?o i* r**| t'U'diy , , ;l I. J - T— .) o W. J McCLATCHKY. /■- r.'jr.p.i v t:\hTow couaty.—Robert c. 8»*ou i- ■ : f «* v . i-i■.•: i dp iho c-un- * f Kofi aril Mi'-;-*, t!i- •-*’i.- 'I, hi- V i ;,|l pel i metl to b- difeeharg . . ii. e ~! .-r * ion. A 1 j»cr»o> i wll.) are > l are ivqaireU with n tlie tirn-t fixed by law, if any i . f lave, why the anid ii >he. tC. Baxon. rt-.»ulo net he (. .t, it-,*, and attouli’ if U. the | rnyer of his p etit no. <1 v.-n ftfttler inj- hand and cflic al Mi ti - ure. ties the It h Juae, l&Oi. J. A. IIU WARD, O.d. 4 1 EOUGIA, BAFri’O’' COUNTY*—By \ % v 11 p. it- oi .iri Order from tin* Cflurt of t)r --i i i-.u v oi Bartow County, Georgia, will bt-*Sold Iw' irc she Court Mouse door in CARTKRS VU.LI'.oii the First ’t’i<!;iy in September it-jit, between the ln-gal Hours <>t >-j ! e, the 'l'r.iets or Parcels "1 1.A.V0, v z: J, >t l Lind No. Novell Hundred mid IS inety - . ! Jd), Bt.veu Huiulred and -Ninety-Five f7do), ! lart omsl imrts of lots nunihe s as foil-tvs : S-u-rp lltiudred au.l Tv/htilyThree, (7*li), 1*.,..- t tin mire-1 and yixtv-’l’wo, 'BC2); said I oid l eing i K,.id county and Bt<, originally > noivn as ChorolvLC county, in the 4th district and dd Section ; lu-ing jiart of the Rea! Rsnate id ,!.m. C. Sprou 1, deceased, containing bv » •\ iy IK 1 . a<r<‘s ; sold for the benefit of the Uei.s and ('reditora of said deceased^ 11 IN Cl I). ( Oi'I!RA N. Adm’r, ELIZA M. SPROU..L, Adir.r’x July 3d, 1887. / i BORGIA. BARTOW CORNTY.—SIX \Ji I \ days ait r cl-ue up. lie ;tion will lit in lie t i tin; court of Ordinary ot Bartow co., i- *. i* t 1 »ve to sell the i.AI\ DS belonging to the IT lute of das. C. Sjiroull, late oi said « un'y, dccea‘ (and. for the bent lit of the hci:S £i crtiutors oi said deceased. li. D. COTHRAN, A.’m’r, ELIZA .M. BPUOUI.L, Admr’x, .1 .Iy » '■ Estate of .1 as. (’. tSproull, C ron'n iu , ££a rtatv Cos uni y . Par tow Euperior. Court, March Term, ISG7. E' z.t Dutiahoo > vs. vLliii for Injunction and Re (!. IL SI. Tracy. * lief. IT -i rpi* o ia* t" theCruit, by the r“*nm of the Sher iu, in 'lie ali -ve stated oiise, that the di-fe.niatit does tidies I ii tics eonnt.v. and it further Kppuaruiir tint he ;-i a t.uti resident of the State; It is, hereby < h-t i • Tl« t: t the defendant, ejn.ear at. the i.e*t term if this *-001-1 aid )tliad, dnntir , r sngaer to mid Hill, arai .I-ft 11 t then -f said tii! he tah-n pro confixuo, a* *! the this oi-d<-r In* poblslod iiin-o a mouili for th ee Uwrith'i in the Cart*rnnill4 J&xi/rrt**. jambs .Niih-Siat, j. s. c. c, c. *, tri,» ext-i.'t from the nku p*. * p. it t :, 1 cOr, 1. A. WORD, Cei k. iiiiis'tovi Her ill Salem. For toe first'J’ut-sday i*t Align i next. t I’ll,!, h- - vo oefore the Courthouse d-ior in the town '* I'- i o-i s eil e, on Hit!", Tuesday in Aug. next, who ■ a-lr in-*, t » pr.'iierty 11 sit :, ll* NDKi-L ACRFtS oi lot of Fiantl Ai it. V. if— lioing in «.Ih* Sixth Hist net and Third S< t-ti- nos said County of Bartow—with a good E dined liottae thereon; containing 'i w- R lonjs, with Nlaek Chinincv, —Levied on tt the Property of Win. HUNTER; to satisfy a “ii ia” issued from County Court of caid C ninty, in favour of Af. O. .JACKSON vs AVii:. ‘Hunter—-Propeltv pointed out by Deft — AI.SO-- ONE IVV O-lIORsE WAGON - Levied ■ . i'ue o■. and in favour of, tile Eiaintiff e Said “F. Fa.” y- vT<SO - • \ .*> [) LOT, in the Town of v - :TE W-V ii.l-E Known as the Wiliiatn ’.-.