The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, February 07, 1868, Image 3

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wea | rV cr ased, has been placed upon our nble through the courtesy of Dr. J. F. Best, ol this place, prepared and sold by frimsett- A. C. King, Atlanta. This gentleman, formerly, ol the firm of Turpin & King, Druggi sts, has re r iumed business at the old stand, and is now ready to receive orders. He aims to compete with the best Drug Houses in the South, in everything, and to be lacking in nothing, that will extend his business. geg”Jo /ml Jell Harwell are still hammering away at their old stand, ready at all limes to pounce upon any j,,b that comes to hand, and to finish it without delay. They propose to do almost anything that anybody else can do in Iron, Steel, Gold, Silver, Copper, and Zinc. Better mechanics than they are are hard to find. Abbott & tiro*., Atlanta. Be sure and read their big advertise" ment in this paper. We never c ill in at this house but what we find them all busy. A sufficient guarantee for men ol' business. wa-M essrs. Thompson 4* Stocks hive entered into a partnership busi je;s, in the manufacturing of Saddles, Harness, <fce., in this place. Be sure and read their advertisement. See the card ol Messrs. N. Gil reatli & Son, in this paper. s«rR. tberus and Stocks are still alive aril kicking, with a house full ol Gro ceries and as anxious as ever to sell to cash customers. The liig Show Coming again! MeGlintock’s Menagerie will exhib it ; gain in Cartersvi'ile to the people of Bartow and adjoining counties, on or about the 15ih day of the present month. Admission to the exhibition free of charge to al! classes and colors. The menagerie will consist of a large drove of fine young Kentucky Mutes. Alter the exhibition is over the mules will be sold to parties desiring to pur chase at prices corresponding with the price of cotton. So look out there is fun ahead! For fulher particulars ap ply to Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick, agent at this place. The Tax on cotton lias been removed for the year 1888, by congress, and the drill after the present year. Mcßride &Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Mo one, we opine, will fail to read die advertisement of the above excellent firm. Every body is in need of Crock ery, Glassware and Table Cutlery,— They are just the gents who have these things in abundance, and they sell them cheap too. They have from the lowest lo the highest grades, and such a well selected stock that anybody can be suit ed both in price and quality. They are selling to country merchants irtGa. and Alabama. The letter accompany ing the abveittsement speaks for itself. We cherfully commend this house to our merchants. Their very polite and genteel clerk, Mr John Dobbs, will be around soon for orders. G. W. Jack, Atlanta, Ga. Attention is invited tc the advertise ment of the above named gentleman in this paper. If you want to see Tab leaux, world without end, just take a peep into this well filled house— Toys! Toys!! Toys!!! of every size, shape and representation. Then Cakes, Can dies, JNuts, in fact every tiling that is pleasing to the eye and palpable to the tasu. It makes our mouth water to think about it. But every gentleman, lady, boy, girl and everybody else, or “any othey man,'’ in Atlanta, knows our old friend Jack. 11 is name has be come a house-hold word. old friend, S. R. Kramer, makes an important announcement in this paper, this week, which, of course ev cry one will read. Relief. The Con vention has passe ! a lielief Ordinance, by a vote of 82 for, to 45 against, it. It amounts to repudiation °f all debts contracted prior to June, t ’ 35, excepting a few classes of debt" such as fiduciary claims and unset tled real estate contracts where one third of the purchase money has not been paid ; Provided the forthcoming legislature concur in the measure, — We will give ihe bill in full in our next paper. A man by the name of Timoney, a Yankee, shot and severely wounded Skowhegan Richardson, delegate in the Atlanta Convention, one day this week. Richardson’s condition is con sidered critical. The matter is under going legal investigation. Cotton is again crazy, the best only bringing 12| cents, in Atlanta, on yes terday morning, tax unpaid. This is Leap Year and the Ladies have the right to use it for matrimonial purposes, then let them remember the Hdi— St. J'alenfine's Day. Kingston Conservative Meet- 1 Ing. Saturday