The Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1867-1870, February 07, 1868, Image 4

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ft>loffeitc*N Tub Talk. A waggish knave said lie thought t>iopiiels were all fools. ‘No,’ said Jiogt-iics, ‘but those who iisten to them are.* A certain author, Kiepsippus, who was somewhat over fond of borrowing from others, said that his ideas came so fast they quite run away with him.— ‘Nay,’ said Diogenes, ‘but I wonder at that, for they ought to run after you.’ •Why so?’ asked Kiepsippus. ‘To cry •stop thief.* Lawyers have to invent so many ex cuses for crime in others, that they soon learn to pardon it in themselves. A certain fop. who was arguing with Diogenes on the immortality of the soul, asked him, ‘Now, where do you think l shall go alter death?’ ‘Where ever your tailor goes,’ was the reply. When a woman confesses a fault* you may be pretty sure that she has committed a crime. A certain doctor asked Diogenes which he thought the nest way to die. ‘Surety,’ he replied, ‘you might have learned that much from your patients.’ A certain satirist, who was at great pains to familiarize himself with the vices which he satirized, always, when silent, affected an expression ol hitter eontempt. One blamed him for this helorc Diogenes, who answered, ‘Poor fellow ! He cannot help it; he is al ways thinking ol himselt.’ The Gods made us. and we make our G ids. It would he hard to say which of the two succeeded in creating most monsters. If men believe they are superior to beasts it is astonishing what trouble they take to prove the contrary'. It was told Diogenes how a certain notorious nulefactor had been let go. •Alt!’ said he, ‘Death is too dear a friend to us that we should send him such a scoundrel.’ The man who thinks to drown care is like one who strives to quench a lire by throwing oil on it. During a discussion concerning the authors of the day, it was observed how certain of them had out-written them selves, ‘Yes,’ said Diogenes, ‘these scribblers have but a teaspoonlti I of brains, with which they try to fill a 11 agon.’ One who was a coward, but of the most malignant disposition, when dis cursing' with Diogenes the horrors of war, said, ‘There is one thing I cannot bear, and that is cruelty', ’ ‘I wonder qt that,’ replied Diogenes, ‘lor see how easily you hear malice !’ A Good Story. They tell a good story of how Rev. Dr. Belhune—now dead— a wit. a scholar and eloquent divine—was once put in a queer position by an intimate Iricnd. The Doctor, at the time, was settled over a congregation in Brooklyn, and was very popular. A Conneclicut con gregation gave him a call, and -‘called” a thousand dollars per annum heller than the Brooklyn people. Blithe had formed a strong attachment to his par ishioners, and thinking that his sphere of service could not be changed to ad. vantage, he was not tempted by an in crease of salary. So he remained, to the great delight of his people* All of the Doctor’s parishioners were not saints. There were a few sinners among them—else why preach the gos pel ? And among the last was a joval pew-holder, fond of drink, and apt at all times to get inure than he could car ry. Neither was he particular at what time ol the day begot drunk. He suit ed his inclination, and had no method in his cups. Bilkins—well that was not his name but it will do—Bilkins heard ol the Dr’s, refusal, and lie was delighted. In the very height ol his pleasure, he crossed Full.hi Ferry, carrying about a quart of brandy. Dr. Belhune crossed in the same boat carrying an umbrella. The brandy carrier happened to catch a sight of him, and at oilte staggered towards him, exclaiming in his loutlesi tones. “llovv do you do, Mr. Belhune? Let me take your —hie—hand, my dear sir *r r! I’m proud to testify-yi-yi my respects for you, sir.” “Speak a little lower, if vou please Mr. Bilkins,” murmured Dr. fiethune. “Yes-s-s, sir you’ve stood bv our pulpit like a man. 