*»* (jccupied by Thomas E* did o : s the Property of Thumas 1 •*is-’- i Superior Court **Fi Fa” ■ >:iow Superior Court. Iu Favour ot'S. -v, Bcar-r, v: Porvelt At Owens: Prop *.lv Pciiiteil out. by PtaintiSj ‘ ALSO (LNE HOUSE K LO P in the town of Car trr. . ;firi said county, whereon defendant in -v lives. Nos. not known; containing one Ac e id Land. Levied on as the Property of ! in. Pewi t', ti) satisfy 4 Justice coutt- “Ft i * i-at ' tie Justice court of the B~’J District ' ■ ■ AL; one m tuvnur of Smith eSr Bryant ' s hofiu.s Rowel 1 ; one in favor of J. Elsas vs Tin in-is Powell; One in favour of W. L, Goodwin »V Stocks is Thomas Powell & Ow ens. and One in favour of VV. 11. Pritchett, vs Tin-mas Powell & John J. Joins Security. Rt petty pointed out by Pitas. Levies made and refurpeu to me by a constable. This J tily 3d, 1567, \v. L. GOODWIN, Sheri ;T; AARON COLLINS, Depty. Sheriff. S' 1 - T.ORIiIA, BARTOW COUNTY—Two rnon Its xfter '* d«t» lipiM'CHti 'n will he made to ti e C 'Urt us or dinary of s>iiii county, at- tho tint regular term after 'he exploit on < f two months trotu 'hi iiefce, for lea'« t sell ail the real estate of \Y.ii. A. JL Cr>vy deceased for the benefit of the h-irs and ere litres of said sic’seajed. May HOih, iSB7. Fannie cox. Admr'x. A. 1). MuCKAYV, Aim'r NOTICE. r]*o all whom !t may concern, the if dcplgrcA hereby 1 elves notice, that hr line filed h » poi ion with the Ordinary of Bat tow Comfy to be dt. eh «r..ed from his i vectif rsltip on Bennett 11. Oor.yers, last V, i | and tes tament, on account of business arivrgonierd and ina- I't.-ty tl.eref cm t > attend said trust, that in two months ,r m ih«* b' fitn it g of the publication of this no h e he apply for the sanction of tahi petition, at and to te »U.-la- ued from .-aid executorship. B—6m. C B CONYERS. Ex. ofß II Cor yet., dtc. p iOROI*., BARTOW COUNTY.—Two Month* after V * late applt -atii n will 'n made to the C nut of 0 di r - y of Bartow county, Ge»rg>», at the Ur f rettu’ar T'eriu af' er the expiration o! Two Montis from' this r-otice tor leave t ' se I lie Lauds ielonging to the estate of tV tv. TIPPINS, late of ssi 1 county dee a*ed, for tlie beneilt. of the r *-rs and C editor- of 4.1 id de ceased : This 10th Slay ISO? JOUN E. I PIT N« Alm'r. Barlow Mortgage Siierlfl’g Sale "IT?ILL he sold bcfore.tLe C inrthoutedr.or In the town tr of Cartersvilie, on the .first Tuesday in August next the following property to wit; One fourteen horsepower Engine and TVii'er, I>ruble ueared Pu table Twenty Pour iuen Corn Mill. I c>iiti on as the properly , f C. T. Parker, to satisfy a r ortgagefi fa issued fro u Bar o<r county mu t, in fa ir nr of J E. Whitehead, Agent fur Hart & Munson ft ► .iust said Parker, l’r tiertv itointed out in said rnort i a.e fi fa. j .8 W. L. GOODWIN, ahfif. GtfRSiA CHEROKEE COUNTY. * A Fowler A dminis iTutor of Y\ L Fowler, represents to the court, in his petition duly died end en tered on record, that he has ft*ll v r ad ministered WI. FotYle**’** es'ate. This j% therefore to cite all persons concern' ►d, kindred and creditors, to: how cause j if any they can, wh v said administrator ! should not be discharged from his ad ministration and receive letters of dis ir.ifcsfeion, on the first Monday in Sep tember next. W Ul) MOSS. reh’y. 2l*‘, 1867. Ordinary. [Printer’s tee $6.1 | ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. 