Feb. Ist —ln accordance with notice previously given a respect able portion of the citizens of the 16th District met at Kingston Saturday thel. The meeting was organized bv call ing J. S. Harris to the chair and re questing A. F. Woolley to act as sec retary. The chair explained the object of the meeting, to be, the appointing of dele gates to the Conservative Convention for the purpose of ratifying the action of the recent Conservative Convention at Macon. On motion of M. A. Hardin, the chair appointed the following delegates viz; A. F. Woolley, T. F. Jones, M. J. Crawford. F. A. Iluson and Lewis Fonville. On motion the following additional delegates were appointed viz; M. A. Hardin, J. C. Roper, Wm Earp, Samuel Sheats and the chairman. On motion it was agreed that any number of delegates present be impow ered to cast the vote of the entire del egation 1 On motion ofM, A 1 Hardin the chair appointed the following committee to draft resolutions expressing the senti ments of this meeting, viz; T. F. Jones M. J. Crawford, and Lewis Fonville. On motion, C. N May son and M. A. Hardin were added to the commit, tee. The Committee returned and repor ted as follows; Resolution Ist. That it is the sense of this meeting, that the effect of the late reconstruction acts of Congress, will be not only subversive ol political and social rights, bn? distinc tive of our material interests and that, therefore it becomes necessary to inaug urate some measure of relief therefrom. Resolved. 2nd. That we approve the proceedings of the Macon Conven tion and heartily tender our cooperation to those, our fellow citizens, who have established themselves on, that line of policy. On motion the resolutions were ad dopted. On motion the Carlersville Express was requested to publish the proceed ings of ibis meeting. On motion the meeting adjourned. J. S. Harris Chairman. A. F. Woolley—Sectv. Read the advertisement of the Pine Log School, in another column. Order No 49- compelling civil officers to advertise in none but Reconstruction papers, has been so modified by Gen. Meade, that officers can again return to-their former medi umc. See order in another column. “I love tiiee still,” said a quiet hus band to bis chatty wife. A counter revolution —strike among dry goods clerks. 'Pile oldest business in the world the nursery business. The real champions of the ring— mothers with daughters to marry. SPECIALS, Carlersville Market, Gotten 11 12 Corn, new, 75 80 cts. per bushel. Wheat, $2,15. To Arrive. I WILL have on hand, in two weeks, as Agent of the Importer of French Glass, 300 Boxes of til ss of ail sizes. Contractors and parties wishing Glass will please call on me. as I will sell at low r er piices than any one in Georgia can, as I am satisfied with the commission paid me by the Importer. Feb. 7th, 18C8-wtf. S. R. KRAMER. Cartcrsville, Ga. The Latest Arrival. I have just reeeived a lot of old fash oned Concord Buggies, from Abbot & Downing, Concord, Massachusetts. They are the very best Buggies made in the United States. Many have enquired for them ; come in now I have them for you. I have a lot of No. 1 Matresses at SB,O0 —can have extra sizes made al short notice. R. H. JONES Carlersville, Ga.,.Tan.2B, 1868. LOOK HERB. ALL persons indebted to N, Gilreatli & Son for gpods sold them, and purchased in payment for the hire of their hands employ ed, are requested to come forward and make payment at once, We have boarded ourselves and served you with our labor and our means, and we need every dollar due us, and cannot longer indulge, N. GILREATH & SON, Cartersville, Ga., Jan, 3d, 18Gb. To Cougimiptives. The Rev. EDWARD A. AVIT.SON will send, free o charge, to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cored of a lung affection and that, dread disease Cousumntlon. His only object is to benefit the afflicted, an! he hopes every suflerer will tiy this prescription, as it w!H cost them nothing, aud may prove a blessing. Please address Rev EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Williamsburg, New York. Information. Information guaranteed to produce a luxnrlan growth upon a bald hexd or a beardle.-s face also a recipe for the removal of Phiplts, Blotches, K rupiions. etc , on the skin, leaving trie satne soft, clear and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by ad dressing TUOS. F. CHAPMAN, t.UmiH. se P ft Biß Broadway, New York. Errors of Youth. A Gentleman who suffered for vertrs from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of sufleiing humanity, send lice to alt who need it, the ree pe and directions for making the simple reiredy by which he was cured.J Sufferers wishing to profit l>y the advertiser’s experience, can do so by address ing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New York.