The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, November 08, 1867, Image 3

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Intltl Hcatl. f t« hi A Negro Hung. ’I he negro in ui who was under sen tence of death lor killing his fellow man, in the n< ig ]lx.rho..U of Adairst lile. in i!iis County, him! who was s; nten eed to have; been hung some two or three months ago, but was respited twice by (ien, l*oj>e, during which time he escaped jail, and was subsequently T<-arrested, suffered the extreme pen alty of the law, in tins place, bj hang ing, or last Friday. The way of the ti attsgn sor is bard, < otton Mealing. \V • cr« '..ihly informed that there Was two biles of cotton stole.n from H- v. J, 1 Iv;i 1 » gin-house, on Mmr day nig! it, tliu2Bih ultimo. The cotton was the property of John Greenwood, of this County. The following day it was ranud to Aeworth and thrown upon the market. A gentleman bought it and had it unloaded upon the plat form preparatory for shipping it, when peculiar circumstances aroused his suspicion, and he withheld the money, commenced quizzing a negro who was wilh the white man who professed to own the cotton. The negro soon vam voosed tlie ranch, and the white man being pretty closely cornered, followed suit. Mr. Greenwood went down and got the co ton, wagon and oxen, which he still had in bis possession at last accounts, We learn the name of the man was Joe Sampson. J, T. Guthkib, is happy to an rounev to Ins numerous customers that lie lias removed his stock ol I)ry-Goods, Motions. II 11--, Hoots, Shoes and Gro ceries into iii I new room, which has jusi been finished up, and which may he found in one corner of the great fmijilc ot inrfiis'r or, in other words, in Join 's Cariagc Repository ami Man uhictorv, just underneath the Express Priming O.lice, fronting on Mam Si,, t 'ai;i i •> .no, Gj, Ilero you can find a hi *oni if 11 sine k ol goods, <s*e., at very 1-n n j !<•:'<, and Mr. Guthrie being a h i ■ a* !e geiilleman. .tlway s i. . .or- ! b- nor .mil ready in accom mo.: i! .as i !a- I;is clerks. Mr. liray . a 1 M . ( . Oman, one oiui always feel i. e ■ - in trade. Cail and see b 01. t.o: ,t fjiaicta ami Ffeifer Toe n ime to blit i>, dear. Hive liiari-. d>w » ti.eir goods, ol late, as ttu .i' r< • 1 !)■ ■u a nroat dotdine j in non ■in i. i»:ern M trkels, to ha-a • thi II ill • ■ Mind. Th.'O have ! . I ala i g". ■ .ant sineiv oil n,.nil —UleV bo; a' • • !,» !- it agatll t‘,» tllClf CUS tm..i is --■i. i•. re ait x unis to se! I them - i'h ,o. -• il them. I'lioy don’t v hi mfs 101 l over to lie on. la.ii .. !~ .iurtn.' next Spring and So, i;, i rod eoi.sequeiilly preler to -i I :■ • .• 1 I ■be v have to lio it at ma f! ; ■ . j, ’ sj. They tire hi i..>wn«rl t • ooie-l when they say they will sr h.rg.ifis. So call Ulid set them a . I tw, u at tlicit goods am! learn tin ;r prices. 111.\• ; v\i» ih ii.-u.vw s Stoke, is now, fr ee ' t oi a Iraciion. l*«iss 11.< ■ \\ >~u will the house is gi*11- odd crowded with customers, ami all stVl.l to h trading. \\ ! u-ii they couie. -out of tiie store, a smile is seen to be play i. >.i their features, ami you" tan item them t xeiaim “Well 1 never ! gut so many goods before for as little 1 n .o.i i . i intend to do all my trading in Klim, at t'd.ur & Bradshaws. Jacob Fisa*, is, l>\ no means, be hind a”v other merchant, either in the <pia!;ij n'lt.s goods or the puces he sells tit m at. If you want reel goal barg ia> m Dry-(I unis, Clothing, &c., lie , E • - Store and von can j-cl tinm. Our '.vurd for it. IJkmovm. ok Mr-sas A. A. Skixnek ; A Co.