The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, August 23, 1867, Image 4

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v«Gi£*" C.4RKS>iC»* > ;-i»’**nt; up rut for ; * u . •, - 1,5 - r.n!.-* oo K: ••/*> • ver i.evrtbe Hen- i t- r * bilig-, 1 r.i’e. UouiO tusrr :ie I „• , r>, p-,p» >• t<» .1j role ct *ii«i* o bout the Ist os *"• vV ik a*.i bi done m * **• ifuitory manner *ud r as-jifb r .ve«. '.mL .. . i.o». I, nl«i pieparei j t . »:.••< nril c.i r«. 1 ■ .tiod.tjtf* it r'«; totr liy i i 7 . :’,.n W. J M< CHTCHKV. | i; high. nif:TOi\ r‘i'.;ry.-!v.trt f, s-kho , * l , it Vita'* t-.«r»*rori*« i. the estate of ILcbet«l | }' Milner, **.■ s -,'.. ving petitioned in be di.charg- j , > ft.,n, a.fti.i»!»’r ilof. A 1 per-/.: r wh- arreoit- j , , nnl tit r iii.ol » ■■ h'.o tii.• »hi tutd by lav if iti;> j |t' vV u*ve. *•:,» the saitt Kobe. tO. H.sJ'rti, idiouin not be j ,t ci.arg-.d scct> lb*-/ to the * of hi* |it'lt (, r,. Givet; übd r a,, l.aiiU and i iLeut! *d;in**' o> e. th> the o), ja.,,., iMir. J. A. HuWARD.Ord. j * <EOKGIA, IIAUTO '• COI N'] V.—l!v ‘ \ jl viilim- of an Order from the Court of Or ,-tu.try o .l.irtow County, Georgia. will bes. 1,, fori? i}.c Court House door in CARTERS- | \ i1,1,K, on tlic Pin t Tuesday in September J next, between the Legal Hour* of Sale, the j following Tract* or Parcels of LA :\l>, viz : J J,ot of L nnl .Vo. Seven Hundred and Kiincty (190), Seven Hundred and Ninety-Five (£ysj. Fractional jttrlH of lots numbers as follows: Seven Hundred und Pwenty-Three, (728), Light Flumlrc-d and Sixty-Two, ’HG2); said land bring in said county and State, originally known as Cherokee county, in the 4th District aiid dd Section ; being part of the Keal Estate ~t .fas. Sprou'l, deceased, containing by Mirvev llOJudrs; sold tor the benefit of the ('reiiitois of said deceased. ill (HI D. COTHRAN, Adin’r, LI.P/A M. STROP’/.L, Adnu’x duly 3.1, 1887. j < LORCIA. BARTOW COUNT Y.-SIX v J( TY <lays after ditto application will be i , i , the court of Ordinary of Harrow cm, ,1 , 1. ,ve t i .••ell i lie LAN I>S belonging to i ~ site of J is, (.’. f-jiroull, late or said , .’ecc.isi and. tor the I. of the Ltini oi. .. i hors of said and. ■ ees, and. If, is f’ (. i lil. A !\, Adm r. LLP/A ;•!. sPUOL’i.L, Atimr’jf, .1 Jv 1 1 1,7. Estate of Jus C. Soroull. XOIHT. r. i) • it m.-iv con-i n, Hie tvde'signrd hereby 1 ii'.h ),.,i i 11, ;• f In- hr? 111. .1 h s pill ion with the . >r, * f I, , j i'. : v, *I. uiC Vt' t e il: eti ts, rU 1 rein hi < , , ii . : .j, ,i I'..,,nett li. Got y »•=*, hot v. iti *r<l te«- t . i,t ui bosiuess at-r •i.2rT»eut», awl ina i j- v ■.:,;■■■{ , ,t . ultei and s.’.il M u . tlu.t in two niuillh* i m i. ; ~;, f ; , r (lie of this r.o'i. ehe v i O'.t sai.ethitl • i .sai l pelilin: , u, li to to .1 «. ! -P, ,J 111 , icy. ; «• U CONVKtU, Kx. of !i tl Cor-ye'i','lce. tdculti’tiliralor’H ~ ( i; 1| A lil.U :<> nu i,l iter of the (' .rt of Ori n’i'.v j' . ■ r.-nlyu C unt V. <i v. ill 1>- Kill! beon e (lie Court II ii-a <1 .or in C »i!ers tlein• ii 1 county, on the first V r.s|» yy in next ivit.hiu ta- leg.d su!e 1,,.ii the followi. t; Property t- -wit: 10,. ~ ,i i.10.l li'iir interest, oil I, .ts of h ind Nr?. .... jo, !•:; ‘Ai|. anil 1 .’!• Acr' "t o f Ite't st side of I sg. ... ,| J,;. ui ,ie or lt.*'S of 1. 1 1 v t. .11 the titil lris • • •os ;id-e: tlon of n ii-.l county,, ; e tract eon t,i• *i l l g :it i .;t !t 0 ceres mere or le.--• with good , . ~ ,n pible II iso mil out hour's and Van- yard. ; j ! 