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. /in ve iemovei/my 0 YoeJp DRUG S, &C, feom //<■ 4 foie t?om tenc/ei f/te BARTOW HOUSE, ane/ arn 'ito iet /ociifei/ on M A I N ST, firxY t/ooi so GILBERT & CO., HARDWARE HOUSE, ■==/// y Y af{evifion eJ eleven Yo f/ie e/t•lntend ion MEDICIITES, tini/ am &e//ijy a// ak= fie/c4 171 my fmej dtic/t a) MEDICINES, OIL, FAINTS, GLASS, &C,, AS CHEAP a A cii7i /e oj/f/.e 6ante yitafiYy c/lcw/teie. 4e= Ao/ieif a confinti= mice f/ic /ci7ii/ie44 --J' /five 'tcccivci/ CT IF\ BEST, IMZ.JD. Druggist and Pharmaceutist. Fell. 7th, 18G8-wly. Cartersville Ga. SADDLERY AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY, THE undersigned, determined to give, the people of Bartow and adjoining counties no excuse for going abroad to purchase their SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, &C., and lor repairing the same, havt» opened, in the town of Cartersville, a regular, SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFAC TORY, where they propose to pu, up everything in their line in the neatest, most substantial and durable mannor, and at prices that will defy competition. They flatter them selves that they can and will do work, which, in every respect, will compare favorably with any work done North or South. l>olll iI) quality ami price. Let no one ig nore our work because it is done in the South, nor oirr pi ices, before giving ns a tiiarl, for that is all wc ask to secure trade. Our work is a!I warranted and that is a sufficient guar antee to purchasers. We are determined to build op a name and business i.i Cartersville that will be a herbage to our child en after us, if prompt attention, good work, and mode tate charges will secure that end, Rooms it the front of the Eclipse Sale and Livery Stable, THOMPSON & STOCKS. Cartersville, Ga, January 7th, 18C8-vvly. MALE & FEMALE SCHOOL, NEAR PINE LOG, GA. Tlie fi-ef session of this school commenced the 2d Monday in January I"6S. RATES OF TUITION PER SESSION OF 5 MONTH - Primary branches, $ 750 Secondary brandies, 10 00 Latin and Greek and the higher branches ol Mathematica 1500 Th s school is in a healthy and moral neighborhood, near Pine L„g Church. Board can bo bad near the school, ’or, from 10 to 12 dollars per m nth. Tnose desiring to educate will do well to give us a t rial. T. M. FULTON, A. 8., Principal REFERENCES. COL. J. E. PARROTT, Cartersville, Ga. COI , T O. FAItN, Calhoun. Ga. C • I*l' L. N, TKA WMEL, Calhoun, Ga. CAPT. W. M. BYEIt, Fair Mount, Ga. I)r, D. H. RAMSAUK. Fair Mouut, Ga. JUDGE J. 11. STAR, “ February 7tt, 1563-wßt. N. GILREATH & SON. UENEIAI. DEALERS IN Dry-Goods and Groceries, ALSO, Produce end Provision Merchants, Orders for Grain or Provision promptly filled, N. GILREATH & SON, Feb. 7th, 18G8-wtt. Cartersville, Ga, ZETjEILA-ID Q,TJ A.RTERS FOR FANCY CAXDIES ! CAKES! II Nuts, Raisins, Jellies, & Fruits !! G. W. JACK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga, I HAVE just received from New York, the largest stock of Fancy Confectioneries ever brought to Geergia. My stock embraces every article that can he called for in that line of goods. TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS TIMES. MV selection for the young folks is unu sually large, and very beautiful. • CANOV MANUFACTORY! THIS branch of my Establishment is in full operation, and I am prepared to make any quantity desired for the city and country trade. Orders flitted af short notice. BREAD BAKERY! IN this department 1 claim to excel any thing in Georgia, and challenge competi tion, lam still supplying families in the city. My wagon makes its regularlounds every day. CRACXER BAKERY! rTIHIS feature of my establishment is or>m- I pfote in every particular, and the crack ers turned out are equal to any made North or South. lam daily filling orders for all parts of ttie country. CAKE BAKERY! BESIDES an endless variety of cakes at all times on hand, I am p-epared to fur nish weddings and parties with all that may be wanted either plain or ornamented. COME AND SEE ME! trims invitation is extended to the public at I large, in town and country, village and hamlet —everybody ! G. W, JACK, February 7th, 1868-wly. Leais L. Abbott, H. L. Abbott.... .B. F. Abbott 1 ABBOI T and Bros. