The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, September 06, 1867, Image 3

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Special Notice. —We hereby noli* fy all administrators, executors, trustees and guardians, that they have control of their own advertising, independent of Ordinaries or other Civil Officers, and are not affected by Gen. Pope's Order No. 49. We shall therelore be pleased to do your advertising, as here tofore. Publishers of Express. t&r An Unmasked Truth. —That every delinquent on our books, either for Subscription, Advertising, or Job Work, who has not a counterbalancing claim against us, who fails to pay up past indebtedness by the first day of September, or make other arrange* menis with us, will be sued without fa vor or affection. So take fair warning. To Colton Huhers ofChcrokee Georgia. A CIRCULAR. Cartersville, Sept., 1867. Dear Sir:—We beg leave tocall your fOtentior. to our superior facilities lor rthc management of Cotton. The experience of the past season Shas, we presume, convinced every jilanter that it is best to sell his cotton as soon as ready for market. I his settled, the next point is to get the best price for it. Every one knows that there is a margin, ranging from two to eight cents between this and northern markets. Owing to the pressure of the limes. planters have been unable to re alize to themselves this profit; first, because they were in the need of mon ey to meet present liabilities; secondly, (because many did not have the money <to pay the Revenue Tax on their cot* Aon. lleuce they were compelled to .sell their cotton here to parties who .reap the benefit oJ lhe shipment. We have arrangement* perfected by 7 which we propose to ship your cotton to a point where you can get for it ev <rv ecut the market will bear. We •will furnish bagging, rope or ties, pay .the tax, and advance you money to sued your present necessities, and wait lor the returns for our payment. In view ofitJio hurt that several plant ers shipped their own cotton last sea- ’ •soil and were .dissatisfied with the re sult, we invite you to call and exam ine our rales.. We will show you pre cisely what it will cast you, so that there need be no dissatisfaction. We would prefer that you call a few days before your cotton is ready for the mar ket. Very respectfully, Your obd’t ■servl’s, HILL §• BUNN, Colton Factors and Dry-Goods. Grocery, and Notion Dealers, Cartersville, Ga. #*ay-“Ofl for Honduras,” is the great cry in certain quarters; but the great cry among the people in the country around Cartersviiie is, “Off for the ('heap Dry-Goods Store of Loewen stein <s• Pfeifer.” A great many of them think that L. & P. sell more and cheaper goods than any other merchants South of the Potomac, and say that they were never treated more courteous ly any where than at their stojpe. We wish them abundant success for they are well worthy of it. Rev. Dr. Prettyman will deliver a Lecture on the Manners and Customs of the Orientals, in the Pres byterian Church, in this place, on Tuesday night next, at 8 o’clock.— The bell will ring as a signal for as r sembliug. B@L.Biair<s' Bradshaw are still anx ious to sell goods. Their new brick house is now under process of con struction, and they expect to open out iu it by the time the Fall trade is open. They want to dispose ot the remnant ol their mid-summer stock before they begin to receive theii new’ goods, and in order to accomplish this end they propose to sell low down—dirt cheap. They are in good earnest and no mis take, and mean just what they say. *@,We are pleased to announce that Rev. J. Watt Harris, formerly of this county but more recently of Huntsville, Ala., will preach in the Methodist E. Church Scuth, in this place, on Sab bath morning next, at 11 o’clock or the ringing of the bell. Bring on your wheat, oats, and po. tatoes, we will pay the highest market price. BLAIR 9f BRADSHAW. An interesting revival of Religion is now progressing at New Hope Methodist E. Church South, some two miles west ofthis place. Rev. (J. A, Evans, P. C. There has been many conversions, 26 additions to the church, aod between 40 