The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, August 09, 1867, Image 3

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W Heal _ tea mw ? wwt wish it distinctly understood that wo charge ten cents a lino, per week, for spe cial* in the local columns ol our paper, no mors nor less. Wo wish it distinctly understood, that wo don’t publish a paper for gratuitous circulation as some of our subscribers imagine who have not ye*, paid their subscription lor this year to say nothing of last year’s. Wo wish it distinctly understood, that we don't propose to advertise and do job printing and furnish every thing ourselves and take credit for pay, as some ol our patrons seem to think who are living oIF of the proceeds ot oui labour. We wish it distinct'// understood, that this is the last call without more money, without favor or affection. Money we want and mon ey we must have. Ho don’t he olleuded, gen tle reader, if you owe us any money, if we ask vou to come or send and pay us, that our friendship may continue and that our future intercourse may be agreeable and dealings harmonious. Don’t consider this a dun hut rather a mild hint. COUNT HOUSE! Sealed proposals will lie received until the 20 day of this month, for bids lor building a Court House for this (Bartow) county. Plan ape ideation and order of the Huyerior court, will he found at the office of the Ordinary and county judge. Bids should he sealed and ad dressed "Superior court Bartow county, Car- UTBvillc.” and endorsed on envelop “Bid to r Court House.” J- L. W IKI-E, J. I. C., D. A. VAUCIIN, J. I. J. KENEDY, J - I. C., w. T. BURGE, .!• I. c., THOS. tumlin, j. I. u. All persons who subscribed to the Court House fund, are required to pay instalments on lhtM r sill,-cription as follows: One-fourth on lirst of November, and the last fourth on the first day of December next. The subscription j„ ill the hands of J. A. Erwin. Suit, will be commenced against all who fail to pay us requested. J. L. WIKUE..M. C.. D. A. VAUGHN, J. I. C., j. KENEDY, J. I. C.. YV. T* BURGE, J. I. C., 'I’IIOS. TUMUIN, J. I. u. \ prof,iacted meeting will commence at the Presbyterian church to night (Friday.) Rev. 11. C. Carter of Hal lo i .ml oliters are expected to be pres - ent, ; S,s,KXCB.> to mo Huso,—'The freedman, 1 vv wa- cam viced of murder, by ti.e Huperi- O, Court V f this- county, last .week, was, o U s ,u. day marniug las', sentenced, by.-Judge it? ; hter, to expiate his crime upon ihcfollows j witliii/mie mile of the Depot in this place, be- .j tween the hours of ten, A M, and two, P. M.. on Friday, the 30tn-mst. 'j'he Jioodmaii had a faiiyimpartial trial by a sworn jury, and was ably represented by Geu. Win. T- Wo third, and Cols. Wm. H PritclieH and John W. Wofford, Col. J. K. Parrott. Hoi. Gen., for the prosecution. Judge M iner delivered the sentence of the law in a touching manner. After oxplamg to pic eriuiinal the laws bearing on the subject am l reiterating the strong poin sos evidence llu it had been introduced in Court in proof ot liisguit, and enforcing upon his mind the magnitude and lioinousness of the crime com mitted, the Judge then bid him, in tones of tenderness, to set his house in order, for he must di and not live, and advised him to de vote his few rcmi.iuing days on earth in pre paring to meet his*God. It was true that his ilife ruiiid not atone.for that of-his fellow-man who he had, in-tui uugarded moment, ushered into,eternity, but it would possibly deter others .from t‘io perpetration of liKe deeds. Tlie othei freed man, who had been convict ed ol an attempt to ravish a little white girl nine years old. was sentenced to twenty years impnsonim nt and hard labour ill the peniten tiary oJ the State. UUIN F. HARWELL announces to the farmers and planters of Bartow and adjoining c lies, that he is prepared to renovate ami ’ lir old COTTON GINS, so as to make Dn-m as good as new ones. Those having old Gins to Tie repaired, would do well to bring them in at once, so that they may ° 1 - for the incoming cotton crop, The Cot ui-Houi e.