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Wholesale Dealers I N Produce, Provisions 8. Whitehall Street, G-J±- ESTABLISHED IN BUSIN ESS IN T»is. Meat! Meat!! CASKS Choice Clear Bulk Sides just f received and lor sale at lowest cash pr ces, by ABBOTT & BROS Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Flour! it lour! / \SA?'KS now in store, Including some of the most choice brands,made from selected white wheat, for sale by ABBOTT & BROS, Commission Merchants, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga, Flour lo Arrive! P fv A SACKS Superfine and Extra to ar fit rive within next ten days. Also to arrive 1,000 Bags Corn, and 1,000 Bags Prime Seed Oats. For sale by ABBOTT 4 BROS.. jjh Commission Merchants, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Hsiins and Shoulders / 1 A CASKS Bulk Hams and Shoulders, for sale by ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merchants Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. Lard ! Lard!! 10 BARRELS Choice Lard, for sale by ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga. In Store ! 4 BALES 4-4 Sheeting. 5 Bales Cotton Yarns. 2 Bbs Southwest Ga. Cane Syrnp. 5o Coils Hand-made Rope, lo Bales Fodder, All for sale at lowest cash rates, by ABBOT & BROS., Commission Merc! ants, Atlanta, Ga. Salt! Salt ! 2000 SACKS Virginia Salt, for sa’e by y ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merehanlo, Atlanta, Ga, New ESacon Sides. 1 /A CASKS Choice New Bacon Sides now J \y in store; and for sale L>v ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merchants) Atlanta, Ga r New Klacon Shoulders 1 A CASKS New Bacon Shoulders, now in J store and lor sale low down to cash buvers, by ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga,. Coffee ! Coffee ! Bags choice Rio Coffee, foi sale by ABBOTT <& BROS., Commission Merchants, Atlanta, Ga. Sugar!sugars! [0 Bbls extia C Sugar for sale low, by ABBOTT <& BROS, Commission Merchants. Feb. 7th, 1868-w6m: Atlanta, Ga. jfGOOD OPENING BUSINESS. undersigned, desiring to change his business, offers to sell alt his stocK. con sisting of horses, buggies, hacks, carriages, wagons, harness, provender, &c. also, to either sell or rent his stable, known in Carters ville as the ECLIPSE SALE <fe LIVERY STABLE, to any one desiring to engage in the Livery Stable Business, no place in North Georgia affords a better opening than Cartersville. It is located in the very heart of Cherokee Ga ; surrounded by a country rivalled by no supe rior in the South. A central point for a great area of territory, and Cartersville is one of the most flourishing towns between Atlanta and Chattanooga, having grown from about seven hundred to near two thousand inhabitants since the war, and is the principal point of trade for thirteen counties and part- of counties. This is the only stable in the place. For further particulars address or apply to J. G. i/rOOKS, Cartersville, Ga. Jan. 31st, 1868-ts. A Word to Farmers desire to say to ail persons to whom W we have made advances on their cotton, that the time has now expired for which the advance was made, and we respectfully request that the cotton be brought forward WITH OUT DELAY. Your promise is out to us. fulfill it like prompt business men. We trust -his notice will fie sufficient. Pay up and be gin anew. Cotton will be shipped or purchased as you may decide. HOWARD iXr PEACOCK. Cartersville, Jan. 3, 1868. Cartersville Male Academy. The exercises of this Academy will open on Monday, February 3d, at J. C. Wofford's new building, adjoining academy lot. The first term of five months w'll close on the 26th ot June. The second term will begin August 10th and close December 24tb. RATES of TUITION: First Class, j.t-r month £ 250 Si',, nd “ •• “■ non Third “ “ “ 4 jo Contingent fee, per cession, l o 0 'l’he course of instruction will be thorough, embracing nil the elementary and highrrbran dies usually taught in first class schools. Tuition payable monthly in advance. For furt rer particulars apply to REV. TIIEO. E, SMITH, AM 7 > Principals, COL. J. W. PRITCHETT, ) Januaiy 31st, 1868-wlin. B&AOKSMITHING, U M. GOQDSON, JJAVING COMPLTED THEIR NEW 8 up adjoining Strange’s Tin Shop, on West side of Railroad,Cartersville, Ge.. are prepared j to do all kinds of work in the Blackpnithing j line, 'i hey flatter themselves that they can do as good work, and at as low ptice, as any like establishment in town. They ask a rea son >dde share of the public patronage, and promise satisfaction birth in the character of I their work and the reasonableness of their I charges. A. &M. GOODSON. i Cartersville, G i., Jan. 3»st, 1868-wly. 1 “TSie Temple of Industry.” CAHRIAGE^KEPOSIT^^^ ASD cartersville, ga. hand a flue lot of CARRIAGES, HACKS and TOP and NO TOP BUGGIES; Together with a lot of good HARNESS, DOUBLE and SINGLE. The above are the property of Messrs. Wyman & May, Augusta, i I will sell them as low as such Vihickles can fx* bought in the State. I shall continue to keep on hand, of their stock, every thing fn the line, and can order at short notice, any thing desired. 