'Them cussed nut meg-grinding, ham-starving Yankees wanted to take you from us —offered vou a thousand dollars a year more-did they?” By this time the attention of the crowd was fixed on the couple. Dr. Bethune’s face was always llorid ; now il was on tire. “Our people have got to make up that thousand dollars—got to! Il they don’t, I’ll do il myself. S-s-see if I don’t!” “But, my dear sir, remonstrated the Doctor; “speak a little lower. You are drowning “Yes-s-s,” interrupted the other. 1 know what you said. You spurned the offer. You-s-s.said you wouldn’t go not an inch. You told them, as a good pious clergyman ought, tha; you’d see them d —*d first.” Dumas, the nominee ol’tlie Radicals for Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana, is a wealthy negro, and keeps a dry goods store in New Orleans. A max out West has seen rats return from a predatory excursion to a lien’s nest in this wise: “One claps an egg tightly between his fore legs and chin, and then turns himself on his back, when another rat seizes him by the tail and drags the rat. egg and all away to his hole.” A lady advertises for sale, in a Southern paper, one baboon, three tab by cals and a parrot. She states that, being married, she has no further use i '>r them, Poor Fellow !—A Western paper contains the to’ 1 uving apology : ‘‘ I’he editor is absent, the foreman had the tyothache, the ‘devii’ is drunk and trying to drink lager beer out of a hoct-jir-k. the press is out of order, and " ® il >*i l well ourselves—so please ex frtibc a poor paper this week.” CARTERS VlEll ADVERTISEMENT Iffsw ’HI'OQBS ! Sfiw J, A. EHWIN ft CO,, A KE NOW RECEIVING. AT THE OLD STAND OF J, A, §i 65. Ell WIN, an elegant stock of FALL AND WHITER GOODS! Which they will sell at the Lowest Prices. Everybody is invited to C /Ki /» m o 'sb la Sa AND Buy Bargains!!! Their motto is Small P r o fi t sand Quick Meliirns. Cartemville. Get, 17, 1867, J. W. F. BEST, DEALER IN n m ® MEDICINES, ynsced, Tutmcrsand Lard Oils. Paints, rutty, Window Glass, Dye Stuff* oi ail kind* ALvSO Ftent Medicines and TOILET ARTICLES SUCH AS SOAPS. BPuUSHER Combs. Perfumery &c. &c. VA R TERBVILLE, GA . 5ept.20,1867 W. A. oTwECSE, CAIiTERSVII.r.E. GA„ Dealer in Family Groceries, Confectioneries, TOBACCO, CIGARS, LIQUORS. DYE-STUFFS, BLUESTONE, &c., &c. Store opposite the Courthouse, on Maine Street, adjoining the r.ew brick store of P. L. Moon and Cos. oct 17, wtf J. O. MATIIE WPOV. G. IT. MoLAUGHL/N. J. 0. MATHEWSON & COt [Formerly Stovall. McLaughlin & Co.J GEM’L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, iiunisla Ga. Consignments of Grain, Bacon and Produce promptly attended and cash remitted on day of sale. Grain sacks ou hand at very law prices. Agents for Men tour, Hopewell and Rock Cotton Mills. Refferences; Hon J. P. King, Augusta Ga, A ngusta Savings bank. July 26, 1867. wly. W. H GILBERT. J. WATT HARRIS. W. H.(F”&C° Dealeus exclusively in Hardware and Cutlery, Iron and Steel, Nails and Castings. Agricultural Implements. COOKING, PARLOR WO HEATING STOVSB. DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES. SOTOiS Or Agents for the sale of the celebrated smiv&vr CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS. The stock of the above goods will be increas ed to meet the de nand and offered on reason able terms for CASH ONLY. W. H. QIU BS2RT Sc CO. carteksville, ga. (Ropt. 27th 1867— wife h !C. LET THERE EE LIGHT THERE IS LIGHT, NON-EXPLOSIVE LIGHT. • o This light Is easily