1 1., |,|V |, .rty of .V.i indor il,! . di-Of .i ed. fill iuo or if it il.“ I,* irs and *i e lito.ft o 1 deeeus-o [ 4 l; \,■ ; ii , ioiff o-tsh, the Irvliiroe duo h day ol 1'..-, abtr Is')”. I’ .:«! u aiven inn; el'r.t'e'y if di b ;- rl l W if. [’llli i t’KIT. Administrator of AI.Ea VNHMiI WINN, dm.a.-til. .inti o.i t\ 1-■•;*. Muilgage i ale. X 17 [|.l. in sold before the eor.ithou.--e door in C.iitersMile, on the lot Tuesday in ( Lots oi Laud, X.w.27! 2.!8 207 and 27d 1 ....In;: tine Hundred find Sixty Acres each, making in all six hundred end forty itrres, I ing in l!ic f»tli disTiot and fid section of Bartow County. Levied on as'the propert of Dnup-iev F. Bisdmp to satisfy a inurtgage Mi Li,’ issued from Uartov. fyuperior conn in I" ■or off I ward, Stoke!) A Cos., vs. Deinpie.v L. Bishop; propert v described in sal.l Ti ta’. " AV. L. GOODWIN, August 8 1 807. Sheritf. J. 0. MATlir.Wb'.'N. 0. H. M.-I.AL-CIILIN. J. 0. MATHtWSOh & CD: [ Former v SrovAM. Mi u.uxain.N & Co.l GCN’I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, itigissla fila. •( onsigimieiH’ of Crain. Baton and produce prom tly attended and cash remitted oil day of >al . Grain • sacks on ltaml at very low \ gents forMentour, Hopewell and Rock ('otton Mills. Ifellort nees : Hon. J. P. King, .Augusta Ga., Augusta S.iv tigs Hank, duly 26,1807. wly. ! mi now receiving from New i'o:k a large Stock id (d00.h.; eotuisling ol DIiY^CODDS, GROCERIES, (L : rotltcru, SHOES. HITS. HARDWARE, SADDLERY, STRAW GOODS, BSAry MADE &€, &€. Which lam oil "•?up- very low for ('ugh. Come and <«x* tor vo'ftvseh-es. Kingston, (xa-. E-. \ . JOHNSON. .May 17, Ist'7. CP.itRCIA. BARTOW Cor.NTV. Thomas P. Baker applies to V f in far h-Uers of iulied nisi ration on the estate o? ,L hn M. Sadth. late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all : ,nd singular the kindred and c:< ditors of said deceased to It * their objections (if any thcV h .\.) by the first Monday in N, pt.'inber next, otlu rtv se letters of admin is- I ration will be granted the applicant. Given undo r u v hand, this the Ist dw of August ISbV. ' J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. II V" virtu? of an order cf the court of Ordinary of B ir- I?t■ vt‘ ui.ty Ueo-j-lp. 'vi•! li*. add. on tlie f.rst Tue>- ilnv in Or .b r, I*CT. in Un t-nvn of Caru-rsvll’e, in .=aid , o tv. v:«t •• - !•'•->' I•.-. •£-f s 1 ip, 1 * C r Knd N' \ 15- J iv.t*. IV':. sV’.:> IHS9. 11 .All Tl. 1172. Jc .-.••• \y is. 1742.12 eh 7t 5. T? 5, 7a7. Sold f i t ; lu’ 1 iii of 1! i ' c'rs aid r "i or . .-YU u| '.lie above j .h it 'in the ;7tb dht. oj t ?.-a <■« ti. a c •• if i;>j J. A. ft* TV AN, ai’.m’r. i ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. WliJ* Al 7) WHEA • j I will exchange one CcNUi.v. WOODRUFF CONCORD bugpv for 90 bushels of wheat. One excellent End Spring buggy for Jl.O Hu. “ R rK.uvav with pale, sh *ft and double hnrnezs, for 225 bushels of wheat. One light three spring‘■Express At'ognn for 70 bushels of reheat. Would refer to Capt Titos. Tumlin or Judge Burge. Apply to cr a hlress AXDREW Nob, Empire Block, \\ hitfhali street, Jn'v 20,1897 Atlanta, Ga Cotton and Hay S C R E W. TT7RIGHTS PATENT IRON COTTON AND HAY VV SCREW, si h recent, improveinerits, ta mm being inanuf- c ureU in ATI. tNTA. Alt necessary informa tion fn-ntshed on application. Send in your orders immediately, that your gc<-u-9 may b<- r*«dy by the tlrst of ttie season. TOMMY STRWART, Hirtiivaie Meicliuiits Agent?. Atiautn.'Ga.. July 