and TO penitents still at the nltar. Mon day next has been set apart to re ceive these candidates into full fellowship by baptism and otherwise, and at night the Sa crament of the Lord’s Supper will be admin istered. The meeting will be continued until that time at nights, except on the Sabbath day, when the usual services will he held, D- V. The latest styles Ladles’ hats and Gentlemens’ PLUSH HATS, just re ceived at GUTHRIE’S VARIETY STOER, to-day, and for sale cheap. Call and see them- Cartersville, Sept. 6. Rogues about —We learn that the private hoarding room of Thomas M. Comp ton, ofthis place, at the residence of Mrs. Lou Milner, was invaded by some light-lingered gent, on Wednesday night last, and his sate key taken from his pantaloons pocket, and his store-room entered by a window, and the sum of two hundred and seventy.five dollars ex tracted from his safe. The audacious scoun drel then locked the safe and returned the key to the windowsill of the houso from which it was taken, Mr Linn, the clerk, was asleep in the store at the time the gent was making his rise. This was evidently the work of an adept at the business. Let our citizens be on guard. LOOK SHARP. I have commenced to sell my GOODS AT COST land will continue to sell that way* until the 20th September, Be sure to come and see for yourself, as many think that Ido not mean what I say. All I ask is a trial, as I am determined to close out the [ resent stock. L. FERGUSON* Two doors from Post Office. Cartersville, Scpt.*6th, 1867» We call attention to the cards, in to-day’s issue of our paper, of Messrs. Hill & Bunn, of this place. This enterprising house oilers ex traordinary inducements to the planters of our section ; and we would advise our friends to call and examine their offers before selling.— Their plan is for the planer to get the advan ced price for his staple, and, at the same time, geep the money at home. Capt. HILL is well known to most of our citizens, while Mr. BUNN comes to us well recommended, and to identify his intesest with ours. This place has long felt the need of just such a house. Go and see them; you can compare their proposals with others and easily determine which is best—ship or sell. From their advertisement it will he seen that they are mow receiving, for sale, a supply of Bagging, Rope, and Mclntyres’ Improved Soil'Acting Buckle Cotton Tie, which is far superior to rope for baking cotton, as .hey af ford a greater security against fire. again call the attention of our municipal authorities to the condi tion ol the lightening rod on the Pres byterian Church. Both life and pro perty are jeopardized by this neglect up-on the part of somebody. We hope that it will not become necessary for us to allude to this mattei again. Cartersvillians, Countrymen and Lovers : Heai me for my cause , and be«ikmt that you may hear; believe me for mine hor.oT and have respect for mine honour that ycu may believe. If any man, woman or child wants to buy Dry Goods, either staple or lancy, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Roots, Shoes, Hardware, Cut lery, Crockery, Cotton Yarns, and, in fact, everything- usually kept in a first-class Store, J. Ei<SAS’ is the place to get them. He wants to buy or exchange for Hides, Rigs, Furs, Scrap Iron, Beeswax, Fea thers, Ginsing, old Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc, etc,, for which he will pay the highest prices either in goods or greenbacks. He is also Agent for the sale ot Wrapping Paper. Merchants and business men gener ally can here get wrapping Paper, hi any quantity, at prices charged at Paper Milk.