'Xj i-i'D* A : r j wvy&nv s I will e% change one SENULfE WOODRUFF CONCORD buggy for 00 bushels of wheat. One excc'lent End fspnn/g t*nggv for 115 Bu. “ Roctcaway with pole, sh«ft and double Nrnws. b*r bus'iels of wlr-t-t. One light three spring Express Wagon for 70 bushels of wheat. Would refer to CaptThos. Tumlin or Jutlg<* Burge. Apply to er address AVIMUiW OI VV, No 5. Empire Bloch, Whitch i!‘ street. July 20. IHC7 Atlanta. (In Cotton and Hay S C Ti E W. TTTRrOHT’B PATFN’T IRON COTTON AM) HAY VV SidiEW. "i h ree -rit hnpreve nents, ts n>w h<-I'-p tisr.uf .(•■•ii'-ftilin ATb *\’TA. All neces-'ary in'orrpx ti.-n ftarnt-hi-j nr, apii!leoti"n. S«n*l in your m-ders 1 1 meiiia'eiy. tlial joar fe-evs m»y b»—advlythe first of the iitason. TOMMY' & a TRW AR’l , Ilirdtvare Merth. uli Agents. Atiants. {*i July 12. UXSTEU STATES HOT Eli. (WHITAKER &. SASSEEN, Proprietors,) A I LASTA, GEORG! i. \\7 E t-ke pleasure in informing cur old friends, patrons and the public gener ally, hat we have refitted, painted, furnished, and enlarged the above House, making it in sty le and capacity equal to any house iu this city. We have done this at a heavy expense. Our House is well located, within iOO yards of j the Geiierii Passenger Depot ; and we flatter i out elves that a lot+g exjMJiience and strict ap plication to business will not fail ta be appre ciated bv a generous public. Our chargt o for the present will be sj*3 per day for tra sient board, and we are offering special inducements to business tn -n for single meals, dice. ■WHITAKER & SA«SEEIV, julv2-ff Proprietors. SOUTHERN BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL STOVE Woa'Lti, Xvit Aox'k. RICHARDSON & SANFORD. WHOLESALE AS'i EETA-IL DBALfIfS IN Slaves, Ciollotv-ivavc SSlovS: Tin, TIN-PLATE, SIIEET-IRON and TINN ERS PIHTDIITGB' Lamp, Cfille-ry, House-Airrisliing Cooils of every Description* PLATED AND BRITANNIA WARE, Ecyatoisc llloclc, Whitehall street. Atlanta, G-a. F. M. Riciiakdbon. L. V. Sax ford. USt EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. Tt will cure Dyspepsia. USE EDWARD WILDER’S StdmacTl Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all specif of Indigestion. USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Intermitent Fever and Fever and Ague, and all periodical disorders USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will givi immediate reliefin ColieandFl’. USE EDY/ARD “WitDER'S Stomach .Bitters. It will cure Costiveness. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BIT I’ERS. It is a mild and delightful Invigorant I Delicate Females. U S E EDWARD WITCER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious Alternative a., tonicior all family purposes. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a powerful Recuperant after the frame lias been reduced and attenuated by sickness U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as well as Strep ener 01 the digestive forces. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. As it is being daily used and prescribed be all physicians, as the formula wJr be handed any regular graduate. EDWABO WILDER, SOLE PHROPRIETOR, JV ©. 315 :t! n St vee t, j MARBLE FRONT, ! LOUISVILLE KEN TUCKY. i FOiI'SAI.V:. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BA j SIBDWiNB & FOX, j WIIOI ESSALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS Coracr Whitehall and Ala. Sia ATiiANTA, <« 4. Nov. 9 I y ATLANTA ADVERTtSEMENTS. 11.: ii! Lairs. Dj» H.SFI I.S. ANDLEYV PC\V. fi.P. ALSN’S Irea'ii.