12. j ' I l”VaTE:i> STATES ISOTEI.. j (W HI FAKER & fc’ASSEEIV, Projnietors,) ATI. A XT A, €iS-:OE?.CE?.?.. E trice pleasure in Informing cur old \ \ friends, patron* and tlte jntblic gener ally, hat we have refitted, painted, furnished, an ! enlarged the above House, making it in style and capacity equal to any house iti this city. We luvc done this at a heavy expense. Our House is well located, within 100 yards of I the General Passenger-Depot ; and we flatter ; out selves that a long experience and strict ap plication to business will not fail to be appre ciated by a generous public. Our charges for the present will be Jji3 per day for transient board, and ue are tillering special inducements to business men for single tueals, &c. WHITAKER <1 SABSEEN, july'Ktf Proprietors. van ep fY &Ttip pin, tvuoi.esale and retail Oo'iie ns is a i oti Jlerch a ills , AUibaEiia Atlanta CsJK The following, a? well as marly other goods iu tills tine lor sale in mis to suit puroliitsv-rs: Bacon B:de>, t orn, Bacon Ham", E':oar, Oi.nv.isoc . ii'img. Lard, Bu?ai-i;ui tvi Hams Do Be-*, S.vitijis Brown Btse&rs, Molasses, It- lined Sugars, Boils, Mackerel in Bbls., Bait, Maekeiel in Ki-gs, Snap, Salmon in Cans, Tni et Sosp. Lobs'era iu'Daiis. O.y.'i era in Cans, C armies, CandiiS, "Raiains, Mason’s Blaeking, Nats, Tobacco, Date?, Cigars, Starch, Ac. Ac. V A ft EPFS .*v TI S* S»? \\ •Tape 21,-ItGT. ■lu Atianlii, Oa. ust EDWARD WILDER’S Stomii'di -Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. U S E EDWARn WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver .'‘Complaint and all speed i of Indigestion. U S E EDWARD WILBER’S Stomach Bitters, It will cure intemdtcirt ‘Fever and Fever and Ague, and ail periodical disorders USE EDWARD Stomach Bitters. It will give immediate reliefin Colic and Fit' USE EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. It V.-ill cure CoativenCSS. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BIT I’ERS. It is a mild and deiighttul Invigofant i Delicate Females. * USE EDWARD WITHER-$ STOMACH HITTERS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious A’ternative rw. ! tome lor all family pm pose*. U S i EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH HITTEIiS. It is a powerful Recuperant after the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sickness US E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. | It is an excellent Appetizer, as well as Siren oner oi the digestive lorccs. j U S E EDWARD WILDER'S S’l O.M.U'll BITTEKS. As it is being da lv used and prescribed be nil phvsieians, us t:ie loruiula u .!i be liandeo any regular graduate. EDWABI) WILDEH, SOLE PBROPIUETO3, X o. 2 1 » 31 aln Slice t, MAEEI.E FRONT, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. FOR BALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CY RUBWINS Sc FOX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS ; Coriicr lYlsHeball and Ala. bfs Vi L I.M A , <. A. Nov. 9 1 y i_ ATLAt.’TA_ ADVERTISEMENTS. Ilaml Looms. DR H. SELLS, ANDREW BUNN, E. P. OLfiNN Pvestdent. Secretary. Treasurer. Wj'l p GEORGIA LOOM ’AND MA NUUFA C T Uli 1 NG C O M PA A Y. AlantJfaclurer? an ' Pl-rters, I'-ok to your interest?, ar.d di n’t Isil to call st ltell-Johnson BitiiUie.g, nextiloor to the I’oftt-office, and <*ee4t -hi opperatiou MENDENHALL’S IMPROVED SET F-ACTING HA N D AN D POW E R LOOM! Easier T'ndergtoo't. Easier to Operate, and more relia t-ie Possesses superior advantages over oilier Hand