—l' "ill be seen, by re ference to our advertising columns, that the Inferior Court cities county has decided upon proceeding forthwith to the erection of the Court-house, plans and specifications of which are there laid down, as well as proposals for building. The contract is to be let out on\he 20th inst. to the lowest bidder, Subscribers to the building fund would do well to read and prepare lor the emergency. WHEAT!WHEAT!! Bring qu vour WIIEAI to BLAIh fc BRADSIIAW who will always strain the market to the highest to help the larmer. Preaelllnar— Wc are requested to an nounce that the Rev. D. D. Moore, of Dalton, will preach in the Methodist E. Church South in this place, on Sabbath morning and even ing next., on special subjects. The Rev. Dr. Harrison, of Atlanta, will also preach in the same Church on Monday and Tuesday even ings next, also on important subjects, and the services will be continued during the week and Friday , the 10th will Je observed by the church with fasting aid tlayer. The public gener al'v are invited to attend the above religious services. We invite the att»ntion of our readers to the Advertisement of Langford Ac McGrath, They are offering to the public, the celebrated “Good Samaritan" !Stovc, the best in the world; also the protector with galvanized cast iron reservoir, something new and durable. They also have a general assortment *of Tin-ware and house furnishing goods, which they will sell low down for ca.'h. We call the special attention of Farmers to this card. You who would have a stove cheap—-call on Langford & McGrath, Atlanta, Georgia. ATTENTION, E YERYBODI. I will sell, commencing Thursday, (the 25th ol this month), all Summer Goods at New York cost, freight added. Come one come all, I am determined to sell, and mean what I say. L. FERGUSON. Cartersvillp. July 23 1807. The American Hotel, in Atlanta, has un dergone a change. M' s.-.'S, White <V Whitlock retiring and Messrs. Young & Browning tak ing possession. Both of whom, wo are assur ed, are gentlemen of the first cloth, as were their predecessors. The house has been late ly repaired and refitted in the neatest and most tasty style. Hec card. Southern Cultivator. Notwithstanding the death of Mr. White, the Editor oi this interesting periodical, it came to us in due time. I: is now Edited by Mr, D. ltednion of Augusta and Dr. James Garnak of Ath ens. We have no doubt but it will be well conducted by these gentlemen, and should he liberally patronized by our Southern farmers. It is published at Athens Ga* at two dollars per annum. ITiriiif ure ! Furniture ! ■Underfills heading in another col umn, will he seen the card of George P. Frazer. He lias on hand one of the hugest and cheapest stocks of Furniture ever brought to Atlanta. We invite the attention of the citizens ofCarters ville and surrounding Country,,.to the great inducements held out by the pro* prietor of this establishment. Send him your cash orders, and he will guar antee satisfaction. In another column will be found the card of A. Erginzinger, dealer in Fur niture, Upholstery, Mattressss, Parlor & Bedroom setts, cain bottom & Rock ing chairs, Lounges,Damask & Almond doth, Oil Cloths, window Curtains, and various other articles, too te lions to mention. Read advertisement and give him a cali. | Tlic Price ol'Flour and Wheat. j Flour is selling at sls per barrtl quoted at $1 75 per bushel. It takes five bushels of wheat to make a barrel of.flour—Meat amounts to $3 75. It costs fifty cents a barrel to have flour ground at Geisendo. - ff,s mills; that foots up &P 25. Add to this the cost of the barrel, forty cents, and we have $9 65 ;thirtydive might be added lor teaming , we would have -flour for $lO per barrell* The bran, etc., would be clear gain, and could be sold at any feed store. Now we want every citizen to think of this matter, lor it affects their pockets, and try and remedy being borne down in dust by speculators. We have presented the matter plain—in figures —and figures do not lie. Drought. —The Rome Courier re grets to learn that some portions ol that co. the corn crop will prove a total fail<- ure for the want ol'rain which in other port ions good crops are likely to be made, if they have another good rain in a few lavs. The rains have been very partial not only in this county but through out tiffs portion of the State. Georgia and Gen. Pope.