— Asa matter of course business men in these parts will go to J. ELSAS’ Store to buy their Wrapping Paper. W e are glad to see our merchants so vigor ously preparing for the Fall and Winter Trade. The house of J. ELSAS is leaving no stone unturned to induce trade to this point. He will pay cash for all your old Hides, Furs, Rags, &c., and sell goods at the lowest possi ble prices. He designs to build up a business that will be highly creditable to the place—a business commensurate with the wants of the people, and that will accommodate itself to the condition of our people. Read his adver tising column in this paper and get all the dotts and particulars. Says the Nashville Gazelle: ‘The Conservatives have given Kentucky Helm; Brownlow has given Tennessee the same all but the last letter,” The University of Georgia has con_ ferret! the honorary degree of D. D. on Rev. John W. Beckwith, Bishop elect of Georgia, and Rev, Joseph S. Key, pastor of the Mulberry Street Methods ist Church, Macon, Ga. Some editor says that the destiny of the world often hangs on the smallest trifles. A little mifl between Charles Bonaparte and his love Letitia might have broken off a marriage which gave birth to Nepoleon and the battle of was terloo. Io which a cotemporarv adds; “Aes, that is a fact. Suppose a little mifl had taken place between A dam and Eve! What tlieu?” Obituary. —Mr. Erastus Jefferson Pinckard, of Columbus, Ga,, died sud denly in this city, on Sunday morning last, at the residence of Maj. LL Smith’s of inflammation of the stomach.— Gris fin Star , 2d. The deceased is a relative of the Se nior Editor of this paper, and was the son of Pinckard, deceased, of Forsyth, Ga. He has, since the war, been associated with J. R. Banks, ol Columbus, Ga., in a carriage reposi tory, under the firm name of Banks <s' Pinckard, He has been taken away in the very vigour of manhood and prime of life —yea, in the very midst ol life. He was a gentleman possessed of a noble, generous heart, aflabb manners, cheerful spirit, kind and cour teous in his bearings, of agreeable and winning ways. None knew him but to esteem him. He was very industri ous and energetic in his habits, honest and prompt in his dealings. He leaves behind him to mourn his loss a loving and doteing wife and a little orphan neice whom he raised from infancy and Lad adopted as his child (having none of his own,) besides a host of admiring friends. He loved his wife and child with a fondness that was unearthly.— Thus, deatn has rudely entered this quiet and happy family circle and re moved the only earthly prop of the disconsolate wife and innocent little orphan child. The circle is broken, hopes blasted, joys withered, and tears and sighs and bereavement has become the portion of that once happy house hold. To the grief-stricken and bereaved wife we say, Weep not, sister, your husband has but obeyed the mandate ol an inscrutable Providence, to which we must all submit, sooner or later. Only continue to be true to your earlj plight ed faith in God, and we may trust to meet our lost loved father, mother, hus band and friends in the home of the blessed beyond the Jordan of death. B@»We respectfully direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement ol The Cartersville Family Grocery and Provis ion Store, to be found in another column of this paper. This establishment is under the direction of our esteemed fellow-townsmai * Dr. A. S. Mason, in the store-room recently occupied by Wm. 11. Brotherton, under the Bartow House. We are assured that it is well backed up with the necessary means, and is intended to be inferior to no like establish ment in Chcroxee Georgia. The house will always he supplied with the fieshest, nicest, and most relishab e groceries, produce, ami confectionaries, in quantities that will author ize cither a wholesale or retail trade, and at prices that will make it greatly to the interest of purchasers to buy. The facilities of the house are unsurpassed in this section of the State, and such as' will warrant purchasers in securing the best goods at the lowest prices.— The public are cordially invited to call and examine for themselves both g’oods and prices. A New Counterfeit. —Anew ami dangerous counterfeit $5 national cur rency has just appear ed. On the left end of the note the wrist of the left arm of Columbus is scarcely legible, where as in the genuine it is distinct. At the top read “ This note is secured by bonds,” the letters B and Y are too far a part, and the 0 in “bonds” is under the Y , whereas the Bin the same word is immediately under the Y in genuine The general appearance of the bill is a close imitation of the genuine. The detailed and sensational account published in the New York papers and copied in every Radical sheet in the country about Jed Davis visiting a town ia Vermont and being hooted by crowds in the streets, is pronounced utterly false by the New York Journal of Com merce, Jeff. Davis has not been across the line since he went to Canada. Three hundred representatives from fifty three Odd Fellows ledges attended the “Grand State Lodge” at Boston on last week. The revenue of these Lodges for a year was over $60,000.