Looms, is more simple and-durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT Ey Weavlusr all their Goo-’s for Home Wear on the MENDENHALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM, FROM 15 TO HO YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. it weaves rv* fast, as an v Factory Loom ! half Tm: r sa' of tueclotuing of a fa yiii.y can be saved by ITS USE 1 I" roui Five to Teu Bo Iktsu (Imv c?in he on il. ITS PARTS AKE SE L F-(: II AN (I Iti (T. By the turning of an Easy Crank it iets tiie Warp off, wiirds up 'he Caen, utad. the Treadles, and throws the shuttle, "ft weaves Jeans, Satict':-, Laisey, 11 anket. Twill, Double-Plain Cloth, various kinds of ltinbed Goods, Fciieiv.g Tvvillg of ad kinds, Flax, Cottor, Tow, or All-Wool Cloth, iiaging, Toweling, Table Linen, Bril i; ii ml giiir f s, iVooien. L’nen and Hemp 1 arpets — in fact any thin;.', from a llandiotne bilk to a Rag Carpyt. IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT, Not 11 than a common Breukftttit Table. n IS MADE IN THE TPiOST V#ORKBSANtiKE“MAN NER, Qj (jooD 'Mater ial and Handsomely Tarnished. IT is VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, "For "Further Particulars, Bill of Prices, Descrip tive Circulars, a nd Satapirs nr add. ess GEORGIA LOOK AND .Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. It. PRATT, Agent. March. 22. 18<57, wfitu ";C O_2C0 _ 2C 2-51 ILL. Sia x e Xo w Isa Store-? BARRELS RST WIIISStY, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified NT Risky, 30 barrels Peach and A ppleUrai«ty-» 30 pkgs Cognac Brandy-, 20 kgs Holland Gin, 10 jikgs Jamaica Rum, 10 pkgs New England Ruth, 25 pkes Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines. 50 cases Champagne -W-it-vers, 100 c-.rses Watf.pOo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases i box Sardines, Allot which we odor ‘to the trade at very low prices. COX & HILL. ATLANTA. Ga., declS—wtf 'THE LIVE DRUG STORE" We invfte the special aitention of Druggists and Mer chants iu the surrounding country to our large stock of SYndpn and American Goods —Buying in large coiantiti- s direettv kom Imporlevs M uiufactors and p ifkage Houses—We are able to offer irducemente not to be surpasse-t in New York, to n'e'-cnaiits Vn« em ploy less capital arid buy iu smaller tjuanties. We ate daily receiveing large supplies of Drugs and OILS AND PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS AND mTY, MACHINE AND TAN' MER’S OIL of cverv kind and quality— VARNISHES. DYESTUFFS, imported and American. f-ANCV AND TOILET GOODS, PATENT MEDICINES >'»i articles kept in a first class Drug House. Also on hand Lmulrefh’s Xcw Crop Turnip Seed. Large quantities nt " QUICKSIL'TSB. for mining purposes. Spear’s Patent •‘Fruit Preserving SOLUTION” one Hot. PR PSER J V:.V, 128 lbs FR PIT without expensive sealing or air tight Jars. Call and examine our slock and drink from tlie ••tannins ARC TIC SO DA FOUNT”. RFDWIVF & rOXj Comer Whitehall & A a. streets, JuLy ,9. Atlanta, Ga. Montvale Springs, 1 S 6 7. XTII3 prpnlar Summer resul t having been placed ih thorough repair, and furnished wit i new- Furmtur - will be opened for visitor’s oil the Ist; of JUNK next, under the direction and conti ol of tlie undersigned— Prnpriet >r» of ibe American Hot l, Atlanta, O'a. Monlvkle presints the strongest attractions to both the ir,va id and pleasure-i-eeker. no less on account of its retirement and the beauty of ils iur. oundingseeny y than of the restorative powers or Its waters. Me have reduced the price of Board to the lowest figures consistent with a proper provision for the Entertain ment of our Guests. Board, per Dry *? 