— Litis enterprising litiii h. ve re ii!ov Itotlioir now brick st'-re-ii'nisi | ii. !i Mr, Stork's Lirer\ Stable a:ul | ?.!, .v.», A . il. Gilbert Ai Co’s Hardware I Store, on Vi am Si., IVinersvilu. Oa. They still \eep on baud .< line stock <>i Prod lieu, (iroceries and Prnvi's :ener~ ullv. They always have something to supply the wants of the inner man. Nothing scarcely that comes within the provision line but that they can <u; ,>iy, from a stick ot eandv to a cask oi bac > They do business as it should bed o, all of them being number one bustuess men. -No In act jr n-cry house is to be found south of Mason's and Dix -n's line than tacos. They will always be found remit to s, il provisions at the lowest pricis, and pay toe highest market price for prodti eof all deserip** tions, and always have the money to pay for it. The first session of the North (ienr gia Anttii tl Conference .of itie Meth >d ist Episcopal Cb arc S uth. will con vene in tip* cuv ’ AiLwita, on tl: *l7,h instant. We see t it som 1 of our ex changes have it An usta. Tl'.is a mis take. The Conference ipects ia At* lanta on the 27th. Individuals holding money in their possession, the proceeds of the late Tableaux in Cartersviile, will please pay it over to J. A. Erwin, J lo Oek Fuiexo-, As defenders of the people, and as sentinels upon the ■ wall, it is plainly our duty to warn the public against a perilous foe in what* ever shape or fuim he may present himself. Harbingers of death are clustering thickly around you, and every family is in quest of some kind of reliable fan,’’ ily medicine to stay the blighting hand of disease. Just here permit me give you some honest ad vice, A number oj" .Southern Physicians are now prepareing a class of Family Medicines, specially adapted to the diseases of the South. See ad vertisement of the “Great Southern preparations” in another column, and we take much pleasure in giving them a hearty recommendation. SPECIALS. Carferuville Market. Cotton 12 cts. Corn, new, 70 cts. per bushel. Wheat, $2-20. Special Xollcc. All persons who have made accounts with us are hereby notified to call and make prompt settlements and save cost. All accounts, unless settled by 20th this month, will he placed in the hands of an olfiee for collection. H e must have our money. H A ItlilS S,- THOMPSON, Cartersville, Nov. 7th, 18G7. l'ONf-tiflicc Removcd.-TII'IS. M. COMPTON, P. M.. lias removed his (roods and the Po-t-Offi ',e to the Bast side ot the Railroad into Dr. S. Clayton’s new brick budding, in the store-room recently occupied by Blair &. Bradshaw. M STRESSES! M \TRESSES ! !—No 1 Colton and Shuck. Mitre ses. made of tire best ticking, at tjilO.Od. Kept by li. H. JUNES, Cartcrsville. METALIC BURIAL CASES.--As cheap as any i.. the 8 ate,at about old prices, All sizes kept by Eli WIN At JONES. BUGGIES! BUGGIES!! —At greatly re duced prices to suit tire times. Read the fol lowing correspondence : CARTERSVILLE, Oct, 9. Messrs. \V yinar. May : Gentlemen—l line the Buggies shipped me last very much, ti.ey are suitable to this coun try. and i think vvib sell readily. Are they perfectly reliable! Yours, very trill v. R. H. JONES, AUGUSTA, GA . Oct. 14, lSfi7. Dear u ir:—V >ur favor of the 9th instant, is in hand and contents noted. You staled the hist luiguies shipped had arrived, anti that you thought they were suitable for year tt.i 'e, and esired to k ow il they were re liable. ,Ve. You et a recommend them a- be -1114 . ti'st clas buggy ail suita!