The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, September 13, 1867, Image 4

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Juii He fore the 15at!Ic Moilier. (A Parody— by Bub.) Jun before the bntte Mother l was drinking mountain dew When I heard the loe a marching, To the rear, 1 quickly llew, There the stragglers were a flying, Thinking ol their homes and wives 'Tr/as not the foe that they were ••lea ring” But their own dear precious lives. Oh owes— Farewell Mother you will shot tly See your infant son again, For if lie only can sky-doodle Dear Mother he’ll come home a “gain.” Oil I long to see you Mother Anti the other ones at home, ll I can get a chance, dear Mother I certainly will come. Beef and hard tack dear Mother Are not the things to make one “brave,” ♦Tis against my constitution To till an early honored grave. Hark I hear the bugle sounding, •Tis the signal for the fray, i’ll crawl to some big tree, dear Mo thcr, And then I will be all 0. K, 1 have no taste for marshal glory, Fame and honoris all in my eye, I had rather be a homespun private Than a Brigadier come home to die. Sickness Never has there been such a vast amount of sickness in this section of country. Old persons who have been born and raised here, have never seen anything to equal it. There is no family in town exempt, every member of some families are prostrated. Unfortunately it is not confined to town, but extends to almost every neighborhood in the county. — The principle diseases are Billious le ver, chill and fever, with a constant tendency to congestion. The sickly season is not more than half over, the next two months may well be dreaded —Sandersville Georgian. The Act of March 2nd, 1807, re ducing the tax on cotton from three, to two and one half cents per pound goes into operation September Ist. Thus tax has raised from one half cents per pound, the first lax, in 1802. to three cents. The railroad between Montgomery and Selma is being rapidly pushed for ward. There are now five hundred laborers engaged on the line, and the Sentinel thinks that cars will be run r ning thro ug h within twenty weeks. ~ WSHBAar AND f;t .fpriii Our situation giving its peculi ar at!vantages in the handling of wheat and flour, induces its to spe eialy solicit con sigumcn t sos, and orders for, these articles. Wewill be con stantly in large supply of Osna burg, JLinen, Cot ton and Burlaps Sacks, which we will furnish at the lowest mar ket prices, and will make liberal Cash advances on shipments to us h ere o r through us to our friends in New York or els ewhere. Quick returns made up on sale of Pro duce, TANARUS» RIGHT & CARR. Jin v 26 Atlanta, G ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. Wil&T! HtSEJUL I will exchange one GENUINE WOODRUFF CONCORD buggy for 90 bushels of wheat. One excellent End Spring buggy for 115 Bu. “ Rock aw ay with pole, shaft and double harness, for 225 bus-iels of wheat. One light three spring Express Wagon for 70 bushels of wheat. Would refer to Capt Thos. Tumlin or Judge Burge. Apply to tr address AMMinw mrisw No 5, Empire Block, Whitehall street, July 2f>, 1807 Atlanta, Ga Cotton and Hay S C R E W. TT7 RIGHT'S PATENT IRON COTTON AND HAY ’* SCREW', wi'h recent improvements, Is now being manufactured in ATLANTA. All necessary informa tion furnished on application. Pend in your orders Immediately, that, your Screws mn-y be read,' by the first of the season. TOMMY & STRWART, Hardware Merchants Agents. Atlanta, Ga.,july 12. fJfITED STATES HOTEL. (M HU’AKER & SABSEEN, Proprietors,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ATTE take pleasure in informing cur old V V friends, patrons and the public gener ally, hat we have refitted, painted, furnished, and enlarged the above House, making it in style and capacity equal to any house in this city. We have done this at a heavy expense. Our House is well located, within 100 yards of the General Passenger Depot; and we flatter ouiselves that a long experience and strict ap plication to business will not fail to be appre ciated by a generous public. Our charges for the present will be $3 per day for transient board, and we are offering special inducements to business men for single meals, &c. WHITAKER & SASSEEN, july2-tf Proprietors. VAN EPPS & TIP P IN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS .AEtsTID