— ■■ The Order gained a thousnnd new members in the Slate during the year. Big Shanty. We learn that the sales of the new lately laid off town at Big Shanty just above Marietta, on Thursday passed ofl with most encouraging results. There w r ere about five hundred people present and the bidding was very animated; in some cases was quite excited. The property sold lies on the west side of the Western <s• Atlantic Railway which we are informed lay well and elilgible for building and business pur poses, About twenty- six acres are subdivi ded into thirty four lots from one quar ter acre to an acre, being a portion of the forty acre lot on which Big Shanty Hotel is located. The remainder of the property is offered at private sale. That sold averaged SB7 per acre, which is a good price for tine times, and considering it is anew place. We will publish a synopsis of the Sheriff Sales ofthis county, next week. Pattillo’s Tailoring shop is o’er the DE.iLER IX Era (i’oofe -o 7 HARDWARE, REAPY-MADE CLOTHING, £| t o 1 1 1 1 g, OSNABURGS, 0M wiraiffi COUNTRY PRODUCE bought and sold. Highest price paid for Bags, _ : ... • . . 9-'' r Jc 'v ' B EE S WAX, FEATHERS, Old Copper , lint so tk Agt. for wrap ping Paper. Merchants can buy it in any quantity at Mill prices. J. ELSAS, Main Street, Cartersville, Ga. W. 11. HILL HENRY BUNN. HILL & BUNN, DVALERS Is DRY GOODS, goats it* §*|ofS, HATS NOTIONS and GROCERIES. side Hail Road Square. T\7ILL keep constantly on hand a stock selected to » r sun tin: season, which t/iey offer for cash or barter. l> y tiie highest price lor ail ips.©smj€® brought to this market. L pecial atteiui n is called to the superior induce incuts ottered t j planters lor the sale of their COTTON. Hope 6 ami' uow rec «‘ving a supply of extra Begging, M’LNTYRES improved self acting mwmm €®f 1 ® M fall aril ex-smine for yourselves. Wept. G—w2m Cartersville, Ga. SPECIALS, Saddles are found in abundance at Harris & Thompson’s, Texas 'Frees tigged in elegant style. Their Harness are of a superior quality. All articles in thcri line kept on hand—Up-Stairs, Col. Jones Car. riage Shop. Hook Notices. The Life of Lieut-Gen. T. .1. Jackson, embracing his Campaigns in the The Valley and Army of Northern Virgin ia, with Diagrams of the principle Battle- Fields upon which this iinmoital hero men ceveured. Price from Four to Six Dollars, acceding to finish. This is a very interesting work and should be in every family in the Southern States. Moses and the Prophets, Christ, and the Apos tles, Fathers and M-irtyrs, illustrated with Eighteen line Hteel Plate Engravings, a Map of the World, six hundred pages Price Three and a half to Four Dollars, ac cording to finish. The above books are sold only by subscrip tion, and can be obtained of PENDLETON ISBELL,' Cartcrsville, who is sole Agent for the counties of Bartow, Floyd and Polk, July 19th, 1867. Tllie “Best Machine In the World” Mrs. D. L. DcGolia says . “I have used the “twisted Joop” stitch for seven years and have had nine to sew for ; yet I have never known a seam to‘rip’—nor has the machine been out of order. The Wilcox Gibbs is he best in the worlJ TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf sered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious t.o make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To ail who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which thev will find a SURE CURE for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRON CHI IIS, COUGHS. COLDS, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the nfliicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluabl and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Cos., New York. May Ist, 1867. wly. JOHN F. HARWELL announces to the farmers and planters of Bartow and adjoining counties, that lie is prepared to renovate and repair old COTTON GINS so as to make them as good as new ones. Those having old Gins to be repaired, would do well to bring them in at once, so that they may be ready for the incoming cotton crop, J. 0. MATHEWBON. G. 11. McLAUGHLIN. ). 