comprehended In darkness; THE Clearest, Brightest, Steadiest CHEAPEST Light now in use. o Estrella, or Star Oil. o The material of w hich this oil is manufac tured is abundant in this country, and pur chasers buying this oil need Lave r.o fears of being bountifully supplied. It is manufactured and for sale in Carte»-sville by Messrs Marsh & Thomas, sole proprietors for the counties of Bartow, Cobb Polk, Floyd, Whitfield and Gordon. All persons are hereby forewarned against infringing on this right in any way, as it is dulv patented —the only patented Burn ing 0:> ever introduced into this market —ani as the right to the above counties have been secured by the above lirni, any infrirgment on the same will be punished to the ex eiit of the law. Lamps, Burr ers ami Chimneys, also, sold al W. L, Kirkpatrick’s Drug Store, for CASH, by MARSH & THOMAS, January 3d, 1868-ts Georgia Brrfow Cos. TWO months sfter date application will be made to the Honorable f uirt of Ordinary of B I rt w county for leave to pell the K ild and uncultivated lands, be looping to the estate of John JOniudy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dtceased. T. H KENNEDY, ) J AS. KENNEDY pdmrs .January 10th, 1808. Georgia Borlow Cos. TWO months after date application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Bartow county for leave tsell the whole of the real estate of Santtte! V Sheats, deceased, late of said courtv. January Bth 1868. TIIOS. W. DODD, Adm’r. Georgia flarfovr Cos. TWO morllis after date applications will be made to the II one ruble Court, ot Onlina-y of Bart tv court,\ for leave to pell the ret.l estate of Robert. Llliotr, de ceased of said county. A. If. PENN, Adtn’r. January Bth 1868 House and Lot for Sale. lAHE house and lot formerly occupied by T. F. Stocks is now thrown upon the market, The house contains four rooms and four fire places; good kitchen, well and smoke house; ami the lot contains 2b acres of land with gcod garden, stable, <S;c., and near a pond of fresh water, adjoining the steam mill lot. The above property will he sold in a body, or divided, and the half with the improvements sold seperately. For further particulars ap ply to J. G, STOCKS, at the livery stable, Jan. 3d, 1868-ts, Cartersville; Ga, Georgia liartotv Cos. QIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to O tlte Honorable Court of Ordinary of Bartow county for leave to sell real estate belonging to the estate of I. 8. Gholaton, late of said county, deceased; sold for the benefit of tlte heirs and creditors of siid deceased. Jan. 10th, 186S-2m, G. C. GIIOLSTON, Adtn’r. En:erprise in Bartow! HAVING made arrangements to receive hides through agents to be tanned on sfiates, flu shed m workmanlike elegant stile I solicit custom tbrougnout the county. A. R. Hudgins, Cartersvil e; or Parham & Good win, Cass Station, will receive and label hides and receipt for same. Terms one half, (one side of leather for each hide), to be returned at place of reception. Highest market prece paid for dry and green hides. Samples of leather from our yard may be seen upon application to my agents WM. ALLEN, Dec. 20th, 1 e 67-ly. Pine Log. Ga. S. CLAYTON & SON. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDSLE CAHTERSVILLE, GA. Dry Goods and Notions, Shoes and Hats, Queensware and Glassware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Buckets, Tubs &c, Sugar and Coffee, Lard and Tobaceo, &c., &c. We respectfully invite you to call and ex amine our stock. We propose to sell goods at as low prices as any house in the town. S. CLAYTON & SON. Dec. 20th, 1867-ts, Xiook to 'STour Inter est! hew g-oods AT LOW PRICES. TIIE undersigned takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Bartow and adjoin ng counties, that he has just opened out a fresh and well selected stock of OF ALL Y\RIETIES, usually kept in a DRl’-GOOffS Store, all of which was bought on the very best terms, and I ani willing, and can afford, to sell at as SHORT PROFITS as nv one, and flatter myself tbit I can give satisfaction, Bots) tit (Dualltp ank to ir.y one who will favor me with a CALL, Hoping to receive a liberal share of patronage from my old customers and friends and the public generally. I await your call, P. L. MOON, CARTERSVILLE, Oct. 17, 1867, GEORGIA BARTOW COVJXTY. Il ITEITEAB, J, F. Hardin apples to me for letters of V. Guar- iansbip of the person arid properly of Ida Berk and Harold Beck,minors, j These are therefore to cits and admonish all and singular, the kindred and Mends of said minors to fi e their objections, if any they have, within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise letters of guardianship wi l be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and Official signature this January 8,1868. J. A. HOWARD O/d. ATLANTA MHViIVA • NTS. The Oldest Jewelry House In ATLANTA, GEORGEA, ER LAWSHE. (jftv C locks ’ p fey 'lAfatches, w Jewelry and Silverware, W at comakers’ Tools and Material. All Articles Warranted as Mepresented. Watches and Jewelry Repaired by competent workmen and Warranted. May l, 1867. wly COTTON GINSI COTTON GINS :l: ' I am now prepared to furniali the Horace L. Emery & Son’s “UNIVERSAL" COTTON GINS AND OONBEK'SEBS- With Railway* Fever horse pott ers for opperating them. Long personal experience in tbeusing of this machin ery. With the auifed experience and perfect satisfac tion of a iarge number who have purchased from me. I am enabled to insure satisfaction to al! who will rive rae a call. 1 sell them at manufacturers prices, freight added. Description and price Circulars furnished on application in person or by letter. An assorted stock of various other machines and agricultural im plements on hand. P. W. J. ECTIOL, AGRICULTURAL MACHINE AND IMPLEMENT DEALER, Whitehall street, aug 23-wtf. Atlanta. Ga HEMO Y E D FRESH GROCERIES also, PBGDCCE, bought and sold. It is useless for us to enumerate ail the ar tb les in the Grocery Line. We keep every thing necessary to bo kept in a regular ill lit? Provision store , in part, of BACON, LARD, MEAL, FLOUR, CORN, WHEAT, SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT, SYRUPS, CHEESE, RICE CONFECTIONERIES, SWEET MEATS. CANNED FRUITS, SOAPS, CIGARS. TOBACCOS, &C. BAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE, &C. And a thousand and things too numerous to met..ion in a nawspaper advertisement, to ali of which we invite the at'ention of the public. We will seil Groceries, etc:,, just as low down as any other Grocery House in the market can afford to seil. Call and see us and try us at our new stand, A. A, SKINNER & CO, Carlersvi/le, Nov. 8. New Harble ITard. S. B- OATMAN, For WILLIAM GRAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian, Block' a dilie, and White Rutland Statuary MARBLE. tWE are now receiving and have in store, a large desirable stack of finished! \W’i\)' | and rough Marble, which I/moJL we offer to the public on y!# jQK the most reasonable |g=a|tcrms. Owing to the high price of marble at tins time, many pefsons are kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all can buy. My facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that I will be satisfied with small profits ami quick sales —such is mv motto. YVe are prepared to furnis J in the best style, Monuments, c trved and [lain, Box Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain. Head -stones, Urns, Vases. &c., and Furnishing Marble of all tie scriptions. With good and experienced workmen in all departments of business, we hope to merit a share of public patronage’ Deuignsof Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so icited anti promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Be’lvuc Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot. Jas. Vaughan, of Bartow county, is our agent. Dec 20th, 1867-1 v PAINTS for FARMERS and others.