--*. Ser-tary. Tnaxurcr. C*T> GEO H CIA LOO M AVI) M A KVCF A C 7 1J R I N G C 0 M P A A’ Y. Xl«n" , ft"turer' Bn' PI rter-,1 ok to v* nr Interes.s, tttfi ,1. I,' toc.-il! Rtßet’-J* h son B-ilfi-nr, uexlfioor t*j the Pi St-* ffice and sei-lt In opptratiou MEN PEN II A T L’SIMPR 'Y ED ?E r F-A-' TING tI AND AND POW E R LOO M! Ea*i*- ■ Uii ’ers'nn *. Ga-ler to, ami mo-p r Mo- Pnßpp-gps siipeii >r (hlv*i tpsren over other tiand Loon. 9, 1* ui re (*' in pi e durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT PyWeavb.ii r.’l t?v r G*ic’i f.*r Hitne We»r on the MENR’ NHaLL LVIPiU'VKD HAND LOOM. FROM 15 TO 30 \ ARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM Rw'wT Y. It wenvps ns fast us nov Factory F-<»«:.n ! UAI.F THE 0- STOP TOE CLOTHING • F * F.ViiY CAN BE SAVED BY ITS BSE! From Five to Ten Do lar&a day ovn be made or: it. ITS PARTS AKESELF-CIIAISIiINC. By the turninir if an Easy Crat ki* lets the Ma- p off, w.l its up the Ciotii, li ea-l the Ti eadle*>. »ud L.r..w« the • I'U't e. 1* WH»ves Jcant, satinetß. 1. nsey. B anVet Tftiil. Doub e-P'min Cloth, various kinds >f R b-. and Gooiif, Fcncif ftT»ills o* ail k-mi-. Kli-.x, . Tjw, or Ali-iVool Cloth, Baying, Touring, Tab e l.u ill Bal moral S*irts, Weidrii, L'ne i a* and Ken p ‘ aipels- in fact. an> ihiJiy, fr. iii a Ha and ome Silk t< a Bag Carpet. IT IS SMALL. NEAT AM) LIGHT. JWf silt er- ih.m a common Iheokfont Table. IT IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, 0 Cowl Main ini and Handsomely Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD. Everything is -Ferhmneil by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, For Further Pariiculttr? , Bill of Price* Do-crip live Circular*, and Sar/plce a We vi»(r. add tee GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company. Atlanta, Gj. R. PRATT, Agent. March 22. 1837, wßm 7x7/ S3 ar e XT © w In Store: BARRELS RYE WlSfeiilT, 50 barrels Bourbon W hisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified V* hisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30 pkijs Cognac Brandy., 20 kps Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Bum, 10 pi gs New England Rum, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 eases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Want poo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases \ box Sardines, A!i oT which we offer to the trade at very low prices. COX HILL. ATLANTA. Ga., dec 1-3 wif 'THE 111 DRUG STORE'' W e invjtP tho a eH ■! a tentT>n of Onanists a*Mi Wer in the sun on tiling: enntry to »u>* l*ri. r e stocK of $ • rf»lsrn «D'l American G Bloving ’n l?irpe nnantDi Bfiive- t’y troci Impcrtc p TVi tinfa^* t o , B a 1 <\ P'»<*kfi£je IlnDPe^—W at'»* ab'e-o * n*-ri iHer;TB n< t to b<-* <urpagftH >n N-w Yo k, to it e r cb : ts who en» pioy le«s raoital and Hiy i* gmaDer qualities. We are daily receive«r;g large upplieb of Dugs and IMC E.3DTGITSTTEI3 OILS AND PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. MACHINE' AND TAN' NEiTS OIL ( and every kino and qua'ity VARNISHES. DYESTUFFS, imputed and American. FANCY AND TOILET GOODS, PATENT MEDICINES *«<i *u articles kept in a firsi class Drag House. Also on hand Landreth’s New Crop Turnip Seed. Large quantities oi ’ QUICKSILVER for mining purposes, Spear’s Latent “Fruit Preserving SOLUTION” one Bat. PRFSER VES, 128 Sbs FRUIT without expensive sealing or air t.gnl Jars. Call and examine our sttx»k an< l drink from the “famous ARCTIC SO DA FOUNT”. REBWIVE & F3X, Corner Whitehall & A a. streets, July 1 9. Atlanta. Ga. Montvale