00 i» per Month -• t’O 00 w’’b an allowance tor families. Travellers by Railroad re: cb die Springs by special conveyance from Loudon, or by regular dai y mail coaches from Knoxville, Tcnn. M HITE and V, 111 FLOCK. Aprd 20, lso>. , I ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS.^ V. R. TCMM-y. J. S. STEWART. .New ton Cos., Ga. Oxford, Ga. “TOMMEY & STEWART ~ IMPOBXiIES AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., lies ectfullv cal! the attention of merchants and oth ers to th ir large arid well assorted atock of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting Fa part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, 'Syt’he Blades, 1 ools of all kinds, &c., &.C., -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND COTTON YARNS. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Baugh’s Raw bone SupeT-Phos,phafe of Lime, Buffalo Scale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR Brcoiv’.v Patent Portable Col ton and I2ay Screw and Rcvohin? Press In over one hundred counties iD Georgia. JSYpCounty Rights for Sdle.‘ a ®s. April 12, ly. FURNITURE! FURNITURE.!! &•£©. P. FHAZER 33arietta sfreel, Atlanta, Ga. v:no LIAS ALP a ad retail dealer, Has now on hand one cf the largest and cheapest blocks sj( FURNITURE in At'anta, embracing PARLOR SETS,CHAMBER Set?, CHAMBER SETS BEADSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, SOFAS, BUREAUS, ROCKERS, WARDROBES, WASH STANDS. CHAIRS WHAT-NOTC, in short, everything needed to complete a first-Class stock of furniture, inducing the BEST and CHEAPEST Ever off-red in this city. The attention of the eiti -sens of Atisn*-> and and the country generally is re spectfully in 'i ed to this e .t.ibiishment. Great induce meets to tii trade Prices low to suit the times. Or ders til' <1 prMupt'y and wel;. Aug. Dili 1&0T. tt. 1. T. JENKiHS S CO. 'S-tscccsNors to McCAMEY & CIO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs. \ Faints. Oils. Chemichals. Window- Glass, Medtclites CORNER PRIOR aiJTO STREETS, Atlanta, Ga. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY I FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ‘Masonic Orphans Home!” BOYUWILSOM &€o., Managers ATLANTA GEORGIA. Capital Prize, $50,000 ! EXTRA CLASS O. Thl? great Lotte-y for the Benefit of the MASONIC ORPHANS HOME will he drawn In public at AT LANTA, GA,, on Wednesday'the 4th day of Septem ber next, IS<)7. G-JRUELA-T SCHEME. 1 Prize of $20,000 is $20,000 1 Prize of 5.0001a 6.000 1 Prize of 2,000 is 2,000 1 Prize erf. 1,000 i? 1,000 lPrdtOf -KtOfs.. 500 1 Prize of 500 is 500 4 Prizes of 250 are 1,000 100 Prizes oj 100 are 10,000 2JO Ptizesof 50are. 10,000 Pri'zes anointing to $50,006 50 000 IN PRIZES FOR ONE DOLLER PER TICKET. A PACKAGE OF 10 TICKETS MAY DRAW §30,000 ALL THE ABOVE PRIZES WILL BE DRAWN. PLAN OF THESE GREAT LOTTERIES & EXPLAN ATION OF DRAWINGS. The number a from ! to 1000,000, corresponding with the muuibers on the Ticket?, are printed on separate slips of paper and encircled with small tubes, and plac.-d in a glass wheel —all the prizes in accordance with tiie Scheme, are similarly printed and encircled, and placed In another glass wheel. Tney are then re volve,. 