—AVp find the following in an exchange without credit; A friend who has just returned from an extended tour through Georgia, re ports, prospects fiar hreadstufls very line. Smiling plenty has dethroned gaunt famine. The people ol Georgia, he says, much prefer remaining under the military rule pi' General Pope to going back into the Union under the reconstruction act; fearing they might get under such a despot as Brownlow. if they were in tne Union. They are registering, and will vote against the Convention. What It Means. —The New A ork Tribune, speaking of the elections in Tennesse, last week, says ; “The re sult of this election means the triumph ofthe Repudiation party in the South.” Certainly it does. The 'Jvibunc is right. Like causes hardly ever fail to produce like effects, ami the same sort ot appliances as were in vogue in Ten nessee w ill bring about the same results in Georgia and other Southern States. And they might be tried on with ad vantage to the party in Connecticut, Now York, Pensylvania and other doubtful commonwealths iu that direc tion. THE VOLUNTEER COUNSEL. A THRILLING STORY. John Tavlor was licensed, when a youth of twenty-one. to practice at the bar. He was poor, but was well edu cated, and possessed extraordinary genius, He married a beauty, who afterwards deserted him lor another. On the 9th of April. 1840, the court house in Clarksville, Texas, was crow ded to overflowing. An exciting case was to be tried. George Hopkins, a wealthy planter, had offered a gross insult to Mary Ellison, the young anu beautiful wife of his overseer. The husband threatened to chastise him lor the outrage, when Hopkins went to Ellison’s house and shot h»m in his own door. The murderer was arrested and called to answer the charge. This occurrence produced great excitement, and Hopkins, in order to turn the tide of popular indignation, had < irculated reports against lier character, and she had sued him for slander. Both suits were pending —for murder and slander. The interest became deeper when it was known that Ashlee and Pike, of Arkansas, and S. S. Prentiss, of New Orleans, by enormous fees, had retained to defend Hopkins. Hopkins was acquitted. The Texas lawyers were overwhelmed by their opponents. It was a light ol a dwarf against giants. The slander suit was for the 9th. and the throng of spectators grew in num* hers as in excitement. Public opinion was setting in lor Hopkins,; his money had procured witnesses who served his powerful advocates. When the the slar.der case was called. Mary Ellison was left without an attorney —all had withdrawn. “Have you no counsel?” inquired Judge Mills, looking kindly on the plaintiff. “No, sir.; they hawe till deserted me, and I am too poor to lomploy any more,” replied the beautiful Mary, bursting into tears. ‘•ln suah a case, will not-some chiv alrous member of the profession volun teer?” said the judge, glancing around the bar. The thirty lawyers were silent. “I will, your honor,” said a voice from the thickest part ol the crowd, from behind the bar. At the sound of that voice many started —it was so unearthly, sweet and mournful. The first sensation was .changed into laughter when a tall gaunt, spectral figure elbowed his way through the crowd, and placed himself within the bar. His clothes looked so -shabby that the court hesitated to let the<case proceed.under his management, “Has your name been entered on the rolls of the State ?” demanded the judge. “It is immaterial,” answered the stranger, his thin, bloodless lips curl iiig up with a sneer. “Here is my license from the highest tribunal in America,” and lie handed the judge a broad, parchment. The trial went on. He suffered the witnesses to tell their o-wn story, anti allowed the de fense, to lead off. Aslilee spoke first, followed by .Pike and Prentiss. Ihe latter brought .the house in.cheers, in which the jury joined. It was now the stranger’s turn. He rose before the bar, not behind it. and so near the wondering jury that he might touch the foreman with his long, bony finger. He proceeded to tear to pieces the arguments of Ashiee, which incited away at his 'touch like frost be fore a -sun beam-; every ‘one ‘looked surprised. Anon lie came to the daz zling wit of the poetrlawver Pike. — Then the-earl-of hits lip grew sharper, his smooth lace began todviadletip, and his eves to open, dim and dreary no longer, but vivid as lightning, -red as tire gl.ibe's, and glaring as twin mete* ors. The whole soul was in the eye ; the full heart streamed out of his face. Then, without bestowing an allusion te Prentiss, lie turned short around on the perjured witnesses ot Hopkins, tore their testimony into threads, and hurl* ed in t heir faces such 'terrible rnveeiives that all trembled like