Springs, 1 8 S 7. rpms popular Summer resort havirg been placet in I thorough repair, and furnished win new Fnrmtur , wiii be opened for visitors on the Ist f JUN J ieit, u- der the fitectlon and coot nl of tot untts-r« : arne-* — P priet rs of tbi-Aiae icon Hat l, Atlanta (Ta. Mon vate pres ntst-bestr i.gest ■■>n> to bo‘h the i va-iJ and ,de-*su e- *-eke'-. ao ie - on sec unt of its retirenetrt *i:u! the t-s:-u’> ofitssur ..uuet gscei e v, than < f the res' rariv- p<w-er« of it- wate -‘. « e have educed tne p-ice of Board to the ! »«! fivn-*s co sis e t with a proper provision for the Enter ~inm -tti of our G ests. B -ard, per P *• per "e-_k -*t 6> u p fir Month, o-J 00 with an allowance tor families. Travellers ty K i'r-ed re. cb the Spri-g hv special convevanc- from Loudon, or bv regular daily ra.ii coaches from Knoxville, Tenn. WHITE & WHITLOCK. April 26,155 TANARUS, j i MtftNTA ADVEBTISEMINTS. I i v. R riJTY. j. s. si; vur. | i IVatvt > i C.»., (Ji. 011 >' I, G a. j IMPPKTERS ANP DEVLEF3 IN HARDWARE , At the Siitn oi the MILL SAW and GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Kes ecttupy cell the ottenttm. of merchan’s and eri i... h ir large mid **l usa-.ried .-toe- id Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, N.iiis, | Builoers’ and Carriage Materials, A grip u Itural Implements, Grain (’ratlles, Sythe Blades, ’Pools oi nil kinds, &p., «Cc.; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND C TTON YARNS, AGENTS for Hook’s Anti Friction vietal. Baugh’s R .wbone Super- Phosphate ot Lime. Bufftlo Seale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine prtOPRIEtOKS ..NO UlE' TS FOR , l?r« .uF* I’afeut Portahte C ot loa ajivl May Screw and Revolving l’ress In over one hundred cou ties in Geor?l». tfzT"Countjj Rights for Sale.“^3. A p'i il2 1y • Wholesale aafi Retail : GLOTHISOOUSd. ;i*y , S ve in «tcre ft and v» rtx*eving rejful&riy Vl ul 'h LvTESTs .\LKS.f >,IF..\ \ND BOYS’ 01*0 IIING, P'ECE \ kD FURNISHING GOODS, * TAILOR’S TRIMMINGS, ;&c, &c. W hich we will seiltt a ve* y slight advance on first coat Q’JR TAHOSINS DEPARTMENT Is n* w c imp ere. Slits of All Kinds Promptly Made We guarantee FITJEBT YLE, QUALITY. HERRING & LEYDEN, 40 Whitehall Street. s E »r/jr» JR A CHUTES. r i avi- a acreved the General Atrencv for the state of li eooiKia. oith, WKEU SEWING M CHINK, we tie prep ir- ti ii> sell them at Maiiutactuter s p ices. Tl, se each m s, ..Iter a ' borough iria* for years, have ! proven tht-uis h es 1., he the SlMPfiKal' aND bEcl for ceneral i mil.v use now made. Our 8 are now complete to furnish any of the loading Sowing Machines at, maker’s prices, 1 HERRING & LEYDEN. ! A T W UOLESALE ONLY! FACTORS’ STARK'S. , -»■ 7- -re the \gents f tke Athens Afannfactu ing Cos., \\ ’.,,.d wii eli their Ya, ns ..ttacto y raise to whole s iibuys*.-. Depot at oui Clothing Hue, rth.tttiaii MaV'TV," 111 ’ 0 "' HERRING A LEYDEN. I with We Be Tatjfof, Wi.olesale and Rdail Dealer in Jlrj Cloobs BOOTS, SHOES ”" a YANKtE 1 NOTIONS, &G. Whitehall S reel. je £S—tf. Atlanta, Ga. J. T. JENKINS k CO. Successors to jiccaalEST & <JO. WHOLES * LE DEAI EliS IN Drugs. Faints Oils, Cliemielxals. vi^indd'w- Glassj ITE.VT Helmut €Or*JTEn PRIOJI JIJTD AEAISAJIA STREETS , Atlanta, Ga. AMERICAN HOTEL. Alabama Street, ATLAXTi, GEORGIA. Opposite the Passenger Depot. WHITE Si WHITLOSX, Proprietor,. r*7HE puidic ere respectfully informed that j tliis Ilouse ha- been rtmoddied and re fitted. and re- jt ned for