1 . and two boys, blindfolded, draw the Numbers aud prizes. One ot the boys draws one number from the wheel of No?, and at the satiie time 'he other boy draws but one prize from the wheel of prizes. The nutn ber and piize 1 out are exhibited to the audience, and whatever prize co’uieS out is registered and placed to the credit, of that number—and this opperation is repeated until all the prizes are drawn. ».f!l Prizes are Payable with out discount, and the Official Drawing' sent to each Purcha- Eo7l>, WILSON & CO. Managers? Atlanta Ga aug 1 wt Sept 4. MEADOR & BRO'S, TOBACCO Commission Merchants. (UNDER UNITED STATES HOTEL.) ATL A NTA, UEORGI A. tmg 15, t\3ui, ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. HARDWARE. J. M. £ J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, BBSs Iron, Nails, Steel, BELTIHG, MILL. SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. MFCHANLGAL TOOLS, ot all Trades, METALS, of all kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES, SPRINGS. LOCKS. Builders’ Hardware, AXES. HOES. SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS. Bolting Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, of of every kind furnished to order, in ‘fadt, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be sold low for cash. We have just received a large invoice of the best Double-anker Boltin®: Cleths, of all desirable numbers, which we offer Low for Cash J ALSO MILL PICKS, SYTHES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, end m«.ny other articles which .you need, anil which we are desirous of selling, Call and see us when you visit Atlanta. J. M.& J. C. ALEXANDER, ■Whitehall Street, ATLANTA. GA. April "6. 1867 w6in MSS BOOT HD SHOE -pq- Q -p-i WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. ARE now receiving their Eilll aaid Winter Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, the largest ever brought to this city. These goods came direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the trade at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting ot Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip,calfand buts Brogans and Balmorals —Boots, of ail styles, thick, wax,' kip, calf, and the finest qualities. Ladies’, M i-ses’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, H. FORCE. Tl. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be glad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 26. 1y The Oldest Jewelry House in* ATLANTA, GEORGES. ER LAWSHE, t flocks, rg^atclies, Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers 7 Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as Represented. tFatc/ies tind Jewdrlj Repaired by competent workmen and fi arranted. May l, 1867. wly E2IHIP CROCKERY AND T. R RIPLEY AGT. OLD STAND, Whitehall St., Established in 1850. Atlanta, oa. June 21, 1867.—3 m LANGFORD & MO'CRATH, Stoves ! Stoves l ! Stoves ! I ! GOOKING AND HEATING STOVES FOR tie Hu nyriXjEjioisr- WE DEFY COMPETITION IN QUANTITY, QUALITY and price, We offer to the public, the celebrated GOOD SA maritan, the best Stove in the world. Also the PRO TECTOR WITH GALVANIZED CAST IKON RESER VOIR, somthlng new and durable. Also the COTTON PLANT, a splendid first class stove. We have for sale the -justly celebrated premium (step] stove PALMETTO, which is the heaviest, most durable and best premium stove ever offered tethe pub lic. A general variety of stamped, plain and japaned Tin-ware—Toilet Setts, Bath and Foot Tubs &c., &c., Sheet Copper, Sheet Iron, Tin Plate, Sorder and a gen eral stock for Tinners use. House Furnishing Goods generally. All orders