>le for Stal-fi Busintv , think that they are tic best h gMics that arc yet made, ami have the fn lest ■ '••nlldetico tritium. The; were unde by out a 1 ,eb, iiu Idem in tin United States. Fours, truly, WV.VIAN & MAY, (’U|„ ,10N E 3.--4 am well pleased v. ,; 'h I. aAy it as well os when 1 first oi it, Y'u s.nil have my trade. JOEL (J. i OPE It, Kingston. h >L. JON -I am well pleased with the work done on mv buggy, VVM. RAMEY, Rome, Ga. CHANGE OF FRONT.---I have opened ,<1 the E ; o . of the main building fronting ! Street. I vv.s! make it to the interest , to trade with me, or trv me, at least. R, H, JONES. c. ter-ville, Ga.. N <v. Ist. I«07. TO t OllMttMpllKti. r; e !te, KDW ARU A. Wli.ieOS will send, free o • • e .■ b-tptton we ii the ... on, .1 .lung and ilnitltiß tiiupl® rwn^Jr 8 ■ ttuu dread p ..... r i- iim,.ii»n. U s ,l.v .eject is to bent fit .(>. ;•!, an ! *»« hop. cv I V auit'eiei- will ny this . is i, .v.l cs me 111 Dothlo?, aud may ■i vo a be’ssiox. rieas- a.ld.e s r i;d\vm:D A. WILSON, N . ICO utb Seevml Bii'.vt, WiUlaiu#burg, New York. In Cos 1 ittation. I.- -n; -.'i.«n cuarsctoe l to produce a luxn-tan ...... 1. .0 l,.nr upoo ii bo •! h.‘.il or a beardlt s free ~ , for ; r. . '.I of P'tupl.s, Blotches, K nip’i as, etc ,011 tl.e sk-a, ieav.tu ti.e same -oft. clear without charge by mSt iilOß. t' V IIXPMAN, ( hemixt. ; ii s_3 Broadway, New York. I 1811! t ASH!! Will be advanced on Cotton, to ! fn ts who mav desire to have their Dutton shipped to either Southern or North; rn markets. Call and see us. HOWARD 4- PEACOCK. N. T>.—E icon, Bugging and Rope will be advancerl aisv) it desired. Cartcrsville. Sept. 20, 1867. Ml BW -^OOD3!! 0 ■ ; Vk i ' j Vt* i t,» .ii-iTij v/ J, A, ERWIN 3b CO., 4 N'w k-." VA;-. A T THE OLD STAND OF .1, A, & S. ERWIN, an elegant FALL MID WHITER GOODS! Which they will sell at the Lowest Prices. Everybody is invited to AND Ru y Bargains!!! Their motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. I Carter?vllle- Oct, it, 1867, W. H. GILbtKT. J WATT HabKIS. Dealf.ks EXCLUSIVELY IX Hardware and Cutlery, Iron and Steel, Nails and Castings. Agricultural Implements. COCKING, PARLOR AND KEATING sf®m DIRECT FROM THE M A -V UFACTORIES. FURITISHIiq a- Agents for the sale of the celebrated 33at3ry,£-£ CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS, The stock of the above poods will be increas ed to meet the de mind and offered on reason able terms for CASH ONLY. w. H. GILBERT Sc CO CARTERSVILLE. GA. .<? t .pt. 27th 18G7—vvtfeb Ub jßoberts * St odes. HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW BRICK STORE-ROOM, ADJOINING B L AIR jt ifRADSHA W, CARTERSVILLE, GEORG I .1 fy A A Tibs Clear Sides. 100 -i s. Salt. 4tUUU 500 lbs Sugar cured Haras. J /~\ BMs Sugar ass't. ti Sicks Coff-ae, it/ 10 Boxes Candles, l ft Bbls. Fam Flour. ROBERTS & STOCKS. Ki~\ Bushels Fresh Corn Meal, Ovsters, f){) .Mackerel, Cheese, Crackers. Pickles, CANDIES fancy and plain, Figs, Raisens, Nuts, Soda, Sardines, Syrups. Dried Beef Lard,Table Salt. Matches, Powder and Shot, ROBERTS & STOCKS. ROBERTS & STOCKS, Dealers in GROCERIES a™ PRODUCE. CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. rfIOBACCO, Smoking and Chewing. | “ijiii Arp,” “No Name,” and "Bache -10.3’ Darling,” Smoking Tobaccos, Cigars. Everything be longing to our branch of busi ness, is kept by ROBERTS Si STOCKS. Have removed to their new store-room on Maine street. Cartersviile. Oct, 34, l£S7.w6m ZE-TOELA-JD Q,UA^:R/X’E-K,3 Uj Lml FOR FANCY CANDIES! CAKFSS Nuts, Raisins, Jellies, & Fruits! ! W. JACK, Wlilteliall Street, Atlanta, Ga Thave just re 1 from New V. A. the | iurgest sto. k „f FANCV (:ON FECTI r*N EKIES ever bronght to G *.