Comm ission Merchants , Alabama Street, Atlanta Ga. The following, as well as many other goods in this line for sale in lots to suit purchasers: Bacon Sides, Corn, Bacon Hams, ''Hear, Canvassed Hams, Lard, Sugar-curtd Hams Coffey Syrups. Brown Sugars, Molasses, - Refined Sugars, Soda, Mackerel in Bids., Salt, Mackerel in Kegs, Soap, Salmon in Caas, Toilet Soap, L"bs' ers in (Jans. Oysters in Cans, Candies, Candles, Raisins, Mason’s Blacking, Nuts, Tobacco, Dates, Cigars, Starch, <fcc. Ac. t Errs &TIPPIL June 21,1867. —tc Atlanta, Oft. USb EDWARD WILDER’S "Stomach Bitters. It will cure Dyspepsia. USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all specie of Indigestion. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters, It will cure Intermitent Fever and Fever and Ague, and all periodical disorders USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. ft will give immediate relief in Colieaud Fit USE EDWARD WILDER S “Stomach Bitters. It will cure Gofetiveness, USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a mild and delightful Invigorant £. Delicate Females. U S E EDWARD WITDER'S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a sale Anti-Bilious Alternative ai. tonic tor all family purpose*. U S E EDWARD WiLDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a powerful Recuperant aftpr the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sickness u s EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as wellasStren eiier of the digestive forces. * USE EDWARD WILDERS STOMACH BI TTERS. As it is being daily used ao ! prescribed be ' all physicians, as the formula will be handed any regular graduate. EDWARD WILDER, SOLE PRKOFRIETOR, Ho. 2 15 Main Street, MARBLE FRONT, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY REDWING Sc FOX. WHOLES6ALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS Corner Tt'liitcliall nn<l Ala. Sts ATLANTA, GA. IS'ov. 9 1 v ATLmAmERTISENHNTS^ Hand Looms. DP.. H. SELLS, ANDREW BUNN, R.P GLENN President. Secretary. Treasurer GEORGIA LOOM •AND 31A NUU FA C TURING CO 31 PAA Y. Manufacturers and Planters, look to your interests, and don’t fail to call at Bell-Johnson Building, next door to the Post-office, and see it in opperatiou MENDENHALL’S IMPROVED SEIF-ACTING HAND AND POWER XOO M! Easiprnnderstood, “Easier to Operate, and more relia ble. 'Possesses superior advantages over other Hand Looms, ia more simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By Weaviug all their Goods for Home Wear cn the MENDENHALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM. FROM ls’TO 30 YARDS CAM BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY, It weaves as fast as any Factory Loom ! HALF THE CCST OF THE CLOTHING OF A FA MILS' CAN BE SAVED BY I’TS USE ! From Five to Ten Dollars a day can be made on it. ITS PARTS ARE SELF-CHANGING. By the turning of an Easy Crank it lets the Warp off, winds up the Clotn, treads the Treadles, and throws tire Shuttle. It weaves Jeans, Satinets, Linsey, Blanket. Twill, Double-Plain Cloth, various kinds of Rinbed Goods, Fencing Twills of all kinds. Flax, Cotton, Tow, or All-Wool Cloth; Boging, Toweling, Table Linen, Bal moral Skirts, Woolen,, Linen and Hemp Carpets—in fact any thing, from a Handsome Silk to a Bag Carpet. IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT, Not larger than a common Breakfast Table. IT IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, Os Good Material and Handsomely. Varnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, ' For Further Particulars , Bill o f Prices, Descrip tive Circulars, and Samples of Weaving, add/ess GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. 3i. PRATT, Agent. March 22, 18(57, W6m :co l :07~ Have Now In Store: BARRELS RYE WHISKY, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky ■'so barrels Rectified Whisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30 pkgs Cognac Brandy, 20 kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Ruin, 10 pkgs New England Ruin, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 cases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Wampoo and Drake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases T box Sardines, All of which we offer to the trade at very low prices. COX & HILL, ATLAN TA, Ga., decl3 —wtf 'THE HUE DRUG STORE"' We invite the