0. MATHEWSOK & CO: [Formerly Stovall, McLaughlin & Co.J GEM’L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga. Consignments of Grain, Bacon and Produce promptly attended and cash remitted on day of sale. Grain sacks ou hand at very law prices. Agents for Mentour, Hopewell and Rock Cotton Mills. Relfereiices; Hon- J. P. King, Augusta Ga, Augusta Savings bank. July 26, 1867. wly. GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY:—Robert C. Saxon one of the Administrators on the estate of Richard H. Milner, deceased, having petitioned to be discharg ed from said administr ition. All persons who are con cerned are required within the time fixed by law, if any they have, why the said Robert C. Saxon, should not be di.-charged according to the prayer of Ids petition. Given under my hand and official signature, this the Bth June, 1867. J. A. HOWARD, Ord. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentlemen who suffered for years fr..m Nervous ill Debility, Premature, Decay aud all the efiects of youthful indiscretion, wid, for tire sake of the suflering nuinanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direct ous for making the simple remedy by which he he was cured. Suffciers wishing to profit by tlie ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in per fect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN. Redar Srt. New York. May 1, 1867 wly. Notice- EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Two jpMontcs after date application will be made to the court of Ordinary of said countv ior permission to sell the Lands belonging to the estate ol \V ,B. Leak, deceased, lying in Bartow county. W. H' PRITCHETT July 20, 1867. HJitaintmtr grjr doote! 1M MEX S E ATTII A0 T ION!! Immense reduction In Prices! A GORGEOUS LOT OF DRESS GOOD Just Received from the Late New York Auction Sale*) A Reduction of 50 per cent, from last month’s Prices! •t.lll Goods .7 larked In Plain F g tires l My well known straightforward and honorable course of conducting business is a snifter arantoc to all who may fa»or me with their patronage, that they will he farly dealt wiilt. jonjy m . G^tjrjrojv, Corner of Whitehall and Hunter Streets, RESPECTFUI.T.Y announces to Ms friends and the public, that he has just returned from New York,when* has l>eeu in attendance at the immense auction sales which took place the last week, ami that his umgnitlcim.i stock of Midsummer Goods Is uow complete, and will bo sold at p. toes that will defy competlou. The must Inex perlenced will at once perceive the great advantage of pu-chasiiig a stock of dry goods at this particular Um when importers are disposing of their stocks regardless of cost, I would annex a schedule of prices, but space will not permit. Suffice It to say that I was In New York when the tut. I'.uohcd its ottiusK, and t.hai I purchased uty prcseul stock i!«> per cent, less than it could have been purchased at any other time this season. JTTST REOEIVEL. 500 pieces beautiful Press Goods, conslstlug of Grenadines, Mozambique#. Lenos, Popllnes, Invwns, Bareges, etc. 200 pieces splendid goods for Gents’ and Boys’ wear, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Drap D'Etc, Jeanß, Mnen Duck aud Drills, Marseilee, etc. SOO pieces white goods, consisting of Plain, Ptrlped. Checked and Potted Swiss; Plain, Striped,'Checked and Dotted Jaconet; Tarlaton. Nainsook, Crimped Muslin, Brilliantes, Pique Cloth, Itishop Lawn, etc. 500 pieces American. English and French Prints, all new styles; 1000 pieces Bleached PM Mines—New York Mills, Wamsuttn, Lonsdale, Hope, James’, Putnam, and several othe- mil’s; S. 0. in, 11 and 12 1-4 Bleached and Brown Sheeting; 5-4 and 6-4 Pillow Case