>rgi 1. M v s|,. c k braces every article t at can be called lot in that line of goods. TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS TIMES ! i My selection lot the young folks is unusu ally large, and very beautiful c.wi) 1 ’ jnajruFACTOR. s*:5 *: TfNhis bra; eh of my Establishment is in full 1 operation, and lam prepared to make, any quantity desired for he City and < 'nun try Trade. Orders li e 1 at short not i c e Broad bakery' In this department I claim to excel anv thing in Georgia, aml challenge competition iam ..till supplying Families in the city. My W AGON m ikes its regular rounds every da >. Cracker Bakery feature of my establishment is complete X in every paiticular. and the Crackers turn ed out are equal to any made North or South lam daily filling orders for ail parts of the country*. CK.E li AKli: T. Besides an endless varict y of : ,t all times < n hand, f !I . n ' l ,r > pared tj »u nisi, W edumgs and partiis w ‘ t lt ailttha n may he wanted either Pia 5' or Oriiauie 'ai. COME AND SE JBE! rjMns invitation is extended to the public, at X Hrge, in town and country village and hamlet— everybody ! G-. W- J* .A. G IC oc27—titljan27 Whitehall str-et. GROJSRISS AND PRODUCE. TBADE O W ISS7 W. W. CHAPMAN, J. w\ RUCKER. WM. LOWE, CHAPMAN, RUCKER & CD, Whitehall Street TTA'VING added another member and ad X i ciitioriftl capital to our firm, we are now ex ter - sively engaged in the Commission, Grocery & Pro JuccßiisinCoS Wi! WILL DEAL IX 35aco*s, Flout'. Corn, Lard, CJoilee, Sugar, iJlollasscs & Syrups And e very article usualy found in a first-class Grocery St ore, A T ft'HOLE SALE EXCLUSIVE LY, city and Country I'rade arc invi ted to call and examine our s oek before pur chasing elsewhere. ocß —dtn CONFECTIONERY AND FANCY GROCERIES, Whitehall Street west side, A few doors from Alabama street Atlanta. 67/ WINES, BRANDIES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE. CANDIES, PRESERVES, CRACKERS, BUTTER, CHEESE, HAMS, BEEF, RICE, Fruits, Cur rants, Raisins Se~ gars- Pipes- Snuff &. Country J ferchetnts supplied at Xetc York prices. nov l J. H. PBRTELL ! MERCHANT TAILOR, White Hall Atlanta, Ca. CLOTHING made to order in the very latest style and at short nttice. Oct So. 3t. Don’t forg. t to look us up when you visit ATLANTA. and see some handsome Y:iL- Vr/i" and ObO r H CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Sont.igs. Nubia . £.c,. at PECK THOMPSON & C 0„ No. 5 Decatur street near Whitehall. Empire Restaurant^ Next door to Georgia National Bank. At lanta, Ga. This celebrated Restaurant is now open, night and <J»y, two setts of hand em ployed. twelve hours on and twelve hours < ff. The house has been newly furnished with all kinds of Wares, twenty Itallinn Marble Ta bles, with private rooms. Game, Fish, Oys ters. choice Steaks, and all the varielies ol the season, kept constautlv on hand. PEASE & HIS WIFE Atlanta, Oc*. ’, 186* NEW AHRANCE!VIE>T, Bv which Families can la' supp'ied with Fill and Winter Dry Goods at Atlanta prices without pay ing the expens sos going ioi them. Our full nait Wttifet Sfatk is new c rn .'rte. to which we h ivo ad.led the New feature of Carpets l i every V.irietm M e ecu fill y >ur Bill from i paper of Pins ;o a Parior Carpet. Me pro,. >se to send Samples pro es attached, to any family who will write for them at c will ct arautee toe Goods to in- the same artha sample, or they eau Iw returned to us at our ex po .