the accdmmode Hop oi the travelling public. Much time, iaoour and expense has be? n expended in making it worthy of patronage. Modern mprovi-ments have been added, and the public can re.v 01. .s being equal to any in Sou hern cities WHITE <k WHITLGCK, Proprietors. BRYSON 6c WYLEY, Clerks. uvfW ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. , HARDWARE. J, M. i J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Iron, Nails, Steel, CELTISG, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, MEC HAN I GAL TOOLS, ui ail Trades, METALS, »< »n kinlle - COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES. SPRINGS. LOCKS, Builders’ Hardware, AXES, HOES. SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS, ~ Bolling Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, of ofeverv kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be sold low for cash. We have just received a larve invoice of the bes? Double-anker Bolting Cloihs, of all de» rub e numbers, which we offer Imo tor Cash I ; AT,SO MILL PICKS, SYTHES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other articles which you need, and which we are desirous of selling, Call «.nd see us when you visit Atlanta. J. M. & J, C. ALEXANDER, Wnitetiall Street, ATLANTA, GA. April 2G, 1807 wGm FORCE'S BOOT AND SHOE HO USB. WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, GEGRGIA, ARE now receiving their Fall anti Winter Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, the largest ever brought to this city. These goods came direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the tr de at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting ol Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip, naif and buffßrogans and Balmorals —Boots, of a 1 styles, thick, wax. kip, calf, and the finest qualities. Ladies’, Mi'ses’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, H. FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 2ft' 1y The Oldest Jewelry House In ATLANTA, GEORGEA. EE LAWSHE, t C lo C Ks, UUatches, w Jewelry and Silverware, and Material. All Articles Warranted as Me presented. Watches and Jewelry Repaired by competent workmen and Warranted. May l, 18G7. wly CI3BAIP CROCKERY AND T.R RIPLEY AGT. OLD STAND, . Whitehall St., Established in 1850. June 21, 1867.—3 m VAN EPPS & TIP PIN, WHOLESALE and retail GROOEBS Commission Merchants, Alabama street, Atlanta Ga. The following, as weil as many other goods in til's line for ea;e in iota to suit purchasers: Bacon Sides, Corn, Bacon Hams, Flour, Canvassed Hams, Lard, Sugar-cured Hams Coffee, gyiups. Brown Sugars, Molasses, Refined Sugars, Soda, Mackerel in B blp., Salt, Mackerel in Kegs, guap, Salmon in Cane, . Toilet So ip, Lobs era in Cans. Oysters in Cans, Canales, Candies, Raisins, Mason’s Blacking, Nuts, Tobacco, Dales, Cigars, Starch, Arp (fcC, VAN EPPS & TIPPIN. Jane 21,1557.—t0 AUaut , Oa. GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY, Whereas, Jo in J, Epperson applies to me to be retired from his administration on the estate of James B Epperson, deceased. These, are therefore to cite Mrs. Sarah Epperson and admonish all and ingu ar the kindred and creditors of sai : deceases, to li e th ir obj ttions if any tbev have b the lirot Mouuay m ust, 1867, ©theiwise letiers of dismission will be granted the ap plieant at that term oi the court of Ordinary lor said cou tv. Given under my hand and signature, this the 29ih day es Juu 1867. WRD Moßd, Ordinary. (nr’s