aspens, and two of them fled Irom the courthouse. The excitement of the crowd was becoming tremendous. Their united life and soul seemed to hang upon the burning tongue of the stranger, and he inspired them with the power of his passions. He seemed to have stolen nature’s long hidden secret of attraction. But iiis greatest triumph was to come. His eyes began to glance at the as sassin Hopkins, as Ids lean, taper fin gers assumed the same direction-. He hemmed the wretch with a wall of strong evidence and impregnable argu ment, cutting off a?ff hope of escape. He dug beneath the murderer’s feet ditches ol dilemma, and held up the slanderer to the scorn and contempt ol the populace. Having thus girt him about with a circle of fire, he stripped himself to the work of massacre. Oh ! then it was a vision both glo rious and dreadful to behold the orator. Ills actions became as impetuous as the motion oi an oak in a hurricane. His voice became a trumpet tilled with wild whirpools, deafening the air with the crashes of power, and yet inter mingled all the while with a sweet undersong of the soft cadence, llis forehead glowed like a heated furnace, his countenance was haggard like ihit of a maniac,, and ever and anon lie Rung his long and bony arms on high, as if grasping after thunderbolts. He drew a picture of inurdjer in such appalling colors that in comparison hell itself might seem beautiful; he i painted the slanderer so black that the- U u ii scctged. dark at, u oo3 day when shining on such a monster. And then fixing both portraits on the shrinking Hopkins, fastened them forever. The agitation of the audience amounted almost to madness. All at mice the speaker descended from the perilous height. His voice wailed out lor the murdered dead and living —the beautiful Mary, more beau litul every moment as he* tears (lowed faster—till men wept and sobbed like children. lie closed by a strange exhortation to the jnrv, and through them to the bystanders ; he advised the panel, after they should bring in a verdiet for 1 lie plaintiff', not to offer violence to the defendant, however richly he might deserve it; in other words, “not to lynch the villian, but leave his pun ishment with God.” This was the most artful trick of all, and best calculated to insure vengeance. The jury returned a verdict of fifty thousand dollars ; and the night aiier wards Hopkins was taken out ot his bed by lynchers and beaten almost to death. As the court adjourned the stranger said ; “John Taylor will preach here this evening at early candle light.” He did preach and the house was crowded. 1 have listened to Cla_> . VYebster and Calhoun—to Dwight Bascom aud Beecher—but never any thing in the lorni of sublime words even approximating to the eloquence ol John Taylor—massive as a mountain, and wildly rushing as a cataract ol fire.. Atlanta Lincoln Monument. —The Columbus Enquirer says : The New York Times , (Republican paper) is “down 011” the Atlanta Mon ument to Lincoln “like .-a thousand of brick.” It notices particularly a circular sent out from the very fast “Gate City,” soliciting contributions from every States and individual in the Union to aid in building the monument. The 'Times distrusts the sincerity of the movement (as well it may), and ex presses the hope that ihe impatient patriots at Atlanta will hold on a bit lin'd the balance of the South can be brought un to the same degree of fer vor and disinterested zeal. It says ; “This may be a spontaneous outburst of Southern loyalty, and a free-will offering of ‘gratitude and .praise’ from ‘the vanquished,’ but it looks very much like ihe handle of that well known jug—-fill on one side. We are no believers in the namby-pamby style of repressing real exhibitions of na tional feeling and joy, lest Aliev hurt: the feelings. A Rustic Courtship —l hitched my cheer close to hern, sliet my eyes, ami tremulously setl, “Sal. you’re the very gal .I’ve been haukerin arter for a long time. I love you all overvfrom the foot of your soul to the head of your crown, and ! don’t keer who knows it; and if you sav so, we’ll be jined in the holy bond ul mat rimo.oy.. E pluribus onions, gloria Monday morning, sic temper tyranis, non com ponents world without end,” sezl, and l felt as.ifitm/ 1 had tkewed like an ah lygoter, 1 felt so relieved. -With that she (fetched a scream, and arter a while she sez.: ,Peter I” “Wlrai’iz it, Sally ?” sez I, “Yes.” said she, a hidin’ of her face. You may depend upon it, I felt orful good, “Glory ! Giory !”sez I, ‘I must hol ler, Sal or I’ll bust open. Hooray ! hooray !l can jump over a ten rail fence, and 1 can do anything a 'fellow could'or or ter -do !” With that -I sorter sloshed myself down bv her, and ol inched the ’bargain wn-h -a -kiss. „ Talk about yer sugar, talk ah out yer lasses, talk about yer nite blooming se rious, warnt nowhere; you couldn't have got me nigh ’em ; they would have lasted sotir after that. O ! broom straws with lasses on’’em ! Es Sals daddy hadn't bawled out —“It’s tune for all honest folks to be in bed,’, I do believe Pd stayed all nite. 'J'he Poor President. —According to the New York Times Andrew John son is no longer President of the U. S. Tire following is the language of that journal on the subject. “In the presence af this unexpected difficulty, the country will turn anx iously, yet hopefully, to General Grant, as the virtual administrator of the law. He is invested *vvith all the powers of suspension, removal, appointment and detail granted’ to district commanders. The President may, indeed, remove the latter, and may appoint others to do his bidding. But this is all. In Gen eral Grant is invested the far more important power of revising the action of the President’s nominees, reversing what they may do amiss, and directing to be done whatever to his judgment mav seem requisite for the sale work ing *of reconstruction. The respousi bilily, the fidelity, the sagacity, of General Grant constitute the only guarantee vouchsafed to 11s for the adequate enforcement of the conditions dictated by Congress in the spirit in which they were conceived. To this quarter we look trustfully for the efficiency ami the peace which are most unwisely denied by Mr. John son.” The Declaratirr of Independence was read to the negroes of Memphis on the fourth at a pic-uic. They became highly incensed and the most of them left, declaring they didn't go there to hear such u —d rebel stuff,” Douglass Jerrohl, ;tl nn cvtnmg parly, was looking al »he dancers, Seeing a very tall gentleman waltzing with an extremely short lady, he observed to a friend ; *• Hump, there’s tlie mile dancing with the ” SPECI Alta. XOTXC IS AM parties Inicbtod to uu will pie iae forward artrl *ettle, or we will l» * c**uipe|le«i to put t-*.* •cc 4 »ui,t« ih the hands of s«*me one f <» collection, as we in at have money. jso settle up and j-ave tr.m le BUST ± KIMMKU. Cartersville, CJa. J’ty 10 1807. Hook Notices. Th-* 14fe of Liout-Gen. T. .1. [.Stonewall] Jackson, embrnciitß his Gnmjutlgns ;i> the Tiie Valley and Army of Northern Virgin ia, with Diagrams of lie principle Battle- Fields upon which tl.iis iin;no:lal hero men* te veil red. Brice from Four to Six according t > finish. This is a very interesting work and sliould he in every family in the Southern States. vloses and the Prophets, Christ and the Apos tles, Fathers and Martyrs, illustrated with Eighteen line Steel Plate Engravings, a Map of the World, six hundred pages Price Three and a half to Four Dollars, ac cording to linish. The above books are sold ou'y by subscrip tion, and can be obtained of PENDLETON ISBELL, Cartersville, who is sole Agent for the counties of Bartow, Floyd and Polk, July 19ih, 1867. Tlic “Iksl Machine la Ibe World” Mrs. D. L. DeGolia says, “I nave used the “twisted _loop” stitch for Seven years and have bad nine to sew for ; yet I have never known a seam to‘rip'’—nor lias the machine been out of order. The Wilcox <£, (Jdabs is be best iu the world *” I hereby forewarn ail persons not to trade for a note given by .me to Messrs. Short Broth ers, of New' York, for One Hundred and Nine-' tV-nine Dollars and Eight cents, as I <lo not intend to pay said note, unless compelled by law. The consideration for which the note was given has entirely failed. E. V. JOHNSON. Kingston, Ga., June 26, 1867. NOT* CEL ■Cartersville, Ga , June 25th 18.87. By order of James Milner. Judge of the Su perior -Court of the Cherokee Circuit, there will be an adjourned term ottlie Superi or Court held for the County of Bartow on the sth Monday tn July next, for the trial of criminal cases. Jurors, parties and witnesses ' will take due notice and govern themselves ac cordingly. TUGS. A. WORD, Clk. L. C. B. .C, DID MILLIONS* DVSE\TERl r DROPS, In the lust two weeks many families particularly