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Cos. are now manu facturing the Best, Cheapest and mast Durab e Paint in us u ; two coats well pul on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil. will last 10 or 15 years; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, load, stone,drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the con sumer. It is valuable for H ouses, Barns, Fence*, Carriage and Car-makers, Pails and Wooden-ware, Agricultural Implemet ts, Ca nal Boats, Vessels and Ships’ Bottoms, Can vas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof), Floor Oil Clulhs, (one Manufacturer having used 5000 bbis. the past year.) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $G per bbl. of 300 lbs , which will supply a farmei for vears to come. Warranted in al! eases as above. Send for a circular which gives full aartieulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Graf ton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 251 Pearl Street, New York. ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. | "v7r7tO!V!M£Y, J. S. STEWART, Newto:i Go., Ga. Oxford, Ga. “ TOMMEY l STEWART IMPOETERB AND DE4LERB IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the * MILL SAW and GAME COCK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga.,! Respectfully cull the attention of merchants and oth- I ers to th*ir large and well assorted stoclt of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, Grain Cradles, Sythe Blades, Tools of all kinds, &e., &c.; -ALSO IEATHER, LIME AND COTTON YARNS. AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Baugh’s Ravvbone Super-Phosphate of Lime, Buffalo Scale Works, Nonpareil Washing Machine PROPRIETORS AND AGENTS FOR Brooks Patent Portable Cot ton and Hay Screw and Revolving Press In over one hundred counties in Georgia. IffirCoiiuty Rights for Sa/e.‘ u &m April 12, ly. AND CARRIAGES. SADDLERY AND HARNESS inuvnpo ieoittim:- Whips and Ennameled A tifjLcarher and Cloth. 4 Furnisning Goods, a fine assortment. G. C. ROGERS, Decatur street, Atlanta, (la. Second Door below Messrs. Moore <fe Marsn, and opposite the United States and American Hotels will be found more reasonable and stock more complete than any in the city AND BUGGIES °f the most approved styles and Finish on band and made to or- The largest stock of Hardware in the city. TRIMMINGS* of all kinds and qualities kept on hand for the trade. Sept 27, 1867- wly. Hand Looms. DR. H. SPI ES, ANDREW BUNN, R.P GLENN President. Secretary. Treasurer GEORGIA LOOM AND MA NUUFA C TURING CO M PA A' Y. Manufacturer* and Planters, look to yonr Interests, and (lon’tfail tocallatliell-Johnson Building', nextdoor to the Post-office, and see it in opperatiou MENDENHALL’S IMPROVED SELF-ACTING HAND AND POWER LOOM! Easier Mnderstooft, Easier to Operate, and more relia ble Possesses superior advantages over other Hand Looms, is more simple and durable. PLANTERS CAN BE INDEPENDENT By Weaviug ail their Goods for Home Wear on the MENDENHALL IMP OVED HAND LOOM. FROM 15 TO 30 YARDS CAN BE WOVEN ON THIS LOOM IN ONE DAY. It weaves as fast as any Factory Loom ! HALF THE COST OF THE CLOTHING OF A FAMILY CAN BE SAVED BY ITS USE! From Five to Ten Dollars a day can be made on it. ITS PARTS ARE SELF-CHANGING. By the turning of an Easy Crank it lets the Warp off, winds