fee $5 * ATIANTA /LVLRTISITS. New Marble Yard. S. B- OATMAN, Jgent. For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian, Block adille, and White Rutland Statuary MARBLE. tWE are now receiving and .pJWA have io store, a large desirable stock of finished and rough Marble, which j ffkg, we ofifer to the public on v/»*> |Ob the most rcasoaablc terms. p)S=i>4 Owing to the high price of marble at tins time, many peisons are kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. Mv facilities are such hr purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profits and quick sales —such is mv motto. We are prepared to furnis.i in the best style, .Monuments, c irved and plain, Box Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain. Head-stones, Urns. Vases. &c„ and Furnishing Marble of all ,1c script ions. With good and experienced workmen in n1 ’ departments of biisin ss, wc hope t > merit a share of public p .tronage - Dei.ignsof Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so icitel and promptly filled. Office tnd Yard adjoini ig Be Ivue Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec tith, ISbS. DRYGOODS! DRV GOODS I N e w Arrival! TILLEY. BROWfli CO Wlisteliall Street, Atlanta, Ga.. Are now dai'y receiving their SECOND INSTA LLME NT OF Spring and Summer Goods! In addition to their present stock, they wit REOEIVI WEEKLY, du.iug the cowing season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS i THEY SI AYE OH IS i.\D \OH! hack and Fancy «ilk , Mosamh qu s. (Grenadines, O ga..ii t v lusdns, W .tie and B ick Iron Ba-ege? nVI«S, VULL. KATVSOOK >in JA OS ITT USLIN: White "nd Fancy Turlatoi Wr,ite and Fancy B it i ante,* Tu.ked Sk’rt O >m;s, Aiexanu.e’B Kid Gloves—light, col,. MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COT LARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, &c. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED. M-y 3—« 6m. NEW LIQUOR STORE. M. JII.M08C&. Cos, WL ileaale Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Whiskeys, Gins, Bums, &c. &c. So 2 Granite Block. Broad St r. Atlanta, Ga. IMPORTED ANB'dOMHSTIC LIQUORS of every Grade olVered at low figures. Conntry. dealers are specially invited to give us a oal! and sample our L'quore, w; tch we guarantee to be a? we represent them. Amt sutivLiotion given in every ti ansactlon. June 7—tc. R. M. ROSE & CO. McBRIDE, DORSET V 4* €O., ATLANTA, GA. To tlie Merchants ©f Georgia and adjoining States: TTTE have already spoken through the papers to out YV friends throughout he South, aid auv.sed th who were formerly our fellow-soldiers i . the Soil he n Army, that we h id undertaken to apply, -n P ac , 'lie element*, of vigor, energy and promptness, which had so otten gained us the day in War. We have opened it Wholesale Crockery AND O-IxASS HOUSE. In Atlanta. On a scale far beyond any before known in the State. W@ are backed by ail the advantages which are de rived from abundant means and a thorough knowledge of he business. A large pari of our goods are shipped DIRECTLY TO US FROM EUROPE. via Charleston and Savannah. We confidently expect to s.ipp'y from i* '%/ our depot In A.’ant., all those mer it. fßr chants throughout this and adjoining \jT States who have heretofore made their purchases North. We can offer as varied a stock as cau be found in New \ ork, and we know that OUR PRICES HERE WILL BE LOWER. You will gave FREIGHT by purchasing here. You will s,ve BREAKAGE by purchasing bore. You will contribute 'o the building up of a home de pot of supplies by purchasing here. We have on hand and constantly arriving ASSORTED PRO’S OF CROCKERY, of best and mixed grade. We repack Crockery, China Glassware, Looking G.a‘#ee, Limps, Cutlery, Pl-ed ad Japanned Wa e, Cl Cks, &., to erd r. W ha e j b lots of ibese g -oils ffr in t e to time at very low price'. We solicit y ur CASH o- er», and will give you ia ge advantages for CaSH IN HAND. Y 'ur lii lends, April 19, lbfiT. McBKIDf. DOitSETT & ( 0. T. M.