Cottons ; 20 pieces 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 Table Linens, both bleached aud, unbleached 8h cases nil styles of shoes; 20 cnee? nil FtvlesStrnw Gooes; 100 dozen nil styles Hoop Skirts; 300 dozen Ladles and Misses' Hose; 50 dozen Ladies’ beautiful Iron Frames, very superior; a splendid lot of Corsets; a splen ,tj, i„t of L O Handkerchiefs; 10 pieces beautiful Flannels; a complete stock of Notions; . >OOO Paper Collars Tor Lodies ami Gents; always on hand, a full stock of Shirtings, Sheetings, Osnaburgs, Jeanr. etc., which will be Sold for factory price. Every thing usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store can be found here. p, s This splendid stock of Goods has been purchased since the 24th of May, which nnnouncemenl will satlofy. all that great bargains will be given. JOHN 31, GANNON, je. 14, 1867. Corner Whitehall nml Hunter Streets, Atlanta. (»:>. BICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES FOR 1867. Chamberlain , Cole 4* Boynton , Atlanta, Georgia. Are selling their immense Stock of ,’jm © iij§ q At Wholesale and Retail, for Cash Only, At Prices to suit the Times Their Stock of DRESS GOODS compriseseve rv new sole in l lie American 111:11 1 ct HOSIERY am ' GLOVES- hie largest ever hroinrllt tn Atlantn ; SILK »nil POPLIN COVERINGS. ™i! LACE POINTS of every variety ; EMBROIDERIES ami LACE GOODS «re very description ; PARASOLS and SILK UMBRELLAS ln s " il «»">• hmiy; TABLE DAMASKS- NAPKINS-TOWELS- TOWELING IRISH LINENS = CURTAIN DAMASKS. Goods lor Men’s and Boys wear, DOMESTICS a,lt * NOTIONS s@~a.ll for the lowest cash price .-©a April I*2 —ly, * Light! Light. 2STO3ST EXPIjOSIYB WM 1 mM . ©llia . This Oil makes the best-, s 'fest and cheapestlight of anything known. It Is fully patented—» of its superiorl’y. 1 1 can be used in an v Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, by attaching the LIGHT lIOISK HTIINI R, which is preferable to ail othe-s. This Oil makes a clear, blight , smokes lesa and burns long, r than utlur Oils, and is as safe as a tallow candle It tci l not explode, as can be dein mslrnled In a moment. The METEOR SAFETY LAMP is a perfect gem—a universal favorite —and gives a LIGHT fur less than half acent an hour. For sale by W. L. KIRKPATRICK dt CO , Cartereville, Oa. T. M. LLLIIS, Calhoun, Ga. RLFE W. THOTNTON. Proprietor of Bartow and Gordon connltes. Also agt. for the sale of County Rights. Those desirous of making money, will do well to correspond him at Calhoun, Ga. Je 28—ts, MENS’ AND BOYS' CLOTHING AT THE GATE CITY We would respectfully inform our ft lends and the public that we have just received one of the largest ami best selected stocks of SZF-ELXira- -A-ZtTZD SUMMER OLOTHIHG! Ever brought to Atlanta, all of which have been manufactured for ns from Go"da bought at late decline, for Cash, with special reference to the wants of this section. We would respectfully invite all to an examination of Qiir Goods and Prices, Feeling confident that we can suit the most economical, as well as the most fastidmu*, as to price and qua’lty Space does not permit to enumerate all the G rods kept by us, but suffice it to say we have nice Cassimere Suits for $7 50 to $lO 00, and upwards. Those acquainted with our Good., need not be told that our Clothing Is made up by the hes workmen, and of superior goods. In addition to the above, we keep, also, a large stock of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Cons'stingof PUFFED and PLAtN WHITS SHIRTS, FANCY and BROWN LINEN SHIRTS, UNDEIIGAR MENT3, of all sizes. Fancy and Plain TIES, of all descriptions, Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, Genu Gray’s Patent Molded Collar, as well as Glazed and Marseilles Collars, All of which will be sold cheapen ha can be bought elsewhere. r Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Sole Leather and other Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, Eugene and Saratoga Lavlies Trunks, &c. Before purchasing, please call at the Gate City Clothing Store by A. lIOSENFELU k BKO., Next doer to McUamy & Co’* Drug Storr, Whitehall Strerf, Anril 26, 1967.wt0 ATIA^ T * crr\n~n