up the Clotn, tread > the Treadles, and throws the •buttle. It weaves Jeans, satinets, Linsey, B anket Twill, Double-Plain Cloth, various kinds of Itched Goods, Fencing Tw ills of ail kinds. Flax, Cotton, Tow, or All-Wool Cloth, Baging, Toweling, Table Linen, Bal moral Ssirts, Woolen, Linen and Hemp arpets—in fact any thing, from a Handsome Silk to a Hag Carpet. IT IS SMALL, NEAT AND LIGHT. Not larger tlmn a common Breakfast Table. IT IS MADE IN THE MOST WORKMANLIKE MAN NER, Os Good Material and Handsomely Tarnished. IT IS VERY SIMPLE AND EASILY UNDERSTOOD, Everything is Performed by Turning a Crank. LOOMS AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE, For Fur'her Particulars , BiU of Prices. Descrip tive Circulars, and Sam pies of We' ring, address GEORGIA LOOM AND Manufacturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. R. PRATT, Agent. M*rch 23, IP«7, wflra GLENN, WRIGHT *c CARR - ; A , ’ ' 1 ' ' ' -■■ - ■I • - : .. J COTTON FACTORS, Storage & Commission Merchants, ATLAHTA, GEORGIA. SITUATED ALONG SIDE THE RAILROAD. ENABLES US TO RECEIVE AND SHIP FREE OF DRAYAG E OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE Is of large capacity, thoroughly FIRE-PROOF, and our facilities for handling COTTOR unequalled by any in the South. We will Store anil Sell ?tycr t, or ship from this or any othei point, to Boston, Philadelphia, Savannah, I New Pork, Baltimore, Charleston, or L.If'EMI POOL Making LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, when desired. Under the Revenue Regulation, COTTON cau be shipped to this place under bill oflading, by calling ur""' Deputy Collector at point, of shipment, without prepaying Revenue Tax. „ ThAß „ n v., The central position of Atlanta offers many advantages, making it an important Cotton Market, 100 Bans i facilities, and diverging Railroads, enable us to Cotton in Any Direction.*^! WE SELL THE BEST IMPROVED COTTON GINS. Also Bagging, Rope, and weet’s Patent Iron Tie, the Best in in Use. IDorta&lr Ctiist JHi'lljs, for san&, &!orsf, anil Steam sotoer, SMUT MACHINMS, TURBINE WATER WHEELS, HICKS’ STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. We Receive and Sell on Commissions, all kinds of Produce and Provfff Corn, Oats, Wheat, Flour, Bacon, Card, Salt, & frc. Our facilities for Storing and Selling HA’S an* unsurpassed. LIQUORS AND TOBA CG 0 IN LAR G E SUPPLY, Os Various brands and qualities. Agents for the sale of PLOWS, and other Farming Imrlemcnts. Georgia and Alabama LIME, Georgia SLATE ROOFING. WiF be pleased t fill otders for COTTON GOODS or other Merchandise. BEENN, W'MIMC SET Sf CVf ««, Oct 17 ly ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 1807. FALL AND WINTER 1807. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, JOHN M. a. INN ON, Corner of Whitehall and Hunter Streets, ATLANTA- (3-Ak.- Takes pleasure in Iniorming his friends and the public that his stock of Fall and Winter Goods is noW complete, in every department, and is one of the largest and hest assirted ever brought to this market, cash buyers are respectfully invited to call and examine this magnificent stock of goods. Styles aud price annot be surpassed ;it you doubt it, c 11 and you wilt be convinced of the fact, ONE PRICE ONLY! Quick Sales and. .email Profits. and Those principles in trade, I find from experience, to he as immutable as truth itself, when strictly carrie out. They shall, in the future as in the past, be faithfully adhered to in this establishment. Every article in e home must sell itself as we will not, in any esse, resort to the Yri-k of selling one article at a sacrifice ar.d mak double profit ou something else, We guarantee every article we sell to be what it is represented. Merchants are specially invited to examine this stock betore purchasing eisewhe- e. We have always on hand a splend and reserve stock, in every department, and will sell them to dialers cheaper than they can lay them down from New York. Space will not permit more than meution of a few articles in the different departments. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Black and Fancy Silks, Plain and Fancy Poplini, French Merinoes, Reps, Empress Cloths, all wool De laines Choue Poplins, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Mohairs. &c. HOUSE GOODS'DEPARTMENT. 8. 9, 10,11 and 12 4 Bleached and Brown Sheeting, 6,7, 8, 9 and 19-4 BVache i and B-own Table Linen ; all the favorite brands cfßleached and Brown Shirtings; Napkins, Doyles, Marseilles Quilts <fcc.£ WOOLEN DEPARTMENT. Plain and Twilled White Welch and American Flannels; Plain and Twilled Bed and Grey Flannel.; a splen did assortment of Plain, Plaid and Spotted Opera Flannels; fi 4 Black and Ool’d Cloth for 8-cks and Cloaks : 6 4 Wate-proof Cloaking; 1«, 11 and 12-4 fine all wool ribbon bound English Bed Blankets ! 500 pairs brown, blue and grey Blankets, all size? and qualities. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. Swiss. Jaconet, Hull. Nainsook and Tarlatan Muslins ; Plaid and Striped Swiss, Jaconet and N tin (n 1 ted Swiss ; fine Irish linens heavy Irish Linens for Ladies’ wear; Linen Lawn and Cambric; L. C, Hdkfs. CLOAK DEPARTMENT 509 beautiful Closks, newest styles. Having made a speciality of this department, we are prepared to great, inducement*. A'l our Cloaks are made to order, snd or« consequently much cheaperthan ifbougfitof bers. The finest as well as the lowest priced Cloak manufactured can be found in this splendid assortment. SHAWL DEPARTMENT, 1000 Long and Square Shawls,, Black, Plaid and Fancy—fifty different styles and qualities, consisting French, Scotch and American goods. A large tot of Breakfast i-hawls, Sontags, Nubias, &c. FOR BOYS’ AND GENTS’ WEAR. Black French Broadcloth; Black Frehch Doeskin; Go’d and silk mixed CaMmeres ; Bcotch Tweeds and Cas imere;., English Tweeds and Cusimeres ; Satine’ts; North Caroliua and Kentucky Joans; English Petersham Cloth; 6—4 English Oxford Cloth. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. 1000 pieces English and American Prints; 200 pieces piaM Linsey ; 100 pieces Bed Ticking; 200 pieces Belt isms—Stripes, Plaids aud Chocks; bales of Augusta Sbirttngs, Sneetings, Osnaburgs. Drillings; French and S-ootch Ginghams. SUNDRIES. Misses’ and Ladies’ Balmoral and Tloop Sklrf, ; fine French and Domestic Corsets; ladles'and Gents paper Collars ; Ladle..’ English, German and American Hose ; Misses’and Children’s Word and Merino Hose ; Ladies Nerino Under Vests ,• GeitF fine English Half Hose; Silk and Printed Cotton Handkerchiefs; Belts. Laces Em broidries. Braids, Ac. Always on hand, a full line of Notions. JOHN M. GAIVION, ojt 25, 1867. Corner Whitehall and Huntta, Streets, Atlanta Ga. NEW ARRANGEMENT, By which Families can be supplied with Fall and Winter Dry Goods at Atlant prices withou paying the expenses of going tor them. Our fall aotl White Slack is now complete, to which we have added the New feature of Carpets in every Variety - We con till your Bill from a paper of Pins to a Parlor Carpet. We propose to send Samples with pric es attached, to any family who will write for them, an will guarantee the Goods to be the same as the sample, or they can be returned to us at our ex pen-e. The goods can be sent by express or otherwise, as you may request. Our Stock is Complete in every Department, and will’be sold as cheap as good Goods can l» bought in the State of Georgia. , We invite an examination of our Stock, or letters for samples, no charge for looking CHAMBERLIH, .COLE i BOYNTON, Cor Whietbali and Hunter streets Oct. 4th 1867 to Atlanta, Ga I ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENT^ B&RR fafeS® A 5 1 8 6 7. JL iL Bli^ Wholesale Grocer —AND COMMISSION MERCHANT Ofl'ers lor wale s 1 FOUNDB SWHTS PATENT Sn k i " Fastening Wrought Iron baleli'g COTTON. Every Tie warantod. offered to city and country merchant and p'anUi- er ®* ROPE! ROPE!! * GREENLEAF (RICHARDSON’S) /TAD *’3<l half coils in Btore and to t)UU Richardson's Greenieaf, being thaouM!