promptly attended to. LANGFORD & McCRATH, Hunter street, first dcorfrom Whitehall st., Atlanta Ga. The above stoves arc sold also in Car* tcrfcviHc by J, \V. Strange, aug 9 iS67‘ ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. New Marble Yard. S. B. 0 ATM AN, Agent, For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian, Block addle, and IVkite Rutland Statuary MARBLE. WE arc now receiving and ffvfqflYmhave in store, a large a»d/j/fly|tffu f .'VfpViil I desirable stock of finishedi | IlfitrA. and rough Marble, which IJfirQ ' we oiler to the public on JmExx fjP&B*||the most reasonable Owing‘to the high price of marble at th ; s time, many persons are kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. My facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profits and quick sales —such is mv motto. We are prepared to furnish in the best style, Monuments, c trved and plain, Hose Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns, Vases. &c,, and Furnishing Marble of all dc scriplions. Wilh good and experienced workmen in all deportments es business, we hope to merit a share of public patronage' Designs of Monu ments and any other work i« Maihle, furnish ed gratis. Orders solicited and promptly’filled. ’Office and Yard adjoining "Bellvue Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec*6th, 1866. DRY GOODS 1 DRY GOODS ! New Arrival! TALLEY, BROWN ICO Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Are now daily receiving their SECOND INSTA LLME NT OF Spring and Summer Goods ! In addition to their present stock, they wll RECEIVE WEEKLY, during the coming season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS f THEY HATE ON H AND NOW! Black and Fancy Silks, Mosambiques. Grenadines, Organdie Muslins, White and Black Iron Bareges SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLINS White «nd Fancy Tarlatong, White and Fancy Brilliants, Tucked Skirt Goods, Alexand.e’s Kid Gloves—fight colors MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, &c. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY SOLICITED, May B—w Gm. NEW LIQUOR STORE. R. Jfl.RoseSt Co s, t Wholesale Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Whiskeys', Gins, Hums, &c. &c. No 2 Granite Block, Broad SIP. Allan (a, Ga. IMPORTED ANDDOMHSTIC LIQUORS of cVery Grade offered at low figures. Country dealers are specially invited to give us a call and sample our Liquors, which we guarantee to be as we represent them. And satisfaction given in every transaction. , j une 7_tc. 'R. M. ROSE & ! CO. Mcßride, dors-ett * co.* ATLANTA. GA, To the Merchants of Georgia and adjoining States: WE have already spoken through the' papers to our friends throughout rhe South, and advised those who were formerly on.r fellow-soldiers in the Southern Army, that we had undertaken ! to apply, in Peace, the elements of vigor, energy and promptness, Which had 1 so often gained us the day in War. We have opened a Wholesale Crockery AND GIjASS HOTTSE. in Atlanta. On a scale far beyond any before known in the State. We are backed by all the advantages which are de rived from abundant means and a thorough knoVledge of the business. A large part of our goods are shipped DIRECTLY TO US FROM EUROPE. via Charleston and Savannah. "KSart We confidently expect to supply from jMkr jS&AfLJ our depot in Atlanta, all those mer- IjhfJy chants throughout this and adjoining Vi* States, who have heretofore made their purchases North. We can offer as Varied a