special attention of Druggists and Mer chants in the surrounding country to oar large stock of Foreign and American Good3 —Buying in large quantities directly from Importers Manufactors and Package Houses—We are able'to offer inducements not to be surpassed in New York, to merchants who em ploy less capital and buy l smaller qualities. We are daily receiveing large supplies of Drags and M.EDICITTE3, OILS AND PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY, MACHINE AND TAN' NER’S OIL of every kind and quality— VARNISHES. DYESTUFFS, imported and American. FANCY AND TOILET GOODS, PATENT MEDICINES and all articles kept in afirst class Drug House. Also cii ‘hand LemdreWs New Crop Turnip Seed, Large quantities ot QUICKSILVER for mining purposes, Spear’s Patent “Fruit Preserving SOLUTION” one But. PRESEK VES , 128 lbs FRUIT without expensive seating or air tiffht Jars. Call and examine our stock and drink from the “iamous ARCTIC SO DA FOUNT”, REDWIYE & FOX, ‘Comer Whitehall & A a. streets, July i 9. Atlanta, Ga. GEORGIA, BARTOW C OUNTY.—Whereas A. i Weems, adm’r of V. A. Barton represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered V. A, Barton s tstale. — This is iherefor’e to cite all persons cocerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can Thy said administrator should not be discharged from bis ad ministration, and receive letters of dismission from the same in terms of the law. J. A, HqWAKD July 12 18(57. Ordinary. Notice- GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.-Two Months after date application will be made to the court of Ordinary of said county for permission to sell the Lands belonging to the estate ot W, B. Leak, deceased, living in Bartow county. W. H PRITCHETT I July 20, 1867. Ama’r. I ATLANTA ADVERTIS EM ENTS. V. R. TOKMEY. J. S. STEWART. Newton Cos., Ga. ■Oxford, Ga. TomIEI & STEWART IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., Respectfully call the attention of merchants and o’ti ers to their large and well assorted etocs of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in pari, of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ ant! Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sytlie Blades, Tools of all kinds, &c., &c.,; -ALSO LEATHER, LIME AND COTTON YARNS. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Baugh’s Ruwbone Super-Phosphate of Lime, Buffalo Scale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR Brook’!* Patent I’ortable Cot ton and Slay Screw and 1 RevoUinsr S’ress In over one hundred counties in Georgia. County Rights for Sa/e.^lsa ® April 12, ly. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! GEO. P. FRAZER- Marietta street, At Santa, Ga. wholesale: and retail dealer, Has now on hand one of the largest an£ cheapest stoeksof FURNITURE in Atlanta, embracing TARLOR SETS, CHAMBER Sets, CHAMBER SETS BEADSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, SOFAS, BUREAUS, ROCKERS, WARDROBES, WASH STANDS, CHAIRS WHAT-NOTC. in short, everything needed to complete a first- class stock of furniture, inducing the IB STamiCHEAPEST Ever offered in this city. The attention of the citi i'AHS of Atlanta and and the country generally is re spectfully iriY ied to tills establish men t. Great induce ment? to the trade Prices low to suiUthe times. Or ders filled promptly and well. Aug. Sth IS6T. ts. I T. JENKINS £ CO. Successors tc McCAMJEY & CO » WHOLESALE. D‘£ ALDUS IN Drugs. Faints. Oils, Cliemichals. Window _ CHass, PATENT ’ IMittttes Ac. CORJt'ER PRIOR STREETS) Atlanta, 6a. COTTON GIFS! COTTON GIN S I am now prepared to furnish the Horace L, Emery & Son’s “UNIVERSAL” COTTON GINS AND OOHSTDIEiTSE-RS- With Railway* Lever korsc pow 'ers for opperating them. Long personal exuerience in the using of this machin ery. With the »(.ded experience and pe-fect satii-fae tion of a iarg-* number who have purchased frora’the. I am enabled to insure satisfaction to all who will tdve me a cal!. 1 sell th._rt at manufacturers prices, freight added. SJcscription and price Circulars furnished on application in person or by letter. An assorted stock of various other machines and agricultural iuf iplemetils on hand. P. W. J. ECHOLS, ■AGRICULTURAL MACHINE AMD IMPLEMENT DEALER, Whitehall street, aug 22- wtf. Atlanta, Ga. AME R ID AN HOTEL. Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Opposite the Passenger Depot. YOUNG & BROWNING, Proprietor , HAYING taken charge of, and placed in thorough repair the above house, we ope to merit a share of patronage- Col. Actos Young. W. H. Browning. La eof Nartn ille, Toan. Late of Cviaiulur, Ga. an t v h, ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. HARDWARE. J. Ii J. C. ALEXANDER Dealer* in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, gss22£ Iron, Nails, Steel, HELTL\G, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS' TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, MECHANICAL T 0 OLS, oi all Trades, METALS, es all kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES.SPRINGS. LOCKS, Guilders’ Hardware, AXES. HOES, SHOVELS, CHAINS, PLOWS, Bolting Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, of of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every tiling kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be-sold lawior-cash. We have just received a large invoice of the best Double-anker Boltins Cloths, of all desirable numbers, which we offer Low for Cash! ALSO MILL PICKS, SYTHES, GRAIN CRA DLES, WIRE CLOTH, and many other articles which you need, and which we are desirous of selling, Call and see us when you visit Atlanta. J. M.& J, C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA, April 26, 1867 w6tn foMWISdUI WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, A RE now receiving their Fill 1 and J\ Winter Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES,: the largest ever brought to this city. These goods caine direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the trade at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting i Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip,calfand bulTßrogans and Balmorals—Boots, of all styles, thick, wax,' kip, calf, and the finest qualities. Ladies’, M uses’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every stvle, all made to order. G, IT. FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will he glad to see hisold customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 26. J Y Tlae Oldest Jewelry House in ATLANTA, GEORGEA. ER I, AW SHE, t flocks, V *** Jewelry and Silverware, Watchmakers’ Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as Represented. Watches and Jewelry by competent workmen* and Warranted. May l, 1867. -wly gmwiwi jgt fgj CROCKERY AND s£'©ai, T. R RIPLEY AGI. OLD STAND, Whitehall St., Established in 1850. Atlanta, Ga. June 21, 1867.—3 m TANOFORD & MOW RATH, Stows! Stoves ! ! Stoves !! ! GOOKING AND HEATING STOVES FOR TEE ZMIIIILILIOnsr WF DEFY COMPETITION IN QUANTITY, QUALITY end price, We offer to the public, the celebrated GOOD BA marttan, the best Stove in the world. Also the PRO TECTOR WITH GALVANIZED CAST IRON PFSER VOI3, somthing new and durab'e. Also the COTTON PLANT, a splendid first c’a33 stove. We have for sale the justly celebrated premium (step] stove PALMETTO, which is the heaviest, most dui able and best premium stove ever offered to the pub lic. A general variety of stamped, plain and japaned Tin-ware—Toilet Setts, Bath and Foot Tubs Ac., <fcc., Sheet Copper. Sheet Iron, Tin Plate, Sorder and a gen eral stock for Tinners use. House Furnishing Goods generally. All orders promptly attended to. LANGFOiID & McCRATH, Hunter street, first door from Whitehall st., Atlanta Ga. The above stoves are sold also in Car tcrsville by J. W. Strange, aug 9 l i*o7’ ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. New Marble *STard. 5. B. OATMAN, Jgeitt. For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian. Block adi/le, and White Rutland Statuary M A 11 B L E. #WF are now receiving and have iu store, a large ;U| U desirable stock of finishedfwjf l r 1 and rough Marble, which! ifjjLi ' x j>k we offer to the public on tWZyix the most reasonable tCriMS. Owing to the high price of ,nafb!e at th : s time, many persons are kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. Mv facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profits and quick sales—such is mv motto. We are prepared to furnish in the best style, Monuments, curved and plain, Box Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain, He a tl-s to n as, >U rn s, Vases. &c., and Furnishing Marble o£ali dc scriptions. With good and experienced workmen in all departments of