• . I •>' - r •> is can bo sent by express or otherwise, as you mty request. u * ir St ” U'mp'c’ in every Dep trtnu-irt, and willbc'sold as'cheap as good Goods can b. bmi jM ii» lac Stsfiß t»l (zt»orzi <- Vv , invite tfn examination of our Stock, or letters for samples, no charge for looking. CHAMBERLIN. .COLE 8 BOYNTON. „ Cor Whietball and Hurt e- streets Atlanta, (ia 47i/JLES VLE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Root* ami Slioes, Feather. (alKkius and Shoe Findlo?*, il tw> h'* 'do‘"l.'^ '*} r ait - e ’ ~[ ‘> n To the fact that i have ret'imcX fn \tUn'a h ive npene \ : » -•O “o. .is store.) one oft he m«l*t cclup'lete !t^ksof treel8 ‘ ( “ eXt d °° f t 0 Chan,i>erlln f Cole H-.»yatuii*a elegant and Shojs. Hemlock and Oak Lea theri Calf Skins, Inning anti Hindi tiding Skins, L.tsrs, PECS, SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS AM) FIX/J/XGS c’wT. lAok Bhort ’ ert ' r - v ’ hir! i ? tourul in a f.rst class si, e and Finding Store, a Rich stock 1 t - I *>v, kJ huD lUti CL and [ limes, <tiiti ben mail jii a pike which caunol, Jail to suit, Wholesale or Retail. of t " “’■! * *?!, 1" e f,! , tr i ! ? n % ? e „ 0 , V* nrH in ,h '* business in the stat. r.f Ororgia. and h.v'ff* apenf mos, I !',!r rn. ,K ,i ,7, " l '' lAw'-eriim; l'Kets, bui/infffroO'>xfor uish ,o- several U,\-e Southern ouic.a-ef hi ieeoj shout ‘'P ,, Y >r '(/csoTeraU conipetjunn in hn.viiie—and n.ak aig all nn 1 " due j jot oi.m only »ni naviiig UuUtrmmed to sell tor CASH ON DELIVERY. Iwill duplicate any bill of Goods in my line, bought of jobbing Houses inNcw or * i or Boston, adding only expense Jr -f ii’arrjportation. &c c to This point. T„E Aj2, E, TJStTHiR Wild Tdc ENORMJUS AMJUNT OF Mr PURCHASES ENABLES M- TO SELL , HOOT'S AND SHOES ' "° U AS tUVJOBBISU HOUSE IN THE UXri'EU SiHTES sxMts&a * , ,' " l T. BANKS. --'.I am not connected in business With any other house in this city. The sign.'and the ti mis ■ . X- T. BA-TNUECS KKW A DVER ITSHMEN i’S. sz ? .'Ya t* O 1 I l l For Blen And boys AT TIIE 04T£ CITY 010TK* img nrmE, ATLANTA GA. Wc take pleasu* e tt» inform (ur f-iend? a r .d E..!' .• *i* si i we I.y t- just ff'C eved me of »be ,fe If * m*U itfi feTO Kol iihN'f ahd iiOYd OLOTHJNO c” tr br , U'-ht tc H :\.M;.i j’?-.! l).ri*!:t vHir vli tie STOCK f v C& h we Wt*»c -n-ttiictf to b y our fcftock at tremeudeoua low p i £■* on Hccuuni of the JaU2 heavy ueciiue of prices. \\eare Heternnupd to sell this linj/eauti ver> aheap stock at prices tlct will defy competition, Our stock consists <Jf fine Medium aud low pricei. Gents Furnishing HATS CAPS, BOOTS' SHOES, TRUNKS VALISES, & CARPET BAGS, Überal Siulncemoiit olFercd to tHc* Trade Please call before ptirchasins cHewhere at tlia Gate City Clothing STORE * A. Rosenf: Id & Bro. i*o!ise aiad Lot In Cartersville POB SALE. place whoreon A, M. Franklin now X lives is offered for sale. Tne dwelling •iud cojk roam ;re adjoining, the whole con stituting a house of SE\ E.Y ROOMS vvi'.li four fire p'aces, good weii of water, stables, cow lot arid garden.. It is better known as the Barrett p ace, near the M tliodist Church. further particulars call at the Cartcrsville Express Printing Office, >r address T. M. TGDD, Kingston, Ga. Celt . ' i'.'c, Ga., fjov. 1, 1807. wlm Two Wheeler & Wi Ison’s 3ew- Intr MacliincSj al Reduced Prices. 