chik'ren have been afflicted with Dysentery, they have tried, many of them “Dr. Bullions Dysentery Drops” and in every ease they Lave been made to rejoice at the success ol it. They all agree in saying they would uot be without it in their house lor ten tines the price of it, evi ryone should supply themselves with one or more Bottles, every Store sholud keep a supply on hand, Retail Price only 25 cts. A liberal discount to the trade- — .Call and provide, lor you or your fam ily may be taken .sick at night • For Sale, BEST & KRAMER, Druggist’s Cartersville Ga. A'libernl discount made to all stores. TO COSSIJMPTiVES. The advertiser, having been restored to .health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf sered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease ■Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fell ?w-sufferers the means of cu e. To aJi who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, whicii they w:ti find a StTRK CURE for CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, BRON CH-lf tS COUGHS. COLDS, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The on y object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the aillicted. ar and spread information which he conceives to be invaluably and he hopes every sufferer wilt try his remedy, as it will erst, them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Par ies wi-hing the presetip'ion, FREE, !>y return mail, will please address REV. KI*WARD A WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings Cos., New loik. May Ist, 3SGI. wly. CIRCUIaAR TO AGENTS. Weslci'R & Atlantic Rail-road Office Master of Transportation. In order to insure the prompt transportation of wheat, anil to prevent delays, errors, anti losses in its shipment, the following instruc tions must be strictly observed in all shipments of wheat from your depot:— I. Sacks must be plainly marked,and before any portion of tlie shipment is received, written instructions must be given by consignor, show ing number of sacks to be shipped,_ marks, consignor, consignee, destination, and the route by which it is to be shipped. 11. Special Instruction No. 2 will be strictly observed in giving receipts for wheat. 111. Rule No. 4, in printed local tariil, must be adhered to in regard to wheat, and agents will not permit wheat to be put into the depot until the provisions of paragraph I. of the circular arc compiler with; but shippers will lie allowed to deliver portions of a shipment after tho. written instructions for shipment of a whole lot have been filed with an agent. JOHN B. FECK, Master Transportation. EIIUOUS Oi’ YOUTH. A Gentbman who Buffered for years from Nervoug Pebiliiy, Premature. Decay, and alt the effects n d youthful indiscretion, \v U, tor the sake ol r . humanitv, send free to all vim need it. the rtceip e* cl directions for making Urn simple remedy b.y vhi ch „ was cured. Sutfere s wishing to profit by tag »dve tiser's excellence, can do so l»y a dressing, in p sr fe confidence, JOHN 15. OGDEN. 42 Cedar Street, _\ e York. Slay 1, IsO». wly. The entite lut ot W ilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine at this place being exhausted, I wish to hear as soon as possible from these havcing any of those machines, who wish to return tnem. or to exchange them for others of different finish —so that 1 can order others accordingly. Cartersville, July 20 1807. 11. RUCK MAN. 'fflitatililMT p‘|t (Boobs! 1M M EN 8 E ATTit AC T ION!! limn ante reduction In Prices! A GORGEOUS LOT OFDRSSS GOOD .Fast Received Gom the I/iic Yun York Auction S.i lirs A Deduction of 50 per cent, from last month’s Prieps! .liV Hoods .7 larked In Plain Figures i Mv well kivuvu strnigb t forward and honorable course of ccndvcting business is a sit Die \>aruntoc (to Mi whopiay fa’ or tui with their patronage, that (bey will be larly dealt ,wi h. & * jojin m. luiNjrojr, Coriier of Whllchall and Hunter Streets, RE -PECTJ 1 UI.UY announces to <is friends ap t the public, th;it he tins just returned froni New Y. rk. where has been in ,itt> ndance al the immense u.uelion suit'd which t ink place il.e l'.si week, and that his mes,'i’ ccont stock of .