7'hey have good Vehickles; and I do not hesitate to say they are good and warrant them to do good service. 1 shall continue to Manufacture as here-*o for^ Carriages, Buggies or anything desired, to order. I shall keep on hand, ot my own make, a good assortment of BUGGIES, which I know are as good and durable as they can be made anywhere and by whomsoever. The many, in this county, who have tried niv work wifi testify, no-doubt, as some have asserted to me, that there can be no better ■ yLp BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES made than those they have used of my work 1 mean MAJ, WILLIS BENHAM, DR. W, I. BENHAM, HON, WARREN A KIN, DR. YV. W, LEAK, V%P, MILAM. MAJ, R, A, LANE, Acworth, W, if, COTTON, of Troup, REV, J. VAN GLENN, of Cave Spring, WM, BAILY, of Floyd, GEORGE ERWIN, of Polk, COL. LEWIS TUMLIN, A J-, WEEMS, THOiWAtS BRANDON, I.EV.J, F, WEE », GARRET GORDON, JOHN W, SHEPPARD, ROBERT ROGERS; Besides many others I cou'd name many of whom have used their BUGGIES and CARRIAGES TEN or TWELVE YEARS, AND STILL THEV RUN, I am prepared, and am now doing a great, deal of reparing; special attention given to this department of my business, I have not tailed in a single instance to give satisfaction, even to please every man for whom I have done repairing the past year. I set I more the necessity for character and reputation now than ever before, and I shall do my very best to make my work as reliable as can be bought North or South, No man can make or pre serve a reputation for good work who uses Southern timber. All mv Wheel stuff, Shafts &c„ comes from the best Eastern Factories. I have as good a Wheel Right as ever made a wheel--work all warbaitte:d. My prices have been greatly reduced from the Ist of this month, TERMS NOW CASH. R. If. JONES. January 17th, 186S-ly, OASi'S T^isnj CASKETS. B Y Erwin and Jones. WE HAVE IN STORE A GOOD ABJ sortrrvent ot Metalic Buriel Cases or Coffins, As some eroneous impres-ions have gone out about prices, we will giyc price list, which you will find approximate old figures for them. Case B 33 inches !S> 28 “ C 3D “ 35 “ » 45 *• 45 “• E- 51 “ 50 “ G 64 “ 80 “ II 68 “ 85 “ I 72 '« 05 “ U L 74 “ 100 “ M 76 ** 105 We do not charged above thosa figures. ERWIN & JONES. Cartersville, .la rr. 31st, 1868-ly. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! (HSO. P. PHASER’ Narietfa sfreef, Atlanta, Ga. WHOLES A Ltl AM) RETAIL DEALER, Has now on hand one of the largest and cheapeJ stocks of FURNITURE in Atlanta, embracing PARI.9R SETS,CHAMBER Sets CHAMBER SETS BEADSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, SOFAS, BUREAUS, ROCKERS, WARDROBES. WASH STAOS, CHAIRS WHAT-NOrC. in short, everyihing needed t‘> complete a first-class stock of furniture.inducing the 33 SSTand CHEAPEST Ever offered in this city. The attention of thecit sens of Atlanta and and the country ge..etaUy isre ■ ptctfully incited to this e. t dilishmeut.. Grent indticea merit-to ib. trade lhices low to suit the nines. Or ders filled pr,, m ptlv and wel . > ug. 9tu iS67. tfi ——— " " " - ~rtT. «■*■■■* I. O O Tv A T THIS! ■ ——- -f>- -■■ ■■■ £2)t'Ci€m6vl Gj f S /'y\ <==d//<’A-j id . tif/* e£/C/«nCa, J~*a. / •nt/eitie'n ,* Wcc itttC/t ... '^^0 i /ttu and £3«fa ittoie /to f*-IfAy Oft l te/j/oC€*/y /iced t/o ft) ??? €HC f/ To yive yor* //« oir/el a// /Ao 'Y/ ttt/tuft ioc tf'fJ //• cottjft:i a A iettt ff/tt/A. &i'ciy k€4^iccti£tt//y J *J/fte/*/ri JU/oorneijy */y&clc/ttiy S/AtCutma Ux/yi tx-ttAlaitt f JzZ/'ait, o Sratlitrj, (tes-Saw anil liable Sullttg to Htcrttanfs at |ttto Work |1 rices. Feb. 7th, 18K8-w!r. ~ 1 aioinUHEACo “ »*•«•! tor tht WAGON, •ittul ire’ll ail lake » ride*” ATagon-Makinje and BjE PAI R I Na, by J. W, MANLEY, CARTSRSVILtE. GEORGIA, HAVING completed my' new sh p on Mm in St reet West side of rhe Railroad, I am now prepared to put up to order One, Two and Four-lforse