1* HAVE lef* with me, for side, two of the-e J*_ celebrated Family Sewing Machines, v ;.ich have only been run five months. The i : r ent ow: frs having gone to Honduras. — I guarantee them to be in perfect running or der without any fault whatever, and capable of turning out five hundied 100 lbs flour sacks per day. lam authorized to seil them Ti}-» uer cent below the original cost, or am wiiiiag to exchange them for good VV heat at market rates, Please address M. L. LICHT2NSTACH, Atlanta Ga, Agent for V, ( heeler & \\ lison Sewing Machine Company. Oct 26, 1867. w3t A good Farm for Sale. qpHE GLENN-MORE PLACE, tour miles I IVo Kingston, Cass V unry. (5a., con taining Slit acres. "AGO cleared, and JijO first ijuality (’reek B rtt on, with com fortable dwelling ami <ilit~JIOII'H S. and the BEST and the I.AKGES 1 SPRING in the Cauntv, is offered lor s . e at ie.-s than what it sold for, in gold, before the war. \V. T. M OFFORD. Cartersviile, Ga„ Oct. 76, 1867,wit ON C OTTON. I WILL be prepared by the Ist Oct., to make liberal cash advances on COT TON ship ped to the well known and reliable hou.-e of GEO. \\ , \\ ILLIA.MS & GO.. Charleston, or WILLIAMS. TAYLOR & CO.. New Yak. Terms more liberal than any hertofore off ered to planters Oi dealers. JNO, A. ERWIN, scpt.l6, 1867. Carters .illc, Ga. KE W A D VEKTIBEME A TS. Bartow county's ales. To be sold before th e arrival of the Circus at prices never before known in CARTERS VILRE SINCE THE WAR CLOSED— A large and magnificent stock oIFALL AND WINTER DRY-GGODS, BOOTS, SHOES HATS, CLOTHING, in fa:t, everything usually kept in a DRY-GOODS HOUSE, all of which have been bought since the re cent decline in Dry-Goods, and I am determ ined to give my customers the benefit of that decline. The friends of Capt. THOMAS G. WILKES, will find him in this house, where he will be happy to meet them, and sell them what goods they want just a little cheaper than they can buy them elsewhere. Don’t forget the place when you come to town, next door to A. A. SKINNER & 00., West side of the Railroad, C ARTERSVILLE, GA. L, FERIUSON Nov. 1, 1867. miff bimiii* At M .ws. J. A. ER vVIN & CO'S ojd stand. ON MAIN STREET, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. INVITE ATTENTION to their entirely new and well assorted stock of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry-Goots, Hats, Hoots. Shoes, GBOCERiES, &C. Call and examine our stock, as to prices we have no fears. Nov, I, i867. LAREMDOM BROS. On hand and for sale at low figures, 2' B.:rr<?!» s>ugir. assort'd A.. B. and C. 2a 'oks Km and Java Coffee. 2a 15 irrel« Syrup, fit) Hi ores Candy. t" Ki sand HiCßiwels M»ik»r»l. 50 Boxes State and factory Cheese. Together with as large and ample a stock o' GILO CF.itIKS, i.g c»u he tound, all bought for Cash, an'l are ■ ttermi. ed ;o sr.l at living prices, close Now York crs\ Wo triil p‘y 'hehighesr market prices foi Lifted Kr *a id Beeswax in any quantity. ATLANTA, GA., Nov, 1, i*r>o.wd:n In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern Ihstri;t of Georgia. In the matier of Lrastus V. Johnson, IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt, j At Cartcrsvilie in sai 1 District. r | O iVil .itl IT MAY CONo'E iN.