business, we hope to ,merit a share of public patronage- Designs of Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so’icited and promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining BeMvue Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec.6th, 1866. DRY GOODS ! DRV GOODS ! New Arrival! TALLEY, BROWN 4CO Whltcball Street, Atlanta, Ga., Are now daily receiving their SECOND INSTA LLME NT OF Spring and Summer Gods ! In addition to their present stock, they wit RECEIVE WEEKLY, during the coming season, the LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS , THEY HAVE OY HARD ROW I Blaak amt Fancy Bilks, ilosambkjues. Grenadines, Organdie Muslins, White aud BlackTron Bareges SWISS, MULL, NAINSOOK and JACONET MUSLINS White and Fancy Tarlatons, While and Fancy BriPiantr, Tueked Skirt. Goode, Alexandra Kid Gloves—light colors MALTESE AND CLUNY LACE COLLARS. Lace Points, Grenadine Shawls, &o. ORDERS FROMTHE COUNTRY SOLICITED. May B—w Gm. HEW LIQUOR STORE it Jtt.Rose &Co f 'Wholesale Dealers Lc Drnndicti, Wines, Whiskeys,, Gins, Hums, &C. i&C. R T o ‘2 Granite Block, Broad Sir. Atlanta, Ga. IMPORTED ANoIIOMHSTIC LIQUORS of every Grade offered at low figures. Country dealers are specially invited to give us » call and sample our Liquors, which we guarantee to be as we represent them. And satisfaction given In every transaction. June T—tc. R. M. ROSE & CO. Mcßride, dorsett # co„ ATLANTA, GA, To the Merchants of Georgia and adjoin in? States : WE have already spoken through t"he papers to our friends throughout the South, and advised th. se who were formerly our fellow-soldiers in the Southern Army, that we had undertaken to apply, in Peace, the elements of vigor, energy and promptness, which had so often gained us the day in War. We have opened a Wholesale Crockery AND G-TjA-SS ihiotjse. in Atlanta. On a scale fur beyond any‘before known in the State. We are backed by all the advantages which are de rived from abundant means and a thorough knowledge of the business. A large part of our goods are shipped DIRECTLY TO VS FROM EUROPE. via Charleston and Savannah. confidently expect to supply from URSI.} A«/ our depot In Atlanta, all those iner chants throughout this and adjoining *2® la* States, who have heretofore made their purchases North. We can offer as varied a stock as can be found in New York, and we Itnowthart OUR PRICES HERE WILL BE LOWER. Y T ou will save FREIGHT by purchasing here. Y'ou will save BREAKAGE by purchasing bore. You will contribute to the building up of a homo de pot of supplies by purchasing here. We have on hand and constantly arriving ASSORTED PKG’S OF CROCKERY, of best and mixed grad e. We repack Crockerv. China Glassware, Looking Glasses, Lamps, Cutlery,' Plated and Japanned Ware, Clocks, t,o order. We have job lots of these goods from time to time at very low prices. We solicit your CASH orders, and will give ytfu large advantages for CASH IN HAND. Your Friends, April 19,1861. McBRIDE, DORSETT & CO. MEADOR & RRO'S , TOBACCO Commission Merchants. (UNDER UNITED STATES HOTEL.) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. aug 15, w3m, ERRORS OY YOUTH. A Gentlemen who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature, Decay aud all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of the s tflering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by w hich he he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so hv addressing. In per fect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Bedai Si t. New York. May 1.1661 wly, ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. fill H#f I€S« MY Dr,!) FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS will please remember, that, after having been twice burned out, I have re sumed the JDKUG BUSINESS with Messrs. T. J. & M. B-. SWANSON, under the style of AT ROARK'S CORNER, NEXT DOOR TO W. H. BROTHERTON, ATLANTA, GA. I will be pleased to meet all my old friends at our new place of business, where I am prepared to show them a large and well assorted stock of t- » _; ~ -art *. % « Z O 2 „ a ' ri" • 83 » ? tc y' “ r-. -• » .r c. .Si -~3 ® ® 23 % ' zL. to %. U ~ ® £ £ £ £ t ~ purposes, and at-.very low figures, K J. MASSEY, late Massev and Hoi tv. febl ATLANTA, GA. A HOME FOR $1.00! G. M. GuHctt’s Raffle. io take place in Macon, Georgia, October IS th, ISUT, My only