WAGONS, CARTS, Wheel-Barrows and Plow Stocks ; also, REPAIRING of all kinds of vehkdes done at short notice. Owing to the stringency in money matters ir v charges will be as moderate as circumstances will ad mit. My work recommends itself. Cartersville, Jan. 23, 1807. ~m URBELI* & 880.7 Resident Dentists, OFFER 1 HEIR PROFESSIONAL SER vires to the citizens of Cartersville and vicinity. Having all the latest im<- provements in Dental Material, Drs. Murrell are prepared to Extract Teeth with out pain, (by means of A meet h*' ics). insert on Pivot, Fill with Gold Os Artificial and Amal gam, and put in Partial or Whole Setts of ar tificial teeth on Gold or Vulcanized Base,— Will direct the second Dentition of children, and do am thing pertaining to the protiession. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Office over S'. Clayton iSt Son-’s Store. References : —T. .1 Young. M />„ M IT. Thomas, M D and Dentist, W S R Hardman, M, D., Monroe, Ga, Cartersville. Jan. 23, ’67. wly PEAHOPORTSSi rj HIE undersigned would announce to the J citizens of Cartersville and vicinity lint he is fully prepared to furnish PIANOFOnfES. trffy? 7or 7 1-3 fvHtft OCTAVES, with alf the verv latest improve ments, and nrrost elegant style and workman ship, one hundred dollars less than they can he purchased elsewhere south. They will be fully warranted, PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED In the very best manner, and all work warran ted, and shall be pleased to give all orders prompt attention. MR. S. T. ANDERSON, will kindly give further information at present, and deliver any orders; or you can address !>v mail F. L. PREFER, M u ietta, Ga. (Residence, Kennesaw House.) January 2ith, 1868-ts Dissolution of Copartnership rpHE firm of Hill Bunn is this dav dis Jr solved by mutual consent. '1 lie liabili ties of the firm are assumed by Mr. Henrv Bunn, who takes this method of notifying all personsowing the house to come forward and settle. The hooks and accounts will he found at our old stand. WM. H. HILL. IIENRY BUNN. Cartersville, Jan, ’oth, 1868-1 in. ROBT. LUSK, Pres't. T. B. SAMPLE, C»D TSADSRS’BANK 30 (nion Street, A iSiniLLE TEHHr., DEALS’ IN Coin, Foreign and Domestic Ex change. Uncurrent Money of all hinds United States, State, and Dai/ Iioa( Lionels. tZigiicst prices pai«l for 5,3©s IO 40s. and C omp. Int. Rotes. FOR SALE DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO’S DRAFTS IN SUMS TO iUIT, ON London, Parris, Berlin . S pt'27, 1867 6m EDWARD BECIITOLDT, Hill AND ■CONFECTIONER, CARTERSVILLE. GA. IS PREPARED TO BAKE and keeps on hand, BREAD AND CAKES of every kiml, also a fine stock of CCVE’.TION RIES, a gen eral variety. FUEBII LAGER BEER kept on hand. Parties ami Weddings furuidlmd at short notice.— $ November 2t, ISCT. and. n. bailey, g. n. or'.way, Forme. Iv of M ,nrv Cos. Os Giles Uiu ,ty. JAMES M. CARBKY, T. B. SEMPLE, Os Williamsun county. Os Huntsville, A!*. BAILEY, ORDWAY & CO. COTTON COMMISSION JS.JSTJD ! Wholesale Grocery Warehouse Ji'os. 5 and 7 Broad Street SASKIttILE TEW. „,E beg leave to return thanks to our friends f>r the " very llhe’sl share of patrjnage bestowed . npon nur hbu c e the pas- season, and wmiM say that, having enlarged our facilities for storing Cot ton, we are now prepared to give every attention to the s'oiag-, sate, and ehiptn-nt v f all Cotton our friends may en trust to our care. We promise that i very est rt will be used to secure the very highest market price, wheth er sold hero or In other markets. ■VYiil make Cash Advances on All cotton or other Pro duce slipped to us. Our terms shall always be as low as ai v ether rel able house. JaiiifS 31. < itihipy and tVm Sample will give their tindivi ie t attv to the C> Don Department, and will strain everj art to make it to the luierest of planters to patrojii' us We wiH always keep* full stock of Gi:OCE r IFS,‘; B AGOING. BOI’K arid TWINE, arid ait grades of KLOUII for sale at the lowest prices. i Wanted— We wish to purchase wash- I ed sod unwa tied WOOL, FEATHERS, and IldlED FKUIT. and will always ,ive the best, price-. (S AIILIIY As('©., | • • • 111 Hj ti. 131, - \ \, of Cartersviile will act as our agents, and pay tax on Cotton ronstgn ed to us. BAILEY, OKI/WAV Ji CO, Ciept 27 67 Onto l DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ■ rilt U»£OHB3 SroilE f ~ ' KEDWIXE &, FOX Corner Whitehall and Alabama Street*, AfTnnta, . . , . . Georgln. | 33 O B OXE S FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, FUTTIT, &c &LC. JUST RECEIVED, £OOO Doz. Landrctha’ Fresli Garden Seeds, warranted genuine. Also, "Wliito and Ked Onion Siits. Wholesale and retail purchasers arc invited to examine our stock of goods, before buying else where, as we are able to offer the cash purchaser inducements not to be sur passed. It EDWIN E & FOX, Corner Whitehall and Alabama Streets. Jan. 31st, 186S-ly Atlanta, Ga. TO THIS SiADXES PREMIUM FAMILY SEATING MACHINES. best machine for every description of family sewing mad«. Call and examine machine nmT specimen of work over S. Clayton & Son’s storr, Cartcrs ville, Ga. S. H. PATTILLO, Agent for Bartow county. Dec. 13 th, 188 7-fiC nm high solT CARTERSVILLEv GA REV. O. L. SMITH, D. D, Y • Principals. REV. F. P. BIIOWN, A--M. ) MRS. S. C. GOUI.DSMITH, Teacher of Music, MRS. S. O-MFRITT, Teacher of French, &c, The first term of 1868 will open sth Wednes day of January; second term, last Wednesday of Augusts CHARGES FOR LONG TERM. First Class ♦ 18 00 Fecund Class ‘24 ho Third Class ... 80 fn Music and use of Imst 1 umetit 80 ft) French Ac 2* BO ('ontingent. Fee 1 7a Tu.t on, Hoard, Lodging, Fuel and Light*... 122 00 CHARGES FOR SHORT TERM. F'rst Class |!?00 becornl C.ass Ift ftO ’Third Class 19 50 Musi* aid use of li s'runient 22 ft’i F enth Ac Ift ftO t’O ilin.ent Fee 12ft Tuition, Board. Lodging, Furl and Lighle.. 7b 00 All charges half in advance, remain der at the close ol the term. For further particulars address REV. O. L. SMITH, D. D. Y > Principals. REV. F. P. BROWN, A. M ) Carters villee, G». D’c. 20th. 1867-ts. For Bale, FOR SALE—THE HOUSE amT LOT in the town ot Cartersville, occupied bv M. R, Kramer, 'J'his is one of tlte rrvost desirable residence lot in the town;, on oorner of two im n st'ects, containing, one arte; improve ments all new; lot undergone) fences ami well of good water. Will be sold at a bargain if applied for soon as parties are anxious to sell. Possession given invinsnUately, For particulars enquire al the Drug' of Dr, J. F, Best,- Also, let of land in Chattooga county, con-* taining 160 acres, unimproved, S. K. KRAMER. January 17th, J-868-Bw, E It. S YSSKKN. B. W. YORK-. R. T. JOCBJAN SASSEEN’S Waited States Hotel Cosr r . Aluhttina a id Pryor streets, ATL4\T t, REORU 4. IA ithiYi 100 yards of tlie Passenger Depot. . BASSEE\, YORK and JOUR DON, Prour’s J. W. F. BRYSON, Y Clerks. R. T.JOUKDAN, Dec. 20th, 1867- f. S3QO REWARD. Tbeasi t by Dkpartmknt, Y Officf Intfpvai. Kkvkncij, . W ashington, Dec- 7ih, 1867. \ The share ol informers in-the property or dinarily liable to firfeiuire uyiry seizure of illicit Distilleries is foutid to lie inadequate to’ ensure that interest and vigilance ncoerjaary to secure the oßservancc of the law : I do therefore, by a"d with the advics and consent ot t o Hhcaetary of the Trcasu' v, here by ofi'er. or information hereafter given that sha'l iead to the forfeiture of anv DISTIL LERY whose proprietor has not given the notice required by Inw to the Assessor of his district, aiid which information shaif also load to the conviction of any f en-on engaged in operatin ' the said Distillery, A Reward of Three Hundred Dollars* to be pa and upon the receipt of the oordftrato es the United States District Attorney ha\ii g charge of the c»se that tile person so claiming such reward is tne person who furnished such information. B A. RoiJ.r\s, tyhinanssiouer. FYEKY M IN’3 WIFE. ANP ALL n:»f AE.ytJ, OI.I) nr YOl'X6. marr'ed or Mtivle, aim aie trn ’ 'ed w i h any <>f the (olhialug rump ain s should at ulice Bend L.r a buttle of llUjllsh Female Bitters and be cured : 11\ Btei Ics, Hok H'-adsChe, Palpitation, Tali, tn hack 1 nd rlcfe. Srr' tl.eiim Pi rsnttcn, Puli a in bead and loffl*r Cold ti rt and bauds. Faith g of the Womb, 1 sinful Venrtruntinp,. I'tiflii ult Menaiiurtii n. Chlvrukta or Ureen Mekness Leucorrhea or White*, Swimming of ll e head,. Irregular Met struaticn, Loss' of appetite, Nervous Trm.b'ing, Kvtreme reatbesnees, ' FI 'er. ticn < I Womb, MeichanCholy, Ova.ian Dlseaae, Kidney Dl-rates Wakefulness, Pallid Cheek-', Lobs of eariy Deanty DROMGOOLE & (H)’vS Eagllnln. Female BiUem Are prepared specially fiir the above disease* amt compl vin's, and we iu all confidence, give It a hearty recommend at im. It arms the womb with s'rength, power, and vlg «rous actiod, It ar>isci the while feinsle system to renewed action, atid ns a sure f male Uegulato •, it h*e no equal. Only one Bottle is req til ed to lest its intrinsic value. Sword! Torch ! Compass! Th-se who are w'llibg to kill you with the sword, burn all you haviVwith the torch, and divide your lauds with the cumpiss, are you willing that they sh ill preso lb ■ad prepare all your Plila. y >nr Cough Syrups y nr Oil'll M xturea. your F rnialu Med Icl me, A* j., ut a time when He 1 ter Me liolnos ai e prepare 1 111 the South ti and df ■ e l bv yous own “k tit and k!