—No*iee is hereby l given, onet awe k for three week-, that I hare been appointed Assignee of the esuie of Krastiis Y. Johnson- of K r.gsma. in the eotinty of Bartow, who his he-ii adj.i i; •ia I, . .kr plop,-.his -wri petition bv the District Court of raid D.strcl. October JiStb, 1:67. -JIiSSK it. 'ViiiLiijASi.gnee. At Cariersvilie in sai l district. Oct. 89:it, IS'jf.— Ord- rei, by the R-g's*er, hat the above be posits ed in the Cariei tvifle Etpr-;". ■ LA.ViON BLACK, Register. Ortl prN will be promptly filled and BAM PLES SENT of »ny style' of goods defined FECK, THOMPSON & C3„ GLENN, WRIGHT fe CARR , ('mix FACTOKS, Storage & Commission Merchants GDa^IA. SJTLIATED ALONG SICE THE RAILROAD, ENABLES US TO RECEIVE AND SHIP FREE OF QUAYAGE OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE [s of large capacity, thoroughly FIRE-PROOF, and our facilities for handling COTTOtf unequalled by any it, the South, We will Store auU Sell or ship from this or any other point, to It os! on, Philadelphia. Savannah, vl ew »*o k, Baltimore 1 , Charleston, or JL/F\Sit Milking LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, when desired. Under ♦! c Itwonne Res; il Ulmi, COTTCIV can be shlpp?! to this pUco under bill of lading, by calling Deputy Co’lcct *r p. tut «»f shipment, w.thout prepaying Kevouue Tax. T l e central positi >n of \tlarfta otiVr* many advantages* Making it an important Cotton Market* Tljo iSanbli .•$ la ilitivs, and divergii g Uuilroaris, enable ua to hi p Cotton in Any Direc ti o n WE SELL THE BEST IB2FRQV£SD COTTON GIN3, Also Bagging, Hope, ant Sweet’s Patent Iron Tie, the Best in in Use. portable (Ctaist iltills, lor Jlanh, JLlorjsf, a;th Stum polutr, SMUT MACHINES, TURBINE WATER WHEELS, HICKS’ STEAM ENGINES AS ! D BOILERS We Receive ami Sell on Commissions, all kinds of Produce and s’l'«» Jsion.x •' Corn, Oafs, Wheal, Flour, Klacon, Lanl, Halt, &c., *Vc. Our facilities for Storing and Selling II are unsuryawd, LIQUORS AND TO3A S5 0 IN LA RB E SUPPLY: Os Various brands and qualities, A gents tor the sale of BLOWS, and other Farming Implements. Ge'va and Mh’v LIME, Georgia SLATE ROOFING. Wil! he p'eisc-I t • fill o*dcrs for CO'I'I ON 000. or other Merchandise. BLU.V.V, U RH.HL ft thiKH, °cU7 ly ATLAVi’A, GEORGIA.' 1807. AN Id WINTER 1807. WHOLESALE AND REF AIL, JOHN M. OHNJVGN, Corner oi' Wiiilcliall and Hunter Street*, ATLANTA, Q-. A.-. Takes pi nanre in iniormlng his friends and the puhito that his stoolc of Fill nnd Winter floods is nr compete, >n every department, and isone of the iarge-t and heat assorted eve* brought tu this market cash huvers are respectfully invite i to call and examine this tn i-pilfi ent stock of good*. Style* and prk. annot be surpassed ;ii you doubt it, o .il and you will be convinced of the fact. ONE PRICE ONLY! Quick Sales and Small Profits. Those prinriples in trade, I find from experience, to he as Immutable as truth Its df, whn t -iistly *c»rri#,l out. They shall, in the future »»*tn the past, lie faithfully adhered to , this e«tah i*hm >nt Kv»r v v-t i.. „ , , house must sell itself, ms we will not. In any case, resort to 1h» fri -k .f sidling one article at t ■'aerlhce ad inaklL double profit ou something else, W* pruatslitre eve*y article we sell to he what ft 1* p-prMvn'ix!. M-rchaiits are specially invited to examine this stock t«e o-e purchasing et««*whee. W - have nlwsvs oh hand a splemi and reserve slock, in every department, anil wII sell them to dealers < henper th to they i ay tfI(SIJ . dowu from New York. Space will not permit more than ineution of a few articles in the different depui Uneiit*. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Black and Fancy Silks, Plain and Fancy Pop'ios, French Morin *!•, Reps, Eioprees Cloths, all wool I>»- lafaes Cltonc Poplins* Alpacca?* Bo Mohairs. Ac. HOUSE GOODS DEPARTMENT. "1 8. 0 llt and 12 4 BVaehed and Bro vn Sheetfn?, fi, TANARUS, S, 0 and 10-f B!e%ch«vl and Brown Table Linen • alt the favorite brands of Bleached and Brown Shirtings; N ipkin<?, VI trseillea Qailtu Ac. WOOLEN DEPARTMENT. Plain and Twilled White Welch and tmeri mn Flannels; P am and Twilled Red and Grey Flannel*; a «nler - d'd assortment of Plain, Plabl and Sootted O..era FI innels; 6 4 Black and ' Vil’d fltoth f»' f« v.d C.l’. k, ;4 4 Wate pro. f Cioakiftg; in, 11 and 12-4 fine all wool ribbon bound English Bel Blankets ! 000s brown, biu* and grey Blankets, all sizes and qualities. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. Swiss. Jaconet. Mull. Nainsook and Tarlatan Muslins ; Plild and Striped Swdss, Jaconet and 'lain.' >V ; Do* ted Sw Us; (ii.e I Ith Linens heavy Irish Linens for Ladies’ wear ; Linen Lawn and Camunc ; L. O, Hdkis. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. ym beautiful Cloaks, newest styles. Ha Ing made a sped < I!ty department, we ere p-e , ir*d ta great led .re nrna. Ah our Cloaks are made to order, H nd ire consequently much cheaper than il bought of bers. The dnest as well as the lowest priced Cloak manufactured can be found in this splendid assorlm.nt. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. If’fll Long and Fouare Shawls,, Clack, I’Uid and Fancy—fifty Ji3 style* and qualities, comistlnf French, Scot. li and American goods. A 1 -rge ot of Breakfast chawi , Sontags, Nubias, Ac. FOR BOYS’ AND GENTS’ WEAR. Black French Broadcloth; Black Frehcii Doeskin ; Gobi and silk mtxe i Caslmeres ; Scotch Tweed, and C itnere-; fc -..-h t weeds and O tslmeres; Sat,ne ts, North Uarobua and Kentucky Jeans; FugtUh i’et-r. Cloth; 6—4 Kugl.sft Ux.ord the h. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. 1000 pieces English and American Prints; 200 pieces piald L'nsey ; lOOpieots Bed Ticking; 200 piece !-m;— J '.r:|ies. F;ai js aud Cfleoks ; oales of Augusta d/.irting-, Sueetings, Osnaburgs. Drillings ; French aud I Gingham*. SUNDRIES. i.i-ises ami La Mes’ Balmoral and Hoop Skirfj ; fine French and Domestic Corsets; ladies' and Gents p. Collars: Lade’ EuglL-h, Oe- man and American Hose ; Mitstsand Cnildrer.N Wo. 1 and Merino il-•! h Nfcrinot'ioJe Yeos/Ge t:’ Sue Hall Ho*et Silk and Printed Cotton Handkerchiefs; belt.. 1,, s broiurtes, Braids, Ac. Always on hand, a full line of Notions. JOfIX HI, GA.WOY, D.’t. 25, 1887. Corner Whitehall anti Hunter Htreeta. Atlanta, f ADMINISTRATORS SALE ON the fli rt Tuki<iay in next, will be before thec«nnhou*e door tn Carterev.He, within he legal hours of sale, the following property, to-vvit. Lois '( Laud Numbers k 22 and 243, in the r Ist Dis ci and 2>d Section in sai l county, paitof it open .el ly .gon Ht tmp Creek in said’ D strict. Bold as toe property of W. B. Leak, decea.etl, for the . onefit f me creditor, of sad deceas'd.*, one-half taeh aad oi e-ha!f six raomh. with approved si-curby. W, H. TRITCUETT, Adui’r Oct, Ift, 1801, BJair & Bradsha hare got iuto their new bi •store room ou Maine street. ‘V'OTICE —Ad Power* of Attorney given by me pre* il vlous t, h.U September, IbtfT, are revoked, bepl 11, 18 t.I. a THUMP4r.\-