stock as can be found in New York, and we know that OUR PRICES HERE WILL BE LOWER. You will save FREIGHT by purchasing here. You will save BREAKAGE by purchasing hore. You will contribute to the building up of a home de pot of supplies by purchasing here. We have on hand and constantly arriving ASSORTED PKG’S OF CROCKERY, of best and mixed grade. We repack Crockery, China Glassware, Looking Glasses, Lamps, Cutlery,' Plated and Japanned Ware, Clocks, &e., to order. We have jvb lots of these goods from time to time at very low prices. We solicit your CASH orders, and will give you large advantages for CASH IN HAND. Your Friends, April I'D. 1867. McBKIDE, DORSETT & CO. T. M. J R.C. CURB. Dealers Iv ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware Cutlery Guns Pistols —ALSO — Don, Steel, Nails, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Shovels, Plows, Hoes, Chains-, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, &c. 1 And all other goods usually kept in the Hard ware line. Also Agents for Farrbanks Platform and Counter Scales, which wc will sell at Fac tory prices, freight added. At their old stand. Comer ol Peach Tree and Line Street, Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. sHwSir MY OLD FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS will please remember, that, after having been twice burned cut, 1 have re sumed the DHOG BUSINESS with Messrs. T. J. t M. B. SWANSON, under the style of mrnrnm & AT ROARK’S CORNER, NEXT DOOR TO W. H, BROTHERTON, ATLANTA, GA. I will be pleased to meet all my old friends at our new place of business, where I am prepared to show them a large and well assorted stock of ~3 * *- - ►“J e^-Ss.sJilrig'llgss-ir purposes, and at very low figures. R. J. MASSEY, late Massev and Herty. leb 1 ATLANTA, GA. HO VEFEOFLS 0? THE TERRITORY OP GEORGIA 1-I.OOK TO XOIJR INTEREST! And come to (k« Storeot And buy your Clothing, Hats, Boots aud Shoes at New York Cost. We are determined to coniine oueselves strict y to a Fancy Dry-- oods trade. Hence we make the above proposition to sell out that pert of our stock AT COS F. Country Merchants Look to your interest! jLadies call at our store and buy your Fancy Dry-. Goods Cheap. We are aware of the hardness of the times and the of money in the country, and with direct reference to the wants of the trade, we bought our Goods at prices that will authorize us to sell them low indeed., find we are determined to sell as ave bought, as now our motto is quick sales and short ptofits J. H. WHITE <s* CO, ~ East side Whitehall Street. June 7,—3irt. Atlanta, Ga-. Mill Cos., Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS OF RAIL*ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE BOLTS, BAR IRON, NAIL ROD, AND HORSE SHOE IRON. Castings, ol ali descriptions, in Brass or Iron, including RAIL-ROAD CAR WHEELS, BOXES, PEDESTALS, FRONTS, COLUMNS, AND VERANDAHS. Mill Gearing ainl Machinery of all kinds, JOHN 1). GRAY, President. October GEOP.vrl A, BARTOW COUNTY. —Sixty day* after date application will be made to the court of Ordi nary of Bartow co. Ga.. for leave to aell lot* of land No. 1168, 1138, 1100, 1184,1185,1186,1189, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1205,1206,1207, 1208, 1242,1248 708, 788, 797 bo longing to the estate of W. P. Ilsys, late of said coun ty deed, for the benefit of the hetra and creditor* of said deceased. All the above lots lying in the I7Mi dint and 3rd section. J. A. COWAN. aug. 1, i067 Adffl’r.