\hJsinimn.T Goods is now oompieic, and will ho sold at p.ices that will defy ouiupetiou. llic must perlenoed wilt at once perceive the great advantage of pvr chasing a stock of dry goods at this particul|| time u-}mn iinnorte« , 3 ave disposing • 1 their stocks regard.ess ol ,c 1 .st. ... , .. v , I wou'd annex a schedule of pi ices, but will not penult. Suflh-e it. to say that I was ip New > oil h ben tle late panic i-»aclied its climax, and tin I purchased my pKsent stock. 26 per cent, less lhaU it could been purghased .at any o.tlier ,tiu.e this season. iJTJST .500 pieces beautiful Dress Goods, consisting of grenadines, Mosambi.jucs, Lenos, I’oplines, etc. 200 pieces spiend,id goods for Gents’ aad L' .ys" wear, consisting of Cloths, Cassimercs, Wrap P'Rte, Jeans, Linen Ducii and Diilts, Marseiles, etc. 800 pieces'vblte goods, consisting of Plain, Striped. Checked and Ortfe-t Bwts-; Plain, Ptriped, Cbecked and Dotted Jaconet; Tajrlutou. Nainsook, Crimped Muslin, Drilli imes, t’fii e Cloth, llishop Lawn, etc. *OO pieces American KngUsh and andi-4 Sw Case Cottons; 20 pieces -8-4, 0-4 and 10-4 Table Llneus, both bleached andj unbleached T M^ S< S ’"li 9 p -hffib ren < Todtea’' , heaiitifUt'jron* I Kranie^ < s'ldeiuOd Od. Tht'rtl V'"Tl’inilkerchi'dA‘ 10 pieces heautlfnl KlanneU; a complete slock of Notions; 5000 i'aper Collars for i c'd Gs always on hand’ll full stock of, Hieelings Osnalmrgs. Jeans etc which will he sold for faetoiy priGe.' Everything usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store can be found lice. 1> g _ This S])len( iid stock,of Goods has been purchased since the 24th of May, which announcement will satisfy, all that great bargains given. JOHN M. GANNOY, jc. 14, 1867. Corner VVbiicball mul Hunter Str.pplk, Alianin, Gd. ""prices reduced to suit the times ron 3.357. Chamberlain, , Cole 4' Boynton , Atlantaj Georgia. Arc yelling their iinuicuse Stock of ©Si ©Sa At Wholesale and Retail, for Gash Only, At P rices to suit the Ti m c s Their Slock of DHtSS GOODS comprises every new style inthe American mar ket s HOSIERY n,, R GLOVES- "ic l:irt(est ever bronorht. to Atlanta ; SILK .111(1 POPLIN COVERINGS. LACE POINTS ;>f every variety ; EMBROIDERIES ; " ,d IABE GOODS nf every domplmn ; T A BLE S Bkli asks’ NAPKINS 8 TOW ELsU TO W ELIN g' " od' R>|H C L > ERiS CURTAIN DAMASKS’ Woods lor Men’s ami Boys wear. DOMESTICS ‘““‘NUI lUNb U U FO Ii TII E LOWE vS T CASH ERIC E April 12 —ly, — ' * iq-oisr EXPLOSIVE tP pj ff A r t \T J forA© '4Jj mi I, nu makee h-s* s rtest and -heapest light of anything known. It Is fully patented—a gunronfee of ~B e ,p L can eUI .u anv Kerosene or Cos, i Oil Lamps by attaching .h„ fficilT IOLSE HKBNKK, which is i.r ferab eto all otic-s. This oil ma- es a clear, b.ight li,lit., smokes less and burns long.r than other v.muii ii m e n ., nr i| H it, /r/ (not °xnl >«ln. cat e dein mstrated in a moment. ° ll3 Tb'e METEOR S AFETY LaMl* is a perfect g m- 1 universal favorite—and gives a LtGHl’ for less than half acent an hour, (for sale by L. KIRK I* \TRKK & CO, Cartersville, Qa, 4 M ELLIIS, (Jaliioui , Ga. RUFE W. THOTNTON. Proprietor of Bartow and Gordon coun'les. Also net for the sale of County Rights. Those desirous of making money, will do well to correspond him at Calhoun, Ka. J*- i clothing at the gate city irn m w <pf ¥ v$ iu r jp } rs. rK’ aims) ''Lm. & (km? $ We wou'd respectfully inform our friends and the public that we have just received one of the largest and gpiSxxfo- BTJ'XvXXvXEXX GLOTHIITGI r , , .. . o’l of whih have h>en manufactured for us from Gods bought at, late decline, for Ever brought to Atlant.. a ot section. We would respectful.y invite all to an examination of Clash, with special reference to the wants 01 uiu » Our Good* and Prices , Ca-ssinicrc Suits for S7 50 to SIO CO, and tinwards Tfioso .acquainted with our Goods, need not be told that our Clothing is mad» up by the few workmen and of superior goods. In add-lion to the above, we keep, also, a large stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, „ -4- pt-rmt and PLAIN WHIT? SHIRTS, FANCY and. BROWN LIVEN SHIRTS, UNDER GAR £ P f »nYi/.-s Kancv and Plain TIES, of all de icription*, Silk and Linen Pocket Har.dkerckiefs, Gents Gray Molded (Jolla-, as well as Glased ami M irseilles Collars, All of which will be so.d cheapertlia can be bought clflGwrlKrc. Ylso, Boots, Shoes, iiats, Sole I.eatlier uud other i Funks, Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Ladies Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the aaie City Clothing Store by A. •* niio> Neil doer to McCamjr L CoV: l?rug Store, WbiG-tall Street,