object in offering ihis scheme Tor public pnt ronage, is prompted by a oesire to sell my I teal Ke.ata a, ‘ at.nice, or loose it in die aUerm t I h,\ -r du-ed the price of tickels iu the ream. ,<( a!! and h n« placed every thing on ihe list at a lair vahulion. Every <tth Ticket TAKES A I’R'IZE. IYO Prize worUi less tkan sl,‘£.V All the Plated-ware. &e., we oiler is put down at the lowest ret il price for su b goods. You siui.d a chahue ol getting the best prize on ihe lisl for OY LI OiVE DOM/tR. The price asked for tickets is EX EKDIXGI.Y I'M ALL in view of the gain in prospect. IT.y. uMi mid mis- Iht first, second or third prizes, there aie many others which are worth two hundred fold theainount suhser.i , fi Those wln prefer, enu adopt ties pmn | u ordering tickets : When the. amount tiny wish 10 invest n to as much as s‘Jb, they can oeposil. the iiHiouitt tin.’' wish to remit in the hands of seme gentleman trim wild inform me of tut oh riop.wi*, and 1 will send h in the f), |.L eta; provided ) am acquainted wt tltlnni. oi he cat : id\< me good refferentes as to h a honesty, Ac lie can . {(n tins b.v sending me the certificate ol a..iue county „fiu .11 with the county or-siate sca|. PKI€K OP TICKETS, 1 When ordered by Mall or Expiess; 1| One Ticket j] .1 1 Five “ j Ten “ . y........ . ..... yy p« Eleven 11 ( 11 Twenty*’ | - : Fifty •* !!!!.’.! i.i ; Below will be found a list rtf-pruea 1 Cott .n plantation, Infill t e cs, fl 5 000 1 •1 Eight room House and .two acre Lot ia Urillin, and. .cn 1 200 Acres Lend,in M icontcounty, 1 n t . if;; ;; ; .iW.- 100 ’ “ “ j itnn 1 100 *‘ 1,4 “ igtiii 1 160 “ “ “ a nun , b 0 “ “ ■“ riinu.u GO “ “ ■“ “ .itc’i 60 “ “ “ riinu.V 60 “ “ - - 1 Half acre Lot and two Tooru 'House in Atlanta. Ga. .fitn 1 Quarter Acre hot and two’room House In Atlanta, Ga. yoo o 1C Quarter acre Lots in suburbs.of Atlanta, ♦HO each, ’ (/.vijt. 1 splendid sett Chins, 2Go’ti 6 Woodruff’s Concord Buggies. $225 eadh, Thrill) 1 Fine eighteen carat Watch, if, 1 0 6 Ladie’s Uneeamneled Watclie-, sjyjs cuoli, 625 1 5 Ladies’ tine Watches, #IOO each, rim I) 10 Tea Setts, six pieces c-ich, $75-eadh, J.v> h 10 Tea Betts, four pieces each, :plo taoh 400 <1 2no Fifty picture Alburns >ss each, I.jri) hi 10 Elaborate Ice pit dhera g 25 each, "grit (it 10 Cake Baskets, heavy plated, tflG each L'tift 10 Lat.ies’Work Boxes, S2O each, ' 2nd (it 20 Setts double plated Castors, *<lo each, (inn nt 500 Gobi Pens, in cases, 2 >,ll ti Iq, 200 Setts heavy plated castors, fi ih| '• j 2000 heavy plated Fruit Knives, % (lit 0 1 150 Butter Dishes, s m i 11 500 ( based Cups, heavy plated 2 tin ; 150 Card Stauds, jj (M ) u 1800 Butter Knvies. “ 125 to it (Hi «« 190 setts lining Forks, lieayv plated * 5 tin » 2000 Steel Kngravii gs “ ’ ] “ 600 setts Tea Spoons, Soil a 500 “ Gold-lined Salt, Castors, ;t 00 a 800 “ ** 'Gnhtets, 3 (g) 000 “ Dessert Spoons, .5 ** PLAN OF HAFFLEs A duplicate number for each ticket wit! be placed a round box. on small pieces 0! card, and mixed criminately. The first number drawn takes the ti. prise, the second U e second prize. E/ery fourth tic et takes a prize. The drawing willtafce place In pu lie. and conducted Try disinterested men, under oath. For full descriptions of property and my refers it send for a circular, as tax is ao heavy 1 will have 0 ly one place to sell tickets. SPECIAL IPILLLILT Those who wish to buy tickets on this special pit can do so as follows : I will sell a one dollar ticket ) silty rts ; If it draws a prize you will pay |2 fur I prize, or not take it. I will sell a one dollar ticket I twenty-five cents If it draws a prize you will pay ft dollars for the prize, or not take if One advantage investing in this way is this: If you should psy tw f ty-five or fifty cents, for a ticket, ami it should be blank, you are ont. only go much; whereas if itwas r, dollar , you would be out fifty or seventy five ett u>o»e. g. M. GUILETT, aug. 2, 1867. wto oct. 15. Griffin, Ga cbSlf (Mtv ALL Rolling Mill Co.= Atlanta, Ga. MANUFACTURERS O ■ RAIL-ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS, BRIDGE BOLTS, BAR IRON, NAIL ROD, AND HORSE SHOE IROI I Castings, o( "U descriptions, I Brass or Iron, including - RAIL-ROAD CAR WHEELS. BOXES, PEDESTA J FRONTS, COLUMNS, AND VERANDAHS. ■ Mill Gearing ami Machinery of ah Lmh H JOHN D. GUAY, President I OcloltLi 5.U.