*’. 111 original Greenieaf In use. K "••■VUwti, Bagging a»0 Giwi bacs (»n bales Heavy Bagging, * * 2,000 Gunny Bags, much used forbaleine rv„ 000 pounds Balelng Twine, * "®tt<n 50,000 lb*. «au& Son's R av - Bone Phosphate, BEING one of the best Perterlliert now In m. Pnce, seventy dollars per ton. “• TO ARRIVE. Thirty Tons Reynolds & Son’s BALTIMORE “CHESAPEAKE PHOSPHATES WE have the strongest guarantees as to the t!L trinsic value of this new manure Price Smi ’ton. Send for circulara. ce< ™ I’* Clover ami Grass Seeds TN any qnantlty-Red Clover, Herd’, G r « ss m 1 Grass. Jlungaiian Grass, Orchard Grass, etc. FLOUR. 1000 b<ke * of Fair,lly jriour ,n ,tore - SALT! SALT! 9A (\0 b »PB Virginia Salt, in fine seameless Bats -4 -1 U \J manufacturer's prices. II ACOiV. 40 000SSnr n . and . 3 C,ear Cl(,ar Klb Side, set ■tUjWU SlKoulders of the best quality. ii A ms. 5000 pourids ,n P* Tlor nami>, waranted. CARO. gQ barrels and kegs Pure Leaf Lard, Cement and Plaster. |jQ barrels in store an 1 for sale. Molawwew. hhds. Cuba Molasses and 5 barrels do. Sugar and Coflcc. 4(1 hags Rto Coliee. 00 barrels Sugar—Various grades! Starch and Soap, 1 flfl Pearl Starch. J.UU joo i, oxeg soap. Shot and Factory Yarn, K(i bars Shot, 20 bales Factory Yarn. iluy I? Ac TObaCCO ’ Segar8 ’ CorD ’ oa,, ’ S!>ed R y*< Barley Cotton! Cotton !! PLANTERS and dealers are invited to ship th^ r Cotton to me, with the as urance that their hot interest will be protected and their Instruct!, tin strict iy complied with. Liberal cash advances will be made A. K SEA GO. Grocer nnd Commission Mt reliant, New Fire-Proof Building, (old stand) Corner Forsythe and Mitchell street*. Oct 4,3 m. Atlanta, Gt FORCE'S BOOT AND SHOE House. ARE now receiving their FALL and gs. \ WINTER STOCK of BOOTS AND /\f\ -'IIOKS, the largest ever brought to LJ? \ this market. These goods came direct from *he Eastern manufactories, and will he soldi.-. Country Merchants and the Trade at New York prices, expenses added, consisting of Mens’. Boy*’, Yoathl’, nd Childrens’ Wax. Kip, Calf, and Bull' Brogans snd Bulmora's—B lots of all styles, thick, wax, kip, c*lt, dos the finest qualities Ladles', Misses’, and Chi!- ns’.Boots and Shies, of every style, and all made to der G. It PORCH B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston will he glad to see tils old cus omers. Atlanta, Ga., Oct, 10-ly. ROBERTS AND STOCKS. DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS. Carters ville Georgia* Are now receiving a large and well assorted stock of GROCERIES & CONFECTIONARIES Consisting, in part, as follows: SUGAR, S «ir, . CHEESE, MACKEREL, SYRUP, MOLASSES, VINEGAR, FRESH COVE OYSTERS: DRIED BEEF, CANDLES, (Star and Parafine) KEROSENE OIL CANDIES, RAISONS, FIGS, COCOANUTS. Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars Matches, Well Hope, Buckets I P o wcl e r, Shot, gun flinty j SardiNCS, Brooms, Tubs, D r ) Measures, ginger, Spice? Mace, Nutmegs. Mad and er, j Pickels, Pine Apple Cheese, And a thousand other things too te dious to mention, which can bi by calling at our new beick stobb room on Main Street, Ist door west U | BLAIR AND BRADSHAW’S Cartewville G», Nov. 23 1f67-tf.