« R.C. GIARXB. Dealers Iv ENGLISH AND AfcERICMi Hardware Cutlery Guns Pistols —ALSO — Iron, Steel, Nail*, Billows, Anvils, Vices, Coro Shelters, Straw Cutters, Shovels, Plows, Hoes, Chains, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, &c. And all other goods usually kept in the Hard ware line. Also Agentsfor Fan-banks Platform and Counter Scales, which we will sell at Fac tory prices, freight added. At their old stand. Comer of Peach Tree and Line Street, Atlanta, Gs, ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. ■ fill l#f I€!® 11l OLD ERiyVH AN.) r USTOM FRS will nle is" remerber, that, after htv’ng been twice burned oat, I have re *l somed the DKCG BUSINESS wi h Vie, T. I. A M. B. SWANSON, under the style of swam son AT ROARK’S CORNER, NEXT DOOR TO W. H. BROTHERTON, ATLANTA, GA. I wilt be pleaded to meet all my old friend* at our i ew place of business, wh-re I "tn preparedto ahow them a large and weir assented block of puri oeca, and at very bnv figures. R. J. MASSEY, b.te M ippcv n ini Ilertv. feb 1 ATLANTA, GA. KO STB FEOFLE OF THE TE .TRITORTT OF GEORGIA >-X.OOK TO TOUR INTEREST! As?d conic to Store of And l»uy your Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes at New York Cost. We are determined to confine ourselves strict ly to a Fancy Dry-r Goods trade, Hence w e make the above proposition to sell out that p; i t of our stock AT COS V. Country Merchants Look to your interest! Ladies call at our store and Iniv vour Fancy Dr -Goods Cheap. We are aware of the hardness of the times an<i tlie searrety of money in the country, and with direct reference In the wants of the trade, »ve bought our Goods at prices that will authorize us to self them low indeed, and we are determined to sell as we bought, as now our motto is quick sales and short ptofiis X H. WHITE $* CO, East side Whitehall Street. June 7,—3in. Atlanta, (Ja. .A. IST XI! Rolling Mill Cos., Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF RAIL-ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE BOLTS, BAR IRON, NAIL ROD, AND HORSESHOE IRON. Castings, 1,1 all description*, in Brass or Iron, including RAIL-ROAD CAR WHEELS. BOXES. PEDESTALS. FRONTS. COLUMNS. AND VERANDAHS. Mill Gearing and Machinery of all kind*. JOHN D. GRAY. Preddtnt. October riEORGU, BARTO'V COUNT?. Wi (*«.*, >. J vT Weems, ad mV of V, a. n repesent* to .he o,utin h s petition, du> fi.u 'i,d e .teed on '«oo'd, that he h-s fnlty adminintei dV a B-tri.,u*i rtate.— Th s Is therefore to cite a 1 pwso sc 'nee ned, ki"<lred ana erenitors, .ostn « cause if any th-y ca , »ry said admlni- trat'.r ah' uld not be disc atgeu from hi* ad ministration, and receive letters of dismls-1 >n from ths. seme in term, of th* law. J, A HOWahD July 12 WT, Or iin»ry, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fat. Med., Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Fancy and Toil. Art., Soaps, Per fumery, Brushes a variety, Wines, Brand ies, 4*c., 4‘l’»