*i f"—' 0 ce in your ttfe s'and upon your own dlgm'y, exercise your wn j idg'nent. and resolve to biy tin .a wh cli a 1 e p- epareil bv Um-e win n-'e bouud to you ')/ ail the ties ilia, make, l ife a bieesioj.' DnOWGOOLK A CO'S KING OF CHILLS Is decdpedlv the uioat p iweifnily rife'live Hil'l and Fever Midldne ever og red l.i the Bou*h. It win cure cu'-es ol six months standing without ever affecting the head. Ir makes rapid and p rn anent because it uproots the foundation of the disease and leaves t e system in ihe vigor of health ant! buoyancy. Cures all firms of Chills and Fever, Dumb Cl, |is, Congestive t hill*, Billius Fever ISitenniMent F ver, NeuralgU, Si rv mu pid liver, cl eaiiMjs Ihe f ul Bt< noich. reltevea constipa tion, and Carrie, off all vitiated bile. It never fails.- Thu King ofX’lillH Is no secret « mponnd, patent M. dicine or new d's c ve y. but'lS an honest, and faithful crniMna'loi. of pire Jedi lrrs, prepaieii by a clans of expenetict 1 boullirtn PL elriaiiß. Ail pi r on* aim are expored to the mlasmanf rlv< r«, lak-s ' ayous; pools, swarnp, bog», feiuq etc., should never f'hl to keep always on {hand ‘n supply of tLU never failing um.e ly. . Trice One Dollar. THAT DREADFUL COUGH CAN BE Cured at last, by using one b ittle of i).- mi< 1 tie & do, Amygdalins Pccto- ral. ThS mo t exq'ilsitPly beautiful and «-(TecMv<* medicl xt C impou id for ail Lang Diseases ever nffrred m the Southern People. It makes you cough so easy, came* such free expectoration, relieves the pain so soon, pi "U ices s i much ease and o anfort and prom tes such liiipiiy s ; u liera, free fr'nu dreams or ui ntal h illuein ataiiis, that all who try it speak In the ldglu"it praise li, la rcc mini aide I for all forms of Coughs and Colds, Troup, AYhooplr.g t’.oigh, Hrntichlti:. I! "• r senes3, Por* Throat. I»ry h ckmg Cough Pneumonia, Pteu-isv ,p ,li» In the Side, ti failles, and fullness of the Chest, Spit ting of Blood ;«nd till those troublesome Pulni' ti ry affliot'ons. For Cldldre i and Infants, it is a superb pre,iarati< n, and mothers who use it are perfect’y DELIGHTED WITH ITS WONDERFUL ffeetd. Litig bottle* Oue D jiUr. THE KIDNEY AND BLADDER, WHEN Diso <l<*r«**i iii any r«g»rre the ll e jf a i crt Jh ru.l emfUnt diuretic, an<l is their is a better combina tion to aroiiir* fli« k dncj« than VORQMGOOIE & CO’S FLUIJI Kxtr»e* o' beaiberry, Cubebs and buanu,’’ It nan nev* cr beVn f'in’'d. l)r p*y. Orsy el, flout,. 't'fTi-nlty Hint p»t:i in l' iral'ng, IJ Ina-jr iJfe|>osit“, Pain la back, extreme ihervomo«-», excevses, indisci elion, los,. of eri-rvy. «'»’t of sot-i'.'U la the Mdn ■>•',, Ob-et, etc.,,lb rna'e'ir f-tn'le ein sll be l elter. Jby using on |>r*- oration ol Warberry, ru'>eb* *tid b-ichu. V r ,he blood. on: .Oi ulional d,re net, SypiiiJit’o Affections, tSTeots of MesciKy, S-in- Dbiesse»; Scrofuln etc.. iim Con titutlo ul Monarch, For Ua'rhoß', whether of reo-nt or P'SIK standing, Vomit] g. cn ch-1 r»- m.-n bus. I’* 1 ' *fn bow els. (Irtophlg f* 'iris, “to., use lit D DIAJUMMKA UKMKDY. Pur bloody fl ix, M item* DbirrKaO, Dysentery, etc., u e Dysentery Cemp mid. Kor Head* be, biliousue'S. Torpid Live . Oouslin*- tl >n, Font 8 om >ch, and all cai-a requiring a Helen pill, use Veget ble AnU-bllous Pit’- . K.l Pit.,, 'nter oat or external, 1 ecent or lon* s’'tiding, It you eii'e in tsr.o applications, ue ttmmg-io.e A (Jo's Pile Bf»tve. Fo- burns, Scalds, cuts, bruises. Pj-r»’., «. Tu mors,.etc., u-e Lone star. Uniinrii. For tbe Hai,*— to restore the na’ural color, p ever,; it* i,, li{ ~g t cleansing ami arousing Die ae-Ip, use Tsnco Tftnr Ee stors'l’s. tjJ'-'Oiders solicl'ed —no"e s e"i ou* r.n commission. J. I*. DMUMUOOLK A fO pr Aicoipb's Tenn- s»ee. Wlnfeshle a<renls fur til of our goods pn whom orders may be sent : EDWIN .MORRIS frro. Louisville K v {. (J. DuBOSE tV CO.. Mobik, \| d IJARNS. WARD & CO., N. 0., COLLINS BROS., st. 1. 41U i» Sold in Curtersville by W. L. KIHK f*A I'RICK & ('(), T)r; g,istb. Nov. 8, 1807. w)i» OrroiuiTCL! MERCHANT TAILOR, White Hull Atlanta, CLOTHI.M; made to niter in tij v v „ lv la'est «t\ Ic, nd at sho. Luo tier. PURS WHITE LEAD. OILS. PAJNTT DYSTUFFS &C. &iG.